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[PKMN OPEN] IC: Pokemon Mystery Dungeons and Dragons

  • 33
    • Seen Jun 3, 2016

    Pokemon Mystery Dungeons and Dragons

    The wide valley of grass is home to Emanak, a trading outpost overgrown into a town ruled by... no one really. Sure Persian Enterprise has a big hand in the daily affairs of the residence but they aren't the ones causing trouble. You see, there's ghosts who come in the night, stealing the goods of the merchants who live in the town. They've asked Grass-Anchor Guild to do something about it. However, that guild is a little disorganized. The resident gang called team Hotspring doesn't seem to be doing anything, but everyone suspects that they're behind of the super natural activity. Obviously there's a mystery to be solved!

    A town from scratch, there are wooden buildings scattered everywhere, streets are more like worn down grass and dirt instead of stone. Littered along these paths countless traveling merchants and their carts. You could find a lot of things in this town. But what you can't find are enough customers. More than three fourths of the population sells stuff.

    Members of the party would enter this town, eyes getting their full of goods. But even before being able to explore, an oddly shaped pokemon approaches. Its a porygon who's shop is floating with some form of magic. He greets you with a warm welcome.

    "May. I. Provide. Any. Goods. To. You. Sir.? Or. Would. You. Be. More. Interested. In... Selling. An. Unused. Item.?" He said, his voice strange and skippy.

    [PokeCommunity.com] IC: Pokemon Mystery Dungeons and Dragons
    [PokeCommunity.com] IC: Pokemon Mystery Dungeons and Dragons
    [PokeCommunity.com] IC: Pokemon Mystery Dungeons and Dragons
    [PokeCommunity.com] IC: Pokemon Mystery Dungeons and Dragons

    [PokeCommunity.com] IC: Pokemon Mystery Dungeons and Dragons

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    Tom Zerrick
    Aron: Paladin

    Tom smiled happily as he and the rest of the party entered the small town of...well, he wasn't sure to be honest. They'd just been traveling for a while and come upon this town. No signs or anything leading up to the town, just...there it was! It was a town of a decent size too. Merchants lined the main street, a good half dozen to dozen shops with various owners tended to their wares. Even fewer customers browsed through the merchandise. He wondered if this was just an off day for them, perhaps there were more customers other days.

    He had turned to the left and started looking at a booth displaying various berries and such when he heard a very strange voice behind him, and he jumped and turned quickly. Before him and the rest of the party was a peculiar pokemon, a Porygon, his body made up of strange shapes. He both moved and talked in a jumpy, sudden, and stuttering way, "May. I. Provide. Any. Goods. To. You. Sir.? Or. Would. You. Be. More. Interested. In... Selling. An. Unused. Item.?"

    Tom smiled, trying to recover from his surprise. He responded, "Let's see your wares merchant, see what you have for sale." After a moment, he went on, "Oh, and would you mind giving us the name of this town?"​

    Pokemon Mystery Dungeons and Dragons

    "Right. Away. Sir." The Porygon said, maneuvering his wagon so that the side was exposed to the Aron. Among the bottles of colored liquid and the various sized boxes were interesting looking trinkets of various shapes and materials. One such was obviously made of gold! Yet there it was out in the open plane as day, just anyone could try grabbing it and run. But... if the wagon was floating that meant magic was at use... so perhaps there were some hidden traps in this merchant's shop. Best not to touch without permission!

    "This. Is. The. Town. Of. Emanak. Sir."

    [PokeCommunity.com] IC: Pokemon Mystery Dungeons and Dragons
    [PokeCommunity.com] IC: Pokemon Mystery Dungeons and Dragons
    [PokeCommunity.com] IC: Pokemon Mystery Dungeons and Dragons
    [PokeCommunity.com] IC: Pokemon Mystery Dungeons and Dragons

    [PokeCommunity.com] IC: Pokemon Mystery Dungeons and Dragons
    [PokeCommunity.com] IC: Pokemon Mystery Dungeons and Dragons

    Twila Redcrest
    Natu Sorceress

    Twila was never very fond of traveling down roads. It was usually boring and involved too much walking. But occasionally it was worth the trouble, since roads usually led to quaint little towns such as this one. Tom had managed to find a little shop before they'd even entered the town proper.

