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Fargona: The Land of Dragons [T]

Rutack ShadowBlade

Rutack woke up and grabbed a little bite to eat. he then proceeded to grab his gear and pull it together. Rutack then woke Shade up, in which the dragon woke swiftly and was ready to go.

Rutack gave Shade something to eat, since they had to leave soon. Rutack threw the saddle onto Shade and the bags of gear onto the dragon. Rutack grabbed his cloak, threw it on and put on his quiver, he grabbed his bow, his swords, and a few select daggers, and put them in their respective sheaths. once he was ready he jumped onto Shade and the two took to the sky.

It didn't take Rutack too long to find Thia. After all she was waiting next to a tree just outside of city limits. Shade landed, taking up most of the road, one of his green eyes was staring her in the face. Rutack jumped off of Shade's back and landed in front of her, "well time for introductions," Rutack said, "Thia, this is Shade, Shade this is Thia... and to what do I owe this having you waiting outside of the gate instead of charging towards the desert?"
The Green Knight

Alexander was staring intently into the fire with Brenton resting next to him. I may have to kill something...I don't want to kill anything. He was sharpening his emerald-green blade, thinking to himself. What would my father do? Kill of course. He's a soldier. He may be in a commander's position, but he doesn't give orders. He's just a ruthless killer. Alexander loved his father! Don't get him wrong! He just wished that the man would take a more cautious approach, and wouldn't just bash his way through problems. He looked down and sheathed his blade. "I need to take a walk." He stood up and turned around. "Brenton, watch the man for me." The Kirin nodded and turned his gaze upon the young ranger.

Alexander often took walks to think about things: It didn't matter what it was. He just wanted to think. This time the mission occupied his mind. I don't like this...There will be much interaction. Several hours later the Green Knight re-occupied his seat on the log. He would have put something to cook on the fire, but he noticed something out of the corner of his eye. "Hello there! Mikash, is it?" He turned to face the ranger. "I'm Alexander. Alexander Baldwin. We're going to be partners." He smiled and held his hand out in greeting.
"Hello there! Mikash, is it?" He turned to face the ranger. "I'm Alexander. Alexander Baldwin. We're going to be partners." Mikash turned to face Alexander. "Nice to meet you alexander thanks for saving me." He smiled. Mikash sits on a log and sets his things down behind the log.

Mikash set his leg on the log. He grabbed a roll of leather and his hunting knife. Mikash heats up the knife using the camp fire and places the roll of leather in his mouth to bite down on. He begins to cauterize his wound to prevent infection. Mikash took his knife off the wound and pulls his leather-skinned water canteen off his belt and dumps the water onto the knife.
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The Green Knight
"Nice to meet you Alexander thanks for saving me." The lad seemed friendly enough.

Alexander was about to go into a conversation starter, but he came close to gulping when Mikash cauterized his wound. Alexander never really liked blood. Funny, since he was a knight with a great amount of killing ability. After a little bit, he managed to get his voice back. "It's no problem." He cleared his throat. "You were called as a dragon tamer, if I am not wrong. This here is MY dragon, Brenton." He gestured to the Forest Kirin behind him. "If you really are a dragon tamer, where is your dragon?"
Thia Rondamar

Thia didn't need to wait long for Rutack to arrive. In a rush of air and wings, a shadow drake landed alongside the mercenary, the irritating man astride its back. Rutack dismounted from his dragon's back, introducing the beast as Shade. The dragon was a rather menacing beast, though Thia noticed with some disappointment that it was still rather young; in all likeliness it had been born within the last decade. Her hope had been that the dragon would be able to carry them quickly to their destination, but to fly such a long distance with two humans plus a large, fully grown tatzelwurm on its back would be too much strain for the adolescent dragon.

A low, throaty growl at her side told her Katul had come out of hiding and was now standing at her side. The tatzelwurm, unwilling to lose to Shade's menacing features, was bristling with his glaring yellow gaze fixed on the drake's green ones. Thia laid a hand on Katul's head, and his fur slowly flattened out, though his eyes never left Shade's.

"We should go," Thia said, leaving the formalities behind. "I'd prefer to finish this quickly so that I may return to my work." She turned to start down the dusty road, Katul fading into the shadows and following after her after glaring at first Shade then Rutack for a moment longer.

