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[Other FULL] Legends of Abyllia [M] (OOC)

Name: Sumia Elvencroft

Age(18+): 134

Gender: Female

Native Hold: Highwynne

Race: (Human, or elf. Also list any sub races such as werewolf or vampire; Take note that these things aren't a common sight in Abyllia. Humans are by far the dominant species) Elf

Occupation: Royalty (She's the great-granddaughter of the Elven Queen)

Appearance: (An image or text description will do)
[PokeCommunity.com] Legends of Abyllia [M] (OOC)

Personality: Sumia is a bright and independent, young woman always looking for adventure. She's kind, friendly, and does not take to harsh negativity from guests or negativity at all for that matter. She has a sweet and rambunctious heart, and is always looking to do the right thing in life. She's kind to new people she meets, and can be quite flirtatious with other young men or so. She likes to work hard for her royal family by collecting gold for them by hunting, although her family doesn't need the gold as they are already rich. Nevertheless she does so anyway and sends the gold to them overseas to the Western continent afterwards, and is a free spirited woman who will take out any person she doesn't know that is about to attack her.

While she is a Princess she can be quite blunt sometimes, and is a bit of a tomboy. She likes doing things most human men would like to do such as hunting, fighting, fishing, and gathering, and she enjoys the recent Women's rights movement in Abyllia. She can be quite blunt at times, even to the point of hurting other's feelings, but she doesn't mean to hurt them. She cares for her friends and people she meets that can make good connections with her. Watch out though! If you try to harm someone she cares about she will take you out in an instant. She is also a very frivolous elf, always worrying about the silliest things like her appearance or how polished her weapons are. She will even go to the point of sharpening her weapons and powers for hours until they are at their peak in case of imminent battle. While she can get dirty and is a tomboy, she enjoys the finer things in life.

History/Background: Sumia was born at a young age as the future heir to the Western continent's Elven king's throne, and while she didn't know it growing up as a kid, she always knew somehow she would make a difference in life. She was born to the family of seven other sisters, all younger than her, and one brother who is the second oldest under Sumia. While her family can get on her nerves sometimes at how greedy they are, she loves them all and will protect them with her life. By the age of 34 she decided to go out and venture into the rest of the world, and left the Western continent to settle in Highwynne in the Central continent. She quickly learned more about the Elven resistance going on in Highwynne, and joined it as a soldier. While she is a soldier of the Elven resistance in Highwynne now, she does miss her family sometimes back in the Western continent and still makes time to visit them as well as have adventures on her own in different regions of the world.

By the age of 76 Sumia had opened up her first pelts stand and sold exotic pelts for high lumps of gold. She then donated some of the gold to her royal family overseas and kept some for herself. She accumulated enough to the point where she doesn't have to work again for the rest of her life, and now just adventures leisurely at the age of 134 into different areas of Highwynne, as well as continue to serve in the Highywnne Elven resistance.. At some points too she has taken extensive trips to other regions to see how they differ from hers, and each time it was an eye opening experience at the poverty and flaws she saw in each one.

When she was 124 years old she visited the Temple of Varnoll for the first time in Highwynne, encountering a true vision of the god named Varnoll that told her one day he would use her for greatness. At this point in time her magical powers awakened, and she now knew how to harness them. She knows that one day in life will be her most decisive, and that everything leading up to that point has been a test to see if she is strong enough to co-exist with the rest of the world. Now at the age of 134, she wears a hood sometimes so people don't see her pointy ears and see her as an elf. She is embarrassed of her race and tries to fit in normally with society, but one day she knows she will have to complete a task of utmost importance to the remnants of the Elven nation in the Western Continent and in Highwynne within the Central continent.

Skills: (What kind of skills does the character excel at? Sword fighting, Archery, Alchemy, etc.) Sumia Elvencroft is skilled in the art of Elven magic. This means she has a number of different spells she can use to put people to sleep, make them hallucinate, stun them, poison them, paralyze them, burn them, freeze them, etc.

Weaponry: (Swords, bow and arrow, axes, war hammer, mace etc. Also explain how the weapon is used, if you're a sword wielder, do you use sword and sheild, maybe just a greatsword.) Sumia uses a golden bow that is one of the great golden bows in the world, there are only 8 of them and they are passed down from different subcultures in the world. Each one is a different type as well, and hers is the bow and arrow. Sumia uses her bow for far-distance combat, and her magic for close combat. Her bow can shoot multiple bullets of light into the opponent that can cut them badly if they don't have good armor on. She can also add elements to her arrows that she shoots that will also inflict damage onto armor until it is broken.

Weapon name: (Optional) Edaynamos Regalia

Combat Style: (Only for characters that take on combat heavy jobs/roles) Sumia doesn't participate in hand-to-hand combat, using her Edaynamos Regalia and her magic to fight with. Though she does know some basic kicks and punches that her younger brother has taught her, and adopted into her own fighting style where she can use her magic in a fist or kick for example.

