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Humanum Familiares [Best Rookie/Most Original Aug/Sep '11]

Miharu shrugged. "I do not really know what the showcase is about; but you would think it would be a little bit unfair if it is a tournament, as we do have humans and others have animals...Although, who that would unfair against depends on what animals the people get. But, your guess is as good as mine."

Miharu tilted her head slightly. "As for a bed being more comfortable than a pile of hay, I am pretty sure it is. I mean; it should be."

Miharu nodded and stood up. She unlocked the door and mock bowed. "After you." She straightened up and grinned, but soon the smile was wiped off her face. "Although he is quite strong, the royal guards are strong themselves. They would have to be in order to protect the princess, who is very important."

Although, guards are quite annoying. Even if she was fairly unloved by her parents, they didn't want to be kidnapped so she could be used as ransom against them, so she had many guards around her when she was small. She was also never allowed to go outside the manor, either.

"Let us go."

((OOC: You can control them leaving and finding 'Mist' fighting. =P))
"W...what happened?" 'Mist' murmured.

"You been reckless is what happened but you did fight well." Kenna laughed as she gave 'Mist' a quick hug and then returned to Leonda's side.

Emil's eyes snapped open then and Kenna rushed to stand by him. Emil had been one of Tristan's close friends and she had not expected to see him here today let alone fighting a duel with her Familiar. Kenna squeezed one of his hands and smiled down at him.

"Tristan.." Emil murmered before he got a clear look at Kenna and then he shook his head.

Kenna let his hand fall and went to stand next to 'Mist'. He was hurt alright but she knew he of all people would be able to deal with it. Why had Emil called her Tristan? Maybe she reminded Emil of Tristan, she didn't know.

"It is good to see you Emil. The last time we spoke was Tristan's funeral." Kenna smiled.

'Mist' tried to sit up then but didn't get very far, he fell back down and groaned. Kenna looked at him with concern written all over her face. Did she actually care for him? She had only just met him yet he seamed like an old friend to her.

"Emil, this is my Familar. He requests to be called my the name Mist." Kenna explained.

"Wait, you summonded a Commoner as your Familiar?" Emil asked.

"It looks that way." Kenna replied.

"Tristan would have not messed up a spell like that you know." Emil pointed out.

"And I am not Tristan." Kenna snapped.

"I know, but I can see him in you."

This made Kenna think. Were people expecting her to be like her brother? Was she supposed to be successful, caring and responsible as he had been? She would certainly try for Tristan's sake. Beside her, Leonda was looked like she was struggling to keep up with the whole situation. Kenna turned her attention to 'Mist', he looked a bit pale.

"Mist, are you ok?"
Josh coughed into his arm and smiled.

"Now, now mr. Honour.... thats no way to speak to a lady."

Emil grunted and turned towards Josh.

"Nobody asked you commoner!... and my name is Emil."

Josh smiled.

"Whatever... Now Kenna... Joshua, My name is Joshua David Mist, so please just call me Josh. I am perfectly fine, a ponce like him couldn't do more than scrath me!" He said rising, then slowly falling again.

"Or maybe I'm mistaken."

Emil sat up. Trying to hide his grunt of pain.

"W...What you did back there... that was Gandalfr core..." He murmured to himself, the others couldn't make out what he was saying.

"What was that pretty boy? You don't need to use your indoor voice, we're in a tent." Josh started

"Shut up, Shut up, Shut up! Stupid familiar!"

"Don't use that tone with me pretty boy!!!"

The two men leaned on their bedsides growling at each other.

Emil whispered something to Josh.

"You know Mr. Mist... I've been thinking of making my move on Kenna... think you could put ina good word for me..." Emil smirked as he finished.

Josh had had it, He lunged at Emil then fell out of the bed in pain and landed on the ground.

"Owwww" He murmured.
"Mist." Kenna gasped as she rushed to his side.

