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OOC: Atlantis Arising [M]

Lol, yea, no worries. I probably won't be able to post anyways until Thursday (Friday for you bunch).
Does anyone else find it funny that we seem to post more in the IC than we do in the OOC? We need shenanigans to post about!!

Also... We need more players lol maybe we should have a recruiting party! Bring a friend night! Enormous Skype session!!!
I never seem to post in OOCs, so perhaps it is my fault for it X___X

I could go for a Skype party though. It would make downloading the application more useful :P
Add me on skype! I'm always cool to talk (well, most of the time. Not now, I have to go to work in an hour lol).

and sorry raikiri, me and ichiro seemed to have been all drammatic and stolen the lime light. d:
Well Christian doesn't have a character arc going quite yet. I haven't figured out what I am going to do with him quite yet (though I am hoping something will speak to me soon). I was going to write a post but then I realized that I will probably ruin whatever plans you guys got going.

Let me check if I remember my login information. Last time I used it was exactly a year ago @_____@
Main Information:
Name: Ludmilla Caruso
Age: 15 (I want to try out being a younger character for once :P)
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 146 lbs.
Location: Seville, Spain.


Nationality: Spanish-English

Atlantean Tattoo: Ludmilla's tattoo is in the form of vine-like lines, starting from the tips of her index, ring and little fingers, before meeting on the base of her palm to create a bigger line that separates in two and makes a complete circle, midway into her elbow. It is red in color.

Physical: Ludmilla is not of any astounding height, though she is particularly slender. She has a muscled physique and light olive skin. She has a flawless oval face with mildly visible cheekbones. Her eyes are a light shade of brown, with tints of black around the pupils. Her nose is small and pointed, and her lips are a dark shade of red, and are fairly wide and thin. Her wavy hair is caramel in color, and reaches down to her waist. She slicks it back with several hairpins, and she braids a chunk of the hair slightly above her right ear, though she lets the one on the left side loose. She has a mole on the right side of her neck. A burn runs up from her right knee to her stomach area, and Ludmilla does everything she can to cover it up.

Clothing: Ludmilla's most common outfit is a plain white dress that shows her cleavage and up. The originally elbow-length sleeves are rolled up and tied with a piece of red cloth on both sides. The skirt part of the dress is just below knee-length, with simple frills that adds additional length to the dress. Although originally the stomach part of the dress is bare, her stomach is not visible because under the dress she wears a tight red-and-gold corset, further defining her slender posture.

Another common dress she wears is a completely red dress, with a similar top area, except that the stomach area isn't bare. The lower area, however, reaches down to just above her ankles. The puffy short sleeves are quite ornamental, with golden threads making beautiful patterns. While wearing this dress, Ludmilla unbraids the lock of hair she has above her right ear, and instead puts on a bold red bandanna--a color identical to the dress's, to hold back her hair. She always wears several thick bangles and ankle bracelets, made of fake gold.

Ludmilla is very outgoing and cheerful, always on the optimistic spectrum of things. She is often seen beaming, and glows with youthful beauty. She carries with her a positive aura, and seems to communicate well with people. She is also very athletic, and is a particularly skilled dancer, especially when she dances to the melodious and rhythmic music of a Spanish guitar.

Ludmilla has never received formal education her entire life, being homeschooled by her mother who has a sub-par knowledge herself, and is fairly oblivious to the world outside of her one-bedroom apartment on the edge of Seville. No thanks to this, she is also fairly naive, and is easily swayed by others' opinions. She is also very fond of singing, though she has been told numerous times that she can't carry a tune in a bucket (that is to say, she can't sing). She will also quickly respond negatively to cussing, since her protective parents had made sure that those words never, ever made its way into the same vicinity as her. She is also a bad liar, and when she is lying it can be easily distinguished by her sudden stutters. She also has a Spanish accent, not surprisingly.

From birth until very recently, Ludmilla has never known much about the world outside her one-bedroom apartment. Her parents are very protective of her, and she has no friends her age. Her mother is a housewife that also homeschools Ludmilla, while her father is a lower-class guitarist that plays on the streets--or, if he's lucky, maybe a lounge or bar when the spot of entertainer is open.

Quite an interesting life story, isn't it? Let's start from the very beginning.

Alexander Caruso and Esmeralda Caruso were blessed twice, in two consecutive years. Frimelda, the older daughter, had been hit by a car when she was three years old, and died on the spot. Ever since her death, Alexander and Esmeralda has been very, very protective of their remaining daughter, Ludmilla. She was never allowed outside their apartment, and when she began to ask why, she was answered with a wave of the hand and a lame reason or another, until she finally gave up. At six years old, when she was the right age to start going to school, her mother announced that she would teach Ludmilla herself instead, so Ludmilla doesn't have to go to school. Again Ludmilla asked why for a while, but after getting an unsatisfactory answer after another, she finally gave up.

A typical day in Ludmilla's life consisted of books and lessons from morning to noon, chores from noon to sunset and then dancing to her father's guitar-playing until she was tired enough to go to sleep. Of course, for most people this would be very boring, but since Ludmilla never knew any fun outside of dancing, she didn't pay it much mind.

When she was thirteen, a fire broke out on their apartment building. Ludmilla doesn't remember much of it, but she did remember that her mother had been taking a nap while she was sweeping the kitchen, and that the fire was from several stories above their apartment rooms. She woke her mother up when the kitchen and living room were set ablaze, but her mother was a heavy sleeper, and Ludmilla never had much strength in her. When she was finally awake, the bedroom had also caught on fire. In a panic, Ludmilla's mother grabbed her hand and tried to take her out of the building. However, Esmeralda Caruso tripped on the emergency stairs and broke her knee. She told Ludmilla to go on down by herself, telling her repeatedly that she will be right behind her after she's done taking care of something. Ludmilla, being the naive girl she is, was convinced and went on down herself, catching the burn that runs from her stomach down to her right knee on the way.

