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First Contact [T] SU/OOC


Space elves FTW
  • 1,007
    First Contact [T] SU/OOC [Recruiting new Players]

    First Contact (T)
    The Collision between Two Worlds


    The planet of Eilith has been peaceful for over 270 years. Here hundreds of different, races (Pokemon) call home. The races were once fractured decades ago, but when the Devourers appeared in force they were forced to unite or die. The Devourers are a race of adaptive large bug like organisms that always existed alongside Eilith as ruthless always hungering beasts. Their intelligence was very limited, was disorganized and never seen as a threat, but one day something caused them to gather together and form a vast army. They numbers were vast and suddenly they moved and attacked with purpose and showed tactics in battle. Worse yet they started to evolve and change into better killers. They seemed unstoppable until Arceus gathered all the Pokemon together and started to fight back. Ever since the great warrior Arceus and his small group of elite soldiers defeated the Devourers, the Eilithians have known relative peace while united under the banner of the Great Kingdom of Arceus, named after the great leader that saved us so many years ago. The Devourers have turned into nothing more than legends or a few small disorganized bands that roam The Scar, a vast wasteland that were the original swarm appeared from.

    Life for the Eilithians however changed forever when a vast vortex opened in the night sky and a vast metal object appeared from within it. It landed deep in the Fardir Forest leaving a vast scar and destroying at least one village and worse yet a scared site devoted to two of Arceus' followers and a temple for worshiping the goddess of life. From this object emerged a new race that seemed ready for war using strange technology vastly superior to anything the Eilithians had.

    Humanity (Terrans) is on the verge of extinction. Once the Galatical Terran Alliance spanned over hundreds of systems until they encountered a vastly superior race they began to call the Shivans. The Shivans attacked without mercy or reason, slaughtering any human they came across and laid waste to any planet the Terrans colonized. Now all that remains of humanity is a fleeing exodus fleets who the Shivans continue to hunt. Your exodus fleet now only consists of the damaged Respite, a Deimos class corvette. After making a risky jump to escape some Shivan pursuers the Respite accidently jumped into the atmosphere of an alien planet and soon after crashed onto the surface.

    Lucky enough the planet can sustain life, which is good because this is the planet the humans are stuck on and it's your new home.

    The RP will start right after the human cruiser crashes. So neither race has encountered each other yet in person. To make matters worse the humans and Pokemon are incapable of communicating with each other for now…

    Humans (Terrans) Overview:

    You are one of the few remaining survivors aboard the GTC Respite. For all you know you're the last remaining humans and going extinct is not an option. You have just spent the last 2 years in space fleeing an unstoppable enemy who destroyed your home world and killed off the rest of your race. You're not going to let some primitive race finish you off. If they show any signs of hostility the Terrans will not hesitate to unleash the full power of your technology.

    Eilithian (Pokemon) Overview:

    Your life was simple until this vast object crashed to your planet close to your home, and destroyed not only a local village where you likely had friends or family (or was your home and you were visiting a different village), but also a sacred temple and monument to two great heroes who hailed from this forest. No doubt the King in his throne hundreds of miles away will send an army to help, but for now it's just a few local villages facing this vast metal object. Already the villagers are debating whether to destroy this object or investigate it first…

    Expanded Terran/Human Information (suggested reading if you plan to make a Human characted):

    Expanded Pokemon Information (Suggested reading for a Pokemon player):


    1: Standard PC Role playing Rules apply
    2: No godmodding or bunnying without permission
    3: I rated it T for blood, violence, and a leave the option open for romance. Don't be too graphic about either subject. Also just censor any curse words.
    4: Be active if you have not posted in two weeks I will reopen your slot for someone else to take. That being said I have a RL too that likes to take my time away as well so if you want to be in but can't post within two weeks PM me or post in the OOC letting everyone know. Doing this will however allow me to bunny your character if need be to move things along. The preferred minimum is 1 post per week.
    5: Please check your spelling and grammar if it gets too bad I will warn you,
    6: There is no rule 6
    7: Have fun

    Sign up formats:

    Human (4 Slots)

    Pokemon (6 Slots)

    There are less human slots than Pokemon to simulate the lower number of humans compared to Pokemon (173 humans vs millions of Pokemon).

