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Formosum | Chapter ONE: The Great Escape

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Pokémon Breeder
  • 45
    In a country of less fortune then many others, people and Pokémon still exist. Formosum is a large island country in the southern hemisphere. The country itself is a beautiful land that has been preserved from extreme modernization and tourism. Basic technology (Pokéballs, Pokécenters, things to this effect) has caught on and the people are all averagely educated. Pokémon trainers exist and the people of this country live a happy simple life. A volcano provide various forms of heat that fill extensive cave structures on the inland of the country. This is where the Koroshroom, the main crop of export, flourishes. As peaceful as the country may be, some things can never be just that simple. A new power of government bent on exploitation of the country and destruction of the inhabitants way of life has come along to change things. They are the brute force type of people and will not think twice about resorting to violence in any case.

    This is the story of preserving a way of life.

    Chapter ONE: The Great Escape.

    PLOT: We will be playing as Pokémon for main characters, NOT humans. The setting of this section of the story is that the government officials have been imprisoning all of the Pokémon trainers as they pose the greatest threat of uprising. You will choose ONE Pokémon to be. You have a trainer, however you do not have to have the same trainer as everyone else (This will be important if this RP is successful and the story goes on to other chapters.). The government caged up all of the Pokémon by specie and it is our job to escape from the facility and make our way to rescue our human counterparts.

    RULES: Basic RP rules in play. Additionally, please try to be reasonable and give attention to the fact that this RP is not meant to be an easy trip from point A to point B. Give creativity of danger to the situation to make it appealing to all of us. Also, if possible please try to post often.

    Description (Remember, this is a Tropical Island.):

    (Note: This is my first attempt at creating an RP. Please don't be to critical, but any suggestions I would love to hear in a PM please. Also this RP is open to all, no invitation only RPs from me. We will start as soon as at least one other person joins, from that point on others who join can just pop in along the journey, please be aware of where everyone is so you can make your entrance logical. Also, in my RP I would prefer is all Pokémon could understand each other, and since no one is RPing a Human we can just use normal speaking. Thanks and I hope to RP with you all soon.)


    Specie: Zubat :t041:
    Name: Xubo
    Trainer: Dominic Tylor
    Abilities: Supersonic, Faint Attack, Wing Attack, Astonish
    Description (Remember, this is a Tropical Island.):
    Most Zubats on Formosum are the same color purple as Zubats on the mainland, however, because of feasting on the Koroshrooms in their caves the underside of their wings and the inside of their ears have turned into a pale blue. Xubo in particular has a rip in his left ear from a marking tag being ripped out of it.
    Personality: Xubo is filled with worry. He is constantly on edge and being captured and separated from his Trainer doesn't help his nerves.
    Other: Xubo has a Careful nature and was Dominic's first Pokémon, so their bond is incredibly strong compared to the rest of his Pokémon.
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  • 13
    This sounds interesting! I'll join if that's alright! (This is my first RP, so I'm very inexperianced -__-; )

    Species: Absol

    Name: Saol (pronaonced "soul")
    Trainer: Rhode (Pronaonced "road")
    Abilites: Sing, quick attack, bite, and Shadow ball
    Description: Pretty much looks like a normal Absol, exept her eyes are green and she has a necklace with a crystal shard on it, that Rhode gave her.
    Other: She's never really afraid and only fears for the safty of her master. Most of the time she is full of energy. Saol was Rhode's first pokemon.

    Ok, tell me if I need to change anything and please tell me weather or not I'm accepted! xD


    Danny Phantom!
  • 1,709
    I'll join! As for suggestions... I'd suggest putting a "Personality" part on your sign-up application. ^-^ I like to see what others' personalities are so that I don't make my character too much like theirs. Just a suggestion though. ^^

    Specie: Zangoose

    Name: Rakor

    Trainer: Jenny Sills (A rather girly-girl)

    Abilities: Crush Claw, Taunt, Aerial Ace (TM), and Counter

    Description: Rakor's pretty much like any Zangoose, only her fur is a lot rougher in some spots, as if she doesn't pay much attention to grooming. Also the colors on her are paler than Zangoose from other areas. She is a little bulkier than she should ideally be, and any jokes made about it will be met with her claws. Her fur is not as long as regular Zangoose because of the tropical climate; she still gets hot though.

