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La Storia della Arcana Famiglia [SU/OOC][T]

Submissions are looking great from the quick skim I just had but I'll read them properly tomorrow when it's not 3am for approvals :) Just wanted to answer the question below before going to sleep though so people don't get confused;

Am I correct in assuming by a "family" this is a type of gang? Or is it a literal family?
It's neither - think of it more as the island's governing body in the form of a group of incredibly skilled people that have been called together and assigned powers to ensure they can keep the island safe and running smoothly. Some of them are related by blood whilst others aren't, but each member is initiated as part of the 'family' when they are contracted to their arcana card. Basically it's just a house full of cool people with arcana powers that keep the island in order :) Plus they all tend to wear suits whilst on duty but that's not vital haha.
Whee this looks fabulous! I should have a sign-up up soon!

edit: moved my su onto the second page with the rest of the family d:
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Name: Marcus de Telarius (first son, first sibling)
Age: 29
Appearance: Of the de Telarius siblings, Marcus stands head and shoulders above them, literally. At 6'4", he is a good head taller than his younger brother Beck, and even more so than Camellia, though his other brother Flint is closer in height. He is athletically built and in top physical shape, not quite like his siblings. However, he shares Beck's golden brown hair, though Marcus's is more neatly kept and tidy, much unlike Becks. It is short, military cropped, and easily maintained. Much like his personality, it is rigid and orderly. He has golden brown eyes, however are somewhat dull-looking and less refined than his siblings. Marcus has somewhat tanned skin because of a lot of time he spends on outdoor activities related to his job. Marcus customarily wears traditional and expensive looking black dress pants with dress shoes, with a dress coat over a white colored formal shirt. He wears a blank red tie, though occasionally might change the color to brown or black. A traditionalist, Marcus rarely puts on anything that would set him apart from the established norm, believing such acts of display are a distraction and bring about unwanted attention.

The only atypical part of Marcus's appears is the pair of golden gauntlets he sports on his hands, something he uses for combat. His Arcana mark is located on his back, looking like this.

Personality: Marcus is not often considered a difficult man to comprehend. He can appear serious and quiet to many of his peers, especially in regards to his duties and obligations. He is very loyal, faithful, and dependable, placing great importance on honesty and integrity, especially in regards to his duties. He is considered by many as one who can be depended on to do the right thing for his 'family' and government. He tends to believe in laws and traditions, and expects the same from others. He is never really comfortable morally with breaking laws or going against the rules. If he is able to see a good reason for stepping outside of the established mode of doing things, he may support that effort. However, Marcus more often tends to believe that things should be done according to procedures and plans, often emphasizing 'structure' and by-the-book approaches.

Marcus will often work for long periods of time and put tremendous amounts of energy into doing any task which he sees as important to fulfilling a goal. He wouldn't claim himself that he is a perfectionist, claiming to only be doing the best he can as would be expected of him, but many others would give him that title. He has an excellent ability to take any task and define it, organize it, plan it, and implement it through to completion. He is a very hard worker, who does not allow obstacles to get in the way of performing his duties. He does not usually give himself enough credit for his achievements, seeing his accomplishments simply as the natural fulfillment of his obligations. Conversely he looks down upon people that don't often do what is expected of them, especially when they have the potential to do so. This often comes up with his younger brother Beck, who Marcus often scolds for his lack of punctuality and fulfillment of his public duties and obligations. He also scolds his younger sister Camellia, due to her carefree nature, her lack of responsibility and emotionally driven prowess, and Flint for his outright disrespect and socially unacceptable behavior. He does this because he believes his family and them are model citizens that have to be a representation of what the society should act like, setting a good example, and therefore things such as tardiness, laziness, and other inappropriate behavior shouldn't be tolerated.

Despite his social standing, Marcus has certain specific relationships with each of his siblings, and for each one he scolds them for something. He views his younger sister Camellia as too carefree and high spirited. He believes her tendency to 'let things work out on their own' is ultimately destructive behavior that will get her in a lot of trouble if she doesn't consider the future. Marcus thinks she should buckle down, especially in public, to act in a more appropriate way related to her standing. He believes she comes off as too blunt very often, what he regards as inappropriate in the context of social life. He also believes she is too irresponsible. Marcus has constantly tried to instill values of responsibility into her, but often to no avail. He feels the same way for his brother Beck, who he regards as somewhat socially inept. As a somewhat opposite of Camellia, whom Marcus believes says too much in public, he believes Beck doesn't say enough, often getting too into his books and doesn't often socialize as much because of it. Marcus scolds him on the importance of being socially respectful, but most often his scolding turns to the direction of his lack of punctuality to important events. However, it is too his last brother, Flint, that Marcus often spends the most time troubling. Putting aside his lack of appropriate attire in the public's eye, Flint is the most troublesome of his siblings, showing a complete lack of social refinement, an extremely selfish persona, and downright reckless behavior. Marcus often considers him not only the embarrassment of the family, but also a problem child. By scolding his siblings, he had hoped to instill them with the same values he was brought up with, and to better prepare themselves for society's challenges, as he believes they would undoubtedly enter into high-level professions. Though he maintains a much more colder relationship with them than when they were younger, before their mother's death, Marcus still maintains a very close relationship with his family, primarily because Marcus had a direct hand in raising them as their father was often away. His strictness, often mistaken to others as cold-heartedness, is his way of trying to make his siblings turn out the best way they can be.

