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ho-oh or arceus

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Shiny Collector
  • 47
    ---it is usually easier for you to pm me if you have a trade----
    1) please no hack pokemon!!!!....i will check the pokemon's summary before we trade...sorry but i've been dupped before..,
    if by chance i have a hack pokemon, please let me know...i will remove it from my thread and return what you traded me....
    2) no fan made events either
    3) please trade failry....(no trade like: shiny modest latias for non shiny gentle celebi)
    4) no begging.....and try not to curse either....
    5) please let me know the pokemon that you are offering, with the nature, the level, if it UT, and if it has egg moves...
    i will usually trade a shiny for a shiny or event and vice versa, a shiny evd for 2 shinies or 2 events or a shiny legendary/special.......
    of course this may vary depending on the offer...
    this could also mean that i might trade for a non shiny pokemon, if the non shiny pokemon has some interesting egg moves and a
    good nature (i.e. depending on how much i want the pokemon)


    LF: shiny regice calm, shiny registeel careful/sassy, shiny regigigas impish/brave/adamant, shiny hasty/jolly beldum, shiny adamant rayquaza,
    any good natured shiny-preferably UT, movie11 shaymin, birthday charmander/chimchar/pikachu, NZ pikachu, baba flygon, gamestop jirachi, red and green aniv pichu,
    e4all/nws/TRU manaphy, placity manaphy or mew, 10th deoxys or DOEL, GW pikachu, Mitsurin celebi, and any saikyu event pokemon
    oddish-modest/timid, onix-rock head-adamant, voltorb-modest/timid, swinub-jolly, slakoth-jolly/adamant, meditite-jolly/adamant-w/psycho cut, carvanha-jolly/adamant,
    cacnea-jolly/adamant/timid/modest, turtwig-jolly/adamant, cranidos-jolly, buizel-adamant/jolly, croagunk-jolly/adamant, manaphy-timid/modest, shaymin-timid/modest

    REALLY REALLY REALLY WANT!!!: (will trade 2 shinies, 1 shiny shiny evd, or 1 event for these)
    (with high IV's in the speed and Atack or SAtack depending on the nature) [all lv.1]
    Shiny Farfetch'd-adamant w/leafblade
    Shiny Murkrow-super luck-adamant-w/brave bird, drill peck
    Shiny Trecko-timid/modest w/dragon breath
    Shiny Mew-timid/modest (low level and LEGIT)

    * --------Have been Hack Checked!!!! :)
    I Have:
    Shiny EV'd: (im not too sure of the EV/IV's, but they should be like/almost flawless, and most have pokerus cure)
    *Ninetails-lv100-Timid----283 / 159 / 170 / 261 / 227 / 327----Fire Blast/Energy Ball/Hypnosis/Nasty Plot
    *Lucario-lv100-Adamant----265 / 350 / 165 / 214 / 176 / 279------Shadow Claw/Ice Punch/EQ/Close Combat
    *Houndoom-lv100-Modest----262 / 181 / 122 / 333 / 187 / 276----Will-o-wisp/Nasty Plot/HP-/Flamethrower
    *Jolteon-lv100-Modest----271 / 137 / 155 / 350 / 224 / 359----Thunderbolt/Shadow Ball/ Agility/Baton Pass
    *Mamoswine-lv100-Adamant---358 / 394 / 188 / 135 / 145 / 258-----EQ/Stone Edge/Superpower/Ice Shard
    *Salamance lv100-Adamant----330 / 403 / 185 / 218 / 183 / 299----Dragon Claw/DD/Fire Fang/Steel Wing (thanks elheroeoscuro)

    *UT TRU Arceus-bold and hardy
    UT TRU Arceus-Modest, adamant
    UT TRU Regigigas-adamant
    *UT TRU Regigigas-bashful
    UT TRU Shaymin lv50-modest
    UT TRU Dragonite lv50-mild

