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FT : Kalos born flawless shiny, LF : same

  • 0
    • Seen Mar 18, 2014
    Hello, I have a few Flawless Shiny pokemon up for trade. I will trade only for Flawless Shiny Kalos born pokemon.

    I have : All shiny Kalos born

    -5 IV Careful Thick Fat Snorlax (lvl 1)
    -6 IV Modest Drizzle Politoad (lvl 52)
    -5 IV Adamant Gale Wings Talonflame (lvl 51)
    -6 IV Bold Own Tempo (Male) Espurr (lvl 1)
    -6 IV Modest Magician Fennekin (with all 4 EM, lvl 1)
    -6 IV Impish Harvest Trevenant (lvl 1)
    -5 IV Joly Pure Power Medicham (with EM Drain punch and thunder punch relearnable, also has Bullet Punch, lvl 52)
    -6 IV Adamant Sand Stream Tyranitar (Outrage, SR and Dragon Dance, lvl 69)
    -6 IV Jolly Defeatist Archen (Ancient Power, Agility, lvl 27)
    -4 IV (with 1 speed) Relaxed Iron Barbs Ferrothorn (SR, leech seed, lvl 56)
    -5 IV Timid Protean Greninja (Grass Knot, Dark Pulse, Ice Beam, Mat Block, lvl 100)
    -31/30/30/31/31/30 Modest Chlorophyll Bulbasaur (HP FIRE) (Hidden Power, Giga Drain, Petal Dance and Leaf Storm, lvl 1)
    -5 IV Adamant Swift Swim Kabutops (Stone Edge, Aqua Jet, Rapid Spin, Waterfall, lvl 61)
    -5 IV Brave Stance Change Aegislash (missing speed, Shadow Sneak, Sacred Sword, King's Shield, Sword Dance, lvl 62)
    -5 IV Adamant Speed Boost Scolipede (Baton Pass, Earthquake, Megahorn, Sword Dance, lvl 66)
    -5 IV Modest Sniper Kingdra (Ice Beam, Draco Meteor, Focus Energy, Scald, lvl 56)
    -5 IV Adamant Super Luck Absol (Play Rough, Fire Blast, Pursuit, Sucker Punch, lvl 25)
    -6 IV Jolly Sniper Skorupi (lvl 1) *NEW and Not for trade unless I get a very good offer*
    -6 IV Adamant Contrary Inkay (lvl 1) *

    These below are available only for cloners (since I don't currently have clones of them, open to clone trades)

