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Pokémon Fallout (M) [Best Veteran 1Q '13]

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Fallout (M) [Best Veteran 1Q '13]
Lucy - Mt. Coronet
Lucy was taken by surprise. It honestly hadn't occurred to her that the house with the dresses conveniently perfectly sized for Amy would be /her house/. You're the man of the house now, Amy. In hindsight, she supposed it made sense. The other girl gave her a hug and Lucy just sort of awkwardly hugged back. Hugging wasn't really something she was used to, you see. It was this awkward clinging motion normally reserved for freakishly flexible snake pokemon wielders.

Regardless, she was at least able to discern what this was supposed to be. HELP. AMY USED CONSTRICT! IT'S SUPER EFFECTIVE! On the other hand, how did she feel about wearing an /adult's/ dress? She had mixed feelings, honestly. She didn't much care for the notion of dressing like an adult. On the other hand, she hadn't really noticed this when she had put it on. Was Amy's family a family of dwarves or something? smh elves for lief Amy mentioned finding a backpack or something of the sort. Lucy supposed it couldn't hurt. Are you kidding? I've got a backpack right on my abdomen! Without further ado, she spoke up. "I guess that sounds alright... Are you sure it's still here though?" she asked, slightly skeptical. Sure, handbags weren't the most treasured of things just like clothes. People could still manage to create bags, just like they could create crude bowls and silverwear and the like. Another thought occurred to her though. They were here--What now? Well, there was only one thing to do. "That isn't why you came here, was it..?" Lucy asked, slghtly concerned. Tell me you didn't just drag me all the way here just for a backpack Amy! Say it isn't so!

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Amy's Neighborhood Ruins


Held Item(s):
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Chapter One:
Neighborhood Ruins

Part Two

"I guess that sounds alright... Are you sure it's still here though?"Asked Lucy, seemingly neutral about the idea. Amethyst dug through some rubble and pulled out a purple backpack; probably for school, but it's not like people know what that is anymore. She immediately flipped it upside down, and masses of paper, notebooks, binders, and writing utensils fell out of it. She then placed the beanie and diary she'd been carrying into the bag, as well as a few of her favorite dresses, and then returned to the room Lucy was in and filled it with some of her mothers' clothes. She then closed up the backpack and proudly tossed it over her shoulder.

"That isn't why you came here, was it..?"

Amy looked up and shook her head in response. "Mm-mm... I wanted to come here to see what my neighborhood looked like..." She looked out at the cul-de-sac. Most of the other buildings were in ruins as well. She continued to examine what was most likely her room, and then screamed (the joyous kind) as she dug something out of the rubble and brushed it off. "My Skitty!!" She returned to Lucy with this giddy excited grin, her arms crossed wrapping around a plushie of a pink cat-like Pokemon. She didn't even say anything. Kid-at-a-candy-store level achieved.

After some of the initial hyper excitement died down, she walked through the empty doorway of a half-standing wall, to the backyard. Her arms dropped to her sides, the plush toy hanging close to the ground. She fell silent, eyes softened, and slowly walked further to the backyard. She stopped a few feet away from two oddly-shaped rocks... Two tombstones. She slowly lowered herself to sitting on her legs, hugging the plush figure for comfort. Before her, two graves rest. One carrying an infamous name "Sigmund Yula" as well as some very insulting profanity spraypainted over it, and the other only reading "Ava Yu", with a very noticeable chunk of it removed-- or more likely, destroyed.

Fixed Float!

Mt. Coronet

Bay slowly got to his feet as the sun glared down and him and he felt dizzy. A sense of desperation flowed through him and he knew that there was a good chance that he'd die if someone chose to attack him. He put his weight on his walking stick and immediately fell back as his stick could no longer support his deadweight.

As a final resort he screamed out loud to the forest that surrounded the entrance to the cave at the top of his lungs. "DOCTOR!" he screeched out into the woods that could be hiding anyone from a thief, merchant or most likely, nobody at all. Bay's eyes hazed up and he rolled on his back, avoiding to irritate his leg any more. He crawled over to a tree and propped his back up to it with a grimace on his face the entire crawl. He looked down at his pats leg afterwards and saw that a small amount of blood was soaking through. This wasn't the first time he had seen his own blood but he knew now that he was in a predicament. Without any civilization, that he knew of, within range he was going to think of a plan but the pain distracted him otherwise. He closed his eyes and eventually dozed off thinking that he'd prefer to sleep it off.