    Personality: Only the tough survive. This is Rakor's creedo. She loves to fight, to sink her claws into her opponents. She's usually very serious about fighting. She's a bit brute-ish, she doesn't know many words, nor does she know very much at all. She does know fighting, and she does know the importance of it. She rarely shows emotion, and she is a person of few words when she speaks. She had always believed though, that actions speak louder than words.

    Other: She doesn't like flowers. At all. There is a good reason for this, but she doesn't like to think about it. Also, she may appear not to get along with her trainer that much, but she does love Jenny deeply.
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    Pokémon Breeder
  • 45
    That is a good idea, I will go ahead and add it to the sign up and if you want you can add it to your posts. ^_^

    A cold breeze sifted over Xubo's body as he regained consciousness. Light was coming down on him which made his poor vision even worse, but through deductive reasoning and sound waves he could make out that he was moving, and that his body was covered partially by a net and partially by what feels like another Zubat. At this moment he became rather panic stricken and blacked out again.

    The truck filled with Pokémon from the trainers that had been jailed was heading for a containment facility where they will be kept until they government can either retrain them all or execute them. The truck pulled up and dragged the mesh nets filled with Pokémon into a rather high tech facility for this peaceful backwater island. Key carded door locks and electrified fencing would have put Xubo back into shock if he was conscious for all of this event. The next time he awoke was inside of a cage that became more and more cramped with each new load of Zubat being placed inside. At least the cage was dark and resembled a cave setting. Soon Xubo will recover from his disoriented state and try to make heads from tales of what is going on.


    Soul of Trinity, Dragon Queen
  • 755
    (This is definately a first, a Pokemon RPG involving a Fascist Totalitarian Government, I gotta join.

    Species: Salamence
    Name: Ruby (First time I've had to actualy rp as my favorite dragon)
    Trainer: Rachel Bolt (Leader of a small group of Communist rebels, don't ask)
    Abilities: Fly, Dragon Dance, Hyper Beam, Aerial Ace
    Description (Remember, this is a Tropical Island.): Ruby is a rare breed among her species, instead of the usual red and blue, most of her body is gold, and her wings are black.
    Personality: Very unpredictable, but is usualy kind
    Other: Ruby has a strong loyalty to Rachel, who has raised her from an Egg, and will do anything to help further her trainer's radical ideals.


    Danny Phantom!
  • 1,709
    OOC: Glad I could be of help. ^-^ Anyway, I suppose it's time to start?


    'Life is beautiful.'

    'Life is beautiful.'

    This same phrase kept repeating in Rakor's head as she was lying there, subdued by her imprisoners, though she had managed to get a good swipe or two at them. She couldn't move, or she would risk getting bashed with an object, or shocked into unconsciousness. She hated it. Her anger was eating away at her, and she felt that she couldn't hold it any longer. She wanted to lash out at these humans, to rip them to shreds for ever doing this to her. But here she was, powerless, and hurting all over to boot.

    She was not the one that most of her captors' attention had been put upon though. There was another Zangoose among them that had given them such a fight that a man had to be sent off because he had been so badly injured. A Zangoose's claws were not to be taken lightly.

    She had seen a lot of pain and death... but... life is beautiful.

    Those were the last words that Rakor had heard from her trainer, and she held onto them like a child holds onto a stuffed animal in the dark of night. The words were just words, meaningless to Rakor, for she didn't think that life was beautiful at all; but they were the freshest memory of her only real friend.

    A growl found itself crawling up her throat, and with a sudden defiance, she let it come forth. "Rrrrrr!" it sounded, and she wanted to slice away at the netting holding her strength back.