In terms of his social life, Marcus is adept in socializing, often acting courteous and respectful to others. He generally gets along well with others and is quite polite, and because of this many could claim he has quite a bit of friends, although in truth Marcus has few, if any he would call true friends, mostly because he doesn't often socialize with other beyond his work, believing it inappropriate and an interference. For this reason Marcus's preference is to work alone, but he does work well in teams when the situation demands it. He likes to be accountable for his actions, and enjoys being in a position of authority where he could account for others' actions as well. Marcus is often uncomfortable expressing affection and emotion to others, especially in public. He generally keeps his personal opinions to himself or contained to his private life. However, his strong sense of duty and the ability to see what needs to be done in any situation occasionally allows him to overcome his natural reservations, and he is sometimes quite a supporting and caring individual with the people that he loves.

In summation, he is a capable, logical, reasonable, and effective individual with a deeply driven desire to promote security and peaceful living. He keeps personal matters out of his duties and obligations, and fulfills such obligations to the best of his abilities.


Arcana Card: #8 Strength
Secondary Effects: No secondary effects, though Marcus is gifted with top athletic and physical capabilities including speed, reflexes, and particularly stamina and endurance.

Ability to control powers: As a seasoned wielder of his Arcana Card, Marcus maintains a steady control over his powers. His distinct separation of personal and private matters helps keep his emotions in check, and allows for a easier use of his powers. Though he is not perfect, he generally uses his powers more easily than others.

Section of the house & postion: Leader of Sword

History on the island: Marcus was born to an upper-class family of high standing in society. Even from an early age, much was expected of Marcus from his parents, and Marcus understood and embraced his position, knowing the importance that was placed upon him. His father believed that because of their particularly high standing in society, it was expected of them to contribute and become model examples of what many should strive for. He was an unusual child in the fact that to many others in society, he appeared to be the perfect son, never wanting or whining about what he wants or what he can't have, and always acting with the utmost respect to his parents and others. Whether that was how he always was, or if those values were instilled upon him by demands primarily of his father, none ever knew. All others knew was that that was the way the boy was brought up, and that was the way he always was. As his siblings Camellia, Flint and then Beck were born, he took the role of the elder brother, and tried to fulfill it to the best of his ability. He was generally a loving brother that cared for his siblings. Often getting along with them and his mother, even as his father wasn't often around due to his importance in society.

However, that changed in an event in which Marcus's mother died in a tragic drowning accident. The effect of her passing was hurtful to Marcus, but perhaps not quite as much as Beck, Flint and Camellia. Nonetheless, he was slightly altered by the experience, often acting less caring and loving to his siblings, even in the confines of home. This was mainly due to the after affects of the incident more than the incident himself. After his mother died, his father never ceased to be away from home, so Marcus, at about fourteen years of age, took up most of the responsibility of raising his siblings. The demands of his father had not lessened the slightest, he still expecting to have his children be raised to become exceptional in whatever field they would choose to enter. He found this to be somewhat of a transition to adulthood, abandoning any past shows of affection for the purpose of continuing the role of the guardian for his siblings, while also ensuring both they and he continued to perform at a high level in studies and other undertakings. This often got them to butt heads as Marcus took the role of enforcer, especially with his siblings' starkly different personalities than his own, much to his own dismay.

On his 18th birthday, Marcus's father, with all his connections, was able to acquire for him as a present the Strength card. He was also able to arrange for La Famiglia to accept him into their government. Marcus was introduced as his prodigy son who would go far in defending the values and ideals of La Famiglia. He was therefore invited to join. Marcus accepted the invitation to join, under the exception that he would be allowed to bring his family onto the island of Regalo. From there, Marcus join the ranks of Sword as an apprentice, quickly applying his teachings of responsibility and duty from his family life to his personal life. Marcus strived to be a model protector and guardian, enforcing the rules and protecting La Famiglia. He was praised for his capabilities and quick judgement, as well as his integrity and loyalty.

As Marcus's reputation in La Famiglia grew, Nova sent for him to ask about his sister Camellia and the prospect of her joining La Famiglia. Marcus, who thought this as an opportunity to shape Camellia into a more socially responsible individual with a sense of duty and integrity, offered praise to his sister's abilities and prowess, saying that she has potential to be something special in La Famiglia. With the convincing of Marcus, Camellia was invited into La Famiglia. Marcus continued to rise in stature and rank, while also looking out for his sister within La Famiglia. Later that year, Marcus was appalled to hear that Flint had left home to travel overseas, leaving no note or hint of his whereabouts. It would be quite some time before he would return to Regalo. Though Marcus wouldn't have admitted it to anyone, he did worry for his brother.

After years in the organization, Marcus was an exceptionally high-ranking member of Sword, as well as a highly respected individual in general. Marcus elected to us his influential position to help acquire his younger brother Beck a position as well, believing he could also learn from these gifted individuals and become a more dutiful person. Marcus influenced their decisions to let Beck in by showing his skills and exceptionally intelligent mind, and thus they allowed him to join as well. Marcus continued to perform his duties in La Famiglia while looking out for Beck and Camellia.

