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Pokémon Fallout (M) [Best Veteran 1Q '13]

Near Eterna Ruins
Bay looked with a bewildered look as Emily sat down after his request. Was she confused too? Or maybe she was going to ignore him. If that was the case then maybe Lucy would just have to deal with being in the belly of someone they had just met. Bay looked down at the pot-bellied girl and frowned as he heard her making noises as if she was about to start sobbing in front of him and Bay felt a little bit of guilt, some for yelling at Emily and some for giving up on the current dilemma.

As Bay stood aside of the situation he noticed that Lucy and Emily cooperated on a way to release the former of the latter's stomach. The sight was always unsettling of seeing this power in action and one thing that bothered Bay a little bit more was the fact that Lucy was clutching her head as if she was having a migraine or some sort of epilepsy.

Bay fell on his rear onto the ground with a look of relief and not even stressing over Lucy's motion sickness as she would soon adjust and recover momentarily. He looked over at the Emily girl who decidied to introduce herself. Then stating that she came from "U-no-va", pronouncing this as if she didn't know of it herself. He thought over this, turning away from the group, trying to recollect his thoughts and if he knew of such a place. Unaware of the dog-pile/dive occurring behind him, Bay pondered on the ground. He was sure that he didn't know the place but it interested him nonetheless.
Hailey, Arcea, Tim, Aiden & Anonymous Gabite Wielder #1 - Eterna City Ruins ~ Outskirts

As Hailey, Arcea, Tim and company made their way along Hailey attempted to separate Arcea from her prize to no avail. The one time she reached out to physically try to do something about it Arcea had promptly pulled away greedily, as if ready to fight over the possession of the boy-toy slung over her shoulder. All she needed was a club and a leopard skin outfit. Hailey scowled, but decidedly gave up the effort to calm her disgust over the other's affection. It sure sucked to be Aiden, but she didn't really mind. She was pretty sure she had to kill him sooner or later anyway.

All of a sudden something seemed to occur to Arcea, and she stopped. "Hey." She spoke up, turning to Hailey and the others. This seemed to grab Hailey's attention. She met Arcea's eyes silently and expectantly. "There's something I need to do," the eelektross spirit wielder claimed, looking around almost anxiously. Hailey furrowed her brows, not quite sure what was so important. What could you possibly need to be alone for—... "Yeah, whatever..." Hailey responded in a somewhat dismissive manner, not overly thrilled about this. Sure sucked to be Aiden right about now. Hope you're ready to be a Daddy, mister.

At that Arcea emitted a very light sigh of relief, turning and beginning to move away from the group. She stopped a moment to make sure she still had her prized man with her — don't think you're getting out of that one so easily — before moving off on her own in search of someone important to her.

...An indefinite portion of time later she entered the door of Olga's little setup, a tragically familiar piece of jerky in her mouth. Hey, hey Olga! I found this stuff and it tastes amazing! What kind of life hacks did you use to create this?? ...Awful implications aside, she had her cuddle-slave draped over one shoulder like a possession and a slightly distant look in her eyes. A supernatural sense of attraction directed at any given female in the immediate area was present — all Aiden's fault, clearly — and Olga was no exception. She'd have to deal with the supernatural on her own, however she chose to do that. Perhaps the man-eating eel spirit wielder nearby having her greedy arm around the source of the attraction would dissuade any direct action. Or not. Whatever.

Emily & Lucy - Near Eterna City Ruins

Lucy blinked. "Unova"? What was /Unova/? She had never heard of this /Unova/! And she didn't need no stinkin' Unova either! She just sort of took the knowledge with a grain of salt. "...There's—There's a city, or there /was/ a city right over there," she said, gesturing to what remained of Eterna in the distance. This girl seemed pretty nice, even if she /had/ made Lucy intimately familiar with her stomach. Somehow, she found herself assuming that Emily wished to follow her. It must've had something to do with /all the other people who liked to follow her/. ...Perhaps others got a really nice view back there? Optimistic thoughts aside, Lucy found herself wanting to invite the girl along.

Before she could really go anywhere with that, however, a familiar boy came at her in a startlingly energetic manner. And then she ate him. Lucy was mildly startled, but she recognized the voice and the visage of none other than Mako and decidedly did not react with cannibalism. Instead, she allowed herself to be picked up and twirled around by him with a visually apparent blush on her face as he proceeded to sway her back and forth in his arms in a slightly energetic manner. M-Mako, really..? Teenage hormones and an awkward blush from Lucy aside, the two of them would soon find themselves being blown over as the smallest of the bunch launched herself at them.

