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Fanfiction Lounge

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Do you prefer to write in short bursts, or over long stretches of time?I'll never sit down for any less than half an hour, unless my time is limited by another commitment, like having to go to school in ten minutes. I like to sit and write for ages; the problem is finding that ages.
Do you prefer to write in short bursts, or over long stretches of time?
It depends on whether you consider an hour a short burst of not. Every day (usually <_<), I write for one hour and then stop. Only once have I gone over that one hour writing time and that was only because I was just having so much fun I couldn't stop until I got that certain part written out. I am considering trying to write for more than two hours, but I don't think I have enough patience to do that.
Whee! TFC Chapter 5 initial draft is done! Now to just proofread tomorrow and I should be able to post it either tomorrow evening or Sunday! 11.5 pages, so not my longest chapter but I can't really artificially stretch it just for the sake of length. It does what it needs to and that's fine, those needs being largely the capture of Jehiel and introduction of Zack, plus some characterization.

Speaking of Zack, just as I had already decided he's a little less...gay this time around. That had worn off later on anyway and my explanation that the whole gayness was just an act wasn't so great. As I believe I said earlier, I intend to make Zack more consistent between appearances now. Doesn't mean he's not, in Rayne's words, a big creep though. When I first introduced him previously he was undoubtedly the funnest character to write and it seems that he'll still be that way now, so yay.

How valuable do you think *bolded topics* are here at the Lounge? Why?
Without them it would seem like I was always just babbling away and using this lounge as my own personal journal or something, being too lazy to get a blog as I am. (Plus, no one would read a blog I wrote on and by doing it here instead I sort of have a forced audience.) By having these bolded topics which I reply to, it may actually seem like I'm on topic! Not like anyone cares about what I say to them any more than they care about my rambling. <_<

Do you prefer to write in short bursts, or over long stretches of time?
I do both, depending on how I feel and what I'm writing. If I get really into it I can spend hours writing, while other times I'll just do a little burst to finish a scene and call it a day.
Do you prefer to write in short bursts, or over long stretches of time?
I myself like to do short bursts. Anywhere from ten to thirty minutes. Very occasionally I'll stretch that to as long as an hour, but that's the exception rather than the rule.
Do you prefer to write in short bursts, or over long stretches of time?

I only do long bursts, it's a curse and a bonus XD

It keeps me on track, while giving me plenty of ideas.
How valuable do you think *bolded topics* are here at the Lounge? Why?
Like everyone else, I think the bold topics keep us on track, at least when talking about writing.

Do you prefer to write in short bursts, or over long stretches of time?
With NE, it's always like this: I would say to myself, "write this scene for an hour and then do something else." Two hour passes and then I say to myself, "Finish this part and then stop." XD; Seriously though, I prefer short bursts since I get distracted easily and also I would be busy with other things, but with NE I'm focused on writing the scenes out so that I get the action and emotions right.

And guys, funny how I asked a review question and then now at Serebii there's a debate on what makes a good review. Good grief. XD;
Do you prefer to write in short bursts, or over long stretches of time?

Short bursts, horribly.

If I don't finish something in that short burst, I need to reread and probably edit and do this-that in the next short one.

For example, my latest chapter was started last year, and then had a bit earlier this one. I started to write it again just last week and when I read over it, I went "wtf, why'd I write this?"
If you can tell me how you can fit eight gym battles (a few of which cover more than just one episode), and the trio (Ash, Brock, Misty) catching their Pokemon, and the Indigo League, and whatever other necessary-to-the-plot episodes into 13 episodes, then I applaud you.

Do you prefer to write in short bursts, or over long stretches of time?
Whenever I can, for however long I can. Sometimes I write for a few hours. Other times, I write for a few minutes.

How valuable do you think *bolded topics* are here at the Lounge? Why?
Very. Because they allow other people to join in the discussions here at the Lounge, and not feel alienated by people who post inside jokes, or off-topic conversation.
If he can fit it into 83 episodes, I'd STILL applaud him.

Although he could just cram everything together.

ie. "steelix, use iron tail!" "oh no, I lose" "yay, lets go to cerulean!" "we made it to cerulean!"
Boooo, I don't like your avatar/sig change Asti :P

Anyone else excited about 'Where the Wild Things Are'? Anyone recall reading it as a kid?