When Bay felt a sense of consciousness he sat up and immediately noticed that he was in a white room filled with haze. He stared into the fog hoping to see some sort of unique landmark nearby but the entire landscape surrounding him was barren and bland. As soon as this thought crossed his mind he looked down at this leg through the fog and saw a dried blood stain in his pants although it was devoid from all pain. "Am I dead?" Bay questioned himself aloud. As soon as he uttered this, it echoed off and when the echo was outside of his hearing range he tried to stand. As soon as he made any sort of progress he fell back down feeling like a ragdoll. Bay tried this multiple times, falling down then getting back up and he felt weak, naked, and useless. Suddenly
a figure appeared before him that he recognized as his partner, Flow.

"Sorry I wasn't able to be there for you." Flow said blatantly.

"It's okay." Bay replied while looking off in the fog. He had let down his only friend. Since he had died his partner would go along with him to wherever came after dead.
"I just wished my leg was better so then this wouldn't have happened but I failed you" Bay said turning his head back to his partner. He looked down at once then forced himself to stand and immediately felt pain throb throughout his body. He struggled with all of his strength not to fall and abruptly coughed up blood but didn't let this hinder his progress. He yelled out in pain but to Flow this seemed like a battlecry and it touched him as it was the first time he saw his partner injured
. Bay was now on his feet halfway to a stand then he stood with a pale face looking at Flow and cried "I'm sorry." He fell to his knees and before he knew it the world sucked away from him.

Bay awoke abruptly hoping to his feet out of shock. He noticed the lush green forest around him and laughed with joy. He was still alive but where was he earlier? He wasn't dead because he felt pain in that world. Bay concluded it was a dream and immediately felt Flow in his mental presence who was welcomed back but hid that fact he used wish to fix Bay's leg. Bay wondered why his leg was working but eventually brushed it off as a step above a miracle. If there was some superior being out there in this declining world, maybe he was on Bay's side.
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[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Fallout (M) [Best Veteran 1Q '13]
Lucy - Mt. Coronet Village Ruins
Lucy considered the concept of having a wardrobe full of pretty dresses. She was kind of 'meh' about the idea because--Well... she kind of needed to be able to show off her abdomen without blinding everyone in the immediate area. LUCY USED FLASH In all honesty though, as she took a moment to really... consider what she was complaining about--Was she really complaining about potentially flashing a person she was going to swallow /whole/ at that point? Was that proper priorities in this situation? Chances are they were either dead as hell or had a lot more to be ashamed of after that than she did. She supposed she could just deal with it--or better yet, make sure these pants /last/! When Amethyst began to dig for something, Lucy was left confused. Skitty? Was that some sort of tool used to skit things? Amethyst proceeded to pull out a doll and Lucy just sort of flinched. Oh god what the heck is that?! Lucy raised her eyebrows in a subtly nervous manner.

See, Amethyst couldn't understand this, but Lucy was from a world where four legged creatures did not exist, let alone Skitty. Heck, humans were all she had known. This thing looked as alien as alien could be to her. It might as well have been an xenomorph about to hug her face! Lucy, you're scarier than an xenomorph. The only thing preventing her from freaking right out was the fact that she was not in fact oblivious enough to not notice this was not in fact a living creature. A moment of tension followed. Was big strong Lucy really afraid of a little doll? No! /No/! Heck no! Why would you--Okay maybe slightly. Being who she was, though, she promptly squelched her emotions in favor of.. not obsessing over this. It will kill you in your sleep, Lucy. It's only waiting, waiting for a time to /strike/.

If Lucy had thought that was weird though, what Amethyst proceeded to do left her completely baffled. The smaller girl had made her way, with Lucy in tow, towards two rocks sticking out of the ground. She was... what was she doing with those rocks? Lucy did... /not/ understand. She just sort of stared at Amethyst for several long moment as Amethyst examined the rocks, trying to infer what was going on from Amethyst's actions. This proved futile however and she soon found herself giving up. It didn't even remotely cross her mind that these were graves.

There was something carved into the stone, perhaps-maybe words? Was amethyst reading them? Was that what was going on? Lucy moved over and crouched down next to Amethyst, looking at her in an ever so slightly helpless manner. "Hey... What're you doing?" she asked, having decided that taking the direct approach was probably much less likely to give her a gigantic headache at this point. Her tone was innocent, though it might not help comfort Amethyst as she obtained the knowledge that her mother figure didn't quite understand the significance of her parent's graves.

She couldn't read.

