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[Other FULL] Ethersworn: The Vale Institute [M]


i'm going on a journey
  • 1,069

    Carson Welles - We're Gonna Need A Montage!

    5:35 A.M.

    The morning chill whipped across Carson's face as he started to jog forward. He shivered and pulled his hoodie tight, trying keep his body warmth from escaping its grasp. He'd certainly faced mornings colder than this during the harsh Montana winters, but to him cold was cold regardless. From experience he knew that it probably wouldn't be until the end of the first mile that his body numbed itself to the frigid temperatures. One started to learn these things after going through them over and over again.

    It was a ritual that started the day of his twelfth birthday. Every morning, he'd wake at five-thirty sharp, throw on some clothes, grab the ol' broadsword, and speed out the door. A nice distance run, strength training, and then swordwork. It wasn't forced upon him by his mother, but she quite heartily approved of the boy's dedication. Once after one of these training sessions they were having breakfast together and she asked him why he put himself through such a regiment day after day. He responded with a quick smile and an answer typical of himself. "How can I be a knight to my princess, if I can't even protect her?"

    While of course that was a major motivation for him, there was more to it than that, he wanted to make his mother proud, he had to keep himself in shape for athletics, he wanted to become stronger. It was all these factors combined together that pushed Carson out the door day after day after day. And today there was something even more, today would mark his first time experiencing the Isles.

    As good natured and kind as the young man was, there had always been a deep seeded hatred within him for the Isles and all that resided in them. It stemmed back to a lie that his mother had told him back when he was a child. The lie that his father was killed by the monsters within the Isles'. The lie that his father had valiantly saved his mother's life. The lie that his father hadn't abandoned her, the moment that he found out she was pregnant with him. Eventually, he found out that his vaunted hero was just a dead beat who abandoned his family. But still deep down inside he wanted to blame the Etherspawn for his father's absence.

    That bit of extra motivation also worked as a double edged sword, as Carson was unable to sleep the entire night. He had returned to his dorm room late, after dinner some upperclassmen invited him over for a game of basketball that lasted quite some time. Also, on the way to his room, he introduced himself to every female student that he came across. Needless to say, he didn't get back for a while. When he entered the room, his roommate was already sound asleep in his bed. It was almost disappointing, as he wanted to meet the person that he'd be sharing the room with, but there was nothing he could do about it. He quickly finished brushing his teeth and washing up before hopping in bed... and laying there wide awake until the clock hit five thirty.

    As soon as he saw the numbers on his digital clock switch over from twenty nine to thirty, he laced up his pair of Nike Free Runs, tied his hair back, and was out the door. He had already dressed in his running tights and Livingston Central High Hoodie before crawling into bed, as the outfit served as both sleep wear and training gear.

    After mile ten, Carson looped back around to one of Vale's sports fields, residing directly east of the school. It seemed like the ideal place to go about his training, with open space and a rather small chance anyone would be there. It certainly was different than training in the empty fields outside of Livingston, but then again nothing could quite compare to practicing swordplay at the base of a mountain range... other than doing it at the top of a mountain range, but that was besides the point.

    Once he arrived at the field, push ups, burpees, sit ups, toe touches, squats, and the rest of the whole deal, were repeated over and over again. Soon enough it was time for arguably the most important part of the regiment, swordplay.

    He slowly went through the motions that his mother had made him repeat over and over again. Visualizing her strikes in slow motion, he would gracefully parry each imaginary blow, eventually taking on his own offensive. A strike to the midsection, followed by two downward slashes on his make believe target's shoulders. Carson jumped back, knowing that a smart opponent would take the opportunity to take advantage of his openings. He continued this measured, almost dance-like, routine for quite sometime. After finishing up, he took the chance to take a quick break.

    Laying down in the grass, Carson could see the very beginnings of the day's sunrise on the horizon. It was quite beautiful, no Montana of course, but rather breathtaking none the less. He became so enraptured with the view that he almost felt relieved of all the worries that plagued him. Before coming to Vale he believed himself to be ready of anything that lay in wait at the Isles, but his first day had given him a reality check. If he couldn't even best a delicate girl during a training battle, how could he ever stand to defeat an Etherspawn?

    Thinking back to yesterday's spar brought upon a feeling of great frustration within him. He could count at least ten mistakes within that short skirmish he could've corrected. Absolutely sloppy The frustration turned to something akin to disgust, prompting him to scramble up on his feet. Such form was a spit in the face of his mother's tutelage. She had spent so much time teaching him the in's and out's of swordplay that his form yesterday was a disgrace.

    There wasn't much that made the young man take himself so seriously, but the teachings of his mother, who sacrificed so much for him, was one such thing he believed that he had to honor.

    The feeling within him boiled over into a series of strikes and slashes with his broadsword, sending a long slice of razor sharp wind into the morning sky. Carson breathed out slowly. This wasn't like him, and he needed to calm down. The spell had almost been sent off into the trees which would've caused a bit of damage. Closing his eyes, he found relief in going back through his routine, speeding it up while mixing in different moves and parries to simulate various situations.

    It wasn't until after the student president's quite boisterous announcement that Carson wrapped up his training. Following a quick two mile cool down run, he was back in the dormroom, only to find that his roommate had already left. He hopped in the shower and brushed his teeth, before dressing himself. For his outfit he picked out a maroon and black checkered flannel shirt, paired nicely with dark beige scarf. And he also wore some rather tight blue jeans along with a pair of white converses. (Reference)

    With that, he made his way to the cafeteria for breakfast, taking some pancakes, eggs, bacon and a quality cup of black coffee from the Dunkin Donuts kiosk. He scanned the area, looking for anyof the girlsone that he had met the previous day, but came up empty handed. Not one to be discouraged, he found himself a table of beautiful female students near the center of the dining hall.

    With his signature smile in place, he approached the group. "Excuse me, ladies. Is there room for one more?"​


  • 274
    Nasrin Nouri

    Naturally an early riser, Nasrin awoke with little to no difficulties, bursting with energy in fact. She was excited before she arrived at Vale, and she was excited now still. Taking a look at the time, Nasrin realized that it would still be awhile until her morning classes.

    She considered what could be done to pass the time, but there weren't many options. Unpacking had been done the night prior and the current state of her room satisfied Nasrin plenty. She didn't take much to personalizing and as long as things were in order, there were no complaints. While taking care of her morning hygiene, Nasrin did realize she still needed to familiarize herself with the campus grounds, inside and out. In between classes, familiarizing herself with seemingly impressive students and teachers, and practicing her staff blasting fundamentals, she didn't get to explore much. That was another thing she considered to pass the morning hours, practicing her magic. But being such a novice to it all, Nasrin wasn't sure what exactly to work on, especially when everything needed improvement and fine-tuning. Dressed, she quietly slipped out of her room, taking care not to not wake her roommate, whoever it was.

    Nasrin hadn't made much ground by the time the morning announcement sounded. She was still exploring, but couldn't really commit much to memory. Her mind was too focused on trying to figure out what the announcement meant. While far from incompetent in the English language, the concept of the word team sort of flew right over her head. She couldn't envision it, and didn't really understand what working in a team would entail, except that she would be in a group. She was also hanging on a bit too much on a certain phrase "reality check."

    "What is there to check? Reality?" She muttered to herself, more so to keep her state of mind thinking in English than anything else.

    "Reality… real. Checking if real?" For the most part, Nasrin understood the announcement. In the evening, she would be working with some of her peers, but the task hadn't been mentioned. Whatever it was, it was supposedly going to be a "treat," a good thing. Nasrin had never experienced participating in a group project before. She was excited to try and wondered what sort of personalities and especially magic she'd come to meet and see.

    By the time Nasrin snapped out of her train of thought, she realized she had no idea where she'd wandered off to. After a quick look around, Nasrin saw it was mostly forest. For a moment, the girl wondered if she actually managed to walk that far from campus grounds. That question was suddenly displaced by the desire to test out some magic, the explosive kind. After all the fun she experienced yesterday blasting exploding balls of air around, Nasrin had been thinking of alternative ways she could utilize the spell.

    Thinking back on her limited knowledge of explosives, the mage recalled a friend once casually mentioning how her father worked making landmines. While not too familiar with them, Nasrin knew that if one applied pressure, it was blowing up. She knew for a fact that it would've been safer and better to test it out on some sort of school approved training ground, but she was already here, so why not?

    The first application Nasrin tried was standard, just plopping it on the ground. From afar, Nasrin activated the mine and watched as she indirectly committed an act of minor deforestation. Her eyes bugged. What was that word that captured exactly what she was missing at that very moment she laid down the bomb? "Hindsight…" she mouthed to herself.

    "No one will know… right?"

    Despite the damage she caused, somewhat comparable to accidently giving someone the equivalent of a miniature tonsure, Nasrin wanted to try it again. But this time not on the ground.

    "The air, maybe?" she pondered to herself.

    First aerial try and second overall, Nasrin took off the head of a few nearby trees.

    The third try, no trees were harmed. "Higher equals better." Nasrin nodded, delighted with her little process of trial and error. She was starting to wake up the potential techniques she could employ with her magic.

    Her stomach seemed to wake up as well, the lack of breakfast becoming apparent. Normally, Nasrin didn't need to eat breakfast, but then again she rarely ever used as much magic and energy as she did yesterday, and to an extent this morning. It was something that the young girl would have to accustom herself to while at Vale.

    "Where is the cafeteria again?" Using her Sensory to find her way back to campus, Nasrin caught another glimpse of the mess she just caused. Conveniently ignoring it, Nasrin set off for a morning meal. "What is even eaten at breakfast?"​


    Poe and Palahniuk's Prodige
  • 642
    Ethersworn: The Vale Institute [M]
    Ethersworn: The Vale Institute [M]

    Violett Fürst-Shaw & Zane Emerson

    "Rise and shiiiiiiiine, Vale!" Those were the first words Zane heard that day. As usual, his phone, the one he relied on for several reasons, such as navigation and entertainment, proved unsuccessful at waking him at his intended time. Sure, it wasn't unusual for Zane to sleep in like that, but it still irked him, if only because it affected his own plans. Grabbing his phone and checking the time, it was just a little past 7 A.M. and he knew he was going to be pressed for time if he didn't get moving.

    Zane cast off his covers, sliding out of bed and on to his feet. His roommate seemed to still be sleeping, miraculously through such a startling wake up call. Instead of paying his roomie any mind, Zane simply went on to take his shower, spending about thirty minutes going through his routine to prepare. For his attire, he settled on a pair of jeans, pairing his pants with a golden yellow V-neck and an ashen-colored plaid button up, unceremoniously left unbuttoned to show off his vibrant undershirt. Then he slipped on his black low tops, rounding out his clothing choices. He finished up by grabbing a pair of his iconic lime green headphones, resting them around his neck, adjusting them to look just right with his outfit. After all, he needed to look good before heading out for breakfast.

    Tracing his steps from yesterday, Zane found his way back to the cafeteria. Breakfast was already in full force, serving all sorts of food and drink to his fellow classmates. Perusing the various options, Zane went back and forth between picking up some pancakes or waffles. After a few moments of serious contemplation, he knew there was only one true option: it had to be waffles. Like, who actually picks pancakes over the way better awesomeness that is the waffle? Not Zane, that's for sure. Of course, he needed some syrup to go with his waffle, so he grabbed a few packets and headed off to locate something good to drink. With the variety of juices on display, Zane went a little unconventional, picking up a glass of pineapple juice. Though he did have half a mind to make an apple julep, minus the lemon sprits.

    With food in tow, Zane set out to find a good place to sit. Considering his general attitude in the morning, he wasn't particularly in the mood to meet new people, so he looked around for an empty table. It didn't take him long, maybe all of a minute, maybe two, to find what he was looking for. He sat himself at the barren table, placing his juice, food and utensils down, preparing for his meal. Of course, he couldn't just start digging into his waffle in front of him yet. After all, nobody likes eating a dry waffle. And as he started to pour his syrup on the waffle, he noticed a very particular person's arrival, first by the gentle steps of small heels, and then the soft smell of flowers that wafted over the smell of cooked food.

    "Good morning, sweetheart," Violett said as she sat herself comfortably on the small seat opposite of Zane's, resting her tray on the table. "Sleep well, I hope?".

    She settled into her meal of sausage and eggs, of which Zane decided not to make a poorly worded joke about, as she waited for her response. "Hello?" she asked, snapping Zane out of his morning daydream.

    "Hmm? Oh, what a pleasant surprise. What brings you here this morning, Miss Violett? Couldn't stay away?" he said with a wink.

    "In a way," she replied, impossibly cryptic, something which Zane suspected would be a recurring theme with the strange would-be seductress. "What's more interesting to me, though, is that a little birdy told me that you and my good friend Jack had a little lover's quarrel yesterday. I heard it was positively adorable."

    "'Good friend,' you say?" Zane took a sip of his juice, letting the tart flavor sick in for a moment. "Yeah, you could say we had a bit of a discussion, but I think we settled it fairly well. Did your birdy tell you anything else? Perhaps about who we were talking about?"

    "Of course, and I'm flattered you two got so emotional over little ole' me. Did I really leave that much of an impression on you two? I knew I was good, but even I was surprised when I saw it all unfold." She took a single bite of her food and then paused, eventually looking back up to Zane. "I suppose that ruined my ruse. You two were so riled up that you must have not noticed me there at all. I was only a few tables over, darling."

    "Hah, 'good' you say. Kissing two guys, maybe more, on the first day of school? Honestly, I'm a little saddened that you need such an unimaginative ploy to get a rise out of me. I was hoping you'd be a bit more creative." Taking a bite of his syrup-coated waffle, he switched his approach to the topic. "Though, I guess it was effective, as you've seen. Was it everything you'd hope it'd be? Or were you left wanting more?"

    "It was hardly even a ploy, sweetie. Just particularly amusing happenstance. How was I to know you two would stumble into each other so perfectly? As such, I expected very little, but I was pleasantly entertained regardless." She winked, and after swallowing a small bite of her breakfast she leant in just so. "Trust me, hon, if I had planned this then I'm not sure you and Jack would have left in quite such a civil manner."

    She smiled and rested her phone on the table beside her tray, then with one slender finger scrolled through the planner that she had set on it. "So what is your first day looking like, Zane? Looking forward to finding out what Vale has to offer first hand, I hope?"

    He wasn't exactly appreciative of Violett's change in subject matter, but he also didn't really want to push her into a difficult situation, knowing that it'd only make things worse going forward. At the same time, he didn't buy her excuse for a second. Zane knew that she probably had some idea that something like what happened was going to occur, or else she wouldn't have kissed him and Jack. "Sigh, fine. I'll let it go for now."

    While cutting up his food, he pondered on what exactly he expected for the day. Looking back up at Violett, he said, "Honestly, I don't have many plans. I looked around the school a decent bit after classes yesterday, so I don't really need to do more of that. From what I know, I suppose there are missions we have to do, but that's something I'll have a better idea of later. Other than that, I guess it's just classes and the like. I'll probably train some later, too. What about you? Have any fun plans?"

    "Other than our date?" she asked, that familiar, playful smile on her lips. "I suppose not. I think I've gotten a steady grasp on the academy's layout and I might appreciate some free time to reflect on everything after the first day. If you do decide to train though I might have to join you. You should be flattered. Just one taste of Zane was not enough for me, it seems." She smiled again, catching her lower lip gently in her teeth in a playful bite.

    "Rumour has it there'll be a pool party for the first years in a few days. An unofficial welcoming for the newcomers, I suppose, organised by one of the older students. I suspect it'll take place over the weekend once everyone's settled a little. I take it you're interested in going? It would be pleasant to have a familiar face to spend time with, that is, if you can cope with the heat."

    Something told Zane that she was not talking about the warm summer weather forecast for the weekend. "I'm not exactly worried about it getting too hot. After all, my endurance is one of my good traits. But, yeah, I'm sure I can find some time to go. Not like I have anything better to do than to spend time with a lovely lady."

    Taking another bite of his waffle, followed by a swig of juice, Zane's demeanor seemed to have finally settled back in from his earlier irritation. "You know, if you want another taste, I'm happy to oblige. Last time was just a small example of what I can show you. However, I didn't want to overexcite you during our first time, but if you want more, who am I to say no?" By now, Zane's own smirk was in full bloom, enraptured in their game.

    "I'm glad. If that was all you really had to offer then you would have been such a disappointment... As long as you're not too intimidated knowing I have a few other surprises locked away for just such an occasion myself. I am, however, very interested in seeing just what your light magic can achieve. At the risk of flattering your ego a little too much, I do find it intriguing."

    She paused. "What? Disappointed I stopped teasing about how long you can last. I'm not obsessed with you, darling... Not yet."

    "For now. We'll see how long that lasts, though," pausing to sip some juice. "But going back to what you were talking about, if it's my magic you want to know more about, then ask away. We still have time before class."

    Violett brought a finger to her purple lips in thought, as she spent a moment to think. Her eyes never left Zane as she did so, examining him intently. "I know a little about light magic, and I won't lie, I did a little research last night to see what juicy details I could dig up... What kind of magic did you cast before your light magic manifested, and how old were you when it happened?"

    The questions posed by Violett caught Zane slightly off guard, resulting in him cocking an eyebrow. "Well, when I was around ten, I became an ice mage, which isn't too surprising, considering my family's pedigree in water and ice magic. It wasn't until I was about fourteen that I lost my magic, and I guess it took about a half year for my light magic to show up. So, I guess it's been about two years that I've been practicing light magic. That give you something to work with?"

    "A little," she replied. "If it's any consolation you seem to have taken to it quite well for someone of only two years practice. I never would have guessed you had only had it for such a short amount of time, although I imagine your previous experience with water magic must have helped."

    Violett paused to think for a second time. "Were you self-taught or did you have someone to teach you how to handle it? Did you incorporate anything you had learned as a water mage into your magic style?"

    Zane took in all of Violett's words, mulling them over for just a bit. He noticed her inquiries were all relatively clinical in their approach, something he wasn't quite sure of what to make of. "As far as water and ice magic were concerned, I was raised and trained in it by my family ever since I was a kid, but once I got my light magic, I kept it a bit of a secret from my family, so all of that was self-taught. And, oddly enough, I applied more ice magic theory than water magic theory when I started to really experiment. I'd say that's one of the main reasons I started crafting hardlight spells."

    "I wondered," she replied. "I imagined light to be a fluid type of magic not unlike water, but drawing on your experience with ice magic it is no wonder you favoured hardlight constructs."

    "You would think, but the more direct nature of light magic proved to be a bit more of a barrier than anticipated. Here," he said, stretching out his hand in a presenting manner, a small translucent golden octahedron of light appeared, floating slightly above Zane's palm. "This is just one of the many examples of hardlight that I ended up developing, and this particular one serves a rather unique purpose in my arsenal. You saw another one of my hardlight spells yesterday, too. Oh, but I guess the crazy spell is Vector Shift. Honestly, trying to explain that spell is way more trouble than it's worth, but let's just say it's basically a small teleportation or blink. Figured that one out while messing around with general light theory. Not the magical kind or anything like that, but just learning more about how light works and what not. It's also what led me to a more casual spell where I can mess with how a person percieves light, but it's really only useful for changing something's perceived color and the like. Hmm, that's about all for now, unless you want to hear more about my experiments, but I've shared quite a lot about my magic, so how about you share a little about yours first?"

    With only a glance the tiny little hardlight construct that appeared in Zane's hand caught fire, a seemingly impossible feat, but it burned a soft, warm light, orange flames with the slightest pink tinge to them. It extinguished as Violett glanced back to Zane, although thankfully he himself did not catch fire.

    "Mother and father were both mages, although I did not manifest my magic proper until I was almost a teenager. I took after my mother, a fire mage, and was trained by both her and a personal tutor. I learned a few tricks from my father but there are few similarities between the styles of water and fire, as much as I tried to blend the two. There's hardly much more to tell other than that. I spent most of my teenage years learning to properly harness my skills and it caught the attention of Vale, evidently, and I took the long trip from my home in France to Vale in America." She brushed a lock of hair from her face. "But I suppose you asked about my magic, not my home life, didn't you? I usually fight by channeling magic through my blade, or by using flame magic to enhance my physical abilities. Rarely do I create genuine flames, instead favouring- Well, perhaps I won't spoil all of my tricks."

    "That's fair. It wouldn't be fun if I couldn't personally expose your most private secrets. And I'm sure our date will be a much better place to explore some of those topics than out here in the open." His mind wavered to her weapon of choice, something she had before they divvied out weapons at the assembly yesterday. "Hmm, so you've had that whip sword for a while, haven't you? It'd only make sense you'd use it as a conduit for a lot of your spells, seeing how it's so unpredictable. Clever, if I'm being honest. Then again, cqb isn't exactly what I like to focus on. Give me a little room and I'm happy to riddle a target full of holes. Hit 'em hard, fast and from a distance, and do it with style. But I understand that it's good to not rely too heavily on any one style, so I try to mix things up. Hopefully my weak side wasn't too deceiving yesterday." Zane flashed a knowing smile to his companion, finally dissipating the hedron. "Oh, and for future reference, I would be careful of messing with those little constructs if I were you."

    "Interesting choice to limit your ranged potential during our fight when it's your preferred style. Perhaps there is more to you than I first thought, so willing to cripple yourself for the sake of a fair fight... or perhaps you simply sought to test your limits, or maybe just hide your true skills from me." She smiled. "Oh? And why's that? You seem awfully confident you could take me, but for all I know your hardlight is... delicate."

    Zane's smirk only widened at her attempted jab. "For all you know, my hardlight could be the single most robust thing you've ever seen. Those swords aren't really meant to be used one by one, and they're by far the simplest tool in my arsenal. And let's just say I like a challenge. Makes everything that much more interesting, if you know what I mean."

    "Well, at least we're both clear you know how to handle your sword."

    "In more ways than one, I assure you."

    "I suppose we'll see, won't we? Assuming your little dalliance with Jack hasn't spoiled our plans for this weekend? I would hate for such petty squabbles to ruin perfectly good plans. Perhaps we could schedule it for right after the party this weekend? Then we can dedicate the evening to just the two of us."

    "I suppose we will. But, you know, for a woman whom claims she isn't obsessed with me, you certainly seem quite interested. So why would I let a petty situation like Jack's interfere with giving you what you seem to crave? And if you want to schedule it for after the party, that's fine with me. Like I said, I'm perfectly fine with fulfilling your desires."

    "What can I say? I know what I like," she replied, a sly smile appeared on her lips as it so often did. "Just don't mistake it for anything more than it is, sweetheart. I'm sorry to disappoint you but an interest is very different from an obsession, and if you thought you'd have me wrapped around your finger so easily you'll be sorely mistaken."

    "True, but obsession starts somewhere. And it wouldn't be very fun for me if you didn't give at least a little resistance. Makes those moments alone together taste all the sweeter."

    As Violett finished the last bite of her breakfast she settled her cutlery down on the tray and slowly rose to her feet. She leant just so over the table and smiled, watching Zane intently with those large, emerald green eyes. There was a moment where she did nothing, just watching him quite intently, before she slipped out of her seat, circled around the table, and then settled into the one right beside Zane. She let one leg cross over the other, and brushed a curl of black hair out of her eyes. Violett brought her hand up to the table counter, her fingertips briefly brushing against his.

    "I didn't expect you to be the type to want someone to play hard to get. Here I was, worried my little game with Jack would have gotten you all too jealous."

    Zane tried his best to veil any form of reaction to her light touch, choosing to simply stare into Violett's eyes, although she caught the tiniest flinch as he almost pulled his hand back, reacting to the inhumanly warm touch of her skin. "So you do admit you had this all planned," he said with a wink. "Of course, if you really are worth my time, why wouldn't I want to work for it? After all, the best things in life require some effort to truly enjoy. So, I guess the question is: are you worth the effort?"

    "I already told you, darling, I don't plan these things. They just always seem to fall perfectly into place." She let her hand wander a little more confidently this time, fingertips brushing against the top of Zane's hand, and eventually wandering up so that her hand rested against his forearm. With her other she brought it up and played with a few strands of Zane's messy blond hair for a moment. She leaned in close, her lips almost touching Zane's, and for a moment he was sure she was going to give him the same treatment that she had apparently given Jack. The same finger that played with his hair wandered downwards, briefly brushing against Zane's own lower lip before resting properly on his collar. That seemingly endless smile never left her face. "Well then, if that's the case, I can't wait to see you chasing after me like an adorable lost puppy."