She helped him sit up while he groaned in pain. She put one arm around him to support him and then let him rest there. He gritted his teeth and closed his eyes against the pain he most have been in. You are so reckless. she thought as she looked up at Emil, he had a huge grin on his face, after all of this, Emil was still amused.

"Do I need to put you two in separate rooms?" Kenna sighed.

"Of course not Ken. I am sure your little Familiar can behave." Emil smirked.

'Mist' was just about to get up again after that comment but Kenna held him down firmly beside her. He had just had one duel, he did not need another fight right now. Was she supposed to call him Josh now? She would have to ask him later about that. She liked the calling him 'Mist', it suited him.

"Shall I get someone to help me put you back on that bed?" Kenna asked 'Mist'.
"Haha, no I'll be fine Kenna, no need to worry!" Josh said with closed eyes and an open grin.

His face turned dark as he murmured to himself.

"If theres anyone you should be worried about its Emil..."

Josh managed to stand himself up.

It seemed whatever medicine he had assumed he had been given was starting to take effect.

He walked up and went right over to Emil... and flicked his forehead.

"Ow... stupid familiar."

Josh just grinned.

"Now Kenna, didn't I just tell you my name? Sigh... whatever call me what you want. Now how exactly do you and poncey boy know each other?
"Fine, Josh. Happy now?" Kenna grinned as she stood up and stood beside Josh.

"Emil here and my brother Tristan used to be best friends before he died." Kenna hung her head. She did not want to think about that memory now.

"When he died, Emil helped me for a while, and for that, I owe him." She grinned at Emil and he grinned back.

Emil had known Kenna her whole life, while Tristan was like her dad, Emil filled a similar spot to her. Emil and Tristan had never been anything alike but yet they got along so well. Kenna sat down on Josh's bed so she could look at three pairs of eyes staring at her.

"Josh, why dont you sit down? You are still week and hurt, plus you could start a fight at any minute knowing you."
They had both left, walking side by side, when another group walked past them, talking.

"Wow, I can't believe that the commoner was able to get a tie with the guard!"

"I thought for sure that the guard would kick the commoner's arse!"

"Well, they both went to the princess's personal medical tent, anyways."

Miharu's tilted slightly and changed directions.

Kiroku blinked, but followed. "Where are we going?"

"To the princess's medical tent."

"How do you even know where it is?"

Miharu smirked and tapped her nose.


Miharu opened the flap to the tent. "Mist-san, why do such a thing?"

Kiroku nodded towards Mist and Kenna.

Miharu bowed towards the princess and her guard in the bed. "'Lo."
"Fine, Josh. Happy now?" Kenna grinned as she stood up and stood beside Josh.

"Emil here and my brother Tristan used to be best friends before he died." Kenna hung her head. She did not want to think about that memory now.

"When he died, Emil helped me for a while, and for that, I owe him." She grinned at Emil and he grinned back.

Emil had known Kenna her whole life, while Tristan was like her dad, Emil filled a similar spot to her. Emil and Tristan had never been anything alike but yet they got along so well. Kenna sat down on Josh's bed so she could look at three pairs of eyes staring at her.

"Josh, why don't you sit down? You are still week and hurt, plus you could start a fight at any minute knowing you." Kenna begged. Josh did not move, he stood his ground. That was when Miharu came walking in with her Familiar close behind her.

"Oh..Miharu, Kiroku..Hi." Kenna smiled.
"Ahhhh Miharu, Kiroku..." Josh said.

"The reason is obvious..." He pointed at Emil.

"This man... is a total ass."

Emil dropped his jaw.

"T...thats the only reason you were fighting me, you though I was an ass!"

Josh brushed his hair out of hi eyes and smirked.

"Pretty much."

Emil suddenly had a new lease of life and sprung from his bed.

"You! You uncofisticated, brutish, neanthertalish, common grade, servant! How dare you?! HOW DARE YOU?!"

Josh was barely able to hold back his laughter.

"Haha... I dunno."