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Amy's Neighborhood Ruins


Held Item(s):
*image removed*

Chapter One:
Neighborhood Ruins

Part Three

Amy's expression read pain, emotional pain. Could she really tell Lucy...? Whenever she even mentioned her last name, or her parents, she was blamed for the entire world's problems. But... Lucy? Would she do that too? Amy sighed, a deep, pain-singed exhale. There's was really no point in lying to her. She pointed her finger to the gravestone on the right, and read it. "Ava Yu--" She paused, tears forming in her eyes, and reached for a chunk of missing stone, placing it where it once rested. "Ava... Yula... My mother is buried here..." If Lucy didn't realize by now, she was certainly about to. Amy directed her finger to the left tombstone. "Sigmond... Yula... M-my... My..." Amy choked slightly, but continued until she could say it. "M-my father..." He hand lowered toward the ground. She didn't want to read the graffiti on her father's tomb. The silence-breaking sound that followed resulted from the broken piece of her mother's grave falling off. Amy cringed at the piece's landing, as if physically hurt by it.

Fixed Float!
"I really don't mind... I've been around people who make you look princely. Plus, you were hungry. Hunger an change people. I really don't care how you eat. If you didn't notice, I'm not really all manners myself." Aria said, catching up to James. She had no need for a sulking traveling companion. As she was walking, she began seeing the signs of the old civilization. A horribly rusted bike here, a railroad spike there...

"We're getting close. Try not to do anything out of your mind. All we need is one of the strongest wielders alive after our hides." Aria said as they got closer. As they approached the city, a more alive tingling pervaded the air. Aria's heightened sense of hearing picked up distant squeals as the young kids played.

As they were walking, they came upon the gate to the city. The guard that was standing at attention let them through after a brief discussion. Aria stretched as they entered, taking off her hat. She loved being free. She hatd having to hide who she was just because she had a special gift.

"James, welcome to the Children's City. A place to be free of adult oppression. Somewhere that you can be yourself!" Aria said excitedly, twirling at the last sentence.
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James Joules Garnet - Route 208 -> Children's City​

James snapped back to reality with a blink, looking at Aria. "It never even occurred to me... How in the world did I forget how things are...?" James said aloud, not quite to anyone. Kept his pace level with Aria's, slipping his hands in his pockets. He didn't feel as stupid as before, but rather sheepish about how ridiculously he'd been acting.

When Aria mentioned they were nearing Children's City, Andy suddenly felt a feeling of apprehension wash over him. His muscles tensed, his eyes narrowing as the City came into view. "As long as no one bothers us, I won't bother anyone else. You have my word." James said this truthfully, but the thought of getting into a fight with a strong wielder made the hair on the the back of his neck stand on end. It was an exciting prospect, annihilating someone and proving his supremacy to the world. Alas, it could not be. Even James couldn't handle being attacked by multiple strong enemies who were out for blood, doubtless the result of him attacking someone. Still though, James half hoped that some poor soul would try messing with them so that could may let himself go without restraint.

James eyed his surroundings carefully as Aria led him inside the parameters Children's city, his previously embarrassed expression was now completely gone, a serious grimace present while he looked from building to building. "So, there's no one in charge here then...?" James asked incredulously. He would bet anything that there was some oppressive warlord making the other children follow his every whim. 'Safety' like this didn't come without someone like that being on top of the others, or so James thought. He couldn't help but smile a little at Aria's twirl, and let himself ease up slightly. If she was so comfortable here, it had to be a good place.
They talked for a while, discussing everything from the sky to their favorite color. Spark never had a peaceful interaction, discounting her innocent phase. It made her feel human, even at peace. It made her happy.

"Makoto, what do you want to do in this world?" Spark still couldn't move, she was trapped by a benign fate. "Will you look for a peaceful part of this hell?"

Makoto seemed unable to answer her, he honestly didn't know what he was doing, "I was going to live..." Was his only answer.

"Anyone can live though, don't you want happiness?"

"The problem withh happiness is, it is something that is so easy to lose, so easy to have taken... I think it is better to believe it doesn't exist." His words rang to Spark, she could relate.

"But don't you think there was a time where it was easier to stay happy? Don't you think there is a place where most people are happy?"

"Are you happy?"

"I... I guess talking to you makes me happy..." She didn't want to admit it, but it really was a treat to talk to him.

"Well I guess that makes me happy then, but when you leave, or when you die, I will lose my happiness."

"Well isn't it worth it for a few minutes then, since I'm still here?" Spark smiled faintly, "You'll always be sad if you never feel happy, even I have good memories... Can I ask you to do something now?"

"Is it time for me to find that girl?"

"Please bring her here, she should be at the entrance by the time you get there." Spark said. Makoto nodded his head and ran quickly to the entrance. Spark laid in bed very bored and slightly annoyed about how helpless she was.

He ran right to the entrance she spoke of and waited for the girl. Eventually a pair did walk up, the girl matching the description he was given. He walked up to them casually and bowed, "I h-have a message for you Aria..." He looked down at the ground, "P-please come with me?"
Mt. Coronet Village Ruins
Heading east Bay was back to the same path he was headed a day or two ago. Going back the direction he came from was the goal that Bay was determined to follow. Bay journeyed over back the same route, keeping at a steadied pace. He was glad that his legs were healed and he planned to avoid any serious injuries in the future. He traveled a dirt path through a small area of grass until he passed through the ruins of the village that he had trekked through twice.

