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[Pokémon] It's Not a Dream Anymore


Hanging on a moment with you.
  • 74
    My first pokemon fanfiction, eee. Not much to say here o.o' but, however, you should be aware that for all character refs. and stuff like that, I shall be referring to the Pokemon Adventures manga, not the anime and, filling some blanks myself ;]

    Note: People have been asking why I named the character after myself, I didn't, my friend just named me after my character.

    It's Not A Dream Anymore
    (It's Worth Fighting For)

    Chapter 1

    A small group of boys gathered around the square, cheering at the top of their lungs, in the late afternoon light. Inside the circle was a tall boy, about 14 years of age. He had short dark brown hair, light brown eyes and, was very muscular. His opponent, a young man, considered attractive by many. He was in a police uniform, his dazzling blue hair was loose and, flying around his face. In between the two were two pokemon, a pidgey and a hoothoot.

    "Pidgey!" The man yelled to his companion. "Gust attack!" The pidgey nodded in agreement and, flapped it's wings furiously. "Hoothoot! Watch out!" The boy warned however, he was to late. The gust of wind had knocked the pokemon out of the sky, it's body hit the ground with a thump. "Hoothoot!" The boy ran over to aid his fallen partner. It raised it's head with a sad look in it's eyes. "It's okay, we almost had them." He pulled a pokeball out of his pocket and returned his hoothoot to it's home.

    "Good battle." Stated the man as he put back on his policeman's cap.
    "Wait!" Called the boy, "Just one more!"
    "Sorry, kid. I've got to go and, your pokemon need time to rest."
    "I still have one more!" He said and pulled out another pokeball. He looked at it in anticipation, for not even he knew what was inside. "Alright mom, don't fail me now!" He threw the ball releasing a red glow. The man looked over his shoulder to see what was coming. The crowd held their breath as the pokemon revealed itself.


    The crowd burst out in laughter. A pichu, small for it's size stood in the circle looking around at everyone curiously. The man turned and walked over to the pokemon and, kneeled down.
    "A pichu, and a young one at that. Boy, you can't battle with this, it's just baby. Sorry, maybe next time." He stood, "Pidgey! Let's go!" and the two left.

    The crowd began to disperse. The boy growled and called his pokemon back into it's ball and stormed off. He walked through the winding streets as the sun set over Violet City. He walked into a middle class home, slamming the door behind him.

    "What's wrong, Caleb?" Asked a middle aged woman in the kitchen. She was quite beautiful for her age, curly bouncy brown hair and large, caring, green eyes. "This pokemon you gave me is worthless!" He yelled and slammed the ball containing the pichu on the table. This caught the attention of the young girl in the corner, playing with her dolls. "You got him a pokemon!? What about me!?" She whined as she ran over to examine the ball. Even at the age of six, Jay was a smart, excitable girl. She had light blond hair, which no one was really sure where it came from, and her mother's green eyes.

    "A pokemon that can't fight is useless. Do you know how embarrassed I was this afternoon?" Their mother came out of the kitchen and undid her apron. "It was only one fight, sweetheart."
    "No it wasn't! It was a fight against Falkner! His father was our gym leader, and everyone was there! I don't want this stupid pokemon!" and he took the ball from Jay's hands and threw it across the room. The ball exploded in a red glow and, a few seconds later there was a pichu standing in the living room.

    "It's sooo cute!" Screamed Jay as she ran over to see it up close.
    "Well you can have it." Said Caleb as he stormed down the hallway.
    Jay's eyes were as big as tennis balls. She felt like she was going to explode. "Thank you Caleb, I love you!" She screamed down the hallway. "My first pokemon! I'm going to call you Baby!"
    In a split second the pokemon illuminated, causing the television next to it to make a strange popping noise and caught fire.

    "Sorry Mom!"

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    Hanging on a moment with you.
  • 74
    Mehhh. I felt, my last chapter ended kind of.. bad. I don't know how to fix it. I kind of wanted to added another chapter to get the ball rolling, so heeeere goes.

    Chapter 2

    It was late morning in Violet City. The sun was shining brightly, people were in the square buying and selling goods, the chatter of small kids filled the air waking lazy pokemon from their naps. The Sprout Tower stood undisturbed, glistening in the light. A bright yellow school bus pulled up in front of the tower and out came a group of teenagers led by an older woman.