Emil was about to say something else when a sly grin came across his face.

He turned and knelt in front of Kenna.

"Kenna, you have grown into a fine and sophisticated young woman, would you do me the pleasure of accompanying me to dinn..." He never got to finish.

Josh had jumped on Emil and was rolling across the floor with him as the two brutally thumped each other.

"Posh twit!"

"Brutash servant!"

The two kept fighting and fighting.
Adria smiled at Andre and Jen had left the room only to return a few minutes later. "Adria! One of the other Commoners is dueling with one of the Princess's Guard come on!" she exclaimed grabbing Adria's arm and Adria barely managed to grab Andre before being dragged out of the room.

"Calm down Jen no need to drag us I'll follow" Adria giggled still holding onto Andre's arm as they walked. I hope whoever is fighting doesn't get hurt to bad she thought following her friend getting there to hear whispers among the students.

"Wow that commoner tied with the Guard" One girl whispered to a boy standing near her.

The boy sneered and shook his head "That guard probably took it easy on him. No way a commoner could fight" and upon hearing this Adria near had to hold Andre back.

"I know you feel insulted Andre but don't listen to him." she whispered before asking the boy that had spoken. "Do you know where they went after the duel?"

"The Princess's Medical tent of course" The boy snapped back at her obviously thinking he was better than her since standing next to him was a small dragon familiar.

"Thanks for telling me" she said rolling her eyes at him and turning to walk away only to feel a hand grab her arm and yank her back.

"Where do you think your going. Do you honestly think they are going to let you. A worthless pathetic excuse for a mage into the Princess's Medical tent?" he laugh shoving her to the ground and Adria winced as she hit it. "People like you don't even deserve to study here!" he said smirking down at her as Andre stood there looking angry.
Miharu rolled her eyes and pulled 'Mist' off of the guard. "Calm down." She glanced at the guard and put as much of a noble tone in her voice as she could (which was a lot).

"Should you not be the adult? Perhaps you should calm down a bit."

She sighed slightly. "If you guys keep this up, I am going to drag one of you outside and give that person a beating. Now, shush, and behave. Unless you want a time-out, children."

Miharu glanced at Kenna and smirked. "Popular, are we?" Her grip was still tight on 'Mist's' collar, however.
"I guess I am." Kenna sighed.

Why could these two not just behave. Kenna helped Emil stand up and made him sit down on his bed. She studied him for a long while. He had not changed one bit since she had last seen him.

"What has gotten into you Emil? And please do not talk to Josh that way." Kenna told Emil straight and then she turned to Josh.

"And you, you need to calm yourself down Josh." Kenna sighed and sat in between the two of them.
.... ok, none of this happened, then... lol XD

I'll repost with something else TT w TT
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"Grrrrrr.... let go of me." Josh said shaking off Miharus grip.

Kenna was trying to calm them down, it was a nice gesture but Josh really didn't have the time for it. Kiroku also mentionedsomething but Josh was too angry to notice.

Emil smirked at Josh again.

"Didn't think the brave familiar would be the jealous type... are you afraid I'll drag your master off and we'll not need you anymore." Emil shot a gaze at Josh.

"Well maybe I will do that..."

Josh was just about ready to throttle him a puff of smoke went off in the room and everything went black. Josh heard a muffled scream and then nothing. When the smoke faded the princess was gone.

A teacher, one with thining brown hair and a purple suit rushed in.

"Hurry you must help us, our enemies from Germania have captured the princess!"

"What?!" Josh screamed.

"Yes" the teacher exclaimed.

"They took off on a dragon. We have to make sure the students are safe so I had to refer to the royal guard and I heard the captain was here, which it seems he is.

Emil was about to answer but Josh butted in. He wasn't going to let Emil upstage him in front of Kenna.

"I'll go instead, I'm much better than this ponce!"

Emil pushed Josh out of the way.

"No this is my duty I will go!"

Emil rushed out of the tent and Josh rushed after him anger in his eyes.