One his way down to what seemed to be the center of the ruins Bay stopped. He wondered what this place usedto be and moreover he was starving. He remembered that he hadn't eaten in almost a full day and so he set downhis back near a houseand searched for some food among the empty tin cans and remains of plastic wrappings and it was like finding a single pieceof hay in a needle stack as the remains of the cans felt almost like they were piercing his hands but as he checked his hands for cuts, in fear that he might've gotten infected, he was that his skin wasn't penetrated. He didn't want to stop here as it would almost be a waste of time but then again he felt like procrastinating and was also hungry.

Making use of his scavenger skills, Bay looked for some sort of store but the only one he found was a small general store that had collapsed. He then decided to check the houses that were intact. After searching two houses he saw that the town was mostly ransacked although he managed to find enough food and water to last him about a week if he rationed it. After reaching the only house that he hadn't searched yet he decided to warp it all up and search this last house before he moved on to cover the most distance he can and reach the shack he
stayed in before it got dark.

As he entered the house through a window on the front, a voice in his head. "There's someone on the other side" said Flow with a stern voice.

Bay casually walked out to the back of the house through it's interior. As he walked through a hallway he noticed at the end the walls were reduced to about shoulder level. He also detected that there was one... no two people on the other side. He continued walking until he reached outside where there was a sense of serenity. In the backyard of the house, where he now was, he was staring at the backs
of two girls, one with blonde hair that seemed to speak out to him as if he knew her. The girl closest to him was knelt down right beside the other girl and she seemed curious and confused, her eyesight switching from the rocks to the other girl.The one further from him was kneeling in front of two stones sticking out of the ground (one with explicit wording on it that seemed to desecrate it) that normally would seem like regular rocks but the way the girl seemed to have somewhat of a connection with the rocks made it seem like they were monuments. She held a pink fluffy item under her arm that resembled something Bay had seen inside of a book before and it managed to disturb him. It appeared almost to be something of an abomination to him. Disregarding the Skitty plush, he felt that the vibe around here was was melancholic and sentimental although he was known to be wrong.

As he approached, the girl started bawling and pointed at the grave and she flinched when a piece broke off it. He noticed inscriptions on both of the rocks although both weren't in pristine condition. Bay cautiously neared the two girls and kneeled down beside the girl with the plush doll, hoping not to disrupt her. Without giving it a thought he pat her on the shoulder and exclaiming "Hey, what are those two monuments?"
Aria was laughing when a young boy approached, who Aria regarded curiously.

"I h-have a message for you Aria..." He said, looking down at the ground, "P-please come with me?"

Aria suddenly dropped her smile, starting to draw her sword. She finished, and pointed it at the boy.

"Who, or should I ask, what are you, and how do you know of me? I've not necessarily given my name out publicly, and I haven't really done anything notary to gain followers. Let's start with simple questions. One, what s your name, and two, how do you know mine?" She said, apparently angry. She silently hoped that maybe Spark had sent him, but she doubted it. Spark'd be halfway across the region by now.

Eve, Blaze, do you recognize him?

Eve replied. Blaze mentally shrugged. Aria shook her head, racking her memory for a face that matched the one in front of her. When her search came up empty, she glared at the quivering child at the end of her blade.

"James? Do you recognize him?" She asked. If he knew of this boy, that might at least clear up why he had even decided to approach, but she was still confused as to how he knew how she looked, and how he knew her name.
He began whispering to himself, "Oh dear, she isn't coming peacefully, what should I do?" Answer her questions child..., "But what if she doesn't believe me, maybe she wants to fight, but I don't know if I can fight her." Spark said she needed to talk to her. "And an order is an order, but what if she wants to kill her?" Well then, you will have to kill her first. "You are so wise!"

Makoto stopped shivering, having forgotten his fear, "She didn't tell me to tell you either of our names, she did say you would be with that boy though, but she didn't tell me to take him." He began to get confused, completely oblivious to the sword now. "She didn't say that I shouldn't kill him..." He mumbled to himself, "Are you guys going to hurt me? I was told not to kill Aria, but she just told me that you would be with a boy, so I think I'll kill him only if you are going to hurt me, is that okay?"
Hailey, Arcea, Tim, and some other dudes - Eterna City Outskirts


Hailey wasn't compromise's biggest fan. The fact of the matter remained however that sometimes you needed to work with your enemy to get what you wanted. Band together with your enemies to take out an even greater enemy. It was arguably the reason, or at least the only reason she could accept, that she allowed Arcea to follow her around and work with her. She couldn't just roflstomp end everything in sight the moment it crossed her vision! She'd get herself killed! Restraint and devious planning was required for a job such as this. She knew it. Maybe even Tim knew it. She suspected he did anyway. Why else would he have been such a heckler? A hundred dead kids here or there to change the world. Was that really such a big deal? It didn't seem like it to her, but perhaps she had misjudged him. Perhaps there was more to him than she had assumed.