It has since been a while since Marcus joined La Famiglia, and at the age of 26 he was promoted to the Head of Sword, in charge of the defense of Regalo and the interests of La Famiglia. This positions he has maintained to this day. Flint, who ran off a while back, returned after a few months after this event, and subsequently found a way to join La Famiglia as well. Marcus believed this to be best, using his new position of power and influence to not only look out for the region and the government, but his siblings as well. He could also be sure to keep them in line should the necessity arise.
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@Ash_Ketchum123 - Accepted! I love Alex's unique fighting style of tactics over brawn and the simple crown arcana mark was a nice touch; I can see him being a perfect candidate for the Intelligence sector's leader once he learns to control his powers. The only slight issue was the lack of story after he obtained his arcana card, but the way it's written makes it seem like he's only had the card for a very short while anyway so I'll let it slide - can't wait to see him in action :)

@Retro Bug - Charisi's elegance and flamboyancy will certainly make her stand out from the other characters, nice choice on her style there. She seems terrifying and yet very interesting, I'm really interested to see where you take her character and especially to see if she finally reveals her feelings to the rest of the family, also what happens to her father! The only problem I can see is that if she's unable to control her emotions and they can take over her better judgement, it's very unlikely that she'd be appointed as a sector leader - leaders need to have pretty much flawless control over their emotions or the consequences could be enormous :3 I suggest either changing her position slightly (maybe make her an adept, that way she's still a high rank but she's not quite in charge?) or changing her emotional control slightly to balance this problem out and then she'll definitely be accepted as a character :)

@Khawill - Thanks for adding the new history, accepted! I must say, her new history made me laugh many times haha. I'm interested to see how her dog will come into her character and the way you made her based around intelligence and skills rather than being a pure fighter is great to see, it'll certainly add some diversity to the RP. Can't wait to see what happens to her :D

@CourageHound - Accepted! Thanks for making the changes, Tobi's SU is looking great now! The idea of him constantly striving to reach the family's standards leaves him open to a lot of niche plot tangents so I can't wait to see where you take him - he might even make a suitable leader for the Sword sector someday if he becomes a powerful warrior and learns to control his emotions. Excited to see what's going to happen next c:

@CarefulWetPaint - hnggg he's cute! A little description of his appearance would be nice (not vital, just helps) but you need to specify the shape & location of arcana mark before approval since that's going to come into the story in the future. Also in his history you never specified how he received the Star card but rather just said that he was given it; it'd be good if you could edit in a bit more detail about that event. Otherwise the SU is awesome and it'll be accepted once those minor details are added. :)

@Skymin - The SU is looking great, I love the uniqueness of his personality & powers compared to other characters and the detail of his appearance is wonderful plus it's great to see an alchemist appearing, but it seems that The Star card has just been snatched up by CWP (assuming he makes the minor changes soon!) so unfortunately you'll have to alter his character slightly to contract him with a different arcana card. Apologies for the inconvenience - hopefully there's another card waiting that you'll want to use instead :)

Can't wait to read more soon! We're nearing enough characters to start now once the last couple of SUs are sorted out so the IC thread will be submitted in the next couple of days :)
@Ash_Ketchum123 - Accepted! I love Alex's unique fighting style of tactics over brawn and the simple crown arcana mark was a nice touch; I can see him being a perfect candidate for the Intelligence sector's leader once he learns to control his powers. The only slight issue was the lack of story after he obtained his arcana card, but the way it's written makes it seem like he's only had the card for a very short while anyway so I'll let it slide - can't wait to see him in action :)

Yay! Thanks ^^ And about the history, sorry about that ._. Yeah, he's only gotten hold of the contract for a few months, and it's only manifested itself through accidents. He has never really achieved full control of The Emperor's primary effects yet, though he can feel a small degree of the secondary effects.
Alright, I altered my Abilitiy to Control Power anddd you put "Alexander Grant" as an Apprentice of the Coin when he's an an Apprentice of Intelligence.
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@Khawill I found your history section very interesting and inticing! I also find it kinda funy how are cards are Sun/Moon and some of the traits of our character are nearly opposite XD. I was also thinking about some kind of pet but givin Tobi's history it would seem to be very fitting, at least not now.

Good work!
@Khawill I found your history section very interesting and inticing! I also find it kinda funy how are cards are Sun/Moon and some of the traits of our character are nearly opposite XD. I was also thinking about some kind of pet but givin Tobi's history it would seem to be very fitting, at least not now.

Good work!

Yet if you look at it, our character also have many similarities. I must say it is fitting though, considering the characters are two sides of the same coin. Like
-We are the same age
-We both bring the good out in people (My character tries good memories, yours goes for feelings)
-We both would rather be left to our own devices (yours doesn't respond well to people and mine is just too loose to be bothered.)
-We are both orphans

Yet the differences are just as obvious
-Method of upbringing
-Mood/Comtrol of emotions
-And of course our cards are polar opposites

I'd say the chemistry would be just as stable as two hydrogen atoms!
Personality needs to be fleshed out a bit more (to my fairly high standards XD) but otherwise just finishing up the History on the Island and I'm all done.


