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Pokémon Fallout (M) [Best Veteran 1Q '13]

Kilik Chambers

"Well uh--Usually I-" Scarlet's already acting weird. Then again, everyone does. "Nap allot." She answered. No comment about that. "And eat, I like eating. Oh and trading, it's really fun. How about you Kilik?" Everyone wants to eat. These are lame answers, except trading. That's something Kilik does to survive. She just asked Kilik what he does for a living. A simple question.

"That's easy. Eat to survive, sleep to save energy, & trade for valuable goods." That was that. Not to hard for Kilik. Still, there come times when he wishes it was different. Perhaps that'll all change when he gets to Mt. Coronet. That thought made him remember something. His gloves! He never goes anywhere without his gloves! He must've forgotten them in his secret treehouse!

"Sorry, I gotta run!" He apologized to Scarlet as he ran back out the city, to the direction of Eterna Forest. He didn't want to leave the girl behind, but he doesn't like being held back from what he does.

"You're really gonna leave like that?" Reiki asked.

"I wish I didn't, but I never go anywhere without my lucky gloves." Kilik replied. Perhaps he could run into her again, maybe. Just to apologize for running like that. & so, he continues running towards Eterna Forest, hoping no one is around his secret treehouse.
Echo smiled wickedly as a psychic Pokespirit ran down the ill lit hall of the building he had decided to stay at for that night. He had already slaughtered five other Pokespirits in his effort to "create a vacancy" in the building so he could stay there. She was screaming for help, but she wouldn't be for long. His dark form suddenly appeared in front of the frantic girl. She had no time to react as he held out his blade toward her chest. A second later she had impaled herself on the dark blade, and before she could pull herself off of the end of the sword, the dark figure released a pulse of concentrated darkness into her body. The dark energy surged inside her, destroying her from the inside. She quickly faded away and the darkness from her body absorbed into Echo.

"What the," said a voice from an open door down the hall. Looking in the direction of the voice Echo saw two boys and a girl standing at the entrance of the building. They had already started summoning their spirits. One boy's skin began to form blue and red rocky armor. The second boy started to grow poisonous barbs on his body while his skin changed to purple. Finally the girl began to charge up an electrical attack, which she launched down the hall at Echo who had already begun moving around the corner. The lightning bolt struck the wall behind where Echo had been a few seconds earlier as he moved down the hall. "Stop running you murderer!" yelled the same boy as they started after Echo.

Echo grinned as he moved into one of the inner apartments of the medium sized complex. Forming three small orbs of hazy energy in his right hand he quickly launched them at the lights in the room, shattering the light bulbs. The room became almost pitch black thanks to the lack of windows. Echo then merged into the darkness the best he could as he waited for his pursuers.

"I think he went in here," said the boy with poisonous barbs on his body and a horn.

"I can't see a thing… looks like he is trying to hide in the darkness… coward," said the boy with rock like armor.

"The lights don't work… let be form an electric ball to light up the room," said the girl as she summoned up a ball of lightning that started illuminating the room. Just then the door slammed shut and the three turned around to see the dark form blocking the door. The girl launched the ball at the figure striking him in the chest but at the same time making the room go pitch black again.

"That was a mistake," heard all three inside their heads as the girl franticly started to summon up more lightning. She was able to get enough energy summoned up to light up the room just in time to see the dark creature's blade about to end her life. She tried to dodge the attack but she didn't have enough warning and the blade sliced open her throat. She fell to the ground trying to breathe but it was no use.

"Erica! Are you ok? Erica! Answer me… plea… Aaaa," screamed the poison based boy as he felt the blade cut across his shoulder.

"**** that monster, Dren we can't fight that thing in here if we can't… ****" said the rock armored boy as a blast of ghostly energy slammed into him. Backing up next to his poisonous friend the rock armored boy muttered, "It was a trap…"

"We have to get," responded Dren, but he was cut off by the Echo's blade cutting his other shoulder.

