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Humanum Familiares [Best Rookie/Most Original Aug/Sep '11]

I'm so sorry I'm late! DX I was away from the computer for the past couple of days and as such, I could not work on any of my SUs that I reserved on any RP. D= I'm so sorry! x_X If my SU is terrible, I've been sleep deprived. Just to warn you. =P


Name: Miharu Mizushima

Age: 18

Gender: Female

History: Miharu was born into an influential family. Her father was a kind man that treated his family and servants with a kind heart. Her mother was very pure and did not allow anyone to be hit in the household. Herself, the daughter, was very polite, but never spoke out of turn; the image of the perfect child.

Well, that was the image they showed in public. In reality, her father was mentally abusive; calling her worthless and weak, as well as telling her to stifle her emotions so she wouldn't embarrass him and the family name. Her mother was physically abusive; whenever her father didn't pay attention to the mother, or when things were complicated due to Miharu, her mother would strike her harshly.

Miharu snapped one day, running away from home at the age of twelve; living her life on the streets for three years until she was accepted into Tristein Academy at the age of fifteen. Her current name is an alias and she changed her appearance.

When she was accepted into Tristein Academy, she focused on studying; reading books in order learn about more information about anything and everything. She buried her troubles under studying, using it as an escape. However, in the practicals, she was still the worst in the class, no matter how much she studied. However, her written grades were so good that she still was able to go up with her year.

Personality: Miharu is very withdrawn; almost to the point of being a mute. She almost always has a blank face on, and she usually speaks in a monotone. She usually seems lifeless, although she is known to be fairly sarcastic at times. However, since she speaks in a monotone, her sarcasm is most likely taken to be true. She never lets anyone know when she is in pain; even if it could kill her if she doesn't. However, it is not because she is prideful; it is because she had been taught all her life to never complain about anything. She does have rather strong opinions though.

Sometimes, however, she snaps, usually by herself, and lets all of the emotions that she had repressed out. This usually happens once a month, although once she lasted a year before snapping. A few hours after "snapping", she is extremely exhausted. The next day, however, she would be back to her old self.

Miharu doesn't care about her familiar being a "commoner"; she believes that such degrading terms are wrong after spending three years on the streets. She could really care less on what her familiar could be.

Magic school:

Miharu has dark blue hair, almost black, that reaches up to her shoulder. It is fairly layered, but it is straight. She has no bangs. Her eyes are a light blue, almond shaped, and with double eyelids. She was around 5'7" and weighed about 110 pounds. She doesn't wear any jewelry, nor does she have any tattoos, although she does have several scars, mostly her mum.

When she is not wearing her uniform, she is most likely wearing something blue, black, white, or a mixture of the three.

Amount of time spent RPing:
...It's like a "as much as possible". It really depends on how much homework I have. I do check up on it every morning, so I guess it is a "medium". I have good days, and I have bad days. xD

Partner: N/A
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due to the nagging of a certain RPer *cough* DeepImpact *cough* I have decided to commence the random matchups and start the RP for those who are ready. Those who are reserved are still reserved and will be included in the matchups. If your not matched today then do not fear as you will be matched up as soon as someone new joins.

Note: I want to make this perfectly clear, I did these matchups COMPLETELY randomly by drawing names from a hat. So if you didn't get matched today then you were just unlucky

Edit: You may now begin posting. A mages first post should be them finding their familiar trying to leave while the familiarsshould be about their reaction to finding the strange person who kissed them glaring at them.
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Name: Kenna Warren

Age: 16

History: Kenna's live in Tristein used to be great, she was sociable and would always make conversation with anyone arround her. However that all changed when she learned that her older brother died of a sudden illness. Ever since Kenna's parents were killed when she was young, her brother had took Kenna under his wing and looked after her like she was his own child. When she heard the news, she was filled with so much hatred and anger that her fire power practically took on a live on its own. Now Kenna is lucky if atleast one person talks to her.

Personality: Kenna is the kind of girl who hides in a book instead of dealing with the drama of life. She hides her emotions and tries not to let anyone bother her. She is very quiet and very shy, but she can also speak her mind when she needs too. She can be very smart when she chooses to be. Kenna is a strong dreamer who is filled with passion and desire but she is scared to go for the things she wants. When Kenna summoned a commoner, she was happy because she hopes that she is not as alone as she thought.