Annabelle Highley

Annabelle sighed. She just woke up from some hours of sleeping. There has been even more work for her nowadays. She didn't complain very much since the pay was kinda good too. She got up and made some stretchings as she does every morning. She left the tent that she had set on Mt Rakome. She often has Takka fly her here so she could relax a bit. Speaking of Takka, how was he? The wyvern was already up, guarding the tent for her. How cute of him! She ran over to him, patting his back and got him some meat to eat before eating her own food. After that, she felt full. She could tackle any mission right now. She wanted to rest, but work is work. She stretched some more and straightened her ponytail. "Meh, let's stay here for a little longer Takka! The mountain air is very refreshing! So what do you say?" Takka growled and she took it for a yes. Annabell grinned widely. "Then let's stay here for a bit!"
King's Messenger

The steady thump of wings reverberated in the air as a grey dappled longma raced through the air, a figure crouched low over its neck. The figure, dressed in the uniform of a royal messenger, was grumbling silently to himself. Of all the places this person had to choose to rest, it just had to be a volcano, didn't it? While the Mt. Rakome hadn't erupted in over a decade, soot and ash still covered the skies above it, and neither the messenger nor the dragon he rode were enjoying it. Why anyone would even choose to camp out in such a place was beyond him.

Now flying lower to the ground, the messenger caught sight of a wyvern and nearly pulled up to avoid it until he noticed the flame-haired women with it. Finally, he'd found the receiver of the message. Landing the longma a short distance away, the messenger walked the rest of the way to the women.

"Annabelle Highley, I presume?" He didn't wait for an answer. "I have here for you a message from the his Royal Majesty, King Johar Ulond." He produced a folded paper with the royal seal stamped onto it from his coat and proffered it to the mercenary. "I am also to give you this." He held out a pale white sphere. "I was told the instructions to use it are within the letter." Bowing, he then stood straight, waiting to the side as he waited for Annabelle to read the letter.

These words are contained within the letter for Annabelle Highley:

"If you really are a dragon tamer, where is your dragon?" asked Alexander. Mikash looked at the warrior. "Actually I never had a dragon, I've been searching for one in the Tydraran Range. One flew right over me and circled around me but it flew off and I couldn't find it since that day." Mikash replied as he stared at the dying fire.

"The fire is dying out, I'll go get more firewood." Mikash said. he got up from his seat and disappeared into the woods. "Why cant I have a dragon its embarrassing for someone like me to be called a dragon tamer and not have a dragon. Mabey if I head back to the Tydraran Range first thing in the morning ,I might find that dragon." Mikash thought to himself as he gathered wood' twigs and other dry things he could find and headed back to the campsite.
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Annabelle Highley

Just as Annabelle was starting to enjoy her, oh so short, vacations, something or rather someone had to come to bother her. But he didn't seem like one of her usual clients. Then she discovered he was a messenger of the King. He handed her a letter and an orb. She was curious as to why the King needed her "talents". But then she learned that he actually needed her to save the world. "Great, now I have to cut my vacations. I hope the money will be worth my trouble. Tell the King I accept." Then she turned to her dragon. "We're moving Takka!"
The Green Knight

"Actually I never had a dragon, I've been searching for one in the Tydraran Range. One flew right over me and circled around me but it flew off and I couldn't find it since that day." Mikash seemed to be lost in the fire more a moment." The fire is dying out, I'll go get more firewood." With that he walked off into the dark.

He returned a few moments later with a ***. (I'm going to call this one clean! Its literal definition is bundle of sticks!) Alexander was in the processing of stroking his chin. "I see...Not all tamers find their dragons as easily as others do..." A smile crossed his face. "Like me and Brenton here, for example." He gestured to the sleeping Forest Kirin behind him. "We've been close ever since we met." Alexander smiled again. "If you'd like my help in getting you a dragon, I'd be glad to assist." A thought entered his head. "If you're a dragon tamer, yet you haven't gotten you're dragon yet, then how did they know you're a tamer? It seems a bit odd, don't you think?"
Mikash set some of the wood he found in the campfire, he grabbed a nearby twig and moved the logs around to get the fire going again. "I see...Not all tamers find their dragons as easily as others do..." Alexander smiled "Like me and Brenton here, for example." He gestured to the sleeping Forest Kirin. "We've been close ever since we met." Alexander smiled again. "If you'd like my help in getting you a dragon, I'd be glad to assist. If you're a dragon tamer, yet you haven't gotten you're dragon yet, then how did they know you're a tamer? It seems a bit odd, don't you think?" Alexander asked.