Lucy and Mako toppled with a loud thud and a brief yelp from Lucy. The end result was Lucy sitting on top of Mako, possibly with Amethyst. She had an amused, somewhat baffled look on her face and just sort of emitted the brief startings of a giggle. She then proceeded to actually laugh after a moment, though it was only for a couple of moments. "I—uh... missed you too, Mako~" she said in a tone that seemed to hold some form of affection. "Guess I found out how you felt /back then/~" she continued, reminiscing about that brief period of time she had carried Mako in her stomach—Or had it been Creed? ...Still using the no doubt flattered Mako as a cushion her smile faded and she looked up at Emily, one arm around Amethyst in a passive hug.

There was something rather persistent on her mind.

"...A lot of people died," she started, pointing with her free hand towards the ruins of Eterna City. "I can smell death from all the way over here," she then continued, wrinkling her nose slightly. ...Literally, had she meant? It was likely true that the open graves of what must've been a lot of people probably had quite the intense scent to them, especially for those with good senses of smell. "Someone did this on purpose — they wanted this, and they could want more." she explained, narrowing her eyes in thought. Such destruction. "...My guess is that their next target might be Jubilife," she finished in a grim tone. Yes, Hailey. Your plan was that obvious. It was in fact a guess, but she had her reasons. She then looked riiiight at Emily. "So... where does that put /us/?" she asked, wincing as her cheek became momentarily distorted. Ew. Glitches.

Emily, of course, didn't notice Lucy's new "feature". This was all the norm for Emily. Her leg was distorted much the same way, at least at the moment. Earlier it was her arm. Lucy just needed to get used to it. It probably wouldn't last on Lucy, though, would it? "I'll go with you to Jubilife if you want me to." Hardly any wielders found reason to trust her, and more found reasons to keep an eye on her... at least when she didn't teleport. Tracking her after that was like finding a needle in a haystack... if the haystack encompassed the entire planet — water included — and apparently, the innards of all its inhabitants.

Lucy raised a brow, glancing back down at Mako for a moment. She was still sitting on him. A very brief smile crossed her expression, but quickly faded. She wasn't done. She turned her attention back to Emily. "That's great, but..." she started thoughtfully. She felt as if something had changed in her. "I feel /different/ — after escaping your stomach I mean..." she said, only the very slightest hint of shyness coming into her voice at the end. Even she had some level of pride. She looked down a her free hand briefly as if to study it. "...So what are we—To each other?" she asked, somewhat skeptical. Were they... allies? Friends? ... A wave of distortion traveled from her face to the tip of her respective fingers and she shuddered briefly, seeming to feel it. Was it temporary? Really? /Was/ it?

The girl not involved in Lucy's dogpile had to think about the question asked of her. Emily didn't really understand what Lucy meant. "What are we to each other?" She couldn't really give an answer to that, because she didn't know what it was. Emily just saw the potential to have new friends — she hasn't had real friends in a long time now. Although...

"What do you think I am?" she answered. This question took Lucy off-guard, and for the moment being she went silent as she tried to think about how she wished to answer.
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Fallout (M) [Best Veteran 1Q '13]
A demented smile came to Olga's hidden lips, as footsteps crossed into her domain and yet another person wandered into her wicked web. "So..." She began, her voice backed up by not just her own, but by Ambrosia's; the spirit from whom all of this showmanship originated. She ran her pale fingertips along the brim of her massive hat, following it up with a glance upwards; two orbs of amethyst glow meeting whoever had wondered in. Instead of settling on a slightly jittery caller, as she'd become so used to in times passed, she found the image of a young woman, perhaps two years younger than herself, with some boy slung over her shoulder, a mad look in her eyes, and something hanging from between her lips. Ambrosia snickered at the fact that they'd gotten to meet the person that scrounged their dropped jerky, and whether she knew it was human meat that rested on her tongue.

Though the jerky was amusing, there was a very real problem in the fact that this visitor's attention seemed to be split between the two of them, and it would be impossible to get through to such a person when they talked of important things. Such as they were to this young woman, at least. The boy hanging over her shoulder had no injuries to speak of, so her carrying him couldn't have been for safety, and the position looked nowhere near comfortable. Given the lack of available evidence, and the familiar look, she assumed that the male had the ability to use Attract, just as Ambrosia had. This would not do, for those in love had the least rational minds possible, There was the option of attempting her own pheromones, but it was a crapshoot at best, especially when there was a far more cruel and amusing option at hand.

