I first had The Skasbz, got to a lvl 85 Blaziken and a lvl 86 Pikachu(Blaziken Starter), then my bag got deleted due to out-of-battery in Buried Relic(i had a lot of stuff there!) trying to recruit Mew, so i restarted with a Charmander and a Pikachu, The Skasbz again. Bag Deleted by same reason.
Then i had Lonely PWN, got to Moltres, and got tired of my Cubone
Then i had The Waquiz, Squirtle and Chicorita, then my brother deleted it and started Team TUGGA BARN!(means something like Chew Small Yummy Kids in swedish) with a Charmander and a Squirtle, after beating all of my platformer-games X_x