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Kingdom Hearts - The Addiction (PG-13)

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    This is my 1st fanfic so any tips and/or critsism. This fic is rated PG-13
    Disclaimer:I own none of the characters in this story , ther are all property of Square Enix and Disney

    Chapter one​

    It was another stunning day on the Destiny Islands. The sun shone down on the busy islanders, and fifteen year old Sora was just stirring from a deep sleep...​

    "Uhhhh" yawned Sora, stretching up in bed. "Mmmm.."He closed his eyes and listened to the waves on the beach. Even from his house the sounds of the beach were audible. Maybe he could just lie in for a few more minutes.... Sora rubbed his head back into the pillow, falling back into sweet dreams...​


    "Woah!"Sora jolted up, his head throbbing from moving so quickly. "What the....?" he murmured. BANG! It happened again. Somebody was throwing rocks at his window!​

    "HEY do you mind some of us are.... Oh!" Sora leant out of his window and was surprised to see the smiling face of one of his dearest friends below. " I...erm.. Didn't mean to yell at you like that, K-K-Kairi." Sora blushed. The girl shook her head, her crimson hair sweeping back and forth. Man, could she get any prettier, thought Sora. His mouth hung half open.​

    "What are you on about?" The girl below said. "Kairi? I'm not Kairi? It's me, Selphie!"​

    To Sora's confusion the girl's face changed to show the perky face of Selphie. The red hair changed to brown and Sora frowned.​

    "Huh?" He muttered.​

    "Are you still dreaming?" Selphie giggled, giving him an odd look. "Come on, you should have been up ages ago! We're all waiting for you at the island!"​

    "But were not meeting till one right?" Sora said.​

    "Checked the time recently, sleepy head?" Selphie grinned and skipped away, her yellow dress swaying back and forth. Sora had a look of puzzlement on his face and checked the time on his alarm clock. Half one!? How could he have slept that late? He bundled on his clothes, stopping just to splash his face with cool water. Looking at his reflection in the mirror, Sora made a mental note to himself to attempt to comb his bushy hair later.​

    Ten minutes later, Sora was on the small island made base by him and his friends. Walking across the sands he spotted familiar faces coming towards him.​

    "Finally decided to get up did you?" Smirked Riku, his silver hair bright in the sunshine. Sora knew better than to comment back, instead putty his best scowl on his face. He hated Riku's teasing.​

    "Im only kidding, Sora" he said, patting Sora's back.​

    "Are we gonna get started or what?" Said Wakka, joining the two boys.​

    "Yeah!" Voiced Tidus.​

    "Erm, why exactly did you make us all gather here, Riku?" Asked Sora uncertainly.​

    Riku raised his eyebrows. "Don't tell me you guys don't realise what day it is today?"​

    "Erm yeah sure its Tuesday!" Said Selphie brightly, "And its holidays!"​

    "No.." Riku shook his head. Sora looked around the circle to see similar expressions of confusion on their faces.​

    "What then?" Asked Tidus.​

    "Its Challenge day remember? Do you guys have that bad a memory?"​

    Realisation sunk in. Every year all Sora's friends battled it out with their own weapons to see who was the toughest. It had been a tradition since they had been small, and now it was all coming back to Sora.​

    "Wait a sec... " said Wakka, pointing at Riku, "You and Sora will beat us all with those Keyblades of yours! That's unfair!"​

    "Which is why me and Sora will be fighting with these" Chuckled Riku, throwing Sora a flimsy wooden sword.​

    "Oh man...." Said Sora. Now he would be beaten by all and face the shame. Even Selphie would beat him, and she was the weakest fighter. Riku laughed.​

    "Don't worry Sora, how badly can you get hurt?"​


    Sora collapsed down next to Riku. "Uhhhh" His face screwed up in pain as he lay down on the beach sands. "I am never going through that tradition again, Riku."​

    "Aww, come on Sora, you get that hurt by simple island weapons?"​

    "Trust me Riku, that nunchuck of Selphie's lashed me in places you don't wanna know about. I'm gonna be covered in bruises tomorrow"​