    Stingray - Brigadier General Ezekiel Grimm

    Supervegeta - Alex "Hyena" Sherman

    ODSTMarine - Gunnery Sergeant Daniel "Chino" Calhoun

    [Open Slot]

    Fuyu - Riley Stormshine

    Otherworld9) - Sanya "Darky" Kikachu

    Otherworld9) - Nathaniel Excifer

    [Open Slot]
    [Open Slot]
    [Open Slot]
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    This looks to juicy to pass up so I request a reservation as a human please.
    Ok all three of you reserved...

    1 Human slot left.

    @Whimsical FYI for your SU the Captain is over the Respite so your in command of the ship if you take that position, and your one of the 3 members of the council.

    Also for FYI Naval Captain is the same rank as a Colonel (in the Space Force and Marines).
    Reserve me for a pokemon please.... this is going to be my first time Rping, so forgive me if I'm not so good at role-playing...
    Hey Sting, reserve me for that final human spot.

    Name: Alex "Hyena" Sherman

    Age: 25

    Gender: Male

    Job: Marine (Lance Corporal)


    Alex is covered head-to-toe in a custom-modified armor suit based off the standard Marine non-atmospheric uniform. He is rarely seen without his helmet on, even in non combat situations. However, he has sharp blue eyes. If his helmet is removed, a scar is easily visible going right around his left eye. His hair color is black and shaved. His skin is rather pale, mostly from constant lack of any sunlight upon him from constant use of his modified suit. He stands at 6 feet tall, 190 pounds. Inside his suit, he is a bit taller, at around 6 feet, 3 inches, and approximately 225 pounds. His physique is normal, not overly muscular but not skinny either. He will never be seen without his suit on, although his helmet may occasionally come off. They say he sleeps with it on as well.

    Personality: Alex is a mild-mannered and quiet man. Some say that if it wasn't for his notable suit of armor, they wouldn't even realize he is in the room. He rarely speaks, except upon given an order to do so, or when answering a question. Otherwise, it is often hard to begin a conversation with Alex. If one would try to start a conversation with Alex, he would usually respond with one word answers, or possibly not respond at all. It is not that he dislikes the person, but it's more the fact that he dislikes talking at all.

    Alex is a loner. He has been one ever since he could remember. Crowds are a bother to him. He dislikes company around him, preferring isolation above anything else. If assigned to work in a team, he will do so, grudgingly, but he will still keep to himself. It's those situations with Alex. Crowds seem to make him uncomfortable, and he prefers to be as far away from other humans as possible. He has taken even greater measures to be physically and mentally distant from others, as seen with his full body armor. By constantly wearing it, and never taking it off, he becomes emotionally detached, and physically and mentally more distant from others.

    The armor also serves as a physical and mental barrier from other people, so they would not be able to see his face. He dislikes others seeing his face, and therefore, to him, reading his emotions. He prefers to keep them to himself, as well as his thoughts. Alex feels if he is as detached from others as possible, he could focus more on completion of tasks at hand. People often comment on how Alex appears to be way too serious sometimes, often intimidating even with his armor always on, wherever he goes.

    Alex got his nickname mainly because of how he acts. In his armor all the time, he appears to always be rigid and focused, but also serious and without humor. A higher-ranked officer once commented on that a long time ago, saying he shouldn't take himself so seriously, and be more outgoing, and laugh a bit more. The conversation went as follows:

    "You know, Sherman, you should try to be less serious sometimes."


    "I dunno, maybe settle down, relax, laugh a bit more. You know, Sherman, laugh? Like a Hyena? You know how to laugh?"

    Ever since, the name stuck, and Sherman is known all around as Hyena. It's one of those ironic nicknames.

    History: Alex was born on an out of the way Terran colony system called Unam. The population was rather small, and in all honesty, not much was able to be done around. Alex's mom was a nurse, and his father was a diplomat on the planet. Both had comfortable lives, and treated Alex well. While growing up on the planet, Alex kept mostly to himself, choosing not to hang around or with other children his age. He preferred solitude. He never knew why. Perhaps it was the quiet along time he got, or the fact that all his thoughts were to himself. Whatever the reason, Alex was usually found on his own. Even with his own family, he never was overly attached. He loved them, like any other boy loved their parents, but he wasn't deeply attached to them, like other children might have been. His parents always thought he was strange like that, but usually didn't bother to bring it up much.