    "Ooh! A floating shop! And they have ~trinkets~!" She practically sang that last word, overcome with excitement. She had a certain fondness for shiny things, and hopped up to the counter to get a closer look. "Ooh, what's this? Do you suppose that's real gold? Shopkeep! What's this gold necklace?"
    Kayla was less concerned with the floating shop. It floated, it wasn't that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things, and she wasn't really interested in getting anything of the trinket variety, besides anything good was likely to be expensive, and anything cheap was likely to be a rip off. Of course this knowledge in mind simply led her to idle to the side, watching the sky for the moment, looking at clouds that passed by, unperturbed by the rest of the world, guided by the winds above. As such she decided to pull her pan flute closer to her mouth from where it rested around her neck. Playing a few solemn notes to pass the time as they tended to the floating shop.

    Though just because her interest seemed elsewhere did not mean she wasn't paying attention, town of Emanak, interesting name. She didn't really like the sound of it, to many sharp syllables for her liking, didn't really roll off the tongue easily. Regardless, she stood by playing her notes, wondering how long everyone would want to spend messing around with this little oddity, not that she minded of course, she was just thinking in the moment is all.

    Pokemon Mystery Dungeons and Dragons

    "Hello. Ms. Natu. Oh. This. Item? How. Shiny. Indeed. This. Necklace. Is. Indeed. Genuine. Gold. It. Once. Belonged. To. The. King. Of. An. Old. Dynasty. However. Without. The. Paper. Work. To. Prove. Its. Value. I. Cannot. Sell. It. At. The. Optimal. Price. So. I. Will. Sell. It. At. The. Weight. In. Addition. To. The. Craftsman. Cost. In. Total. This. Item. Is. One. Hundred. Gold. Pieces." No one seemed to have any idea what paper work was, but one could just guess that the Porygon was being weird.

    "Would. You. Like. To. Purchase. This. Necklace. Ms. Natu? Oh. Perhaps. You. Would. Be. Interested. In. Another. Ware. Of. Lesser. Value." It said, beeping and booping in its odd way of speaking. Where in the world did porygon come from? No dialect of the common language like his matched any they knew. Maybe, they just appeared one day out of the blue.

    Meanwhile, a small Pichu in a hood walked up to the Eevee to admire her playing.

    "Are you a bard? Can you play a song?" It asked, youth and naivety obvious. "I have a copper if you can play a pretty song!"

    Another Pichu showed up, her left ear bent over at the tip. She wasn't as enthusiastic as the other Pichu but seemed happy as well.

    [PokeCommunity.com] IC: Pokemon Mystery Dungeons and Dragons
    Name: Twila Redcrest
    Species: Natu | Level: 10 | Class: Sorcerer
    Skills: Spellcraft+, Knowledge (Book|Geography), and Profession (Scribe)
    HP: Full. Status: None.
    Moves: Peck, Leer, Teleport, Nightshade

    [PokeCommunity.com] IC: Pokemon Mystery Dungeons and Dragons
    Name: Nina Mink
    Species: Sneasel | Level: 10 Class: Rogue
    Skills: Perception+, Survival, Maneuver, Bluff+, Navigate, Knowledge (Street| Lockpicking)
    HP: Full. Status: None.
    Moves: Leer, Taunt, Scratch, Quick Attack, Feint Attack

    [PokeCommunity.com] IC: Pokemon Mystery Dungeons and Dragons
    Name: Thomas (Tom) Zerrick
    Species: Aron | Level: 10 | Class: Paladin
    Skills: Diplomacy, Perception, and Maneuver
    HP: Full. Status: None.
    Moves: Tackle, Headbutt, Metal Claw, Harden, Mud-Slap

    [PokeCommunity.com] IC: Pokemon Mystery Dungeons and Dragons
    Name: Owain
    Species: Nuzleaf | Level: 14 | Class: Druid
    Skills: Perception, Survival+, Care For/Heal, Navigate+, Knowledge (Street | Foraging)
    HP: Full. Status: None.
    Moves: Harden, Growth, Nature Power, Fake Out, Razor Leaf

    [PokeCommunity.com] IC: Pokemon Mystery Dungeons and Dragons
    Name: Kayla Sting
    Species: Eevee | Level: 10 | Class: Bard
    Skills: Diplomacy, Perception, Survival, Knowledge (Street | Sneaking)+, and Profession+ (Musician, Panflute)
    HP: Full. Status: None.
    Move: Helping Hand, Growl, Tailwhip, Sand Attack, Baby-Doll Eyes, Swift, Tackle.