    She winked and pulled away, her nail catching very briefly against Zane's lip as she did so. She took her tray and left the table, walking away in what would have been silence if it were not for the gentle tap of her heels against the hard cafeteria floor. Although Zane could not see her face, the playful bounce to her step and sway to her hips told him all he needed to know; she was still smiling wide.

    Their games were clearly just beginning, and Zane knew it was only just a matter of time before one of them would crack. He assured himself that he wouldn't be the "lost puppy" in the relationship, that she'd be coming to his every beck and call sooner than later. As he finished off his breakfast, he couldn't help but focus on the faint remnants of her flowery perfume hanging in the air. Yeah, he won't be the one to break.


    The answer is at the top...
  • 3,079
    • she/her/they/them
    • Home
    • Seen May 27, 2024
    Alarms stink!

    At the sound of the very loud blaring, Fern let out a heartbroken noise and curled back under her covers with her head under the pillow. Couldn't blame her really. Fern loved to sleep and loud announcements never helped. Not even the idea of monster hunting today would get her out of bed this early. She didn't even hear Iris get up and leave. She was bound and determined to sleep through everything until she absolutely had to.

    This of course meant her alarm startled her out of bed to hit the floor with an undignified yelp. Not too surprising. Well, at least Iris hadn't seen that.

    Fern let out a sleepy sigh and rubbed her eyes, tottering to the bathroom to get ready. Within the span of ten minutes she was dressed, hair lazily brushed into a loose ponytail. Then, she went to her bag and supplies and picked up what she needed. Food came first of course, but her half out of it brain vaguely remembered she was using the stone today! Well... again! She had already done it once. Would that give her an advantage? Maybe due to terrain but... maybe not! It was kind of hard to say.

    Finished packing, Fern hurried to clip on her Digivice toy and make sure her sweater was loosely zipped. Then, she bounced off the bed and hurried out, locking it behind her. Food food food food!~

    Reaching the cafeteria in record time (which was a bit shocking considering how late she had slept), she happily snagged a muffin and some tea, wandered to a table. Everyone was already up and chatting. Silly Fern, tomorrow, you had to get up on time.

    (A proof I am not dead post)


    i'm going on a journey
  • 1,069

    Carson Welles & Kylie Byrd - Notice Me Senpai!

    Breakfast turned out to be quite the successful endeavor for Carson, highlighted by some amazing pancakes and even better company. He somehow even managed to secure the cell phone numbers of the girls that he had sat with. If this was an indication of how the rest of his day was gonna go, he knew he'd enjoy it quite a bit.

    With class starting in about fifteen minutes, he reluctantly said his goodbyes to his meal partners in order to get to English Composition 101 ahead of time. As a model student, Carson always tried to arrive to class at least five minutes before it started so that he could have some time to both socialize with his classmates and get himself situated. And considering that this would be his first time in the class, he'd also have to introduce himself, which would take a good chunk of time.

    As he strode down the surprisingly sparse hall, he noticed a figure walking in the opposite direction of him. With her dazzling blue eyes, fiery red hair, and curvy figure it'd have been hard for him not to notice the girl. As she passed by him, he stopped in his tracks. In that brief moment, a battle waged in his mind. To go straight to class, or to stop and speak with this girl. As important as being an exemplary student was, there were somethings that took precedence.

    Turning around, he caught up to the beautiful red head and tapped her on the shoulder. "Hello there! I don't think I've ever seen you around before."

    After having her attention caught by a tap on the shoulder, Kylie was surprised to find a tall young lady greeting her. In response, Kylie extended a firm hand, offering a handshake to the other girl, "Greetings, mate! How ya doing this fine day?" Her voice, robust and lively, pierced through the clamor of the hallways.

    Taking her hand and giving it a delicate shake, Carson flashed her his signature smile. Her accent was absolutely adorable, giving an air of slight sophistication, but when paired with her bright and lively voice made her seem quite warm and open. One sentence in and he was already enamored with the girl. "I'm doing just fine! How about yourself? I love your accent by the way, I'm guessing you're from England?"

    She thought about this as she replied, "Well, yes, I'm from England. But..." She paused for emphasis, and gestured with a dramatic pose, "No place is too small for Kylie Byrd! From the Himalayas to the Serengeti, it's all my home!"

    "Himalayas to the Serengeti... I still haven't even left the Mid-West yet." Carson gave a sheepish laugh before introducing himself. "I'm Carson Welles, Montana born and raised. I haven't traveled very far, but I'd say that one of the most beautiful sights in the world is standing right in front of me right now."

    Kylie chuckled at the flirtatious line, and exclaimed, ignoring its romantic intent, "Why thank you! Alas, it's not about looking good in the end. Hard to look fresh when you're busy shambling through the dunes of Wadi Rum, reminiscing about the struggle that T.E. Lawrence faced those many years ago..." Hopefully, Carson would reel her back in before she got to far in her travel ramblings, lest they be standing there all day.

    "I'm sure that no matter what sort of adventures you undertake that you always look stunning, my dear." Carson paused for a moment before continuing. "If you don't mind me asking, what is a girl from the UK doing over in an American school?"

    She pursed her lips in thought as she explained, "Well, going abroad is second nature for a grand adventurer such as myself, so coming to this school in the great expanses of the wild part of the US seemed like a perfect fit." She grinned with her eyes closed and crossed her arms in an air self satisfaction, though in a jolly, easygoing and friendly way.

    Her smile almost made Carson clutch at his heart. If there were ever a perfect girl in this world she was it. "Ah that makes perfect sense. I'm kinda curious as to how you got into the whole adventuring thing. Are your parents explorers or did you get into it yourself?"

    Happy to tell her little spiel of how she came to love adventure, Kylie went on to explain, "My parents are travel journalists. We get to travel to all sorts of locales to get a good feel where we are, to experience." Adopting a voice more injected with the suave mannerisms of some lone adventurer narrating for a non-existent movie audience, "But don't mistake me for a tourist, m'dear. Between travelling the great reaches of the world and being a mage, I am no ordinary adventuress!" She added a wink for emphasis.

    Entranced by every one of Kylie's words, Carson found himself yearning to go on an adventure himself. "Even though I've never been out of the Mid-West, some day I'd love to go and see the rest of the world. Travelling seems rather romantic, although since I never travel I wouldn't know myself." He paused to look her in the eyes with an almost timid smile. "Whenever that day comes I could probably use someone with experience to show me the ropes."

    Eager to see someone who might be interested in travelling endeavors, especially someone who looked happy to do it, Kylie couldn't help but be enthusiastic and beamed, "Ooh, a prospective adventurer I see! Truly, the best way of travelling the world. Wise choice!" She was really enjoying herself with Carson. "Hey mate, you ever been to Yellowstone?" She frowned slightly and crossed her arms as she continued, "I've always wanted to go, but I've never really been in this part of the US. Not since I was a little lass anyways."

    Hearing the name of the national park he basically grew up in, Carson's face lit up. "Ever been to Yellowstone? I practically lived there, my dear. My ma would always take me out there to practice our magic together." Hardly able to contain himself, he almost blurted out. "If you wanted, I could take you there sometime! I know the in's and out's of that place like the back of my hand." Even though he acted like this with every girl, he surprisingly found a slight blush start to form upon his cheeks.

    "That'd be great~. It'd be a different change of pace to have a student here show me something in the world for once. I've heard so many great things about the park." She sighed contentedly as she thought about visiting Yellowstone. "Haven't traveled to a conventional place in a while. Been busy adventuring in the Isles. Now that is one hell of an adventure on your hands there!" She posed with a hand on her hip, contemplating her time at the academy while a new face was ready to see the world in his own way.

    "Ah the Isles..." Carson's brows furrowed at the mention of the place. He was silent for a moment, before a thought hit him. "Wait, if you've already been to the Isles, does that mean you're not a first year student?"

    "Nope. I'm a third year student now. You don't have to be shy though, I won't bite." She chuckled a bit at her own humor, probably being more friendly and open then any of the other upperclassmen would be to a first year.

    "Oh wow... this whole idea that grade levels aren't really based off of age has been throwing me off quite a bit." He gave his own sheepish laugh, but not before the sound of the school bell signaled to the students they had five minutes to get to class. The noise made Carson's heart sink, knowing that he'd have to part from such a lovely girl brought about a feeling of insurmountable sadness. "Alas, I suppose that it's time for us to head to class... Although I'd really like to see you again." As he was about to ask for Kylie's number, the words became caught in his throat. With his face colored a bright shade of red, and an uncharacteristic embarrassment enveloping him, he was for the first time in his life, speechless.

    Regretting having to go to class now that she had found a great first year student to talk to, she sighed before her face lit up. "Wait, don't go yet! Give me a second." She pulled out a notepad and pen from her inner jacket pocket and scrawled something on it and handed it to Carson. "I don't want to lose contact with a budding adventurer. What better way to learn the ropes than from yours truly?" She smiled at that and added, "There's my phone number. We ought to have a chat some time, yes?"

    Still silent, Carson took Kylie's number and carefully placed it in his back pocket. Trying to hide the feeling of absolute elation within him, he gave her a truly heartfelt smile. "I'd love that! It was nice meeting you Kylie." And with that he walked towards his class at a rather brisk pace, ready to celebrate the day's first great victory.​


    supreme meme machine
  • 880
    Nychta DeMuere and Domingo Hernández

    Remmy had always told his son that the most efficient way to do anything was the best way to do anything. He explained it in two factors: the amount of time put into it and the amount of effort put into it. "If you could multiply the two, like uh, say the amount of power multiplied by the amount of time, you'd take the lowest possible number. And the amount of power should correspond with the amount of time that..." That would be around when he'd drone off, and then say that "well, you get how it works, right?" And at that point, Nychta would simply nod and prepare himself to learn how to do chores which he had never anticipated he would have to do himself.

    It was this philosophy that carried Nychta into putting away all the clothes he had to deal with once he'd arrived in his room. The bag he carried around was by no means a suitcase-- and indeed, some of his... heavier things, like his crossbows, were already left off in his room. He didn't bother closing the door once he had entered [consciously running against his instinct to close the door to keep his magic from any sort of visitor or secretary] and conjured up several extra pairs of icy hands to keep him company as he folded and hung the clothes left in his bag. There was the usual worry about the clothes getting wet, so he made sure to keep the hands themselves constantly frozen-- leaving him with less hands to use and less things to be conscious off. Either way, he still zoned out a bit as he did, which left him-- and his hands-- ill-prepared to receive anyone.

    The universe, cheeky as ever, chose this exact moment to send Domingo stomping into the room, slamming the door behind him with enough force that it was a miracle it didn't break. He wore a bitter expression and carried a rather large stack of textbooks in one arm. The first day of classes at the elite Vale Institute had not been a good one for the boy who never even finished the fifth grade, and his attempt at a study session after class had not gone much better.

    After the door let out a boom from the impact, Domingo flinched, not having intended to close it so hard. "****…" He muttered before finally spotting Nychta. At first he froze, not sure what he should be saying. Within moments though he seemingly forgot about the need to introduce himself as his gaze fixed itself onto the many frozen hands folding clothes. "Woah…"

    Nychta, having been startled by the door already, felt himself tense up for a moment. The hands dropped the clothes as well, and when Nychta spun around the image in front of him only disoriented him before it actually calmed him. "A-are you a customer...? Remington's over in... Wait..." It took him a moment to remember not only where he was, but the fact that this guy was holding books and was likely his roommate. Not a customer, not someone he had to redirect out of his room. In fact, the more Nychta thought about it, the more he was fairly certain he'd never seen anyone quite like the guy who had just burst into his room before. He relaxed quite quickly then, and smiled. "Oh! Sorry, you must be my roommate. Still not used to being here yet." Gesturing to the hands, Nychta continued. "I guess not everyone at this school has seen a lot of magic, huh?"

    Any fear that Nychta might have felt was nearly immediately gone with the ego boost provided by the boy's clear fascination. "Ice magic-- and water magic-- those are things I do." Nychta eagerly made the hands wave as he extended his own, not frozen hand for a handshake. "The name's Nychta. Yours?"

    "Huh?" Was the first thing out of his mouth as he pried his focus from Nychta's magic. "Oh, I'm Domingo," He answered, his accent especially clear when he said his name. His expression brightened at the fact that there was another person besides Carson willing to be nice to him. "Man, everyone here can do so much cool **** with their powers," He thought out loud as he glanced back at the hands one last time.

    He shook Nychta's hand before raising an eyebrow. "Hey, what did you mean, customer?" He was used to people's first impressions of him being generally negative or otherwise undesirable, but this was definitely new. "You sellin' something?"

    "Oh, no, no, I'm not selling anything." ...Yet. Nychta grinned sheepishly. "My father's a... he runs a business of sorts." Now wasn't the time to tell Domingo that he was casually the heir to lots and lots of money. "Sometimes people would come into his office to speak with him, but they'd regularly get lost on the way to the bathroom, or even his office..." He sighed. "Long story short, it wasn't unusual for people to barge in. You came into the room, and I think a part of my mind, upon seeing someone I didn't know, just said 'well, he's gotta be a customer!' Even though, you clearly aren't.

    "A-anyway!" Nychta quickly searched for a conversation changer. "Cool ****, eh? What can you do? I've seen pretty little so far, outside of classes and glimpses at lunch."

    "I can dig underground and turn into metal," He said, repeating the demonstration he did for Carson and knocking on a newly metallic arm. "Not super cool or anything but it's actually pretty good." His smile then grew much larger. "But man, you should see some of these other guys! There was this guy who could make rocks come to life, and this girl who could make actual ****in' diamonds!" He pulled out Iris' diamond flower yet again to show off to Nychta. "Then there was another girl with explosion powers!" Excitement filled his voice as he recounted what he'd seen, as if he were a child in a toy store.

    "I can sorta make things explode... wait, did you say diamonds?" Nychta's eyes lit up immediately as he realized it. What was this girl doing with her talent? Why wasn't she bringing the market to its knees right now? Nychta could already envision the money pouring in, a constant stream of income, of wealth... "Dude, that's so cool! Where can I find her?" Joint ventures already began to materialize themselves in Nychta's mind. How could he profit off of this? How did she even do it? Diamond flowers... It looked so delicate, yet it was made out of some of the strongest stuff out there. He'd need to procure some more business cards immediately. "Man, I need to get out more! Think of all the opportunities out there...."

    "Pretty ****in' sweet, right?" Domingo agreed with a grin. "But ****, man, I don't ****in' know where to find her." He looked over to the side and tossed the books in his arms onto an empty bed. Thanks to the softness of the bed, they landed with barely a thump. He also tossed aside his giant gloves, that had been hanging from their strap on his waist until then. As he did so, he spotted what looked like a large block of stone that looked uncomfortably familiar, as well as looking very out of place in the otherwise very nice room. He shoved it out of his mind for the moment and turned back to Nychta.

    "She's a skinny white girl. I think she said her name was Iris." Domingo furrowed his brow as he tried to reach back into his memories, that time in the gym seeming so far away after how long the day had felt. "She's blonde and dresses kinda fancy-ish. She was also wearing a… ****, what was it?" He thought for a moment, turning his eyes upward before continuing. "Boina, whatever the **** that weird hat is called in English. She's kind of a ***** but I guess she's not all that bad. Hell, she gave me this sweet flower to keep after all. It's a school, so you'll probably see her around eventually. Maybe she was in one of your classes, even."

    "My classes, eh...?" And with that, Nychta was suddenly lost in thought. He could hardly remember his classes... He did somewhat remember business law including a blonde girl, but blondes in America weren't an uncommon thing, nor were fancily-dressed girls-- besides, it was the first day of school, so the latter might not even matter. Still... If he could even split the profits 75/25, he could have an easy life...

    Domingo turned his attention back to the block of stone. "You know," he continued to Nychta as he walked towards it. "I like you. You seem like a pretty chill dude. Today I was so distracted I didn't even think about the possibility I'd have a roommate, so the moment I saw you in here I got all worried, like 'Is this guy gonna be like all the others?' I thought, but nah."

    Before coming any closer, Domingo used his Seismic Sense to examine it a bit more thoroughly. What he saw brought forth a frown. He held out a hand to its rough surface, and within moments the stone block broke apart into a pile of sand. Sticking out from the pile, various things could be seen, including what looked like a destroyed cell phone, the warped remains of some bullets, and a thick black sleeve, which after being pulled out, was confirmed to be attached to Domingo's missing black hoodie, completely caked with dirt. Nychta, who watched quietly, felt his face scrunch up as he saw the dirt. That wouldn't make a mess, right? And the bullets... they also bothered him, but he could trust the school's decision, right? ...Right?

    He recalled the hazy memories of the nurse's office just after he'd woken up, of the nurse telling him that he'd claimed this block was his luggage. That definitely seemed to be the case. Sifting through the rest, he was able to remember further back, to when he was still in the desert. That surprised him, considering the state he was in at the time. Unfortunately, it wasn't something he really wanted to remember.

    After glancing back at Nychta for an instant, Domingo pulled out all his things from the sand pile before geokinetically gathering every grain into a single spot, compressing it so it could return to its former state. The bullets were also placed back inside the block, out of sight and hopefully out of mind. He stared at the block a bit longer before letting out a sigh and turning to Nychta. "Hey man, you mind if I keep this here?"

    Nychta looked over and grinned. "Don't worry, I'm a simple man. Put whatever you want wherever, just keep it to the side so we can walk. Although..." He looked over at the hoodie again. "You might wanna get that washed."

    Domingo stared at his hoodie, running his fingers over the gritty surface. "Yeah, prob-" he started as he thought about if he might be able to just geokinetically remove all the dirt from it. However, upon closer inspection, he noticed that it was also covered in sweat and dried blood, along with small blotches of vomit. His face twisted in disgust and he tossed the sweater on top of the stone block, where his magic allowed the block to swallow the piece of clothing, imprisoning it where it could assail his nostrils no longer.

    "Where's the washing machine?" He said with a sigh. Domingo stood up straight and turned to the door, only to find himself promptly facing the ceiling. He felt himself falling, and barely managed to catch himself before he hit the ground. Even after finding his footing, his head still spun and had to put a hand on his bed for support. "****…" he muttered. He felt fine coming out of the nurse's office, but now that the day had taken its toll on him he could tell that he still had more recovering to do.

    He looked over to his bed and moved all the things he'd tossed onto it to one of the room's two desks, "Man, I still have like a million questions," he told Nychta, "but I'm really ****in' tired."

    Nychta had just about finished folding his clothes and was beginning to put them away. "Hey man, questions can wait. Just don't strain yourself. You're going to have a long day tomorrow. Or at least..." He sighed. He'd never been up against anything like a monster, had he? "At least I know I will."

    Domingo threw himself onto his bed and looked over at Nychta. "Well, good luck then, man. I'm sure you'll be fine." He wasn't entirely sure what Nychta meant, but he wanted to show some support anyway. He wrapped his covers around himself and closed his eyes, feeling the unbelievable softness of the bed all around him. He'd felt this way at the nurse's office as well, but it still wasn't something he was used to. For that matter, nothing here was really quite what he was used to.

    He didn't get to think on that for long, as within seconds his exhaustion got the better of him and he fell into a deep slumber.

    Nychta looked over after a while to see Domingo out cold, and then quietly began to shuffle through his business cards. There was still some time until he went to bed, and thus, he'd wager, he'd want to get them finished before the next day. As he worked, however, the small brown notebook Oscar had given him caught Nychta's eye from inside his bag. Nychta blinked, and lifted it, before putting on the corner of his desk and continuing. And yet, only a bit later, as Nychta set his alarm for the early morning and fell asleep to ignore the stack of mostly-finished business cards on his desk, it still penetrated his mind.

    It'd be a shame if he had any bad ideas.

    Nychta's alarm went off at precisely 6 AM, leaving him up an hour earlier than the rest of the school. This led to him quietly showering [an ordeal which, for him, was quicker than for most] and otherwise changing out of pajamas and getting ready for a new day. As he changed, he looked over and noticed that no one was in the other bed in the room. This surprised him; he didn't expect to have woken up later than Domingo-- especially because he had seemed exhausted. And not only that, but he started to realize that in his politeness, he might've overlooked the fact that maybe the reason that Domingo was tired, and the reason he was covered in so many tattoos, coincided greatly. Just what was that guy up to before he got here? Just what was he up to right now?

    Still, Domingo didn't seem like a bad person. Maybe he was off being responsible somewhere? Maybe he even had his life very much in order, and was off working out or getting a head start on his studies or something. Yeah. You know, what, Nychta said to himself, that's probably it. Or so he hoped.


    Poe and Palahniuk's Prodige
  • 642

    Vale Institute of Magic

    Unlike the previous announcements, this one started with a loud cracking noise. Already, the less than professional nature of the day's second announcement was clearly different than those the Student Council President had previously given. "Yo, Bryan, this thing's on, right?" asked a voice clearly not belonging to the Stuco President. "Huh, you're saying the mic's not muted? Ooooooh, my bad.

    "Uh, well, how's it going everyone? I think most of y'all know me, but the newbies probably need a crash course. For all those who don't know me, I'm Allan. I guess I'm kinda the VP now, or something, but yeah, back to what's important, I guess. Chris is a bit too busy to give the announcement right now, so he asked me to do instead, so here we are, and I guess it's time to talk about all the fun stuff for the week.

    "So, first thing's first, y'all know that this announcement is for giving everyone a bit of a heads up for this week's missions. I'm sure some of you guys heard about this from your family if they've ever been students here, but first years are placed on teams for safety reasons, since we don't know how well your magic translates to fighting etherspawn. Or, you know, whether or not you'll panic at seeing a bug the size of a house. Oh, I probably shouldn't have said that, but hey, you're all gonna find out eventually, right? So, yeah, teams. First, we'll start the freshmen off as teams of four with either a senior or teacher supervising. Sophomores through seniors will be teamed up based on mission difficulty, though most are going solo for a while, so enjoy the time alone. Just a heads up for the newbies, these teams change every week, since it helps promote adaptability. This week's teams are…"

    [OOC: The current IC week's teams and mission focus days are: IC Day 1: Carson, Fern, Morgan and Nychta; IC Day 2: Domingo, Jack, Nasrin and Zane; IC Day 3: Iris, Lauren, Lily and Violett.]

    "Alright, now that all that listing nonsense is out of the way, it's time to socialize. Now that everyone has their assignments, we suggest that everyone in teams meet up with their new comrades. It's great for team building, and it gives you something to do during an otherwise boring lunch period. If nothing else, it's a good meet and greet. Oh, and good luck to all the freshmen this week who will be visiting the islands for the first time ever. Do your best and you'll surely be rewarded. With that, later, bros.

    "Hey, Bryan, how do I turn this thing off?" After a few fidgeting noises, the intercom system made a swift click, signaling the end of the broadcast.

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    Believe in the you that believes in cheese
  • 1,319

    Jack Marrick and Shion Kavanagh

    Wandering around Vale's campus without much direction or even a real goal in mind was quickly becoming a regular thing for Jack Marrick, who'd been left with a bad taste in his mouth after lunch and was in the middle of trying to think of something pleasant when an announcement blared in his ears. After the... student council vice president's awkward announcement was finished the young earth mage felt even less sure of what to do. After all, that Zane kid was on his team, and so far he didn't seem too pleasant, and Jack especially didn't want to see him just then. Prospects did brighten up considerably, however, when Jack happened to see a nice pair of legs dangling from the school's roof. It was his favorite pair of legs, in fact, which is honestly much more innocent than it sounds.

    Indescribably grateful for something he liked to focus on, Jack snapped his fingers and smiled while rocks, dirt, and various sediments all rushed into each other until a crude, rounded facsimile of a rock man formed next to him. He leaped up into the air a short distance and curled his body up before landing in the stoneman's huge hand and shouted, "Fastball special!" then was promptly tossed up just high enough to do a single somersault - more from the curving momentum than because he wanted to - and land proudly on the roof to gaze down at its other occupant. "Ha, nailed it! Howdy there, what's up?"