"Wall coming down let's get some light in here!" yelled the rock covered boy as he summoned up a pair of boulders and held them in his arms. He then threw the large rocks at a wall and caused it to come crashing down. The sun's light poured into the room and he grinned. "Dren now's our chance let's get this punk!" shouted the Boldore Pokespirit, but there was no response.
Looking around there was no Erica, no Dren, and no sign of their killer. Fear, sadness, and hatred filled the boy as he looked around for the dark figure that had killed his two friends. "Coward come out and fight me!" yelled the rock pokespirit. Just then a blast of dark energy hit him in the back causing him to stumble forward a little. Looking over his shoulder he saw the attacker standing there spinning his Katana by a chain that came off the end of the hilt. The figure had some sort of large hood hiding its face.

"Now that it's one on one I think I'll just enjoy this fight," said the eerie voice, but this time it sounded like it actually came from the figure in front of him. The figure then caught the blade in his hand and suddenly threw into the boy's chest. The cruel dark energy allowed it to cut deep into the boy's chest, but it didn't deliver a killing blow. The Boldore Pokespirit reached over to grab the blade but Echo was faster. Before the Boldore could pull out the sword, Echo charged forward and thrust his left hand into the Rock boy's face. In the palm of Echo's hand was a Shadow Ball that exploded on impact sending the Boldore boy backward while Echo gripped his sword. The sword pulled free of the boy's chest when the boy flew back a few feet from the point blank shadow ball. Recovering his footing the Boldore boy started to summon another boulder, but his dark opponent never gave him the chance. Echo charged the boulder boy and began to unleash a furious assault with his sword. The rock boy started blocking the attacks with his arms while stepping back to try in gain some distance.

Echo pushed the boy back into the darkness just as the rock boy swung his own arm in a jab to break Echo's crazied offense. The jab caught Echo's face and forced him back a little and caused his hood to fly back. The rock boy started gathering up energy into his fist turning it into a sharp boulder. Echo held his head down for a second before looking up at the boy. When Echo did look up the boy hesitated as his eyes got big. "What kind of monster are you?" asked the rock based pokespirit as he stared at Echo. Echo's left side of his face was nothing but darkness with a yellow eye and a wicked grin breaking up the black, but the right side of his face was partially covered in a pale as death layer of "skin." It looked like Echo had half a face. The boy shook off the shock and thrust his charged up hand right at the creep in front of him. Before the boy could land his attack Echo disappeared into the darkness and suddenly reappeared behind the Rock covered boy.

Echo took his blade and drove it into the rock Pokespirit's back. Echo aimed for the weakened area there his dark pulse has stricken earlier. The sword to drove deep inside the boy's back. "Does it matter?" asked Echo as the boy fell to the ground, his rock armor breaking apart and falling off.

"Why are you killing us? What is your goal?" asked the boy as Echo walked over to him to finish the boy off.

"To gain more power," replied Echo as he drove his blade into the boy's heart.
"Why?" whispered the boy as he died. Echo looked down at the dissolving body, but didn't answer. Putting up his hood Echo smiled soon he would have a complete face and he would look human once again, or so he thought…


"Urk! Alrigh-ow! Ow! Alright, alright, stop it! I'll be good!" With one last good beaning to his head, Alessa stopped firing stones at the boy. He made himself comfy on the branch, though he was probably just floating an inch or so above it, and tossed Aly her hat back. "Feisty one, aren't you? I just wanted to see how you'd react to a bit of a scare." Could've sworn he chuckled under his breath when he said, "Hope it wasn't too bad~."

"I just wanted my hat," she responded.

"So what're you doing in the forest?" He said the weather was nice for a snooze. Ah, the weather. Without it, nine out of ten people wouldn't be able to keep a conversation. Regardless, the boy was right.

"Just taking a nap. Had a lot of work to do." She could almost feel a 'what kind of work would a gal like you be doing?' stare coming on, so she continued before the question could be asked. "Mostly jailbreaking, though I kind of just made it easier."

