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Fanfiction Lounge

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And did I mention that they look like giant plushies?

Oh yes, and they go 'rawr' when you hug them too. At least...I imagine that they do. xD Personally, I'm partial to the luminous, yellow eyes, though. So cute. :3

Cradily needs more love, really, but it's sort of a trickier case since they're fossil pokemon so you can't just hand one to a protagonist without any explanation of where the flarp it came from.

Aside from the fact that there are other pokemon which are just cool, there are probably logical reasons why some pokemon are used over others. For instance it wouldn't be unreasonable to assume that dunsparce is a great digger, since that's its escape method... but since diglett are natural diggers, a lot of trainers would probably go with them instead. I'm actually really having trouble trying to imagine a scenario in which dunsparce couldn't just be switched with another pokemon... although I suppose with a drill for a tail, maybe it can drill through rock, which diglett can't? And since it's smaller it'd be able to make a hole with more precision than, say, a rhydon?

...and I just looked up its TM/HM movepool. O.O WOAH, that little fella's flexible! Talk about underestimation... *forum rumbles under the churn of creative juices flowing*

Well, I think Dunsparce's claim to fame is the wings. According to the pokedex it can actually use them to hover a bit over the ground, which is a trick that I'd like to see a Diglett or Rhydon try to pull off. xD In this way, it's not constrained solely to the ground like a Diglett (Seriously, I can't handle Diglett in writing properly because it has to be in the freakin' ground all the time and I have no idea what its whole body looks like x.x) but also has the cuteness/small pokemon appeal that Rhydon and Rhyhorn lack.

And yeah, the movepool is amazing. It's usually gamefreak's standard form of apology to pokemon who they have decided to completely screw over in stats and/or type combination. (I mean, just look at Farfetch'd, the poor thing has a crazy movepool and still gets outclassed even in the Never Used bracket).

Quilfish (despite being a water-type) is a little too small to be used as a great surfer, but I can so see it being a ninja-classed pokemon... I mean, it's water/poison, so the combination could mean that its poison might mix better with water than other poisons, thus providing a reliable form of undetectable assassination through food/drink...

Being small (Even in possession of the Minimize move) and a swimmer, a trained Qwiflish could also be sent to infiltrate a supposedly safe structure through the pipelines and hit its mark when least expected. >D


Dang, now I have this sudden urge to add an assassination by Qwilfish into my fic. xD *Shot* If we're running a Japanese-style culture, Qwilfish could also gain its uniqueness in being hunted for use in fugu dishes. (A bit cruel, but definitely something that the other pokemon can't imitate) Hmm...the poor things could even have been hunted to near extinction, resulting in them being a protected species and a big scheme of underground Qwilfish hunting on the payroll of unscrupulous restaurant owners and gourmets.

Okay, yeah, looks like I'm rambling now. But dang, figuring out unique situations for pokemon species is fun. XD Anyways, I think the basic evaluation of pokemon stems from two things: the games and the anime. If a pokemon is unfortunate enough to be rare and happen to be a rather weak or at least hard-to-use battler (Dunsparce, and Farfetch'd come to mind) and also doesn't get much anime coverage, then most people will disregard it because they aren't used to seeing it (They don't run into them in the wild a lot, no-one they battle uses them, and the anime doesn't showcase them) and favor the ones they are used to seeing (Species that are everywhere like the Pidgey line and ones which are canonically treated as very strong like Tyranitar, Alakazam, starters and legendaries). Having used Cradily, Tangela and Furret quite frequently on Netbattle, I can't count the times I've run into people who really had no idea what they were dealing with. (Honestly, some of the reactions I got from people when Tangela switched into their Groudon's Earthquake without breaking a sweat, outspeeded it, and OHKOed it...ahh, priceless. Even more fun than wiping out Tyranitar with Furret, actually. xD)

But yeah, you peoples have probably never been NB geeks like me so I'll stop going on about the strategic bit. Point is that these species need more love. x3

Yesh Yamato, I do have no life, and sit here on my computer reading your long-ass posts (not sarcasm)

I have no life and read his long-ass posts. Yay for lifelessness! =D

*gasp* I thought you loved Feebas. Now I'm sad...

I never said I didn't. =O I do love Feebas, it's just that I like the man-eating plant-thingies even better. ^^

Interestingly enough, Cradily is sadly neglected in the official franchise as well. I mean, I think it got a pretty decent battle against Roxanne in the Special manga, but in the anime, its debut (and thus far, its only real appearance) was pisspoor. And is anyone but me getting annoyed that every time fossil Pokemon are featured in the anime (fossil Pokemon themselves rarely being brought up and almost never shown to be owned by a Trainer despite finally incorporating the games' resurrection method since Advanced Generation), they always gotta focus on the same ones? Aerodactyl, Kabutops, Armaldo.... the "they look like vicious monsters so let's use them in a Gaijuu movie spoof" crap is REALLY getting old.

Yeah, the anime's treatment of Cradily is a disgrace. T_T But then again, after all the crappy fillers and other disappointments I've already faced with that particular anime I've grown not to expect that much. Sadly, it's gotten to the point where most people can't even tell what type Cradily is, it seems. .__. (Some ignorant NBer even went 'what the heck is that?'. The irony of course being that Cradily is far superior to both of the far more well-known Kabutops and Armaldo as battling pokemon go. Heck, with D/P's sandstorm change and movepool expansion its only real rival among fossil pokemon is the ever-persistent Aerodactyl, though they're really serving different roles so a proper comparison is hard to make)


Dang, I slipped into strategy rambling again. *Smacks self* I've got to stop doing that, really. >.<
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like I said, reading others' fanfics doesn't concern me. The only time I'll give any thought to the idea of "underused/overused" is when I'm just using a random Pokemon and consider which ones appear too much or too little in the official franchise. In that regard, Dunsparce and Qwilfish see practically no love (oh yeah... forgot if I mentioned it before, but I'm using a Dunsparce in the erogee ^^).

