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OU Team


Super Boss Trainer
  • 352
    This is one of my favorite teams to use, yet I do not really know how to make moves and would like help in working out flaws. I will walk you through how I decided on this team (scroll over Pokémon to see there specifics.)

    [PokeCommunity.com] OU Team

    I decided to build this team when I was swept by a Cloyster, so I started by putting a Cloyster on the team.

    [PokeCommunity.com] OU Team
    [PokeCommunity.com] OU Team
    [PokeCommunity.com] OU Team

    Next, I wanted a Physical and Special sweeper to center the team around, so I chose Chandelure and Terrakion. I was considering Alakazam, but I decided against it, because his frail defenses bugged me. I might swap out Chandelure for Thundurus-T, because it completely outclasses Chandelure. For the physical sweeper I chose Terrakion because of its natural bulk and superb attack and speed.

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    Next, I realized I needed a spinner and to set up some stuff of my own, so I chose Donphan. Vaporeon was another good support Pokémon for Wish support and to sort of stall and phaze my opponents stats.

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    For the final slot I added a Gorebyss so that I could pump up Chandelure. I can also pass to Terrakion if I see in team preview that they do not resist Close Combat.

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    No change you say, well I say nay. I changed Cloyster to hold Focus Sash, since it will outspeed almost anything after one Shell Smash, and it was annoying if it just got one-hitted right away. I also switched to Adamant nature, because it hits harder now.

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    [PokeCommunity.com] OU Team
    [PokeCommunity.com] OU Team
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    [PokeCommunity.com] OU Team

    Vaporeon was not really pulling its weight, so I switched it out for Dragonite because it could get a Sub/Shell Smash passed to it, and pown. I really liked this set.

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    [PokeCommunity.com] OU Team
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    [PokeCommunity.com] OU Team

    I added Espeon in, and wasn't really thinking on who to switch out, so I switched out Terrakion. This thing can wreck after a Shell Smash with Stored Power, it can not be Roared out (a problem I was having and the main reason I added this) , and it can pass Calm Mind onto other Pokémon.

    [PokeCommunity.com] OU Team
    [PokeCommunity.com] OU Team
    [PokeCommunity.com] OU Team
    [PokeCommunity.com] OU Team
    [PokeCommunity.com] OU Team
    [PokeCommunity.com] OU Team

    I put Terrakion back in. Dragonite was not really working out. I really have not tried it as is, but currently the team is in the 1400s on PS and after posting this, I will continue testing it.

    More in depth view:

    *bulbagarden.net image removed*
    Gorebyss @ White Herb
    Trait: Swift Swim
    EVs: 252 HP / 32 SDef / 224 Spd
    Calm Nature
    - Shell Smash
    - Substitute
    - Baton Pass
    - Surf

    *bulbagarden.net image removed*
    Chandelure @ Leftovers
    Trait: Flash Fire
    EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
    Timid Nature
    - Substitute
    - Fire Blast
    - Shadow Ball
    - Hidden Power [Fighting]

    *bulbagarden.net image removed*
    Cloyster @ Focus Sash
    Trait: Skill Link
    EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
    Jolly Nature
    - Shell Smash
    - Razor Shell
    - Icicle Spear
    - Rock Blast

    *bulbagarden.net image removed*
    Espeon @ Leftovers
    Trait: Magic Bounce
    EVs: 252 HP / 4 SAtk / 252 Spd
    Timid Nature
    - Calm Mind
    - Stored Power
    - Baton Pass
    - Hidden Power [Fighting]

    *bulbagarden.net image removed*
    Terrakion @ Choice Scarf
    Trait: Justified
    EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
    Jolly Nature
    - Close Combat
    - Sacred Sword
    - X-Scissor
    - Stone Edge

    *bulbagarden.net image removed*
    Donphan @ Leftovers
    Trait: Sturdy
    EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
    Impish Nature
    - Rapid Spin
    - Toxic
    - Earthquake
    - Stealth Rock

    I really enjoy using this team, but any help would be helpful. If anyone could help, it would be much appreciated.
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    I can see what your team is centered around. But theres a couple things I wanted to mention. 1st the team may be powerful but it falls to strong priority, more spesifically scizor that checks half your team with just bullet punch.

    Next the team seams sort ofout of place in terms of synergy, being able to handle common threats. As mentioned before, Scizor can dispatch half the team and Rotom-W handles the rest, and with proper prediction and the Volt-Switch combo can cause problems. Not only that but I beleive(correct me if i'm wrong) bulky rotom-w can take a CC from Terrek and a +2 boosted rockblast from Cloyster and retaliate for the KO. Not only that but once certain treats have been taken care of most other OU pokemon can simply muscle their way through.

    As for moves, I think opting for a balanced baton pass team that covers weaknesses but also effectively utilizes baton pass. Say if you make a bad play and your baton passed pokemon is taken out. It could possibly be game changing(not to mention usually hard to recover from). That goes with all baton pass teams but being able to pass with all your pokemon usually migigates this. Say your terrekion is confronted with bulky gliscor and has a couple boosts under his belt. You can go for the stone edge for the possible ko..or not(a miss), or you could switch but loose all your boosts. I think you should replace terrek with another baton passer. I also think its rather reduntant and hazardus to carry a choice scarf on a Terrek with the potential to be passed a boost. Thats asking to be forced to switch out wasting the pass.
    But if baton passing is not your main focus i'd suggest changing your team around a bit to cover weaknesses.

