I think it depends what Fairy types are specialized in? I only grew one fairy type...but that is also part psychic which is Gardevoir ^ ^; So I can't be sure which stat Fairy specialize in...guess it depends on the Pokemon : /
As for taking out Fairy types...yeah got to give a better reason for it. Considering the only fairy types I have come across, are Jigglypuff, Clefairy and Togepi. As well as the others has said there isn't a lot of dragon types...even in the first generation games. The only real 3 dragons were Dratini, Dragonair and Dragonite.
Also I have to bring up something that is quite interesting and that is the "Glitch" typing you gave Porygon. Rockmanmegaman I have to say this typing is very interesting, and actually fits quite well for a Pokemon like Porygon. Considering it is a man made Pokemon, from the computers it would make sense. For it having a typing like that, beside it being a normal type Pokemon.Though I have too ask...is there any moves that will work on this typing eheh ^ ^ ;
Cause I'm worried the fusion birds will have this typing as well X D