    Riku smiled and leaned against the palm tree. "Here join me" He said. The boys sat side by side, watching the sun sink into the sea. The water was dyed a bright orange. Riku's hair looked red in this light. Sora felt almost at peace, despite the dull aching in all his limbs. He scanned the horizon, watching faraway birds head home for the night. Gentle waves broke on the beach. A light breeze started to pick up.​

    "Sora?" Riku said. Sora looked across at his best friend and nodded. "I..."​

    "Go on..." Sora encouraged.​

    "I.. I just wanted to ask.. What's going on between you and Kairi at the moment?"​

    Sora hung his head. "I don't know."​

    "Have you spoken to her much? I never seem to see you talking."​

    "We never do." Said Sora glumly, "She would never want to talk to me..."​

    "You don't know that!" Riku Said, upset to see his friend so glum. "Why don't you go see her sometime?"​

    "Why should she bother?" Murmured Sora. "Kairi.. she's.. so special. She's too good for me. Why would a beautiful, popular girl like Kairi ever want to hang out with me, Riku?"​

    "Erm... you saved her life?" Riku said as if stating the obvious.​

    Sora sighed. "I know, it's just.. every time I see her I turn into this shaking spaz who can't think of anything to impress her. And she never hangs around with all of us anymore. She'd never choose me.."​

    "You never know Sora. You two used to be inseparable. Look, if i can get her to meet you, will you agree to the date?"​

    "Yes!" Said Sora quickly, "Of course!" As long as I don't make a fool of myself, thought Sora to himself.​

    Infront of them the sun finally set and the island was blanketed in a soft violet colour. Riku stood up and brushed the sand off his trousers. Sora copied him, getting tiredly to his feet.​

    "We better head home." Stated Riku, walking across to his boat. Sora climbed in his and picked up the oars, sitting down in the middle.​

    "Ouchhhhhh!!!" He moaned.​

    "Whats the matter now?" Said Riku.​

    "Erm.. lets just say I sat down on a very painful place after Selphie was finished with it..."​

    Riku didn't know whether to look alarmed or amused.​
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    Chapter 2
    Sora sat gazing out to sea, his stomach rumbling. He was hungry, which was strange considering he had just eaten a large cooked breakfast made for him by his neighbour. Again, he had woken up late, and already it was approaching noon. And still there was no word from Riku. Maybe he had forgotten about their chat yesterday...

    "Sora?" Someone said, and Sora recognised it as the voice he most wanted to hear in the world. Seconds later a pair of familiar shoes kicked the sand beside him. Sora turned to look up.

    "Kairi, hi," he said, his voice croaky. Oh god, he sounded terrible.

    "How have you been?" She asked, sitting down and tucking her legs beneath her. She turned to look at him, a soft smile on her face. Sora was dumbfounded. He was tongue-tied, struggling to think of something to say.

    "I-I-Im fine thankyou," he stuttered. Kairi giggled uncertainly.

    "I haven't seen you in a while Sora... I kind of missed you."

    Sora looked up. She had a general look of sadness on her face. Sora mumbled "I missed you too." and managed to squeeze a smile on his face, even though his insides were like putty.

    "But it doesn't matter... we're both here now, right?" she grinned, and the sun seemed to shine a little bit brighter.

    Sora's confidence went up a little. "So, you wanna grab something to eat?"

    "Yeah sure" she said, "We can take it to the island!"

    Sora nodded and the two bought doughnuts and sailed across to the island.

    "I haven't been across here in ages."Said Kairi quietly. Her hair flew in the fresh breeze.

    They sat down on the rocks in the cove, Kairi sitting close enough to Sora to make his heart pound like a drum. Man, if it was any louder, Kairi was in trouble of hearing it!

    They talked about all sorts, Sora's confidence way up now. Kairi said she had been busy, helping her family out a load, that's why she hadn't seen anyone much recently. They discussed the holidays, friends, and Sora listened patiently while Kairi spoke about a new outfit she had bought. Finally kairi brought out the bag of doughnuts and they tucked in. Any longer and Sora's stomach would've exploded with hunger.

    There was an awkward silence.

    "You're great, Kairi."Sora beamed. Oh, how could he have said something so corny?

    Kairi giggled. "Erm..Sora? You have jam all down your face."