That being said, she had eventually decided she needed his help, at least for the time being. There just wasn't any way around it. It was more compromise than she was comfortable with, but this was not a job for those who were afraid to leave their comfort zones.

It was a deal then. Hailey would give them a chance to evacuate the children. She had pursued Tim not long after their initial conversation. They would continue the mission on his terms. To this end, the group had made their way out towards Eterna City. One way or another, Hailey would see that today proved to be a milestone in the purification of this world.

"We'll just need a few minutes to get all the kids out." Tim stated.

"What if the adults hear you? Aren't they why we're doing this in the first place?" Hailey replied, somewhat skeptical. She'd kind of prefer if this plan... didn't blow up in their faces and fail, y'see.

"I can make sure they stay in the city." Tim didn't account for the fact that the adults would probably start scattering all over the place, or if some of the kids actually liked a certain adult, or had a parent, whatever. His parents sure didn't keep him after he got a Pokémon, so why should he care about what happens to them? Not like he was going to kill them, but it gave him a reason; it seemed like enough of one to make him not give a crap, too.

5 Minutes Later

Okay, so it was taking longer than a /few/ minutes, but don't get fussy about the details. It gives you worry lines. Tim can't really tell time all that well anyhow, so deal with it.

"Make sure you get the other kids out, but don't let the adults know." Dragon Rush up after telling the kid, and... just barely missed a roof. Fall. Crash. Ouch. Gonna have to work on this flying thing.

"Tim? What're you doing back here? I thought you went to Children's City." The voice was familiar, but the child whom it belonged to certainly wasn't — at least for a couple seconds. Aiden looked different, but Tim knew better than to laugh... externally.

"What are you doin' wearing a flower?"

"Long story, but it ends with me getting a new Pokémon spirit."

"I'm here to get rid of the adults."

"By yourself?"

"No, I've got some help, and now I'm thinking you might wanna... uh..." Why didn't he notice it sooner? "There are girls following you... why?"

"What? Crud." Aiden grabbed his pal and ducked around a corner and into the building on said corner, almost panicking. Almost. "Did we get away?"

"I... don't know. What's up?"

30 Minutes Earlier

Leaves rattled; trees shook in the face of Aiden's Hyper Voice. There was also a shrill shriek coming from one of the trees, with others joining soon after.

"What's the big idea you—" interrupted as she saw his face. Like a thousand butterflies regurgitating from her stomach, the Leafeon wielder was hit right in the eyes by a pair of hollow hearts, clouding her vision intensely. At the same time, a heart imprinted itself on the wrists of Aiden's sleeves. "Hhhhunk...?" The other girls followed suit, beginning a chase through the trees and sky, and then the city where more joined in.

Oh... oh my. This didn't happen with my last wielder.

"What?" Aiden asked, fleeing from the scene.

Well, I have Attract, but you must be something special if you can use it without even thinking about it. The Hydreigon cackled, happy to see more kids in distress.

Meanwhile, a fair distance from town Hailey and Arcea stood near each other, seemingly watching the other intently. The two ladies were actually already hard at work though despite what it seemed like. If one drew closer, they'd find that Arcea was actually moving, although it was hard to tell from a good distance. She was doing stretches, contorting her muscles and then relaxing them. These weren't /just/ stretches though. She was /coiling/ her body repeatedly, including her rather large tail. She was prepping hard for combat with exercise enhanced by her Pokéspirit powers. Coil was a rare move among Pokémon, and an extremely powerful one at that. Her senses became sharper, her body tensed in anticipation of more stress, and redirected energy where it was needed. Hailey meanwhile appeared to be completely still, however upon closer examination her eyes were closed and an aura of power was radiating from her body, growing slowly larger. She was using calm mind to strengthen herself mentally. Both were too distracted by their work to be aware of Aiden, Tim, and the other's approach. Finally, both Hailey and Arcea stopped.

"Mmm--I think I'm finished!" Arcea said, matter-o-factly. For one reason or another, she appeared to have enjoyed the exercise. Hailey smiled lightly at this, but for her own reasons.