    Alex was interested in other races, however, and the fascination that would come with finding about other advanced races. He would usually be found watching holovids of interactions with the Vasudans. Ever since first contact with them, since he was a baby, Alex followed what was happening. When war broke out between Terrans and Vasudans, Alex followed the information even more. He was amazed at the battles they faced, and always wanted to be apart of them. He hoped on day, he would, thinking of war more as a game than a serious matter. In honesty, Alex was more interested in seeing the aliens in person that defending anyone, or protecting people. But, before he was old enough, the humans won, and the Vasudans were defeated. Alex felt a tinge of regret that he wasn't a bit older, so that he could have participated in the wars. Nevertheless, life went on.

    By the time he was in his teenage years, Alex enrolled in the Galactic Terran Alliance Military Academy, or GTAMA on Unam. He was a gifted student, and instructors praised his intelligence and skill. However, they also commented heavily on his social awkwardness and inability to make friends. Still, he graduated from the Academy, and upon his 18th birthday, enrolled in the military. His first few years in the military were relatively eventful. He was sent on a few high-risk missions to eliminate pirates, and similar missions. But it wasn't until a few years later that his real test emerged. Upon the discovery of an ancient device and the unleashing of the Shivans, Alex could only watch as planets were systematically reduced to rubble by bombardment, and others captured. Alex could fight all he wanted on the ground, but in a space battle, with their advanced technology, it might as well have been worthless. That is what he witness as Vasuda Prime was bombarded into oblivion. But it was what came after that stuck with Alex. The GTA decided to regroup at the Sol system while the Shivans took out a few more GTA-controlled systems.

    It just so happened that one of them was Unam, his birthplace. Alex, upon request, was transferred to the groundside battles of Unam. Upon his homeworld, the colonists made their stand. The initial ground defense held the first few waves of Shivan ground capabilities, holding for over 2 weeks. However, eventually, the cities started falling, and in little under a week later, the entire planet was taken. Transports, both the remaining civilian and military, attempted to make an escape, but many were shot out of the sky upon lift-off. Alex made it out from one of the two remaining transports. One military, and one civilian, where his parents happened to be. Before they attempted to leave the planet orbit, however, Alex saw the civilian transport destroyed, and his parents with it. It was a terrible thing to witness. The Shivans then proceeded to destroy the planet, as Alex left on the last transport operating with a handful of other people. These were the last people from his home planet. All of the others, his family, people he knew, were all gone. As Alex watched the slaughter from the window, a thought occurred to him. Even though this was his homeland, and he had just witnessed it's destruction, he didn't feel much anguish as he thought he would. Even his parent's death didn't get to him too much. He was sad yes, but not overly emotional. It seemed that, because of all of his detachments from people, friends, and even family, he had saved himself the anguish of pain of loss. Alex made up his mind that this would be the best course of continued action, and he vowed to stay to it. In a world of war, especially in an environment like this one, people were going to die. It was inevitable. But the pain afterwards...was optional.

    Alex returned back to the final battle of the Shivans, where their main super destroyer was destroyed, and it was believed victory was achieved. For 8 months, nothing major occurred, and the terrans believed themselves to finally be secure again. Alex, during those 8 months, had a custom armor made for himself, to further remove himself from others.

    When the Shivans returned, with twice the power, there was nothing that could be done. Pursued, the Terrans retreated beyond known space as the Shivans were relentless. Down to the last ship, the others seemed to believe this to be the end. Then came the incident with the subspace malfunction, and the following crash-landing on a strange new planet. The ship was unoperable, but the planet seemed to sustain life, and an opportunity, perhaps, to begin anew. The Terrans were hopeful, but only time would tell for sure.

    RP Sample: (If you are not in another RP with me you will need one)
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    Would you kindly reserve me a spot as a Pokemon?

    Two quick questions:
    1. Is there a specific town or village we start in, and should it factor into our History?
    2. For the RP sample, do you want a new passage or a post from another RP?

    Name: Jasper "Jazz Hands" Manson

    Age: 26

    Pokemon species: Haunter

    Gender: Male

    Job: Janitor

    Appearance: In addition to the three "spikes" that Haunter have on their backs, Jazz also has an aditional row running down the middle his back. His colors are slightly inverted, with his front a dark purple and his back a lighter shade. His mouth and the aura around his three-fingered hands are orange instead of red or a shiny's blue.

    Personality: Contrary to his kind's usual behavior, Jazz is a quiet Pokemon, and a bit of a loner, disliking large groups. He is serious and rarely ever displays emotion, so much so that his mouth is hardly even visible on his face. Somewhat ironically for a poison gas-based Pokemon, Jazz is incredibly clean and tidy, almost obessive-compulsive about things being orderly. Despite his calm, ordered personality, he is actually quite friendly and open if people took the time to talk to him. He is willing to lend a metaphorical shoulder to lean on, and enjoys seeing people happy. As long as they don't make too much of a mess or involve him in their activities too much.