Aiden Selest

Yukiko, a lot of people are going to the forest. Aiden was watching them all from the Eterna rooftops, all kinds of people. Some he'd seen, some he hadn't, but a lot of them were converging in Eterna Forest. One boy stopped talking to that girl... Scarlet, that's it-- just to rush off into the trees. Scarlet's spirit tried coercing her into the forest, too, but he couldn't tell how, it just kept getting closer to it and catching Scarlet's attention. Were the spirits responsible for getting them all to go in?

I'm not gonna tell you to go to the forest like everyone else, the Froslass assured him, but if a ton of spirits are bringing their hosts to one location, their spare power's ripe for the picking. Why did everything involving other people have to bring Yukiko to draining their energy? Aiden knows what happens, but almost any interpersonal topic brought her to talking about it. Anyways, he just wanted to see what was going on. Aiden blew himself down to Scarlet's side from behind to ask her to join him.

"So, want to go see why everyone's heading for the forest? I've seen a lot of kids going in."
Scarlet Johnson

"That's easy. Eat to survive, sleep to save energy, & trade for valuable goods." Scarlet listened to Kilik's simple reply. "He said exactly what I said." She thought suspiciously. Well, it was what normal people would do anyway. And trading was fun, especially if you trade pretend magic beans...." Scarlet blinked, what to say! If only this conversation would stop, or atleast know he's a Spirit Wielder to. Then she would be more confident. "Sorry, I gotta run!" Kilik said, when Scarlet looked he was already on his way. "So rude!" She shouted, now hoping Kilik didn't hear her. Scarlet sighed. Syrena had appeared infront of her. "Ready for out nap?" The Leafeon asked her, blinking innocently. "I don't feel like napping anymore Syrena, I dunno what I feel like."

"So, want to go see why everyone's heading for the forest? I've seen a lot of kids going in." "Eek!" Scarlet turned to see Aiden, the boy who she helped escape from Eterna Prison. "Oh it's just you." She sighed relived. If it wasn't him, or any Spirit Wielder for that matter, they would see Syrena and call the guards. There's been enough killing for one day. Scarlet shook her head. "Anyway, uh- what's wrong with other people going in Eterna forest? there probably just going through it to get to some other place, or atleast far away from Eterna." She replied. Come to think of it, it was sorta weird how allot of people were going in the forest. Maybe it was just a coincidence. "But ok, atleast i'll have something to do!"

Scarlet smiled at Aiden and Syrena softly padded next to Syrena, ready to go.
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As the girl began speaking, Al' lifted his brows, all the while grinning softly, his head tilting faintly to the side, his hands resting on the ankles of his crossedlegs.

"I just wanted my hat"

Just her hat? Now that he thought about it, all of the attacks, if he could call them that, never hit her hat. She didn't attack her with her full power, or at least, that's how it felt. She probably didn't want to hit her hat by accident.

"Well, it must be an important hat, then~"

He quieted down again as she continued speaking, unfolding his legs to wrap them around the branch, resting his hands on his knees now. As she mentioned her work, his head tilted to the other side, a questioning look in his eyes. Apparently, she was able to read his expression and continued.

"Mostly jailbreaking, though I kind of just made it easier."

"Oh, really nooow~?" he replied with a wry grin, lifting a hand to scratch his neck idly. "That sounds like pretty risky business! Question iiiis… are you doing it for the sake of helping others… or for your own sake~? Maybe you're helping out Nicholas…?"

He leaned a little back, lying down on the branch with his arms behind his head, legs still wrapped around the branch, looking rather laid-back. He was genuinely curious about this girl. She wasn't as delicate as she looked at first glance, which Al' appreciated greatly.
Ichigo Nato