Olga raised her hand in the air, pointing the tip of her finger at Arcea and spinning it in a circle. Golden orbs formed in the air around her finger, spinning slightly before she pointed it back at Aiden, each of the orbs colliding with him and transferring the Attraction he'd used onto himself. Oh, Baton Pass, there was nothing it couldn't do. With that issue taken care of, she resumed her introduction in a more fitting manner. "You've called for the Sage of Unknown Reaches." She continued, two voices speaking as one, as Olga stood abruptly up and turned her back to the visitors; something nobody would dare to do in this world, but that she was doing before their very eyes. "And now she's in your presence. What will you ask of her?" She asked, short and sweet. Nothing raised suspicion like ranting about her own glory, because the greats didn't need to tell the lessers about how they should feel awed. It let them know, even subconsciously, that she cared little for their mortal dalliances. [/spoiler]
Spark was slung over the branch of a large tree, well above the ground and covered by trees. When she woke up she was glad to see that she had not fallen. "My chest..." She groaned while pulling herself up to an upright position. The pain wasn't excruciating, so she assumed there was nothing broken. "I can't believe I fell out of the sky, I was laying down for days I shouldn't have been that tired..."

Flying takes a lot of energy, especially when you don't glide. Xatu echoed in her mind.

"So you tell me this now?"

Your method worked fine.

"You give me a headache and I can't get rid of you." She said grumpily. She looked down, "Long way down." She sighed, "I have no idea where we are too, completely forgot." She had lost the direction she was going in. She started flying up above the tree tops. She looked around, seeing the road. "I can follow that I suppose." She flew high enough to not be seen but low enough to barely see the road. "Stupid exhaustion."
Mako Reese and Cecilia (Gin) Reese

Mako indeed felt happy where he was, both literally and otherwise. Well, happy and relieved, because he was half sure he was either going to end up eaten or dead.

He listened to Emily and Lucy's conversation...but he still wasn't completely sure what was going on. He wanted to see more of this Emily character because she seemed so interesting. Well, at least she seemed to be from Cecilia's standpoint, as all she did was stare at Emily with her pointer finger on her lips. He could see the gears in her head turning as she thought about the strange creature before her. She would look at Mako at various points in the conversation, as if to make sure he was still there.

From what he could put together, someone was going around destroying places. That was the rough way of putting it, at least, but that was really the only way it needed to be put. Next on the list was apparently Jubilife, which was apparently now Lucy's destination. This worried Mako, it worried him a lot. Eterna wasn't destroyed by some riot or something, it was leveled by...something. He knew that Lucy was strong, and Amethyst as well, but...who or whatever did this leveled an entire city! This wasn't something so trivial that the two of them could resolve the issue on their own.

He moved his head to the side to see Emily. She looked normal...that was his initial thought at least, but then she...distorted? She...morphed? It wasn't something that could be so easily described, but Mako could now see why Cecilia was so interested in this girl. Could he trust her, though? Lucy seemed to be waning and waxing in that area, as if she was still trying to decide. No, rather, it was more like Lucy wanted to trust her, but she first needed to confirm her feelings for Emily and vice versa. That's what Mako thought, anyway.

Mako grabbed both Amy and Lucy by their sides, so that they would not be pushed off, and stood up, putting the two down upon becoming upright. "Well," Mako started, scratching the back of his head and walking over to Cecilia, putting his hand out for her to hold. "I'd be damned if I let you girls go off to a condemned city on your own. I just need to drop this little one off in the Children's
City and I'll catch up to you guys."

What greeted Mako next was not the soft embrace of his little sister's hands. Rather, it was something sharp. Actually, it felt like several sharp objects sinking into his skin. He looked down to see what it was, and it was his little sister with a face filled with rage and covered in blood. His blood. She looked like a vengeful sadistic child from some horror movie. Her teeth had pierced his skin, and his hand was almost completely red with the wine of life. "Ah," Mako said with a smile.

Ah!" He continued, with a straight face.

AAAAAH!" He screamed, finally realizing the reality of the situation, his face giving a clear representation of the pain he was in. Cecilia quickly removed her teeth from his hand and started licking it, as if to make it feel better. This would have been cute, except for the copious amounts of blood she was licking. If he didn't know better, he'd probably think she was some type of vampire. Still, it warmed his heart.

With tears in her eyes, she started mouthing words as she undid the ribbon that kept her hair up. It was a red ribbon, and a rather long one. She tied it around his hand as best she could, trying to display how truly sorry she was since could not say it.

"Jeez...you didn't have to go that far..." Mako said. He couldn't get mad at her, she didn't know any better, and she seemed to have learned her lesson. He squatted down as he petted the sobbing Cecilia on the head and kissed her on the cheek. "It's okay, it's okay; you can stay with me...I just don't want you to get hurt out there, y'know?"

He took Cecilia by the hand and walked over to Emily. "Uh..." He scratched his head with his free hand. He felt a little weird talking to her so close because she seemed so...unique. It wasn't fear that deterred him, exactly, but he wasn't too comfortable around her. "I never did introduce myself; I'm Mako." He turned to Lucy and Amethyst and said, "Oh right, I never introduced you guys to the newest member of the Reese household. This little hand nibbler right here is Cecilia, and she's my younger sister." At this, Cecilia ran behind Mako, peeking at the two from between Mako's legs.