    History: (What is your history up to this point)

    Moves: Shadow Punch, Telekinesis, Night Shade, Sunny Day, Custom Move: Passwall
    Passwall: Jazz prevents all effects, including damage, of the next physical attack to target him. Based off Haunter's Pokedex entry stating he may pass through solid objects, and an extension of his Ghost-type immunity to Normal and Fighting moves. Basically Protect (which Haunter can learn via TM), but only for physical moves and with no chance to fail due to repeated use.

    RP Sample: (If you are not in another RP with me you will need one)
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    Edit 1: Okay, here's my SU. Hope it's all good!
    Edit 2: Scratch the above edit out. Going to change up the personality and history sections and hopeful find a picture for appearance.
    Edit 3: Okay, it's ready... finally.

    Name: Alice McDowe

    Age: 34

    Gender: Female

    Job: Medic


    Alice stands at 5'4" and weighs 138 lbs. She has blonde hair that is usually braided and jade colored eyes. While in civilian attire Alice tends to wear a green sleeveless shirt and a pair of black pants. Whenever she is in military attire Alice will wear a light weight atmosphere suit complete with face mask. The few differences that seperate Alice from a regular solider is the fact that she does not carry a heavy assualt rifle, and instead is equipped with a powerful tazer charged with enough volts to stagger a Shivan and give Alice a few precious seconds to retreat. She carries around a medkit that holds all kinds of medicines and bandages to quickly stabilize and heal wounded soldiers as well as a recording device that helps her keep track of her patient's status. She wears a white armband with a red cross on her left arm while in uniform to help the marines quickly identify her as a medic. Alice carries a small music player to listen to whenever she is bored or needs to calm down.



    Alice had two types of personalities, one while on the battlefied and one while in a civilian setting.


    While on active duty Alice will put the well-being of the marines first on her priority list since her survival depends on them. The usual ordes Alice recieves in combat is to stay to the back and to allow the marines to bring the wounded to her. Of course if a marine is seriously injured or unable to be moved Alice will use any natural barriers to move across the battlefied to quickly stabilize her patient. Alice has never hesitated to use her tazer with deadly efficency whenever she is corned by an enemy that has managed to slip past the front lines since it has been drilled in her head from day one of boot camp that the enemy will not hesitate to kill the person that keeps the fighting forces in good health. Alice has long since gotten over having a squimish stomach and has been taught to drown out her environment whenever she is working on a patient. Even when bullets are flying too close for comfort Alice will not abandon a patient, trusting the marines around her to keep her safe from harm. Alice will keep her medical kit organized to find items quickly and can spend several days encrusted with dirt and grim without even bothering to clean herself since she will just keep on getting dirty. Alice is rather social with her teammates and will make sure to know if they have any family or friends since there is always that possibility that bringing up that subject whenever the soldier is close to death can raise their willingness to live. By knowing her teammates personally Alice raises her determination to make sure none of them die on her watch.


    While Alice is in a civilian environment she will tend to be dissocial toward non-military personnel. Often times whenever someone starts a conversation with her she will talk in quick and to the point statements. She has no qualms with being blunt toward others often causing many to lose respect for her. Alice will do everything as fast as she can. She eats fast, dresses fast, and even does her job fast. Her favorite exercise is jogging on a treadmill claiming that it diminishes her stress levels. Alice tends to be obssesive whenever it comes to organization and will organize her medical books by the author's last name and will make sure that there is no dirt or dust on any of her possessions. Alice will look at things from a logical point of view and will cast aside emotions whenever she is working on a patient. If a patient becomes bothersome to her by talking or moving around too much she will sedate them and continue her work in peace. The few people Alice will be cheerful with will be military personnel since she understands just how important their jobs are. Due to her time on the Respite Alice has found a hobby in listening to old broadway musicals such as West Side Story and The Music Man often finding that they calm her down and help her pass the time whenever she has free time. Her favorite to listen to is Mary Poppins, though she hasn't told a soul on the ship.