XD Well, I could add that I haven't seen the anime any further than Groudon/Kyogre (and even watched that far for one reason only :3). Plus, since changing VAs mid-series is something that I absolutely loathe, it's not likely I'm going to watch any further than... when did they switch 'em, just after the Battle Frontier, right? So no further than that. And there's the fact that I'm way behind in the manga. ;_;

Whichever way you look at it, in terms of overall knowledge you probably still pwn me. :D

*waves a flag for the dunsparce* Now I wanna use one in one of my stories! ^^

Oh yes, and they go 'rawr' when you hug them too. At least...I imagine that they do. xD Personally, I'm partial to the luminous, yellow eyes, though. So cute. :3

*has an image* FWEE! COOT! *huggles Cradily*

Muahahaha, Venus flytrap pokemon. :3 Well, not really, but close enough.

Cradily needs more love, really, but it's sort of a trickier case since they're fossil pokemon so you can't just hand one to a protagonist without any explanation of where the flarp it came from.

Yes, true. And since one would imagine that the resurrection machine is insanely expensive, it's probably only the wealthy who could afford to resurrect fossils... and that's only if they had a fossil to begin with.

Well, I think Dunsparce's claim to fame is the wings. According to the pokedex it can actually use them to hover a bit over the ground, which is a trick that I'd like to see a Diglett or Rhydon try to pull off. xD In this way, it's not constrained solely to the ground like a Diglett (Seriously, I can't handle Diglett in writing properly because it has to be in the freakin' ground all the time and I have no idea what its whole body looks like x.x) but also has the cuteness/small pokemon appeal that Rhydon and Rhyhorn lack.

I was actually gonna mention the dunsparce's wings... and then I forgot. O.o But yeah, even though it can only hover, they're not exactly heavy (is it just me, or do they look kind of like odd-shaped balloons? O.o ) so with a good wind they might be able to glide over, say, a ravine or something. Not to mention for avoidance... because anything with wings should have some kind of resistance to ground-based moves. :P

Being small (Even in possession of the Minimize move) and a swimmer, a trained Qwiflish could also be sent to infiltrate a supposedly safe structure through the pipelines and hit its mark when least expected. >D



XD I swear we were thinking on the same wavelength. I mean, even looking at the pipes for a full city spread, you could have a quilfish go in and wreak chaos--cutting off water supplies to places which need it (say, a lab...) by having them inhale and block the line, or using their quills to jam machinery (you may have noticed I know nothing about water systems)... whooo, great distraction for the authorities, who's going to notice a nice little theft or something in the midst of all that? :3 To say nothing of the possibilities of mass poisoning...

That's it, in my strange little world Koga or Janine are getting a qwilfish on one of their side-teams. <3.

Dang, now I have this sudden urge to add an assassination by Qwilfish into my fic. xD *Shot*

*shoots* Mine. >D Muahaha.

XD Nah. Now it's in my mind, it does make a whole lotta sense, though. Who would expect a quilfish to be used as a weapon like that? No one seems to notice 'em. :3

Okay, yeah, looks like I'm rambling now. But dang, figuring out unique situations for pokemon species is fun. XD

HELL YES. :3 It's half the fun of the pokemon world, methinks, is trying to put pokemon in situations and still have it realistic. Like with the whole water-pokemon-on-land thing, it's an interesting conundrum which I must spend more thought on.

One of my personal favourites, though, is trying to find logical, realistic explanations for impossibilities. Like the fact that dragonair can fly when their wings (such as they are) are way too small to do so. Or how a char's tail-flame stays burning. Or where the hell water pokemon which haven't been anywhere near a water source generate enough water for a Water Gun from, let alone a Hydro Pump. :3 Fun!

I have no life and read his long-ass posts. Yay for lifelessness! =D

*waves a banner saying 'lifelessness'* Me three, me three! ^.^;; Although I admit a lotta the time I don't understand half what the posts are about, because I know next to nothing about Japan and doujinshi and all that stuff. *pokes* Needa add in links to wikipedia or something, Yamato-san, so all of us simple people know what you're talking about. XD

...and I have come to the conclusion that I am tired, because I'm acting more fangirlishly than normal. *vanishes*
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*has an image* FWEE! COOT! *huggles Cradily*

Muahahaha, Venus flytrap pokemon. :3 Well, not really, but close enough.

Heh, that's why we have Carnivine. Combine with Victreebel and we have the indomitable army of man-eating plants.

Hence why I claimed them all. x3

I was actually gonna mention the dunsparce's wings... and then I forgot. O.o But yeah, even though it can only hover, they're not exactly heavy (is it just me, or do they look kind of like odd-shaped balloons? O.o ) so with a good wind they might be able to glide over, say, a ravine or something. Not to mention for avoidance... because anything with wings should have some kind of resistance to ground-based moves. :P

Well, now that you mention it there is a certain similarity (though admittedly you can get balloons in all sorts of shapes =O). Pokedex says that the average adult Dunsparce weighs 14 kg, so it's not that much...but it's certainly in another class than something like Hoppip. Hmm...wonder what would happen if you filled a Dunsparce with helium? xD


Okay, yeah, maybe that's taking the balloon similarity a bit too far...and in a bit too much of a cruel direction. The ravine glide is feasible enough, given a strong enough wind, though sadly...it probably won't be light enough to carry much with it. Which sort of sucks since escape by Dunsparce flight would be kind of fun. xD

*shoots* Mine. >D Muahaha.

XD Nah. Now it's in my mind, it does make a whole lotta sense, though. Who would expect a quilfish to be used as a weapon like that? No one seems to notice 'em. :3

Ooooh...Qwilfish terrorism. >D Now throw in a couple of Magnemites to sap the power lines and you could sack an entire city. How's that for forgettable? xD The puffing up to block a pipe could definitely work (not very nice for the Qwilfish, but it could work) though I don't think there's much machinery you could reach within a pipe. I mean...it's just a pipe. There might be some kind of shutting mechanism you could jam, but...I dunno'. o.O

Still, the ability to pop in and assassinate someone while they're taking a bath is pretty evil. Handy pokemon all around. :3

HELL YES. :3 It's half the fun of the pokemon world, methinks, is trying to put pokemon in situations and still have it realistic. Like with the whole water-pokemon-on-land thing, it's an interesting conundrum which I must spend more thought on.

One of my personal favourites, though, is trying to find logical, realistic explanations for impossibilities. Like the fact that dragonair can fly when their wings (such as they are) are way too small to do so. Or how a char's tail-flame stays burning. Or where the hell water pokemon which haven't been anywhere near a water source generate enough water for a Water Gun from, let alone a Hydro Pump. :3 Fun!