"Perfect... Let's..." Hailey started, drifting off mid-sentence and opening her eyes. All of a suddenly Hailey's body seemed to tense, though it was difficult to observe under the robes she wore. She seemed different though. Her presence was more commanding, and a visible aura hung off her body. She also seemed slightly bigger for one reason or another. Hailey, do you even lift? She had just used psych up, tricking her own body into emulating Arcea's coil. She testily moved her arms around and nodded in a satisfactory manner. Perfect... Arcea's talents complimented her own in a terrifyingly effective manner. Now she just had to wait—Or perhaps not. She detected a presence, somewhat familiar, from nearby. Looking over she squinted her eyes in an attempt to figure out if her suspicions were correct. Arcea followed her gaze in a much more casual manner.

"So your new Pokémon makes you a chick magnet, and you don't know how to turn it off?" Tim, nearly winded from all the skulking around to get away from the annoying pack of crazed girls, pondered over this information. He almost couldn't hold back his laughter this time, but he managed to stifle it. He also remembered another kid — fourteen now — who would've loved having that happen to him. "Think we got away?"

"I can't hear 'em."

"Good thing we lost them out here; these are the friends I was talking about." A Gabite wielder that was with Tim in Children's City flew in on a Dragon Rush to join the growing posse, having made sure the adults were rounded up in one place.

"All clear, Tim." Anonymous Gabite Wielder #1 went to charging himself up, mustering all the power he could out of his Hone Claws so Hailey could copy it like she did Arcea. "How strong are you supposed to get before you can make a giant bomb that'll demolish a city block?"

Aiden, his Hydreigon asked with its voice almost incomprehensible due to how fast it was talking, who are these kids, and why haven't you bothered to kill them or something? Are they your friends? Ooh! I like friends! My last wielder hated 'em. Don't know why. Maybe they could hear me or something, 'cause I always talk trash about 'em if they make me mad. Wait, did he hate friends? No, that wasn't it. Friends hated him! That's right!

Shut up already, Dragon. Yay! Froslass to the rescue!~

Why? I'd talk trash about you, too, if we weren't occupying the same body. Thankfully, the boy in the body shut them both up.

For Hailey the coast seemed clear. No attacks being launched, no warning signals to jeopardize her mission. Besides, who in their right mind would approach her in this condition? She was prepped to do a lot more than destroy a couple of spirit wielders. She gave the others a simple nod as they approached, acknowledging their presence non-verbally. She then proceeded to copy their own boosting moves, She was so intent on doing her job well, in fact, that she wasn't aware of something... interesting, happening.

Arcea had become distracted by something. At one moment she was just hanging out, trying to enjoy the whole not being dead or eaten thing. The next, she was feeling a sort of pull towards a specific figure in the group. He was unfamiliar, but Tim seemed to know him. Who the heck was this guy? He appealed to a part of her mind she hadn't used in a while—Y'know, the part that was totally into gossiping about cute boys or if Hailey obsessed over anything other than killing people. A small part of her was a bit confused. Normally, she didn't obsess over boys because well... Let's face it, she had more important things of higher priority. Now, despite that fact, this was a complete /lie/. The truth was that she actually did obsess—She was just mildly good at keeping it to herself usually. This was different though. It was as if some sort of higher power was compelling her to run over there and /glomp/ him! Her hands went up to her chest and she cupped them there as if trying to still her heart.

"It's not a matter how strong I need to be—Rather, it's a matter of how fast the city will fall under the barrage." Hailey replied to the gabite wielder, still not really... aware of what was going on. This could not last however as quite frankly Arcea's self-control was melting like a popsicle in an oven... over an erupting volcano... on the sun. The other girl got this strange look in her eyes, It looked sort of like her pupils had changed into large CGI hearts. and before Hailey had figured out something was wrong Arcea left her side and abruptly burst into a sprint. Now, Arcea wasn't all that fast a runner by any means, but seeing as the others were very close and she wasn't exactly a munchlax wielder she promptly reached Aiden and just sort of... halted to a stop directly in front of him, reaching out and wrapping her arms around him in an overly affectionate manner. Careful Aiden. This one's trying to /cuddle/ you to death. Needless to say, she had this semi-dorky smile on her face that was completely inappropriate for the situation at hand and leaned her head against him in a slightly lazy manner, as if content with the world.

Aiden was... less than pleased. He couldn't get away fast enough, and when he tried Arcea had already gripped him too tightly. He almost fell over trying to get in the air.

"Please let go of me...." He was almost begging, finding himself in the very predicament he was trying to avoid. Arcea tried to find an excuse not to let go; she couldn't bring herself to tell the truth about why she was hugging him in the first place, let alone so lovingly.

"I'm stuck."

"Y-you're stuck?"