    Alice was born to Maria and Sam McDowe, two planet-wide famously recognized doctors. Alice was their only child and thus any free time they had off of their jobs they would spend with Alice. Of couse this was rare when Alice was young on account that the McDowes were always on call and were constantly traveling to participate in lectures and to learn the latest medical practices. It was in the second grade when Alice realized that she wanted to be just like her parents and would eagerly proclaim to her teachers that she wanted to become a doctor. Throughout elementary school Alice had a passionate interest for the field of medicine, often checking out books from the library dealing with germs and good health. By middle school Alice was dead set on becoming a doctor and found that biology was her favorite subject. Unlike other girls in her school Alice spent her time reading and gained a special interest in the history of medicinal practices. The more and more she delved into the subject the fewer friends she retained since many kids were not eager to discuss how medical techniques varied over the years. The only friends she associated with were students she had met in the honors program. During her high school years Alice excelled in her science and math courses and even represented her high school in a planet-wide regional event. She never joined any clubs or organizations claiming that there were too many people that she wouldn't take the time to become friends with.

    Upon graduating from high school Alice sought a medical degree and thanks to her parent's influence she managed to gain a spot in one of the most prestigious medical universites on the planet. With her knack for science as well as her hard work she impressed her teachers and was even placed on the Dean's honor roll. It took five years for her to complete her schooling and as soon as she graduated she sought work at a local hospital. She soon learned that working in a civilian hospital was not quite for her since many times she had to deal with unruly people as well as rude co-workers and bosses that didn't care about the latest medical technology. Fed up with her job she quit and one day encountered a marine recruiting center set up near the mall and learned about a special job within the marines, the combat medic. After gaining more information Alice decided to enlist and a week later showed up to boot camp.

    Alice spent the next 3 months in a weed-out program and after successfully completing the course she was sent to a military academy to be trained in the job of a combat medic. It was here that Alice managed to temporary overcome her dislike for teamwork and bonded with several other medics over the course of her training. Alice passed her training and was sent to the front lines where the marines were in desperate need of medics. Thanks to Alice's quick adaptation to the battlefield she was able to save countless lives and earned the nickname 'The Blonde Angel'. Alice had only been in a few battles when the news of the Shivan defeat reached her company. Still on contract with the marines, Alice was sent to a military hospital for the next eight months to help wounded veterans adapt to a normal life with their disabilities.

    Her time to the hospital ran short when the Shivan reappeared, this time stronger than ever. Alice was able to secure passage on a ship known as Respite and luckily enough Alice was one of the few medics on the ship. Thaks to having more experience as a medic than her collegues , as well as being the only combat medic, Alice was named Chief Medical Officer and tasked with regulation of the medical supplies. During her two years on the ship Alice spent a majority of her time checking the medical inventory and prescribing only a tiny amount of medicine to the populace in order to ration out their already meager supply. One day while checking on the inventory...again, the ship fell under attack by the Shivans and the ship jumped to subspace and soon after crashed on an unknown planet.

    RP Sample:

    Jonathan was tired. Tired of his small workload, tired of always sitting in his chair, and tired of this small town. When he had first arrived he had thought that his business would have attracted at least some attention. He had looked up businesses in the area and had seen that there were only a handful of detective agencies scattered throughout Pallet. Most were family businesses, none had seen what he had seen back in Vermilion. Apparently they didn't need to in order to work down here.

    For the first few days Jon exptected at least one person to come in to hire him to follow a cheating husband or a lying co-worker. None had. Oh, there had been one or two in the first few weeks, but most of the time he simply got some innocent young woman to hire him in order to find a purse that had been 'stolen' while she had been at the bathroom, and every single time he found it under a table, or in the bathroom, or even in her car.

    Don't get Jon wrong, he needed the money, especially if they overpayed him for putting him on a wild goose chase, but it had been far less then what he had been making in Vermilion. He didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Jon had just been about to pack up and head elsewhere but then a murder investigation opened up and Jon had eagerly contacted the police to give his own two cents. What had suprised him was that the police gave him a time and date to meet with their Chief, Melody Johnson. Back in Vermillion, meeting with a chief meant that the force was out of options to solve a crime, he hoped it meant differently here.

    Thus, that was why Jon now stood outside of the station in his trademark black suit. Sighing, Jon stepped inside and went over to the information desk, stating his name and why he was here. The woman at the desk had gladly told him where to go and after a few minutes of transversing hallways and backtracking when he had taken a wrong turn he arrived at the briefing room.