Yeah, I always wondered about Dragonair's flight thing. According to wiki the official explanation seems to be that the wings at the sides of its head somehow grow when they need to be used for flight, though I suppose it could be a 'mystical powers of levitation' type thing too. x3 And...I recall a debate about the water type attack thing back in pokemon general, actually. As I recall, the most feasible suggestion was that they make use of...other bodily fluids if they're low on water, and I think there was a theory about a special water-storing gland type thing too. :3

And speaking of conundrums, there's one I'd actually like some opinions on: is it feasible for pokemon know their own species names? I mean, in the anime they respond to them automatically, but would a pokemon grown in the wild really have a human-given name? Or is it just that they hear the same sounds that are in their own cry (since they all use their own names for that) and interpret it as a message of some sort? Oh, and would pokemon call themselves (or each other) pokemon, given that the pokemon in question hasn't had contact with humans by which it could have learned the term? Yeah, just something that's been at the back of my mind for a while. x3
YAY!!! My posts make two more people their b****es. Ii kanji da na~. ^^

If you are working on or have recently completed a fanfiction, did you have the storyline planned out from the beginning, or are/did you working/work blindly, with no idea what will happen next?
forgive me if I end up repeating a few things from an earlier post. I started off the narrative with a few ideas from my brother (many of which I don't see as being particularly good anymore), but for the most part, I was on my own. The narrative was a mess, because I was just rushing through all the game areas, important events like Gym battles and Pokemon captures, and just trying to get to the Rocket plot (which in itself only had a beginning and somewhat of a build-up to the end planned out at the time). A lot of this was really unimaginative, as well.... though, a few good things came out of it. At times, I would try to make things more interesting for a few chapters, and as a result, I ended up creating some new characters whom I still intend to use.

When I wrote the script, I originally intended to just rewrite the narrative in a simpler format in hopes of quickly getting back to where I left off. I ended up changing this and tried fleshing out the characters and events more when I looked back at how bad everything was. However, it still could've been done a lot better, and I feel as though I tried forcing a theme and shoving it down everyone's throats (something's amiss if even the author thinks the main character's b****ing too much about being homesick, and while I was writing it -_-). While I originally had a lot more planned upon starting this than I did the narrative, my sudden mid-writing decision to put less emphasis on the journey really started throwing me off a bit. This time around, I'm really hoping to have almost everything planned out correctly, have proper characterization, fitting themes that aren't spelled out to the reader, etc. Seeing as doujinshi-production is more complicated (you cannot redraw as easily as you can retype, you just can't), I'm trying to prioritize this as the final revision, which makes planning out beforehand all the more important. However, even then, I can't be 100% certain how the manga could pan out once I actually work on it.

What do you think of using song lyrics in stories?
meh.... I'd rather not involve songs that can't even be listened to. Sure, you have lyrics, but where's the tune? The audience is expected to just come up with a tune for the lyrics themselves? **** that!

Now, soundtracks on the other hand.... doujinshi proves that fans can make a LOT of stuff, and I've often contemplated the idea of hunting down amateur bands, even using my own pocket money. An original soundtrack to accompany my doujinshi just sounds so badass! ^^ I also wouldn't mind full voice-overs in my erogee (in both Japanese and English... or maybe just Japanese). That said, I might have a scene in the erogee where the main characters sing karaoke (it'll probably involve Fuutarou's girlfriend coercing him to sing a duet with her, even though he can't sing to save his life XD).

How do you pick your titles?
[shrugs] Pocket Monsters Chronicles was my brother's title, as I said. But this was crap, didn't fit the story, and 4kids already tarnished the name. I thought about the name "Pocket Monsters Revelations" instead, but someone brought up that I probably shouldn't use the franchise's name in the title. This made me realize: a lot of doujinshi actually don't directly refer to their series of origin. Several of them also use a rather obscure title consisting of a single English word or phrase which vaguely, if at all, relates to the content (one of my favorite H-circles, Black Dog, will often title their books after a rock band.... it's kinda hit-and-miss. One Sailor Mars book, Sailor Moon being a series they often do hentai of, can be fittingly called "Red Hot Chili Peppers" or "Magician's Red", while another Mars book is strangely called "Pearl Jam").... though, I wouldn't wanna go to that extent. I still don't want to publicly reveal the title to my first serial at this point. However, I can say it consists of two English words, but they heavily relate to the storyline (it's actually the name of something within the story, for that matter).

While I'm not sure if the manga differed drastically, most of Shinji's problems in the anime apparently stem from the abandonment he suffered, and because his father rejected him and then forced him into isolation (via putting him in situations where he kills off the people he gets close to), he finds himself in a state of constant loneliness. So, in that sense, yes, he dwells on it.

so wait? You're saying you read the manga and didn't watch the anime? I haven't read the manga, but I heard it was complete **** (like most anime-to-manga adaptions). Shinji in a state of constant loneliness? Episode 4 says otherwise. I doubt anyone who's lonely would want to run away where they'd become even less likely to experience human contact.

And speaking of conundrums, there's one I'd actually like some opinions on: is it feasible for pokemon know their own species names? I mean, in the anime they respond to them automatically, but would a pokemon grown in the wild really have a human-given name? Or is it just that they hear the same sounds that are in their own cry (since they all use their own names for that) and interpret it as a message of some sort? Oh, and would pokemon call themselves (or each other) pokemon, given that the pokemon in question hasn't had contact with humans by which it could have learned the term? Yeah, just something that's been at the back of my mind for a while. x3

the idea of Pokemon saying their names is actually an anime cliche.... several mascot-like characters will say their own name (or some phrase) to seem cute (it doesn't even need to be the only thing they say... instead, it could work as a Japanese sentence particle or ending, as you can see with Nyaasu/Meowth in the Japanese version of the anime). Also, unlike what the English dub would have you believe, a lot of Pokemon don't call out their whole names in some drone-like fashion.... instead, a lot of Pokemon in the original version will only say a fragment of their name sounded out like an animalistic call (Juptor/Grovyle says "Jururururu" in growling tone). It's still an oddity that their calls resemble even part of their name (and we can't act as if Pokemon were named after their calls, since nearly all Pokemon are named after actual words, in both Japan and English-speaking countries... I can assume the French and German names have meaning as well), but again, it's an anime cliche. I guess most people just go with it in the end. And if it really bugs anyone, there's nothing in canon to suggest they must say their names (as a matter of fact, in the video games and the Special manga, they only tend to growl).