Ichigo stopped after the long walk to Mt. Coronet; he stood right in front the crystal pillar, where the voice in his head told him to go.
`Ok I`m here what now?` Ichigo thought. `Just look up` Said the voice in his head. Ichigo raised his head and then he saw it, a Pokémon flying in the skies, the Pokémon started to dive, and Ichigo recognize him from the legends, it was a charizard, but Ichigo saw that he wasn`t normal, his body was blue and a long blue-white flame came out of his tail.
"Is this you, the voice in my head" Ichigo yelled to the charizard.
"Yes it`s me" the charizard landed in front of Ichigo. "My name is Cero and I am a Pokespirit. I can`t go far from the pillar, I need a wielder, a child at the age of 11-13 to carry me with him. Will you be my wielder?"
"I need to get stronger, and you are powerful as the stories tells, I will be you wielder." Ichigo said to the mighty charizard.
"Then let`s fuse." Cero fired a huge vortex of blue fire from his mouth that engulfed Ichigo and himself, the fire lightened the night`s sky in a blue color.
Ichigo felt his body is burning, but after time the burning sensation has gone, he felt his body is changing, something growing from his back, and that he becomes stronger."
The flames vanished in the darkness and so has the Charizard. "I`m right here, with you". Said Cero "We should train and discover our abilities"
"Let`s go, I know the perfect place to do so" Ichigo said.

Kilik Chambers

Still going through the forest, Kilik made sure he wasn't being followed. So far none. He found the tree he lived in. He made sure no one was around the tree. No one to see, so he started climbing the tree into his home. Won't be here for a while. He found his pair of gloves on the floor. That's that, now to venture to Mt. Coronet. He packed the stuff in his basket into his backpack & put some others away. Fully prepared & packed, he climbed down the tree, making sure to avoid attention, & ran off.

Putting the gloves on, Kilik ventured out of the forest, walked through Eterna City as Reiki tries to make a conversation. "What will we do in Mt' Coronet exactly?" He asked Kilik.

"Maybe train, relieve my boredom, find some answers."


"I don't know." Kilik didn't feel like talking at the moment. Reiki knew this & stayed quiet. Kilik was nearing the cave entrance to Mt. Coronet, looking deep inside. "You ready for the adventure?" He asked his Lucario Pokespirit.

"Ready." He gestured. They both nodded to each other after a moment of silence, & then walked inside. Kilik would start his exploration, now.
"Home sweet Home" Said Ichigo when he entered the cave near Mt. Coronet. "We can train here and no one will hear us"
"Perfect" Said Cero "Let`s begin. First let's try a simple move, Fire Punch, think about creating flames from your fist and punch with them simple, isn`t it?"
Ichigo thought about fire engulfing his fist, but nothing happened. "It`s not working!" he said in anger.
"Try again, now concentrate harder"
Ichigo took his left hand backward, until his fist was lined with his wrist and the elbow behind him; then he thought about flames coming out of his fingers. And then it happened, in a few seconds, Ichigo arm was engulfed by blue bright flames that was unfocused. "Concentrate Ichigo, concentrate" Said Cero.
And then the flames moved to Ichigo`s fist and he punched the cave wall with all his might. The flames vanished and left a small hole in the wall.
"Very nice Ichigo, very nice" Cero said in surprise.
"Thank you Cero, but it`s not strong enough" Ichigo said in depression.
"This is just the start Ichigo, it will become stronger as you train more" Said Cero "But why it`s not enough, what you try to achieve?"
"I will show you, but first let`s split." Blue flames engulfed Ichigo and when they disappeared Ichigo was normal again, without fangs, and without tail; Cero appeared before him, a proud blue Charizard.
"Come with me" Said Ichigo while he walked further inside the cave. As he moved he light up the torches on the cave walls, and then he stopped before five little stones and one large stone. "This is my friends" Ichigo said, pointing the five little stones. "And this is my brother" he pointed the large one. "They all have been killed by Nicholas the leader of the Children`s City. They didn`t do anything wrong, they just refused to join him; so he killed them.
"My goal is to revenge my brother and friends and defeat Nicholas and then kill him. Then I will become the leader of the Children`s City and rule them with honest and kindness, as my brother told me: `A true leader don`t lead his army with power, he lead it with honor!`"
"I am very sorry for you Ichigo, you brother seems to be a nice guy, I will help you to get that revenge" Cero said. "Come on we need to train more"
Ichigo engulfed himself in blue fire and fuse with Cero again.


"It must be an important hat, then~," the boy noted. When she finished telling him about the jailbreaking, he asked her about the reason for it. "Maybe you're helping out Nicholas...?" Then he laid back on the branches.