    [PokeCommunity.com] IC: Pokemon Mystery Dungeons and Dragons
    Name: Faust
    Species: Cubone | Level: 10 | Class: Fighter
    Skills: Perception, Maneuver, and Intimidate+
    HP: Full. Status: None.
    Moves: Growl, Tail Whip, Ancient Power, Bone Club
    [PokeCommunity.com] IC: Pokemon Mystery Dungeons and Dragons

    From the look of things, this sleepy little town suffered greatly from an overabundance of supply and not enough demand. A shame, really, but one she could easily fix with a few of her sticky-claw maneuvers. Business would really start booming around these parts if their market wasn't quite so saturated, and there are plenty of less bountiful towns that could benefit from a little more of what this merchant-heavy town has to offer. Ah, food for thought, Nina decides. A heist big enough to have an effect on their marketing would take time and planning, and she couldn't exactly pull off something that big without the okay from her guild mates…or the knowledge that she could do it without their knowing and not get in trouble.

    "Hmmm." She taps her claws against her chin thoughtfully, her sharp eyes cut to Twilia for a sign. If she wants the shiny, Nina can probably help her haggle down the price.
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    Kayla eyed the Pichu with curiosity, mostly in regards to the hood it wore though. " A Bard I am, and a song I can most certainly play. Though if it is pretty or not is something you'll have to decide for yourself." she said as she took to her instrument once again. Of course with a request like pretty, it was easy to guess that a happy tune was wanted, a jovial one. But that's not how the world always worked, she also took note of the other Pichu that showed up as well, friends, relatives perhaps, either way it didn't matter too much what the second one would be after either.

    She started off with a somber tone, developing into a string of notes that sounded far more calming and peaceful with each new one that intertwined it's self into the song. In her own ears this song was plenty pretty, if the Pichu happened to think that as well then all the better for her, if not, well it wouldn't be her time wasted in the end, so long as she enjoyed playing it, and she did, a relaxing tune complimented the day far better in the moment, at least to her it did.
    Owain had been strolling around the store quietly, admiring the merchandise. Seeing nothing in particular that caught his eye (though the gold necklace that everyone seemed to be in a tizzy over was, he supposed, rather nice), he walked over to the odd duck-like Pokemon and tapped it on the shoulder-equivalent. "If you don't mind me asking, sir, where did you say you were from? I'm just asking out of curiosity; you don't seem to be from around here." He said all this with an honest smile.
    Cubone, Faust - Fighter

    Faust took a deep breath, and shifted his feet in the dirt. Though he was glad to be in such a raw, unpopulated area, with nothing hindering his feet from the ground, the fact was that the lack of population served as a burden rather than a comfort. He wasn't one for attention, and he felt that the business-deprived merchants were staring with prying eyes, likely in hopes of witnessing the rare event of a sale.

    The Porygon merchant didn't help this much. Faust wasn't one for elegant jewellery or high fashion, so the gold necklace did nothing to distract him from the attention.

    Faust did find solace, however, in the atmosphere. Despite shifty onlookers prying eyes, he found a way to make it feel worth it. The sound of the music coming from the talented bard on his team, and the fact that he was still in a place that felt so raw and natural gave him great comfort. Not only that, but he reminded himself that he walks this path because every step he makes on this is a step closer to making his and someone else's life a little better, even if only for a day.​

    Pokemon Mystery Dungeons and Dragons

    "Hello. Ms. Sneasel. May. I. Interest. You. In. My. Available. Wares?" The Porygon said. Then he turned to the Nuzleaf.

    "I. Am. From. A. Region. Far. Away. Both. In. Distance. Of. Kilometers. And. ... Actually. This. Information. Has. Been. Labeled. Classified. By. My. Companion. For. That. I. Must. Apologies. For. The. Formality. Perhaps. I. Can. Interest. You. In. Other. Data?" He couldn't smile but he seemed honest. Among his other items were potions and boxes of items. It wasn't clear what was kept inside those neat little packages but there was some type of writing on them... too bad the language wasn't familiar to anyone in the guild... or probably the region.

    The Pichu pair listened to the bard's wonderful sounds. It was exactly what they were looking for, ok maybe not exactly but still great.