"Yeah." Aiden tried to pry her off. First, her arms, which didn't budge an inch; then her head, which was decidedly snug against his shoulder despite his attempts. She didn't have to pry the last girls off, but he hoped none of them would ever be this damn resilient. They may have been all in his head like the Hydreigon laughing to the point where a normal person would fall unconscious, but Aiden could swear he was going to break out in hives. Arcea wasn't going to move, and it didn't look like she was planning to (unless it was to get even closer). She couldn't find the strength to let go as she nuzzled into Aiden's neck with one side of her head. Aiden, obviously, was struggling to maintain his composure. GETITOFFGETITOFFGETITOFF! Wait!

"Tim! A hand, please!" Surely the big strong Rhydon wielder would have the strength to pull her awa—nope. Even a powered up Tim and Gabite wielder weren't enough to remove Aiden from Arcea's cuddly grasp. Then a development happened! Obviously, she didn't let go, but Arcea found herself just lightly nibbling on Aiden's shoulder! Love bugs don't bite figuratively. Aiden only managed to notice when he fell over with Arcea on top, unable to move. Her love paralyzed him. Or maybe that was the biting.

Meanwhile, Hailey just sort of watched with an aggravated look on her face as if she couldn't be bothered to deal with this. What in the world was Arcea /doing/? She didn't understand. Aiden's 'attract aura' also didn't seem to be having an effect on her for one reason or another. ...Or perhaps she was resisting it? That would explain why she was irritated. Or perhaps watching her best 'friend' get down and cuddly with some dude they didn't even know was the cause. Either way, she looked positively frustrated, and just sort of scowled at the two. I have no words, Arcea. Secretly judging you though. Yeah.

Arcea? She didn't care, or perhaps didn't realize. Her head was filled with images of cuddling Aiden for ETERNITY whatever her exceedingly modest and currently clouded definition of romance was. It probably involved sharing a meal and... y'know, cuddling. A lot. Now, to everyone around her it probably looked something like a cavewoman had just come along and dragged Aiden off to be her husband. Except, y'know, minus the cave. Congratulations Aiden, you're now Arcea's property, dubbed 'personal cuddly boy-toy'.​
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[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Fallout (M) [Best Veteran 1Q '13]
Lucy - Mt. Coronet Village
To be blunt, Lucy did... not understand the significance of that last name whatsoever. She did however understand that this was a grave and that it was none other than the grave of Amethyst's parents. Who /burried/ people anymore?--Oh right. This happened in the past. Ancient stuff and all. Lucy's reaction was honestly to slowly reach over and pull Amethyst against her, still crouched down, and hug the smaller girl there in a possessive manner. She didn't really know what to say, but dangit Amethyst! Lucy carried you up a mountain /inside her body/, and if that doesn't say 'I love you' she didn't know what did. Because...y'know, Lucy didn't know how to actually just say that.

It was then that an unfamiliar voice interrupted her. Lucy maintained the hug for a moment before letting go and standing up next to Amethyst, holding the smaller girl's hand in a supportive manner. Oh... it was a boy!

"What's it to you?" she asked in a slightly annoyed manner. "That's personal..." she continued in a softer, but still distant and ever so slightly hostile tone. This wasn't a world of pleasantries. Bay had options. He could try to be assertive and/or perhaps dominant, pushing for what he wanted and perhaps using hostility to try to intimidate the female into ceasing her own. After all, she probably didn't /want/ to fight, right? Ooor he could take the goody two shoe route and be nice about everything, and try to earn the information he wanted in a willing manner. It was his choice. Lucy however, wasn't quite done.

"Hey, how do I look?" she asked super casually, a hint of curiosity bleeding into her voice. She turned and showed off her looks a bit. twisting her body to give him several differently angled views. She was wearing old sneakers and blue jeans, and a mildly dark green jacket hanging open around a red dress tucked into her jeans. She had an oddly filled out body-build as a result of having plenty to eat compared to most people, which did wonders for her curves and feminine figure. Her fashion sense was probably lackluster though, given the fact that only a small portion of girls actually went out of their way to dress very well anymore. Lucy for instance just used what was convenient and/or practical.

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Amy's Neighborhood Ruins


Held Item(s):
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Chapter One:
Neighborhood Ruins

Part Four

"Hey, what are those two monuments?"

Amy didn't respond, and it looked like she didn't need to. Lucy quickly stood and responded instead. "What's it to you? That's personal..."

Amy preferred this answer. She didn't need someone trying to kill her over it, let alone Lucy. Then, Lucy... Started showing herself off to the guy. ... Really? It was only moments later that a familiar voice (but only to Amy) spoke up.

"Amethyst, is that you??" A man stood in the doorway to the ruined house, clearly disheveled and filthy, lacking a meal in at least a week.

Fixed Float!
Aria's eyes narrowed, and she fused with Blaze.

