The Psycho Pokemon
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ugh that sucks...............the lack of a phys spec split really hurts...
Hey Rangi, have not been able to get on since I came back to school, but I will merge as soon as I can! All those sound fine to me, I have no real preference over the graphical changes above, but for sure Trainer Card is in need of an overhaul more so than the rest. I'm not sure if Pokedex would look good like that, especially with the orange sprite masking the dex currently has.
As for additional info on the Trainer Card, I believe we were discussing having customizable Trainer Classes? There's also no current use for the back of the trainer card.
Hey, Pia! Yeah, I thought a post here would be easier to notice whenever you are back than an old Discord @mention.
IIRC I suggested a B/W-style trainer class and you didn't think there'd be any purpose to it. And someone had the idea of a counter for some thing other than Pok?mon that you'd be collecting, but that was pretty vague.
How about just having one page? Like these:
One page works, how about stars for the free space on the first page then (one for becoming champion, one for beating Red, and one for completing the dex)?
Can you do a mockup of where they'd be on a one-page card?
Will have to do that later today, I have no access to my ROM or any file sharing site at the moment (I'm honestly amazed PokeCommunity isn't blocked here).
Very Good work... You make it very great. FIrst good Orange Islands Game from time of Pokemon O.I.A which is Pokemon Red Hack. I have one question. Did you make Surfboard?
Thanks to Rangi most of the reported bugs have been fixed, and Kinnow Island has been finalized (aside from the Café, but not sure if I'm going to do anything special with it).
Once I have the remaining small bugs fixed, I will continue with Route 57, the first Unnamed Island, Route 58, Navel Island and the Seven Grapefruit Islands. After that's all been mapped and scripted, I will finalize the titlescreen, TMs and Learnsets and release Beta 1.
Oh, also, Charmander now learns Metal Claw at the proper level, and it replaces Smokescreen.