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Family in shock after hate letter targets teen with autism

  • 211
    A family is in shock and a community has united after an anonymous hate letter was written about a young boy living with severe autism. Karla Begley told CityNews her son Max, 13, stays with his grandmother in the morning during the summer time. It was at that home in Newcastle where letter was delivered on Friday.
    "I was shaking when I was reading it," Brenda Millson, Max's grandmother, told CityNews. "It's awful words. You don't know why somebody would ever do such a thing."
    The typed, one-page letter refers to the young boy as a "nuisance" and a "wild animal" before suggesting the family move or "euthanize" the child.
    Begley says the police have been contacted and should they have grounds, charges will be filed against the letter's author.
    Here's a picture of the letter that was sent.


    This is disgusts me. Informing the mother of how everyone else in the neighbourhood was being affected by the actions of the mentally handicapped child is one thing, but the way the author wrote the letter by insulting the child directly with her words was way too much. What are your thoughts on this? What would you have done if you were in the author's position?
    Just seeing this, man, makes me mad, I mean seriously people. There's so many varying degrees of people with autism. I bet those claims in that letter are severely over exaggerated. So what. The parents wanted their autistic kid to actually have exposure instead of locking him up like some kind of monster. He's a kid too, even if he has a severe mental handicap.

    The real ******** even is that even kids that are mildly autistic get this ****. It's ****ing retarded. It seems like if you don't fit the mold you don't belong at all, and the worse it is, the more acceptable it is to act this way. I mean, honestly, unless the kid was actually doing damage I wouldn't have a problem with it - I've seen extremely autistic children before and, while I didn't agree with everything their parents did (protip - if your autistic son is freaking the hell out by taking him to a Chuck E. Cheese's, he probably doesn't like it very much) but seriously, they're doing the best they can, and the kid can't help it. But I guess blind people should drive and people in wheelchairs should just run marathons, eh?

    Jesus Christ it's not like he had a ****ing panic attack in a movie theatre or something.
    I watched a video on this last night. It seems like this woman really needs to think about the way she acts and reevaluate her sense of humanity.
    I'm incredibly surprised that there's things like this happening in Ontario lately. I read once on reddit that a lesbian couple were threatened harm through a letter in Kingston. Ontario is one oft he more progressive provinces so it's just... bizzare. And disgusting.
    This is disgusting. I remember being pretty mad when I read this the other day. The kid can't help it, and I get that not everyone understands autism and the affect it can have on people but this was just really innapropriate, wow.
    My eyes. Christ my eyes. Also whoever wrote that can't spell but hey that's an afterthought.

    Apparently some trolls have decided to leave dark internet iconboards and send physical trolling letters! Well, I'd just report it to police and just keep going on- it's the thing that will most likely piss off the mentally incapacitated person who wrote that blurb of stupidity.

    A parent with an autistic kid is having a hard enough life with enough worries of their own to have a stupid troll make it worse. Really, it's despicable.
    I am wondering if this is just some bored jerk who decided it would be cool to troll a family with an autistic child. Whomever wrote this either needs to get out more (if it's a troll) or open their minds more and read up on the varying degrees of autism and the hardships faced by those whose children have more serious cases (if it's legitimate).
    I can't even read past the first two lines of that letter because it makes me sick. Thinking about it is enough to depress me.. ugh, this is just awful. As if the kid and his family don't have enough on their plate to deal with. :/
    I think we'll see more of this in the future. Not necessarily in this format, but against people with autism, people with disabilities, people with minds that work differently from the majority of people. They're "acceptable targets" in the minds of a lot of people. After all, no one is mad because the kid is black, or Jewish, or gay, so it's okay to complain and criticize, right? (That is not my opinion, just to be clear.)
    This letter sickens me. I heard it a day before it was on the news, and I was so mad. My friend has autism and I find it very disgusting. I think that mother who wrote the letter should get the hell out of that community if she doesn't like it. If I ever see her, I will be going to jail because I would kill her.
    Haha this letter was hilarious. I'd be surprised if whoever actually wrote it wasn't trolling. I mean, who actually communicates in multiple punctuation points? It's more comical than threatening - doing something like that just kind of sort of destroys all credibility of a threat. Probably just a sick joke. I don't think it'll amount to anything, in the grand scheme of things it's still just a letter.
    Oh my God. Before you ***** out someone for being mentally handicapped and call them a nuisance and all that crap, don't you think you need to fix your grammar? Your vocabulary? You think "retarded" is an acceptable term? Honestly, if I had a child with autism and received a letter like this regarding my child, I would laugh my ass off. Calling my child an idiot, yet you resort to tired words like "retarded" and you use more exclamation points than a 13 year old that just joined MySpace. Honey, who is the real idiot in this case? Back up. Sit down. Check yourself.
    Enough of life for today *goes back to the safe place of the internet*