Magic school: Fire

Appearance: Kenna has long dark brown hair that is nearly the shade of black. She normally keeps her hair in a high ponytail. Her skin is very pale which makes hazel eyes, her full lips and the birth mark under her right eye really stand out. She is not quite tall but not that small, she is somewhere in the middle. She always has a small silver ring that her brother bought her for good luck not long before he died, she never takes it off and refuses to part with it.

Amount of time spent RPing: Medium on weekdays due to homework and course work, but high on weekends.

Partner: Aura Rift
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alright everyone, You may now begin posting

(You can use this to better understand where your meant to begin)

My Opening post:

Josh woke up on a bed of hay in a small room, for a moment he thought he'd been dreaming but he looked at his hands and saw the ruinic letters tat had been burnt into him the day before. He couldn't make sense of them. They were of a language he had never seen before. He looked around and tried to get a better perspective of the room. It was round with no corners there was a small dresser at the back of the room and directly beside him was a four poster bed. A mini Chandelier hung from the cieling and in front of him was a table and chairs and sitting on the chair in front of him was the girl from the day before, sleeping quietly.

Her dark brown hair was almost black and it was kept up in a long ponytail. Her skin was quite pale and as she was sleeping he couldn't see her eyes. Her lips were full and Josh noticed a striking birth mark under her eye. She was shorter than Josh himself but she couldn't be described as short. She wore a silver ring upon her hand.

Josh stood up quitely and brushed the excess hay from his trench coat. His shirt was ruffled underneath but that wasn't unusual for him. H slipped his hands into his hidden pockets. He felt his dagger but his gun was gone... *damn* he though they must have taken it from me while I slept.

He stumbled over to the window and almost scramed in horror. It was the middle of the night, he was in some strange castle and worst of all? In the sky their sat two moons, one a bright pink the other a solemn green. The stars shon around like home but the two moons seemed so close almost taking up the sky with their size. He could see other people below wearing the same outfit. A black cloak held together around their neck by a golden seal with a five pointed star. They wore plain white shirts underneath and the males and females wore jeans and skirts depending on gender. It looked almost like... a uniform?

He turned around and saw a door on the opposite wall, he needed to escape. He grabbed the door handle and attempted to open it.

It was locked.

He jiggled the handle furiously then gave up and turned around to look for another entrance when he saw that... the girl on the chair was awake and staring right at him. Josh panicked and stood his ground he pulled out his dagger and held it upright in a defensive stance.

"Who...who are you?!" He asked a little louder than he probably should have.

"and...and where am I?!"
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Tobias carries his new familar up to his room, laying her down on a pile of straw. "Great. I wonder if I need to get her a mat or something. She looks like she could handle this, but..." He looks the girl over, evaluating her. She was taller than him, but thinner. She looked like she could do some manual labor, or maybe he could discuss his magic with her. She had red hair, which was interesting. He feels her hair, noticing how well taken care of it is. He shakes his head, wondering what to do now. "Why couldn't you have been a cat or something?" He lies down on his bed, his mind wandering. He stares at the ceiling, drifting off to sleep.

He replays the events in his mind, but altered somewhat. The teacher calls him forward. "Mr Tanic, step up please. Begin the summoning." Toby steps forward, ready to begin. Just as he completes the spell, and the smoke is clearing, he hears a rattleing noise. He wakes up, looking over at his familiar. Her bed is empty.

He jumps up, seeing her at the door. That must have been the noise. "What do you think you're doing? Trying to leave?" He gives her a disapproving look.
Alex coughed as the smoke entered his lungs. Yet again, he felt a spell had backfired.

"I'll be lucky if something actually shows up..." He thought. He waved his hands, as the smoke cleared. He could see the vague figure of a being in the center of the smoke. He watched as the smoke finally cleared, and saw a... girl. A commoner.

First, it was surprise. He had actually summoned something. He stared, wide eyed, not moving at all. After a few seconds, the shock set in. It was actually a commoner.

"What the hell?" He whispered. Alex walked up to his teacher, and started pleading.

"C'mon... just one more chance... please!" The teacher turned down his requests, simply shaking his head. "What is done, is done. Complete the contract, and don't waste anymore time!"

Everybody snickered. "You're a disgrace, Alex!" He heard one yell. He walked up to the girl, ignoring the taunts, and, with a look of disgust, bent down and kissed her.