Also I hope to continue writing my fic this week, as I should have slightly more time.
If he can fit it into 83 episodes, I'd STILL applaud him.
I gave him the benefit of the doubt, and figured that he was only going to rework the first season (Pokemon! I choose you! to A Scare in the Air). If anyone thinks that they can rewrite the filler season known as Johto League Champions and make it interesting, then I'll skip the applause and go right to the million-dollar payment.

Boooo, I don't like your avatar/sig change Asti :P
Greensboro Grasshoppers are awesome though. I need to show my support.

And I was getting tired of Digimon. Watching the episodes, writing the fanfics, reading the fanfics, reading discussions, talking about it, dreaming about it... Yeah, I needed a change.

Which reminds me that I need to go rewatch episode 32 of Adventure 02 so I can continue my fic. A+ for remaining canon compliant in my AU!
Greensboro Grasshoppers are awesome though. I need to show my support.

And I was getting tired of Digimon. Watching the episodes, writing the fanfics, reading the fanfics, reading discussions, talking about it, dreaming about it... Yeah, I needed a change.

Which reminds me that I need to go rewatch episode 32 of Adventure 02 so I can continue my fic. A+ for remaining canon compliant in my AU!

Lol ah okay :P I suppose I am one to talk (avatar change as well).

It's a good thing that new ideas in my head don't last long, because I don't want to start to have to write more. XD
Update for my captive audience since I know you love when I talk about stuff you all probably don't even care about and which, at most, just makes you feel worse for not writing as much as I am now. I just finished proofreading TFC chapter 5! :D Too late to post now so I'll post it tomorrow, before I go to work (for the fifth day in a row. Finally Monday I get a break though, although that's when classes start of course). As I proofread this chapter I think I finally came to realize just how much I've improved as a writer over the years when I first started writing TFC, especially after also reading over its matching counterpart from back then. My writing now is simply much more natural, with more realistic dialogue and actions. Back then everything was just too cartoony in many ways, while now I can actually picture this stuff happening in reality. Many people I've talked to, even back years ago when I was writing the first version of TFC, laughed at the idea of me trying to make Pokemon more realistic. One person in particular, a guy who I used to admin with and even considered a friend before he grew on my nerves, even went so far to say that any attempt to apply realism to something inherently fictional could only result in a disaster. I guess I'm biased, but I think now more than ever that the idea of trying to make Pokemon more realistic really can work, and work extremely well.

I bet even after showing Dimi how smooth and sensible this all is, particularly how I portrayed the fight with Jehiel and how wild Pokemon shouldn't have to follow the same rules as trainers, he'd still say that it's a bad idea. -_- Thanks a lot Dimi, you're probably one of the reasons for my low self-esteem.

And to keep somewhat on topic, I see that the problem of getting new ideas in the middle of writing has come up. I'm always getting new ideas for fics and am always trying to retool dead ideas to bring them back to life. Already sitting on my hard drive and in my head I have ideas for how to revive the Pokemorph stories that got me into fics in the first place while being less cheesy and blatant ripoffs of Animorphs, concepts for both a pure Myst/Uru fic and a Pokemon crossover version, this outline for a fic involving a guy from the normal world who one day wakes up in the Pokemon world and then finds that every time he goes to sleep he crosses between our world and the Pokemon world as the two begin merging together (leading to artifacts from each world "bleeding" into the other) that may or may not involve time travel, another reality crossover thing that then focuses on the main character traveling progressively farther back in time to fix various doomsday scenarios in the present each time creating a new threat until finally he discovers that both worlds branched off from one base and that he has to decide which world will continue to exist and which will cease to exist, and probably several more that will come back to me after I post this. I don't want to use the plot bunny farm for them as I keep on thinking that someday I may come back to them and aren't ready to just give them away quite yet... The one with the character alternating between worlds and the non-crossover Uru fic are probably the most likely to be revived at some point...
Ooooo however, I have thought of some good ideas for my fic as a result of watching too much Naruto (no I am not dipping into that canon but rather just taking some descriptive ideas).
Heh, that happens sometimes with me as well. I'll watch a show and take an idea from that. Most of the time it's small ones, but still useful. ^^
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