    "Here you go!" They said in unison, giving the Eevee a copper coin each.

    (+2 Copper for you! In the future if you wish to obtain more money this way, you may attempt a roll for Profession (Pan flute Musician).)

    The two Pichu skipped away, content with the sounds of the Bard.

    [PokeCommunity.com] IC: Pokemon Mystery Dungeons and Dragons
    Name: Twila Redcrest
    Species: Natu | Level: 10 | Class: Sorcerer
    Skills: Spellcraft+, Knowledge (Book|Geography), and Profession (Scribe)
    HP: Full. Status: None.
    Moves: Peck, Leer, Teleport, Nightshade

    [PokeCommunity.com] IC: Pokemon Mystery Dungeons and Dragons
    Name: Nina Mink
    Species: Sneasel | Level: 10 Class: Rogue
    Skills: Perception+, Survival, Maneuver, Bluff+, Navigate, Knowledge (Street| Lockpicking)
    HP: Full. Status: None.
    Moves: Leer, Taunt, Scratch, Quick Attack, Feint Attack

    [PokeCommunity.com] IC: Pokemon Mystery Dungeons and Dragons
    Name: Thomas (Tom) Zerrick
    Species: Aron | Level: 10 | Class: Paladin
    Skills: Diplomacy, Perception, and Maneuver
    HP: Full. Status: None.
    Moves: Tackle, Headbutt, Metal Claw, Harden, Mud-Slap

    [PokeCommunity.com] IC: Pokemon Mystery Dungeons and Dragons
    Name: Owain
    Species: Nuzleaf | Level: 14 | Class: Druid
    Skills: Perception, Survival+, Care For/Heal, Navigate+, Knowledge (Street | Foraging)
    HP: Full. Status: None.
    Moves: Harden, Growth, Nature Power, Fake Out, Razor Leaf

    [PokeCommunity.com] IC: Pokemon Mystery Dungeons and Dragons
    Name: Kayla Sting
    Species: Eevee | Level: 10 | Class: Bard
    Skills: Diplomacy, Perception, Survival, Knowledge (Street | Sneaking)+, and Profession+ (Musician, Panflute)
    HP: Full. Status: None.
    Move: Helping Hand, Growl, Tailwhip, Sand Attack, Baby-Doll Eyes, Swift, Tackle.

    [PokeCommunity.com] IC: Pokemon Mystery Dungeons and Dragons
    Name: Faust
    Species: Cubone | Level: 10 | Class: Fighter
    Skills: Perception, Maneuver, and Intimidate+
    HP: Full. Status: None.
    Moves: Growl, Tail Whip, Ancient Power, Bone Club

    [PokeCommunity.com] IC: Pokemon Mystery Dungeons and Dragons
    Name: Xavier Herras
    Species: Ralts | Level: 10 | Class: Cleric
    Skills: Diplomacy, Perception, Care For/Heal+, Knowledge (Book | ?), and Profession (?).
    HP: Full. Status: None.
    Moves: Growl, Double Team, Teleport, Confusion

    [PokeCommunity.com] IC: Pokemon Mystery Dungeons and Dragons
    Name: Thoth Manes
    Species: Misdreavus | Level: 10 | Class: Wizard
    Skills: Spellcraft, Knowledge (Book | ?)+, and Profession (?)
    HP: Full. Status: None.
    Crowl, Spite, Psywave, Astonish

    Kayla took the two pieces of copper gratefully. It was always nice to be rewarded for her services, especially when it wasn't very strenuous on her own part, but regardless it mattered little to her, though she did wonder if that's exactly what those Pichu's were looking for, but it must have been close enough regardless, or they simply liked it enough anyway. Thinking her party might have been done with the merchant by now, though when she turned her attention back to them that wasn't the case.

    Rolling her eyes, she again returned to idly playing her pan flute just off to the side, not for any real benefit to anything but her own boredom. Perhaps if she kept it up she'd wait out however long it would take for the rest of her party to be done messing about with the merchant. Not that she couldn't be interested in such things, just that it wasn't something she wanted to be interested in at this exact moment. But even though she wasn't interested she still kept some of her attention focused on what they were doing over there, not wanting to miss out on any potential key information that came up in potential bartering scenarios.
    Twila Redcrest
    Natu Sorceress

    "One hundred gold?!" Twila jumped back in surprise, not wanting to even touch something that expensive. "Sorry, too rich for me!" She fluttered to the ground, muttering to herself. "I can't believe we let ourselves get sucked in like that! Town full of merchants, we all stop at the first one..."