After she passed out, he picked her up, and carried her to his room. He dumped her onto the straw bed he had prepared, and sat down on his own bed with a sigh.

"Why couldn't it have been a puppy?" He said to himself. He looked at the girl's body, and wondered whether she would be comfortable in such a bed.

"I guess I'll think about that later..." He thought. He was depressed by all of this, and he thought about all the bullying he would have to bare again. But secretly, he felt a bit relieved.

"At least I summoned something... At least now I have somebody to talk to..." He smiled, and then lay down on his bed, staring at the ceiling, waiting for the familiar lying on the straw to wake up.
"and...and where am I?!"

Kenna rubbed her eyes and tried to wake up properly before she even thought about answering him. If her day was not bad enough, this guy was standing by her door and pointing a dagger at her. She stood up and yawned. This day was not going to get any better for her.

"Put that down before you hurt some one." She said simply as she grabbed her book from her desk.

The boy just stared at her with wide eyes. He tightened his grip on the dagger and took a step back so he was leaning on the door. Kenna sighed. What was she going to do about him? He just stood motionless, like he was afraid to let his guard down. She looked him up and down, the thing that stood out to her most was the scar on one side of his face. It would not surprise her if he was the one who made that scar by not using that little dagger of his right.

"Well if your going to stand there with your eyes popping out of your head. I might as well introduce myself. My names Kenna Warren. Whats yours?"
Josh just stood there with a shocke look on his face, he had held a dagger as if willing to attack her and she just stood there, completely calm, and talked to him like he was a child with a toy sword.

"Put that down before you hurt some one." she said calmly as she picked up a book from the desk.

*w....what is with this girl?!* Josh shouted in his mind. He caught her eyeing his scar for a split second, but he chose to ignore it.

Josh gulped and slid his dagger back into his pocket... why he did he had no idea. It was like something at the back of his mind was screaming at him to do so and his hand stung while it did.

He stood up straight and looked down at the girl. He was confused still as to what was happening but he had suddenly felt calmer when she spoke. He had fallen back against the door and was leaning there now. He just glared at the girl, unsure what to do.

"Well if your going to stand there with your eyes popping out of your head. I might as well introduce myself. My names Kenna Warren. Whats yours?" The girl, Kenna, said.

Josh felt something strange whenever she told him to do something, like before something in the back of his mind screamed to obey and his hans=d stung. However Josh would not give out his name. He held back and the pain eventually gave up. He stared at the girl.

He stood away from the door and sighed with a grimace.

"Mist... My full name will be kept to myself for now so you may call me Mist." Josh said. He raised his hand back to the pocket of the dagger. Ready to draw it.

"Now I would like you to answer my question..." Josh narrowed his eyes.

"Where am I...?"
(I'm guessing that it may take a little while for my character's mage SU to be finished, but I might as well start ;p)

Stretching out, Kiroku yawned as he began to stir from his slumber. He heard the sounds of rustling... was he outside? Rubbing his eyes and starting to gain focus, he found himself to be, in fact, inside. Looking down, he saw that he was on top of a pile of hay. Wait, hay? There was a bed right next to him, but he was dumped on a pile of hay. Actually, that hay felt nice, Kiroku thought, stretching out as he stood up from the pile, That was probably the most refreshing sleep I've had in months, but why was I not placed in the bed? Looking over at the bed in the room, the teenage boy walked over to see that he was now towering over someone one as they slept. There was a girl in the bed, but not just any girl. This one seemed familiar. Familiar, because...! "You..." Kiroku whispered to himself, gazing down at the girl. In that instant, the memory was coming back. It seemed like, if he hadn't seen that girl again, the fragments of the memory wouldn't reassemble. This was the girl that kissed him after whatever happened to him that made him appear right in front of her. Everyone else was laughing at him. And then... right! Those strange markings appeared. Now that he thought about it, the burning sensation still stung Kiroku's hand. "What was in that kiss? This is all so weird..."

He had to find out what was going on. Whatever was going on, it was odd. And yet, Kiroku couldn't help but feel a little excited. Something new was happening, and he just had this feeling. Things were going to be a lot different. But the first thing to do was find someone around... wherever this place was... and find out what just happened. Scanning the room, he saw some basic things. A dresser, the hay he woke up in, a window draped closed, and the door! Kiroku walked up to the door and tried to open it. Unfortunately it was locked. A key seemed to be needed. Not wanting to wake the girl up, the boy walked over to the window. Maybe he could slip out the window and explore.