    All it earned her though were worried and reproachful looks from the other Zangoose, at least the ones who were still conscious, and then a shock in the side from a human guard. Rakor spat at him before she gave in to the pain in her body, and finally closed her red eyes to fall into the blackness of unconsciousness.
  • 13
    Saol woke up with a spliting pain in her head, she looked around, only to find that she was in a cage. She instaintly remembered her master, Rhode. She and Rhode had been seperated. Remembering this, Saol launched staight up, now feeling even more hate toward these humans that had captured her.
    Her strength soon left her, her wounds were too much for her to bare. She collapsed and growled at the thought that she could do nothing to help her master, or get out of this small cage. She let her eyes slowly close and blacked out.


    Soul of Trinity, Dragon Queen
  • 755
    (I guess I don't have to wait.)

    Lying in the cage next to Saoul is a gold and black Salamence named Ruby, the pokemon of the leader of the Communist Rebellion within Formosum.

    On orders, she had let herself be captured, but the reasons for doing so where unknown, even to the dragon.


    Cosplayer of Doom
  • 1,372
    Specie: Eevee
    Name: Takai
    Trainer: Shinken Kuroshii
    Abilities: Quick Attack, Bite, Shadow Ball, Endure
    Description (Remember, this is a Tropical Island.): A naturally tiny eevee, the runt of his litter. Eevees are very rare on this island as they are in many parts of the world and they were introduced by the Kuroshii family several generations ago. The Kuroshii family were known breeders of the rare pokemon and own a small breeding facility on the island for canines. However, eevee are rarely successfully born let alone surviving the first few weeks of life and so the runts are usually the first to die. Takai, however was given to the youngest of the family to be nursed and cared for. The eevee is a tawny shade, far lighter then the typical eevee, mainly because the sun bleaches out the color of thier fur. He is also covered in small black tattoos that were given to him at birth to mark him as a unique individual as all Kuroshii pokemon. Takai has large golden hued eyes.
    Personality: Despite his small stature, Takai is hardly meek. Bold and untrusting, he is a very difficult creature to befriend. The only person he trusts is his master, Shinken. The two have very similar personalities, both cold and aggressive in all aspects of life. However, Takai truely is an innocent little one whom idolizes his owner.
    Other: He has a rather violent temper at times.

    In Character:

    A loud ringing was the only thing that his mind could focus on. High pitched and deafening, as though someone were crushing his eardrums. A tortured noise escaped his raw throat, the sound only adding to the headache that throbbed in his skull. Hesitantly, large eyes fluttered open and intense goldenrod focused against the bright lights of wherever he was. The lights stung his eyes, forcing the creature to squint against it. Where was he? Slowly, the tawny furred creature staggered to his feet, the room swimming around him. Bars, white, bars, ceiling, bars, floor, bars, light. His stomach churned and he had to choke down the bile that had rose up into his throat. Two large ears flattened against his skull and he sat on his haunches in order to keep from toppling to the floor. After what seemed like an eternity, gravity returned to normal and the small fox like creature opened his weary eyes once again.

    " Shinken-Sama?" He groaned softly, his voice rough and cracked from whatever had harmed his vocal chords. Then it all came back to him...
    " Oi, Takai..." Came the melodious baritone that belonged only to his owner. It was a cold, and dangerous voice to those who did not know the tall human, but Takai knew him. In fact he was the only one who knew the man. Takai let out a gleefull chirp like call before bounding down from the tree he had been dozing in and with a practiced ease, scurried up his master's body to perch on one of the dark haired human's broad shoulders. The blonde colored eevee wrapped his long plume tail around Shinken's neck affectionately, earning a chuckle that had he been a human, he wouldn't have heard. It was all the praise the little eevee needed and he could not hold back the delighted purr that escaped him. But Takai was only this way for his master and no other. No other was worthy enough. The tall pale skinned human's mood changed slightly and the eon picked up on it instantly, noting that Shinken had become entirely emotionless. A group of men approached the duo, Shinken's steely blue glare spearing them.