    Except, not all of them had. Kayla had just finished playing a song, and two little Pichu had left her some coins before running off. Twila hopped over to the bard, watching the two kids skipping along. "Haha, so cute!" She giggled, watching the kids play. "Maybe this place isn't so bad after all."
    Tom Zerrick
    Aron: Paladin

    Hmm, Emanak...the Aron looked around, trying to get a feel for the town. It felt safe enough, merchants and customers alike were walking on the dirt paths chatting to each other. But something felt off. Several shops, more permanent buildings than Porygon's floating shop, seemed to be a bit worse off for some reason. Several closed signs were posted by their openings, and some of the other stores seemed a bit lacking in terms of their wares. Some of the merchants themselves had downcast looks on their faces, particularly those with few goods to sell. Normally not having many goods would be a good thing, right? That would mean you already sold most of the rest of the stuff, unless there was some other trouble brewing.

    Tom turned his attention to the rest of his party. Most were still talking with the shopkeeper, although Kayla the Bard was playing a short tune on her pan flute for a couple of Pichus. Talking to the Porygon, he said, "A hundred gold is far too much for us I'm afraid. We're traveling light for today, so we do not have much gold with us. Perhaps is there anything that could be of use to us for less than...say, sixty coppers?" Glancing around the town once again, he said, "And is this town having some sort of trouble? Seems like business is not going well for some folk."​

    Nina: The Rogue Sneasel

    [PokeCommunity.com] IC: Pokemon Mystery Dungeons and Dragons

    "Sure, I'll have a look~" Tom sure cut to the chase fast. Eh, maybe that's a good thing, although this Porygon did seem kind of secretive, and there was a pretty good chance he was being watched by someone; based on the way he stopped halfway through a sentence and told them the information had just been classified. They might need a sneakier approach to getting their answers, but it...usually didn't hurt to try the easy way first.

    "It's hard to do business when there's so much other business around, right?" She makes small talk with the Porygon. "We ordinary 'mons only have so much money to spend."

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    Pokemon Mystery Dungeons and Dragons

    "Sixty. Copper? The. Price. Range. Is. Possible. In. My. Inventory. In. The. Lower. Range. I. Have. Some. Food. Items. This. Includes. Many. Types. Of. Berries. And. A. Few. Grains. In. The. Upper. Range. I. Have. Potions. Of. Various. Function. Including. Healing. And. Status. Removing. Potions." He said, beeping and booping through his speech. Man, what an odd one.

    "Hello. Ms. Sneasel. Yes. Business. In. This. Market. Is. Crippled. By. The. Extreme. Amount. Of. Competition. However. Using. Mathematical. Formulas. I. Am. A. Capable. Salesmen. Despite. This. Hurdle. There. Are. A. Few. Services. I. Cannot. Offer. However. I. Will. Gladly. Direct. You. To. The. Business. Head. Quarters. Of. Mr. Frogadier's. Storage. Mr. Skrelp's River. Travel. Mr. Galvantual's. Land. Travel. And. Lastly. Ms. Weavile's. Moves."

    He then turned to the Ralts prompting him with a request.

    "Books? Yes. Mr. Ralts. I. A. Religious. Piece. In. My. Inventory. It. Comes. To. A. Total. Of. One Gold. Coin. The. Description. Is. This. 'The. Pantheon. Of. The. Fields. A. Small. Book. For. Giants.' The. Table. Of. Contents. Has. Four. Chapters. About. The. Deities. Of. This. Region. The. Book. Contains. Over. Two. Hundred. Pages. Of. 'Specially Written.' Material. Would. You. Like. To. Have. A. Moment. To. Read. The. Introduction. Mr. Ralts?" The book levitated out of the magic wagon. If floated in front of the Ralts, who would be allowed to read the book as it flipped open in front of him. Upon reading the text he would not see a handwriting that he recognized. In fact, this text was very clean and precise! This book was as odd as the Porygon himself.

    "Oh. Yes. There. Is. Currently. A. Weather. Advisory. For. Later. This. Evening. Sensors. Indicate. Heavy. Winds. And. Lightning. Looting. And. Burglary. Are. Common. During. Night. Time. Storms. Please. Be. Prepared. I. Have. A. Few. Weather. Apparatus. Available. If. You. Wish. To. Keep. Dry."