... That would have been nice if he wasn't several stories off the ground. "Dammit, that's not going to work... Now what do I do?" Kiroku thought out loud.
Kita wakes up, rising slowly to her knees. Her head hurts and her hand feels odd, like spiders are crawling on it. She rubs her eyes, then staggers to her feet to look out the window. Idly picking some straw from her hair, she looks at the night sky. Jeez, I overslept. It's already night. And there are two moons. And vastly different stars... She takes a moment to process what is going on, then runs toward the door. She tries the handle, finding it locked. She rattles the door, desperately looking for a way out. "Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh..."

She hears a creaking sound behind her, turning to see a boy rise from a bed. Oh man, who's that? Wait, I know him! From earlier! That's the guy who violated my face! Jerk stole my first kiss! These thoughts reveal themselves as a shocked look and slack jaw, Kita pointing at the boy dumbfoundedly.

"What do you think you're doing? Trying to leave?" He gives her a disapproving look.

Kita recovers her composure, suddenly feeling very ashamed. "Uh... Yes. But I am very confused right now! For starters, who are you, why am I here, and what is wrong with my hand!?" She scratches at it, noticing the runes. "Oh. That's different."
This day was getting worse for Kenna, she had a massive head ache coming on. If she could have just mastered that spell, she would not be in this problem. Her mind was busy trying to think of something smart to tell him, but all her ideas came to dead end when she explained that she screwed up. She just decided to tell him the basics and carry on from there.

"Erm. You are in Tristein Academy. This is I am kind of new at all this magic stuff. I was meant to do one simple spell, but it blow up in my face and the next minute, you were stood in front of me, I sealed the contract yesterday, so now I am your master. Does that cover everything for you?" Kenna explained way too quickly.

The look on his face did not change at all while she explained what happened. With one more sigh, Kenna took a step closer to him. His eyes seamed to get wider with every movement she made. He reached into his pocket so he had his dagger in reach, He seamed to be more scared then what she was.
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"Ugh....." Andre mumbled, regaining consciousness, his hand on his forehead, trying to press the headache away. Finding himself on a stack of hay, the boy sat up, glancing around the small room that looked absolutely strange and awkward. He had never seen a room this weird before, but when he looked out the window, he saw other dorm-like rooms that seemed to look exactly like this one. Talk about weird culture. Glancing at the palm of his hand, he saw a rune, or mark, or glyph, or SOMETHING, written onto it, and he couldn't rub it off.

"I-If I still have this rune...this means this isn't a dream...and a-a girl....k-kissed me..." Andre's eyes widened, recalling his first kiss being stolen by a girl rather forcefully, and quickly glanced around the room again, with more concentration this time. The boy nearly jumped out the window when he saw the girl who had kissed him sleeping on a bed, her hair platinum blonde, her skin pale and white in a healthy way. She was wearing a black...uniform?

Just then, the girl woke up, and when she did, their glances met.

"W-Who are you and w-why did you kiss me?!" Andre wailed.

(that has GOT to be one of the shortest posts ever)
Adria sighed as she gently put the boy on the pile of straw next to her bed. I'll have to get another bed in here tomorrow she thought watching him sleep a little afraid of him thinking back to her time before Tristein Academy. A few tears built up but she blinked them away "Do not cry not now" she muttered laying on her bed. "If only I had summoned something else. Anything else" she whispered falling asleep on her bed.

Some hours later Adria opened her eyes slowly and glanced around seeing him by the open window her eyes meeting his and her look grew a little more scared. "W-Who are you and w-why did you kiss me?!" he wailed and Adria flinched at the loud noise.

"A-Adria. A-Adria Pe-Penrose." she said shakily cursing her father in her head for making her so afraid of males. "I h-had n-no choice. It was to c-complete the contract." she added standing slowly not taking her eyes off him. As she looked at him she saw he had dark brown hair, and odd aqua blue eyes. His skin was tan and he was wearing green and brown. "i-if you have a-anymore questions just ask j-just don't hurt me or yourself. Jumping out that window will kill you. We're high off the ground." she added softly.
"Nothing is wrong with your hand. You've been branded with the Mark of the Familiar, signifying your status as such. I am Tobias Tanic, 16-year-old magic student who routinely fails at magic and the one who summoned you. You're here because I've lost control of my life and somehow dragged you into it. And to top of this expositional onslaught, I am your master. I realize that sounds bad, but we have to accept it, girl."