Name: Camellia de Telarius (First Daughter, Second Sibling)
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Height: 5'8''
Weight: 62kg
Appearance: Of the de Telarius siblings, Camellia is the second oldest and to this date, the only female. In contrast to her taller brothers, Camellia's hair takes on a lighter strawberry-blonde hue; unlike their dull and muddied brown shaded hair. Mostly pulled back in a single ponytail near the tip of her spine, it has also been seen to fall gently down the sides of her face; her hair brushing the bottom most tips of her shoulder blades in length. Her fringe lightly touches her thin eyebrows, curving to the right, while strands of hair border the fringe on either sides (link). Her eyes are the same mystical golden brown as is her siblings, yet are lighter around the edges. Aside from their familial eye colours, Camellia shares little else physically with her siblings; taking after their mother more while the other two took after their father. More angular in her jaw with slightly higher cheek bones and wider set eyes, she could easily be mistaken for not being a part of their family. Even her lightly tanned skin shades between her darker, older brother Marcus and her paler, younger brother Beck. Her slim, 'banana' shaped figure emphasises her dexterity and reflexiveness, while showing her rather lack of strength.

When it comes to formal dress-wear, Camellia prefers the fluidity and ease of movement that comes with knee length skirts. A black, single buttoned blouse covers a white dress shirt; the collar sitting somewhat flat over her shoulder blades. The blouse's sleeves end halfway between her elbow and shoulder; leaving much of her lightly-tanned and rather gorgeous figure for the eye to see (link).

A small, silver dagger rests on the inside of her blouse below her left arm for quick access when needed. While avoidance of combat is her main approach to conflict, the silver dagger was gifted to her on her eighteenth birthday by her older brother Marcus as a sign of self-protection whether the end result is self-inflicted or matters turn for the worse. One of the only promises of his she keeps is to hold the dagger close to her person. On the base of the blade is s small, engraved flower; a Camellia.

Camellia's Arcana Mark is a three tiered, three petaled Camellia flower with a small opal-esque centre. Each petal has a white outline between each petal, with three petals to each tier with the top three tiered petals fully shown while the other two tiers are behind the others. Her Mark appeared on her left shoulder blade once the contract was made between her and the Judgement Card.

Free spirited would be the best way to aptly describe Camellia. Her avoidance of responsibility and lack of forward thinking stops her from making it far in the family. Her contract with the Judgement card has made these habits worse; being able to see the future taking away the need to think forward when she can see it instead. This light-heartedness side of her personality allows her to remain clean of trouble and worry, knowing that in the end, it will all work out the way it was meant to.

Interaction with people is somewhat complicated. While being carefree and light-hearted, she often comes across as being blunt; telling people what she truly thinks and feels rather than euphemising or lying. Sometimes she even comes across as flirty, whether it is with males or females, her willingness to speak her mind, and often thoughts going through her head, can make her appear quite flirty. However, this lack of euphemisms and lies does not exclude her from euphemising nor lying. In fact, he quite often enjoys finding other ways to express her Fortune Telling; as a way to both keep other people on their toes, and to provide a source of entertainment for herself.

When it comes to conflict, Camellia prefer avoidance to confrontation. Self-preservation isn't her entire motivation to avoid conflict, but rather knowing an idea of the outcome and the lack of her own strength. If unavoidable, Camellia will do all that she can to take a diplomatic approach or manoeuvre out of harm's way until she can escape or bring the fight to someone else.

Camellia is not one to follow rules, nor one to break them. Rather she looks for loopholes to exploit or reasons that could give her more freedom to move around and exist. Bound by rules, she loses focus quickly and will often become unmotivated and restless. Because of this, she finds it hard to keep down a job long enough to get anywhere but also sees it as a positive; allowing her to move about and explore more.

In regards to Marcus, she is often found getting on his nerves and constantly scolded due to her carefree nature; irresponsibility and emotionally driven prowess. Her ability to focus on the bigger picture rather than the small minute details drives Marcus round the bend as she sees everything coming into fruition rather than the paths it took to get there. For these reasons, there is often a wedge driven between the two older siblings as their polarity in natures both brings them together and also pushes them apart.

In regards to Flint, while they share their joint want and need for freedom, she is somewhat repelled by his negative stance and blatant disregard for social constructs and unkempt. While she admires Marcus and dotes on Beck, her relationship with Flint is less strong than that of her other brothers' (even her rather strained at times relationship with Marcus) mainly due to her ability to have some sway over Beck, but very little over Flint. She admires his willingness to go out further in the world, hoping someday she had the courage doing so, compared to her reluctance to go outside of the same country, much less same region than her family. However, she is always interested in regaling of events that have taken place in Flint's life in the outside world. More often than not, she will team up with Flint to pull pranks on other people; although not to nearly the same degree as he would.

In regards to Beck, Camellia appreciates his lack of need for social fraternising, but likes to drag him out into the sun once in a while to meet her female friends and get some fresh air. While somewhat frustrating him, his avoidance of conflict means that he would go along with her plans within the first couple of tries (read: pestering). She dotes on him as any older sister would do to her most youngest brother, almost to the point of 'mothering' him. If anything, she has more to do with Beck than say either of the two older brothers of his.