Almost the instant she got out the apartment door, her father came home from work. When he saw the building ablaze, he tried to go in and save his wife, but then realized it was too late, since even the doorway had been ashes by then. By the time firefighters put out the fire, everything above the first floor had been turned into ashes, including Ludmilla's mother.

Alexander Caruso took Ludmilla to his sister's place and they both stayed there since. Since Ludmilla's aunt was a busy lady who owned a flower shop, and Alexander had to work to put food on the table, Ludmilla was allowed to go to school. During the two years there she was able to quickly build up her socialization skills from absolute zero to what it is now.

Ludmilla discovered her ability during winter. She felt a burning sensation deep inside herself while she was walking home from school on a snowy day. Slowly, a tattoo emerged from the tips of three of her fingers and slowly made its way past her wrist and continued halfway to her elbow before making a complete circle around her skin. Thinking the tattoo was a bunch of centipedes, she punched the air in front of her to shake off the "centipede"s. Instead, a pile of snow that was about one meter directly in front of where she was punching melted into water. Curious, she began punching in all sorts of ways and directions, and found that it had the same effect. After a while, the snow started to melt less quickly, and eventually it stopped melting altogether. Thinking little of it at first, she went home and kept quiet about it.

Over time though, she learned that she can trigger this ability at will, and began to experiment with the intensities of the ability. Before long, she was quite adept at it, though she still kept quiet about it for a reason she did not quite know herself. She just felt that it was something she needed to keep a secret...

Ludmilla has an ability she likes to call Firesphere. Basically, a round-shaped aura of heat is generated around her when she triggers the ability, and when she makes a movement so does the sphere. For example, if she punches the air west of her with the ability activated, the sphere would project a tongue of flame to the west, at the same time that Ludmilla punches the air. The length of the flame projectile is the same as the distance from the flame sphere to the user. The sphere itself is invisible and intangible.

As it is, Ludmilla can adjust the sphere's distance from herself from half a meter to two meters. She can also adjust the intensity of the flames with just her willpower (although increasing the power of her actual body moving is more effective (e.g. a kick will do more damage than a punch, etc.)). The ability has very little use outside of combat, due to Ludmilla's mastery of it (or rather, lack of). The heat she is currently able to produce is enough to melt a medium-thickness wall of ice, but not enough to melt iron.

Recently, she has also been able to produce chills instead of heat, though she's still learning the ropes, and as it is, the chills version is not very practical to use in battle, since she only recently discovered this version and has yet to properly train it.

Writing Sample:
If you really need it, I'll provide it for you (is too lazy to provide it right now ;)).
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Yeaaaah at first I thought I wouldn't be able to compete with ya guys but writing SUs for my RP and Odyssey has given me a confidence boost ='D

So yeah, please reserve me Ichiro! :DDD

also Skymin you made me join this kudos to you :P
Aah, DeepImpact, there is not need for a reservation.

@Conjurer: I was amazed by your SU, it was short in some parts, but was amazing, you are ACCEPTED!
Agreed! Amazing!!

Just one thing though that Ichiro forgot to mention in the first post; the Atlaneans revealed themselves about a week ago in RP time. So no one should have much control over their power.
God, life kicked me in the butt this week, but its finally Thanksgiving, so I have some time to update tonight.

Also, its good to see other people reserving.

Oh, and by the way, Ichiro? My character's last name is Afon, not Afron. :P
Ooops, entirely my bad Silver Rogue ><
I'll make sure to remember that for next time.

For Conjurer, just a little heads up on what has happened.

My character Michael, Skymin's Oakley and Raikiri's Christian have gone to the Atlantean centre in London, England, to sign up after a news broadcast saying that they would be fugitives if they didn't. There they met River Beleren, a controller of water and one of the Atlantean Royal family. Michael and Oakley's power overcome them and Christian stands idle.

Supervegeta's Leon was taken from Switzerland by a teleporting Atlantean, and brought to The Syndicate, a mysterious organisation hidden in shadows, their motives kept secret.

Meanwhile Nikolai AFON, has been taken aside by Natalia Zaytsev, an Atlantean who can phase through walls, and is a member of the AUP or Atlantean Unification Project; their main goal is to unite all Atlanteans as a singular race.

That is where everyone is at.
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To be fair, Raikiri does not know what to do with Christian but will try to get a post up tonight after eating his massive Thanksgiving meal and escaping from his relativtes.

By the way, Happy Thanksgiving if anyone celebrates it.
Not a problem Raikiri, shoulda mentioned I was waiting on your for a post before I continued.

Also, yeah Happy Thanksgiving to those of you who celebrate it, I don't myself though.
Back guys, how you all been? Oh sweet, we have a new player with us. I'll read up on the IC, then, see what new things have happened.
I promise to post after work for both Oakley and Natalia guys. I'll get some in on my lunch break today too. d:

I've been a little procrastinative.

EDIT: i got bored today, see what ive been doing? d: its still very much under construction.
[PokeCommunity.com] OOC: Atlantis Arising [M]
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Wow! Very nice! .....so which one is me....?

Lol, well, its good to know that our GMs do productive things in their spare time, right?

Anyways, I just posted in the RP. Its not especially creative or anything, but there is not much to be creative about at this point.
The one on the far left. It's meant to be a phone in his hand. d: I didn't remember your sign up so i had no idea on hair or anything lol

Yeah, as soon as Nikolai finishes his questions, we can deffers press on. <:
Wow, nice Moddy. *cough*whichoneisme?*cough* (I wish I could draw...)

I'll post on Wednesday, right after classes.
Leon is second from the left. He's holding his hands up and is meant to have electricity though them lol