"I work of my own choice. I know him, yeah, but if Nicky wants me to do something, I'll do it when I want to." Then there was a few more moments of silence. Aly was wondering only two things at the moment:

1. What Al' was doing here, and what he intended by disturbing her nap.
2. What was gonna be for lunch.

"I'm Alessa. What're you doing out here?"

The girl explained that she'd do what Nicholas told her to, but in her own pace, which greatly appeased Al'. Sure, she might've picked a side in a conflict that would likely not end anywhere in the nearest future, but at least she stayed somewhat independent, just like Al' had.

While they were both silent, Al' lowered an arm to pick off a branch from the tree, rolling it between his fingers while glancing over at the girl in his half-lying, half-sitting position. She then decided to introduce herself as Alessa. Pretty name for a pretty girl, Al' thought to himself, a small snicker erupting due to his thoughts.

He then sat himself up, rolling his head on his shoulders, his legs still wrapped around the branch they were sitting on, holding the smaller one in his hand, which he now used to scratch the side of his head idly.
"Alessa, eh~? I'm Al', nice to meet'cha! As to what I'm doing… hmh…" he took a dramatic pause, lifting the branch to scratch the bridge of his nose before shrugging his shoulders with a carefree grin.
"I'm doing whatever I want to and feel like, I guess! Don't like tying myself down for too long, so I sort of just go about, chatting with whoever I want to… and right now, that just so happens to be you~"

He flashed her another grin before tossing the branch to the side, leaving it to fall to the ground, his head tilting a little while his brows furrow, staring past Alessa, as if thinking about something.
"Hmh… though I –am- starting to get a little hungry~ What kind of food do you eat, usually? Just the usual berries and all that?"
Ichigo Nato

"Dragon Claw" Ichigo yelled while he slash the thin air with immense energy.
"You are improving" Said Cero "Now do Iron Tail"
Ichigo tail turned silver and then he spin, slashing the tree and cutting it with his tail.
"Great Ichigo, you doing great."
Ichigo looked at the skies, it was already 12 in the morning; he trained all the night near the cave. Cero is a good friend, I didn`t had one a long time Ichigo thought with pleasure, every time he uses one of his moves he feel that he gets stronger, and by that he feel that he get closer to his goal, to defeat Nicholas.
"Ok Ichigo you trained enough for the day, take a break." The blue fire surround Ichigo like always and he become normal again.
Ichigo went to the river and drank the fresh water, after so much training the touch of cold water stunned him. Then Ichigo went to the cave, he grabbed some herbs from the stock that he collected a few days ago, and ate them.
"Cero" Ichigo said
"What?" Cero responded
"I think we should leave this place, I want to find other Pokespirit wielders, maybe I will find out some allies"
"I think it`s a good idea, tomorrow, we will leave, as for now we need to train more, there is one more thing I need to teach you; For now rest, in the evening we will train"
Ichigo found a nice place to sleep and he covered himself in the blanket his brother gave him; he thought about his brother and his friends, and after a long time, he smiled.

Kilik Chambers

"Wait." Reiki suddenly stopped Kilik on his tracks?

"What is it?" He asked.

"I sense...a presence, at another cave."

"Where to?"

"Outside the cave & head to your left." Kilik went outside the cave back outside, looked at a nearby cave. Another presence. Was it a good idea? Only one way to find out. He walked towards this unknown cave, looked at the surroundings. Deeper inside, he saw someone resting. That must be him.

"What should I do?" Kilik asked Reiki. The Lucario just stayed quiet. What should Kilik do? Right now he was hiding behind the rock, looking at the boy.

There was a chance he was just human. Another chance he was a Pokespirit weilder. Judging from him being here in the first place, it was more likely he was a Pokespirit weilder. Kilik couldn't be sure for now. Just hiding behind this rock wouldn't help. What could this boy be...?