    UT 10 Aniv Dragonite-lv70-(Timid) OT-00010
    UT 10 Aniv Articuno-lv70-(Modest) OT-00010
    UT 10 Aniv Raikou lv70-(Hasty) OT-00010
    UT 10 Aniv Entei lv 70 (Adamant) 00010
    UT 10 Aniv Latias-lv70-modest OT-00010
    UT 10 Aniv Latios lv 70 (Modest) 00010
    UT 10 Aniv Alakazam-lv70-(Modest) OT-00010
    UT 10 Aniv Typhlosion-lv70-(Timid) OT-00010
    10 Aniv Celebi lv70-Quirky OT-00010 (has a little experience)

    UT PKTOPIA Electivire
    UT PKTOPIA Magmortar
    UT PKTOPIA Pikachu w/pokerus

    UT Crown Entei lv30-adamant w/custap berry OT-06180 (shiny)
    UT Crown Suicune lv30-relaxed w/rowap berry OT-06180 (shiny)
    UT Crown Raikou lv30-rash w/micle berry OT-06180 w/pokerus (shiny)

    UT NZ Jirachi lv5-bashful
    UT Wifi Jiraichi-OT-SMR2010-timid
    UT Gamestop Jiraichi-timid
    UT Channel Jirachi lv 5 (Adamant) 40122

    UT Gamestop Deoxys-Rash w/pokerus
    UT Space C Deoxys lv70-impish

    UT Gamestop Pikachu colored Pichu - OT-GAMESTP-strongly defiant, likes sweet food
    UT Wifi Pikachu colored pichu-OT-SPR2010, likes to relax, likes sweet food
    UT Shokotan Pichu lv30 jolly-shiny

    UT VGC09 Miloti-Timid-lvl 50
    UT VGC10 Eevee lv 50 (Hardy) 05080
    UT WCS Eevee lv50-hardy

    UT WORLD08 Lucario-adamant-lv30
    UT WORLD09 Weavile-jolly lv30
    UT WORLD10 Crobat OT-08150-*'Strongly Defiant', 'sturdy body'

    UT Ageto Celebi-31121-lv10-jolly
    UT Mitsurin Celebi lv 10 (Modest) 60720
    UT Movie 10 Celebi-lv50-hardy-w/jaboca berry

    UT Mystry Mew lv10-(Docile) (Timid)
    UT 10th Anniversary Mew (Wifi Mew) lv 5 (Jolly) (Timid) (Modest) 11219

    UT Mattle Ho-oh -(Jolly)-lv70
    UT Concert Chatot lv25-(Jolly)
    UT Placity Lucario-lv50
    UT NWS Manaphy-lv50-NWS-10017-(Modest)
    UT Goon Scizor lv50
    UT 2007 b-day Charmander
    UT Pokemon Ranger Manaphy (Modest) *shiny*
    UT Michina Arceus -(Mild)
    UT Alamos Darkrai lv50-(Naive)
    UT Regigigas OT#07198-movie08-(Bashful)

    The format for the shinies coming up:
    Pokemon name-gender-level-nature-OT-OT#-Characteristic-Egg moves (if any)-ability (except for the ones that already have a preset one)
    --i'll put the IV's ones i figure it out how to--i will put the IV's in { }