Additional information: (Class dependant, religion, faction) Sumia practices the religion of Herndayism, and as such she likes to visit the Temple of Varnoll at times to see if she can have another vision. She always wants to learn more about her spiritual ancestor Varnoll, and is often seen praising him for good events in her life. "Praise Varnoll" is a customary traditional phrase that has been passed down through Sumia's royal family. She also is a member of The Earth Striders faction, and avidly ventures to other parts of the world in compliance with the guild, learning more about adventure and the world she inhabits as she goes.

Here's my SU! Feel free to pick at anything you think needs changed. :)
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Making a couple assumptions here, but here's my wandering scholar. Who is also a vampire wizard.

Name: Cynthia "Cindy" Smith

Age: 143 (looks 21)

Gender: Female

Native Hold: Westlake

Race: Human (vampire)

Occupation: Scholar


Cindy is a rather petite young woman standing at 4' 10" with a thin frame. She has very pale skin and hair of a very deep black, nearly blue. Her eyes are an icy blue, though may appear blood red or solid white when drawing on her abilities. It is worth noting that she always has perfect oral health and is almost always seen wearing gothic attire, complete with a large cloak.

Personality: Cindy is a very friendly and charismatic person. Although she seems young, she often speaks with wisdom akin to one with years of experience. Her exterior sometimes puts people off, but when they actually talk to her they find she is quite pleasant to talk with, readily sharing facts and swapping stories. She is interested in learning new things and finding old things, and can be easily distracted by shiny objects. She would rather avoid confrontation, physical or social, preferring if everyone was peaceful and happy. She never stays in one place for long.

History/Background: The daughter of a whitesmith, Cindy was raised surrounded by small, ornate objects. Her mother was a shrubber (a person who arranges, designs, and sells shrubberies), and taught her about plants. Naturally, finding a profession that incorporated both skill sets proved nearly impossible, but her intelligence, tenacity, and naive curiosity made her an excellent research assistant for a local professor.

Early in her career, she had a fateful encounter with a man while harvesting nocturnal fungi. Though his original intentions were less than pure, he soon found himself enjoying the company of this strange girl. Cindy had a love of knowledge and nature, and the man, known as Orlok, knew much about history and surviving alone in the wilderness. He took her under his wing, teaching her ancient magic and the ways of his kind. They traveled together for a while, and she saw him as a mentor and father figure.

Sadly, they didn't spend as much time together as he would have liked. She was out gathering herbs one day when a group of rowdy villagers burst into their cabin and killed Orlok, convinced he was responsible for a series of disappearances that had occurred recently. Cindy returned later to find the cabin in ashes, and fled the village in despair. She learned to be frugal, never taking more than she needed, and to make friends with people instead of skulking around on the outskirts of town.

Afterwards, she moved from town to town. She spent her time investigating rumors, learning stories and legends, and conducting archeological expeditions. She shares to stories she's learned as a way of breaking the ice and making friends, hoping to some day write a book filled with them. Recently she has returned to Westlake, not far from the village where she was born, hoping to find work at one of the land's many academic institutions.

Skills: Spellcasting, Alchemy, Negotiating

Weaponry: She prefers not to fight, using her magic defensively or as a last resort. That said, she carries a dagger and a pair of throwing knives, just in case.

Additional Information: Cindy is a vampire, and overly direct contact with the sun burns her skin horribly, hence her choice of clothing. She remains neutral toward religion, reasoning that this world has enough mystery on its own, and she'll save the mystery of "what lies beyond" for when she gets there.

Roleplay sample: Cindy holds her cloak tightly, the cold wind threatening to blow the black fabric from her shoulders. She was bundled up to avoid exposure, with a knee-length purple dress and black trousers, and sturdy hiking boots. She regrets not getting anything with sleeves, but her favorite cloak usually covers her arms quite well. She hadn't expected the wind to be so strong, however. The hood had been tricky, but a silver circlet keeps it up and covering her head, while her face and neck are concealed behind a blue scarf. Only her turquoise-blue eyes are visible under the hood, and she keeps her head down to keep the sun out of them.

The sun was only just starting to go down, but Cindy had hoped to reach the town before nightfall. It was the only reason she'd dared to venture out into this weather, her full pack and empty stomach driving her on. She had briefly passed through a small town, based around a thriving lumber mill, on her way up the mountain. She was certain it was nearby, and had left the shelter of her cave to get back there.

Fortunately for her, she manages to trudge into town just as the sun is sinking below the horizon. She locates a general goods store, breathing a sigh of relief once inside. "Good evening, traveler! Anything I can help you with?" The helpful shopkeeper speaks up.

