I'm entering this, of course, and also of course I'll be bringing my trademark brand of... Violence. I've been talking about it on the BBS' IRC but figured I may as well say it here too for those of you who actually know me but don't go there. *Shrugs* I bet you're all excited to see just what twisted ways I can think of to kill things next.
Now, one word of advice for other people entering: Take your time. I see that some people have blazed through their entries and submitted them already. Well, that is really not needed. From right now, there are still three days left to write. Take your time, gather your thoughts before writing, don't rush the actual writing itself, and when you're done proofread it through multiple times until you are sick of it. This is not a race, and you're not going to be awarded for finishing faster than everyone else.
Now that's not to say that it's bad if you finish fast. Maybe you're just writing something that's naturally shorter or faster than, well, what I'm writing. Just keep in mind you have all the way until the end of Monday to finish, and no one will think less of you of you need to take all that time to make your entry as good as it can be.