"As I was saying, I'm not letting you three go alone...in fact, I don't feel comfortable with you three going at all..." He looked away for a moment. "But I can't simply stand by worrying about you guys, and there's no way I can stop you, so I'll be joining you on your journey."
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[Done waiting. Incoming.]

Kotowa Yamada - The Meeting pt. 2

Koto stood. They weren't killing anyone. In fact, they seemed to be friendly to the other new boy. He began walking towards them. It wouldn't be long before he found out if he had to run or stay. He finally got within speaking distance, and said softly, "E-excuse me... Do you want to kill me? Should I run?" Kasai practically facepalmed, and shouted, "You best be ready to be dying! I will make absolutely sure that none of you live before Koto even suffers a scratch!"

This made Koto jump, as he wasn't expecting Kasai to have any input. He quickly turned around, and growled at his phantom image, which he didn't know only appeared to him. Kasai growled back, and said, "Listen, boy. I'm saving your ass right now. You just turned your back to them, which is a fatal move. Now turn back around and prepare to fight!" Koto suddenly turned back around, fear in his eyes. He took an unsteady fighting stance, but didn't make any move to expose any weapons, much to Kasai's dissent.
Near Eterna Ruins
A voice interrupted Bay's strain of thought.

"...A lot of people died, I can smell death from all the way over here. Someone did this on purpose, they wanted this, and they could want more. My guess is that their next target might be Jubilife," So... where does that put /us/?" As she said this, her cheek became distorted to Bay's astonishment. As Bay's eyes wandered, he saw a similar deformation on Emily, which he stared at deeply.

Bay's mind took no notice of the conversation after that, and he blankly stared at everyone. All he could hear was his thoughts of what should be done. From what Bay could understand, whatever did damaged to Eterna would be headed to Jubilife although one thing came to mind, how would they stop whatever did this? Nobody in the group seemed to be capable of going toe to toe with whatever did this and combating the source of this level of demolition seemed far-fetched. The thought of fighting anyone capable of this made Bay's inside feel cold and it all seemed suicidal. Then again, what would be the purpose of doing this?

The idea of Eterna being attacked didn't really bother Bay although he didn't want harm to come of Jubilife. Also he didn't like the idea of something this powerful lurking around and by the looks of it, if this creature was aiming to destroy Jubilife, they were probably aiming to destroy all of what was left of civilization.

"AAAAAH!" the scream of Mako startled Bay and caused him to jump to his feet and reach for his knife in his pocket. It confused him yet further the girl Mako introduced as his sister was the cause of his trauma.

"E-excuse me... Do you want to kill me? Should I run?" a voice emanated from somewhere nearby and soon a boy emerged from out of his hiding spot in a fighting stance. He seemed shaky and almost unsure if he wanted to fight them. Also why ask if he should run?

Turning around, Bay replied, "Who are you and why were you listening to us?" now fully aware that the boy he though he saw earlier was just eavesdropping on them. Bay slowly paced his way towards the boy with his shoulders broad and his hands in his pockets. If this boy was hostile, Bay wanted to test out an idea for a technique on him.

Kotowa Yamada - The Meeting Pt. 3​

Koto faltered, stumbling backward, all the while muttering, "Oh no, they are still after me... He wants to kill me... So much death... I didn't try to... They attacked me, now They are after me... What to do? WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT FROM ME!!!" Koto suddenly exploded, tears falling from his eyes. Flames leapt up around him, and he bared his fangs at Bay. His claws slid out from their hiding places, and Koto took a step forward.

"I am done running... No more..." He said. From Koto's perspective, everything had already gone black. There was no turning back now. He sprung at Bay, slashing with claws and biting at any part of his body that Koto could reach.
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Near Eterna City Ruins

Chapter Two: Part One
Reach for Hope

Amethyst, meet your crazy aunt. Don't get near her. She's schizophrenic. Amethyst's giggling was only withheld until Lucy had to laugh, which echoed in Amy, and seemed to fill the area in joyous giggles. Why can't it always be like this? As the laughter died down, Lucy started talking to Emily, and Mako introduced his sister... Huh. And then she bit him. Well. Ain't that something. Amethyst couldn't help but chuckle at it, covering her mouth with one hand. She couldn't help but keep giggling though, and seeing as someone might wonder why, she spoke though the giggles. "It's just like those old cartoons!" She kept to her laughter a bit, until the ruined city was brought back up. Mako sure was concerned about them!

Amethyst decided to enter this conversation. Something in her pushed her to speak up. "Maybe not... But we have strength in numbers... If we find whoever it is that did it, we can beat them by working together! There's no way we can lose if we just use teamwork!" Then something distracted her. Mako's arm. It looked injured, didn't it? Did it, or did she... Sense it? Either way, she seemed to be following something inside her, and it told her to do this. She approached Mako, gently held onto his arm with both hands, and closed her eyes. She seemed to focus a lot of energy into whatever she was doing, and this showed in the slight grunt she emitted. "Nnnnnngggghhhhh...!"