    "Slick moves, stranger." Shion grabbed a handful of nuts from among the last of her lunch, and tossed them into her mouth before she added, "You practice that?"

    "Nope!" Jack answered happily and plopped down next to her, lazily kicking his feet in the open air. "In fact, I was pretty worried I was gonna land on my head when I started to tip over. I didn't realize how hard it can be to reorient yourself when a golem throws you, you'll have to help me practice aerial maneuvers sometime." Having no food of his own left to munch on, Jack simply looked around, and tried not to let his eyes linger on the redhead too often or for too long.

    "If that's without practice, I don't think you need to be taught how to get thrown."

    Jack couldn't help chuckling a bit at her answer. "I'm sure it was just a lucky break. Getting thrown is easy, but I wouldn't mind learning how to jump better, and that's definitely something you've got down."

    "Hope you're a quick learner about landing, too." She quietly returned to finishing her meal, and tossed the paper containers in the nearest trash can when she did. Returning to Jack's side at the edge of the roof, Shion let out an exasperated sigh. "I suppose I'll have to meet my teammates eventually."

    "Yeah, it might be prudent." He felt his smile shrink a bit and tried to shrug off the disappointment. "I'm always excited to meet new people! But that Zane guy is on my team too... And so far he's, well..."

    "No point dwelling on possibly not liking them," she added. "If I don't, then maybe I can just punch them until I can handle seeing their face." To show off she raised one arm, and pressed her remaining hand to her bicep, but she quickly clarified it to be a joke. A relief to Jack, who was considering it himself.

    A dull thud signaled the boy next to her dropping unceremoniously backwards to lay on the roof while his legs dangled in the empty air and he huffed audibly. "Somehow I don't think solving my problems could possibly be that simple. I wish I could just punch my worries away, but I'm not that strong, the few times I've done it it either got me nowhere or left me unsatisfied even if I won." His gaze wandered over Shion's back and settled on her hair, that lovely hair that had stood out to him so much the very first day they met, and still turned his thoughts to her beauty on occasion. "You know, I really admire the way you just push forward through it all, I never feel like I know what to do unless it's about making something's structure, or the problem's so in my face I have to make a decision in an instant."

    She looked over her shoulder at him with a confident grin and told him, "Waiting around just isn't any fun." She hopped back to her feet once again, demonstrating herself after helping Jack to his. "On that note, first lesson."

    "Lesson?" Jack queried, cocking an eyebrow and smiling inquisitively. "I'm game, try me."

    "Don't break your legs when you hit the ground." Shion leaned back, letting gravity pull her off the back lip of the main building, and unceremoniously fell three tall stories to ground level. Jack quickly bent his torso and neck over the edge to watch her descent, Shion having spun and reoriented herself to face feet-down. Reaching the bottom, Jack heard not a thud, but a gust of wind, a single wave visibly spreading the grass in all directions, and her arms wrapped around her body like a ballerina. She was probably a couple inches off the dirt. Looking up to him, she signalled him a brief two-fingered salute to designate his turn.

    Nut up or shut up, I guess. Jack only stared over the edge for a moment before leaping. Having a golem catch him was too simple, and could still hurt pretty bad, so... no time to think! With the ground drawing closer alarmingly fast, a rock shot out of the ground towards Jack and he found himself quickly grabbing it with an arm and swinging himself to divert his momentum. Sailing through the air brought a thrilled smile to his face and next all the purer minerals ripped themselves out from the rock he'd left behind and some of the other earth nearby and formed a metal slide beneath him. He landed feet-first and slid down like he was surfing until he looped around and a small scoop at the end launched him a short distance to land and skid a few feet, stopping next to Shion and smiling proudly at her. "That was pretty fun! If a bit scary."

    "Flashy," she snickered, offhandedly mentioning that a straightforward solution wasn't really his forté. She didn't seem to mind. "Maybe next time we'll find something taller to jump from. How do you feel about obstacle courses?"

    "Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right?" Jack said, maintaining his smile.

    "I like to think it isn't trying hard enough."

    "All the better for us then."

    Come to think of it, mages probably don't fail nearly as much as regular people. They should make up new sayings for superhumans.

    Agreeing to have some more fun with increasingly high leaps and dives, Shion and Jack wished each other good luck with their new teammates, gratefully knowing they'll only last for a week before swapping to new ones, and left on a high note to meet them.

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  • 957

    Domingo Hern?ndez

    Domingo?s eyes snapped open. His body felt like it was made of lead. There was a suffocating heat over his sweaty body, and he felt like he was sinking. In a panic, he flailed around, throwing his covers off of himself. He looked around and saw only darkness, so his first reaction was to press his hand against the ground beside him and use his Seismic Sense. He was unable to sense anything, but that outcome was obvious to him the moment he felt his hand dip into the soft mattress underneath him.

    He pushed against the bed a few more times, just to be sure he wasn?t imagining things. Soon enough, his eyes adjusted to the dark and he saw that he was in a room. His room. The memory of the previous day returned to him slowly but surely. However, now that his situation was clear he could only frown.

    For an instant, in the dark and under the covers, he?d thought he was back in the desert, suffocating underground while he hid. His body had left to safety, but he wondered if his mind was actually still trapped in Mexico. He began to fear he might never be able to really escape it.

    Although? He looked over to the block of stone from before. His ?luggage?. Domingo realized that if he wanted to completely forget his old life it would probably be best to get rid of it, and he wondered if he should do so now. But just as before, he couldn?t bring himself to do it. He carried that block around for a long time in the desert, and for that time it was his only companion. Embarrassingly enough, at the time he even talked with it. After all they?d been through together, he just couldn?t throw it away. He knew how stupid it was, knowing that it wasn?t like rocks had feelings, but it didn?t change how he felt. Though, after having seen that little rock guy at the assembly, he wasn?t so sure about the feelings thing anymore.

    Domingo turned his attention elsewhere, spotting Nychta sleeping soundly in his own bed. On the stand next to his bed was a digital clock that read 3:27. He realized that it was far too early to be troubling himself with things like that, and that he would likely need to be well rested for the following day. Especially after hearing Nychta?s foreboding words the previous night. With that in mind, he wrapped himself in his covers once more and tried to go back to sleep.

    Unfortunately, it wouldn?t be as easy as it was earlier. It was hot and stuffy under the covers despite the room?s potent air conditioning, and he worried that if he stayed under too long he?d drown in his own sweat. He threw them off again, but he didn?t find himself much more comfortable as he tossed and turned in a futile search for a good position. This proceeded for what felt like an eternity before he sat back up in frustration. He glanced at Nychta?s clock again only to see it read 3:31. He scowled.

    Conceding the fact that he wouldn?t be able to go back to sleep any time soon, Domingo instead decided to look back through his things. He would need to get them in order eventually, and maybe he would tire again afterwards. He got off his bed and tiptoed over to the desk where he?d put his things, trying his best to keep from waking Nychta. The sight of the items in front of him made him furrow his brow. Most of them were things he certainly could throw away without a second thought, having kept them only out of perceived necessity.

    Domingo picked up one of the bullets, warped by heat and force, and still stained with blood from when it was pulled out of his body. He remembered that he?d kept them to avoid leaving a trail of any sort. He could have just as easily buried them deep underground, but at the time he feared the cartel might dig them up and maybe use dogs or some sort of special technology to trace them to him. Thinking about it now it sounded sort of ridiculous, especially knowing he never did that sort of thing when he had to find a target, but back then he wasn?t exactly thinking straight.

    The shattered cellphone shared a similar story. Having been the one given to him by the cartel, he feared they might have placed a tracker within it or been able to use GPS to follow it to him, so he smashed it to pieces, then smashed the pieces. Then he took them with him for the same reasons he carried the bullets. Thinking of the phone, he remembered the paper with Carson?s number, still in his pocket, and briefly lamented his phonelessness.

    Other items included several scraps of cloth covered in dried blood, formerly known as Domingo?s shirt, a crushed plastic water bottle, his earring, and of course, his hoodie. Domingo decided that the only thing worth keeping was the hoodie and prepared to throw everything else away. Though he didn?t want these things sitting there in the trash can when Nychta woke up, so he wrapped everything up in his hoodie and quietly left the room in search of a dumpster.

    Domingo wandered the school and eventually found what he was looking for, returning to his room once his junk had been disposed of. There he tried to sleep again, with no more success than the last time. He eventually decided to just take a walk around the school?s perimeter, eventually ending up relaxing under a tree where he took the time to reflect on just what kind of life was now his.

    In the end, Domingo was only able to sleep again while underground, something he found strange considering that believing he was still underground was what made him panic when he first woke up. It was something he tried out of desperation for some rest so he could handle whatever crazy things the school had planned the following day, but once he was buried it wasn?t long before he was fast asleep. He thought over the reason why that might be, but while he could manage some guesses he wasn?t able to think of anything certain. Maybe he was simply too used to it.

    Regardless of the reason why, Domingo had woken up feeling well rested. He went to his dorm to clean up and grab his things, then he headed to the cafeteria. After a meager breakfast of a muffin and some milk, he headed to class, hoping this day would be better than the last.

    Unfortunately, it was not to be. He exited his morning classes with the bright attitude he started the day with completely gone. Even Metalworking, something he expected to be simple for a Geomancer like himself, was full of complicated tools and machines, and precise measurements and calculations that he had difficulty with.

    It seemed that next would be lunch time, and Domingo appreciated the chance to recharge. Within moments, an announcement rang throughout the school that replaced that bit of comfort with nervousness. Apparently he was to meet his monster-fighting team. Fortunately, this time he had his hoodie to hide the majority of his tattoos, so maybe it wouldn?t be so bad. And even if he didn?t have it, there were bound to be more people like Carson and Nychta in the school. Thus, after taking the time to psych himself up, Domingo made his way to the cafeteria to meet his teammates.



  • 274
    Nasrin Nouri | Lauren & Lily Fera
    Nasrin exited the classroom, but not by her own accord. Textbooks in hand, questions frothed from the Iranian girl's mouth while being pushed out of the classroom.

    "I appreciate the enthusiasm, but please save it for next class!" With a forceful shove, Nasrin was suddenly back in the hallway, and losing her footing. Realizing she was about to fall, the young girl quickly used her air magic to readjust her balance. Firmly standing on her feet, Nasrin spun around with a smile, but was cut off before she could even speak. "If you excuse me, I have another class to prepare for." Her professor started to shut the door.

    Nasrin paused for a moment to take that in, a puzzled look on her face. "Is it not lunch?" she asked. Her question was answered by the slam of the door. "Ah."

    So there she stood, books in hand and staff hovering in the air, in front of a shut door. With students walking past, glances and stares included, and the fact that her teacher had just shut the door on her, it was needless to say Nasrin felt awkward. It wasn't a regular occurrence, but every now and then the Iranian girl could feel embarrassed.

    She ducked her head and made way for the cafeteria. But with her head down and her eagerness to get out of the hallway, Nasrin wasn't paying attention to her surroundings. Something moved, a little abruptly at that. Then she heard a thud, and there was a sudden lightness to her. Hearing a cry around her back, Nasrin turned around. Her staff was on the ground, and someone had tripped over it. "Oh," she commented. "Sorry?"

    "Ow ow ow ow ow," the girl complained, sitting up and rubbing her hands together.

    Watching the girl get back onto her feet, a puzzled look came over Nasrin's face. "Did you just tri—"

    "Lily, I warned you about running." A doppelgänger! Wait, those don't exist. They were incredibly alike, though. Lily groaned, asking if her sister didn't expect it anyways. "You could at least try to listen next time. You probably didn't hear the announcement, either."

    "I heard it! He was really unprofessional; it was hard to not listen to it."

    "Then name who our teammates are this week." A challenge Lily managed to answer after a few seconds, although Nasrin was left confused by it. She'd heard something earlier, but most of it was just incoherent chatter to her. There were teams?

    The more composed of the two then picked up Nasrin's staff, both she and it having clearly been neglected by them up to now. "I'm sorry if my sister got in your way."

    Nasrin's puzzled look switched to a blank stare. "Ah, no problem," she muttered, brushing aside the apology. Her gaze shifted from the girl named Lily and the other, unsure of what she was seeing. Reaching out for her staff, Nasrin's eyes widened with realization. The Iranian girl's excitement was clear to see.

    "Twi..." she cut herself off, unable to remember the remaining letters of the English word. She paced around the two, tapping her cheek to remind herself. "Twins!" she shouted in excitement, possibly getting a bit too close in terms of personal space, trying to examine their similarities.

    It wasn't easy—the likeness was impeccable—but she finally noticed something, staring into their eyes from inches away. The as-of-yet unnamed twin with blue eyes looked understandably uncomfortable that someone was in her space, but Nasrin let her gaze linger for a few extra moments just in case something was off. When she tried her hand at the green-eyed Lily the latter just stared back, and cracked up after a moment.

    Soon enough she pulled back, and grinned at both of them, sort of remembering her manners. "Hi, I'm Nasrin!" That was the one contraction she managed to learn before moving to the U.S.

    As if instantly forgetting all of the awkwardness that Nasrin just caused, as well, Lily excitedly introduced herself in return. Lauren followed suit, asking if Nasrin was foreign. She definitely must have stood out, in more ways than one.

    "Lily, Lauren," Nasrin said to herself, committing the names to memory before answering Lauren's question. "Yes, from Iran." It was very matter-of-fact, but she retained her smile despite an evident lack of fondness for her home country.

    Though Lily seemed to miss her distaste, Lauren expressed the hope that Nasrin could enjoy herself at Vale. "Would you like to join us for lunch?"

    "Sure," she answered happily. After eating alone yesterday and this morning, Nasrin thought it would be a nice change of pace. She started off, but suddenly realized something. If both she and the twins were originally headed for lunch, and Lauren had come from the opposite direction, then somebody had to be wrong. Normally, she would have been using her internal map, but she was trying to memorize the actual layout of the school.

    Nasrin turned back to the twins, and asked, "Can you lead the way? And what was that about an announcement earlier?"​

    Grif of Hearts

    Que sera sera~
  • 311
    Ethersworn: The Vale Institute [M]
    Ethersworn: The Vale Institute [M]
    Ethersworn: The Vale Institute [M]

    Zane Emerson, Violett Fürst-Shaw, & Iris Aldridge

    The new announcement finished, the business teacher, Mrs. Evans, promptly concluded class. "I'll see you tomorrow, then. Remember, have the first half of chapter one read by our next class. And don't overexert yourselves on the Isles. Class dismissed."

    Zane was all too ready to get going like many of the students that flooded out from the classroom, but he decided to make a quick detour before heading to the cafeteria. It just so happened that he knew a couple of his classmates beforehand, one of which was none other than his most recent person of interest, Violett, who sat quite casually at her desk, thumbing thoughtlessly through a small leatherbound planner, occasionally pausing to write in it, before flipping the pages over again. He sauntered over as casually as he could, trying to guise his interest in the young lady, but she noticed his presence in an instant, and made her awareness known with a small, playful smile that Zane immediately recognised.

    "Why hello there," he said as he approached. "Who would've thought we'd find ourselves sharing a class together?"

    "I'd say that it's a small world, but for all I know you chose this class just so you could spend more time with me. Really can't stay away from me, can you?" Violett replied, a soft pout to her lips as she spoke.

    "If only that were the case. No, I signed up 'cause it'll help me going forward with my family's little business. You?"

    "The very same," she replied. "It seems we both carry the reputation of our families on our shoulders, don't we? I can't say I don't have a personal interest in the subject though, and if I can do them proud then all the better for it, no?"

    "Exactly. Still, a bit of a coincidence that you're also here for family business reasons. What's your family known for, if you don't mind me asking?"

    "Not at all. I like to think of myself as an open book, even if that might come as a surprise to you, so ask as many questions as you'd like and I'd be delighted to answer. Perhaps my family does not dabble in anything quite as glamorous as the energy industry, nor are we as wealthy as the acclaimed Emerson family I've heard so much about, but it's our own little mark on the world that one day I might make my own."

    Zane cocked his head slightly in surprise, and she only smiled.

    "Don't look so surprised, sweetie. You should know by now that I like to do my research, and I thought the name Emerson sounded familiar the moment that I heard it, so how could I resist doing a little digging…? I'm more interested as to why you'd be willing to wade into such murky waters with us common folk and grace us with your presence. I'm sure your family would spare no expense to find you a right and proper tutor. As strong as Vale's reputation is, I'm surprised they chose not to find you a tutor that they could easily bend to their needs, and rather let you wander off to a public academy instead."

    Her words sounded unusually sour, as if she were judging him, but there was no hint of it in her tone of voice. She still smiled, and she sounded playful, not bitter. It made her difficult to read, but she watched Zane intently as she waited for a response, lips still curled into a half smile and a hand on her hip.

    "That's the general assumption about us rich types, huh? Can't go around and dirty our hands with the commoners, right? I guess there's some merit to the ideology, but my family is a bit more spartan in their approach to child-rearing. While a tutor could instill the same kind of knowledge and magical awareness as a place like Vale, there's something alluring to all the danger and exclusivity an institution such as here provides, and since Vale sent me the invitation, my father could hardly say 'no.' But enough about me and my circumstances, you never answered my question, and I also guess we're a bit pressed for time. Why don't you fill me in on your family's enterprise while we head to the cafeteria to meet our teams? Give us something interesting to discuss while we pass the time, no?"

    "Oh, is my company boring the poor little rich boy?" she replied, but still with no obvious malice in her voice. "I suppose I should have expected as much. After all, how can we commoners hope to compare to your wit? At least you being here amongst us smaller folk might serve as a reminder that we do exist, something some of you I'm sure have forgotten up in your castles. Until you need something from us of course, and even then we're just another resource to abuse, aren't we? After all, why would you nous la grâce de votre présence if it were not for your own amusement?"

    "Boring? I don't think that at all. I'm the one asking about it, aren't I?" he claimed, feigning some level of injury. "Of course, if you're not as open about your family's affairs, then I won't pry. But it's not very fair to me, and especially to yourself, to assume I'm some rare creature 'gracing you with my presence.' That is what you were saying in French, correct? I'm not familiar, but it sounded similar. If anything, aren't you the wonderous one here? An exotic flower far from home, enrapturing the eyes of lowly beasts, such as I."

    "On the contrary, darling. As I said, something which you must have struggled to hear standing on that grand pedestal you're so fond of, I like to think of myself as an open book, and I'd be perfectly happy to indulge you if I actually felt like the tiniest part of you would actually pay attention. After all, you reply to every quip and curse when it's aimed at yourself. You can hardly resist talking about yourself when the conversation is guided even vaguely in such a direction." Zane's translation of her French marked the first proper change in her expression since they had started to speak, but all he had managed to provoke was a wider, more playful smile. "Tu parle bien Français. Or at least, you understand it better than I might have expected."

    "I don't need, nor do I desire, to explain myself to you, sweetheart. If I have enraptured or enticed anyone, and don't think for a moment I haven't noticed where your eyes wander when you think I'm not looking, then how am I to blame...? Don't get too cocky, it's hardly for your benefit."

    Although her words sounded increasingly agitated, nothing about Violett's demeanor or tone caught Zane as particularly upset. He tried to limit the effects of what were likely another one of her games, piecing together his next set of moves to further his position. She wasn't wrong about him, and he knew it. He just didn't care. He was the heir to a fortune and one of the biggest names in the magic world, so why wouldn't he care about himself? Still, he's own fixation with his grandeur wouldn't aid in developing the relationship in front of him.

    "Well, what would you prefer to talk about? All I want right now is to learn more about you, Violett. It pains me that you seem to think I'm not attentive to those around me, and even more so about you. You're far more interesting than these menial subjects, so show me more," he said, slowly leaning in towards Violett's countenance. "Teach me everything about you. I won't turn away from even your darkest thoughts."

    Unbeknownst to the lovebirds in front of her, Iris who had been sitting adjacent to them, had quickly grown tired of their incessant that distracted her from her attempts to read. Iris certainly believed in being ahead of the curve, and started reading through the first chapter of her module book as soon as class ended. She mentally groaned at the inaneness of their conversation. She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, mumbling a few frustrated words under her breath, irritated and no longer able to drown them out so easily. She not so subtly cleared her throat and shot a look at the couple in disdain, signaling that she was there the whole time having to tolerate frivolous nonsense from whatever romantic "games" they were playing.

    "Oh, she does speak!" Violett replied, turning to Iris as she coughed to clear her throat. "Here I was, wondering if that delightful conversation we had not yesterday was all a blissful figment of my imagination, or if I had left such a poor impression you hardly remembered me. Please, join us properly, I'd love if we could pick up where we left off yesterday. Zane, let me introduce you to a close friend of mine; this is Iris. Iris, this is Zane. I'm sure you two will get along splendidly."

    He recognized the girl as the uncouth one from the previous day, and, of course she had to be an acquaintance of Violett's. "So we meet again, I see. Well, I hope we can put yesterday behind us. Any friend of Violett's is a friend of mine, and I wouldn't want there to be any hard feelings over such a trivial issue."

    Violett clasped her hands together as she smiled. "Oh, I wasn't aware that you two had already gotten acquainted. How wonderful. How have you been enjoying classes so far? Mrs. Evans is a riveting lecturer, don't you think?"

    She wasn't.

    Iris responded, "The classes are great, but certain peers need to get a room so that I can enjoy myself in peace." She gave a glare and a frown to the two lovebirds, obviously not as joyous as they were at the present company.

    "My my," Violett cooed, bringing a finger up to the corner of her lips as she crossed one leg over the other and leant in an inch closer to the blonde woman beside her. She paused for a moment before that same finger moved across to toy with a lock of her raven hair. "Do I detect the faintest hint of jealousy in your voice, my dear? There's no need to be nervous about it. You know that you can be honest with us, right? I'm sure that you would have a delightful time in Zane's company… or perhaps it was him that you were jealous of? I must say, I'm flattered a pretty blonde like you took notice."

    She paused again and her eyes widened the tiniest bit in realisation, and she bit her lower lip softly as her mind danced with a dozen unspeakable ideas. "Or maybe you'd feel like you were missing out if we weren't both there to accompany you? I must say, that's a very forward proposition, but I wouldn't be living up to my heritage if I turned down that offer, would I?"

    Not buying Violett's compliments and coquettish demeanor, Iris crossed her arms and said in a deadpan tone, "Delightful time. Right, I'd have a great time with a spoiled rich girl and a 'business magnate' with an inferiority complex. I'm absolutely jealous."

    "No need to be jealous," Zane said, clearly acknowledging her sarcasm. "Violett's already made it quite clear that we can include you in *whatever* fun we can come up with. And I'm sure we can be quite creative. Isn't that right, Violett?"

    "Oh, most certainly," Violett replied. She turned on her chair to face Iris properly, and leant over the blonde girl's desk, her arms resting atop the surface to support herself. She was only inches away from the girl now, and playfully bat her eyelashes. Her voice softened, turning low, playful, and undeniably sultry. "And of course, one idea will lead to another, and then another. It's incredible how quickly an innocent idea can turn deviant, and more than a few of the ideas I've had since we met have involved you, darling."

    A final, soft bite of her lower lip made the intent of her words unmistakable.

    Iris backed away from the flirtatious brunette, and glared at her and Zane. Not only were they making coquettish advances towards each other while she was right there, but also towards her, too. Far from liking these two, she found their demeanor and personalities a bit repulsive. More indignant and impatient with their demeanor, she more coldly rebuffed them, "You act as if I'd be interested in whatever silly games you have going on. Unlike you two, I have more important matters to be worried about." She looked back at her book, and fished her jean pockets for some earbuds. She found them and started unravelling them to plug them into her phone. And yet, after unravelling the cord, she couldn't seem to find her phone anywhere.

    Unknown to Iris, Zane was doing his damnedest to continue the conversation, as it seemed to intrigue Violett. Instead of letting Iris ignore them, he used a slight of hand he'd practiced back home, disguising an object from one's vision through some minor light magic. He knew that even if Iris could find the phone, there wasn't much she could do to operate it without being able to see the screen. "I may be wrong, Iris, but I think you would find our games quite interesting. I know I enjoy them."

