Hello, Jared. Welcome to the PC forums, buddy. ;D
Well, it's not just you. There are many people like you who can't remember names properly. I've been studying in this school of mine since a year and I still don't know the names of some of my friends! xD; Ain't that crazy? Well yeah, I know that I'm indeed a horrible case. Can't do anything about that, I suppose. Still, I guess your memory isn't as bad as mine. xD;
Well, moving on, be sure to read the rules and FAQ, mate. They're surely gonna help you have a safe stay over here. Rules = Safe stay. FAQ = Answers to most of your questions about the forums. Thus, it'd be really good if you do read and understand them. >:3
And yeah, if you have any questions related to the forum, feel free to contact any staff member or me, for that matter. I sure am not THAT good at explaining things but I can certainly try and help ya. So yeah, you can contact me if you, for some reason, don't want to approach a moderator or any other member of the staff team for your queries.
Well, I'll conclude now, I guess? Have fun around the forums, Jared. See you around then, bro. ;3