    There was only one table with a few chairs placed around it and at the head of the table sat a woman drinking a cup of coffee while looking at some pictures. She must be the chief, Jon thought. He walked over to her and held out his hand for a handshake, "Hello Ma'am. My name is Jonathan Hughes one of the detectives assigned to the murder case." He said in a respectful, but still firm voice.
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    Well, I won't be able to get my SU up quick. Plus assuming command of the ship is hard work. lol. But I'll try my best for a good SU :D

    Name: Cassandra "Zoe" Torrents

    Age: 25

    Gender: Female

    Job: Naval Captain



    Zoe Torrents is not what she may seem at first. One's first impression of her may be: Sleek, elegant, even skinny. She seems a lot like the damsel in distress type to the untrained eye. But in fact, her 'skinny' stature is but an illusion. Zoe is very powerful, even though her body does not show it, she can strike down a man with simply an elbow hit to the back. Despite her great physical force, she prefers to keep to blasters, never engaging in hand-to-hand combat. She keeps knives concealed under her uniform anyway, since most people seem to think they can just grab her and kill her, she has always proved them wrong. Plus they help in a tight spot.
    Zoe has great endurance also. Her legs can carry her a vast distance without fail. This, however, has consequences. Her legs can't go very fast, and as a result she is most often outsped by practically everyone else.
    Her great strength comes at a price, also. While she can hit hard, she can almost never defend. Her arms and legs can deal great damage to others, but others can deal an equal amount of damage simply by punching her in the face. Some soldiers refer to her as a 'Glass cannon'

    With a firearm in her hand, however, Zoe Torrents is a force to be reckoned with. Her slender physique combined with a safe distance from the enemy means she can hit hard and fast. Often without fail. Her arm and aim are steady as steel, so she almost never falters.
    The only exception is when Zoe is using the Standard Heavy Rifle, or any rifle of the kind. She prefers not to use them because it slows her down significantly. She'll only use these in emergencies, since she is more like someone who would kill rather than take down a tank. She leaves that to her comrades. If she has no comrades and there are tanks nearby, she just sticks to the shadows which is easily done with her physique.

    Zoe is a good 5 ft "25" cm. Her hair is a lush and vibrant jet black, and she is a little tan. Her eyes are piercing green, some soldiers report that her eyes look like beautiful Emeralds on a sunrise.


    For a uniform, Zoe wear the casual grey Naval Captain attire, with a few perks. There is one extra medal on her chest, since most Naval Officers don't get a valor medal for leading the frontal assault on the Shivans (Battle of Zultan 6, three years ago) very successfully. And more impressively, living to tell the tale. Her shoulder pads also happen to be gold. A gift from a fellow officer on her promotion. Last but not least, she has a pin of a Bald Eagle given to her by her mother above her medals. Generally this is a non-official medal, but most soldiers consider it to be a professional one considering the fact that symbols of valor and bravery are often symbolized by the Bald Eagle.


    -Good Traits-

    Zoe is a straightforward, logical person by nature. Some people call her overly logical sometimes, since she can take joke without pointing out that it is not logical. Don't get Zoe wrong, she's not a machine. She is compassionate for the most part, no matter who her ally is she will defend them at all costs, and she takes the death of a friend hard, often seeking revenge somehow. Zoe is also determined to get her job/mission done, and obediently does it however her orders require it to be performed.

    History: (describe what you were doing before being stuck on the ship. You can also describe what you were doing while the ship was fleeing for two years.)

    RP Sample: (If you are not in another RP with me you will need one)
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    7 hour drives are fun! Anyhow on the business...

    @ Everyone consider yourselves reserved

    @ Godzil
    1: I would heavily suggest starting in the close by or in the town of Tranquility (I got tired of smashing buttons to make up names... note that is what it will translate to in the Pokemon's language... to humans it sounds different), but you don't have to (a giant crashing ship should bring enough attention to bring everyone together but if your too far you might have to RP alone while you travel and miss something). You could be there on vacation/work and it doesn't have to be a big part of your history (its is close to were the temple used to be so that attracts many travelers).

    2: That is up to you, you can do either one.

    But grey instead of blue ( Blue is the space force's uniform color)

    Also one thing to think about when making your characters is how the Pokemon appearance looks and how humans will react to them at first (since communication will be almost impossible at first, Humans will have translators that can translate the Pokemon's language not long into the RP but at first they will not understand each other). Ghosts might creep out the paranoid, pokemon that look like animals might be treated like animals at first (mental image of some Marines hunting a Tepig thinking "bacon!" pops into mind), and the more humanoid ones might be more likely treated more like a fellow intelligent race, and so on.