    JESUS, how can these people get away with making letters like this directed at people who cannot help it, maybe the mother cannot help it that she is the nuisance, "modern" society in a nutshell.
    I read the letter and wow, this has to be some sort of sick joke rather than an actual threat. First of all, the person obviously cannot, for the life of themselves, proofread, and secondly, they sound like some crazed, overzealous prepubescent teenage girl with their excessive use of exclamation points. I hope the police get on this poor family's case and does actually persecute this woman who sent it, because this is undoubtedly some sort unfunny tomfoolery. If the lady did ever have an actual problem with the autistic child, she should have politely and civilly told the family in person, even though nothing would have probably been solved anyway because it's difficult to control someone with any disability as it is. What a coward...
    When I saw this thread, I was expecting the hate letter to be something I usually on 4chan regarding autistic individuals, and no surprise, it's written just like one. Despite how what he/she did was wrong, I doubt the police would find the one who wrote the letter due to being anonymous, so he/she might've gotten away with it.
    Wow.. This makes me angry and mad at the person or persons writing that to the mother. That is so wrong and not right for someone to say that. I will admit and not ashamed I have some learning issues with math and some reading too. DOES not make me dumb maybe not as fast as some others but just as good still. Taking time to get something is NOT bad. Growing up people looked at me differently. So I got down about that a lot. I have a lot of art talents though to make up for math issues I had or still today. The letter was soooo uncalled for. Shows how they really are as a person. I had people in high school who had autism and worked with kids in Boys and Girls Club too. There just as import like everyone else in the world. We all bleed the same they should not be treated differently. No one is prefect.. or normal. A saying I know normal? Whats normal? A button on the washing machine. ( or something like it)

    And I apologize if my input to this did not make sense much.
    This autistic kid would like to ask the kind young woman to take some Midol and use less question and exclamation marks next time.
    I think we'll see more of this in the future. Not necessarily in this format, but against people with autism, people with disabilities, people with minds that work differently from the majority of people. They're "acceptable targets" in the minds of a lot of people. After all, no one is mad because the kid is black, or Jewish, or gay, so it's okay to complain and criticize, right? (That is not my opinion, just to be clear.)
    You bring up an extremely good point. Reminds me of how on facebook you see posts that make fun of people with some sort of disability, both mental and physical. There was one post I saw that was all about "funny" ways to hurt blind people, and not only were these incredibly stupid (the blind person wouldn't fall for 90% of them) but it just shows that people think this **** is okay.

    I mean, I know there are jokes out there that are passively funny about any disability. My blind friends joke about it, I joke about it to them, we joke about my autism, little **** like that. But there's a difference between a light hearted politically incorrect joke and downright meanness. I just don't get why someone who can't even help the way they are is an acceptable target.

    But oh god! If you make fun of fat people, or people who are so religious that they deny every piece of scientific literature out there that doesn't take the Bible literally (i.e. all of them), that's TERRIBLE. YOU'RE A HORRIBLE PERSON. FAT PEOPLE CAN'T CONTROL THEIR WEIGHT AND RELIGIOUS PEOPLE HAVE A RIGHT TO THEIR BELIEFS. OH MY GERD WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE

    Sometimes I wonder if the logical, systematic way I observe situations like this isn't part of a disability but actually what everyone else is doing wrong. If everyone just gave other people a chance, and methodically determine if that person is worth your time, instead of assuming that people with problems are animals then I think the world would be a better place.
    This is pretty **** screwed up, I'm fairly certain this isn't a mother because of the style in which the letter was written and how juvenile it is, but if it is a mother then she must not be very educated obviously