i have very high hopes for this game (happens once in a while).
Just don't quit on it ;) unless life bumps you over.
if you quit for not being bothered i'll find your place and raid your fridge ;D.
I think you'll like the next bit. ;)
Pokémon Grey Beta 1 Release
That's right, I've decided to release my first Beta to the public today.
Unfortunately it doesn't go as far as I original planned for several reasons.
- I am going to New Zealand for a month over Christmas.
- I have a lot of very important exams in January.
- I wanted to give you guys some sort of Christmas Present.
Everything I have shown in screenshots and updates are included in this beta.
What I'm giving you today is a completely bug free (finger's crossed) beta.
It goes all the way up to the gatehouse script with Team Rocket.
So to any of my beta testers there isn't really much new apart from that script, some ASM, rival graphics and bug fixes.
Now I understand that not everybody knows how to patch a 32mb .aps files so follow these steps.
- Download a clean FireRed Rom.
- Open that Rom in the latest version of XSE.
- At the top of XSE select tools and click 'Rom resizer'.
- Now click 'Expand'.
- Download a tool called 'A-Ptch'.
- Open it up, make sure you applying a Patch.
- Select the original file as that Rom.
- Select the Patch as the Patch you've downloaded.
- Click 'run' and that's it.
- You should now be able to play it in Visualboy Advance.
Now if the patching fails it's because you've downloaded the wrong region code of the FireRed rom. I'm not sure which region code I started on, It's either (E) or (U).
So here's the link, enjoy:
Please remember editing Pokémon Grey in anyway is prohibited.
Stealing from it is also prohibited.
I do understand that the Shuckle on Hartshill Path is horrible, it will be changed in the next beta.
If you want to get the best out of this hack, please resist pressing the Space Bar.
Also there is a timed based event somewhere in the Rom, the first one to tell me what day it occurs on wins a cookie... (beta testers, shhh!)
If there are any problems please don't hesitate to inform me.
Thank you, Astar.