"They went South!" The teacher cried.

"What are you following me for!?" Emil cried.

"Oh shut up will you! Im not the only one probably either, so just shut up!" He looked back at the tent. The others would follow in the most likely of circumstances.

Emil hopped on a white horse and Josh hopped on a black. Luckily Josh had taken basic horseriding lessons back on Earth so he was fine riding one here.

"If you must then come quickly, I can't have you slowing me down!" Emil said galloping off.

Josh shot past him causing Emil to speed up.

"Same to you!" He cried as he past him, there were small cuts throught the clouds in the sky, probably made by the dragon.

The two rivals shot out the South gate.

Josh couldn't help but wonder if the others were following.
Miharu raised an eyebrow at the two idiots leaving on the horse. "Did that idiot really leave his mage behind? Wooooow..." She shook her head slightly.

"Anyways, who wants to go after the two dumbasres? Luckily enough, someone owes me a favor..."

Miharu took a whistle from her pocket and blew on it. A few seconds later, there was a whoosh. Miharu opened a tent and there was a dragon, black and blue. The dragon patted Miharu slightly and placed her on her head.

Miharu blinked. "Kaida, do you mind carrying two of my friends? The princess got captured by someone riding a dragon; they went South. Shall we do what we usually do?"

The dragon snorted, nodding. Miharu glanced at Kiroku and Kenna. "Hop on, you two."

Kiroku blinked, but hopped on Kaida's back. Kenna did the same.

Miharu smirked. "Alright, guys, let us fly!"

Kaida flew close to the ground, after the other dragon. Kaida was moving fast, fast enough that they caught up to 'Mist' and the guard in a minute. Miharu waved cheerfully at the two on the horse.

"Need a ride?" Miharu yelled, grinning.
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Emil simply frowned at the girl on the dragon.

"You do realise that flying a dragon into an enemys airspace is total suicide right? We don't even know if the dragon that took her was Germanian, so I suggest you land pretty soon."

Josh smirked at that, that was probably the funniest thing that ponce head had ever said in his opinion.

The two riders got to the germanian border in quite a quick ammount of time.

"Lets wait for the other." Josh said.

"Agreed" Emil grunted.

The two men sat in awkward silence in waiting of their allies.
"And who said that we were going into their airspace? I, myself, am quite comfortable to being close to the ground," Miharu shot back. "So, mind pulling that stick out of your rear?"

Kaida snorted, and flew faster, bypassing the two on the horse fairly quickly. They flew at a breakneck pace until Kaida finally reached the border.

Miharu slid off, petting Kaida on the head. "Thanks, mate. Keep close."

Kaida nodded, and after Kiroku and Kenna went off, flew away.

They waited for a few minutes until the two riders came up. However, they didn't notice them, apparently, and sat down to wait.

Miharu raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure that you are a guard of the princess?" she questioned. "I mean, one would assume that someone with that supposed level of skill would be able to notice three people, who are not even trying to hide, by the way, right in front of them. As for Mist-san, well, I do not really know him that well, so I cannot say anything about him."

She rolled her eyes slightly.
(OOC: Now I have to find a different way to introduce that weapon idea and Kiroku's bluffing skills and trickery... this sucks - w -'|||)

Well, now Kiroku could say that he rode on the back of a dragon. So, now he needed to help save a princess. Everything happened so quickly it was like he just passed out and woke up outside the place conveniently. Oh well, now he had a chance to actually do something... Or rather, wait to be able to do something. But he supposed the more pressing matter was the princess, and she was a higher priority.

"So, obvious statement here, but we might as well work together here and forget that little spar back at the school," Kiroku said as he stretched out with the naginata in hand, "We don't need a rivalry interfering with our current concerns. So you two get the silly out of your systems before I test this button out on the naginatta."

Then again, maybe he wanted to do it anyhow. It was just there... He had to discover its secrets at some point.