    Bulbasaur-M-lv1-adamant-ZATTANA-35076-good endurance-{}
    Squirtle-M-lv1-modest-Geniva-40173-very finicky-{}
    Charmander-M-lv1-modest-Pur-26383-quick to flee-{}
    M-lv1-adamant-ZATTANA-35076-Scatters things often-{}
    Pidgey-F-lv1-Hasty-ZATTANA-35076-sturdy body-keen eye{}
    NN"PIDGEOT"-F-lv3-jolly-JAKE-18724-often lost in thought-keen eye
    Rattata-F-lv4-adamant-Alana-47835-likes to fight-guts
    Ekans-F-lv18-jolly-BRANDY-40355-often dozes off-intimidate
    Pikachu-M-lv18-modest-Simon-35564-good endurance
    Nidorian-F-lv3-docile-ITACHI-20813-a little quick tempered-poison point
    Nidorian-M-lv3-impish-ITACHI-20813-strong willed-rivalry
    M-lv1-adamant-Chen-25954-impetuous and silly-poison pont
    M-lv3-adamant-Eriol-43224-proud of its power-rivalry
    Vulpix-F-lv5-relaxed-JOEY-44373-highly persistent-energy ball, hypnosis
    F-lv1-Timid-ZATTANA-35076-often dozes off
    Zubat-F-lv1-adamant-Chen-25954-highly persistent-brave bird-inner focus
    Psyduck-F-lv2-timid-Tsujin-50879-mischievous-damp - NN "Psyren"
    *Growlithe-F-lv1-adamant-Baller-28058-loves to eat-crunch, flare blitz
    Poliwag-F-lv1-timid-Carlos-25329-often dozes off-damp
    M-lv1-adamant-ARREN-60503-mischievous-water absorb
    Abra-F-lv4-modest-Keimen-22098-somewhat vain-synchronize
    Machop-M-lv1-adamant-JOHNNY-21298-likes to trash about-(near flawless IV's)-no guard-thunder and ice punch
    Geodude-M-lv12-timid-Morgana-53603-good perseverence
    Ponyta-F-lv20 adamant-RNC4EVR-47376-scatter things often-run away
    Slowpoke-M-lv11-modest-Sophie-07209-alert to sound-oblivious
    Magnemite-lv1-modest-MokKish-48229-often scatters things-sturdy-w/pokerus
    Doduo-F-lv1-adamant-Isiah-47408-likes to trash about-run away-brave bird
    Grimmer-M-lv1-adamant-ZATTANA-35076-likes to relax-stench
    Shellder-M-lv1-modest-ZATTANA-35076-often dozes off-shell armor-icicle spear-{31/14/26/25/17/10}
    Gastly-F-lv16-modest-ShdwVen-56980-alert to sound
    Drowzee-F-lv1-adamant-Chen-25954-alert to sound-forewarn-psycho cut
    M-lv1-modest-JUAN-23120-alert to sound-forewarn
    Exeggcute-M-lv1-modest-~RNC~-18649-alert to sound-leaf storm, synthesis
    Cubone-M-lv1-adamant-John-37223-often dozes off-rock head-{31/31/31/31/31/31}
    Rhyhorn-M-lv1-adamant-MokKish-48229-somewhat stubborn-rosk head-EQ, stone edge
    M-lv1-adamant-JUAN-23120-mischievious-{31/31/31/31/31/25}-lightingrod-Curse, Ice Fang, Crunch, Dragon Rush
    Chansey-F-lv1-docile-Meluvia-60452-quick to flee-natural cure
    Kangaskhan-F-lv1-adamant-ARREN-60503-alert to sound-scrappy-counter-{Flawless IVs}
    Horsea-F-lv11-modest-Wiley-08728-capable of taking hits-swift swim
    F-lv1-adamant-TRELLIS-19560-likes to trash about-sniper
    Staryu-lv1-modest-Lance-40810-often dozes off-natural cure
    Scyther-M-lv1-Adamant-ARREN-60503-alert to sounds-technician-aerial ace, brick break-w/pokerus-{31/31/31/19/31/31}
    Pinsir-F-lv52-adamant-Kate-19764-somewhat of a clown-mold breaker
    Magikarp-M-lv9-adamant-BAHAMUT-43667-proud of its power
    Lapras-F-lv1-timid-ZATTANA-35076-loves to eat-shell armor-{30/x/21/x/22/x}
    Ditto-lv40-careful-Fruit-43077-proud of its power
    Eevee-M lv1-lonely-PL4Z4-06315-a little quick tempered-run away-{10/27/13/3/23/25}
    M-lv5-modest-AUSTIN-41583-quick tempered-run away
    M-lv1-modest-Kurko-29082-somewhat vain-adaptability
    M-lv1-Jolly-AUSTIN-40368-somewhat stubborn-adaptability
    M-lv1-adamant-ZATTANA-35076-thoroughly cunning-adaptability
    M-lv1-Timid-Pikbec-52628-likes to trash about-run away-yawn, curse, wish
    Vaporeon-M-lv1-modest-Johnny-21232-likes to trash about-yawn
    Kabuto-M-lv1-adamant-Jorge-47012-likes to trash about-battle armor-mud shot
    Aerodactyl-lv1-M-jolly-Carlos-6324-alert to sounds-{31/31/31/31/31/31}-Taunt, Rock Slide, EQ, Stealth Rock
    Snorlax-M-lv1-lonely-ZATTANA-35076-somewhat vain-immunity