As for the idea of Pokemon knowing their own name when called out by a human.... I brought up how Pokemon seem to already know attacks earlier, so it's not hard to imagine they have their species names imprinted in their minds (if they don't have a small grasp on human languages altogether). Remember, I also suggested the idea of relating Pokemon training to dog training earlier. Pokemon could realistically come to understand their name and attack commands over time.

XD Well, I could add that I haven't seen the anime any further than Groudon/Kyogre (and even watched that far for one reason only :3). Plus, since changing VAs mid-series is something that I absolutely loathe, it's not likely I'm going to watch any further than... when did they switch 'em, just after the Battle Frontier, right? So no further than that. And there's the fact that I'm way behind in the manga. ;_;

the Battle Frontier started not long after I made the switch to Japanese episodes. I watched the English version before mostly because, for a good while in spite of its popularity, Pokemon didn't seem as widely available online as other series. That's changed in recent years (it's either that, or I just never looked in the right places), and shortly after I got into the Japanese version during late Houen, I caught up with all the previous Advanced Generation episodes, and I'm even in the process of watching episodes from the first series (I've watched all the way up to the Whirl Cup in Japanese thus far). So, the VA switch had zero significance towards me... though, in a way, I've made a switch as well. But I'm prone to show bias towards the original version of something, and I do have an interest in the Japanese language itself, so obviously, I had no problems switching from English to Japanese voices like I did.

Also, I don't read much of the manga.... I mostly just go on summaries from Serebii. Though, I did translate the first two volumes after I was provided scans for them (I also read Viz's version of the first volume years ago).
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so apparently, my rants are long yet interesting enough to make someone their b****. YAY!!! ^^

I'm not sure what that censor is, but if it is the female dog mrahmrahah, then I am no such thing! REVOLT!

I have no life and read his long-ass posts. Yay for lifelessness! =D

Yay! No lifnessness!

I never said I didn't. =O I do love Feebas, it's just that I like the man-eating plant-thingies even better. ^^
Feebas rocks so much harder...

Yeah, the anime's treatment of Cradily is a disgrace. T_T But then again, after all the crappy fillers and other disappointments I've already faced with that particular anime I've grown not to expect that much. Sadly, it's gotten to the point where most people can't even tell what type Cradily is, it seems. .__. (Some ignorant NBer even went 'what the heck is that?'. The irony of course being that Cradily is far superior to both of the far more well-known Kabutops and Armaldo as battling pokemon go. Heck, with D/P's sandstorm change and movepool expansion its only real rival among fossil pokemon is the ever-persistent Aerodactyl, though they're really serving different roles so a proper comparison is hard to make)

I still don't think I know cradily's type, is it grass or rock? IMPORTANT QUESTIONS!

Dang, I slipped into strategy rambling again. *Smacks self* I've got to stop doing that, really. >.<

Where do you find the time to write all this? Lawlz@

*waves a flag for the dunsparce* Now I wanna use one in one of my stories! ^^

Now I'm tempted to also. Prepares dunsparce for future FF

XD I swear we were thinking on the same wavelength.

Hey, I just learned what a wavelength is. Lawlz@

*waves a banner saying 'lifelessness'* Me three, me three! ^.^;; Although I admit a lotta the time I don't understand half what the posts are about, because I know next to nothing about Japan and doujinshi and all that stuff. *pokes* Needa add in links to wikipedia or something, Yamato-san, so all of us simple people know what you're talking about. XD

We all need to get some lives. *waves a banner saying 'donate some money, give some people lives...'

...and I have come to the conclusion that I am tired, because I'm acting more fangirlishly than normal. *vanishes*

You have too much free time on your hands. Lawlz@

YAY!!! My posts make two more people their b****es. Ii kanji da na~. ^^

... I have no way to respond to that.

I'm suprised I actually read all that...
The puffing up to block a pipe could definitely work (not very nice for the Qwilfish, but it could work) though I don't think there's much machinery you could reach within a pipe. I mean...it's just a pipe. There might be some kind of shutting mechanism you could jam, but...I dunno'. o.O

Well, I was thinking more along the lines of fans or pumps inside the pipes which they might use to get water around to the different locations, but I know nothing about water systems so I'm just assuming they'd exist. :P

Yeah, I always wondered about Dragonair's flight thing. According to wiki the official explanation seems to be that the wings at the sides of its head somehow grow when they need to be used for flight, though I suppose it could be a 'mystical powers of levitation' type thing too. x3

Well, the problem with that is that then you'd have to explain how the wings grow and how they manage to levitate themselves... I mean, they're not psychic or anything. :P

I have a theory that their cells can absorb lighter-than-air gases--say, something like hydrogen--and when their cells build up enough of these gases then it enables them to float. Flying seems seems to be a matter of choice for them, though, so I haven't quite worked out how they manage to control to absorption enough that they can choose when they want to fly or not... but anyway.

Mind you, this is also coming from someone who knows next to nothing about chemistry aside from what she's looked up on the 'Net, so... XD

And...I recall a debate about the water type attack thing back in pokemon general, actually. As I recall, the most feasible suggestion was that they make use of...other bodily fluids if they're low on water, and I think there was a theory about a special water-storing gland type thing too. :3

Well, maybe it's just me, but I've kind of always imagined pokemon to be able to convert energy in some way--obviously different forms of energy for different pokemon types--so perhaps water pokemon can do something similar with molecules. Maybe they have some kind of gland which takes the hydrogen and oxygen from the atmosphere (or other fluids, or food, or whatever) and then combines it to produce water.

And speaking of conundrums, there's one I'd actually like some opinions on: is it feasible for pokemon know their own species names? I mean, in the anime they respond to them automatically, but would a pokemon grown in the wild really have a human-given name? Or is it just that they hear the same sounds that are in their own cry (since they all use their own names for that) and interpret it as a message of some sort? Oh, and would pokemon call themselves (or each other) pokemon, given that the pokemon in question hasn't had contact with humans by which it could have learned the term? Yeah, just something that's been at the back of my mind for a while. x3

I'm not a fan of pokemon saying their own names either. :P It just seems so... mechanical, at least when it comes to pokemon like Pikachu who just say it all straight out. I don't mind it when what they're saying sounds like a noise an animal might make, so I tend to take that route. I have my pokemon vocalise, but try to make it sound more animal-like and natural-sounding. Not sure if my way's any better, because I use bits and pieces from the pokemon's names to do that, which still brings in the problem of 'how the heck do they know that?!', but... ^.^;;

(...actually, I think I got that idea from reading the SPPf version of Pocket Monsters Chronicles, Yamato-san, with the way you portrayed Eevee. *hides* I'm sorry, I never reviewed it!)