    -5 IV Timid Protean Greninja (with Toxic Spikes, lvl 77)
    -6 IV Impish Poison Heal Gliscor (lvl 100)
    -6 IV Adamant Defiant Pawniard (lvl 1)
    -5 IV Jolly Pickpocket Weavile (with all 4 EM, lvl 93)
    -31/30/30/31/31/31 HP ICE Vulpix (with EM, lvl 1)
    -6 IV Adamant Clear Body Metagross (lvl 86)
    -5 IV Adamant Ironfist Golett (lvl 1)
    -5 IV Bold Regenerator Slowbro (lvl 58)
    -5 IV Adamant Intimidate Luxray (Wild charge, Fire fang, Ice fang, Crunch, lvl 70)
    -6 IV Adamant Huge Power Marill (Belly Drum, Superpower, Aqua Jet, lvl 1)
    -5 IV Timid Hustle Nidoran (male, lvl 1)
    -5 IV Hasty Iron Fist Chimchar (Fake out, thunder and fire punch EM, lvl 1)
    -5 IV Impish Overcoat Mandibuzz (Knock off, Foul Play, Defog, Tailwind, lvl 61)
    -5 IV Calm Magic Guard Cleffa (Stored power, aromatherapy, wish, lvl 1)
    -6 IV Timid Dry Skin Heliolisk (lvl 52)
    -6 IV Timid Synchronize Gardevoir (lvl 100)
    -6 IV Bold Clear Body Tentacool (Accupressure, Knock Off, Rapid Spin, lvl 1)
    -4 IV (0 speed) Quiet Magic Guard Solosis (lvl 1)
    -6 IV Adamant Strong Jaw Tyrunt (Dragon dance, Thunder fang, Ice fang, Fire fang, lvl 1)
    -5 IV Adamant Run Away Aipom (Quick Guard, Double Slap, Fake Out, Pursuit, lvl 13)
    -5 IV Calm Swift Swim Ludicolo (Giga Drain, lvl 56)
    -5 IV Jolly Moxie Krookodile (lvl 100)
    -5 IV Modest Rain Dish Squirtle (Aura Spere, Dragon pulse, lvl 1)
    -6 IV Impish Sturdy Carbink (lvl 1) *NEW*
    -5 IV Jolly Skill Link Cloyster (Icicle Spear, Rapid Spin, Rock Blast, Shell Smash, lvl 61)
    -5 IV Timid Sheer Force Nidoking (Toxic spikes, Earth power, Ice beam, Sludge Wave, lvl 66)
    -6 IV Adamant Huge Power Azumarill (Aqua jet, Superpower, Belly Drum, Play rough, lvl 71)
    -6 IV Calm Hydration Goomy (Acid armor, Counter, Iron tail, Curse (relearnable), lvl 27)
    -5 IV Adamant Quick feet Shroomish (Bullet seed, Charm, Focus punch, Wake up slap, lvl 1)
    -5 IV Jolly Hustle Darukama (Brick Break, Hammer arm, incinerate, rage, lvl 9)
    -6 IV Jolly Sheer Force Bagon (Hydro pump, Dragon pulse, Dragon dance, lvl 1) *NEW*
    -5 IV Adamant Scrappy Pancham (Storm Throw, Circle Throw, Vital Throw lvl 1) *NEW*
    -5 IV Modest Torrent Empoleon (Agility, Yawn, lvl 51) *NEW*
    -5 IV Modest Serene Grace Togekiss (Nasty Plot, lvl 72) *NEW*
    -6 IV Modest Mega Launcher Clauncher (Aqua Jet, lvl 1) *NEW*
    -5 IV Bold Prankster Sableye (Foul Play, Will O Wisp, Recover, Taunt, lvl 51) *NEW*
    -5 IV Timid Natural Cure Starmie (Ice Beam, Psyshock, Hydro Pump, Rapid Spin, lvl 100) *NEW*
    -5 IV Adamant Mold Breaker Excadrill (Rapid Spin, Brick Break, Earthquake, Rock Slide, lvl 59) *NEW*
    -5 IV Timid Solar Power Charizard (Heat Wave, Overheat, Solar Beam, Focus Blast, lvl 62) *NEW*
    -5 IV Modest Pixilate Sylveon (Wish, Echoed Voice, Shadow Ball, Protect, lvl 51) *NEW*
    -6 IV Adamant Intimidate Mawile (Play Rough, Sucker Punch, Fire Fang, Sword Dance, lvl 100) *NEW* *NOT CURRENTLY AVAILABLE*
    -31/30/30/31/31/31 Modest Levitate HP ICE Rotom (Overheat, Hidden Power, Will O Wisp, Volt Switch, lvl 62) *NEW*
    -5 IV Adamant Scrappy Kangaskhan (Fake Out, Return, Power Up Punch, Sucker Punch, lvl 62) *NEW*
    -5 IV Calm Flower Veil Flabebe (White Flower, lvl 1)
    -6 IV Modest Adaptability Eevee (Wish, Yawn, lvl 1) *NEW*
    -6 IV Bold Prankster Klefki (Tackle, Fairy Lock, Iron Defense, lvl 1) *NEW*
    -6 IV Careful Sap Sipper Skiddo (Tackle, Growth, Milk Drink, lvl 1) *NEW*
    -6 IV Calm Regenerator Amoonguss (Giga Drain, Spore, Sludge Bomb, Clear Smog, lvl 64) *NEW*
    -5 IV Adamant Rock Head Aggron (Iron Head, Earthquake, Head Smash, Dragon Claw, lvl 55) *NEW*
    -5 IV Timid Levitate Heidreigon (Dragon Pulse, Fire Blast, Focus Blast, Dark Pulse, lvl 66) *NEW*
    -5 IV Timid Magic Guard Alakazam (Psychic, Focus Blast, Shadow Ball, Energy Ball, lvl 94) *NEW*
    -5 IV Bold Levitate Koffing *NICKNAMED Smogon** (Poison Gas, Tackle, lvl 1) *NEW*
    -31/X/30/31/31/31 IV Timid Lightning Rod HP ICE Electrik **NICKNAMED Frizelbliz** (Tackle, lvl 1) *NEW*
    -5 IV Adamant Technician Scizor (Thief, Quick Attack, U-Turn, Bullet Punch, lvl 50) *NEW*
    -5 IV Timid Flash Fire Houndhour (Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Dark Pulse, Solar Beam, lvl 19) *NEW*
    -5 IV Adamant Moxie Heracross (Pin Missile, Sword Dance, Close Combat, Rock Blast, lvl 34) *NEW*
    -5 IV Adamant Torrent Mudkip (Growl, Avalanche, Ice Ball, Curse, lvl 1) *NEW*
    -6 IV Adamant Static Elekid (Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Fire Punch, Cross Shop, lvl 1) *NEW*
    -5 IV Jolly Tough Claw Binacle (Shell Smash, Scratch, Sand Attack, lvl 1) *NEW*
    -5 IV Impish Fur Coat Furfrou (Tackle, Growth, lvl 1) *NEW*