    Chikorita-F-lv1-timid-Sean-60962-alert to sound-leaf storm
    Totodile-M-lv1-adamant-L-BOT-53564-often dozes off-crunch
    M-lv1-jolly-KARL-02160-often dozes off-metal claw
    Cyndaquil-M-lv1-modest-David-23306-likes to trash about-fire blast, flamethrower
    Yanma-M-lv1-modest-JORGE-64071-loves to eat-speed boost
    Murkrow-M-lv1-Jolly-ZATTANA-35076-somewhat stubborn-insomnia
    Pichu-M-lv1-modest-JUAN-23120-likes to trash about-volt tackle, reversal, wish, present
    Togepi-M-lv1-modest-MokKish-48229-strong willed-serene grace-nasty plot
    F-lv1-modest-Geniva-40173-highly persistant-hustle
    Mareep-F-lv1-modest-ARREN-60503-often dozes off
    Misdreavus-F-lv1-modest-ZATTANA-35076-alert to sound
    Pineco-M-lv5-adamant-Sammo-19066-impetuous and silly-sturdy
    Gilgar-F-lv1-jolly-Marco-28443-alert to sounds-sand veil-night slash,
    Snubbull-M-lv1-adamant-Slender-57751-mischievous-intimidate-close combat, present, heal bell, faint attack
    Qwilfish-M-lv1-timid-ZATTANA-35076-capable of taking hits-poison point
    Heracross-F-lv8-adamant-Zaraki-49165-likes to fight-guts-w/pokerus
    Shuckle-M-lv52-careful-Loucas-50744-often scatters things-gluttony
    Teddiursa-F-lv1-adamant-Sammie-25084-highly curious-quick feet-fake tears, lick, rest
    F-lv1-adamant-Jason-49389-likes to trash about-pickup-crunch, EQ, brick break
    Swinub-F-lv1-jolly-RNC4EVR-47376-hates to lose-oblivious
    Sneasel-M-lv33-jolly-Jaye-29988-proud of its power-keen eye-{10/20/14/20/18/4}
    Elekid-F-lv1-adamant-MokKish-48229-mischievous-ice punch and cross chop
    Magby-M-lv1-modest-MORGAN-49105-alert to sound-w/pokerus
    Miltank-F-lv1-jolly-Lance-40810-quick tempered-scrappy-EQ, Hammer arm
    Larvitar-M-lv1-adamant-DUSTY-48916-capable of taking hits-DD,EQ, bite, pursuit