Arcana Card: #20 - Judgement (Fortune Telling)
Secondary Effects: None as of yet.
Ability to control Powers: Somewhere in the middle of having possessed the card for a while yet still quite new to it, Camellia's control over her powers is somewhat sporadic. Obscure, enigmatic and abstract as her Fortune Telling can be, she has had moments of clarity where she can explain the Fortune Telling in greater detail and with less obscurity; however this is mostly concurrent with events that are to unfold closer to her current stance in time; although not always. While other's fortunes are easy for her to tell, seeing her own future is often shrouded from her foresight. Her light-heartedness often leads her to euphemising and talking in riddles when it comes to Fortune Telling; as a way to keep people on their feet and also a source of entertainment for herself.
Section of the House/Position:Adept of Intelligence
History on the Island:
Camellia moved from the coast of Napoli to the Island of Regalo amidst her angst ridden teenage years when her older brother, Marcus, was invited to the island after contracting the Strength Arcana Card. Happy to be going to a new place, she readily accepted the move to Regalia and enjoyed the more expansive terrain around the Island to roam rather than the street vendor cluttered streets of Naples. With their father off on business trips, their mother having passed away four years prior, taking care of the family fell to Marcus' shoulders, allowing Camellia to delve more into her freedom, whilst also lacking the motherly figure to provide support through her transition from innocence to womanhood. For this she relied heavily on her maids and peer support until she eventually passed the angsty years.

Five years later, she recieved her Arcana card despite her flowering into a carefree, light-hearted woman. For the past two years she spent continuous time between Regalia and mainland Italia, never being away from the family home on Regalia or more than a week at a time. Her aversion to responsibility and enjoyment of the freedom of life brought her to the attention of Nova and she soon found herself standing before the head of the Arcana Family, flanked by all his entourage while she only had her older brother for moral support. After impressing Nova with her personality, mindset and personal philosophy, she was awarded a contract with the Judgement Card. Within moments a searing pain tore through her shoulder, forcing her to the ground as her Arcana Mark burned into her shoulder blade: a triple tiered, triple leafed Camellia flower tattoo. From then on she would have hazy premonitions at uneven intervals and at any time of waking or sleeping.

For the next six years, she spent time by herself experimenting and trying to make sense of the premonitions until she came to one conclusion; while the clarity of the visions varied, her ability to describe them faltered her. Most of the fortunes she foretold she could only express through vague, obscure, abstract and enigmatic verses of phrase. The simpler and clearer her visions were, the simpler and clearer she was able to express them through words while on the other end of the scale, the more obscure and difficult the visions, the harder they were to put into words; much less comprehensible words would come from describing the vision than visions of lesser importance.

Now Camellia has come to accept her visions, interpreting them as best she can. With Flint returned from his overseas adventures and all of her brothers within the Family, she enjoys the company of her siblings and her freedom on the island. She does as much work for the Intelligence division as she feels obliged to do, whilst trying to find Beck a girlfriend.
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Name: Beck de Telarius (third son, fourth sibling)

Age: 20

Appearance: Of the de Telarius siblings, Beck is the baby brother and rarely seen in daylight. He's not quite as tall as his monstrosity of a brother nor quite as short as his older sister, standing at a standard height of 5'9" and weighing about 160lbs. His hair is... interesting, his brown hair tied up into a ponytail with the sides shaved off. His eyes are a mystical golden brown, but they are barely noticeable behind his round glasses. Some people even the four siblings look alike, but again, it's hard to tell as Beck rarely takes off his glasses. His skin is a little pale as he doesn't go outside much and he probably looks a tiny bit sickly from time to time, the shadows under his eyes appearing and reappearing depending on how engrossed he is into his work.

Usually, Beck dresses nicely and as if he is embracing for cold weather. He despises any kind of cold weather, toting usually a men's peacoat, a scarf, dress pants and boots. Underneath, he has a simple business shirt and tie combo which he shows only when the weather is too ridiculous for a coat and scarf. He has a tiny assortment of jewellery; sleepers in both ears and an ear cuff on his left ear. He also wears a watch but rarely checks it.

His tattoo resides on his under arms, and are spirals, representing the shell of a hermit crab.

Personality: Beck is a quiet and refined but an exceptionally nice guy, often away researching in his study or walking the streets of the beloved island of Regalo, buying supplies or simply taking in the atmosphere. He, though not intentionally, doesn't have an extensive list of friends to socialise with due to the fact he, one, doesn't really talk to anyone besides his siblings, those who stop him in the street, the Famiglia and the market vendors from which he buys from and two, spends too much time cooped up inside reading historical scriptures or whatever else he can get his hands on. Being a part of the Famiglia, he is never denied access to the libraries of the island and even if he wasn't, his ability to become invisible lets him sneak into wherever he wants. Beck has never used his ability for evil purposes though. He would never dream of it.

As he is often cooped up in his study, Beck quite often forgets his duties as an Alchemist. Despite this, he's quite talented as a healer. If only he would remember commitments and the time. If anything is planned, such as a dinner or a ball, Beck is more often than not destined to turn up late. Many tease him, saying "He could have been here the entire time!" or "Didn't I see your ghost before, Beck?" but it doesn't get to him. The only time it really bothers him is when his older brother, Marcus, scolds him for his lack of punctuality. Those fights can ruin an entire party.

Though he's not much of a fighter (in fact, he'd rather avoid violence altogether), Beck is combat trained. Barely. He can't handle a sword or any kind of firearm but he's not too bad with a bow and arrow or a cross bow.