Her hands began to glow, along with her entire body, and the glowing seemed to cause a reaction on Mako's Arm, healing the injury completely, but leaving Amy a little winded. She smiled, however.

Mako Reese and Cecilia (Gin) Reese

Amethyst walked over to Mako and grabbed his arm. He wasn't sure what she was doing, but he didn't protest. She then started grunt, as if she were thinking really hard about something, and then she started to glow. A strange sensation came over his arm, and once Amy stopped, something felt like it was missing. He grabbed his arm in several places, and noticed that it didn't hurt at all...though, to say he "forgot" that he'd broken his arm...was actually rather accurate. He'd inadvertently been using his good arm since his broken one got snapped in half, and it was barely being held together by the still reforming bone that was there. He'd gotten used to the pain and the strange aches, and it actually felt unnatural for them to be removed so suddenly. He noticed that the claw marks from the Haxorus were gone, as well- well, those that were on his arm were, at least.

"Wow, Amy. I didn't know you could do that." Mako continued to feel the various parts of his arm. He looked at Amy and said, "Thank you!" He said, flashing a smile. "But are you alri-" He stopped suddenly. He looked at Amy, then to Cecilia, and then to the others. Then, he tried to touch his back, reaching around his shoulders and up from across his waist. He felt something...very...VERY strange. It felt almost like some sort of thick paper. Then, the paper moved. "GAH!" Mako said, immediately throwing off his upper-body wear to reveal claw and sword wounds across his chest. He reached back again and tried to feel the strange object on his back. It was smooth, like...like nothing he'd ever felt before. He grabbed a hold of part of the strange object and pulled on it. Whatever it was came apart rather easily, but he felt a sharp pain on his back when he did it.

He looked at what was in his hand, and...he was sure he'd seen it before. It was black, and it had small hair-like appendages branching off of it. He thought, and he thought for a few moments more. Then, he remembered. It was something he'd seen in his storybooks about pokemon at a younger age. His eyes widened when he realized that what he was holding was a feather, and thus the sharp pain came from the fact that he had wings.

He knew he couldn't fly, though. He had no control over the wings other than a few basic movements, and he wasn't completely sure that there were bones in his wings. How long had they been there, though? Since the metamorphosis just a few minutes ago? Well, that's what he went with. He put his clothes back on, and turned back to Amy, clearing his throat and then saying, "S...so are you okay?"

Aria nodded. Makoto was actually quite the nice kid, should one get past his requirement of orders. That and his killer instinct.

"So, Makoto, You haven't told me what kind of spirit you have. Mind doing so?" she asked. Makoto grumbled something, it seemed to be along the lines of 'I don't want to talk about it', and he crossed his arms, much like a young kid refusing to eat his vegetables. Aria sighed, and asked again. Still no response.

"Makoto, tell me now, or Spark will here of this insolence!" she shouted at him after a few unsuccessful attempts. Makoto quickly unfolded his arms, and matched her stride once again, as if the entire incident had never happened.

They were exiting the city now. Plants grew up around the abandoned outer edges of the city, and signs of civilization became scarce.

"So, Makoto, you were saying about your spirit?" she asked one last time. She glanced up to where James was walking ahead of them. He seemed fine, if not lost in thought. She turned back to Makoto, awaiting his response.

Near Eterna City Ruins

Chapter Two: Part Two
Reach for Hope

Amy smiled, simply replying, "I didn't know either. It might be because of my new friend~!" She did a small twirl, and the white dress-like appendage fluttered into the air for a moment. She cocked her head slightly at the feather. It didn't take long to figure out what that meant. Wings! Mako, we should put you on top of the Christmas Tree! However, her attention was distracted by something behind them. Apparently there was a bit of a scuffle going on over there. "What the heck is going on!?" Some other boy was attacking Bay, for seemingly no reason.

"Hey!!" Amy appeared right in between them (realizing now that she was able to Teleport) and swung her arms in either direction, a palm aimed at both Bay and this other boy. She knew Bay wasn't exactly an enemy here, though. Well, Amethyst decided to do something risky. "Stop!!" She shouted at the unknown boy, before her blue eye began glowing very bright. The boy's eyes would begin to glow as well. "Look, we don't want any more fighting. That's why... I've Destiny Bonded you. If you want to hurt any of my friends you're going to have to get through me, and if I fall, you do too! Got that?" Amy glared at this boy. She really wasn't happy about it. "Look, we have enough problems without you making more for us. Can't you see there's a city over there that is destroyed?? Come peacefully, or we both die!"

Kotowa Yamada - fight or flight?