Ichigo dreamed about his brother, he dreamed about the time before he died how they lived peacefully, and how they talked about life, and stories about Pokémon. But then Ichigo wake up, he heard a twig break, he remembered his dream, he smiled, but then he saw a kid at the entrance of the cave, the first thing he thought of, was Nicholas friends, so he fused with Cero. "Who are you? Are you with Nicholas?" Ichigo asked. Ichigo knew that if he with Nicholas he will have to kill him, but if he doesn`t he can be a good friend, something Ichigo need, and maybe he will help him avenge his brother and friends; so Ichigo waited, he waited to the kid`s answer.


He introduced himself as Al'. "I'm doing whatever I want to and feel like, I guess!" Apparently Alessa's his victim of the hour, considering he just talks to whoever he feels like. He grinned at her before tossing away the branch he was playing with, and noted he was getting hungry. Aly was, too, frankly. "Just the usual berries and all that?"

"Pretty much. I don't really like eating people." Aly stood up on the shared branch, adjusting her hat properly and stretching out. Meanwhile, her leaf pillow fell off the tree and hit the ground, since she wasn't keeping it there anymore. "Wanna grab something with me out of Eterna? Or can you find something that people haven't already taken for themselves?"

What? She said she doesn't eat people, she didn't say anything about not stealing food.

Alessa figured Al' wouldn't be able to get anything that didn't involve killing, so she jumped down to the ground and walked back towards the city to jack a lunch. "You comin'?" Along the way, she took notice of the Sewaddle-wielding boy eating leaves. Guess that's just a Bug-type thing.

Aiden Selest

The response Aiden got was in the form of a shriek. Must've scared her, he thought.

I know what you're gonna say if I tell you, but I'm telling you anyways, got it?

Really, Yukiko, can you just dro--


LATER. If he found an adult (or a few) all by their lonesome and/or about to attack him, THEY can die without any repercussion, but he's not gonna kill a kid that's on his side.

"Oh, it's just you." Scarlet sighed in relief, probably from familiarity. She tried passing it off as mass travel, but she finished up being happy she had something to occupy her. And with that, Aiden floated off towards Eterna Forest, letting Scarlet follow along.

Maybe just out of needing something to do, but any silence was going to get boring fast. "A Leafeon, right? Froslass."

Tim Korinal

After a short conversation with Neil, Tim left him to his own business. (He couldn't really think of anything to talk about anyways.) He needed something to do, something to keep him from mindlessly smashing things. Knocking on his helmet, Tim felt like going back to Eterna, but he'd probably have gotten lost in Mt. Coronet if Rizero didn't help him navigate.

"Hope there's somethin'ta do here." He started wandering around, trying to think of things to do that didn't involve blowing things apart or making... kids... help.... "I'm so stupid." Why'd he come to Children's City in the first place?! Tim punched himself in the head. Didn't hurt at all, sadly. The armored boy started walking around all the children he could, asking them for Nicholas or other kids that are dangerous to adults like him. (As if any Pokémon spirit users aren't.)
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Neil had a short conversation with Tim, who then left after a while. He simply stood there for a few moments and collected his thoughts before figuring out where to go now. As he was pretty tired, he decided to rest for a while. Climbing up in a tree, Neil found some edible berries and after satisfying his hunger, it was time for a long, nice nap.

The next day, the boy woke up, went through his usual morning routine which consisted of more food and some stretches, and continued on his trip.

''Are we still heading for Children's City?'' Livia, his Pokéspirit, asked. The two of them were not fused with each other at the moment, so she was floating next to Neil.

''Well, I guess. Let's just head for the closest city that isn't completely destroyed yet...'' He responded with a ''who cares'' kind of voice. He didn't want to admit it...but he was lost. It didn't help that he basically didn't know anything about the world outside Eterna City. So he went in the direction that looked the most promising for him.

The girl who had called herself Alessa stood up and said she didn't like eating people. Al' snickered and nodded his head, lifting a hand to brush a hand through his spiky hair, rising to his feet to balance with one foot in front of the other, lifting his arms out to his sides, glancing at the leafy pillow dispersing and falling to the ground.