    Particulary looking for these flawless (5-6 IV) KALOS BORN :

    -Shiny Haxorus/Axew

    -Shiny Lapras

    -Shiny Liligant

    -Shiny Magmortar

    -Shiny Roserade

    -Shiny Muk

    -Shiny Crustle

    -Special HP pokemon

    -Other offers (Open to all offer that I dont already have)

    When you offer a pokemon, please put some details to save some time (Kalos born, nature, ability, EM, etc).

    IGN : Flynn

    FC : 0834-1773-2989
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    I'll approve this for now, but you need to add at least 2 more species of Pokemon to your thread to bring it up to the 20 minimum requirement.

    Not sure I understand, I need to have 20 pokemon up for trade to be able to post here ?
    I'm interested in your Pawniard, Vullaby, and the Vulpix(assuming it's Drought). If you wouldn't mind, check my thread to see what you'd want for those. :)
    I'm interested in your Pawniard, Vullaby, and the Vulpix(assuming it's Drought). If you wouldn't mind, check my thread to see what you'd want for those. :)

    Hello, I am interested in your Squirtle, Shellder and Ludicolo, assuming they are all Kalos born ? And yes, Vulpix is Drought. If you are willing to do this 3 for 3, leave your infos ;) Mine are in my first post.
    Yep, mine are all Kalos born and i'd be more than happy to make that trade.

    FC: 1048 9068 0349
    IGN: Dyl-icious.

    I'll PM you on here when i'm ready to trade :)
    I have this pokemon

    shiny lapras/hydratation/modest/female 5iv - atk
    shiny honedge/no guard/adamant/male 5iv - spatk
    shiny tyrunt/strong jaws/adamant/male 5iv - spatk dragon dance + fire,thunder,ice fangs
    shiny amaura/refrigerate/modest/male 5iv - atk discharge,mirror coat,haze,ice beam
    shiny froakie/protean/timid/male 5iv - atk toxic spikes
    shiny bagon/sheer force/adamant 6iv hydro pump,fire fang, dragon dance
    shiny trevenant/Lv 50/harvest/impish/male 6iv protect,will o wisp,shadow claw,leech seed
    shiny gougeist/Lv 50/frisk/impish/female 5iv - satk will o wisp,shadow claw,leech seed,seed bomb
    shiny evee/anticipation/modest/male 5iv - atk covet,wish
    shiny sylveon/pixelate/modest/male 5iv - atk
    shiny pancham/scrappy/adamant/male 5iv - satk storm throw

    are you interested??
    I have this pokemon

    shiny lapras/hydratation/modest/female 5iv - atk
    shiny honedge/no guard/adamant/male 5iv - spatk
    shiny tyrunt/strong jaws/adamant/male 5iv - spatk dragon dance + fire,thunder,ice fangs
    shiny amaura/refrigerate/modest/male 5iv - atk discharge,mirror coat,haze,ice beam
    shiny froakie/protean/timid/male 5iv - atk toxic spikes
    shiny bagon/sheer force/adamant 6iv hydro pump,fire fang, dragon dance
    shiny trevenant/Lv 50/harvest/impish/male 6iv protect,will o wisp,shadow claw,leech seed
    shiny gougeist/Lv 50/frisk/impish/female 5iv - satk will o wisp,shadow claw,leech seed,seed bomb
    shiny evee/anticipation/modest/male 5iv - atk covet,wish
    shiny sylveon/pixelate/modest/male 5iv - atk
    shiny pancham/scrappy/adamant/male 5iv - satk storm throw

    are you interested??

    Hello :) I am interested in your Amaura and your Pancham :) Which of mine interest you? I edited my list btw ;)
    Interested in Medicham. Can offer Pinsir (Jolly, Quick Attack, CC) or Gourgeist (Impish).
    Interested in Medicham. Can offer Pinsir (Jolly, Quick Attack, CC) or Gourgeist (Impish).

    Just got a Pinsir, and not interested in Gourgeist :S Do you have something else?
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