(OOC: Seriously though, losing all that really sucked)
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"Kiroku... I'm not ever gonna stop hating this ponce... *sigh*... but if its for the sake of the princess then I'll... put up with him." Josh grumbled in acceptance.

Emil winced.

"Fine, fine I'll work with this common grade servant, but only for the sake of my princess and the sake of our land."

The two men looked at each other and shook hands briefly.

"I'll kill you when this is over..." Josh murmured.

"I wouldn't have it any other way..." Emil grumbled back.

In the distance a group of Germanian soldiers were charging towards the group.

"C'mon pretty boy, lets greet our lovely welcoming party."

"Honestly servant thats the best thing you've said all day. However Im unsure how they recognised our precense already... they could only have realised that if something was approaching from the air..." Emil shot a sneering glance at Miharu.

"Lets go!" The two men cried, charging into battle.


"What?!" The man cried.

"T... The target has gone?!"

The woman bowed her head.

"Yes my master... she was captured by a Germanian spy...Her guard captain and a few of the Gandalfr and their mages have set off on a rescue mission."

"Hmmmm..." The man contemplated this.

"You must go after them, Adriel." He said.

"For once... our enemies must succeed and then when the princess is back on the day of the familiar showcase... we will finish her."

"I understand my master..." Adriel stood and left.


Josh and Emil fought hard and strong with their respective power. Joshs using his combat skills given through Kenna and Emil using his effective mix of sword play and third level water magic.

Although Josh couldn't see him he was almost sure that Kiroku had joined the fight aswell.

Emil struck a man kicked him back and Josh impailed him.

Josh grabbed Emil from his underarms and swung him for a kick, knocking out three guards.

One guard came at them with a dragon, knocking Josh and Emil to the side, they would have been done for but... Suddenly a barage of arrows came out of nowhere and sliced through the dragon, Giving Emil the oppurtunity to finish it off with a stab to the chest.

Josh looked as a figure jumped from the trees and landed beside them. It was... The headmasters secretary?

She began to fire arrows at the surrounding guards as Josh Emil and Kiroku fought on.
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Now was the time to test the button. Kiroku had entered the fray with Josh and Emil, and found that he was much stronger than in his last fight. Impaling enemies left and right, dodging the raid of arrows and the enemies' attacks without much of a problem; the talk with Miharu must have improved the bond between them. I can do some real damage now! Kiroku thought as he directed the naginata at an incoming enemy and firmly pressed the button. As predicted, the rods in the pole disconnected, but the bladed end shot out like a rocket and went completely through the guard. He had to be at least eight meters away, but there was still some length of chain on the other side. And the chains were all barbed! In total it had to be about ten meters of sharp chain! I lucked out and got a cool weapon. Pressing the button, the chain began to coil back into the rod that the boy was holding and it pulled the bladed end back. The two ends snapped together perfectly.

From out of nowhere, another enemy dragon appeared and clawed at the boy. Kiroku jumped back in haste, but it was only enough to avoid a crippling/fatal strike. The claws ripped through his shirt and left shallow gashes on his side. They stung, but he was more fortunate to be alive. "Dragons are a myth in my world, and now sadly I have to kill one," Kiroku thought as he swung the naginata and pressed the button again. It shot out like before, but the bladed end missed the dragon. That was fine; the barbs were the real attack. Whipping the handle rod in decisive strokes, the chains wrapped around and bonded the beast. And then, pulling the line as fast and strong as possible, the barbs dug in and tried to cut through the dragon as they moved. Unfortunately for the dragon, it's physique was too tough for it to just be ripped apart by the chains running through the body. It had to roar in agony as the chains slid across its outer exterior and rip apart its outer flesh.

"At least the arrows are raining down. You'll die soon enough, and I hope it's soon for your sake," Kiroku mourned gravely as he retracted the chains into the weapon, "I don't have the time to finish you properly." With that, he bowed as he darted off to give support to Miharu. They had to work fast, right? He'd observe a moment of silence later.