    "Now class, lets remember to be respectful and, not bother anyone who's here training. Let's stay with our buddies, okay? Let's go."

    She turned and walked inside, her students following her like ducks, that is, except one. He stood leaning against the bus, fiddling with his house keys in his left pocket. He was tall, dressed pretty plain, an, he had dark black hair with angry blue eyes. His gaze drifted towards the woods, that started to the left of the parked bus. He sighed and started towards the trees.

    Jay burst through a wall of shrubbery. Now was about 15 years of age, she grew little and was still considered short. Her blond locks were now colored an unnatural black, her eyes, still as big and curious as ever.

    "Where is he?" she half whispered as she tripped over the large orange pokemon. "Ufh! Well there you are." She said rather annoyed. "Baby! Get up!"

    The raichu lifted his head. He had fallen asleep waiting for his master. He stayed there as if he thought he was still dreaming, then remembered why he was there. "Chu!" He sprung up and grabbed an orange messenger bag from the bushes.

    "You brought it!" Jay almost squealed with delight. She got down on her knees and petted the pokemon before going through the bag. "Clothes, shoes, peanut butter... It's all here!"

    "You going somewhere?" A voice asked from behind. Jay turned around quickly, Baby's ears stood straight up as if it were charging up an attack. "Ricky!" screeched Jay. "Are you trying to give me a heart attack?"

    "I believe you haven't answered my question yet."
    "What are you doing here?"
    "We're supposed to stay with our buddies." He said with a half chuckle.
    "Well, yes. I'm going away for a while. Ricky!" She stood and ran across the circle. "Don't tell anyone you've seen me! You don't know where I'm going and, if they ask, it's the first you've heard of my disappearance."
    "Well," He said, not surprised at all, "it won't all be an act, I don't know where you're going." He sat down and leaned against a tree. "You going to tell me?"
    "Well..." She sat down in front of him. Her companion taking it's place by her side. "I'm going to be a pokemon master!"

    Ricky burst out laughing, he laughed until tears came to his eyes, he laughed until he almost fell over. "RICKY!" She yelled.
    "I'm sorry but, that's ridiculous. You will get halfway to Cherrygrove and turn around." He stopped, he looked over and saw that she hung her head in both shame and embarrassment. "Jay, don't feel to down, only those who can afford to go traveling around the globe with nothing to worry about are the rich. Also if you do leave, and quit school, what's going to happen after you become a pokemon master? How are you going to support yourself?"
    "You talked to my mother didn't you? That's exactly what she said when I told her. Well It's my dream, it will work out, I'm not going to give up on it like my brother!"

    She stood and grabbed her bag and started off in to the woods. Ricky quickly rose and grabbed her arm. "Your brother is a very successful businessman, he's offered me a job when we get out of school, don't talk about him like he's a quitter."
    "Well he is."
    "No he's smart."
    "Ricky!" She ripped her arm from his grasp and swung around. "I'm leaving! You, my mom, and, Caleb can do nothing to stop me! Who knows? Maybe I'll find my father and then at least he'll be proud of me!"
    She ran off in to sea of green, out of sight, with her partner by her side. Her heart beat so loudly it almost drowned out the voice behind her.
    "Jay! Stop! Don't do this!"
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  • 10,179
    • Age 37
    • Seen yesterday
    The colored and centered text make it kind of difficult for people to read your fanfic. (I personally have problems reading it no matter what size screen I'm on.)

    Also, as another piece of advice, you could take the time to read over your chapters before you post them. This way, you can catch simple typos (like when you have "an" when you need "and"), and even fix up the chapters. That way, if you can think of some way to change around and improve the ending of one of your chapters, you can before it's on the forums.


    Hanging on a moment with you.
  • 74
    Nyyyah! I never catch those typos >.<
    And, I didn't realize how distracting that was, oops! I'll fix it. =D
    Kind of a lengthy one ^^"
    Anyway, I would like some critique and comments about my story so far, if you'd be so kind. =]

    Chapter 3

    Jay fumbled with her map, nearly walking in to every tree. She looked up and around, confused, she looked back down and rotated her map. She stopped with a groan and dropped her hands to her sides.

    The forest was getting darker, and more creepy than ever, already it was bustling with nightlife. Hoothoots were awakening and the rattatas were coming out of their holes. The sun was setting slowly revealing a star here and there in pink horizon.