I also think they would use body language quite a bit too, like real animals do. :P

As for pokemon calling themselves/each other pokemon--I like to think not. In fact I tend to think that they have different designations for things like cities, pokeballs, Pokemon Centres, etc. I generally have pokemon call themselves 'Kin' if referring to pokemon in general, and then 'brethren' when referring to one of their own type, right down to the generic 'pack' or 'eyrie' or whatever for their family groups and/or trainer and team (if they're human-owned). Haven't managed to figure out what they call each other if referring to specific species, though... about all I know is how eeveelutions refer to one another (eg, eevee=='cousin of the wilderness', vaporeon=='cousin of the lake').

I kind of view it as a separate 'culture', even though I also generally see pokemon as being intelligent enough to understand human speech too, so in time they would learn the human way of saying things. :P

the Battle Frontier started not long after I made the switch to Japanese episodes. I watched the English version before mostly because, for a good while in spite of its popularity, Pokemon didn't seem as widely available online as other series. That's changed in recent years (it's either that, or I just never looked in the right places), and shortly after I got into the Japanese version during late Houen, I caught up with all the previous Advanced Generation episodes, and I'm even in the process of watching episodes from the first series (I've watched all the way up to the Whirl Cup in Japanese thus far). So, the VA switch had zero significance towards me... though, in a way, I've made a switch as well. But I'm prone to show bias towards the original version of something, and I do have an interest in the Japanese language itself, so obviously, I had no problems switching from English to Japanese voices like I did.

...ohhh, now THERE'S an idea... *makes note to self to look for subbed versions of the episodes* I fully intend to do that with the YuGiOh anime, I can't believe I didn't think of it for Pokemon. -_-;;

Even so, the anime has seemed to experience a downslide in quality. :P And I'm not too keen on the Sinnoh region, so... *shrugs* eh, at least that option's open if I do want to continue watching it. :P

I still don't think I know cradily's type, is it grass or rock? IMPORTANT QUESTIONS!

It's grass AND rock, which is why it's kinda cool, because a lot of types which are good against one are bad against the other, so it evens out a little. :P

You have too much free time on your hands.

Yes, yes I do... XD
so wait? You're saying you read the manga and didn't watch the anime?

Quoting from my original post:

While I'm not sure if the manga differed drastically, most of Shinji's problems in the anime

This would imply that I'm speaking of the vice versa. In other words, I was saying I didn't read the manga (all the way through, as I have volumes seven and nine) but watched the anime, knew that the manga differed drastically from the anime on several points (including the level of Kaworu's involvement and whether or not Toji actually died), and wasn't sure if the manga differed from the anime in terms of the way it depicts Shinji's depression.

Or, put simply, if one says "in the anime" and "not sure if the manga differed drastically," it usually means they haven't read the manga thoroughly but have read the anime.

Shinji in a state of constant loneliness? Episode 4 says otherwise. I doubt anyone who's lonely would want to run away where they'd become even less likely to experience human contact.

Partially, yes and partially, I said his problems have stemmed from his abandonment by his father, which I'd like to add to because, now that I think about it, this not only covers loneliness but also depression, so when he was forced into a heavily traumatic situation (fighting against a destructive giant, killing said giant, and watching the beast he was piloting come to life) by his father (because he was seeking his father's approval, aside from the fact that his father manipulated him by nearly forcing Rei -- who was heavily injured at the time -- to fight), he descended into a confused state (partially out of trauma and partially because he didn't know what to do concerning the situation his father had put him in) and simply ran away. Therefore, one can still assume that his problems are still caused by his father and that, even early in the series, he dwelled on them to the point where he allowed himself to be herded off into dangerous and emotionally scarring situations because of some manipulation from his father.

I can't completely remember if this actually verges from my original argument (because I'm too lazy to look for my own posts), but the point is that there really is such a thing as making a situation so farfetched that although it might be logical for a character to angst about his life, it still may be headdesk worthy as well as something that just seems like the author might be trying a bit hard to make an angsty character.
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well, I assumed otherwise because saying you're not sure if the manga differed can give the impression that you did read the manga and you're not sure if it differed from the anime (which could be a switched-around way of saying you didn't watch the anime and are not sure if it differed from the manga), and by bringing up "Shinji's problems in the anime" can still lead me to think you're using what you only heard about as a basis for your argument. Really, bringing up the manga in the first place was what was throwing me off... it was kinda unnecessary, especially considering this isn't an anime that was adapted from a manga (thereby making any manga not be the original material).

And I wouldn't say it's the author trying to force angst.... more like he's trying to portray a reluctant hero in a more realistic light than all these cookie-cutter heroes with a sense of justice and a taste for action and adventure. If anything, your argument kinda drove this point even further. The fact that the setting is fiction should have no bearing (and shame on you for doing that... you're in fanfiction, for Christ's sake), it's still an arguably well-thought approach to how a real person might handle the situation at hand, as well as conveying the show's theme of individuality.

...ohhh, now THERE'S an idea... *makes note to self to look for subbed versions of the episodes* I fully intend to do that with the YuGiOh anime, I can't believe I didn't think of it for Pokemon. -_-;;

actually, there're extremely few Pokemon subs. They're mostly raws. However, Pocket Monsters is a pretty simplistic anime, so even if you don't know a lick of Japanese, it's not very difficult to catch the context of what's going on (and if you don't, there's plenty of summaries and stuff online). Though, knowing a bit of Japanese can still help (it's especially a treat with the jokes that come up... it's interesting that Dunsparce was talked about earlier, because its sole episode involved one of the most hilarious pun-based scenes I saw in the show. "Kocchi, kocchi!" XD).