    Treecko-M-lv1-Timid-Karl-51073-likes to trash about
    M-lv1-jolly-ZATTANA-35076-capable of taking hits
    Mudkip-M-lv1-adamant-Meph-53581-often dozes off-ice ball, mud bomb, curse
    Torchic-M-lv5-adamant-IK-21383-a little quick tempered
    M-lv1-Sassy-Meluvia-60452-good endurance-fire blast
    M-lv1-Rash-Meph-53581-mischievous-night slash, crush claw, rock slide, smellingsalt
    Poochyena-F-lv4-adamant-May-42674-mischievous-run away
    Wurmple-M-lv3-Adamant-EDUARDO-43096-likes to relax-w/pokerus
    Taillow-M-lv1-jolly-ARREN-60503-loves to eat-guts-brave bird
    Ralts-M-lv5-adamant-Brandon-28674-capable of taking hits-synchronize
    F-lv18-timid-Darian-01690-sturdy body-synchronize
    *Shroomish-M-lv1-Adamant-ME2HACK-01406-alert to sounds-{31/31/31/31/31/31}
    Slakoth-F-lv11-impish-JADE-43394-likes to relax
    Nincada-M-lv1-Jolly-MokKish-48229-proud of its power-pokerus cured
    Azurill-M-lv1-adamant-BlueSh.-42409-often dozes off-huge power
    Nosepass-F-lv1-modest-Ricky-42414-capable of taking hits-sturdy-{27/0/31/27/29/31}
    Aaron-F-lv5-adamant-Nathan-29491-likes to trash about-sturdy
    Plusle-M-lv1-timid-LyDFrvr-13881-often dozes off-w/nasty plot, baton pass, agility, thunder-{31/31/31/31/31/31}
    Minun-M-lv1-timid-LyDFrvr-13881-capable of taking hits-w/nasty plot, baton pass, agility, thunder-{31/31/31/31/31/31 }
    Swablu-F-lv1-timid-ANGEL-24987-scatter things often
    Numel-M-lv2-timid-Chris-58839-highly curious-oblivious-ancient power
    *Trapinch-F-lv1-adamant-DUSTY-48916-somewhat vain-arena trap-{31/31/31/31/31/31}
    Zangoose-F-lv18-adamant-Shroud-16013-strong willed
    Seviper-M-lv1-impish-ZATTANA-35076-likes to trash about
    Corphish-F-lv1-adamant-JOSH-17230-mischievous-hypper cutter-brick breack,aerial ace-w/pokerus
    Lileep-M-lv1-bold-JUAN-23120-somehwat vain-suction cups
    Feebas-F-lv1-modest-LEXIE-28101-somewhat vain
    Keckleon-M-lv1-adamant-ZATTANA-35076-impetuous and silly
    Duskull-M-lv1-Impish-Luis-54624-mischievous-Pain split-{31/31/31/31/31/31}
    M-lv1-jolly-Spider-33836-very finicky
    F-lv1-adamant-Spider-33836-strongly defiant
    Absol-F-lv20-adamant-Eryne-34358-very finicky-super luck
    M-lv1-jolly-Sei-50849-somewhat vain-super luck-{ 31/31/31/31/31/31}
    Clamperl-F-lv1-modest-Erinn-35477-good perseverance-shell armor
    F-lv1-jolly-Mel-29321-impetuous and silly-shell armor-{16/9/18/20/27}
    Beldum-M-lv1-adamant-JON H-44245-quick to flee
    Bagon-M-lv1-adamant-Baller-28058-likes to trash about-DD, dragon rush

    Turtwig-F-lv1-adamant-Meph-53581-somewhat vain-Superpower, seed bomb, body slam, trash
    Piplup-M-lv1-modest-Geniva-40173-often dozes off
    M-lv1-modest-Meph-53581-mischievousaqua ring, supersonic, hydro pump, yawn
    Chimchar-M-lv1-jolly-Meluvia-60452-strong willed
    F-lv1-adamant-Meph-53581-alert to soundsblaze kick, fire punch, thunder punch, heat wave
    Shinx-M-lv5-adamant-RION-18899-hates to lose-intimidate
    Starly-M-lv4-adamant-Tai-Chi-36918-strong willed-keen eye
    Cranidos-M-lv1-hasty-Dorado-55380-likes to trash about-mold breaker
    Combee-F-lv7-adamant-Lilth-47955-strongly defiant
    Buneary-F-lv1-jolly-JOHNNY-21298-capable of taking hits-run away-ice punch, fire punch, switcharoo, encore
    Rotom-lv1-modest-Pikbec-52628-alert to sounds
    Bonsly-F-lv1-jolly-RNC4EVR-47376-hates to lose-sturdy
    Spiritomb-M-lv-1-modest-Maria-24485-quick tempered-shadow sneak
    Gible-M-lv1-Jolly-AKIRA-22284-likes to trash about-outrage{Flawless IVs}
    Riolu-F-lv1-modest-Geniva-40173-strong willed-inner focues
    M-lv1-Adamant-Meluvia-60452-somewhat of a clown-bullet punch, blaze kick, crunch, cross chop-inner focus

    Shiny Legendary:
    UT Psychoward86bg's Mewtwo lv70-Arren-33413-often dozes off-Timid-{ 31/31/31/31/31/31}- Psycho Cut/Amnesia/Fire Blast/Shock Wave

    *Suicune- lv40-bold-Dew-16867-capable of taking hits
    UT Psycho86wardbg's Lugia -lv45-timid-Arren-33413-often dozes off-{ 31/31/31/31/31/31}
    UT Ho-oh-lv70-mild-JUSTIN-55359-quick tempered

    UT MattJ's Latios lv40-timid-MattJ-00986-alert to sounds-{29/21/30/30/31/31}
    *UT Kyogre- lv70-modest-Baynonet-60502-mischievous
    UT Groudon -lv45 adamant-Ferath-00518-quick tempered-pokerus cured
    Rayquaza -lv70-impish-TOMMY-48570-very finicky