    Fishing again through her pockets, it seemed Iris could feel, but not see her phone. What the hell was happening? In response, she remarked, "To hell with your stupid, petty games. I am... busy." She was more frustrated the more she fished her pockets for the device. She let out a frustrated groan at the possibility that she may have lost her phone, even going so far as to mutter a "Damn," under her breath.

    "Busy...?" Violett replied, resting a finger atop the open book that Iris still casually glanced through. "My, whatever with? Perhaps all of those new possibilities tumbling around inside that pretty little head of yours has sparked something in you so positively devilish you can hardly think of anything else?" She laughed, and with that one finger pushed the book downwards so it lay flat against the table, forcing Iris from keeping her nose stuck between the pages. "You've got until our next class together before you need to worry about finishing your homework, sweetie. Until then, why not spend a moment to enjoy yourself…?"

    Iris replied, "I do not believe in slacking off. Me interacting with you two clowns is the worst kind of slacking off. It's not as if I'm gonna be doing much other than eating anyways." She returned the book to its original position and went to sticking her nose back into the pages. The previous announcment about socializing with her team was already forgotten.

    Zane had shifted his position over towards the two girls, making sure to maintain his magic all the while. Grinning in satisfaction of Iris' irritation, he started, "Slacking? Last I heard, you two were in a team together. Can't really call interacting with your teammates 'slacking,' can you? So show some team spirit and open up a little. Oh, I know, maybe we could do something fun to promote some chemistry? Maybe a game? Granted, I'm not on your team, but the more the merrier, right?"

    Damn. Iris totally forgot about the team assignments and the very casual VP announcing that they were to interact with their fellow teammates. Of all the people, Iris was stuck with Violett and now Zane. In response, Iris glanced over her two peers with a clearly irritated look on her face and said in a steely tone, "Maybe I'm expecting far too much from the likes of you two, but I prefer things to be business only. Got that?"

    "Not the kind to mix business and pleasure then, I see? I'm disappointed, darling, because I expected a little more from you. Some little spark of creativity or spontaneity behind that icy façade that might have even slightly resembled a personality. I'm not quite ready to give up yet though, because I'm sure that there's more to you than meets the eye." She turned her head briefly towards Zane. "But Zane, sweetheart, you proposed a game of sorts? I'm perfectly willing to play whatever you had in mind, assuming you had already thought of something."

    "I have just the thing in mind. It's just a little game I used to play with my sisters so we could practice controlling our magic. I'm assuming that both of you are familiar with juggling a soccer ball or hacky sack, right? It's kinda like that, but we can only use our magic to bounce a small ball. Here, let me show you what I mean," he said, spawning a small hardlight sphere, barely the size of a rubber bouncy ball. He proceeded to toss the ball into the air, waiting for it to come back down to begin bouncing it on a newly-made paddle of hardlight. Never letting the ball stop or fall, Zane continued talking, "It's a great exercise to help develop spatial awareness and control. But it's not very fun if we just play like normal. So, how about this: whenever a person drops the ball, they have to answer a question from the person that passed it to them? Sounds fun, right?"

    "So, Iris, what do you say? It'll be completely harmless, I promise."

    Clearly just wanting to return to her usual activities, but seeing no other choice given their irritating persistence and the "necessity" of interacting with her teammate, Iris grumbled and muttered a few words in defeat. She glared at the two and said, "I'm only doing this because I have to, not because it's fun. Got that?"

    "You'll learn to enjoy it, my love, I can promise you that much." Violett winked, as playful as ever, and a single glance in the direction of the hardlight ball that Zane so effortlessly bounced lit a small but fierce puff of flame beneath it, launching it towards Iris at the height of its bounce, and keeping her eyes fixated on it as it cascaded towards her.

    Iris deflected the ball with a metal paddle, conjured up from some paperclips in her pocket, and deflected it to Violett, who mimicked her previous actions with a single small puff of flame to bounce it back up into the air, still carrying the momentum of Iris' swing, and letting it bounce back towards Zane.

    Not wanting to intimidate his more hostile opponent, Zane decided that it might be a good decision to go ahead and let the ball drop. He did his best to make it look like he was trying, though, attempting to hit the ball by spinning the paddle as if he wanted to add spin to ball. Of course, he made sure to just barely miss it, and the ball landed firmly against his chest, to which he caught it with one of his free hands. He laughed, "Guess I should've tried something a little less fancy. Well, what's my question, Violett?"

    "Well…" she mused, moving her hand to pluck the hardlight ball from Zane's grasp, but as her fingertips brushed against it they instead moved upwards, and she pressed a single finger against his chest instead with just enough force to make him stumble. "What is there possibly for me to want to know about you that I don't already? What questions have I been yearning to ask? Let's start simple, shall we? Of all the pretty little spells you can cast with that positively thrilling magic of yours, which of them is your favourite?"

    After catching himself, he gave a quick thought over Violett's question, arriving at a fairly decent conclusion. "Hmm, of all my spells, I'd probably say that my favorite one is my blink spell, Vector Shift. Just something really interesting about literally turning into light. So, I guess it's your serve."

    Her hand wandered downwards to pluck the ball from Zane's grasp. She tossed it into the air and, a second time, a tiny flame propelled it back towards Iris, as Violett flicked her wrist in the direction of the blonde haired student to her side.

    After the answer to that question, Iris once more deflected the ball, still donning her default expression while trying to not let the game seem like it'd affect her in any way. The last thing Iris wanted was to be open to anyone, even if her mother thought she could get along with people here and open up. The ball was deflected towards Zane, but before it could descend, the hardlight paddle intercepted the ball, slamming it back down towards Iris. She barely deflected the ball back over towards Violett.

    Iris expected even the slightest attempt to bat it back, but instead Violett just watched as the ball clattered against the floor with a hollow rattle. She gave a delayed, clearly feigned attempt to stop it by reaching out her hand, but she fooled nobody. Judging by the smile on her face, it was all entirely intentional. "Oh dear, what a shame, I seem to have missed this time and ruined our streak. Well, my dear Iris, that means I owe you an answer to any question you would like to ask. Anything at all, I promise to answer with the utmost sincerity."

    Since Iris had an excuse to express her disdain to her directly, she asked, voice laden with with more of the ice that the two of them were accustomed to, "Why are you insufferably irritating and snotty?"

    "Now, now, Iris, this is meant to be a fun game for us all to enjoy and to get to know each other better. There's no need to make it bitter, now is there?"

    "Fun. Right. So, how about this: how come you didn't go to some fancy magic school over in Quebec, France, or wherever you're from? You certainly have the money."

    "Oh, that's an easy one, my sweet. What would I really gain from staying so close to home? There are two delightfully capable schools of magic in Europe, and I am sure they could provide a wonderful education for those that chose to study there, but think of all the new experiences and opportunities that come with living not only in a new country, but on a new continent? Besides, Vale well deserves its reputation, or so it seems, and I'm quite happy with the experience so far."

    "Ok then." She seemed to not be very interested in the answer, or her experiences. Iris served the ball over to Zane with her metal paddle once more.

    "Come on, is that all you got?" he said, once again returning the ball back to Iris with more power than it had been received with.

    Iris had deflected the shot despite the increased speed, and back to over to Zane, to see how he would play out this shot. Not that Iris was enjoying herself at all. And that's when things started to change. Zane replied with an awkward looking slice that did little to slow the ball down, but added a sharp curve to the shot, making it appear to head towards Violett, only for it to careen towards Iris.

    The blonde haired mage could not react quickly enough to the sudden curve back towards her, least of all because of that pathetic swing that she was sure would just deflect to nowhere and the ball was out of bounds. Crap. She sighed deeply as she prepared for whatever question Zane might have for Iris. She was adamant on not giving much away, so she prepared for the mental gymnastics to dodge or outright rebuffing the question as per usual.

    A grand question was sure to be ignored, of that he was certain, so the issue remained of what to ask his victim. Of all the ideas that ran through his mind, Zane kept coming back to simple notions to ease Iris into the game's pace, his pace. "So, we've had a question of spells and a question of schools... Ah, I know, where are you from, Iris? You don't seem to be foreign like Violett, here, and I've certainly never heard of you in the American magic community."

    That was it? Fine. "Minneapolis, Minnesota."

    "I see. How... urban. Well, it's my serve, I suppose." And he did as he said, providing a firm rising shot to Violett, one he purposely added force to, but would be easily handled, provided Violett was attentive. She was, sending a swift, low shot back towards Zane, hoping to catch him off guard as he might have predicted she would fire it at Iris instead, but the game was still on in his mind, and it wasn't any different than when he used to play with his sisters. Actually, this was far less stressful. He sliced the shot, deflecting the sphere back towards Iris, maintaining its low trajectory. The blonde girl moved her hand to deflect it, but what was only a slight tremor in the air beneath the orb sent it wild, flames licking at the surface of the sphere as it was launched aside. Iris felt the orb graze the side of her bat, so close and yet so far.

    "Well, well. It seems I've won my second question, haven't I?" Violett paused for a moment to ponder her question, but it came to her quickly. "Well, Zane and I were just discussing our families before we started playing, so why don't you tell us a little something about yours? Let's see... do you have any close siblings in your life? Or perhaps cousins?"

    Immediately on the defensive, with narrowed eyes and more a tenser posture, she answered, voice ever so slightly strained from her usual, "No. I don't. What's it to ya?"

    "Oh, nothing at all, darling, but asking questions is part of the game, is it not? As I said, Zane and I were only discussing this a moment ago, and I thought it'd be nice if we all opened up to each other." Violett briefly left her seat to retrieve the hardlight ball, bouncing it back into the air with a brief puff of flame to save herself bending over (much to Zane's disappointment), and caught it, before returning to her seat and batting it into the air towards Zane.

    "I'm not at liberty to open up. I don't care what you have to say about your family anyways." The blonde mage crossed her arms and maintained her steely countenance towards Violett, refusing to expand on the question any further, just as the ball came careening back at her at a wide angle, bat at her by Zane.

    "Dammit!" The verbal exclamation wasn't loud, but was indicative of Iris losing her cool a bit. That last question threw her off and that cost her another question. She glared at Zane, not too pleased with the results of the game.

    The agitation on Iris' face was clear to anybody still in the room, and Zane couldn't have been more pleased with the sudden turn of events. The topic of family seemed to strike a chord in Iris, and Zane wasn't one to let such an opportunity get away from him. "So, my dad's kinda a big deal, running a multibillion dollar business and all that. Your dad do anything special?"

    Tersely, Iris said, "No. Stop this. I've had enough of these damned questions." What would certainly be a normal and straightforward question to answer for most was not for the seemingly cold blonde.

    Yes, Iris was clearly wanting to avoid these familial questions. For what reason, Zane was unsure, but it was clear that she wasn't receptive or willing to answer them. It only made Zane what to question her more. 'What's wrong? Is it really so bad being a bit curious about a person's background? Violett, am I being unreasonable?"

    "Of course not, darling. After all, we are being quite open and honest when it is our turn to answer questions, are we not?"

    "I don't give a damn, I never asked to play this game, and I never cared to listen about you two being open and honest. I don't need prying eyes into my background." Iris looked at the two, still with the same icy look, but with an underlying edge of agitation and an indiscernible quality that the two couldn't quite put their finger on.

    "Actually, that's where you're wrong. You two are teammates, and what kind of teammate keeps such trivial secrets from her team? If you can't trust Violett with something as simple as how you grew up, then how are either of you two supposed to trust each other when some giant monster is staring you down?"

    "Certain things are not meant to be shared, and certainly not with you two. I don't need to divulge secrets to be an effective fighter here. I've done things solo, and that's how it'll remain."

    Unsurprised with Iris' reaction, he was increasingly certain that Iris' father was a sore spot to talk about. Zane knew that it was something he could use against her going forward, but the time and place seemed a bit too problematic and he didn't want to impact his current relationship with Violett by saying something uncouth. So, he decided to switch tactics and move things along. "Spoken like a true liability. Violett, I hope for your sake Iris here isn't wrong. Wouldn't want you or anyone on your team getting hurt over a lack of unity. And to think, someone so willing to come to Vale is so against working on genuine chemistry. But hey, I guess we don't really have the time to be wasting it on someone so obstinate." He paused for a few moments, just enough to let the words sink in, but quickly followed them up with a smile. "I suppose we should get going, right?"

    "Perhaps we should. It's clear we've offended young Iris, and as her friends we should respect her privacy when she asks for it, should we not?" Violett spent a moment in silence to gather her things, placing them neatly in a tasteful black leather satchel that she slung over her right shoulder as she rose from her seat. She bowed her head gently towards Iris and smiled. "A pleasure speaking to you, Iris, sweetheart. I look forward to seeing you on our first mission of the year. Or are you perhaps going to the pool party this weekend? It would be wonderful to see you there, and I think it will be a great chance for the three of us to spend some time together and maybe meet some of the other students here proper too, don't you agree? In the meantime, I suppose Zane and I will have to find something to occupy ourselves with, won't we?"

    Iris wasn't looking forward to a pool party, and she had no plans to swim or enjoy the social aspect of it. She was just gonna bring sunblock, books and normal clothes to have a normal day reading and studying. Still peeved from earlier, she replied, "The feeling is not mutual. I'm not looking forward to spend time with anyone, let alone you two. I'll go, since I have to, but don't expect me to play your stupid games again. I'm not here for fun and games."

    "As you've made abundantly clear. Well, sorry to have bothered you. Violett, shall we go and let Iris here have a little alone time before the team gatherings?"

    The raven haired woman hooked her arm in Zane's and tugged at it gently, pulling him away from Iris. He made no attempt to resist. She turned to wave her free hand at Iris, who had already buried her face in her book, and gave not even a grunt in response as Violett spoke, her heels tapping playfully against the floor as she walked towards the doorway with Zane in tow. "Goodbye, darling. See you at the team meeting!"​

    Cersei Lannister

    Mad Queen
  • 1,266
    Ethersworn: The Vale Institute [M]
    Alice Winchester and Carson Welles

    The book in front of her could not have been more boring and the fact that she had to read it made this assignment even worse. Alice let out a heavy sigh before picking up her water bottle for a quick sip. Determination welled up inside of her and she noted to start another paragraph. She knew that this school wouldn't be easy but she hasn't known that some assignments would be this detrimental to her ability to stay awake.

    Brushing a stray strand of blonde hair out of her face, Alice put the book down and sighed again. She was not sure how she would get through this. Her eyes glanced around the library and she noticed another student stealing glances know her direction, which caused a blush to show in her cheeks. Attention was something she usually didn't seek but couldn't avoid, so she quickly buried her nose in the book again, hoping that their brief eye contact hadn't given the boy the idea to come over here.

    But of course it had. Considering that she was a beautiful young woman and she had locked eyes with an already infamous flirt, there wasn't a chance in the world that Carson wasn't going to introduce himself. Shutting the book he had been skimming through, the effeminate blonde made his way to where the girl was sitting. "Hi there! Must be an interesting book, with the way you're reading it so intensely."

    The blush intensified on Alice's cheeks to the point that she was as red as a fresh apple. Blue eyes peeked over the top of the book as she studied the boy. After running through many different possible responses silently in her head, she sighed again. "No, it's terrible..." Her eyes then quickly darted back downward to the book, hoping he'd just go away.

    "If it's so terrible then why read it?" Carson said with a chuckle, pulling up a chair across from the girl as he did. "Terrible books are meant to sit on the shelves, not to be read. At least that's what I think their purpose should be."

    "It's for an assignment." Alice marked her page and closed the book, getting the hint that the boy wasn't going to be so easily driven off. Quietly, she looked at him as she grew more curious to his intentions. Generally, she was not a rude person and she didn't want to be one now. She leaned a bit forward on the table as she stretched her arms out, "Not a pleasant one, either."

    "Ah well I suppose that's an acceptable reason to be reading a terrible book." He said with his signature smile. Noticing a rather tempting view in his peripheral vision, Carson kept his eyes locked with hers, avoiding any thoughts of looking any further down. "My name's Carson by the way, what about yourself?"

    Alice wasn't sure what was more uncomfortable, his eye contact or other boys seemingly talking to her chest. At times like this she just wanted to go hide, but she didn't want to be rude for no good reason. Besides, he was being very polite and it'd be awful to be anything but. "I'm Alice..."

    "Alice, that's a beautiful name fit for such a beautiful young woman such as yourself." Noticing the uncomfortable look on her face, Carson hesitated for a moment. The air between them filled with an awkward silence for a couple seconds before he cleared his throat and continued. "So, are you a freshman here as well or are have you been year a couple years?"

    "...Thank you." Alice shifted in her seat and then sat up straighter, trying to make some effort at having a normal conversation. With a quick note, she offered a small smile as well, "Yes, I was so excited to get invited as well. This is really my dream, I've been working at it almost as long as I can remember." As she raised her voice above the whisper, her southern accent revealed itself, "I've been training for this place for years." Almost as if she forgot, she quietly added, "And you?"

    Alice's southern drawl brought a smile to Carson's face, it seemed like Vale was chock full of cute girls with cute accents. "I'm the same as you, just got here myself. It's kinda strange to be attending a new school when I should be in my senior year of high school, but it is what it is. By the way, I love your accent! If you don't mind me asking, where are you from?"

    The compliment made Alice's cheeks burn once again but she managed to suppress the urge to hide it. "Thank you again... I'm from North Carolina. Near the coast." She decided that now would be the time for her to ask a question, so she did - albeit the same he had just asked. "Where are you from?"

    "Montana, born and raised." He grinned, happy at any chance to talk about his home state. "Montana has lots of mountain ranges, North Carolina has lots of mountain ranges... I think we should take this as a sign." The half-joking line made Carson chuckle

    Alice quickly picked up the book and stood up, pressing it to her chest as she mumbled, "What..." Her face was somehow even redder than before and she just looked down. She wasn't sure what else to say at the moment so she decided on nothing at all.

    Caught off guard by her sudden reaction, Carson also stood up, pressing his hands together in apology. "It was just a joke. Sorry my dear, I was just pulling your leg there, the last thing I wanted to do was make you uncomfortable." He sheepishly rubbed the back the of his head, trying to think of what to do next. It wasn't often that a girl reacted in such sever opposition to a flirtatious line. "Um... okay, Alice, you're an absolutely beautiful girl and you seem fantastic and I just wanted to get to know you better, and the way I often do that with is to make jokes and such. I truly, truly apologize if I made you uncomfortable there."

    Alice nodded her acceptance of his apology, offering him a small smile to let him know that she was alright. It just wasn't something she was good at dealing with when she barely knew someone. "It's okay, thanks..." Her voice was still low but she wasn't bright red anymore so there was some improvement.

    Her reassurance brought a genuine smile to Carson's face, but he still felt an embarrassment for making Alice so uncomfortable. He gave her an exaggerated bow, a final attempt to draw out a smile from her. "Here is where I'd usually ask for your number, but I don't think I've earned the right to do so today. I hope that I'll see you around Alice, but next time I'll try not to come off as so creepy." He gave her a quick salute, before leaving her alone at the table.

    Alice did feel a smile tugging on her lips at the bow and then offered a slight wave as he departed. She hadn't thought of him as creepy really, she just didn't know how to respond. With her book still firmly against her, she left the library as well, thinking it'd be a good time to go back to her room to be truly alone.

    * * *​

    Alice entered her empty room and tossed the book into her bed, which had simple red bed coverings. She tended to favor this color, not caring if it was stereotypical for a fire mage, and besides the only person that ever came in here besides her was her roommate. The two were content to not really even acknowledge each other's existence and honestly, Alice couldn't even recall the other girl's name. She still had some time to kill before lunch and she knew that going back to the library right now was out of the question.

    Hoping the gym would be sparsely populated at this time, the blonde changed into a pair of black yoga pants and a red tank top - ideal for exercise. She tied up her hair into a tight tail and opened her dresser drawer to grab her tape, quickly wrapping it around her palms in a practiced manner.

    She had developed two specific mindsets - the calm and controlled girl people knew and the explosive fire mage underneath. Calm Alice preferred meditation music and yoga, but there were times when she simply needed to let go and now was one of those times. She wasn't angry at all over the situation with Carson, but over the past few weeks the desire to let loose had been building inside of her. Knowing that if she did not acknowledge this, she would be more likely to have a lapse in temper, which was something that she'd prefer to avoid.

    As she arrived at the gym, Alice noted the few students working on their routines at the exercise equipment but the boxing gear was not in use. A small smile grew on her lips as she approached it, thinking of how many different ways she could strike. After a deep breath, she assumed position and struck, feeling the resistance of the bag before hitting it once again, this time with her other fist. A powerful left kick followed and she knew she was now in the zone, unleashing her fury onto her target, imagining it being the hateful bastards who had teased her over the years.

    This went on for a good thirty minutes before she was completely exhausted and she leaned against the bag, letting the sweat pour down her brow. That's what she noticed she had a spectator, a boy, looked to be around her age or maybe a little younger. His mouth was agape, but then he quickly turned around and walked off, not saying a word. This made Alice wonder what exactly had caught his attention - was it the quiet girl beating the stuffing out of the equipment or was it simply her figure? Chasing after him to ask was out of the question, but she knew it'd bother her for a while. Maybe I'll ask him… if he brings it up. As she left the gym, she grabbed a towel and dried the sweat off of her face before heading back to her dorm room for a quick shower before lunch.

    Last edited:


    Me but more fabulous
  • 359

    Iris, Violett, Lauren & Lily

    After getting Violett and Zane out of her head, and promising to read only the last page she left off on, Iris sighed before getting back into her own pace, pushing away the emotions lurking just beneath the surface when the duo kept asking about her family. She really didn't have much time to read, much to her disappointment, and quickly packed up her things, putting the book away and picking up her weapons.

    Heading to the cafeteria, hungry and in need of food to help her get through another irritating encounter with Violett and with two other girls Iris didn't know, Iris promptly got to a place in line for some lunch. Getting the cafeteria food, much better quality than whatever they served at Iris' old high school, she scanned her surroundings for the team, hoping to notice Violett without prompting another pleasant conversation.

    After searching through the crowd, she indeed spied a raven-haired woman, seemingly at ease and comfortable in the company of two equally dark-haired twin girls. Iris walked reluctantly towards them, mentally preparing herself for her games to begin anew.

    However, she didn't seem to have any. Accompanied by a wave from one of the twins, Violett gave Iris a smile that didn't feel even the slightest bit malicious as she sat across the buxom fire mage, and welcomed the blonde to their table with an unusual warmness.

    "Nice to meet you." The twin with jade eyes beamed next to her, practically infecting Iris with a smile in return, but she refused to succumb to this girl's pleasantries. Did Violett fall victim to their charm? She sure hoped so.

    Iris merely gave a token wave back with the same disinterested look on her face as always. Even if Iris wasn't in the best of moods at the moment, her ice would have still remained, destined to clash with the cheery looking twins. Their presentation made her want to smile, but there was nothing more to it. She started to dig into her food without engaging in conversation, clearly intent to dodge the niceties.

    "Are you that hungry that you can't say hello?~" her neighbor chimed. Iris took a brief glance at Violett, who looked to be enjoying this for some reason. Probably because Iris was suffering even without her interference. Still, she shut up, at least. "You're Iris, right? Lily. Violett told us a lot about you."

    "Yes, I am." She gave the quick confirmation without much warmth or investment. Still fairly early into her meal, Iris pulled out her business book and binder from her bag, hoping to do some reading before the strategy came in. Iris was stubborn. She didn't need to know these people, really. Iris just needed them to help strategize a team effort, no matter how helpful knowing them may have been.

    Lily's twin sister gave her a brief scolding about bothering Iris when she'd just sat down, using a surprisingly gentle voice for a reprimand. Still, while she didn't actually say much before returning to her previous conversation, Lily openly gave up on trying to pry. For now.

    "Violett, you said something about heat barriers?"

    She smiled and nodded. "Yes, I can use my fire magic to heat up air at a distance. Trying to force your way through my barriers would be exceptionally painful, even to an etherspawn, so if need be I can use it to isolate areas and guide our target wherever we need it to go, or simply protect myself and my companions by interposing it between ourselves and it. It also distorts the air quite well. I can see through it perfectly thanks to my magic, but it can be used to mask our presence if we need it. It's not quite invisibility, but I should be able to shield our entire team from view should we need to be subtle."