    Sora's eyes widened and his face blushed. He tried to lick it off, then realised how weird he must have looked and searched around for a tissue.

    "Oh Sora, you silly thing. Let me." Kairi leant across to wipe his face. Sora was only too aware of how close they were. Time seemed to slow down. Sora's head turned a fraction, and kairi was mere inches away. The blood in Sora's veins pounded in his ears. Then the moment passed and Sora was left feeling extremely stupid.

    The day wore on and finally it was time for Kairi to go. Sora was sad to see the day go so fast. "We'll meet up again, right?" he asked, hopefully.

    "Yeah of course!" She smiled, and quickly wrapped her arms around his neck. It was a quick hug, but enough to send Sora's nerves tingling. Then they went home, Sora watching as Kairi's shadow slipped away into the night. He went home and went straight to bed.


    Riku lay in bed watching his ceiling. He wasn't sure why, but he had trouble sleeping recently. Maybe it was his overwhelming sense of loneliness. Of course, he had his friends, ready to hang out with him anytime. But there... there was nobody special. Sometimes he felt a little pang in his heart when he saw couples together.

    He rolled over and closed his eyes. Think happy thoughts, he said to himself, you need to sleep. Eventually he drifted off...

    "Hey Riku," Sora said, "Have you heard about the new girl?"

    Sora and Riku were in the secret place together, exploring for the day. Both aged nine, Riku was only slightly taller than his best friend.

    Riku nodded. "The one at the mayors house?"

    Sora nodded. "Shall we go see her?"


    The boys went out of the secret place and rowed back to the mainland. Walking up to the mayors house, the boys talked about what the new girl might be like. Suddenly, a woman's voice rang out.

    "Sora! Sora! You have to come home now!"

    "oh darn it!" sighed Sora. "Tell me how it goes, okay? I'll see you tomorrow, Riku."

    "Okay. Bye!" Riku shouted as his friend ran away towards the voice of his mother.

    Riku approached the mayors house carefully, his big blue eyes wary. The mayor wasn't always the happy generous man people claimed he was. Riku knew this from personal experience. As a young child, Riku had thrown a Frisbee over the mayor's wall, and when he had asked for it back, had received an unpleasant welcome.

    "HOW DARE YOU!" The mayor had bellowed, his face slightly pink. A vein had been bulging on his temple. If his wife hadn't interfered at that point, Riku doubted he would have ever got his toy back.

    He rang the doorbell uncertainly. Nobody answered. He rang again, biting his lower lip. This time the door creaked open slowly and a young girl peeped her face around the edge of the wooden frame.

    She had reddish-brown cropped hair and large sky-blue eyes. She wore a white halter-neck top and purple skirt.She looked as shy as a mouse right there, and she had a small smile on her face.

    "Hello?" She said, blinking steadily.

    "Hi, I'm Riku. You're the new girl right?"

    "Yes.. I'm kairi." She said, twirling her hair around her fingers. She bent one of her legs slightly.

    "Erm... so.. you wanna hang out with us sometime Kairi?" Riku suggested.

    "Whos us?" She asked.

    "Erm.. that's me, Sora,Tidus... erm... Wakka, sometimes Selphie.... We're all friends." Riku beamed.

    "Yeah sure, okay" she beamed back and Riku went a shade redder than normal.

    "So erm, see you around?" he said, turning to go.

    "Uh huh," she said. There was a short silence. "Bye, Riku."

    Riku raised his hand in farewell and set off home. However short the meeting had been, he had already decided one thing about pretty, red-haired kairi. As soon as he was old enough, Riku was going to marry her. He could see it already. He was going to marry Kairi no matter what happened.

    Riku tossed and turned in his sleep, mumbling one name , and one name only. The dream changed...

    Seagulls circled the air above a fifteen year old Riku. He held planks of wood in his hand, bundled up close to his chest. He walked down towards the beach, hoping to surprise Kairi. Maybe even impress her when she saw how strong he was getting.

    To his dismay he saw Kairi sitting with Sora on the beach. Even worse, he saw that Kairi looked very happy there. Jealousy burnt up inside him. No matter how hard he tried, Kairi always seemed to go for Sora. Life was so unfair.