Because he has a theoretical knowledge of many things in life, he has taken up practical in a few instances, one being music. Beck is an accomplished pianist and a beautiful violinist. Though he doesn't play as much as he used to (he might break out his violin once a month, maybe twice and play one song whenever he passes a piano), his skill with these instruments is quite outstanding.

His relationship with his family, despite the occasional fight on the surface, is quite tight. Dinner time with his family is something that Beck looks forward to after a hard day's work.

He admires Flint, his first older brother, seeing him as 'cool' and 'badass' and feels bashful and a little bit flattered when Flint compliments Beck or his research in any way. When it comes to Flint's misadventures, as nice as they are to hear about from the past, Beck looks down on Flint when he gets into any kind of recent trouble. He doesn't need to lecture him about any of it though, as Marcus does that job for him. As much as he reacts to Flint's teasings though, he enjoys the attention and secretly eggs him on when it really isn't appropriate.

He finds Camellia, his older sister, slightly tiring with her incessant need to bring him outside and meet her friends. Though he never complains about it (his body language says differently) but neither praises the outings, he finds her effort, though probably wasted, refreshing and enjoys her company. Only when Camellia starts to unnecessarily protect him and mother him is when Beck feels the need to speak out and voice his discomfort. One thing he really enjoys from his sister is her hugs and her love.

His eldest brother, Marcus, is one he seems to get along with the least. Again, he looks up to Marcus, admiring his strength and persistence but dislikes how strict and stubborn he is. He receives the most amount of rousing and scolding from him and they both often get into fights outside of their quarters. However, Marcus is the first person Beck goes to if he has any kind of problems ever. As his mother died at an early age, he was basically raised by his eldest brother as his father was always busy with other duties. Marcus is also the one he trusts the most; if Beck needs to share a secret or has to hide something, Marcus is the one he turns to.


Arcana Card: #9 The Hermit - Invisibility
Secondary Effects: As the hermit, Beck's secondary ability ties in with his primary of being able to blend in with a crowd; Beck can change his appearance at will. It takes way more concentration than basic invisibility (he doesn't need much at all to do that) and if Beck is not distracted, he can manage to change his gender. To put it into perspectives of the amounts of concentration, Beck could be invisible in his sleep. If he changes his basic appearance and accidentally bumps into something or trips, his appearance reverts. If he changes his gender, a quick change of focus is enough to push him back.

Ability to control powers: On the far end of his adolescence, Beck has quite a nice control on his emotions. He is able to keep a cool head when getting yelled at by most people from years of practice from his father, except when it comes to scolding from his brother Marcus. Beck has never let his emotions get the best of him, often pushing off any feelings of infatuation with girls or swallowing his pride or anger when his honour is swayed. But, any mention of his mother is quick to send Beck into a emotional rollercoaster.

Section of the house & postion: Alchemist Apprentice

History on the island: Beck was born to an upper-class family of high standing in society as the third son and youngest child of the family. At a very young age, Beck was taught to respect and to 'remember his place' from his father and thus has never felt exceptionally close with him. His love seemed to be placed firmly into his mother's hands, which is why her sudden death shook the youngest de Telarius the most. Despite Beck being 'too young to understand' (only five years into his life), he had always been exceptionally bright since he could talk and knew that her passing meant she was never coming back. He blames himself for her death every now and again, knowing too well it indeed was an accident.

Without a mother, Beck was reliant on his oldest brother, Marcus, to look after him and care for him. Beck learned how to read within months of his mother's death and within a year and a half, had read every single book in their house. His father, though a little disappointed Beck had not grown to be a fighter, took hold of his hobby and turned it into a possible career path, pushing advanced books that never made much sense to a young child. It was also around then that Marcus was gifted with an Arcana card and the family was invited into La Famiglia. Conversations with his father became less and less frequent, though a few things seemed to be repeated each time they did talk; be more like Marcus and never bring dishonour to the family. Though Beck understood why representing the family in a positive way was important, 'being more like Marcus' frustrated him. Marcus was the obvious role model, sure, as Flint was too carefree and rebellious and Carmellia was too much a girl but Beck wished his father would praise instead of half-scold.

By the time he was thirteen, Beck knew theoretically how to swing a sword, how to knit a scarf, how to play a lute and how to remove an appendix but practically was quite useless. His father pushed him into the most theoretical career; a doctor, or specifically, an alchemist. This time, Beck was all too happy to walk the path his father had laid out for him, finding medical, whether mental or physical, to be most interesting. There was always research to be done and Beck was too happy to do it. It was also soon after he decided to become an alchemist that his sister received an Arcana card and a heavy weight was thrust on Beck's shoulders to now follow this 'family tradition'. Which, he did.

Beck was gifted with The Hermit at the age of seventeen, the youngest one can be accepted into the La Famiglia. He was pushed as the 'prodigal' son, apparently, and was invited (or rather forced by his father) to show his intelligence so he could be accepted into this second family. Along with his father's praise and connections, his older brother and sister proof of reliability and his mind, he passed their tests with flying colours and was accepted by the La Famiglia. He also was accepted as an Apprentice Alchemist and has since not moved up. Not because of a lack in skill, but a lack in punctuality. He doesn't mind where he stands as an alchemist; Beck would rather accept demands rather than give them.