    The girl to whom she was speaking listened rather intently, processing the explanation with a silent smile. "I'd love to see," she noted.

    "Well, we have plenty of time before we're needed anywhere, don't we? I see no harm in a small demonstration if you'd like, and in turn I might get the chance to see some of your magic in action? I'd be very interested in a chance to see all three of you in practice, in fact."

    "I'll pass," Iris muttered. The twins exchanged a look, and Lily offered to stay behind with her.

    Violett slowly rose from her seat. "Well, I won't force you. Although, Lauren, if you're still interested, then I would be happy to show you a little of what I know."

    "Of course," Lauren replied. She stood from her seat with Violett, and added, "We'll be back in a few minutes, then."

    After the two of them left the cafeteria, Lily turned to Iris once more. "Is this better?"

    "Not particularly. I usually prefer to read and eat alone, but apparently, I just need to bond with the team." In Iris' perspective, she saw it as unnecessary and very gruelling, as well as defeating the purpose, of being strong without the need of another. If Iris got through the last three years fine, without so much as the pity of others, and was able to be successful, why should she stop now?

    "Is it a bad thing to bond?" Head cocked to the side, Lily looked genuinely confused, and she was annoyingly more insightful than Iris originally expected. "It's important to have some trust for people who are risking their lives for each other, right?"

    Iris paused before returning to her original state of mind, "I have done things solo, and it has not let me down yet. It is the way I have done things, and yet I am here at the most prestigious magic school in the US. I didn't need anyone..." She tried to avoid looking at the contagiously cheerful girl. And she's too persistent.

    "Maybe at your old school you didn't, but here you will." Lily got uncomfortably close to Iris' face, her smile turned to pursed lips as she drew her attention.

    Iris reeled back and yelled, "What the hell's wrong with you?!"

    "We're worried about you. Lauren and me. We've seen what we're up against."

    "I'm fine. You don't have to worry about me. Why are you so concerned anyways? It's not like I'm not capable. Why else would I be here?" Admittedly, though, Iris really didn't have much of an idea of what kind of monsters there were on the Isles, or even the environment. Iris gave up with an exasperated sigh, and said, "I guess it wouldn't kill me to talk a little."

    Outside of the cafeteria, Lauren and Violett had found a small corner of the yard that they could spend together in quiet. Soft grass was underfoot, with the stone walls of the academy on one side and a small row of bushes along the other. Violett stood in the centre of the small area, while Lauren watched intrigued from the sidelines, resting on a bench that sat near the bushes. The woman took a slow, deep breath, inhaled then exhaled, before inhaling again, and slowly raising her arm to bring it across. She turned with her motion, and Lauren suddenly felt a fierce, intense heat from where Violett stood, and the air began to shimmer around her.

    She turned swifter, facing Lauren for a moment before the latter was forced to shield her eyes lest they feel like they be burned just from looking at her new teammate. Eventually she forced her eyes to open again, and Violett was gone, only a faintly shimmering spot in the air before her, radiating an intense heat.

    Lauren's response was surprisingly prompt, tilting her head to the side to see Violett leaning over the back of the bench. "You're rather quick, too. That's good to know."

    "I'm rarely one for using brute force, darling." Violett's smile turned a little wider as she raised one hand, pointed towards where the air softly shimmered and clenched her fist, collapsing the area of magic into a small sphere which, when she tightened her hand again, erupted into a tiny, roaring ball of flame like a miniature sun, flames flickering and dancing off of the surface of the orb. The only thing that kept it from erupting outwards was the thin but remarkably resilient barrier of heated area that Violett kept around it. "Not to say I don't have the potential."

    Her hand relaxed and her arm fell back down to rest against the back of the bench. The spell faded soon after, flames dying until they were little more than a soft candlelight, and then dying altogether. The air shimmed one last time and then faded, and a cool, comfortable breeze wafted back towards them, though Violett's fire reflected in Lauren's eyes for a moment more than it lasted in the air, a golden shimmer tracing her iris.

    "I think I get it now. You've been really helpful, Violett."

    "You flatter too much, hon. But while we're out here, why not give me a taste, too? I haven't a clue what kind of element you control, and I would love to see how you handle yourself."

    "Sure thing," Lauren answered. Violett blinked, and when she opened her eyes Lauren was no longer near the bench. Instead, she was standing where Violett was a moment ago. She tapped her chin, as if thinking what to do, and after a moment summoned an exceptionally tall glaive into her hand. She tapped the butt of the shaft against the ground a few times, and pitch-black smoke blanketed a large area around the two of them. No sight, no sound; everything except her sense of touch was malfunctioning. Violett tried to look around, but keeping her hands on the bench was the most she could do to stave off being disoriented by sensory deprivation. Closing her eyes felt especially farcical at this point, but Violett did it anyway until she heard a reassuring call to open them once more.

    "... coming up from the ground, maybe make some field hazards and trip 'em up. What do you think of it being used that way?" She breathed, giving Lily a chance to respond. Iris couldn't help but notice how she had been coaxed into a conversation, and was not disliking it. But she wasn't enjoying it. Honest. Talking about powers brought a sense of pride to Iris, though. Iris still had a stoic, if less cold and hostile, countenance. Unfortunately, it was failing her, and it was made abundantly clear to Lily that it was quite an effort for her to keep.

    "We're back!" Lauren spoke over the cries of cafeteria patrons as she and Violett returned to the table. "Did we make you wait long?"

    And it's back. The blonde earth mage immediately stopped the conversation that she was having with Lily. She didn't want to show the other two that she'd given in to her overwhelming concern and optimism, however overwhelming it may have been. So, she gave a more customary stare, hoping that they would leave her be. It seemed kinda futile and deluded, however, to expect that she would be let off so easily.

    Fortunately, Lily relieved some of her stress and answered. "Not really. Hope you two had fun."

    "Oh, certainly," Violett replied. "Lauren's magic is quite... impressive, and it was lovely opportunity to experience something so new to even myself. What about you two? We hope you weren't too bored in our absence."

    Iris replied, "We're fine, I guess. All things considered."

    "Oh, do cheer up, petal. We're a team, after all, and it's all been quite pleasant so far." Violett settled back down in her seat, pulling out a small black leather bound planner and a decorative black fountain pen from her bag and thumbing forward to this week. "So, we have a few days before our mission, and plenty we need to learn about each other in that time. I think the four of us would benefit greatly if we organised a date to meet up again and practice our magic properly, if not once then twice before we leave. After all, we will be fighting something that could potentially be quite dangerous, and I'm sure we would all much prefer to stay as far away from the school hospital ward as possible, as darling as it would be to be visited by you lovely ladies dolled up as nurses." She made sure to punctuate her statement with a playful grin.

    Iris merely looked with her perpetual icy face and said, "Whatever. So, we're almost done here, yes?" The tone of her voice made her stand out as a contrast to the other three, who were obviously enjoying each other's company. Not like she wasn't enjoying Lily's company, but she couldn't let them know that.

    "Please, Iris, dear, try to take this a little bit more seriously. I would like nothing more than our first mission of the year to go well, and that relies on us functioning as a team, but..." She sighed, and, for perhaps the first time, Iris saw Violett attempt to hold her tongue. "Fine, leave if you must. We'll see you on the mission."

    Before she could get up, Iris saw Lily's warm, inviting smile encouraging her to stay. Conflicted, but giving in once more to unrelenting positivity and warm feedback, she looked away shyly and mumbled, "I'll stay." At least Lily seemed happy about her decision. Iris turned back to Violett and asked, "What suddenly made you so serious about this?"

    "About this? I never stopped being serious about our mission, sweetheart."

    "You sure act different when your boyfriend is around."

    "Oh, bless your adorable little heart. I don't have a boyfriend."

    Iris narrowed her eyes at the patronizing remark, "Then what the hell was that lovey-dovey crap I heard with you and Zane?"

    "Oh, him? I'd hardly call him a friend, let alone a boyfriend. You've no idea how difficult it is to put up with him when he acts like a spoiled, petulant child. Be thankful you don't have to. But must we really discuss this now? You've made it abundantly clear you'd rather not be here, and if that's the case I'd like to get this organised as quickly as possible."

    Iris sighed at Violett's remarks, unable to argue with at least Violett's assessment of him. "No, no, I'll stay." Iris looked to Lily for encouragement, and felt a flash of nostalgia. "It's...not so bad, I guess."

    Lily must have greatly liked that, because she quickly wrapped her arms around Iris' shoulders with a cheer. Hug her back! No. Iris' instinct conflicted with her thoughts, but she managed to muster, "Get off me!" before she continued falling harder into Lily's unbridled joy.

    A warmer smile crossed Violett's face unlike her usual teasing smirks as she watched the two girls, but she took care to hide that away. The raven haired woman cleared her throat as Lily finally let go of her victim. "Now, now, that's all very lovely, but we have some practice sessions to organise, don't we? I have a feeling that the four of us will work together just splendidly."

    Ethersworn: The Vale Institute [M]
    Ethersworn: The Vale Institute [M]
    Ethersworn: The Vale Institute [M]


    Believe in the you that believes in cheese
  • 1,319

    Team Flex and Nasrin: A Rocky Start
    Featuring Bruno!

    Vale's cafeteria was abuzz with people gathering and filling tables with greetings, introductions as all the teams gathered, some for the first time. One of the tables was still mostly empty, occupied only by a curly-haired blond boy kicking his legs underneath and humming to himself, occasionally interspersed with lyrics. Although quite good about never being late to anything, Jack Marrick wasn't at all used to being the first, and he was surprised not to have seen any of his teammates yet. But of course, things never last, and the first person that came into view was none other than his favorite light mage, Zane. The arrogant heir wore a grin of pure satisfaction, no doubt the result of some recent personal affair. As he neared the table Jack was seated at, he briskly waved his hand in greeting before finally arriving and taking a seat across from Jack.

    "Guess we're teammates, eh, Jack?"

    Jack broke off from his singing and muttering at the sight of Zane, but his bored expression became a smile by way of greeting. "Seems that way." He answered. "But what's taking everyone so long? Most of the other teams are already gathered, and I've been here for five minutes myself."

    Having just said her goodbye to the twins, Nasrin was wandering the cafeteria in search of her own teammates. Among the crowded tables, it didn't take long for Nasrin to find one barely occupied. So far two guys were sitting there, and while not familiar with Western names, the names of her teammates all sounded male aside from hers. She made her way over, dropping her books down on the table and letting her staff come to a leaning rest against it. "Hi," she spoke up. "I'm Nasrin. You guys are..." The Iranian girl paused for a moment, trying to bring the names back to memory. "Zack, Jake, Domingo?" While unsure of her guesses, her voice feigned confidence.

    "Nice to see you, Nasrin!" Jack greeted her, beaming despite her mistake. "Actually, it's 'Jack', and this fella here is 'Zane,' but that's alright, you'll have time to get them down during the mission, right?" His smile stayed strong as he stood up and held his hand out to shake Nasrin's, since unlike with Zane they hadn't met beforehand.

    "Oh, sorry," she replied, looking towards both of them and returning a smile. "The names were not as memorable as that other one, but I will try to remember them well," she said offhandedly. Nasrin reached out to return Jack's handshake. It was an act she was unaccustomed to, and it felt awkward trying to grasp a hand larger than hers.

    One of Jack's eyebrows raised at the word 'memorable,' but it quickly sank back down to normal and he gladly shook Nasrin's hand, softly since she didn't seem completely comfortable. He kept it short and sat back down afterward and began scanning the room again. "Anyone seen 'Domingo' I think it was? He's the last one missing, though I guess there's no reason we can't just chat until he shows up. It's not like we're going on the mission now."

    Without warning, a stack of textbooks fell onto the group's table with a loud thump. Next to them was Domingo, who looked at his teammates with a tired look on his face. He tried to smile, but it was a half-hearted attempt. He started to pull up a chair before stopping abruptly, his eyes snapping back over to Jack. "No f*****g way, it's you!" Suddenly excitement filled Domingo as he put his hands on the table and leaned in."You're the guy from the assembly! You made that rock come to life, and it f*****g danced around and all that s**t! Man, that was so cool. You have to teach me that someday!"

    Jack's eyes widened in shock at the large guy's enthusiasm and he found himself leaning away from him a bit, then realization dawned in his eyes. "Oh, I remember seeing you at the assembly too. You're-" The scary thug looking guy "- huge! So you liked that, huh? I'm glad to hear someone appreciated Bruno, he is pretty amazing. Wanna hear something even more interesting? All I did was make it so he could move, he got the idea to dance on his own." At that moment there was a very slight rustling as something moved in Jack's pocket, but he quickly covered it with his hand and ignored it.

    "How does that even work?" Domingo asked as he sat down. "Do you have to give him a little brain or something?" He looked back at his other teammates again, this time looking a bit more lively. "Oh s**t, almost forgot. I'm Domingo. So who's who? And aren't we supposed to have a supervisor? Where are they?"

    A little more than perturbed by Domingo's grim appearance, Zane tried to focus on the task at hand. "The blondy over there is Jack, she's Nasrin and I'm Zane. From what I've heard, we won't actually meet our supervisor until the actual mission, and these little meetings are more for team chemistry, strategic planning and the like." And yet, for some reason, he couldn't help but feel like he was being watched. An unsettling and all too familiar feeling. "So, since we're all here, should we do some introductions? Get to know each other?"

    "Okay, I will go first!" Nasrin grabbed her staff and displayed it on the table. "I'm an air mage. This is my weapon, I think? I can shoot bombs and help you breathe." Nasrin conveniently left out the personal details, the topic of magic being first and foremost on her mind. "Ahh, did I do it right? I'm not too familiar with what goes in introductions."

    "Seems like a fine introduction to me!" Jack assured her. "I love air magic, I can't wait to see you use it."

    "Yeah, I can't wait for you to help me breathe. Sounds exhilarating. So, back on topic. My name's Zane Emerson, and I'm the heir to Emerson Electrical Enterprises, which is a multibillion dollar hydroelectrical company. A little about me... huh. I guess the most important thing is I'm a light mage specializing in hardlight constructs and long range attacks. My weapon of choice is a modified handgun," he said, placing the triggerless gun on the table. Domingo grit his teeth at the sight of the weapon, though he tried not to let it show. "Made to shoot small bullets of hardlight at light speed. Oh, and I guess I can sorta teleport short distances. Hmm, as far as hobbies are concerned, I'm a die hard fan of music, if you couldn't tell by the headphones, love to play phone games and my favorite sport is soccer. I'd keep going, but I don't want to bore you with my life story, you know?"

    "Hey, hold on," Domingo interrupted before the next introduction started. He had seemed rather fascinated with Zane's introduction until then. "What the f**k do you mean 'hard light'? I thought you couldn't even touch it."

    "Well, yeah, normal light you can't. Here," he said, fabricating a baseball-sized sphere of translucent green hardlight, rolling the ball towards Domingo. "This is hardlight. Solid, like a rock, but doesn't play by the rules of traditional matter, seeing how it can still move at the speed of light if I want it to. And believe me, this stuff hits harder than any bullet you've ever seen."

    Domingo frowned at Zane's last few words, but he tried to shove it out of his mind as he picked up the hardlight ball. He rolled it around in his hands, shook it, and knocked at it a few times. As he fiddled with it, his mood seemed to improve a bit. "I don't really get it, but it sounds like some pretty cool s**t!"

    "Any more questions?"

    Nasrin raised her hand. Although she hadn't been the one to ask, seeing the ball piqued her interest in Zane's other capabilities. "Can you show us the teleporting thing?" she asked, her excitement showing clear as day.

    "Sure, but it's nothing too impressive." He stood up from his chair, mentally measuring the distance between him and Jack. In the blink of an eye, Zane flashed behind Jack, quickly turning around and leaning on Jack's chair for showmanship. "Satisfied?"

    "Ooh" Nasrin stared in awe, clapping enthusiastically at the short performance. "Very much so." Domingo joined in the applause, equally amazed by Zane's abilities.

    "I'll go next, I guess," announced Domingo. He got up from his seat and dropped his massive gloves onto the table to display them. The thud they made when they landed had Domingo afraid he might break the table for a moment, but it held together and he continued with his introduction. "I'm an earth mage. My powers aren't as cool as Jack's or Zane's, but they're still good in a fight. I can turn my body into different metals and dig underground. I can also sense things around me using the earth, so it's easy to dig under an enemy safely and take 'em down with these things." He patted his oversized weapons before continuing. "I'm not too smart though, so I'll leave all the strategy and complicated s**t to you guys."

    "Duly noted, Domingo. Well," Zane said, still leaning over Jack. "Isn't it about time for you to share, Jack? Or are you feeling shy for once?"

    Jack had been leaning back and bouncing a foot under the table, and when Zane addressed him, he almost looked surprised. "Hm? Oh, right!" He stood back up and smiled at the rest of his team. "I'm an earth mage like Domingo, and I'm mostly good at making things." As an example, Jack swirled his fingers and particles began to gather together from the air, ground, and objects around them until it formed a perfect metal facsimile of a rose, which then floated daintily over to Nasrin. "I've spent most of my life around weapons and a forge, so I know a fair bit about them, and I'm pretty good with architecture and structural knowledge, I also like to make golems, one of which Domingo has already seen, it seems." Next he merely held his right hand out, palm open and an ornate hand-and-a-half longsword appeared much the same way as the rose had, but the particles combining together let off an ethereal blue light this time. A kite shield with a spade on it also materialized, already strapped to Jack's left forearm, and there was even a belt and sheath for his sword, though it seemed redundant when factoring in the way he summoned it. "And these are my main weapons, they don't have names yet, because they aren't finished." He spread his arms a bit so they could see the sword and shield at a good angle, but at that moment his pocket wriggled again and Bruno crawled out, climbing up Jack's leg and hopping up onto the table. The sprout on Bruno's head had finally died off, and with his spartan helmet once again adorning his visage, all of Bruno's confidence was back and he promptly began dancing on the table, loving that he had an audience. Jack let out an exaggerated sigh that died into a light chuckle. "And uh, that's Bruno. My magnum opus, as it were."

    Domingo watched Jack's demonstration in awe, mesmerized by his intricate creations. However, it was when Bruno made his entrance that he became really excited. "It's him!" He gestured toward Zane and Nasrin like a kid showing the latest object of his interest to his parents. "That's the rock dude from before! See? He's actually f*****g alive!"

    Meanwhile, in contrast to his excitement, Nasrin's face slightly wrinkled. She took the flower with a forced smile and then placed it front of Domingo. "Maybe that is meant for you." The two already seemed to have a nice mood going on from earlier. While the flower wasn't to her liking, Nasrin did find the little rock guy cute. Without much thought, she reached out to pet Bruno.

    Zane couldn't help but laugh a bit under his breath, doing his best to prevent it from becoming a boisterous affair. "Yes," he said with a massive grin. "I'm sure it's for Domingo. Jack, I didn't know you were so forward."

    "It's for whoever wants it." Jack shrugged. "You already let him play with your ball, so I thought Nasrin might like a gift of her own."

    "And I'm sure you can't wait until he plays with your rose. But for now, maybe we focus on the reason we're here?"

    "Aren't we here to meet and get to know each other? Making something seemed a good way to show something I can do with my magic, and I like flowers."

    "I'm pretty sure it was for you," Domingo told Nasrin, "but s**t, if you don't want it I'll keep it anyway." He absentmindedly pulled out Iris' diamond flower to compare to Jack's.

    "It is not like I do not appreciate the sentiment," she said, sort of apologizing to Jack. She continued to pet Bruno, but then her attention was captured by the much prettier flower Domingo had taken out. "Did you make that?"

    "Hm?" Domingo glanced at Nasrin after being pulled from his thoughts. "Nah man, I can't make anything like this. A girl named Iris gave it to me. Blonde, pale, kinda b****y but not too bad. Pretty nice, huh?" He held it out towards her in case she wanted to see while looking at Jack's flower more closely himself.

    Zane laughed, "No way, Iris made that? Who'd have thought she'd have it in her to make something even remotely graceful. Best I can do, I suppose if we're talking jewelry and trinkets, is something like this," and in the same breath, he crafted a multifaceted gem of hardlight, with varying colors of the spectrum flowing through the construct like rippling water. Afterward, he placed the facsimile of a jewel in middle of the table. "Nothing too fancy, sadly. Don't really have a model to work with."

    "Wow, that really is amazing," Jack muttered to himself while he leaned in to look closely at the diamond flower. "Reminds me of Morgan." Then his gaze shifted to the hardlight construct and he sounded equally impressed. "What lovely colors, it's magnificent. Maybe I should try that with the pigments in metal...or even ether..."

    "Whoa, holy s**t," was all Domingo could say at the sight of it. Seeing all the intricate creations in front of him, Domingo got curious as to his own abilities. He reached into his pockets to see if there was anything he could use and found there was still some sand left in his hoodie, even after washing it. He gathered it in one of his hands and clutched his fist, leaving a crude rock in the middle. Domingo held it out in front of him and attempted to at least shape it into something more smooth and clean, but he used too much force and instead broke it into pieces. He put the rubble back into his pocket and said, "Nope, f**k this s**t." He sighed and turned to Zane. "So you know Iris, too? Do you know if there's some place she usually hangs out? My friend wanted to find her and I don't have her number or anything."

    Zane tried to ignore Domingo's failed attempt at crafting, of course being unable to ignore the imposing figure's explicit language. He was more than a little shocked, though, to be questioned about Iris of all people, a person who, in his opinion, wasn't really worth the effort to deal with. "Yeah, I know her, but only a little bit. Can't really say where she likes to hang out, but something tells me she's the kind of person who'd waste her life away in the library. Other than that, can't really say."

    Domingo shrugged. "Well, thanks anyway. I gotta go to the library later to see if I can understand all the stupid f*****g s**t from class better, so I'll just keep an eye out for her."

    Nasrin observed Domingo with great puzzlement as he spoke, taking her eyes off the colorful gem and the diamond flower. She hadn't paid much mind to his rough appearance and still didn't, but something else was provoking Nasrin's curiosity. Turning to Jack and Zane, she asked with a genuine eagerness, "Is it this common to curse so often in the English language? It is even more times than my mother while angered."

    "The f**k are you talking about?" Domingo stared blankly at Nasrin as he thought back over his word choice throughout the meeting, then furrowed his brow. "Fu-" he started, before cutting himself off. "Shi-... Urghhh…" He covered his face with his hand in embarrassment. "This is how everyone talked back, uh, where I came from. I guess I got a bit too used to it, you know?" He paused to think for a moment before adding, "But it's not like it's hurting anyone, right?"

    Bemused by Domingo's attempts to reel in his language, Zane shrugged. "I wouldn't say it hurts anybody, but it's not as if we can't speak like civilized people, right?"

    Pulling back in surprise, Nasrin wondered whether Domingo meant any hostility in his reply. She thought his voice sounded tense, but the physical distance between them remained the same. For a moment, Nasrin made an agitated face, unaware of how or why Domingo appeared offended by her seemingly harmless inquiry. But before any further discord could come of it, Nasrin's tension vanished. She broke into a fit of a laughter, despite trying her best to subdue it. Witnessing this rough looking individual show their flustered side was really too much for the Iranian girl to handle. "Oh, not at all," she replied, giggling between her words. "It is wonderful, even. In a country like America, loose language seems the most appropriate." Looking towards Zane, Nasrin struggled to keep a straight face. "What is uncivilized about it?"

    Nearly raising an eyebrow due to Nasrin's naivety towards the English language, Zane merely smiled and replied, "Using such language is considered crass by most, something reserved for those of lower... status. Like I said, there's nothing wrong with it, per se, but isn't it nice to strive for a higher standard?"

    "We're all shaped by how we grow up, at least to a point, right?" Jack cut in, his welcoming smile having returned. "People always adapt, in time Domingo will start speaking with less coarse language if he's around the rest of us. Until then, I won't be bothered if he doesn't mean anything particularly harsh by it, he seems like an alright sort to me. Actually, you all do, so far! I'm really looking forward to our mission, it's all so exciting!"