BTW, when you say SPPF version of PMC.... would you happen to be referring to the old narrative version? Or just the scripted version that I posted there? If it's the former, then kudos for being that long of a fan, I'd like you to PM me whatever you remember about that old thing. If it's the latter.... PM me anyway. I would care to hear some feedback, and especially what you think of all the changes I've announced here. ^^
well, I assumed otherwise because saying you're not sure if the manga differed can give the impression that you did read the manga and you're not sure if it differed from the anime (which could be a switched-around way of saying you didn't watch the anime and are not sure if it differed from the manga), and by bringing up "Shinji's problems in the anime" can still lead me to think you're using what you only heard about as a basis for your argument.

How can it make you assume that I was? O_o The manga was in the introductory clause of the sentence, one that implied that I wasn't entirely sure of the content of the manga for a reason. Additionally, the main portion of the sentence relied heavily on the phrase "in the anime," which meant that that was the basis of my analysis, not the manga.

Really, bringing up the manga in the first place was what was throwing me off... it was kinda unnecessary,

I was mentioning the fact that my analysis applied only to the anime and not to the series as a whole, which would then include the manga, despite the fact that some people (such as yourself) feel that the manga would be irrelevant to the anime. In a sense, it is, although if we're talking about characters, it's usually a good idea to emphasize that we're not making a comment on their portrayal in general but instead one on either the anime or the manga to avoid any possible confusion from either fellow fans or general onlookers.

And I wouldn't say it's the author trying to force angst.... more like he's trying to portray a reluctant hero in a more realistic light than all these cookie-cutter heroes with a sense of justice and a taste for action and adventure.

By heaping angsty situations onto the protagonist in the same way a badfic author would heap angsty situations onto an angst Sue. Dead parent, abusive parent, being alone for the majority of his life... I've seriously read Sues that are like that. I'm not exactly saying that Shinji himself is a Sue (because, hey, he did eventually destroy humanity because of his screw ups). Just that it's a method I've seen Suethors try and fail at, and in some cases, there's really only a few differences (however significant they may be) between them and him.

The fact that the setting is fiction should have no bearing (and shame on you for doing that... you're in fanfiction, for Christ's sake),

Shame on you for attempting to scold me without even knowing what my writing style is actually like. I could very well be employing the elements of literature as I see fit to produce a different cast of decently developed characters whose basis of characterization are their individual backgrounds and the world they live in and how both mold who they are as people (which is the result of the reactions you probably are referring to), but you really wouldn't know that unless you actually looked at what I had to write. Point is, please don't scold me for having differing opinions of how characterization should be. And if you must throw a light insult because I'm "completely wrong about it" my way, at least do it while analyzing my actual writing. It would hit harder. You might even have the opportunity to call me a hypocrite if you do it that way.

Unnecessary personal jabs from both sides aside, what does and doesn't define fiction is relative (aside from the obvious difference of fact versus what simply doesn't exist or never happened). Considering the story as a whole, I just don't believe producing a character like Shinji (either from the start or through the surrounding web of events) is particularly realistic. Yes, a gung-ho, guns-blaring protagonist is annoying, but a whining, whimpering child who goes into the story as a whining, whimpering child is just the other end of the spectrum, not the happy medium that would, in my opinion, make for an interesting protagonist or something that would indicate a level of realism. It is, merely, the opposite to what most shounen anime tout as a hero. In fact, it's something that seems to appear with a certain frequency in shoujo anime, from what I've noticed (although I may be misinterpreting some characters). I personally interpret it as similar to creating an anti-Sue. The other end of the spectrum isn't necessarily good or a realistic view of things, even though it's a nice change from the usual end of the spectrum one might encounter.

Also, when did I mention the setting (which, as a lit geek, to me means "the time and place in which the story occurs"), as opposed to the events leading up to a character's present state of psyche (the plot and background)?
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By heaping angsty situations onto the protagonist in the same way a badfic author would heap angsty situations onto an angst Sue. Dead parent, abusive parent, being alone for the majority of his life... I've seriously read Sues that are like that. I'm not exactly saying that Shinji himself is a Sue (because, hey, he did eventually destroy humanity because of his screw ups). Just that it's a method I've seen Suethors try and fail at, and in some cases, there's really only a few differences (however significant they may be) between them and him.

You know, it took me until right about when you said that to realize that you guys were talking about Shinji from Evangelion and not the Shinji from the Pokemon fandom. I officially need to get my head examined for thinking that. (Seriously, though, if you read through all of this thinking that Shinji is the one from D/P then it actually becomes a very amusing discussion) XD.

Hmm.... you know, I kind of prefer the shounen hero to the supa-angsty-life-completely-sucks protagonist myself. That isn't to say that it's my favorite type of protagonist, but being an optimist myself I find that I'm drawn to characters that remind me of myself (or what I wish I could be). I know that it's really not accepted to come out and admit that I think Uzumaki Naruto is probably higher on my scale of "I like this protagonist" then a more morose and angsty hero due to the fact that the latter is usually more realistic then the former, but the fact is that I'm completely biased as far as things like that go. If a character is going to sit around in a fic and angst, angst, angst for thirty or so chapters I'm going to lose interest. When handled correctly, I happen to find an optimistic protagonist more interesting then one who is pessimistic, and I love thinking of ways to do so. Personally, I'd say that my favorite protagonist type is one who is extremely optimistic and somewhat inspiring, but one who remains human by including a character flaw that usually stems from his optimism. Overconfidence is usually a given, but I think that it works out better if the character is made out to be unknowingly selfish, that is, he doesn't notice how much of his life revolves around constant self-gratification at the expense of others. When he realizes this about himself, he is able to develop and grow as a person. Of course, on the other end of the spectrum you can have them be completely self-righteous and overly wrapped up in whatever they're doing without realizing that they go against what they preach. A hypocritical protagonist or a selfish one on a journey that forces them to admit to their flaws and grow... that's what I like to write and read about.

On the other hand, if someone angsts but does not remain eternally angsty or registers character growth, I can read a fic with much darker elements. Of course, maybe I'm just saying that because I haven't watched Evangelion yet and I don't know my angst threshold. I mean, I've stopped caring about Sasuke because all he's done in the Naruto manga for three flippin' years is angst about Itachi, angst about Itachi, and angst about Itachi. He's got a reason and everything, but he's still getting annoying what with the lack of any other emotion. (Of course, seeing him interact with Karin did help me remember that there was apparently some tiny part of him that was not completely angst-dominated...)
You know, it took me until right about when you said that to realize that you guys were talking about Shinji from Evangelion and not the Shinji from the Pokemon fandom. I officially need to get my head examined for thinking that. (Seriously, though, if you read through all of this thinking that Shinji is the one from D/P then it actually becomes a very amusing discussion) XD.