    Straightening his features, he walked across the sand to the two. "Thought I'd find you two down here." He said. "Guess I'm the only one working on the raft today."

    All the more he was aware of how happy Sora and Kairi looked hanging out together. Anger burned up inside him. How long had he yearned for Kairi.. how many years... and Sora was always winning..

    He felt like shouting out right now, to the world, telling her how he really felt. KAIRI!!!



    "Kairi!" Riku shot up in bed covered in sweat. Dreams of his past had come to haunt him once more. He wiped down his face with a towel, breathing heavily. His past seemed to rush over him, but he calmed himself down. That was the past, he told himself, getting a drink of water. Kairi was the past. You don't want her anymore. She's Sora's. You got past that months ago. You're over this.

    Finally he relaxed. He didn't need to convince himself. He really didn't like Kairi anymore. Well, he would always like her as a friend, but he didn't want her love anymore. He had grown up since then, out of his childhood dreams. It was all past now.

    Slowly Riku got back into bed, pulling the sheets up over his face. Man, he would never get back to sleep now. Outside an owl hooted, and despite what he had just told himself, Riku once again went into a deep, but this time dreamless sleep. All would be fine, he told himself as he drifted off, all will be good..

    Little did he know what the next few days would bring.....

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    Chapter 3
    "Kairi!!!! Kairi!!!!"

    Kairi whipped her head around to see a girl of her own age running towards her. After glancing at her waist length purple hair complete with white bow on the side, she recognised it as Clara, a girl from her class at school. This was strange. The girls in her class never bothered with Kairi, and in return she never bothered them. Clara was too "popular" to be seen with Kairi and her friends.

    "Hi Clara." said Kairi shyly, tucking her hair behind her ears. She shivered slightly. It was the middle of the day and Kairi was out in the sun but a strange cold breeze had started to pick up.

    "Heya," Clara greeted, "listen, are you free on Friday night?"

    "Erm... Yeah I think so. Why?"

    "Well, I'm like totally throwing this midsummer party!" said Clara enthusiastically. "And You're invited!"

    "Thanks." Kairi smiled warmly. Maybe she could finally get to know some new people without being too shy!

    "So you up for it?" Clara winked, "The whole year is coming!"

    "Yeah sounds good!" Kairi said.

    "See ya around then Kairi!" Clara started to run off. "Oh, and it's a masked ball!!"

    Kairi was already looking forward to it. A masked ball! She could wear a gorgeous dress! And a mask, she had always wanted to appear all mystical and mysterious. She giggled to herself and carried on walking towards the beach, where she was meant to be meeting Selphie.

    "How's it going?" Selphie grinned.
    The two girls sat on sun loungers and licked tasty sea salt ice cream. Finally, the topic of talk came to the masked ball.

    "I am so there!" said Selphie, lowering her sunglasses. "And you know what this means... Me and you have to go on a shopping trip Kairi! We need the perfect dresses!"

    Kairi nodded excitedly and the talk turned to other matters. Selphie sat up suddenly and leant towards kairi as if about to tell a secret.

    "So, how did it go?" She teased, raising her eyebrows.

    "How did what go?" said Kairi, faking ignorance.

    "Don't give me that! How was the date with Sora?" Selphie smirked.

    Kairi blushed. "It...I... I don't know how to say this, but I'm so glad we met up again. He's such a nice guy, Selphie. It was great."

    "Awww I knew it would work out well. So....?"

    "So what?"

    "Did you... you know... do IT?"

    Kairi's eyes widened to the size of dinner plates."Selphie!!! It was a first date! And I'm only fifteen!"
    "Your point being?" Selphie said, licking her lips at some guys walking past in swimwear.

    Kairi rolled her eyes and giggled slightly. Selphie words had made her realise something though. She really did have strong feelings for Sora. She hoped he felt the same way. Suddenly, looking at the guys walking past with their surfboards, Kairi pictured Sora like that... wearing just swimming trunks.... his fine body on show....but just her and him, alone together at last...

    "Erm kairi... you're drooling!" Selphie laughed. Kairi snapped out of it quickly, and looked around to check if anyone had noticed.