He suddenly realizes he doesn't know her name or anything about her, and gestures to the bed. "Come sit down and we'll get to know each other. It's okay, you don't have to worry." He tries to sound calming, hoping to avoid another panic.
When Andre wailed in frustration, the girl flinched a little, and Andre coughed, looking into her eyes, shooting her a glance that meant, 'sorry', then looked out the window, quickly jumping back when he saw how high up he was. He was on a frigging skyscraper! And he was actually afraid of heights, despite how many things he wasn't afraid of. Sitting straight on the stack of the hay, looking at the girl, Andre reminded himself who he was. He was a well trained, good mannered boy, taught by rich parents, and a boy who had no freedom at all. And he also knew that she flinched because of his screaming, not to mention she seemed to be afraid of him. What, did he look like a monster after going unconscious?

"Where is this place..." Andre asked, looking around, speaking softly, "Adria? Oh, and thanks for the tip...I'm afraid of heights so you don't have to tell me twice...and what's a contract? Are we still in America?"

Andre wanted to ask her more, but then he stayed quiet in case she couldn't get all of them. Then it hit him. He was here, in this strange place, without his parents, without any restrictions, no 'leaving home' rules, where he could do things freely, whatever he wanted, wherever he wanted, whenever he wanted. This might be the paradise I've been longing for all life. He told himself, then calmed himself down by closing his eyes. After a couple of deep breaths, he looked at the girl once again. She was rather beautiful, but she seemed to be really scared of him. He wondered why...
The boy gave her a look that said he was sorry and then looked out the window. He jumped back quickly before sitting on the hay looking around speaking softly "Where is this place..." He asked, "Adria? Oh, and thanks for the tip...I'm afraid of heights so you don't have to tell me twice...and what's a contract? Are we still in America?"

Adria sat on her bed again tilting her head still afraid a little bit. As she looked at him she couldn't help but notice how cute he was but didn't stop being scared. "A-America? Where's that?" she asked looking at her lap. "This is Tristein Academy. It's a magic school and I'm a mage. W-Well not really I've only ever cast once successful spell. I-I summoned you yesterday th-that kiss sealed the contract which means I'm your master. W-What's your name?" she said softly still looking down.
While her familiar explored the area, Miharu pretended to be asleep. She really did not have much of an opinion of having a "commoner" as a familiar; she was too used to the streets, scourging for money and food. What she was curious about was the fact that she heard that a few others had summoned a "commoner" familiar as well. That was rather curious; considering that familiars should rarely be quite alike, although, technically, they did have different "commoners". It was still quite strange.

"Dammit, that's not going to work...Now what do I do?" Her familiar thought out loud. Miharu disappeared that perhaps it would be time to end the charade.

"You could try asking me," said Miharu softly, her voice hoarse from not using it. When was the last time she spoke? Probably when she chanted the incantation for the familiar spell. "What is it that you need? Or do you not understand what is going on?"

Miharu stood up and bowed slightly to her familiar. "My name is Miharu, and you are?"
"Erm. You are in Tristein Academy. This is I am kind of new at all this magic stuff. I was meant to do one simple spell, but it blow up in my face and the next minute, you were stood in front of me, I sealed the contract yesterday, so now I am your master. Does that cover everything for you?" Kenna explained.

Josh just stared at her with wide open eyes.

She took a step towards him, Josh saw a key on the dresser, could it be for the door?

Josh drew his dagger and held it at arms length aiming it a the girls throat and holding it mere centimeters from her.

"I'm not stupid." He said blankly.

"Only the stupidest person on Earth would believe your story." Josh froze at the end of his sentence. He suddenly realised... he wasn't on Earth anymore... the two moons were proof enough of that.

Josh examined what the girl had said in his mind.

...I sealed the contract yesterday, so now I am your master...

Josh had read alot about magic in myths and legends on Earth ... and if she really was a mage and he was her contract sealed servant... then he was what was known as a familiar.

Josh looked at his hand and examined the ruins.

"This is a brand isn't it..."

Before the girl could answer a letter flew through the door of its own accord and opened itself, suddenly a voice emenated.