    Looking into the sky, the party wouldn't see a single cloud! Just the sunlight reaching the grass and the flowers of the valley. But. They did come to Emenak for a reason; because, in the night there were spooky ghosts who stole from the people when they were sleeping. No one can identify them as pokemon of any sort, prompting action!

    (ooc: Quick Question. Who wants to be from the Grass-Anchor Guild? I see a few mentions of it but I have it written down as the Guild of Emenak. It would be sorta strange to be introducing yourselves to a merchant you'd see all the time.)

    [PokeCommunity.com] IC: Pokemon Mystery Dungeons and Dragons
    Name: Twila Redcrest
    Species: Natu | Level: 10 | Class: Sorcerer
    Skills: Spellcraft+, Knowledge (Book|Geography), and Profession (Scribe)
    HP: Full. Status: None.
    Moves: Peck, Leer, Teleport, Nightshade

    [PokeCommunity.com] IC: Pokemon Mystery Dungeons and Dragons
    Name: Nina Mink
    Species: Sneasel | Level: 10 Class: Rogue
    Skills: Perception+, Survival, Maneuver, Bluff+, Navigate, Knowledge (Street| Lockpicking)
    HP: Full. Status: None.
    Moves: Leer, Taunt, Scratch, Quick Attack, Feint Attack

    [PokeCommunity.com] IC: Pokemon Mystery Dungeons and Dragons
    Name: Thomas (Tom) Zerrick
    Species: Aron | Level: 10 | Class: Paladin
    Skills: Diplomacy, Perception, and Maneuver
    HP: Full. Status: None.
    Moves: Tackle, Headbutt, Metal Claw, Harden, Mud-Slap

    [PokeCommunity.com] IC: Pokemon Mystery Dungeons and Dragons
    Name: Owain
    Species: Nuzleaf | Level: 14 | Class: Druid
    Skills: Perception, Survival+, Care For/Heal, Navigate+, Knowledge (Street | Foraging)
    HP: Full. Status: None.
    Moves: Harden, Growth, Nature Power, Fake Out, Razor Leaf

    [PokeCommunity.com] IC: Pokemon Mystery Dungeons and Dragons
    Name: Kayla Sting
    Species: Eevee | Level: 10 | Class: Bard
    Skills: Diplomacy, Perception, Survival, Knowledge (Street | Sneaking)+, and Profession+ (Musician, Panflute)
    HP: Full. Status: None.
    Move: Helping Hand, Growl, Tailwhip, Sand Attack, Baby-Doll Eyes, Swift, Tackle.

    [PokeCommunity.com] IC: Pokemon Mystery Dungeons and Dragons
    Name: Faust
    Species: Cubone | Level: 10 | Class: Fighter
    Skills: Perception, Maneuver, and Intimidate+
    HP: Full. Status: None.
    Moves: Growl, Tail Whip, Ancient Power, Bone Club

    [PokeCommunity.com] IC: Pokemon Mystery Dungeons and Dragons
    Name: Xavier Herras
    Species: Ralts | Level: 10 | Class: Cleric
    Skills: Diplomacy, Perception, Care For/Heal+, Knowledge (Book | Deities of the World), and Profession (Runecrafting).
    HP: Full. Status: None.
    Moves: Growl, Double Team, Teleport, Confusion

    [PokeCommunity.com] IC: Pokemon Mystery Dungeons and Dragons
    Name: Thoth Manes
    Species: Misdreavus | Level: 10 | Class: Wizard
    Skills: Spellcraft, Knowledge (Book | ?)+, and Profession (Enchant/Disenchant)
    HP: Full. Status: None.
    Crowl, Spite, Psywave, Astonish

    [PokeCommunity.com] IC: Pokemon Mystery Dungeons and Dragons

    Thoth Manes

    Thoth drifted closer to the hovering cart. He inspected every inch of it as he circled around it. What powerful enchantments this cart must have. He moved over to the strange merchant to inquire about his wares, magical of course, but something else piqued his interest. Looting and burglary, did he say? Thoth didn't remember hearing about a storm, nor did it look like one was coming.

    "These looters you speak of, no one has seen them? Not even someone as astute as you?" Thoth asked the merchant. Someone around here must know something.