    Soon enough Kairi said goodbye to Selphie and walked home. She had promised her step-dad she would be home for lunch. But on the way home she couldn't keep her mind off a certain someone...


    Riku bit into his mango once again. Sweet juice burst into his mouth. Seriously, he could never get enough of the fruit. Whenever he went to the island, he made sure to pluck one off the mango tree there. Eventually he finished and threw away the core into the bushes.

    He passed a cave which was commonly used as a hiding place by all. He walked past but double tracked when he heard giggling from the inside. He was about to walk in but realised... something... private might be going on in there, so he began to move on. Then he heard giggling again, and this time recognised it as girls' voices only. Two girls! Riku couldn't hide his excitement and ran straight into the cave, expectations high for what he might find. He was disappointed to find just two girls maybe a year younger than him reading a book.

    "Oh." He said, and started to move away.

    "It's a boy!" one of them yelled, as if announcing the sex of a child after it had been born. The other girl, with blonde pigtails, stood up and beckoned to Riku.

    "Look, what do you want?" said Riku, not wanting to waste time.

    The first girl giggled, her black plaits swinging back and forth. "We made a love potion."

    Riku snorted as the girl pointed to a small bottle filled with pink liquid on the floor. "You do realise those things don't actually work." He said.

    "This one does."Said the other girl, "We got it from a proper recipe book," she motioned to the book on her lap.

    "Yeah right." said Riku. "So what does this potion apparently do?"

    "Well, you drink it," began the girl with pigtails, "and whoever touches you first on the ... erm... let me check... temple, you will become absolutely obsessed with that person and fall in love with them!"

    "As if" Snorted Riku and turned away.

    "Fine!" said girl with plaits. "If you don't think it'll work, drink some yourself!"

    "Maybe I will. " said Riku, raising his eyebrows. Without hesitating, he picked up the little bottle and downed it in one. Shocked, the girl with pigtails leapt up and literally banged her hand against Riku's forehead. Riku didn't protest. He didn't believe this rubbish.

    Nothing happened.

    "See. No mad effects." said Riku laughing. I'll see you around, girls." With that he walked off back outside to the beach.

    The girls inside sighed, disappointed.

    "I was sure it would work. "Said the girl with plaits. "Never mind. Let's go home, Sally."
    "Yeah okay, Jack." The "girl" with plaits pulled them off suddenly, revealing it had only been a wig all along. The two friends walked out together, leaving the book and bottle behind.

    "Hey, that boy so fell for you being a girl!" laughed Sally, nudging her closest friend.

    "I know" Smirked Jack, and they headed home.

    If somebody had happened to walk back into the cave now, and walked over to the book, and opened the page on love potions, they would have seen the small red print at the bottom of the page, which read...

    This potion takes effect after approximately 2 hours. The effects of the potion will kick in 4 hours afterwards.

    WARNING—this potion is to be taken in small quantities only. Take just one spoonful each use. Over-use could cause dangerous effects.......

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    Chapter 4
    Kairi strolled up the path to Dawnlight Hill. She was to be meeting Selphie there so they could go shopping together. She needed to find a perfect dress for the ball... something... nice... something... Sora would like.

    The fountain on top of the hill was just in sight when there was a booming rumble of thunder. Kairi squealed and looked up. Without her noticing, dark storm clouds had gathered in the sky above her, and already she felt soft splashes of rain on her nose. Oh dear, it was going to be another horrendous tropical storm. They were too unpredictable. Sometimes they lasted days, hurricane winds uprooting trees and destroying houses. And sometimes they lasted just minutes, the rain lashing down then stopping abruptly.

    Whatever this one was to be like, kairi didn't want to be caught out in the open. She searched for a place to shelter for a while.

    Then the sky opened, and all hell was released, in the form of a storm. Lightning ripped the sky to shreds and thunder boomed as if it was mere inches away from her. Then rain began to tip down. Then pour. Finally it fell full pelt, lashing at her head. Already she was soaked to the skin. Looking around, she saw a figure running through the rain in her direction, and recognised the silver hair. It was two hours since Riku had left the island, two hours since the whole "love potion" incident.

    "Kairi!" he yelled, running towards her. "Quick, under here!" He motioned towards a huge fir tree, its branches so thick that it was dry beneath it. Riku ran below it and beckoned to his friend.

