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?? PokéCommunity Big Bang 2016 ??

  • 2,413
    ✏️ PokéCommunity Big Bang 2016 ✏️

    PokéCommunity Big Bang 2016
    Fanfiction & Writing and Art & Design Collaboration

    The event and its purpose

    Hello, and welcome to a joint event collaboration between the Fanfiction and Writing and Art and Design sections , the PokeCommunity Big Bang!

    If you don't know what a Big Bang is, it's an event in various sites, like Tumblr and Livejournal/Dreamwidth, where writers and artists collaborated together on a project. Usually the norm would be over 10,000 words and several art pieces, but because this is the first time we're doing this we'll be doing this low key. The purpose of this challenge is to bring the writers and artists of PokeCommunity together and have them work one another to create fantastic Pokemon fanworks!

    To get an example of how this works, check out this Pokemon Big Bang from Dreamwidth a few years go.


    Artist who have signed up will get first call on claiming a story. You will have one week. Your claiming period will end on November 4th. After the claims become open and a week has passed (Nov 11th) and there are still open claims, artists will be able to claim multiple stories.

    Comment here with the name of writer of the story you want to claim!



    Once the first claiming period ends, we are opening up claims to all artists regardless of if you signed up or not! So after November 4th, anyone is welcome and encouraged to sign up for untaken stories. : ) Please sign up! I've done it before and it's a lot of fun. Read more about the Big Bang here!

    After the claims become open and a week has passed (Nov 11th) and there are still open claims, artist will be able to claim multiple stories.

    Stories to Claim

    Aisu "Dealing With Death"

    Bardothren "By the Skin of His Fangs"

    icomeanon6 "Hubris Island"
    Summary: "Katie and Jen have a fun day in the Whirl Islands lined up, but Katie is too distracted to enjoy it. She'll be moving on from her Pokemon journey to real life soon, and she's worried about how her younger, trouble-prone partner will handle being on her own for the first time. On top of that, Katie feels she has only one more shot to do something she's wanted to do since her journey began: see a legendary Pokemon."

    Summary: "Given a choice, Ariel would have preferred to spend her last night with her best friend enjoying the Summer's End Festival, not wandering around in the dark looking for ghosts. But Lara's determined to investigate the rumors about Seven Island's Tanoby Ruins while she still has the chance, and there's no way Ariel can let her go alone. Even down in the ruins, with her phone malfunctioning and the unown gone into hiding, Ariel's convinced there's nothing supernatural about the place--until the stones begin to sing."


    9/5/16- Sign ups for both artists and writers begin
    10/16/16- Sign ups for both artists and writers closed. Partial rough drafts due.
    10/17/16- Summaries of stories will be posted in the Art and Design section. Claiming begins
    10/24/16- Claiming of summaries end. Artists and writers will be informed of their matchups within a few days or sooner. We'll also have sign-ups for pinch-hitters soon.
    11/20/16- Final drafts and art due.
    11/21/16 towards 11/28/16- Posting period

    This is the initial schedule, though it is subject to change.

    (css layout by Achromatic)​
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    Negrek, you've got this symbol peppered throughout your story. It must be an error.
    " — "

    icomeanon6, I have a question: would you have any use for illustration of an Ampharos scene, or does Ampharos not play a large enough role?
    Negrek, you've got this symbol peppered throughout your story. It must be an error.
    " — "

    icomeanon6, I have a question: would you have any use for illustration of an Ampharos scene, or does Ampharos not play a large enough role?

    Sorry to disappoint, but Ampharos is only mentioned in the story and doesn't actually appear. :\ I could definitely use Mantine, though.
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    Lemme just quote my info from the other thread real quick, so writers know.

    Digital art - samples here to give you an idea.

    I'll draw simple or cute Pokemon. Therefore I ask that writers request a scene from their story that won't involve a human in the shot (nor a more complex or monstrous Pokemon). Thanks!

    Oh yeah, and keep in mind that backgrounds are difficult for most of us. Please understand~!

    I'd be happy to discuss with writers about which scene could be illustrated.
    Lemme just quote my info from the other thread real quick, so writers know.

    In the end it's your choice to pick a writer, as they have already done a part of their work. If you don't find a specific scene that suits your wants from the stories, there's not much the writers can do about it.
    I claim Negrek's Story!


    We are now opening up claims to everyone!! Please adopt a story and become a part of really cool collaboration! I know we're all very busy recently, but this is a good opportunity. : )