    EDIT: Mainly for human players I added a little about the Shivans to help with your histories.
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    Just finished my SU. If I can but ask one question, what kind of medical technology do the Terrans have?
    Since everyone else is doing it I'll post my work in progress (WIP) SU. You're all welcome to PM/VM me feedback if you have any I'm always open to suggestions and advice.

    I will say what is writing below will likely still see some rewriting (especially in the personality section) when I start my revision phase.


    @Greiger I'll go over your SU in detail tomorrow (if I have the time) or Tuesday. At first glance your Personality and Appearance seem a little short. Not passing a decision until I can read it more in detail however just one paragraph each seems a little on the short side if you don't have a picture to help with the appearance.
    Can you reserve me for a Pokemon spot? :P This looks really interesting. :3 A good Sci-Fi RP involving Pokemon... kudos, Stingray. :D
    @Stingray Could you hold up on grading my SU. When I was writing Alice's personality and history I forced ideas on the profile instead of letting them flow. I just got struck by a bolt of lightning (metaphorically of course!) and have this new idea for her personality which, of course, will change up her history so I'll finish up the SU later today.
    Wew, done with my SU, Stingray. Let me know if it's alright.
    Well, to be honest, tell me if you want my grammar and writing to be better, since I'm not so good at this. I'm not sure if you had Zorua or Zoroark available, since I don't consider them legendary, but I guess they could have taken part in the great eilithian war.

    Name: Sanya "Darky" Kikachu

    Age: 21

    Pokemon species: Zoroark

    Gender: Female

    Job: King's Loyal Spy

    Appearance: Sanya is a very slender Zorua, yet quite fragile. Bipedal, with a mane tied to a ponytail. She's the average height for a Zoroark at 5 feet, yet with a melancholic appearance. Her hair is quite silky, yet able to sustain itself in a puffy ponytail of some sort. Unlike other Zoroark, she inherited the red eyes from her father, who her appearance came from. Sanya has red lines that descend from her eyes, making it appear as if she is crying. Her expression rarely changes, and her normal face expression looks as if she is frowning. Thanks to this, others mistake her for being depressed. She usually disguises herself as a Gothithelle, having a liking to their species way of color scheme and shape. However, she does transform to a Luxray or a Gardevoir depending on the situation and crowd around her.

    Personality: Sanya is quite serious, reserved, calm, negative, and a bit shy. She rarely speaks unless spoken to, and tends to avoid getting into the spotlight. Having taken the personality of her father, she's also quite negative and doesn't like parties or loud noises much. Despite of this, she is very intelligent and thinks before she speaks. Friends to her are very dear, and doesn't consider them friends unless they have seen the true side of her. Not very talkative, she doesn't show her true emotions(like sadness, anger, or embarrasement) except to her true comrades, and tends to avoid personal conversations. She is rarely seen laughing, since she doesn't seem to enjoy jokes. Sanya dislikes sarcasm, yet she doesn't seem to notice herself when she uses it. However, when it comes to her true comrades, which are very few, she blossoms and reveals her true emotions and desires. To them, she is not afraid to speak her mind out and actually laugh. If she was to come into anger or stressed, she tries to hide away and become lonely for a while until the stress and anger had melted away.

    To her, she needs to see to believe. It's hard for her to believe in a myth or rumor if she hasn't seen it for herself or has any reasoning to it. Sanya believes that actions decided by the heart instead of the brain are dangerous and too rash. Rarely does she use her heart to make decisions, since the only times she has, they ended up in tragedy. When it comes to battles, she is usually calm and takes control of the situation. What's most important to her is using illusions and disguises until she discovered her opponents battle style and skills. Once she figured something out, she shows her true self. When it comes to her ability Illusion, she doesn't chuckle nor laugh when it comes to battle, but when it is to simply play mischief when she is bored, she does so in a very child-like matter. She tends not to notice the mischief unless somebody points it out though.