Mikash looked up at Alexander. "Well my guess is it might have to do something that I did in the past I used to practice with my brother on how to fight. We sometimes practice swordplay near the outskirts of Raddyn. We fought with wooden staves we had fun together, He taught me a move called parry counter, at one time during one of our practice sessions I used the move and he froze as if he was paralyzed, it only lasted a few moments though. Sometimes there were guards that Watched us fight. They turned and left when they saw me paralyze my brother just by blocking his attack." Mikash replied.
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Tobi Gustav

The morning was a stiff one. They work up early to make sure they were properly stocked on supplies and provisions properly. This was due to the fact of people in the city claiming the best good before most others have a chance to even gaze upon them. The number one thing on their map however was that both Tobi and Triton had means to endure the cold climate of Skelsaugh. Even so, he was sure that as long as he could make a fire with his elemental magic, not matter how minuscule it was, they could always produce warmth.

"Alright big guy", Tobi whispered to Triton as he mounted onto the dragon's back. "It is time to head on out." With that, Triton beat his golden wings and set off into the open sky. After a while of flying Tobi pondered of when his comrades would send him a signal through the pearls. Then he questioned whether that he would be able to reach them in time if an urgency did arise and be able to assist in stopping whatever calamity had stricken so many magic wielders and dragons. It was a disturbing prospect. All these negative notions however, did not go unnoticed by Titon who gave a deep growl of disapproval. "Yes, yes I know. We'll be able to accomplish our goal no problem as long as we work together as always", Tobi practically recited this to himself as he always did when his dragon reminded him to stop thinking negatively from time to time.

After a few hours of flight, they touched down on he beginnings of the frozen tundra. It was already immediately strange that they hadn't seen any dragons while overhead. Whatever the case, Dragon, and Dragon Tamer both started one foot after the other to investigate the icy north of Skelsaugh.
Thia Rondamar

Rutack had attempted to strike up a conversation with Thia during their journey, but she had quickly struck him down by either blatantly ignoring him or giving a snappy reply. After this had continued for most of the morning, he finally gave up and mounted Shade to fly overhead. Finally being granted peace and quiet, Thia went over in her mind what they should do once they arrived in Kin'unda.

First, they would need to find a place to stay, and Thia knew just the place to go. When she wasn't seeking out wealthy clients, she was rummaging about for information that would enable her to do whatever dirty work she had been payed to do. She had learned that the best place to seek information was wherever the local filth gathered - usually some backstreet tavern. Within Kin'unda, there was one such place that Thia often frequented when passing through, whether it was because of a job or just to keep up with events, and this was where she planned to make her base of operations once they arrived in the desert town, if only temporarily. If Rutack didn't like it, he could find some other place to stay.

However, there was time enough to figure out a plan. They would have to travel clear across the country to reach Kin'unda, and their journey would be made all the more arduous by the natural obstacles - particularly the mountains and desert - that stood in their way. Not to mention that she'd have to put up with Rutack the entire way; she really hoped he got bored of it and flew on ahead to leave her to travel on her own.


King's Messenger

When Annabelle had given her reply, the messenger hurried back to his steed. Both himself and the longma were eager to leave the oppressing air that surrounded the volcanic mountain. With a whoosh of wings and gust of air, the longma shot off into the ashen sky, both eager to return to Issathon and the comfort of home. Besides, with the Dragon Tamer's agreement, he had good news to return to the king.

Annabelle Highley

She couldn't believe how the messenger was gone so quickly. Seriously, what were their problems? He comes to disturb her vacations and he couldn't even bother to wait for her to get done. She sighed, it was really unfortunate to cut her vacations like this. No rest for a mercenary she thought. But why would the King choose her? Well, it was kinda obvious that, being a dragon tamer, her abilities could be quite precious but still the King said that tamers were the key to something. But to what? She didn't see how she could stop the death or disappearances by herself, she was just a good mercenary not a God. "I guess I may find some answers at Ormild so I should go there." She was done with packing her things and turned to Takka. "Would you mind giving me a lift?" She stuck her tongue at the dragon when he lowered his head in a nodding manner. She jumped on him and they flew in the sky, ready for what this adventure would throw at them.