    "Kuroshii, Shinken?" One asked. The intimadating man said nothing in return but meerly rose a hand to pet the now growling Takai.

    "And what if I am?" He asked barely above a whisper, a malicious grin curving his lips slowly. The men looked amogst themselves nervously before the one whom had spoken moved forward.

    " You are under arrest for the possesion of a pokemon, should you resist, we will not hesitate to use force." The officer continued. Takai felt his growl turn into an all out snarl, claws clutching his owner's thick black jacket. Shinken seemed more bored then anything and he casually tossed a few strainds of his waist length hair over his shoulder.

    " You are just going to have to use force then I guess..." The cobalt eyed man stated. The officers released three large pokemon, some that the eevee had never seen before. The first was tall and a tan color, clothed in a purple garb and sporting bright red boxing gloves. The second was much larger, serpentlike and an odd combination of black, violet, and yellow scales covering it's streamline body. Two wicked looking fangs jutted out from it's large jaws. The third was a pokemon he recongnized, Growlithe. With a enraged call, the tiny eevee leapt from his perch and landed lightly on the ground before his master, prepared to defend the man with his very life. The first to attack was the dog, a loud howl escaping it's jaws as it lunged at the blonde furred eevee. Takai was faster however and bounded aside, delivering a quick attack to the startled beast and sending it flying across the ground. The eevee's golden eyes had narrowed to slits and he followed the almost silent commands of his master. The odd humanoid pokemon struck next, Shinken's soft voice reaching Takai's sensitive ears snd he reacted instantly. Another burst of speed consumed the little canine and he barely evaded a punch that was engulfed in flames. He wrinkled his nose in distaste at the scent of his singed fur and with a growl he slammed into the larger pokemon. It fell back a few steps before regaining itself and attacking again, this time delivering a quick jab to the creature. Takai let out a pained squeak which quickly turned into an enraged snarl as his anger grew.

    With his eyes full of rage he clamped his fangs down on the pokemon's forearm, the creature crying out in pain as the eevee drew blood. The coppery tang of the red liquid registered in Takai's mind and the eevee clamped down harder, determinded to give his master's attacker pain. A sharp pain in his side dislodged him from the hitmonchan, knocking him to the ground with a thud. The large snake advanced on it's target who jumped to his feet quickly. Dark energy danced about his tiny frame and focused before rocketing toward the serpent. It let out an enraged hiss as the eevee fled back closer to his master. This was not good. Three to one were very bad odds. He barely avoiced a flamethrower from the canine pokemon, and had to throw himself aside to dodge the snake, only to find himself clobbered by the humanoid. The last few moments were a blurr to the golden eyes eevee, only when his master's shouts of pain and angry reached his ears did he regain full conciousness. A some point during the fight he had knocked the humanoid out and severely injured the growlithe whom was now bleeding proffusely from multiple wounds. The blonde pokemon struggled to escape the death hold that the snake had him in. He needed to save his master.

    " Shinken-Sama!!!"

    And now he found himself trapped within a cage in some odd looking room. Wonderful. There were no others in the cage with him, for which he was greatfull. The was mainly because he was hardly a social creature. With a dark growl he tested the bars, letting out a yelp at the shock that surged through his limbs. He shook off the convulsions and hissed lowly. He would not let some stupid cage stop him. Being one who was used to pain, the little eevee steeled himself and took deep breathes. He was smaller the typical eevee and so slipping through would be a good option, despite the pain it would leave him in. With a grunt he put on a burst of speed, aiming between the bars. Electricity surged through his tiny frame and he squealed in agony as he became caught between the bars. Takai bared his fanglike teeth and wiggled his way forward, feeling darkness threatening to take him. But, he refused and ignored the sharp pains that filled his sore body. Finally he broke free, panting heavily and twitching from muscle spasms. The worn out eevee collapsed on the cold tile floor as he tried to focus. He needed to hide for now until he could recover. Forcing himself to his feet, the blonde limped into the darkened shadows that were beneath a low table, moving to the very back before allowing himself to fall to the floor again.
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