Koto faded back into consciousness. He felt strange. There was some girl in front him. Although she was younger, Koto could feel the power eminating from her. Oh no. She was angry. Her eyes were glowing. He was in trouble now...

"No, no... Not another... I-I-I didn't want to! Now I've done it... They caught me, and now they will kill me..." Koto said. He backed up, but ran into a tree trunk. He suddenly groaned, and hurled. He caught his breath, and retched again at the sight of regurgitated flesh. Once that bout was over, he looked up fearfully. "Please... I didn't mean any of it... Please don't kill me! DON'T KILL ME!!" he yelled, tears streaming from his eyes. All of his fear was selling up inside of him. It was all over. He was going to die.
Hailey, Arcea, Tim, Aiden & Anonymous Gabite Wielder #1 - Eterna City Ruins ~ Outskirts

"SAVE ME, TIM. YANDERE ALERT." Arcea's intimidation tactic must have worked! Olga seemed to be unaffected by Aiden's Attract after a moment, and that means she gets him all to her happy little self.~

Or rather, Arcea was free to concentrate on other things. Namely, the reason she was there. She glanced briefly in Aiden's general direction as if considering what to do with him before she decidedly disregarded his presence. She'd keep him riiiight where he was. It worked for her anyway. "...I'm here seeking help for my friend." Arcea explained, slightly grim now. She was referring to Hailey. The gardevoir spirit wielder was Arcea's primary concern, and always had been. Arcea leaned forward, leaning over slightly as if to intimidate Olga. This however was merely her attempting to show how serious she was. "...She's on a path of destruction—She wants to destroy /everything/," Arcea continued to explain. She clearly cared about the situation quite a bit.

With that, she stood up straight and crossed her arms. "...I want to save her," she said. Her tone emphasized that she did not want to simply stop Hailey. She didn't want to defeat Hailey. She wanted to /save/ Hailey. These were very different phenomena(nananana). Arcea was anticipating questions, and she was ready to answer. However, for the moment being she went silent, leaving Aiden to hang idly, his head dangling down her back.

Emily & Lucy - Near Eterna City Ruins

Aaand Lucy had had about enough of /this/. Sorry, Amy. Mother dearest does not tolerate attacks. This boy was clearly out of his mind. They had just been /standing around/ and he had attacked them! That was all she needed to know, and she walked right up to him and punched him in his crazy/stupid face. Not just any punch, mind you, but a dynamic punch! Her hand raised, then switched positions and switched again as if she could not decide where to strike from. She finally struck out after a brief moment and just slugged him without hesitation. Bam! Considering his type weakness, there was almost no chance he would remain on his feet after that blow. Whether he could get back up was another question entirely. The blow was a bit cheap in nature, but Lucy did not care. Survival left no room for honor in the face of crazy.

Emily didn't plan on letting this kid off with just a bruise on his face. He just tried to attack her new friends! (She didn't have many friends.) With Lucy's powerful, potent, puissant punch from the front, Emily teleported behind him (it worked this time!) and blasted him with the best Water Gun she could muster out of a high-pitched scream. Her attack, at least in this case, was at least as strong as a Hydro Pump, boosted even more from the type weakness that Lucy just exploited. Feel the power of love, scumsucker!

The poor boy was getting knocked around by people throwing cheap shots and combos. It wasn't a fair fight at all, in full honesty. Did they care? Nah. In fact, Lucy's next response was to take notice of Emily's actions and promptly lift her dress up — mind you she /was/ wearing pants — and open her mouth stomach to catch Koto, where she immediately swallowed him whole, complete with a large drink of water to wash him down, courtesy of Emily. Cue slurping sounds. She then proceeded to steel herself against physical attacks with her acid armor. Koto could struggle, but Lucy's body stretched in an almost rubber-like manner and refused to give way, squeezing its victim harder each time he caused her some form of pain until he'd find himself unable to move at all — Assuming he bothered struggling in the first place.

Woah. ...Woah. It's almost as if this was familiar somehow! Serious déjà vu here! Lucy, you /pig/! Stop eating everything and every/one/ in sight! It was Koto's turn to find out what a TV dinner felt like after being consumed however, and Lucy didn't seem to feel any remorse. She did not however immediately digest him. Rather, she turned to the others, hands on her hips and rather gravid looking belly sticking proudly out with her domineering stance. To change off from the status quo of devouring people, Lucy felt like 'sealing the deal' even further with a change of Pokéspirit! In a matter of moments, her belly-mouth disappeared with Koto still trapped inside, and her adorable, Audino-like poofy tail took a spot on her lower back with matching ears comfortably sitting on the sides of her head. Nothin' quite like being eaten by a cute girl that gets even cuter after the meal, right Koto? Mildly sadistic tendencies aside, Lucy had things she wanted to get to.