"Yeah, me neither! I don't really like meat… I prefer bread and fruit, berries too… and… well, other things~" he said with a wry, knowing grin, tilting his head a little to the side. "Eterna? Well, there's more chance of us finding something in there than out here!"

The fact that she was willing to steal from others to keep herself going was definitely something Al' approved of. "This girl's got the right idea about things~ Should be pretty interesting to follow her around!" Al' though out loud to Fog, who seemed to have drifted off to his own little world, not really caring about Alessa.

Al' shrugged faintly, watching Alessa jump to the ground. He took a moment to let himself turn around the branch like the arm of a clock before standing upside down. He then released himself and turned mid-air, doing a little swoop before hitting the ground, ending up floating on his stomach with his head resting on his arms, floating along next to Alessa with a snicker. "'Course! I'm looking forward to seeing just how you're planning on getting food~ They're usually pretty protective of their food in there!"

Kilik Chambers

Did this kid just fuse? Looks like he does have a Pokespirit. But that doesn't help, since now Kilik's cover was blown. "Who are you? Are you with Nicholas?" N-Nicholas! How did he know Nicholas? Unless...

Kilik quickly took a battle stance & fused with Reiki. "How do you know Nicholas? Are you with him?" What if he was a spy for Nicholas? Now way was he taking any chances. He could kill him right here, right now. But no need to be rash. Right now he needed to know about this kid, if he worked for Nicholas or not. Maybe a little battle, but that would set things in a different direction.

"Careful..." Reiki warned. Better safe than sorry.

"I got it..." Whatever the situation, Kilik will always pull through, adult or kid. He will have his revenge on Nicholas.
Ichigo saw the kid before him fusing. So he does have a pokespirit, now I need to find in what side he is. He thought. "How do you know Nicholas? Are you with him? The kid asked.
"I`m not with this bustard Nicholas, I with no one. Now tell me, are you with Nicholas or not, so I will know if I need to kill you or not?!"
"I don`t think you can exceed him Ichigo, you just started learning" Cero said to Ichigo.
"I don`t think he is with Nicholas, he doesn`t seem evil, but if I`m wrong, we are in troubles" Ichigo said to Cero.
Scarlet Johnson

I watched as Aiden, my friend floated off towards Eterna forest. "Hey! Wait for me!" I called annoyed. I sighed and began to run after him. Then Syrena, my pokemon spirit appeared next to me. She was running in the air with me. "It would be nice if he slowed down." She told me. I turned my head to Syrena and nodded. "Yeah." I replied quietly. I panted as I kept running, my legs began to hurt, then I stopped. "Owch! Cramp." I said. Syrena turned to look at me and wen't back. I managed to catch up with Aiden, and I heard him say. "A Leafeon, right? Froslass." Was he talking to me? Maybe. We were now at the border of Eterna forest, I kneeled down and rested my hands on my knee. Pretty soon my cramp wen't away.

"Uh- were you talking to me Aiden?" I asked walking beside him. Syrena was walking next to me, mostly ignoring both of us. I turned back to Aiden and looked into his eye's. "So why would you care if Spirit user's go in the Forest?" I asked him curiously. "I mean, what if they just went in 'cause they were trying to get to other places, like the Children's city or something.." I continued. "But I guess it's sorta weird how mostly all of them wen't in the Forest, and ya know what? Now would be a good time for a rest. My cramp's coming back." I stopped walking, and Syrena did to. We both sat down at the same time, near a tree.

I looked up and noticed it was the Oak Tree I had rested at before. "Hey I remember this tree!" I said, as I felt it's bark. "Iv'e napped here before, it's really cozy." "Anyway, we can keep going when my cramp goes away. Okay?"

Two of them? This was neither expected nor welcome... if it came to it, she could always kill both of them but not necessarily before one let out a scream. This was going to be something of a chore, and there could easily still be adults looking for her. There was nothing else for it but to plow on and see how things developed.

"A... bug? I don't understand..." Spider looked between the two girls and lowered her voice. "I just... um, has everything calmed down? Out there? All the adults started running around about something, they seemed angry so I hid in here. Has it stopped?"​