It's okay. I've noticed that people I talk to either think of one Shinji or the other when the name is brought up in a conversation about anime. A friend of mine, for example, once interrupted a conversation about a new Pokemon episode to say, "Wait. Shinji Ikari battles Ash?" Since then, I keep thinking of Evangelion's Shinji instead of Paul when someone starts talking about the latest episodes.

Anyway, at the risk of not having an abundance of intelligence to add to this conversation, I'll just say that I agree with you regarding shounen heroes with flaws. I also like the idea of your example, with the protagonist being self-centered at first, only to grow later on.

As for angst thresholds and Evangelion, I've only seen a handful of episodes of Naruto, but I'll take your word for it with Sasuke and explain Eva like this: Think of Sasuke. Now, think of Sasuke piloting a mecha, and that might be a little like what the character relationships are like in Eva. (I wouldn't know for certain, but it's an example I hope will give you a bit of an idea. ^_^;)

At the risk of breaking the conversation, a very special Midsummer Knights act is up. In it, Sebastian talks about the dangers of drugs Imogen learns the meaning of Thanksgiving Viola and Haunter are involved with a raping of a well-known poem. Apologies for any awkwardness. It was my attempt at making a rhyme scheme.
I've made a fan-fic, it hasnt been getting much feedback or attention. However what feedback it did get is positive. Its called "Pokemon: Grand Anual Tournament" I'll post a sample chapter for anyone intrested.

Chapter 6: First fight.

"Looks like you're fighting first Kane!" Nantai laughed. Kane groaned. "Well we should go take our seats." Nantai said as he walked out of the room.

The arena was huge. It was a Tera Area so it alternated though geographic settings. The setting was "Mountain" for this match. Melody sat next to Bryant. Nantai and Benito sat next to each other and were discussing battle strategies. The crowd was cheering loudly. A man walked onto the arena he was wearing white and black clothes. He was obviously the referee. "Alright everyone lets get this battle underway!" He yelled into the microphone, "our first fighter, Kane!" He turned and held out his hand to one side of the arena. Kane came walking out. He looked embarrassed. "And out next fighter, Tyrell Smith!" he turned again and held out his hand at the other side of the arena. Tyrell came walking out, waving and blowing kisses. "He's a pretty boy…" Melody sneered. Bryant didn't pay attention to her comment much. "Who do you think would win?" Bryant asked "Kane or Tyrell?"

"I guess it would depend on what pokémon they choose first." Melody replied. Bryant and Melody were getting anxious for the battle to start. "Alright fighters we want a good fair fight!" exclaimed the referee, "So no cheating alright?" The two fighters nodded. "Alright, let's begin!" The referee yelled.

"Come on out, Cyrus!" Kane yelled as he threw out his pokéball. It popped open and out of it came a Charizard. The Charizard roared and blew fire. "Get out there Medicham!" The other fighter yelled. Out of his pokéball came a Medicham. "Cyrus, use fire spin!" Kane yelled. His Charizard roared and blew a tornado of fire at the Medicham. The medicham got caught in it and was being burned. "Medicham," Tyrell yelled "use ice punch!"

The Medicham jumped out of the fiery vortex. Its fist began to glow, it came dropping down at the charizard. "Cyrus, fly!" Kane yelled. The Charizard looked up and began to fly into the sky. The medicham came down and hit the ground. "Medicham, again!" Tyrell barked. His Medicham jumped back up into the air. He was going to throw another ice punch at Kane's Charizard. "Cyrus, substitute then pile drive!" Kane yelled. "Pile drive?" The other fighter said confused. There was a poof of smoke and the Medicham hit Cyrus's substitute. Cyrus flew back at Medicham and grabed him. "Meda!?" Cyrus flipped over and began dropping and spinning. There was a large crash on the arena and Medicham was hit head first into the ground. "Good job Cyrus!" Kane yelled throwing Charizard a treat. The Charizard caught it and gulped it down. "Grr…Medicham, return!" Tyrell growled as he called back his Medicham into its pokéball. "Gengar, go!" Tyrell yelled throwing out another pokéball. Out of it came a Gengar. "Gaaar!" The Gengar yelled. "I guess I should be calling ya back to Cyrus, return." The Charizard gave one last roar and was returned back to its pokéball.

"Get on out there, lassie!" Kane yelled throwing out his next pokéball. "Garde!!" Cried a Gardevoir. "Gengar, use shadow punch!" Tyrell yelled. "Lassie, do some of your womanly stuff!" Kane winked. The Gardevoir was surrounded by hearts and began "Teasing" the Gengar. The Gengar stopped and gazed at the gardevoir. "No!" Tyrell yelled, "Don't fall for it, it's a attract!"

The Gengar didn't listen and continued gazing. "Ha!" Kane laughed, "Lassie use magical leaf!" Gardevoir began scattering colorful leaves around the Gengar. The leaves then flew at the Gengar knocking it over. "Grr…" Tyrell growled, "Gengar, Shadow ball!" Tyrell yelled. "Gen..gar…" The Gengar replied in a dream like state. "Ha! It appers your gengar is too much of a lover-boy!" Kane taunted, "Lassie use hypnosis!" Kane yelled. "Garrr…devoir…" The gardevoir said also in a dream like state. The Gengars eyes began to droop. They soon shut. Tyrell growled. "Now lassie, use, dream eater!" Kane yelled. The Gardevoir began to float and white and black balls began flying to it from the Gengar. The Gengar fell over. "Gengar is unable to battle," The referee yelled, "send out your next pokémon!"