    Kairi ran towards the haven. The rain stopped lashing her head. The storm was so strong now that where the rain stopped at the tree there was a curtain of water, not unlike one under a waterfall. It was weirdly quiet under there, but kairi had the shivers. She was soaked to the skin.

    "Here." Riku said, taking off his coat and handing it to her, revealing a tight fitting white vest underneath. She accepted it gratefully and smiled.

    "Won't you be cold now?" said Kairi, noticing Riku's bare arms. They were very muscular, she noticed.

    "I'll be fine."He smiled. She was still shivering so he wrapped his arms around her sweetly. She pressed into him and put her head on his chest.

    Riku looked down at Kairi's brightly coloured hair. Despite his fears the other night, he was relieved to feel no attraction to Kairi whatsoever. Of course there was always some, as with any girl, but all the feelings of his past were no longer there. He almost laughed aloud with relief. He had feared that his dreams of the other night would have stirred up old feelings. But now he was happy to love her as a friend.

    "You okay?" Riku checked. Kairi broke the hug and stepped back.

    "Just cold." she laughed. She was drenched to the skin so it was hardly a surprise. Riku grinned and motioned to the rain.

    "Should be over soon," he nodded, "Mr. Kani said this morning."

    "Huh? Who's that?"

    "Crazy neighbour who knows too much about the weather." Riku smirked.

    Kairi laughed and looked out through the curtain of water, but only succeeded in leaning in too far and getting her face wet. "Oh man!" she exclaimed, rubbing her face.

    "You've already got my jacket. Can't really give you anything else, Kairi!" Riku said. Kairi pulled a fake angry face. The pair stood in silence which was suddenly deafening when the rain abruptly stopped.

    "Oh. I better be off Riku. See ya!" She winked and gave him a quick hug.

    "Bye," Said Riku.

    "Hang on you have mud on the side of your face," said Kairi, and before Riku could say anything Kairi's hand was on his temple. His face was incredibly hot to the touch and he had an extremely strong pulse. She wiped away the dirt and began to walk away. "Bye!" she called out and ran the rest of the path up to the top of Dawnlight hill.

    Riku stood staring after her. Thank god, he felt normal. He wiped the seat off his brow and headed for home. After all, he had some apple pie at home he really wanted to eat.


    "Hiya!" said Selphie, waving her arms in the air as Kairi approached the fountain. "That storm was terrible! You look soaking! I managed to jump into Wakka's house! Whoa, is that Riku's jacket?!"

    Selphie was just a flurry of words to Kairi. "Yeah, I forgot to give it back," she stated slowly, "I'll take it round his later."

    Selphie nodded and beamed. "C'mon' girl we've gotta hit the shops!" She grabbed Kairi's arm and immediately lead the way towards the main shopping area on the other side of the hill. Kairi laughed and followed her friend towards girl's paradise.


    Riku switched on the TV in his apartment. It had been a long day and he needed to unwind. He loved having his own place to crash. No rules, no sharing, and he could bring people back without all the fuss. He lay back on his bubblegum pink sofa, grabbed the remote and flicked through channels till he got to his favourite channel. There was a film showing, a movie called Beauty and the beast. He didn't know if it was his imagination, but some of the characters looked slightly familiar. He shrugged and went to the fridge to get more apple pie.

    Burning. Fire. Never ending pain.

    Riku gasped and froze on the spot. He grabbed the wall next to him and clutched his chest. The pain was so intense he collapsed on the floor, gasping for breath. What was happening to him? He couldn't breathe, he was suffocating, suffocating, opening his mouth like a fish out of water. Black spots appeared in front of his eyes and he forced air into his throat by practically eating it. Pain flared up once more in his chest. His heart was going to burst into flames! Burning liquid forced up his throat. It tasted like the love potion! His body was trying to reject it but it wasn't working. Riku managed to stand up, even though every bone in his body was screaming at him for rest.

    "WHATS HAPPENING TO ME!!!!" Riku roared, staring up to the skies. Then suddenly the pain stopped as he fell gratefully into unconsciousness and slumped onto the wooden tiles beneath him.