    She is highly perceptive, analytical, and likes to go into detail. Her honesty is complete, only lying if the truth wasn't believable to her. Loyalty to her is of the upmost importance. If a friend or anybody betrays her, whether small or great, she never forgets that event and starts to form a grudge against that pokemon. Her memory is quite normal, but she tends to remember even details if she thinks about it. She tends to be a pocrastinater, yet always does her job right. When feelings guilty or with thoughts, she doesn't hesitate to apologize or confront the problem. However, if it happens to be with an eilithian, her shyness may get in the way of dealing with the problem.
    History: Her father and mother were there when she was born, yet her father was her idol for her entire childhood. Sanya's dad was a very famous spy, never caught and having extraordinary abilities and skills. His fur and color scheme was just like that of a shiny's, making him rather special. Having inherited both personality, and a few looks from her father, she wishes to become just like him in the future. It was until she had turned 6 that her father had been killed by a group of Haxorus. Eversince, she grew a hatred for the Haxorus species and evolution line. Her mother took care of her after that day, trying to avoid her from meeting outside strangers and secluding her from the outside world. Even so, the female Zoroark still took her daughter to school, yet was strict when it came to socialization and contact. Thanks to this, she grew very introvert and reserved, shaping her personality she has today. Another tragedy struck when she turned 13. That was when her mother died from a mysterious illness. Left alone and now an orphan, she decided to travel the entire land. In this time period, she was able to master her species ability, Illusion.

    It was until she found the capital city of Arcia that she settled in by herself. One year later, she was being witnessed by a local spy-in-training as Sanya practiced her abilities as a Zorua. Impressed, the grovyle named Drake reported to his boss about the mysterious Zorua that showed excellent skills and cunning ability. Pondering over Drake's attitude towards the cunning, yet young eilithian, the leader still appointed her for training. Sanya was shocked at the news, barely the age of 14 when she was hired in as a student at the agency. It took three long, tiresome years to be a beginning spy. She now works with Drake, yet both rarely work together since with their abilities alone they can handle a mission. When they do however, they make a great team. Both are cunning and serious about everything. Eventually, he got her the nickname of "Darky" from the way she seemed dark and cold at times, when in reality that was just her average looks.The years passed, the leader of the agency still giving her easy missions since she was still young. To this day, she wishes to know the move Night Daze to honor her parent's death. Knowing she was still too young, she sometimes tries to attempt it when she's by herself. She was then accepted to become one of the Royal King's spies, to sniff out and discover any who aren't loyal to the king, or "unloyal". It was while she was in this position that she discovered her true powers and eventually evolved into a full-fledged Zoroark. It was also when she evolved that she learned the move Night Daze, in which one of the King's servants helped her to learn and master.

    Moves: Faint attack, Agility, Night Slash, Shadow Ball, and Illusion(ability)
    Illusion is the special ability that only Zorua and Zoroark can perform. It allows them to change their physical appearance. Unlike transform, this is merely an illusion to confuse the foe and letting the user keep their own type and moves.

    RP Sample: (From a story I made on another website...)
    Rain splattered down, painting the cement outside a darker shade of gray. Mist started to fog the window, Hikari using the end of her red sleeves to clean it. Once clear, she rests her chin over her arms. Looking out the window, she wondered about her dream. Barely six in the morning, and her dream woke her up. It was no nightmare, but a very unexpected dream. She was older, or she thought it was her older self, with some kind of spirit. Waking up from it, she remembered the event from 2 years ago. It was so vivid, so realistic, that she knows its true. Her father tries to brainwash her into believing it was a nightmare, but nothing can replace the fact her favorite cousin is dead. Her other cousin was in a depression eversince.

    Thunder filled the country side, making her jump at every lightning strike she saw. The sky was black, the ground outside now flooding a bit. Everybody was asleep except her. Hikari's hair was braided into one long piece behind her, her pijamas red in color with black spots. Pondering what to watch once the television is turned on, she leaped from shock at an object hitting the floor. Crawling to the edge of her bed, she looks down to see her favorite book lying in an awkward position. Reaching down to get it, a shadow passed over her. Scared, she got chills down her spine. Hugging the book against her chest, she went under the covers. The room was dimly lit, the curtains on the window blowing as the rain fell harder.

    ".....w-who's there?" she asked, pulling the covers just under her eyes. Glancing her room, there was somebody standing at the very corner. The shadows covered the figure, so she couldn't make out who it was. Horror fills her, making her drop dead while she covers herself with her bed's blankets. Minutes passed, yet she feared that "thing" could be anywhere in her room now. Drawing in the last bits of courage left within her, she sneaks a peek. There was nobody around her room. Relief spread through her as she slides herself back into her bed. It was then that she heard a humming. It was from her favorite song too.
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    Sorry guys but I'm going to have to drop my reservation. With the three RP's I'm in and the fact that I'm already studying for my finals and using any extra time to head to tutor sessions and what not, I just don't think I will have enough time to finish my SU, let alone have the time to post in another roleplay. Again, sorry about this but sometimes that's just how life goes. :(