    Baby came forward and collapsed at Jay's feet. The pokemon looked up with an exhausted "Can we stop here for the night?" look on his face. Jay sighed and dropped to the ground, raising her arm to stroke her friend.

    "Just a little bit longer?" She asked, and looked down at his face. "We have to be close to Cherrygrove. I haven't seen a sign or anything yet but, we've been walking for so long!" She let out a big sigh and, realized the poor thing couldn't go on. "I don't want to do this but," She pulled out a pokeball from her bag, one decorated with years of stickers and writing. "Come on." Baby disappeared into the ball.

    Jay looked around. The woods seemed a lot more evil when she was alone. She finally stood and walked forward, trusting her instincts. After the sun was long gone the girl began to feel her eyes drooping and her body even more exhausted. How do people do it? She asked herself. It seemed almost impossible to travel the world like this. Finally she had no choice, she stumbled upon a clear patch and sank to the ground. Her bag was propped up like a pillow and she collapsed on it. Right before she drifted off she could have sworn she heard voices.

    The morning came and with it, light. Light to scare away, the evils, light to show the way, and light, to wake up the sleeping girl in the middle of Mr. Pokemon's backyard. The old man watched from a window as the girl twitched, and turned and, eventually sat up and stretched her arms high over her head. Last, she opened her eyes and looked around, noticing the house not more than 20 feet away.

    "Why hello there!" Called the man from the window. "Good morning! Would you like to come in for a cup of tea? Maybe a muffin or two? I made them myself!"

    Jay blinked in shock. Had she spent the whole night outside while a house was right next to her?The morning went by rather pleasantly, Jay had joined Mr. Pokemon for breakfast, her and Baby ate until they thought their stomachs would burst and, then Jay told her story, and where she was headed.

    "Well I don't have much advice to offer but, to get to Cherrygrove just head south. There are usually trainers out battling in these parts, they pretty much mark the path. Now, let's see your other pokemon!"
    "Other pokemon? I'm afraid all I have is Baby here."
    "One pokemon? Well that won't do you much good, there are many challenges out there, many different types of pokemon and trainers to battle, you can't let one pokemon do it all themselves."

    He got up from the fluffy red couch on which they were sitting and walked to his desk. Inside the drawer he took out three pokeballs.

    "Here, you can have these, I've no use for them."

    Jay's face lit up with excitement. "What's in them? Squirtle? Jigglypuff? Dragonite?"

    "Haha, I'm sorry but they're empty."
    "You didn't think I was going to give you one of my prized pokemon did you? You have to catch them for yourself!"

    The two said their goodbyes and Jay and Baby headed out once again. Jay watched her compass to make sure they were headed nowhere but south. With their moods high and the afternoon sun warm they were almost skipping down the path. That's when they heard it.

    A deafening boom came from behind them. Jay swung around to see an explosion in the direction of Mr. Pokemon's house.
    "Mr. Pokemon!" She screamed and took off towards the house. A figure in the woods stepped out catching Jay off guard. She tripped and fell to the ground. A hooded man ran over and pulled her up, nearly dislocating her shoulder in the process.
    "Are you stupid?" He asked in a gruff voice. "You'll only make things worse!" He turned her in the opposite direction, "Now go! Run!" And he shoved her.
    "No!" She yelled and, swung around. "Mr. Pokemon is my friend!"
    "He'll be fine! Now run!" And he took off in the direction of what was now, a fire.
    Jay looked at the wall of flames in horror. Would he really be okay?
    Jay felt a tugging on her pants.
    She looked down and saw her pokemon's face filled with concern.
    "I'm not going to sit here and do nothing!"
    The two ran after the hooded figure at full speed. They ran in to a clearing where the hooded man stood across from four men in masks.
    "I warned you!" Yelled the man in hood. "Pidgeot! Go!" His pokemon came flying out if it's pokeball and aimed straight for the men.
    "Come on! Let's get out here!" Yelled one of the men. The three took off running the smoke hiding their escape.
    "Pidgeot!" He yelled. "Make sure they don't come back!"
    He reached for another pokeball. Jay and Baby sat in the bushes and watched from afar.
    "Golduck! Let's put out this fire!"

    The magnificent bird flew in the smoke while the other began to put out the flames. At last, his hood fell. He had spiky brown hair, brown eyes, and a hardened face. He almost smiled in his victory then, he saw Jay.