"Boy, you won't be touching anybody." She said. She lit her sword on fire, waving it slowly back and forth. She waved James back with her open hand. She took a ready stance, tensing her body for the upcoming fight.

"Perhaps you should tell me what I wish to know... I wouldn't want to hurt you." Aria said darkly. She mentally went through the motions that she would go through if it did come to a fight.

F***in' psychopath... Aria thought as she waited for the boy's answer.
"What do I do she said not to kill the girl..." He said fearfully. Didn't say she had to be awake. "Yea..." Makoto fused with his spirit, gaining sharper teeth, fox ears, and claws. "I knew she wanted to hurt me." He growled, "Well then Aria, you get no information unless you follow me. And I can't say I don't want to fight because if you start it, I will love ending it." He got into an attack position and growled, "Now follow me."
Damn it... Either of you two know what he has? Aria asked her spirits. When they both turned up negative, she slowly lowered her sword, extinguishing the flames that leaped off it.

"Fine, but no funny business. James, let's go." She said. She glared at the young boy, and lit a small flame just in front of his face.

"Your only warning..." She said quietly as she watched the flame die out. She then slipped back to James.

"Be ready to fuse at a moment's notice... He's no match against two of us..." Aria whispered quietly into James' ear. She then unfused with Blaze, keeping her sword out.

He said 'she', but that limits us to about half of the children around... If he's working for whoever's in charge here, I hope we aren't in any immense trouble... Aria thought. She kept her eyes on the young boy, but used her heightened sense of hearing to track movement all around them.

Calmly, Mistress Aria. We need our wits about us if it is a trap. Blaze said.

Thank you Blaze. She mentally responded, feeling better already.
"They are whispering, what should I do?" Well she lowered her weapon, kill the boy and it will be a one on one match. "I don't think she will follow me if I kill him though, maybe we should just go?" Have it your way, I suppose you can always kill the other later if you need to. Makoto smiled and then nodded. "Please allow me to escort you!" Makoto bowed down before them, "I promise not to kill the boy because I don't think you will follow me if I do, so I will allow you the right to stay together!" He straightened up with a bright smile, "As she told me, don't fight to take a life for no reason."

He walked deeper into the city, stopped, then turned around "Anyways it isn't 2 on 1! I have the advantage of knowing this place very well and I have permission to kill now." He walked a medium distance until he came upon the house Spark was housed in. He waited patiently for the pair.
Aria caught up, and stared at him for a few moments before turning to the house that he was in front of. Her ears perked up as she listened for any sorts of noises coming from inside. When nothing came to ear, she slowly crept up to the door. She then quickly fused with Blaze, kicked the door in with Blaze Kick, and swung in, her sword ready and ablaze. When she realized that she was in no immediate danger, she lowered the sword.

She took a look around the dimly lit antechamber before walking over to the lit door on the far side. She peaked in, attempting to remain as invisible as one can after alerting the entire house of her presence and while holding a flaming sword. When she saw Spark laying down on a bed inside, Aria put out the flame and sheathed the sword.

"James, it's safe. Come on in." Aria shouted out the house before entering Spark's room.

"Spark? What are you still doing over here? I'd think that you'd be on the other side of the region by now." Aria said, sitting at the foot of the bed that Spark lay on.

"Oh, and sorry about the door. Yourlittle psychopath of a messenger made me quite suspicious, especially when he threatened to kill James, and maybe me. Perhaps you should rethink who you hire next time." Aria added, looking out the door at where the boy was standing.
Mt. Coronet Village Ruins
"What's it to you?" the blond girl said to him in a slightly annoyed manner. He backed up for a moment and looked down, thinking that this was going to get ugly and that he should run. He didn't want to fight any unnecessary fights since he had just gotten his leg healed no less than a day ago. He looked back up to the girl and she nonchalantly asked him "Hey, how do I look?" then almost aimlessly exhibited and flaunted herself. She was wearing broken down sneakers that had obvious mileage, and a green jacked that reminded him of the treasured purple scarf around his neck which he clutched for a moment to remind himself it was still there. Nothing seemed to stick out to him at first except for her figure and the red dress under her jacket. Bay felt flustered and timidly looked down as he never had spoken about a person, let alone female's looks before. It was just something that didn't seem to happen in this ravaged world. He took a deep breath to calm down, looked up and said to the girl "You look okay I guess." and looked back at the other girl.

The other girl was now looking back to a man who seemed to be going through a famine. He was untidy and dirty. Bay felt sympathy for the man immediately and without thought he pulled out a bottle of water and a can of dried beans and held them both out towards the man for him to accept. This man reminded him of the long time that he aimlessly wandered around looking for somewhere to stay.