Cindy pulls back her hood and pulls down her scarf, shaking out her dark hair and flashing the man a dazzling smile. "I only have two questions: How much can I sell some silverware for, and where can I find a bite to eat?"
er Godzil, they said the available race at the moments are both humans and elfs... unless you ask/request or they approve. xD
- Trim, trim, trim -
Cynthia Smith is accepted.

Like I said with the religions feel free to make your own factions guys. Consult me first though

Factions within Abyllia

Soldiers, fanatics, cultists, enthusiasts: all labels for people who get together for a single cause. Whatever the reason, people are powerful when they come together in numbers. Abyllia's factions come in all different shapes and sizes, each with their own unique twist.

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Okay, I'm done my SU! Please let me know if I need to change anything :)
I've fleshed out my character more and edited the things you PM'ed me about, Shak. Feel free to keep picking at things you think need fixed! :)
[PokeCommunity.com] Legends of Abyllia [M] (OOC)

Zane Berrinion Tybalt
Age: 21| Native Hold: Voltmere | Race: Human​

Occupation: Unemployed, often runs tasks for his father, the lord of Voltmere
Personality: Zane has never been the tough hard worker his father always wanted. He's never been much of a serious person, taking everything he does with a grain of salt, or at least trying to. One thing that has made his father proud though, is his love for fighting. While he may not have the blood lust of some one from the Dagger Lands, Zane has always been known for the enjoyment he finds in fighting. His attitude towards said things has him seen as cocky, as he often underestimates his opponents and treats fights like a game. Few things get him as excited as fighting though, which is why he's regularly described as being lazy and unambitious by his parents.
Zane has grown to become a caring and much more responsible adult than he would've seemed as a teen, since he's spent a lot of time looking after his two younger siblings.
History/Background: Since he was a child, Zane has always been destined to be a great swordsman, being labelled a prodigy at the ripe age of of six. When he turned ten Zane was taken by his father to a siege of a small rebel town within the hold. While the young innocent boy was excited by the chance of getting to see his first real battle, he quickly learned that what he would witness was nothing to be excited about.
The father he'd loved and respected all his life, wore the face of a monster. He watched, as the men went from killing grovelling soldiers who'd been broken after watching their comrades fall, to killing innocent civilians who just wanted their children to live on. As any impressionable child could, Zane took to the atmosphere; and made his own presence known by joining the slaughter.
The men who were present on that day returned as heroes, never to speak the truth of what happened during that long knight. Never to tell of the slaughtering of innocents that occurred. Since then, Zane hasn't battled, or even trained much off of his own back. He now only trains to appease his father. While he still retains his innate love for combat, he avoids any kind of serious battle if at all possible.
Despite this he still often wears his armour and sword in order maintain the respect he garnered in his days as a young prodigy.
Skills: Sword fighting - While he may have once been a widely known young talent, Zane's reluctance to train off of his own initiative has massively slowed his progress, and so he has not fulfilled his potential, though is still capable at his young age.
Good Leader - Despite his reluctance, Zane is a talented and charismatic battle commander. His intelligence on the field makes him ideal to lead a fleet. However he's never been one to take charge of a situation unless it's desperately required.
Weaponry: Straight sword
Weapon Name: None
Combat Style: Zane's main focus is speed. He wears light armour to maximize his agility, and uses very unorthodox strikes to disorientate his opponent. His lack of protection makes him very vulnerable to heavy weapons, however his speed and reflexes make up for that with his exceptional ability to read and dodge attacks.
Additional Info: Zane can often be seen looking after his younger brother and younger sister. The twins have played a big part in his growing up process and continue to do so. Their influence on him has not gone unnoticed by his mother
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:D It's about time I got this out...took me long enough. Anyway, here's a list of the magical creatures, if you're unsure of anything be sure to ask.

Abyllia's Magical Creatures

Many creatures have come and gone throughout Abyllia's history. Those with a connection to magic have had a much bigger impact on the kingdom than those that don't. Animals like Wolves, Lions, or Crocodiles will often fall victim to many of the creatures on this list; Animals such as Cows, goats and sheep will often fall prey.

Ooh, I loved reading about all the different magical creatures. They all seem unique and interesting, looking forward to seeing some of them in the Roleplay later down the line :)

:D There may be more as the RP progresses, so that'll be fun to. I did deliberately exclude a few out of laziness but they can easily be added at a later date if need be.
On that note though, I'm almost done with the pre-planned lore posts. If my CSS abilities don't let me down which they usually do then the last two should be formatted pretty differently from the ones we have out already. I'm excite!!!
:D There may be more as the RP progresses, so that'll be fun to. I did deliberately exclude a few out of laziness but they can easily be added at a later date if need be.
On that note though, I'm almost done with the pre-planned lore posts. If my CSS abilities don't let me down which they usually do then the last two should be formatted pretty differently from the ones we have out already. I'm excite!!!

Okay, looking forward to it! :)