    "I thought I told you leave!" He yelled in anger. He began stomping over to her when his pidgeot flew back in a panic, squawking like something was wrong. The golduck stopped spraying and ran over to them. The man pulled out an odd little red computer and quickly his eyes grew wide with panic. He returned the pokemon to their pokeballs.
    "We have to get out of here!" He called to Jay.
    "I'm not leaving without Mr. Pokemon!" She yelled and ran in to the smoke. Baby stayed behind, to scared to follow after. The man rushed over to the pack that Jay left and returned Baby to his ball. Just then another explosion sounded. The man dropped everything and ran in to the smoke. He arrived seconds later carrying an unconscious Jay. He stopped to get the packs on the ground and ran off south.
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  • 28
    I like the story a lot so far, except for one thing. Why did Mr.Pokemon let her sleep in his back yard Lol. Anyways, I can't wait for the next chapter.


    Hanging on a moment with you.
  • 74
    Ohhh! An update! Not very long, but the next chapter is rather long, so be on the lookout for that ;]
    Chapter 4

    Beep. Beep. Beep.

    Jay began to slowly open her eyes. A sharp pain in her side suddenly jerked her awake. She sat up quickly, and looked around the white room. Breathtaking how white it was. Jay was confused, what happened? Where was she? She had no memory of coming here, or what was going on. Her heart sped up in a panic, the pain in her side grew until it was unbearable, she screamed. A warm sensation in her arm calmed her down and she let her head hit the pillow. It was dark again.

    Trapped somewhere between dreamland and consciousness, memories fled back in a swarm. One in particular of a young man. "I think he saved me." she thought. She also couldn't help thinking of how familiar he looked, after the hood of his light blue cloak fell. But where did she know him from?

    Down the white hallway, in the waiting room, he sat, tossing a pokeball in the air. His hood was pulled back over his face. A woman with pink hair and, a light pink dress walked up carrying a clipboard.
    "Umm… sir? I need you to fill out some forms for that girl you brought in."
    "I told you people, I don't know her. I was just lending a helping hand."
    "Please, just fill out what you can."
    "I couldn't even tell you her name," he said feeling rather annoyed. She sighed and turned away. He stood up, walked to phones, and dialed a number.

    Ring! Ring!

    "Hello? Who's this?" Asked the blue-haired young man on the other side of the screen.
    "Hey Falkner," he said and pulled his hood down. Falkner seemed taken by surprise by the face that was revealed.
    "Wow. Where have you been? Do you know how many people are looking for you?"
    "Yes. That's precisely why you must tell no one you've heard from me."
    "So why did you call? This must be important."
    "I guess. There was an explosion in the woods yesterday, you heard of that , yes?"
    "Yes. It was horrible, they still can't find his body."
    "Well there was a girl caught in that explosion too. I made the mistake of finding her help. Only, I don't know who she is. It seemed like she was coming from Violet, anyone in your neck of the woods missing?"
    "Actually, yes. A woman came in to the station yesterday, said her teenage daughter was missing. I have a copy of the picture she brought in." Falkner reached in to his pocket and pulled out a scrap of paper and held it up to the screen.
    "Yup, that's her." Said the man, coolly.

    The two then decided what would have to happen next.

    "Well, thank you Falkner, I'll have her back up there as soon as possible."
    "No problem, us gym leaders have to stick together, right?"

    And he shut off the computer before more questions could be asked.
    At that moment, as if on cue, a screaming came from behind a pair of swinging double doors. Nurses and doctors rushed in to a small room. He knew it had to be her and, took off.
    The room was chaos, the small girl was freaking out and, doctors and nurses were trying to hold her down to inject something into her arm.
    "Move!" He yelled as he elbowed staff out of his way. He kneeled down next to the bed and took her hand.
    "Jay! Jay, you have to listen me! Calm down, we'll get you out of here as soon as possible."
    The frightened girl calmed down at the sight of a familiar face. She swallowed and replied, "You- you know my name?"
    He smiled and, she laid back down and let the doctor inject the medicine.
    "Good girl," He whispered.


  • 28
    Who's the other Gym Leader? What's going on? What happened to her? Agggh don't do this to me! I'm excited for the next one! I saw one mistake but I'll have to point it out later. Since I'm on my phone. Anyways please continue as soon as possible!