"...Right," she said in a co**-sure tone. There was a hint of anger in said tone, suggesting she had had a long day and was not in the mood for games. "I feel like a human /prison/," she continued with mild disgust. Yes, even Lucy was getting sick of eating people — this was mostly because it was inconvenient, but a case of indigestion seemed to have found its way to her this time as well. This was not the time to spit him out, however; he didn't deserve it. "Bay, Mako... Are you with us?" she asked, hands still on her hips. She seemed to be seeking confirmation, however she didn't wait for an answer. "...Then come with me," she continued in a less domineering tone, turning and beginning to walk off in search of Jubilife. She made a point to meet Mako's eyes and smiled lightly at him, proceeding to beckon him with one hand. She wanted to speak to him personally.
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[the phrase 'Scared out of his mind' seems fitting.]

Kotowa Yamada - End of the line

Koto was sobbing now. Then she came. He almost didn't see the punch incoming. Yet it wasn't just a punch. He'd suffered through those plenty of times. No, this hurt beyond anything. He felt his jaw crack as it hit. He was thrown quite a few feet too. He had assumed the fetal position, shaking with the cries of fear and pain. Then some other person decided it'd be funny to spray water at him, painfully too. He'd passed out before the attack was finished.

Koto awoke in a small, rubbery sack. He elbowed out, finding that it was flexible and...warm? He suddenly opened his eyes, the past events rushing into his brain. He screamed, clawing at his prison. Fire erupted out of nowhere, directed in all directions. After a few futile attempts to escape, he stopped. There was essentially no way out. Come to think of it, it was comforting. Finally, he was in a safe place, however temporarily.
"I don't actually know what my spirit is..." Makoto said helplessly, "It only talked to me once, and I don't think it liked me." He rubbed his arms, the back of his neck, and then stroked his tail, "I don't want to talk about it." He was silent for a moment then spoke up, "When is Spark coming back? Is she mad at me?" He asked, staring at the dirt pitifully.

Spark flew lower when she saw buildings in the distance. From afar they looked grand, though as they neared she saw the deathly and neglected structures. She flew to the ground just at the center of the city, and scanned the area. She saw eyes in the buildings, watching her fearfully. "Are they scared of me?" She whispered.

Well you have wings and you landed in the middle of their town. Not to mention you are a child of all things. Xatu said.

"Why would adults be afraid of children?"

Are you sure they are adults? Take a look

She looked closer at the windows, although the eyes ducked away and many were dirty faces, She noticed they were all children. "It's a town of children? Just like children's city!"


"I'll talk to them!" She said. "Hey! There is no reason to be scared, I won't hurt you." She remained still and non threatening but there was no response. She unfused so that she was back to my normal body to prove she was a child. "See I'm just like you guys."

Sheheard some mumbling and things breaking, then she saw one of the kids had cowered out. "Please don't hurt us..." He whimpered, "We have a heard time living like this anyways..." Although he had stepped out, he kept his distance and neglected to get near me.

"I won't hurt any of you, I'm just here on my way somewhere."

"The last one to come here... H-he killed two of us and then kidnapped another. He had wings like yours..." She knew he had to be a kid, but she wondered why would he come to town and kill other children.

"Was he a human eater?"

The boy shook his head fearfully. "He took my sister miss..." He stood far from spark, and was looking down. "I think he might kill her..."

Spark thought for a moment, she had an idea, "If I help you will you help me?" The boy looked up hopefully and nodded.

"I'll do anything..." Spark figured the whole town wouldn't help me just because she helped one child, but she figured that helping one would be a good first step.

"Well then, I'll kill this murderer and in turn you let me stay here." The boy nodded, but when Spark tried to get close he backed up. "Ok... Well it is a deal then." She refused with Xatu and started to lift off. "Where do you think he went?"

"The place on the island... I think he took a liking to that building..." The boy said. Spark sighed, the one place she thought was safe housed a psychopath. Typical.

"Well even better! I'll get your sister back and you will not have to worry about this killer." She flew north toward the island.

Well looks like you will have to kill after all. Xatu said sarcastically.

"Well if I have to kill for peace then I'll gladly do it. It'll be on my conscience in the end anyways and not someone else's."

An action is an action, whether you justify it or not. The burdens you will take on with that kind of logic will surely kill you. But I guess you know what you are doing huh.

"Well maybe I won't have to kill him." I said mutely.

Near Eterna City Ruins

Chapter Two: Part Three
Reach for Hope

Before Amy could shout "Lucy stahp Stop!" there was a huge double-team attack on the boy. "Lucy!" ... Huh. I think they're a little bit /too/ involved in their battle to hear her. Well this can't end well. Her last visions were Emily spraying water on the boy before everything went black. The bond was now broken, and Amy collapsed onto the ground the same moment the boy did.