    UT Dialga lv47-timid-.-62200-sturdy nody
    UT Palkia lv70-modest-DANIEL-62656-likes to run
    UT Cresselia-lv50-bold-Donovan-55154-mischievous-w/pokerus
    *UT Giratina lv70-modest-REBECCA-45568-somewhat of a clown
    UT Azelf -lv50-modest-Acai-52430-highly curious
    UT Mesprit-lv50-Adamant-Garrett-32190-thoroughly cunning
    *UT Darkrai -lv50-timid-Lacesso-16966-capable of taking hits
    UT Phione -lv1-lonely-Rui-06183-somewhat vain
    UT Heatran -lv70-modest-Brennan-18255-loves to eat
    UT Shaymin-lv30-timid-
    UT Regigigas -lv1-bold-KOOL-58690-somewhat vain

    other interesting pokes:(non-shiny)
    UT Machop lv1-adamant no guard w/substitute. IV's 31/31/31/31/31/31 HP:Flying 70 (by TwighlitBlade)
    UT Pichu lv1-adamant w/volt tackle, wish, thunder punch. IV's: 31/19/31/29/29/31 HP:ground 68
    *UT Aerodactyl lv5-Jolly w/Double edge, EQ. IV's 31/29/29/31/29/19. HP: Dark 54
    UT manaphy lv1-Modest

    *Shiny Snover Lv. 1 UT (nn: Noelle)
    Modest, Snow Warning
    OT/ID: Jasmine 39218
    Hatched on Dec 25, 09 @ Snowpoint City
    Moves: Powder Snow, Leer, Leech Seed, Blizzard [HP Ground 70]
    IVs: 30 / 31 / 31 / 30 / 30 / 31
    This RNG'd beauty is fully redistributable as long as you do not edit her nickname!

    P.S> im finally starting to put down the name of the person who traded the pokemon to me....of course with the exception of event pokemon...
    if you see a pokemon that is yours that you traded to me, please let me know and i'll give you credit by putting your name next to the pokemon...
    Last edited:
    I have ho-oh. I want events. have you. My Englisch is not good i`m from Germmany.
    eevee lv1-lonely
    oddish lv25-naughty
    bidoof lv3-hasty
    ponyta lv8-modest
    chansey lv1-docile
    carvanha lv1-sassy
    What might you want for these six?
    well i like these 3 shinies:
    ESPEON Lv.100
    Hp: 250 Attack:125 Defense:154 Sp.Atk:380 Sp.Def:217 Speed:310

    Hp:241 Attack:339 Defense:190 Sp.Atk:75 Sp.Def:244 Speed:251

    SALAMENCE Lv.100
    Hp:330 Attack: 403 Defense:185 Sp.Atk:218 Sp.Def:183 Speed:299

    but i think its a little too much for 6 shinies...that arent evd...what do you think...
    If your asking me if I'm willing to trade these three Evd Pokemon for those six Shinies, I have no problem with that. Are you alright with it?
    shiny drifloon lv15-timid-----ut?
    shiny lapras lv1-timid-------ut?
    shiny Azelf lv50-modest------ut?
    UT space c deoxys lv70-impish

    these 4..for the four you wnted?

    interested in a movie arceus? im interested in your alamos darkrai and tru shaymin
    heyy im intersted in you're Riolu lv1-Adamant w/bullet punch, blaze kick, crunch, cross chop

    would you like a shinny lvl 100 Ev Trainned tyranitar Adamant nature.
    Azelf lv50-modest

    can i get the ivs on this?
    or if u dont know how just give me the stats and i can get the ivs with them
    Shiny Snover Lv. 1 UT (nn: Noelle)
    Modest, Snow Warning
    OT/ID: Jasmine 39218
    Hatched on Dec 25, 09 @ Snowpoint City
    Moves: Powder Snow, Leer, Leech Seed, Blizzard [HP Ground 70]
    IVs: 30 / 31 / 31 / 30 / 30 / 31
    This RNG'd beauty is fully redistributable as long as you do not edit her nickname!

    for an ev'd weavile?
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