    "Right... So, speaking of the mission, shouldn't we plan a little? I mean, I know we don't exactly know what we're fighting, but we should probably at least figure out a base strategy of how we want to fight. Stuff like what kind of formation we should use, combat roles, et cetera. Thoughts?"

    Jack sat in thought for a moment before answering. His first thought on the matter seemed pretty basic and obvious, but it still seemed prudent to consider before blurting it out. "At the very least it seems sensible for Domingo and I to be in front, duking it out with those ether monsters. He's huge and sounds like he's great at punching. I'm decently strong, and more importantly, I have a shield tough enough that if anything we face out there can break it...we're probably screwed anyways. That, and any party I'm in comes with two free bouncers."

    "Me and Zane in the back, then?" Nasrin followed up, managing to regain her composure thanks to the shift in conversation. "If these monsters," she seemed unsure if the word and what she pictured in her mind was correct, "break through, there are ways to handle it. I think I have a certain ability that can be useful in such a situation. May I demonstrate on someone?"

    Domingo stood up instantly, excited for the opportunity to see more interesting powers, but before he spoke up it occurred to him that whatever Nasrin planned to do was intended for the monsters. His eager expression changed to an unsure one, and he warily asked, "What, uh, what exactly are you gonna do anyway?"

    "I am going to manipulate air pressure," Nasrin answered, taking a moment to size up Domingo. "I have practiced on people before, unknowingly, but it has been awhile since the last time. If you feel pain at all, speak up." She stood up and took a deep breath. Nasrin reached her right arm towards Domingo and balled her hand into a fist. "Try moving," said Nasrin, trying not to lose concentration.

    Domingo didn't really understand what Nasrin was going to be doing, but he did as she said anyway. He tried moving his arm, but while he felt his muscles exerting force he couldn't move. "W-whoa," he gasped, barely even being able to open his mouth to speak. He put in more of his strength, and managed to make his fingers twitch a bit.

    Impressive as the power was, being unable to move was beginning to make him feel very, very nervous. "Nnngh!" He began to struggle against the binding with all of his strength, grunting as if it would grant him more power. It felt like he had massive weights strapped all across his body, but he was finally managing to move, even if it was slowly.

    "Ooh," Nasrin whispered, in awe. Seeing someone move against her exertion for the first time was new, and very impressive. But her slight display of amazement came at the cost of her concentration.

    Domingo began to feel light-headed, and his stomach began to churn. He could feel his breathing become ragged as his heart rate increased. Through grit teeth, he shouted, "Okay, you can... f*****g stop now!" Amid his physical discomfort, fear, and to a greater extent anger was beginning to fill his expression.

    Nasrin's eyes widened and the girl released her grip immediately. Seeing the look in his eyes and the rhythm of his breathing, she swiftly decreased the air pressure in the general area, directing the flow and making it easier for Domingo to catch his breath. "Sorry," Nasrin muttered, barely audible. Her face felt hot with embarrassment.

    "You could have f*****g told me-" he began yelling at Nasrin, clearly not very happy, but once he saw her face he seemed to falter.

    "That was really impressive!" Jack exclaimed. "It's hard to imagine anything stopping a guy Domingo's size... But I guess we are going to be fighting monsters. Mages are stronger than regular people anyways though, so Domingo must be tough as all get-out. I'm just glad you didn't take it too far, really good work Nasrin. And Domingo, that was brave of you to be the target for her example."

    Domingo listened to Jack and forced himself to abandon his outburst, gritting his teeth and clenching his fists as he fought the urge. After taking a few moments to catch his breath, which was all it took thanks to Nasrin's abilities, he spoke up again, firmly but a bit more softly this time. "Be more careful next time."

    A little disconcerted by the demonstration gone awry, Zane was more than apprehensive towards his squad's teamwork going forward. "Wonderful, as long as you can make sure that whatever that spell is doesn't hit one of us at full power, I'm sure we'll be fine. I just hope the heat of the moment doesn't affect your abilities, or else the etherspawn will be the least of our worries."

    Jack shrugged, oblivious to the fact that Bruno had vacated the table and was now dancing unabashedly on his shoulder. "That's not going to happen, Nasrin didn't get invited to Vale by being incompetent, have a little faith. It must take impressive precision to even use such a spell in the first place." He leaned back again in his chair before addressing everyone. "Domingo and I can easily bash in anything with that spell slowing it down, and Zane can make Swiss-cheese out of them. And if any etherspawn do make it past the big guy and me, it'll have to deal with Billy or Bojangles before it can get to either of you."

    "Wait..." Zane paused, a bit dumbfounded at the logic he was hearing. "Are you suggesting using the golems as backup and not the frontline? What happens if for some reason you get knocked out, then we're out three defenders instead of one or two. See the problem with that idea?"

    "Hm?" Jack questioned, raising an eyebrow at Zane as if he was talking nonsense. "Billy and Bojangles wouldn't fall apart without me, they don't have abandonment issues."

    "You're trying to tell me that all of your golems are independent of your conscious? Have you even tested that out, 'cause that's pretty hard to believe."

    "Well..." Jack sat up straight and began to genuinely think on the matter to make sure he wasn't just being silly. "Billy and Bojangles aren't genuinely alive and sentient like Bruno... but my dad used to tell me they'd keep helping out around the forge if I took a nap while we were working... But I also remember waking up feeling like I hadn't really gotten much rest throughout it all. As long as I'm...still alive I think they can keep working, but I can't give them orders if I'm not conscious, so I assume they become more like what you'd typically think of a golem out of mythology. Y'know, mindlessly working at a single task, like a magical robot."

    A bit surprised at Jack's revelation, Zane was still confident in his own reasoning. "Wouldn't that mean it'd still be better for them to frontline? At least then you'd have full control over their movements with a decreased risk to yourself. I mean, isn't it reasonable to want to have everyone, including your golems, at full capacity?"

    Jack nodded and at that moment, finally noticed Bruno on his shoulder. With a wave of his fingers, the little sentient doll floated off of his shoulder and began to twist, contort, and otherwise move around in the air, much to Bruno's silent distress. "Oh, of course, they'll definitely be up front with us. But if the two of you come under attack, they'll break away from Domingo and I if they can afford to, and protect you. Repairing my golems is a fairly simple matter, so they'll make good shields if all else fails. Better they take a beating than any of us. If I really need to, I can make sure they don't need me for a bit but...I'd prefer not to if I have a choice."

    Listening along to the conversation regarding Jack's golems, Nasrin felt glad her blunder was a topic of discussion for only a brief moment. She settled back down in her seat, at ease now, the lack of injury to Domingo also helping in that regard.

    "If the golems engage," Nasrin chimed in, "I will not have to worry about my aim." She hoisted her staff onto her shoulders, imitating a shot. Incidentally, the large, firing end was pointed in Zane's direction. "Just kidding," she grinned, as if she had not just nearly injured a teammate. "I have good aim!" After a pause, Nasrin continued, contributing something useful to the conversation. "It is also possible to begin the fight with this." She motioned to her staff. "I should be able to stun these monsters, or at least distract them."

    Completely displeased by Nasrin's jokingly harmless threat, Zane was more than a little ready to snap back at the casual mood his teammate was displaying. "That's all fine and well, and I'm sure we'll see when we get there, but if you point that thing at me again, I'll make sure you don't make that mistake a third time." He smiled as innocently as he could muster, full well knowing that he had replied with a much more serious threat.

    "A mistake?" Nasrin frowned, tilting her head in confusion. Taking one look at her staff, then at Zane, she grasped the situation. Normally, Nasrin left such incidents with a shallow apology, but his tone and smile annoyed the air mage. She removed her hands, the staff floating back behind her, before asking with dismissive eyes, "You talked of speaking civilized earlier and then resort to threats of violence over a trivial accident?"

    He laughed, "Don't worry, it wasn't a threat, just a promise. After all, I can't go around letting people point weapons at me without at least being so courteous as to warn them about what will happen if such an incident were to occur again. It just wouldn't be very gentlemanly to act without a proper heads up."

    "Hey, how much longer is this meeting gonna take?" Domingo interrupted loudly, irritation apparent on his face.

    At Domingo's words, Jack couldn't stay quiet any longer and stood all the way up abruptly, still smiling amicably at the rest of his team. "Well, this is just a chance to get to know each other, right? Break bread and all that tosh? So really we can walk away anytime we want. I think we've got a good enough grasp on each other's abilities and a [i[basic[/i] battle plan, no need for a more direct demonstration. It was nice meeting you, Nasrin, Domingo. Zane, it's always fun when we run into each other, I think it's about time I took care of a few things before class." He waved off the situation as best he could, getting ready to leave and trying to cool everyone down while he hoped nobody noticed his accent thickening.

    Zane followed Jack's lead by standing up, more than ready to take his leave. "Yeah, I think I'll be heading out first. Jack, likewise, it was good to see you. Nasrin, Domingo, it was a pleasure meeting you both, and I can't wait to see how things go on our mission." And with little more than a halfhearted wave to his team, Zane walked off towards the halls, placing his headphones over his ears while pulling his phone out to play music.

    Nasrin blew out a visible puff, her eyes rolling. She got up to leave as well, turning to Jack and Domingo with a smile. "Bye. See you guys around."

    Domingo waved at his teammates wordlessly as they left. After a long sigh, he flipped open one of his textbooks and started on another grueling study session. He only looked at his book for a few seconds before looking back over to Jack and asking in a worried tone, "Hey man, do you think we're really gonna be okay?"

    Jack's smile widened a bit at Nasrin's own smile, and he was more than glad to wave back at her as she left. "See you later." His expression turned a bit more somber at Domingo's question, and without Zane around he allowed himself an exasperated sigh. "It is kinda scary, isn't it? With threats already being made just meeting in the cafeteria...But I think we are going to be okay." He looked the larger man in the eye, and Domingo was the first person at Vale to see a completely serious expression on Jack's face with no hint of whimsy or sarcasm. "In fact I'd bet my life on it, because if anyone's going to get hurt on my watch, it'll be me. And I'm not dying anytime soon." His smile returned as quick as it had left and he lightly clapped Domingo on the shoulder. "Good luck with your studies! I've got some prep work of my own to do, I'll be seeing ya!" Jack didn't wave as he left, simply started whistling a happy tune to himself, while Bruno - who he'd forgotten about completely in the moment - ran after him frantically flailing his arms in frustration that he couldn't yell at his creator to stop.

    Grif of Hearts

    Que sera sera~
  • 311
    Ethersworn: The Vale Institute [M]
    Ethersworn: The Vale Institute [M]

    Alice Winchester & Flora Marrick

    The plate of food seemed to stare back at Alice as she pondered what to eat first. It was a simple lunch, cheeseburger and fries with a small soda to drink, but she had been craving something to eat for a long while now, and this would do just fine. Her eyes lifted from her food and looked around, sighing as she saw almost everyone in groups except for herself, who sat quiet and alone in the far corner of the room. Wonder why I'm not assigned to anything… she thought, and with a sigh followed by a shrug, the blonde fire mage dug into her burger, chewing thoughtfully in silence. Earlier was a bit odd with Carson, she wasn't quite sure what to make of that. It'd help if she wasn't so damned awkward all the time, but she didn't see that changing anytime soon.

    But Carson was nice, she supposed, in a pushy and hopeless sort of way.

    "Mind if I sit here, stranger?"

    A voice broke her concentration, and Alice's eyes slowly wandered upwards to inspect the voice, drawn to its pleasantly soft southern drawl that was almost musical in nature. The first thing she saw was a smile, warm and open, and then a soft smattering of freckles on lightly tanned skin. Locks of strawberry blonde hair framed her face, curling softly at the ends, the back tied into two loose ponytails that fell almost down to her hips, not that Alice was willing to admit she was ogling that far down her form. The woman looked to be about Alice's age, but she held herself with far more confidence than Alice did, and she smiled a little wider as their eyes met, brilliant blue against coppery grey.

    "Um, sure, I guess." Alice was completely taken aback by this girl approaching her and she could hardly find any words that wouldn't make her sound like a bumbling idiot.

    "Thanks, darlin'," she said as she settled in the seat across from Alice, setting her lunch tray down on the table before her, and thoughtlessly picking at her food. "Thought you looked a little sad all here on your lonesome, so I hope you don't mind, but I thought I'd give y'all some company if that's alright. I'm Flora. It's lovely to meet'cha."

    "It's… lovely… to meet… you too. Uh, I'm Alice…" She felt her cheeks burn red while she looked down at her plate, completely and utterly flustered by this girl. Gradually, she looked back up and let her eyes drift back to contact with Flora's, and when the more confident girl held out her hand to shake, Alice hesitantly took it. Panicking. Panic. I'm panicking. Just do something cute, idiot! Following her inner monologue was easier said than done, but Alice managed with a small smile and her finger twisting a lock of her blonde hair. You're doing it! The self-encouragement was helping, but it was quickly stopped when she realized her finger was now stuck. Finally, she yanked it out and yelped in pain as she managed to pull a few hairs out in the process. You're doomed, idiot.

    Flora responded with soft, playful laugh, covering her mouth briefly as she did so. "No need t'look so flustered, Alice, hun, even if it does make you look sweet as sugar." The blonde-haired woman paused for a moment to take a small bite of her food, steak and vegetables. "Y'know, I've been here for a year and I still can't get over how good the food is here."

    There was another period of brief silence as the two ate, but Flora swiftly broke it with her sing-song voice. "So, I take it you're one of the newcomers they've corralled here for the new year, right? Same confused, adorable expression y'all seem to have. You can see it from a mile away. It's fine, we're all new at some point, right? You'll fit right in if'n you give it a few days, I personally promise that to ya'."

    Alice brushed a few loose locks of hair from her face in an attempt to hide her growing smile at the small, oddly phrased compliment, and attempted to answer. "B- but yeah, I'm new here… I guess I'm good enough for Vale to look into me. I'm excited to be here, I'm just not any good with people…" She paused, "Especially one's as beautiful as this one…" As soon as she said it, she covered her mouth with her hands and mentally kicked herself, wishing her inner monologue stayed inside!

    "Oh my stars. what happened to the shy girl I thought I was talking to? I didn't take y'for a flirt, that I can say that much."

    "I, uh- I'm sorr-"

    "Don't you dare apologise for that, darlin'," Flora interrupted, taking another bite of her meal. "You didn't offend anyone, nor did ya' make me feel uncomfortable. Honest, I'm flattered you think I'm pretty, so thank y' for the compliment, sweet pea. Can't hold a candle to you though. I love your hair, and you've got the prettiest baby blue eyes I've ever gosh darn seen."

    The other girl complimenting her caused Alice's blush to deepen and she looked down, inadvertently right at Flora's modest bosom, where her eyes lingered before she realised just how blatant her staring was and she forced herself to find the plate in front of her even more interesting, silently hoping Flora had not noticed. She knew the beautiful girl before her had, and her prayers quickly turned to those wishing that Flora was not too offended.

    "I said no apologies, but if you dare stare for any longer you're gonna have to pay, hun. S'only fair."

    Alice's eyes shot open wide, and the blush across her cheeks only intensified. "I uh, I'm sorry, I didn't-"

    "I said no apologies! Just relax, sweetie," Flora replied. Her expression never changed from that warm, welcoming smile. "I'm just pullin' your leg, I don't mind too much. Besides, you get all cute lookin' when you're flustered, so I thought I might have a lil' fun at your expense. I apologise, and I apologise again for apologisin', but I think it breaks the ice a little, don't you? Just lemme know if I make a joke that goes a little too far, y'hear? Sometimes I get a little too friendly, and we wouldn't want you gettin' all uncomfortable, would we?"

    A sly smile and a small pout found its way upon her lips. "Well… not too uncomfortable at least."

    That finally brought a small smile of her own to Alice's own face amidst the deep blush, and Flora beamed when she caught a glimpse of it. "There y'go," Flora said. "And who knew, you look even cuter when you smile!"

    The softer spoken blonde simply lowered her head in embarrassment. But her smile persisted, and she thanked her luck when Flora tried to steer the conversation in another direction, as she was not sure she had the stomach to do it herself, her own stomach twisting and turning from the nerves. "So, Alice, tell me about yerself. What's your special somethin'? Tell me about your passion; what makes Alice, Alice. I'm jus' dyin' to hear about it, I promise."

    Alice was still blushing as she looked at Flora, feeling many lewd thoughts flying around in her head as she fantasized about the southern blonde's playful flirting. Damn, why was she so damn distracting? Focus. Yet, she couldn't quite do it, but at least the conversation steered back in a more comfortable direction. Her mouth betrayed her, though. "My passion? Blondes. You." Her eyes widened and she quickly looked down again before taking a deep breath and closing her eyes, but even then she could hear the increasingly familiar sound of Flora's soft laughs. "S-" She held her tongue this time. It was time to show her true passion, at least to try to cover what she had just said.

    Blue eyes looked back up and then checked the lunchroom, just making sure that no one was paying them any attention. Due to this, she felt comfortable enough to show Flora what she could do. Holding up her right hand, she brought a fireball out of nowhere and let it hover in her hand. With her left hand, she ran it over the flame and then a lightning storm attacked the miniature sun, seemingly amplifying it. A confident smile played on her lips as she locked eyes with Flora, "Neat, huh?"

    "Didn't take you for a fire mage, but I hope that means you're full'a surprises," Flora cooed, watching Alice's display intently as electricity crackled against open flames.

    She brought her own hand up, opening it with her palm facing upwards. Light began to dance and glisten across her fingertips, clustering together into a small collection of tiny, feather-like crystals in her hand. She for a moment clenched her first, brought it to her lips, and blew a kiss towards Alice. Her palm now open, arm outwards, the tiny leaves fluttered across the table that sat between the two women, dancing gently on the wind before, one at a time, touching the small ball of flames that Alice held in her own hand. Each one shattered on touch as the leaves were engulfed in flames, glowing in soft golds and oranges as they were reduced to nothingness, burning up like a real leaf would.

    "Used to be a pretty darn good nature mage when I was up to here." She motioned to her waist, about four feet up from the ground. "But light magic likes to play funny little tricks on you, and when I lost earth magic and got somethin' else instead… well, old habits die hard, don't they? Still got a lil' nature magic hidden up my sleeves, but that don't mean I'm not a light mage now, does it?"

    This woman had it all and Alice knew it, she couldn't think of anything but her right at this moment. Her fireball disappeared as her mind lost itself to fantasy and she knew that this would definitely be some material for later. The blowing of the kiss and everything about her was perfect. Even her magic was amazing and literal light-years ahead of anything she could do, the way she so effortlessly casted her magic and made it absolutely beautiful at the same time. The small light display had even drawn the attention of a few other students who turned their head to watch the display.

    All she could think was how perfect Flora was and she looked up into her eyes, taking them in before letting a happy sigh escape her lips. She was completely in lala land, finding herself unable to form a proper response other than a big smile. Her mouth spoke for her, as it usually did, "You're perfect, that's what you are…"

    "Oh stop, sweetie, you're makin' me blush, and if you make me any more flustered I might just have to kiss ya," Flora replied, this time with a proper, and quite flirtatious wink. "How a cutie like you was sitting all alone like this is beyond me. Seems to me like you'd be quite the catch, hun."

    Alice couldn't stop herself from replying what she truly thought, "Well, I wouldn't say no to that…" A light giggle escaped, a musical sound that would hopefully further endear Flora to her. She wasn't any good at this, except when she was drunk apparently, but whatever she said seemed to excite the other blonde even more. "But.. um… thank you." Her mind finally caught up to her raging teenage hormones and she felt like she wanted to hide under the table. "Look, I'm not good with people. I say stupid things and everything. I'm not that great of a catch."

    "Oh, but I like that in you, sweetheart. You're honest, even when you're trying your dardnest not to say a word, and I think that's just the cutest. Honesty's just a lil' too rare for my liking, so I like to hold onto it where I find it. I think you and I would make wonderful friends, so I'm gonna give you this in case you ever wanna hook up or just wanna talk, girl to girl."

    She paused for a moment and brought a small piece of paper from her pocket. She brought her finger up to it, and motioned with that finger almost as if she were writing, before folding up the piece of paper and handing it to Alice. She did not simply just pass it, but instead took Alice's hand in her own, and rested the small piece of paper in the other blonde's hand, before gently resting her own hand atop it to close it.

    "Don't you get too many ideas, hun, when I say 'hook up' I mean go the movies or get a coffee some time. I could almost see what dangerous thoughts popped into that cute lil' head of yours when I said those words, and I want you to know I'm not that kind of girl. You've at least gotta buy me dinner first, y'hear?" Her smile grew only wider.

    Indeed, Alice has plenty of ideas and she planned on letting them play out in her head fully later, but right now she looked down at the number in her hand and she almost couldn't believe it. These kind of things never happened to her, yet it had just happened. Her mouth gaped a bit in just utter surprise, and she quickly took out her phone and entered Flora as a contact. As she did this, she muttered, "Don't wanna lose this…"

    Her mind then registered what else had been said and she giggled again, "Looks like I'll be buying you dinner then…" Now she wasn't even trying to filter her words, grinning excitedly, "I'll send you a text now… so you have my number too." Quickly, she sent it and then looked to Flora, "There."

    There was a soft beep, followed by the first few words spoken by a pleasant female voice singing before Flora felt for her phone in her pocket and pressed a single button out of view. "Looks like I got it," she replied, enjoying the sight of Alice abandoning all her nervousness and restraint as she became an excitable mess. A few moments passed before Flora finished her meal, and she gently pushed the tray aside as she rested. "Well, Alice, it was lovely to meet you, and if you ever get the urge to see me again then you know exactly who to call."

    She dabbed the sides of her lips with a tissue briefly as she rose to her feet. Flora slowly circled around the table, making a slow approach to Alice until she stood behind her. Gently, Flora bent over just so and wrapped her arms around Alice's shoulders in an embrace, and pressed a small, playful kiss against the other blonde's cheek, soft lips against soft skin. Alice, who could only stare onwards, frozen in place the moment that the other blonde touched her, but the kiss made her knees go completely weak. If she had been standing up then she might have collapsed right there.

    "One for the road," Flora teased, and gave Alice a small wink that she just caught in the corner of her eye. She pulled away slowly and sighed, before turning on her heel and walking away, a slow sway to her hips as she walked, exaggerating her natural curves, not that Alice thought she needed much help, head turned to watch her leave and eyes fixated on her exposed thighs where the girl's boots ended and before her shorts began. "Just so you don't forget to call me, hun," Flora said, before vanishing in the crowds.

    With that, Alice was left blushing and feeling blown away. As she looked down at her food, she realized she had barely touched it so she slowly began to eat again, replaying the whole conversation in her head as she smiled, almost overwhelmed by the experience. Amazing… she thought to herself as she sighed and sunk deeper in her seat, that blush having not left her cheeks quite yet, and she brought a hand up to gently touch the side of her cheek where only moments ago she had been kissed, her flushed skin hot to the touch. "W- wow".​


    Poe and Palahniuk's Prodige
  • 642

    Vale Institute of Magic

    "Alright, everybody here?!" yelled Allan, his voice reaching the forty or so students gathered around one large black slab of stone out in front of the school. It was 4 PM, and the sun was getting ready for an autumn evening. They were all the students who had their first missions scheduled for this week.

    He patted the stone, and began his explanation. "This ugly thing here is called the Portal Stone. It's what all Vale students use to get to and from the Liminal Isles, and it's how you'll all be going on your missions. It'll take you anywhere on the islands... but you kinda need ta know where you're goin'.

    "Ah... What I mean is, you have to think about where you want to go, or else nobody knows where you'll end up. Don't worry too much, though. A bunch of other seniors and I will be helping to supervise you guys for the first couple weeks while you settle in, and we'll be waiting on the other end to keep open a link."

    He then directed a group of four to come up to the stone with him. Morgan, Carson, Nychta and Fern, to be exact, and he told the others to watch.

    "I don't want you guys to feel nervous about all this, even though I know you probably are. You're all here for a good reason, and if anything goes wrong, well, that's what the supervisor is for. Now, what you're gonna wanna do here is just set your hand on the stone," he instructed, "and channel your magic into it. The Portal Stone responds to your input, and 'poof', you're off to the races. When you're there, your supervisor will give you a quick reminder about what you're up against, and maybe a couple tips. So, good luck, learn something, and don't be afraid to have some fun. You're a lot tougher than you think."