A year later, his brother, Flint, was the last of the de Telarius to be accepted into the La Famiglia. His father, pleased his sons and daughters had shaped themselves into seemingly respectable people (Beck would disagree on many angles), became more scarcely seen on the island and since, Beck has not had a decent conversation with him.

Now at the age of 20, Beck is following where he wants to go and what he wants to do, his father no longer really caring as Beck seems to be going in an honourable direction. He spends a good deal of his time researching, his current topics including the creation of the Arcana cards, the creation of the world and the possible end of it. With the approach of the tournament, Beck was originally not planning to participate in it, not wanting any seat of power within the La Famiglia. In fact, he didn't even submit himself into it, his father doing it for him and saying he should 'fight for his family's honour, like Marcus'. Not wanting to cause any further conflict with his father, he complied and now waits anxiously for the beginning of the tournament, horrified of the idea of fighting against his siblings. Of course, he know he will lose. Or at least forfeit early in the competition.​
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Here is my first attempt at signing up for this. Hopefully I won't have to change anything. This sign up is allowed tied together with Skyim, Supervegeta and Ichiro.


Name: Flint de Telarius (second son, third sibling)
Age: 23
Appearance: Of the de Telarius siblings, Flint sticks out the most…in the most negative way possible. He shares many of the del Telarius attributes, though he seems to resemble his sister Camellia more than his elder or younger brother, with a dirty blonde hue to his hair and a lighter set of the famous golden brown eyes. Flint's eyes are notably more narrow, giving his face a near permanent scowl which is only further fueled by his smirk etched into his expression. His skin, like his brother's, is a light tan to it, if only because he wanders outdoors aimlessly. Inheriting his mother's more angular features, Flint has higher cheek bones and a more angular jaw, however it is not the same extent as Camellia. Most telling in Flint's relatively plain facial features is his nose, which has a distinguishable hook to it, likely a product of being in one too many fights in his youth. Physically, Flint is not too intimidating standing literally in his older brother's shadow, standing at 6"1 and weighing just over 175 pounds. He has a lanky build, with long arms and legs and a stocky torso. He has some muscle definition, maintaining an athletic build, however he has been accused of suffering from an eating disorder given his relative lack of fat.

It is there where the family resemblance ends. A rebel at heart, Flint refuses to conform his brother's desires for physical cleanliness. Dressing formal is an unknown concept, but nevertheless Flint tries his best. Flint enjoys relaxing in a pair of ripped blue jeans, old beaten down shoes, and your typical grungy black t-shirt. In other words, he doesn't care what he looks like. However, when forced to dress nice: Flint cleans up fairly well. He continues to wear jeans, but choses to keep them black as in some vain attempt to make them appear as "dress pants." He sports a gray button shirt, with the sleeves rolled up. Dress shoes are worn, but Flint made sure to scoff them up a bit for good measure. Flint keeps his hair long and unhinged, reaching down his shoulders in a wavy mess. He keeps darker brown facial hair surprisingly groomed, in the style of a chinstrap. Additionally, Flint has invested in a number of questionable accessories, including a nose stud piercing, piercings in both ears, a sliver chain necklace, and several tattoos, mostly cliche tribal designs on his arms and shoulders. He also is rarely seen without a pair of sunglasses on, and a cigarette in his mouth. He commonly sports headphones like these, usually resting on his shoulders primarily for style but also to drown out idle chatter.

Flint's Arcana Mark is an eagle flying in the air, engraved on his entire back. He likes to think it symbolizes his free spirit. It appeared following the contract with the Chariot Card.

Personality: Experimental, reckless, and selfish are the most apt words to describe Flint. In his mind, he is first and last and caring for himself is the most important priority. As such, Flint carries himself as detached from the world, only concerning himself with things that directly affect him (or his family) in some way or form. Flint is this regard can be interpreted as excessively pragmatic, relying on his objectivism and logic to guide his actions. He rarely does anything without some purpose behind it, however simple, to justify his actions. His most common motive for anything is to simply have a little fun.

Like his sister, Flint is something of free spirit, however, he does it for more selfish reasons. Instead of avoiding responsibility, Flint is avoiding reality. Flint's fickle mind and love of experimentation and entertainment is a means of escapism avoiding the realities of his unresolved issues with his father and his mother's passing. As a result, Flint is willing to try anything at least once and rarely stays in one place for long, being the definition of stir crazy. He is adventurous, world weary, fun loving and easy going, rarely taking things seriously and not one to be bogged down in details.

Flint abhors authority, social refinement and complexities of adult life. Laws, societal norms, guidance and criticism are all poorly received by Flint, and he willingly chooses to ignore them. In fact, Flint often flirts with danger in this regard, challenging each of these concepts regularly just to test his mettle. Social refinement and manners are lost to Flint, preferring to be blunt at best. Flint will much rather skip to the point than be nice. Honesty is the only policy. At the same time, Flint has little concern for presentation, manners and social etiquette, seeing them as a waste of time. Adult life is too bogged down by routine and tediousness to the point that Flint would much rather avoid such responsibility altogether in favor of his more morally and socially questionable hobbies and reckless lifestyle.

Flint's relationships with his brothers and sister can be rather complicated. After being absent from some time, Flint has had to rebuild many of his relationships and in some cases it has not been without difficulty.