"All students and their respected familiars are required to come to the Grand Hall for an Emergency Briefing... also a special not for those who have summoned... commoner familiars, you are to report to my office immediately first thing tommorow morning. Signed, Headmaster, Parton Awenston."

The letter then disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Josh would have been in shock and awe if the situation had been any different but right now nothing could surprise him. He assumed all the other students had gotten a similar letter as he could hear shuffling outside.

Josh simply looked at the smoke for a few seconds with large mournful eyes and then grabbed Kenna by the arm and picked up the key

"C'mon your going to show me to the Grand hall."

A stinging sensation came in his hand and Josh immediately knew how to stop it.

"Ugh.... What I mean is.... please show me to the grand hall.... Master...."

The stinging stopped.


They arrived at the Grand Hall and an old man with a snow white beard and black gown stood on top of a small set of rounded stairs. The great hall lived up to its reputation, it was huge and wide with the roof so high it was almost impossible to see, a long crimson carpet embroidered with gold led up to the rounded stairs where the elderly man stood.

Josh looked around and saw most of the kids were in uniform, however a select fe weren't... could he possibly not be alone in this situation? He had no time to contemplate that before the elderly man started talking.

"Students I regret to inform you that your friend and loved one Smantha has died in her sleep... Despite our best magical cures we could not heal her I'm sure most of you know by now the severity of the matter. Samantha was found with three enchanted arrows in her chest. The magic used was completely uknown to us... but it bore a dark and sinister precense. This has led us to believe the culprit may be a member of the long lost heritage of.... the void mage."

As soon as the word void was mentioned everyone was arife with talk. Josh heard various whispers.

"void magic...isn't that the type of magic that can wipe out citys when in its raw state?"

"Void magic, Ms. Devon mentioned it once, but it was meant to be long gone from the blood of nobles..."

"Void...Magic? I think I read something about that in the old book... y'know the one... legend of the chaos heart?"

The old man produced a staff and thumped the ground.

"Silence!" He cried.

"Her Highness, princess Leonda, has sent some of her personal guards to remove the body.... I know some of you must be very upset and scared at the posibility of void magic... But trust me, the other teacher and I will protect the first years and you older students can rely on your familiars for protection."

Josh opened his eyes wide. How was he meant to protect Kenna from something as powerful as what was being mentioned? He gulped, he had only gotten here the morning before and already he was expected to be able to handel this?!

The headmaster stopped talking and allowed the students to grasp the situation. Josh just stood there with Kenna beside him... he was still trying to grasp the situation.


Meanwhile deep down in a hidden location a man shrouded by a black cloak stood before a large grandfather clock, made from Obsidian... the only material with the power to block void magic as it acted as a conductor for its energy.

A woman with a black hood and cloak and pointed ears approached him and knelt at his feet.

"Master the girl has died in her sleep. They could not heal her in time." she said.

The man simply sneered and smacked the woman across the face, knocking her to the ground.

"That's not good enough Aedriel... they got close, I have been pleading with the chaos Heart and it has agreed to release to us some of its power." The man said an edge of mocking in his voice.

He pulled out a quiver of arrows, obsidian tipped, which glowed with pure void energy.

"Fire on of these and the student will die instantaneously. Now..." He kissed the woman tenderly on the lips.

"The ritual must now be completed."

The man knelt in front of the clock and spread his arms wide, a blood red energy began to emenate from the clock and cover the surrounding area. A single heart shaped shadow could be seen in the center of the clocks glass.

"Oh Chaos heart, center of the void!"

The glass rumbled and the red light emenated stronger.

"A sacrifice of a student from your former home has been made! Now the seal on your prison shall unwind and your glorious journey shall be the first of twelve steps completed in order for you to be freed!"

The clock itself rumbled violently and the hands began to move. The woman simply watched the man as he screamed to the entity that resided within the clock.

"Now clock of the seeling void! Move a step forward to releasing your prisoner!!! O sacrum signum et sigillum utilitas ad nucleum continent inane moveri primum chaos duodecim gradus releas corde!!!"

The clocks smallest hand began to shift and move, going from the number twelve to the number one.

The clock settled as the hand rested on the number one and the light faded.

The man turned to the hooded woman.

"The students have gathered in the great hall, you will enter and use your new arrows to take the second sacrifice for the chaos heart."

The woman bowed her head in shame.

"Yes... my master..."