    As he said to, the first group of the day pressed their hands to the giant rock. Once they worked their magic their bodies glowed blue, and in the next moment they were gone.

    "As for the rest of you," Allan finished. "The last groups who are up today: stay close by for your supervisor, and follow their lead. Everyone else: the training field out back is fair game, and there are going to be some teachers and seniors on standby for the rest of the week to give you a chance for some live target practice. 'Til next time, guys."

    The student body VP dropped his hands into his pockets, and walked away.


    Cersei Lannister

    Mad Queen
  • 1,266
    Ethersworn: The Vale Institute [M]
    Alice Winchester and Iris Aldridge

    After an especially productive day of studying, taking notes and even doing pretty good at a metalworking class, a certain, normally col earth mage needed a way to absorb all the new developments of the day. Not that it was affecting Iris in the slightest. It was quite confusing, going from rejecting most social interaction to being tempted to hug a peer.

    Iris headed straight to her dorm, without stopping to talk with anyone or really even pay attention to anyone. The dorm room, fairly tidy still and with stuff more or less unpacked, was where Iris found her one piece swimsuit. After wasting no time shedding her clothes and donning the bathing suit, with no roommate to bother her yet, the small earth mage tied her hair back in twintails, gathered her book bag for study materials.

    Book bag in tow and thoughts on her mind, the skinny blonde made her way to the rec center. Wasn't exactly fun, but it wasn't...serious either… She shook her head, shaking away those thoughts while en route to the rec center, not too far away from the dorm rooms. After arriving at the rec center, Iris walked over past the students doing their own thing and headed straight for the outdoor section of the pool. As Iris sought to put her stuff down a safe distance away from the water, she spied another blonde a short distance away, dressed in a red bikini and idly practicing her fire magic. Iris might have seen her in a few of her classes, but she was too busy doing her own thing to confirm concretely. Well, that put a damper on the whole isolation of swimming.

    The warm water of the heated pool was quite relaxing after a long day of class and exercise, but Flora was what dominated her mind. The encounter earlier had blown her away and she needed to distract herself in any way possible, otherwise she'd just fantasize all day. So, Alice had decided to take a dip in the pool, finding the outdoor section of it empty, just like she preferred it. Since she hated the way one pieces fit her, she only wore two pieces, generally bikinis. Unfortunately for her, this caused her unwanted attention most of the time, but over time she had learned to mostly ignore it. Enjoying the solitude, the young fire mage had crafted a perfect miniature sun in her hand, which rotated along its axis. In her mind's eye, she imagined it being in space with many different types of planets orbiting.

    Her daydream was interrupted when she heard someone approaching, which caused her to snap her head in the other person's direction. Her hand snapped shut, causing the fireball to disappear and a blush grew on her cheeks, painting them a rosy red. She wasn't too fond of practicing her magic, or being caught daydreaming, in front of strangers, which left her mouth a bit agape. Finally, she decided to compose herself with a deep breath before turning her torso in the direction of the other girl, her Southern accent ringing as she spoke, "I'm sorry… I thought I thought I was alone."

    In a usual voice that lacked much warmth, Iris replied, "It's fine." She stared at the girl for the briefest of moments, briefly noting the girl's presence before setting to walk to another part of the pool to begin her swimming. One person would not impede her, provided she kept to herself. Iris stepped into the water, face relaxing as the cozy temperature naturally soothed and began to swim. The thoughts of the day melted away as she embraced the water, swam in many different positions and surfaced in and out of the water to get the most of it. It appeared to be just the right method of escapism that Iris felt she needed.

    Noting the other blonde's icy demeanor, Alice promptly shut her mouth and simply looked down at her feet, kicking them back and forth in the water. Her eyes moved up and she caught another glance of the other swimming around in the pool. It looked fun, but she was wondering if the girl even wanted someone to play with in the pool. It wasn't that she didn't want to interact with her, it's just that she didn't want to bother her. With a sigh, she simply contented herself to watch, hopefully not too intrusively. The smaller girl's strong breaststroke pointed to an experienced swimmer, something Alice could relate to as she usually spent time at the pool herself back home.

    Soon, she had lost herself in yet another daydream, spending her days at the pool at home, using her fire magic to heat it up on cooler days. There was no need for that here, which was nice, but also made her miss home. Her eyes still followed the smaller blonde as she swam, but her brain was somewhere else, not paying any attention to her current environment.

    After resurfacing another time, she eyed the other, taller blonde as she noticed her staring at her. Had she been watching her swim the entire time? She called out to her, "Have you been watching me swim the whole time?"

    Once again, Alice was snapped out of her daydreaming by this girl and she realized that she had been staring at her while she swam. Another blush heated her cheeks while she quickly brought herself to apologize, "I'm so sorry… I didn't mean to. I was… um… daydreaming…" It also didn't help that this girl was a bit cute and now she had thoroughly made a fool of herself in front of her. Always the fool, Alice. This girl won't think it's cute like the other one.

    Was she...blushing? And daydreaming while she watched her swim? The circumstances might have implied something else, and Iris wanted to be sure there was no funny business going on. Iris crossed her arms and said, disdain apparent, "I don't wish to be stared at. Especially not for a daydream." She waited for a response, just to be sure she was clear with this other girl. The positioning of the two meant that Iris had to crane her neck to look her in the eye.

    Alice felt her blush spreading down her neck and to her chest as she realized she had said the wrong thing completely. She hadn't wanted to imply that she had been fantasizing about the girl, even though she was certainly cute. After going over a proper response in her head for most likely far too long, she decided on one… and then totally fumbled it. "I… wasn't thinking about you, if that's what you mean! I mean… I don't see why someone wouldn't, you're very cu-" The icy look on the girl's face stopped her dead on her tracks and she mentally went over what she had just said. Terrible! Stupid! Horrible! Idiot… One would have thought it wasn't possible for her to turn anymore red, but now her blush rivaled her bikini in color. You are so bad with people.

    The girl's deepening blush and comment only seemed to cement the feeling that there was something indeed going on. It was quite different when the girl calling her cute seemed far less comfortable doing so then what might have been expected from calling Iris that. Iris blushed herself a little at almost being called cute, crossed her arms as she said, "Don't call me that!"

    The girl's reaction made Alice want to curl into a ball and die right there. Instead, she simply buried her face in her hands and shook her head at the mess she had managed to get herself into. Finally, she managed some sort of reply as she wiped a tear from her eye, caused by her horrible social skills. "I'm… sorry. I didn't mean to… I just… tend to ramble sometimes…"

    Rambling? This really was different than Violett's sultry and teasing compliments along the same lines as being called cute. As much as she herself secretly liked cute things, it was embarrassing to be thought of as cute in that context. She merely looked at Alice with a detached expression and said, "Are you trying to be nice to me or something? It's not as if I need to have friends or be complemented."

    Still not exactly sure how to respond, Alice looked at her through her fingers and sighed again, "I didn't mean to say it outloud..." Finally, she let her hands drop to her lap and she looked at Iris in front of her in the pool. "Look, I'm no good with people. I'm sorry."

    Iris replied, "I'm no good with people either."

    "Well, seems like we have something in common then…" Alice figured she should introduce herself, at least it seemed like the proper thing to do. "I'm Alice… um, it's nice to meet you."

    "Iris." She looked at Alice for a bit, unsure of what to do. The way in which Alice presented that compliment, but it seemed not worth it to dwell on it, not when the earth mage had some swimming to do. Without a word, she left Alice and continued to swim again, brushing the interaction away. Iris couldn't help but be relaxed by the water and embraced the clearing of the mind it appeared to be doing for her.

    At first, Alice avoided watching her again but her eyes gradually drifted over to take on her small form before she caught what she was doing and decided to act like she thought her legs were more interesting. The best way she could figure out to not look at Iris was to swim around herself, so she slid into the water with a small splash.

    Iris heard the other blonde jump into the water and swim. Iris decided to continue as before, occasionally seeing a small glimpse of Alice doing her own routine. At least the generously sized pool offered an air of solitude for just two people. After continuing for another thirty minutes or so, Iris walked over to a ledge and pushed herself up to get out of the pool. She approached her bundle of stuff, and took the towel and began hastily drying herself, hoping to be dry enough to read the books she brought. After getting dry enough, Iris sat on a lounge chair and began to read a chemistry book for class and a binder, not taking her eyes off of the book. She became engrossed in it as always and began to drown out the world. With the book and binder on her lap, she began to scrawl down notes. The small blonde had chanced upon looking up from her book when she noticed the lack of noise from her swimming. She looked up from her book, seeing Alice's red bikini contrasting with the greyish-cream of the pavement and the blue of the water and being amazingly silent in her swimming.

    The warm water felt wonderful as Alice relaxed around the pool, eventually deciding to float on her back. She was completely clueless of the other girl looking at her as she floated, eyes closed as she carelessly let the pool do what it wished with her. The inner peace she had struggled with for so long began to overcome her and a small smile built on her lips.

    Without realizing it, Iris' eyes to wandered to one place in particular, her chest, and instantly regretted looking, feeling like an idiot for letting it happen, even if she wasn't exactly sure why or how that happened. She discreetly pretended as if she was only looking out in the horizon in thought after glancing at Alice.

    Alice had taken the exact moment that Iris was checking her out to open her eyes. She took notice with another blush and she wasn't sure what to do from this point on. Either the girl had some serious breast envy or she liked what she saw. In her mind, she wasn't sure which one it was, or maybe the girl wasn't really looking at her at all, like she herself had done earlier. It was full of awkwardness on both sides, at least, she thought so. Or maybe, it was just her being awkward -- she'd probably never figure it out. Why am I so bad with people? Sighing, she started to swim towards a nearby float, feeling like just relaxing without much effort. As she crawled onto it, she laid on her stomach and just closed her eyes, enjoying the quiet lapping of the pool.

    As Iris continued to get sucked deeper into her notes, a dry sensation in her throat signalled that it was time for her to drink some water. She reached in her bag, grabbed a cold bottle, and enjoyed long sips out of the bottle. Looking at the increasingly lower sun, Iris again spied Alice from the corner of her eye. Now with Alice relaxing on the float, Iris, deliberately this time, took a peek at the sight of Alice laying on her stomach, noting how much better her body seemed to be. A pang of jealousy flashed before her, cementing what had happened earlier as well with the accidental glance at the other girl's breasts and thinking about her own were quite lacking in comparison. The thoughts made her a bit angry, and with the flip of a page Iris was back to drowning things out in her mind.

    Once again, Alice opened her eyes at just the right moment to see Iris looking at her and then quickly back to her book. She wondered what this was all about, really, and it was really beginning to nag at her. The look on the girl's face just screamed annoyance and she wasn't sure what she had done to catch her ire. Not really knowing what else to do, she called out a bit, "Iris." The single word made her feel incredibly awkward as grabbed on to the ledge of the pool, closest to the other girl, "Can we, uh, talk for a moment?"

    Iris glanced at the girl who talked to her. She pulled the book closer to her face as she asked, "What?" Her tone didn't betray anything one way or the other, as if uninvested in her own prompted interaction.

    "Um… I'm not good at this, so I'm just gonna do the best I can." A heavy sigh fell before she continued, "Do you have a problem with me? I've seen you twice just looking at me and kinda grimacing and then looking back to your book. I didn't mean to piss you off if I did… I'm sorry." A slight frown wrinkled her forehead, "I'm just really bad with people and I don't want an enemy… please tell me what I did wrong."

    "It's...nothing. I wasn't angry with you. I'm fine."

    Alice furrowed her brow, a bit confused now, "Then what is it? What's with the dirty looks?" She usually wasn't pushy at all, but this was really getting to her. If the girl blew her off again though, she'd probably just give up. It wasn't like her to bother someone intentionally.

    Voice still with the same detachment, she added, "What're you trying to say?"

    "It's nothing, alright? You aren't angry with me. I get it." Alice raised her hands a bit in surrender, "Just making sure, I'm sorry to bother you." She then went back to floating around on her stomach, trying to enjoy the pool and not worry so much about what the other blonde thought of her. Her lips smiled slightly as her thoughts wandered back to Flora, the wonderful southern belle. You really like blondes, don't ya?

    As Alice went back to floating around in the pool, Iris decided to return back to her own studies, more determined to drown the other girl out of her mind and those pesky issues as well. After a while, Iris decided to pack up her books and headed back to her dorm room. She still had some work to do, and she had enough of the pool. How can one get ahead and be the best if they don't put hard work in?​



    The answer is at the top...
  • 3,079
    • she/her/they/them
    • Home
    • Seen May 27, 2024
    Go Team One Go!

    The jungle towered before Nychta, filled with trees taller and wider than any he'd ever seen-- the trees were maybe about as large as the sequoias he'd seen in books and atlases, but the jungle itself was it's own unique... beauty? Terror? Terror. His stomach tied itself into knots as he began to gaze around. He'd never seen anything quite so… magnificent. Terrifying. Magnificently terrifying. The jungle was biologically interesting and, using the few tall tales he'd overheard during his time at the school as a reference, likely just as diverse. The trees were, of course, green and tall, but they also carried small hints of reds and blues, presumably from orchids and vines and who-knew-what.

    Actually, what even was in there? Surely, there'd be creatures that resembled those Nychta knew back in the forests he'd been to? The jungle and its extremely accurate name continued to bother him for only a moment before he quickly had calmed himself down. Gambling was finally paying off. Figuratively speaking.

    The forest floor was covered in plants and bushes, and while there was… well, a lot of them, it wasn't much of a worry for Nychta. He could lift himself into the trees with water, after all. Still, looking back at his teammates, he began to get nervous again. He could depend on himself, but how much could he rely on them? Morgan and Fern suddenly looked more frail than they did moments ago. He sighed and shook his head. Well, if he couldn't look at it in any other way, he could at least think that such a renowned institution wouldn't send its students on a first mission that it thought they couldn't win.

    "Welcome to the Goliath Jungle, kiddies." From up above, cross-legged on the top of the portal stone, sat Christian Miles, the student body president. "Charming place, huh? As you may be able to tell, it's pretty huge, too. A good example of just how distorted space can get on the Isles, but I guess if it weren't for that you'd be able to see it from the coast."

    Christian dropped down from the slab to meet with the freshmen face-to-face, continuing, "You've already been told about it, but I'll remind ya, just in case. You'll all be looking for a flying squirrel-type monster called an Arbor Chipper. It's quick, but not too strong. A little tip: be sure to take out its patagium first, because it'll keep running away until they're torn up a bit.

    "I'll be watching over you guys from a distance. I'm here to make sure nothing goes awry, and that no other etherspawn can get in the way of what you're supposed to be going after. All goes well, I'll only have to show up again when you're done, and I can give you your next tutorial then. Any questions before I fire the starting gun?"

    Fern thought about it. "Do we get any EXP for this?" It was a weird question but she figured putting it in game terms would give them an idea what she meant. Like, would this be an overall training boon or a confidence booster? Either would be awesome, but confidence boosters were sometimes double edged swords. Like knives! Oh, wait... never mind.

    "Well," he answered, "you'll definitely get something out of it. I have no doubt you'll feel like you've leveled up after this."

    Fern nodded and saluted. "Got it, Mister Miles!"

    Morgan, who had been quiet so far, stood there thumbing through a simple but well worn notebook as Christian spoke, and for a moment seemed oblivious to the older student's presence entirely. Emerald green eyes danced across the pages, reading the seemingly endless notes that had been written on their adversary for the hundredth time, as he reminded himself of everything he had recorded from his brief time studying the creature in the academy library. Even though he had already managed to memorise it almost perfectly, Morgan had little faith in his own abilities, and repeated it over and over again in his mind. Eventually he pulled himself away from the book, closing its canvas cover and taking in a deep breath before he spoke.

    "I think- I think we'll be fine, but th- thank you." He paused again, steadying the familiar tremble in his voice. "If we can ground it, as you said, then it shouldn't be too much of a p- problem. Until then, as- as long as we don't leave ourselves too open for it to sneak up on us, then it shouldn't be too much of a problem for us..."

    "Looks like we've got all the information we need to pull this mission off without a hitch." Carson took a short stride forward, and turned to face both Christian and the rest of the team. "If the ladies are even half as strong as they are beautiful, we'll be able to take this creature out in mere seconds." He added with a wink to Morgan and Fern. Nychta only felt slightly ignored.

    Fern tilted her head. "Thank you? I think?" She wasn't sure if she was supposed to appreciate that comment or hit him for it. Flirting was just weird.

    Morgan blinked. "L- ladies-?"

    "I think we're as prepared as we'll ever be." Carson continued, addressing the student-body president. "Fire away, sir!"

    In response, Christian did exactly that. He positioned his fingers into the shape of a gun, fired an ember bullet that disappeared into the trees, and made a final note to the students before he followed it. "With this, I'll get out of your way, and make sure nothing gets in it. Have fun, guys."

    And so, they all left to find and kill a magic squirrel, because magical rodents don't grant wishes. Fern knows one that does, only it is less of a good genie and more of a universe manipulating genie.

    Carson found himself leading the expedition, always eager to make a good impression with the female members of the group (well, member, but Carson certainly didn't know that), with Fern scurrying through the thick forest undergrowth, popping in and out of view as she darted around the trees. Nychta followed at a more leisurely pace, perhaps for Morgan's sake, whose constant referral to his notebooks left him completely blind to the world around him, and he stumbled over more than a few large tree roots as they walked.

    Eventually he spoke up. "W-we should be looking for damaged trees. Arbor chippers fly p- pretty low, but they have strong legs, so they crack and break branches when they take off. If we're lucky we'll find it in flight... or, even luckier, and it'll be at rest. A-at least, if we find its trail we could figure where it's likely to go."

    "That's good to know." Carson quipped as he examined the surrounding areas for the signs Morgan had notified them of. "Speaking of finding this thing, do you guys think we should come up with some sort of strategy to take it out ahead of time, or we going in guns a blazing?"

    Fern made a puzzled puff of her cheeks. Well in games, that was basically how they did it. In real life, that wouldn't really work, obviously. So... "If it's so small, guns blazing would... probably be bad, right?" She paused, thinking it over. "Or we could use that method as a decoy or something but I'm not sure if it would work all that well."

    "No, it wouldn't... It's basically a giant flying squirrel. I doubt it's slow by any means, and going guns blazing would only alert it to us being there." Nychta drank from the orange soda he had carried with him through the portal before continuing. "If we're to take it on, we're going to want to be quiet about it. I'm not sure if they're used to being hunted, but it's definitely not a good idea to just go in and startle one. A sneak attack would probably be better, if we can manage it... it'd also be a good idea to take out the patagium before it notices that we're upon it. I can pierce them with spears, but do you guys have any other ideas?"

    "I- I can do the same," Morgan stuttered, quiet enough that not a single other member of the group could hear him. "If... I can try to hit it in the air if we n- need to. I don't know if I coul-"

    "Sounds like a good enough plan to me. If it tries to take off before you two get to it, I can always send a couple blasts of air its way." Carson unwittingly interrupted, patting the broadsword strapped to his back. "I'm not sure what sorts of tricks you or the ladies have up your sleeves, but I suppose if we have a better understanding of each other's abilities we could plan this thing out perfectly."

    "Huh. Well, I wouldn't mind going for perfection." If Nychta could establish good teams and bad teams early on... His mind began to race with possibilities before returning to the mission at hand. It would be better if he didn't get ahead of himself. "We should probably figure out a way to nail it's patagium-- which it seems we've got covered-- but also a way to hold it down while we're nailing the patagium. I have hands which can restrain it, but considering the amount it'll likely take to do so, I won't be able to move around much. And then it's just a matter of actually killing the thing..." Nychta could think of a few ways he could attempt to go at the Chipper alone, but he tried to keep his teammates in mind. "Well? If there really are things up your sleeves, by all means, let them out."

    The rush of air and the beating of what sounded like heavy wings overhead silenced the group. What thin light trickled down from the heavily covered canopy vanished as something swept by overhead, its shadow cast over them so large it blocked out the very sun for a moment, and the four students immediately hugged the ground to take cover as the branches overhead were torn apart as something enormous swept low. Covered in brown and white fur, and with large, sickle-like talons, it showered them in broken twigs and leaves as it stormed past them, before with a single beat of its wings it vanished, taking back off into the sky and out of sight. The group heard Morgan mutter under his breath "Arbor chipper..."

    They waited until the sounds of movement and destruction stopped before rising back up to their feet and dusting themselves off, but the sounds of crashing arose again off in the distance, as they saw the creature dip down a second time, crashing through the canopy before rising again, and then again, and again, until it vanished completely out of sight. Morgan immediately began to move, following the trail of destruction that the creature had left in its wake. It was easy to follow, a thick line of broken canopy where it dipped, then a stretch of undisturbed woodland, followed by another obvious portion of destroyed woodland.

    "C- come on," Morgan called back to the group. "It's flying low, so we might be able to catch it when it lands... we at least have some kind of trail to follow now, right? If it's still in the air, I- I might be able to shoot it down out of the sky, if the trees thin out a little so I can see. I don't know how well, but... If I had help guiding it, maybe?"

    "Guiding it?" Nychta looked over. "As in... with bait?"

    "N- no, I mean-" Morgan bit his lip to stop it from quivering. "Yes, we could bait. Something to get it out in the open, but... I think I can fire an arrow at it. One that'll hopefully knock it right out of the sky so we can pin it down. You saw h- how fast it was, though, hitting it might be impossible, and I don't think I can..."

    Morgan turned to Carson. "C- Carson, you- you mentioned you're an air mage, right? If I fire an arrow, do you think you could keep the wind direction and speed favourable? And- and help my aim by guiding the arrow with wind magic?"

    "Absolutely, my dear. It shouldn't be of any trouble at all." Taking a look at the dense overgrowth of the trees, Carson continued. "That being said, it doesn't look like the canopy's thinning out anytime soon. We could always try climbing the trees to get a better shot, although that might take a while, and one wrong move could make for a rather painful landing. Either way I'll leave it up to you, Morgan, since you know your own magic much better than I do."

    Fern tilted her head. "I can climb." She still liked heights a bit from her days as a wind mage. Plus, well... she practically had cat magic. Before anyone could actually deny her idea (and could anyone really deny Fie anything, really now) she sank her fingers into the trunk and shimmied up. She made it up into the leaves and quickly caught herself on a tough, thick branch. Now she just had to look for more.

    "T-that doesn't really hel- help me up there though..." Morgan mumbled, as he too moved over to inspect the tree that Fern so expertly climbed.

    The girl was positively tiny, and how she managed the feat so easily was beyond him. He brought both hands up to test the firmness of the tree bark, and tried to get a tight grip on it. Surely if such a tiny girl, even when compared to his diminuitive height, could climb this so easily then he could too? Morgan paused, took a deep breath, and began to climb. He brought one hand upwards to grasp onto a firmer branch, and slowly began his ascent, one foot at a time, his hand trembling every time it left a branch. He was slow, uneasy, and felt like he was going to be sick, but he was doing it!

    As Morgan grew more confident with his motions, he scaled the tree at a swifter pace. He forced a single piece of stone up from the ground beneath him, shooting upwards into his hand, which he used to help his climb, forcing it with magic into the trunk of the mighty tree and using it as another step, before removing it once it had served its purpose to be used again.

    "F- Fern?" Morgan called out as he looked up. This tree was massive! Eventually he pulled himself up onto a larger platform where several thick branches crossed over, a relatively safe perch for him to sit on. Don't look down, don't look down. "This- this might w-work. I just wish it w- were a little more stable..."

    "Don't worry, I've got you." With that, Nychta raised his hands up to the sky and followed them with a wave of other, icy hands. Perhaps wave was pushing it-- they were a bit less than fifteen in number. Still, they were enough to clench the branches together and keep them from moving around, even if they kept him from moving around too. "There we go! Can you see the thing?"

    The ice alone almost made Morgan slip. He stumbled and clutched tightly to a branch that rested at about his stomach height. It creaked as he caught himself on the branch, and for once he silently thanked the fact that he was so small. If he were any heavier the branch would have snapped, and- Morgan swallowed hard and tried not to think about it.