As far as Flint is concerned, his most functioning relationship is with his older sister Camillia, as from his perspective, they are very similar people. He appreciates her willingness to enjoy life and experience things, but is disappointed in her restraint to go on more epic adventures. Regardless, he still tries his best to get her to try more things, as she is the only one that he feels he can invite to go much of anywhere. He enjoys sharing his stories with her as well as involving her in some of his pranks, particularly on Marcus and Beck.

Flint enjoys a fairly close or at least functioning relationship with Beck as well, due to a mutual understanding that they are different people. Flint admires Beck's work ethnic and intelligence and continually reminds Beck to not follow in his footsteps as Flint recognizes his lifestyle is far from admirable (though he doesn't regret a thing). He supports Beck and wishes him well, but continues to tease him and push him to relax once a while. When Beck doesn't listen, Flint gets him back with a prank. It functions well enough.

Flint's poorest relationship is with his older brother Marcus, due to the lack of understanding between their radically different personalities. The issue begins with Marcus trying to mold Flint into someone he is not and refusal to allow Flint to be who he wants to be. In return, Flint believes Marcus needs to lighten up and take that stick out of his ass. They will frequently bump heads, argue and refuse to acknowledge's the others opinion on any issue, placing an irresistible force in opposition to an unmovable object. Despite the fighting, Flint knows his brother means well and appreciates the fact he is always there to bail him out of trouble.

Despite a facade of being aloof and uncaring while offering tough love to some, Flint does care for his family and values the bonds he shares with them.


Arcana Card: #7 Chariot- Ability to walk on any terrain
Secondary Effects: As the chariot, Flint has the secondary ability to create a gravitational field around his body that allows him to basically play with physics and gravity in a given space. The field is relatively small, only extending out as far as a small room, but his control is absolute allowing him to make objects "light" and "heavy" and "pull" and "push" them in the given space. However, Flint's field inhibits his ability to move, as the field requires concentration to maximize its potential.

Ability to control Powers: Flint's control over his abilities are erratic, coming primarily from a relative lack of experience. As he only had the card for a couple years, Flint is still learning how the powers work as he continues to test the upper limits. It is not uncommon for Flint to experiment and learn on the run (sometimes literally). He is slowly becoming acclimated with the secondary abilities as well, but has yet to fully test them out. His personality is a double edged sword, as his willingness to experiment as allowed for easier learning and a more through feel, but his lack of commitment to work as made formal training nonexistent and his strained family relationships can set him off.

Section of the house and position: Cave Adept

History on the island: Flint was born to an upper-class family of high standing in society, born as the second son and third child. Flint was not subject the high demands put on his elder siblings, and was even babied until the birth of Beck where Flint was almost subject middle child syndrome. Free of the demands, Flint was an easy going child and was able to enjoy the freedom that his elder brother Marcus did not. Flint was never as skilled as Marcus in any trade, however, he still was able to offer his parents the occasional pleasant surprise of achievement.

However, that changed in an event in which Flint's mother died in a tragic drowning accident. The effect of her passing was hurtful to Flint, in ways that would cause further problems down the road. Flint, without a nurturing mother figure, gradually became more and more rebellious, acting how in delinquent ways to spite his father and Marcus, who hounded Flint with demands and abuses of authority. Flint grew stuck in a child-like state of a permanent temper tantrum, acting how to get attention and rebel against the authority figures that insisted he conform to their standards. His acting out was a form of self expression, though it was a negative one.

The move to Regalo due to Marcus' induction to La Famigilia did not aid Flint, and made his attitude even worse, as Flint did not readily adjust to the new surroundings. Flint continued to be troublesome, cementing in his most radical action yet: leaving home. At the age of 17, Flint left on a journey of "self discovery" and went overseas to wander around aimlessly, acquiring experiences and escaping the troubles of his home. While the intention was to simply have fun, Flint grew has a person learning a number of skills, meeting a number of people and networking a number of connections. Flint returned home at the age 20 to an awkward reunion. He had quickly realized that they were incredibly successful individuals working for La Famigilia. This fact slightly depressed him, quickly feeling left out of the "party." Feeling a compelling desire to reconnect with his family, Flint decided to give stability a chance and made an attempt to join La Famigilia, knowing it would be difficult to make a good pitch to join, given his personality and skills. After all, he was not fighter or thinker his brothers were. However, when he was invited (by simply family connection as his siblings had already established themselves as core members), he proposed the idea it is not what he knew, but who he knew that would benefit La Famigilia. Offering to work in the Cave and with the suppliers, Flint emphasized that he had many connections and the vast network of individual on speed dial that would maximize profits or anything else for Famigila. In almost any situation, Flint could say "I know a guy" and walk out the winner. La Famigilia gave him a card and a contract with some apprehension.

Flint immediately entered the work force and made an impact, using his connections to make a good first impression. Also, he really wanted his brother, Marcus, to stop ridiculing him. It got really annoying, really fast. It was time to prove himself. As long as work didn't get boring that is.
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Finished my Sign up! My Su is also tied together with Skymin's, 雷影 イチロ's, and Raikiri's sign up.
Uh is this the big league RP? All you guys are like wicked hardcore :D
Don't worry Paint, there won't be any competition once the orphaned members (Me and Courage!)
Actually now that I think about it, wasn't courage the cowardly dog an orphan too :( I'm sad now...