Tyrell growled, "He won't beat you…" He said taking out his next pokéball, "Go, Mettagross!" Out of it was a blue four leged pokémon. It looked kinda like a spider with a "X" on its face. "Gardevoir, return!" Kane yelled. His Gardevoir returned back to its pokéball. "Go, Chompy!" Kane yelled. He threw out his next pokéball. Out of it came a shark like pokémon on two legs. "Gaaar!!!" The Garchomp roared. "Metagross, use frustration!" Tyrell yelled. "Metagross!" Metagross yelled. It flew at the Garchomp knocking it pretty far back. "Garchomp," Kane yelled "you alright?!" Kane asked. "Gaar…" Garchomp jumped back up, "Chomp!" It nodded. That was pretty strong frustration attack, Bryant thought to himself, That Metagross must really not like that guy. "Garchomp, use dragon rush!" Kane yelled. The Garchomp charged at metagross quickly. Its head and body began to glow blue. "Metagross, move!" Tyrell yelled. The metagross ignored the order and was hit by the attack. The metagross flew back but quickly ran back forward. "Good metagross use hammer arm!" Tyrell yelled. "Meta…" The metagross turned away. It used earthquake instead. Kane's garchomp fell over. "Garchomp, end it with giga impact!" Kane yelled. The garchomp jumped back up and charged at the metagross and knocked clear into the arena wall. The metagross was knocked out. "Metagross is unable to battle, Kane wins!" The referee held up a green flag. The crowd cheered loudly and all of Kane's team ran out onto the arena to congratulate him. "Wasn't that a great battle!?" Benito asked. "Yeah it was…" Bryant replied quietly. But that frustration attack, it was too strong. Bryant thought to himself as they left to their seats.
Yes, Skii, I read it, you can expect the review at some point in our lives.

As for Hyosuke... It's sort of, well, there are grammatical errors everywhere, and it's spaced out all wrong.

"Get on out there, lassie!" Kane yelled throwing out his next pokéball. "Garde!!" Cried a Gardevoir. "Gengar, use shadow punch!" Tyrell yelled. "Lassie, do some of your womanly stuff!" Kane winked. The Gardevoir was surrounded by hearts and began "Teasing" the Gengar. The Gengar stopped and gazed at the gardevoir. "No!" Tyrell yelled, "Don't fall for it, it's a attract!"

"Get on out there, lassie!" Kane yelled throwing out his next pokéball.

"Garde!!" Cried a Gardevoir.

"Gengar, use shadow punch!" Tyrell yelled.

"Lassie, do some of your womanly stuff!" Kane winked. The Gardevoir was surrounded by hearts and began "Teasing" the Gengar. The Gengar stopped and gazed at the gardevoir.

"No!" Tyrell yelled, "Don't fall for it, it's a attract!"

It's longer and more proffesional.

Now, what happened to the topics?

How do you choose what fan fiction you are going to read? Randomly, or is it organised?

That question could have been phrased better, I know.
How do you choose what fan fiction you are going to read? Randomly, or is it organised?

I always like reading new fanfics. I rarely read extremely popular fics, myself.
How do you choose what fan fiction you are going to read? Randomly, or is it organised?

I'll read one that's been recommended to me, but I'd normally pick either the newest fan fiction work or a really old one that everyone has forgotten about.

Anyways, I felt really impatient, so I decided to post my fan fiction, chapter one... I know you said you'd pre-read it Jax, but I have somehow messed up my e-mail account... If you want, you can do chapter two instead.

How do you choose what fan fiction you are going to read? Randomly, or is it organised?

All kinds. Sometimes it's of my friend's, if someone asked me a review or is in need of one, ones that are recommended, and ones from my favorite fanfic authors. There are a few times I want to read fics that has a lot of chapters already just to pass the time. XD

And oh, sorry everyone that I was behind on the reviews. I was busy with editing "Nothing, Everything" and a couple other thing. That and my house had a power outage just on Christmas Day. >.> Will get to reviewing a couple today. And speaking of NE, expect it probably on January 1st. Woot, New Years! ^^
Call For Betas:
ATTENTION! I am in need of a Beta reader for my fic (link is in my sig). In particular, I need someone who is skilled with character work. If you wish to help me, please drop me a PM. Thanks!

How do you choose what fan fiction you are going to read? Randomly, or is it organised?

It depends. Some of the best fics I have read have been ones I've randomly chosen to read, while some of the most hyped and recommended ones have been rather blah IMO. But usually once I find an author that I think stands above the rest, I'll usually stick with their works (provided their future fic isn't of a subject/genre that I don't like). So, basically, I sneak around silently like a ninja, looking for fics to pick up and read. I try out recommendations from other fic authors, but those recommendations seem to be quite hit and miss for me.

I'm not one for judging by titles (I'll look at content to see if it's one worth sticking with), with the exception of the word "Team" in the title. Nine times out of ten, "Team" refers to a PMD-type team and fic, and I steer clear of anything PMD.
Ah ha ha ha, Bay. :x I'm on the case with the beta work. It's just that I got a new video game that's really good, innovative, and fun to play. So I've gotten lazy. Plus, I got a new book by a certain author that I'm obsessed over.

How do you choose what fan fiction you are going to read? Randomly, or is it organised?
Point-and-click sometimes. If a fic is new here, then I check it out to see if it follows the rules. Other times, I get a request for a review, which is how I started following DP479's fic and Griff's. And then I have a friend who recommends well-written fics, so that's how I find others.

Some of the best fics I have read have been ones I've randomly chosen to read, while some of the most hyped and recommended ones have been rather blah IMO.
Agreed. It's the fics that are quiet and unnoticed that are really good. Sometimes, if the author is famous and has fanwits following their every move with praise, then the author can spew out horrible writing and it will still be praised. (Note the "sometimes". For the love of Sinterklaas, note the "sometimes".)

And on the plus side, it took me a few days, but I have two semi-good pages of my prologue written for my OT fic. It will probably be a few years before I get around to editing it.

*goes back to reading*
It's okay. I tend to be lazy sometimes too. XD There was one game I was playing too but then I halt the progress to focus on editing the latter chapters of NE and am now getting back on the review business. XD

And also, that's one good thing about being quietly known...you won't have crazed fans asking when is the next chapter coming and what team my character will have. I'll feel guilty not putting up the chapter in fast speed and it would be all horribly written. XD

All right, new topic...

What are your guys' fanfic resolutions for 2008? Any new fic ideas you want to write or want to get the chapters done faster?

Pretty much my resolutions is posting the chapters faster although that might not happen because I'm now taking harder courses in my university. :X Also, I hope to finish this one romance fic that's been on my head for quite some time (thinking of starting it tonight, actually XD)
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