    Oh and I think you should opt ice shard over toxic for Donphan as he lacks the nessecery means for effective stall. Although considering the weaknesses of the team forretress would also be effective. Both are god options imo for different things.

    Uhh I think thats all for now. If anyone has anything to ask, add, or disagree with my wall of text feel free to point it out.
    I can see what your team is centered around. But theres a couple things I wanted to mention. 1st the team may be powerful but it falls to strong priority, more spesifically scizor that checks half your team with just bullet punch.

    Next the team seams sort ofout of place in terms of synergy, being able to handle common threats. As mentioned before, Scizor can dispatch half the team and Rotom-W handles the rest, and with proper prediction and the Volt-Switch combo can cause problems. Not only that but I beleive(correct me if i'm wrong) bulky rotom-w can take a CC from Terrek and a +2 boosted rockblast from Cloyster and retaliate for the KO. Not only that but once certain treats have been taken care of most other OU pokemon can simply muscle their way through.

    As for moves, I think opting for a balanced baton pass team that covers weaknesses but also effectively utilizes baton pass. Say if you make a bad play and your baton passed pokemon is taken out. It could possibly be game changing(not to mention usually hard to recover from). That goes with all baton pass teams but being able to pass with all your pokemon usually migigates this. Say your terrekion is confronted with bulky gliscor and has a couple boosts under his belt. You can go for the stone edge for the possible ko..or not(a miss), or you could switch but loose all your boosts. I think you should replace terrek with another baton passer. I also think its rather reduntant and hazardus to carry a choice scarf on a Terrek with the potential to be passed a boost. Thats asking to be forced to switch out wasting the pass.
    But if baton passing is not your main focus i'd suggest changing your team around a bit to cover weaknesses.

    Oh and I think you should opt ice shard over toxic for Donphan as he lacks the nessecery means for effective stall. Although considering the weaknesses of the team forretress would also be effective. Both are god options imo for different things.

    Uhh I think thats all for now. If anyone has anything to ask, add, or disagree with my wall of text feel free to point it out.

    Sorry, since posting this I have stopped using the team. It is pretty weak, and I have stopped using it. Aside from the occasional Chandelure sweep, it did not get many wins.
    Hi, this really isn't too bad a team, and I think it could just be improved if you made some changes. One big problem is that you have sweepers all over the place; cloyster and gorebyss are pretty redundant. I think you could maybe try a Dragonite over Cloyster; it was actually a really good idea to have before. For one thing, it has Multiscale which is an awesome ability that's even better with +2/+2 if you can maintain it, as it allows Dragonite to sweep even when the opponent has priority like Ice Shard or banded bullet punch that might otherwise kill it. Dragonite also has a nice relationship with Terrakion since they sort of form a powerful tandem that's hard to stop. For example, a Gliscor or Hippowdon can take an attack from +2 Terrakion and then ko it, but they're not going to be able to take an attack from Dragonite, either getting you an opportunity to set up or kill them and pave the way to a sweep later. Coincidentally, a lot of the "counters" for Dragonite and Terrakion are set up bait for Gorebyss, which develops another cool level of synergy for your team to have. I'm also going to advocate Genesect over Chandelure on this team and here's why. Basically this team's main goal is to get offensive pressure on the opponent and set up quick, but if something like RP Landorus or DD Dragonite sets up, you might lose a Pokemon or two in the process, or the match itself if circumstances really get bad, I really don't see Chandelure doing much for your team if you really follow the idea of using Terrakion, Dragonite and Gorebyss cooperatively and I think it would be awesome to have a security blanket; Genesect probably being the best one. Genesect was used in over 50% of teams in the OU suspect test period; which basically is an insane number in the statistical sense and a testament to how fantastic Genesect is. Genesect isn't a weak scarfer at all, thanks to its awesome ability Download, and comes packed with amazing Flamethrower/Ice Beam/Thunderbolt coverage, and then STAB U-Turn to get momentum and hit things from a Physical standpoint; basically Genesect is hitting anything it wants for super-effective or at the absolute least, neutral, if you can predict correctly. Additionally, Genesect's main counter at the moment is probably Heatran, which is awesome since Heatran is absolute setup bait for Terrakion and Gorebyss. You can basically send Genesect in and U-Turn out to one of them, then let the mayhem begin. Here are the sets and good luck.

    *bulbagarden.net image removed*
    Dragonite @ Leftovers / Lum Berry
    Trait: Multiscale
    EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
    Adamant Nature
    - Fire Punch
    - Dragon Dance
    - Outrage / Dragon Claw
    - Earthquake/Extremespeed/Roost

    *bulbagarden.net image removed*
    Genesect @ Choice Scarf
    Trait: Download
    EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SAtk / 252 Spe
    Hasty Nature
    - U-turn
    - Flamethrower
    - Ice Beam
    - Thunderbolt
    i don't see why you don't just use rain and some other like offensive sweepers to compliment cloyster. the strategy of gorebyss baton pass is like way to risky haha