    He looked up instead, and saw the clumsy, shambling form of the arbor chipper as it skipped across the treeline, uncaring in how it uprooted trees and tore through the canopy as it made its way across the forest. It did not go too far, and Morgan kept a close eye on it as it skirted the area. Was it looking for something? It turned frequently, pausing as it perched on a larger tree to inspect the ground beneath it, before it moved on, and repeated the action again and again. Morgan wondered what it might have been searching for. Had it sensed that hunters were on the prowl, or was it something else? It was a fascinating, if terrifying creature, and for a moment he pondered just following it to learn its behaviour properly..

    No, he had a job to do. He grasped the branch tightly to steady himself and, with Nychta's icy grip on the branches he stood on, it was quite a sturdy platform. Morgan smiled, and with his other hand that still clutched the sharp stone he had used to help him climb, slowly began to channel magic through it. The earth beneath the tree began to tremble and part, as tiny shards of crystal about the same size as the piece of stone he held began to hover in the air, before moving to hover gently before Morgan. He released the piece he held and let it join the other shards, before clenching his fist and letting them seal together in a large pole. He grasped it and thrust it downwards, the base digging into the tough wood of the branch Morgan stood on, splinting it but lodging it in place, kept firm when another icy hand approached to hold it in place.

    Morgan's hand began to glide gently up the shaft of the crystal pole, and when he pulled on the top it bent and creaked into shape, and he skillfully transformed the crystal into a shape reminiscent of an enormous bow, a good two heads taller than Morgan's small form. He brought a foot up to press against the base of it, testing how well it was held in place, and was pleasantly surprised when the only give was from the curve of the bow.

    After hoisting himself onto the same level as Morgan, Carson gave him her a reassuirng pat on the shoulder, a soft touch that made the small earth mage quiver in surprise, before swinging up to a branch above the incredibly large crystal bow. He shot the much smaller mage a quick smile and a thumbs up. "I'm good to go whenever you are."

    "R- right," Morgan replied, taking in a long, deep breath as he readied himself. "Is- is everyone ready? Whether we- whether we knock it down or I miss, it'll definitely know where we are after this, so m- make sure you're ready..."

    Morgan shifted his weight to lean forwards, one bent leg still resting on a small perch of crystal at the base of the bow, and reached forwards with his left arm so that it met with his right, that still held onto the body of the bow firmly. His hand clenched, and from his fist manifested more crystal, a tiny shard at first that grew and grew and grew, at first taking shape as a crystaline arrowhead, but as Morgan drew his arm back it extended, becoming a huge crystal arrow almost as long as Morgan was tall. Morgan grit his teeth as he pulled the arrow back, feeling resistance as if he were pulling it against a real arrow string, and his arm trembled from the stress against his muscles.

    "N- Nychta, hold it steady... Car- Carson, can you see it properly too? We've only got a few seconds before it-"

    The arbor chipper began its descent again, and Morgan had no time to react before it buried itself beneath the tree line. It could pop up anywhere, and who knew how far away it would be or how briefly it would rear its head again. Morgan had no choice. He quickly wrenched the arrow back with as much force as he could muster, the bow bending under the force he put it under, and then released. There was no pang of a bowstring, but the sheer power that pushed the arrow forward and cleaved through the sky was loud enough. The arrow seemed on course, but the wind was fierce, and the chipper moved quickly. It was too high. It was going to miss... or so it seemed.

    Summoning up a gust of wind, Carson guided the arrow further upwards. The crystalized projectile flew true towards its target, tearing through one of the creature's patagium in a swift blow. With half of its means of transportation gone, the arbor chipper's descent was awkward and unbalanced, ending with it crashing into the tree line.

    After a second of awe, Nychta decided that since the Chipper would likely be flying awkwardly now [for fairly obvious reasons], it'd be good to cover some sort of... ground assault. With this, Nychta yelled over to Carson-- something about hands dropping, and "keeping Morgan safe, because it's gonna get a bit shaky up there," as well as "but I'm sure you'll be fine, you made it up there AND are a wind mage after all," but not forgetting "Oh, and just follow me when you're down." With that, the hands indeed begin to drop from the branches and all circled around Nychta's back, making the branches just as unsteady as they were before they were held. Nychta began turning each individual hand into a spear-- each spear amounting to about three feet long-- as he broke into a sprint towards wherever the Chipper had landed.

    And then, there it was. What seemed like a "clearing" to Nychta was just the regular amount of space between each tree, and there was a bit of a slope from where he stood and where the Chipper was. Ahead of him was the giant flying squirrel they were ordered to kill, and immediately upon seeing it Nychta quickly hid into the bush. The Arbor Chipper was, presumably, too busy with the fact that there was a giant hole in one of its patagium, and while Nychta felt adrenaline course through his veins—a feeling he felt was both familiar and foreign at the same time—he decided not to deal with it until there was at least one other person on the scene. Preferably someone who could get up close and personal with it, too.

    A crack and a scream that echoed through the forest made the Chipper freeze in place, before its head shot sharply towards the source, and in its new line of sight, it saw Nychta.

    Behind him, a slender figure slipped and fell from his perch in the tree, wood breaking under his weight and the enormous crystal bow he had crafted coming tumbling down with him. Morgan reached out for something to latch onto but only found air, and his body crashed into another small branch and another, quickly littering his body with bruises and small tears in his clothes as he continued his free fall, flailing and screaming for dear life as he fell further and further down from his impossibly high perch atop the tree.

    Fern, having been watching the chipper of doom (couldn't she cuddle it, it was actually kind of cute), snapped to attention at the sound of Morgan screaming in terror. She sprang up and into action, jumping from tree to tree and diving down to save Morgan from his untimely demise or at least serious bruising. She bit her lip as she fell, grabbing hold of her magic and using it to yank Morgan from freefall with the rest of her tiny strength. Her arms closed around his torso and legs in effectively a bridal carry. Which was a slight problem, but she worked around it and used one arm to slow them down against a tree trunk.

    "Phew," she chirped, well, quietly. "I got distracted. Sorry! You okay?"

    Morgan still kept his arms fully closed, the sickening feeling of weightlessness having not quite left his memories. He almost winced as Fern spoke, as if her voice alone would be enough to send him tumbling even further down the tree, the two of them still a good ten feet off from the ground.

    "F- Fern?" he stuttered, as his eyes slowly opened, and he brought an arm up to wipe away a small amount of blood from his forehead where it had grazed against a branch. For a moment he was speechless, turning his head slowly to meet the eyes of his tiny, adorable saviour. "Y- you saved me."

    Fern blinked, puzzled. "Uh-huh," she said. Was this a flag? Had she hit a relationship flag? Was this a Social Link? Awesome! "Well, kinda. Let's get you on the ground first." She gave a careful push and slowed her descent with care as her magic flared up slowly around her. Their descent slowed until they were about a foot from the ground. Then Fern dropped them neatly the rest of the way, landing on her feet.

    Looking around, she then set Morgan down. "There you go!" she chirped. "Now you're safe!" She looked him up and down. "I'mma have to teach you how to climb."

    He nodded back meekly.

    Nychta winced as soon as he heard the scream—what was Carson doing? But with the quickly approaching Chipper, he couldn't really worry about that. The Chipper jumped over to the young mage with its arms hanging in front of itself, with incredibly large talons and even larger eyes. Nychta tensed up as soon as it took the first swipe towards him. It was certainly within the realm of adorable, but definitely considerably deadly. With the little time he had to, Nychta quickly stepped back, escaping a rather gross injury by the skin of his teeth, and brought up two more hands to block the Chipper's movement.

    The amount of ice he had to keep track of was already becoming a headache, and as Nychta fended off what seemed to be a grab, he realized that he'd hardly had enough experience to tackle it alone. He moved his spears into position to hit the monster squirrel—although he couldn't fire them with confidence due to the fact that he was under pressure at the moment—and deflected the Chipper's attacks, over and over. He'd taken a small risk, and he'd messed up; looking the squirrel dead in the eyes, he just hoped he wouldn't have to pay the consequences.

    His icy hands were cracking, a consequence of the constant chipping, and Nychta didn't think they were going to last much longer. At the same time, he was still trying to inflict what damage he could with his spears. One more dive, Nychta cursed, and his only protective measure shattered. Seriously, what was Carson doing? Hitting on their teammates?



    The Chipper bounded off the trees, going for a sure strike with the claws on its little monster hands. Nychta braced himself, his real flesh-and-bone arms lifted up in a boxer's stance, and hoped to maybe survive the impact intact. He did. Rather, the impact didn't come. Instead, it was the sound of slicing wind, and the screech of the Arbor Chipper being cut into. The thud against the trunk of a nearby tree.

    "Huh." Nychta looked back and frowned slightly, before facing the Chipper again. "Took you long enough."

    "Glad I made it in time. Thing's so cute, it's hard to hurt." Carson's sword was propped over his shoulder, part of the ground carved away behind him as he walked up to meet his comrade. He turned back toward where he came from, calling to Morgan and Fern, "Come on in, ladies! The water's fine!"

    Fern blinked, roused from the social link moment. She bobbed her head and lunged forward, disappearing in the blink of an eye. She really only had one shot to get him in the back. It was so cute though! How could she do something like that... okay there was an easy reason for that. Her footsteps were fast, slightly noisy at her haste. At the very least, if a Fie couldn't gain EXP by herself, she could open the way for everyone else!

    Morgan scurried after, following in the small girl's footsteps and clutching his salvaged notebook to his chest with both arms, even at the risk of falling over one of the many twisting tree roots and having no way to catch himself. "W-wait for me!" he called, as the tiny form of Fern darted off so far ahead of him he could hardly see her, or any of his team anymore for that mattter. His legs carried him as fast as they could, so far in fact that he could not slow himself down in time to stop speeding straight past the group as he bounded out from a thick bunch of bushes, could only stop uncomfortably close to the looming Arbor Chipper that snarled and hissed at his approach, but having sustained so many fierce wounds already, it seemed hesitant to attack lest it suffer another barrage from the group of mages.

    Until Morgan almost screamed in fear, yelping as he scrambled backwards as fast as he could, and the Arbor Chipper charged after him, bounding into the group of young mages and throwing itself at them in a frenzy, lashing out with its claws and teeth.

    "H-help me!" Morgan yelled, as he took a sharp turn and narrowly avoided the Arbor Chipper, and hide behind the taller form of Carson.

    Past him, the Chipper held its path, knocking its feet against Nychta's forearms—holding them up was all he could do quickly enough to brace himself, but he was still flung backward right between a pair of trees. The monster didn't even touch the ground, kicking itself toward Carson and Morgan.

    "Don't you worry about a thing, dear," Carson assured. "We can finish this now."

    They had a little more time to prepare than Nychta did. Air flowed around Carson's blade, and he dragged it up from the ground in a ferocious swing just in time to make contact with the Arbor Chipper's body. The sheer force cut through a large chunk of whatever it was made of, and pulled Carson off balance, but somehow it was still flailing on its back.

    Thankfully, a Fie knew exactly how to handle the situation: shadow jutsu! Well, not exactly but whatever. She stopped running and ducked under a tree that was blocking the sun. (Granted, all of them were blocking out the sun, but still.) This would work, definitely. She shut her eyes and her shadow started to wriggle. It slipped away from her and moved to the Arbor Chipper. It was a shame, it really was cute though...

    Oh well.

    Her shadow reached the death squirrel and grabbed a hold of its flailing body. If she really wanted to be creepy it could have come out from the ground and pinned it but Fern hadn't really thought of that! (Honest!) So it just settled for pinning it there. Fie made excited waving motions, trying to keep her concentration. She didn't really use this magic for restraint after all.

    Morgan still kept close behind Carson, using him as a shield and making sure he stood between himself and the Arbor Chipper at all times. It proved wize, as Carson so eagerly protected the small form with his sword from the creature that lashed out at them with all its might. When the Arbor Chipper froze in place though, shadows grasping at the huge squirrel's form, Morgan finally, tentatively stepped out from behind his human cover. He had to help, didn't he? He couldn't just hide, could he...?

    He could, but he was not sure if he could stomach the idea of letting all the others risk their lives while he did nothing.

    Morgan closed his eyes and flexed the fingers on his one free hand, slowly raising it to point towards the chipper. He brought his hand across to his side and then swung it around in an uppercut with enough force to almost knock his balance, the ground cracking and fracturing along the line where he pointed, tearing through tree roots and undergrowth before cracking and breaking the ground beneath the Arbor Chipper. The tiny chasm widened, and Morgan opened his eyes, before clenching his fist and gritting his teeth.

    A spear of crystal burst through the ground, the bladed tip aimed straight for the creature's heart. It flailed and clawed as it tried to free itself, turning just so that the spear missed its point but cut across the side of its shoulder, forcing a pained howl from it. Morgan smiled and wrenched his hand across, tearing the crystal spear out from its root in the ground and slamming the flat side of the spear it into the side of the creature's neck like an enormous club.

    "I'll be honest," a voice called through the thick forest, "I expected you guys to get hurt more than that, but you handled yourselves really well."

    Christian rejoined the team as Nychta managed to recover, the poor etherspawn lying lifeless on the ground. Around Morgan's glistening spear, the Arbor Chipper was slowly dissipating into glowing blue particles, slowly being absorbed into the ground of the Isles.

    Fern called back her shadow, and breathed in and out, blinking stars out of her eyes. It was over? Already? Aww... poor cute death chipper thing. She supposed it made sense. It was their first mission, so easy was an understatement.

    "Little brutal on the finishing blow, though. Anyway, we should hurry and take care of the next part of your initiatory outing: absorbing an etherspawn." He didn't give them any time to ask questions, setting his hand on a part of the Chipper's body. "Follow along, and try to keep up. You'll only get this chance before we head back."

    Explaining to the freshmen how to break down and absorb ether, the energy that made up both etherspawn and their weapons, Christian demonstrated, drawing a piece of the monster into his body. The same particles of light swirled around his arm, settling inside him, and left a large hole in the Chipper's frame. He then encouraged the rest of them to join him, having them personally experience the feeling of stealing the magic out of the beast they just killed.

    As soon as he got the chance, Nychta began to approach the Chipper, with his arms hanging from his sides; the kick from the Chipper had felt quite powerful, and his arms felt a little numb, if not somewhat in pain. He looked around at his teammates and had felt a bit underwhelming around them; they'd done most of the cool stuff. Still, he looked forward at the squirrel and outstretched his hand towards it, trying to do exactly what Christian had done, in the exact same way he had done.

    He began to feel the magic—or what he could only presume was magic—nearly immediately. Actually, he wasn't entirely sure that it was ether or whatever at first. He was fairly certain that he was doing something odd with his magic; like some sort of strange... influx of... magic... Huh. On second thought, Nychta realized that that was exactly what it was, however odd it may have been. Well. He broke a small smile, and it felt like his arms were suddenly devoid of pain—as if he'd just stepped onto the island again. From the contacts he'd made earlier in the day, Nychta had already gotten word of how it felt at first, but he supposed that they were right in the sense that it wasn't a feeling which was easily conveyed.

    Fern stepped forward to join the others, Within seconds, her fingers closed over deceptive fur. The magic ran into her after a second or so of concentration. She's a Digimon now, for real! She's a Digimon! No wait, wait, she's still injured. Darn it. Hopes dashed. This sure felt nice either way though. Almost made up for killing the death chipper.

    Morgan and Carson followed, figuring things out rather quickly and experiencing a similar euphoria.

    Once the Arbor Chipper was officially no more, Carson in particular wanted to make sure he wasn't hallucinating. Exerting only the same amount of effort into his sword as before, his enhanced wind-formed edge was larger and sharper.

    "You figured that out quick. Ether powers your magic, too," the student body president commented. "It's only a temporary substitute for true growth, but you can pull this off with any loose objects on the Isles for a boost to your abilities." He turned away from the students, and started heading back to the Portal Stone. "C'mon. You'll have plenty of time to relax and practice more when we make it back to school."

    Fern pulled her hand into a fist and relaxed it. This was really, really weird... It was like her shadow had gotten thicker or something. For a moment, she vanished from view. Then she took a step and reappeared again. Ooh... so that was what he had met. Weird. She hurried to go after their president and her teammates, not really wanting to stay there too long.


    Poe and Palahniuk's Prodige
  • 642

    Vale Institute of Magic
    Wednesday, September 9th, 2015: A Mouthful of Ash

    "Team One, move to flank! Team Three, hold position and wait for furthe—"

    "Henry! Tch. Filthy sneaks! Eat hellfire!

    "Henry, come on, open your eyes. We have healers, you'll be okay."

    "No... They're—on the other side of this damn place. They won't get... get here in time. You need to finish sealing the Isle."

    "I'm not leaving you here. Either we go home together, or not at all."

    "You c-can't. I'm sorry. I'm sorry to lose this way; to leave you and our child in a cruel world like this. I love you."

    "Henry? Henry, please, don't do this. Please! W... What is this?

    "We're going home together, Henry. I promise."

    The nightmares of a war gone by, for a lonely woman who should have been many years past her prime. She sat up in her bed covered in sweat, and looked to her right arm. It was grey, with cracks throughout, as though made of stone. She stabilized her breathing, and it returned to normal.

    "I hope you're watching. No one will make the same mistake I did."

    "Hey, no cracking noise this time! Bryan, I think I'm getting pretty good at this.

    "What's up, guys? It's me, the VP, again, bringing you some awesome news and stuff. If you can't tell, Chris is still busy with some stuff, but I'm here to bring y'all the news, so all's good.

    "First thing's first, hope everyone's havin' an awesome afternoon and congratulations to all the students who completed their first mission of the semester yesterday. Especially to all the freshmen. All of us know how rough that first time is, but it gets easier, so keep it up. Before you know it, you'll be shredding 'em with ease. And just to remind everyone who's going to the Isles today, keep your guard up. It's crazy out there, and it wouldn't be the first time a student got hurt underestimating an etherspawn. Those little beasties are pretty resilient, y'know? But yeah, that's pretty much it. Not much to report today, so, everyone, have fun. Oh, and if you haven't been on mission yet, go do stuff with your team. Team building and all that. Welp, that's all I've got. Later, people!"

    With not so much as a beep, the intercoms clicked off. Whatever the student council had done, they'd improved on Allan's previous attempts to manage the announcements. Truly impressive.



    Me but more fabulous
  • 359
    Iris Aldridge and Alice Winchester

    After a good workout and a hot shower, Alice had decided to get some studying done in the library again. It would be a good place for her absorb some knowledge with little distraction, hopefully. She picked up a book from the shelves, Discipline and You. With a light snort, she put the book under her arm and walked to find somewhere to read it. An empty arm chair called to her so she slid into it and cracked open her book. But before she could start reading it, the person in the other chair caught her attention. It was the girl from the pool - Iris - and she had noticed her too. This is awkward?

    Iris, engrossed in her studies, hardly registered the presence of the presence of the other blonde. More than anything, she seemed to be wear a face of concentration and dedication that was reminiscent of her mother. Serious, frowning slightly and with furrowed brows. Behind the serious expression seemed to be one that seemed to express a more motivated and fired up girl than the cold and apathetic person Alice met at the pool. The girl seemed different, that's for sure. Alice tilted her head a bit as she watched her. As she realized she was being a bit obvious about it, she quickly looked down at her book and started to read. With the occasional glimpse upward, she found herself more and more distracted by thoughts. Was there something else than icicle she had met at the pool?

    Iris happened to notice from the corner of her eye the person sitting on front of her, the girl from the pool the other day. Seemingly lost in her studies, she didn't realize how long she had been there. The shorter blonde took a brief break to refuel. Iris stood up to stretch her arms and legs, making her skinny legs and arms seem longer.

    The girl standing up and stretching once again caught Alice's eye and she mumbled to herself, ?Looking good?? As soon as she did, her face flushed red and she buried her nose into her book, hoping against hope that the girl hadn't heard her. Unfortunately, it was rather quiet in the library so the chances of that were slim?

    Iris paused, and turned her head towards Alice. This would be the second time this has happened, but given that the first time was awkward as it was already, and that anything she said would easily be heard, Iris tilted her head in puzzlement at Alice.

    Peeking over the top of the book again, Alice's face was pure embarrassment as she looked at Iris, who had definitely noticed. ?S-sorry? I? was just admiring I guess? meant to stay quiet but failed.? Her accent was stronger than usual due to her extreme nervousness in this situation, ?I fail at having an inner monologue sometimes. I'm sorry??

    Iris tried to pretend that it didn't happen, steeled countenance in tow only to fail when Iris saw how supremely embarrassed Alice seemed, punctuated by her Southern drawl. After what happened with the pool, it seemed in general that Alice simply wasn't good at expressing herself, a trait that the distant earth mage could relate to. Her face softened, and wordlessly, Iris returned to her place, a contrast to her more flustered behavior at the pool. Iris looked at Alice, and quipped, ?It's not easy interacting with people, is it??

    Putting her book down with a sigh, Alice simply looked down and nodded her head, agreeing with her. She decided it'd be best to speak as well, so she looked up and frowned a little bit. ?Extremely? I have so many problems just talking to someone?? That much was obvious, but she thought it was in her best interest to try. ?You know, I've always been like this. Always the quiet, weird kid? well, weird because I say stupid things??

    Dryly, Iris remarked, ?There are worse things to be. I tend to stay away from people. It's better that way.? She began to read her book again, only half focused on the other blonde.

    ?Don't you get lonely?? Alice blurted and then instantly covered her mouth and felt her blush return. Taking a deep breath, she added, ?I get lonely, even though I am not good with people? it's a horrible conundrum. ?

    Confused on why she was blushing this time, Iris looked in curiosity back at her and said, ?Not really. I don't miss people that much. I don't need anyone.?

    ?Well, you don't seem very fun?? Alice frowned a bit, ?Don't you like to have fun? Do you ever let loose??? She understood being introverted and all but she still enjoyed herself when she could. If Iris didn't, she didn't think they could ever be friends.

    ?Can't say that I can afford to be loose. That's all there is to it.? The curt reply seemed to be an effort to change the subject, possibly so Iris could work again.

    ?You seemed pretty loose in the pool.? Alice spoke quietly, not wanting to upset the girl but the loneliness had overtaken her today and she had yet to see the beautiful Flora since yesterday. At least, her dreams were full of her, and strangely enough this girl too. So she figured she deserved a real chance. ?Come on? we could both use a friend.? She took a deep breath, ?My daddy always said to try to make friends more??

    Iris had a different look on her face, that of an indiscernible change in the short blonde?s countenance, making her seem more uneasy. ?I don't think I'd be able to heed his advice. It's not that easy.?

    Alice let out a breath, growing a bit exasperated. She wasn't sure what she said that could have caused that look. ?Did I say something wrong? I mean, I really don't think I did that time??

    Realizing something on her face have something away, Iris sighed shallowly and assured Alice, ?...It?s nothing.? Her unease seemed to ebb whenever Iris interacted with people, pushed behind the scenes to coldness and apathy only to be reeled back in at various times with awkward results, such as now.

    The sudden change in Iris told Alice that it definitely wasn't nothing and if she wasn't so damn shy she might go over and hug the smaller girl. But alas, she was. She pulled her knees up to her chest and leaned her chin on them, looking at her. ?I'm sorry? I don't know what's going on but I'm sorry if I said something to bother you?? Tears of frustration had welled up in her eyes and were threatening to fall down her cheeks since she couldn't quite figure out the social faux pas she had committed.

    ?Look, it's not your fault, just?? Iris sighed. ?You see why I'm not so good with people??

    Alice wiped the tears from her eyes and she nodded her head, understanding. She let out a deep breath and looked at her mostly forgotten book. ?I guess I'll go study in my room?? Standing up with the book in hand, she started to walk off, but before getting too far away, she looked back over her shoulder. ?I'm sorry, Iris?? And with that, she disappeared in the stacks.

    Iris looked one last time at Alice before returning to her studies, ever more convinced that people were not her forte and it should stay that way. Instead, Iris turned to the thing she knew she was good at, studying, and sticking with that with the same expression as before. Any of the unpleasantness of the previous conversation was pushed away from her mind, and Iris continued along with her routine.