"Amethyst? Hey..."

... "Mmm... Hm?"

"Amethyst, wake up." That voice... It was new, yet somehow familiar. Then another voice came, one she couldn't possibly forget.

"Hey kid, this is no time to be snoozin', get up!" Yup, that snippy Weavile, Blade.

Amy felt she had regained control of her body, and slowly propped herself up. As she struggled to get up off of her knees, she was offered a hand from both Faith and Blade, and accepted them both as she stood upright. Now consciously aware of her surroundings, she spoke up, "My subconscious again...?"

Faith seemed confused. "This happens to often?"

Amy shook her head. "Well, only once... Twice now."

Blade crossed his arms. "This time it's your fault."

Faith nodded, though she didn't seem particularly happy about it.

Amethyst shook her head. "How was I supposed to know they would beat him up? I can handle stuff myself..."

"Clearly not," Blade muttered, receiving a cold glare from Amy.

"Well..." Faith started, though took a few seconds to continue. "I wouldn't exactly say it's your fault, but... You might want to think your actions through before you do them. Destiny Bond is a very risky move."

Blade scoffed. "Thinking? Who has time for that? Fast attacks beats planned ones before they're even done planning."

Faith looked to be very offended by this. "Who said planning had to be done during battle? An expert strategy will put fools like you to rest before you can get a single hit in. You'll run into every trap set for you!"

Amy felt her patience being tested. "Guys, that's nice and all, but--"

Blade growled. "Says you. I could outrun your attacks and shred you up before you can set a single trap!"

Faith scoffed and shook her head. "I can't believe I have to share living space with this cretin!"

Blade gritted his fangs and looked ready to pounce. "Cretin!? Why you--!!"

"/GUYS/!!" Amy shouted, catching both of them off guard. "Knock it off!! How can I beat my enemies," Amy said, walking by Blade, "and how can I protect my friends," as she passed Faith, "if the both of you are too busy attacking each other?? You'll get me killed, let alone my friends, if you keep doing this!!"

Both Blade and Faith looked guilty of their actions, though when their eyes met, they shared glares at one another.

"Ugh," Amy sighed. "Please, don't make me have to choose between you two. I need you both. Can we please work together?"

The both of them growled slightly, but finally spoke simultaneously, "Fine."

"Good. Now... When do I wake up...?"

Faith pondered the question for a few moments. "Hmm... I suppose it can't last too long. But then again, there was a super-effective attack, so... It could be anywhere between a minute and an entire day."

"Is there any way to wake myself faster?"

Now this question was puling; she received no response.

Mako Reese and Cecilia (Gin) Reese

Mako and Cecilia watched as the girls beat down the boy who was assaulting Bay. Cecilia clapped and made expressions that would imitate laughter. Mako wasn't sure what to make of the situation. He wasn't quite happy that Bay was getting hurt for no reason at all, and Amy even tried to stop the madness, but to no avail. As Mako expected, the assailant was eaten by Lucy, and though he felt bad for the poor boy, a smirk inadvertently sprouted on his face.

After a short while, Lucy asked the two if they were coming along, and motioned for Mako to come over to her. He smiled and replied, "Yes ma'am!" On his way, however, he noticed that Amethyst was lying on the ground. He didn't remember her sustaining any damage, but she definitely looked unconscious. Mako ran over to her, bringing Cecilia down from off of his neck and cradling Amethyst's body, saying in a panicked voice, "Amy!? Amy, are you alright?" He put his ear to her chest...and there was a heartbeat. He could even hear her breathing steady albeit shallow breaths. She didn't seem to be in a critical state, nor did she seem to be descending into one...from what he could tell.

"Sorry Cecilia, looks like Amy's gonna have to have a turn." Cecilia pouted and puffed her cheeks at this. She was a spoiled girl. Mako placed Amethyst on his back and wrapped her arms around his neck, promptly picking her legs up and hunching over so that she wouldn't fall off. He walked over to Lucy and said, "So, uh..." He looked at Amethyst's face, and back to Lucy. "What's up...?"

Nath opened his eyes and looked into the damp air. It had been another long night of pondering and guessing on what his future would truly be like. He stared at a dirt wall in which he slept in and looked around the underground ruins. There was one things he knew, and the only reason he kept on living, and that was the hope that he would one day see see sunlight once more. He was surprised no-one had come to wake him up already. Surely the guards knew what time it was? It was apparent to Nath that it was certainly daytime, for all his weariness from work had faded away like pouring thin mud into deep holes for a bath. No guards? No work? Just silence. Getting up he noticed the floor had cracked, and was badly damaged. Having no clue on what was going on, he peered out the hole that was between him and work. No-one could be seen, only more cracks in the ground that widened and shortened in a DNA-like pattern, only much more jagged.

He climbed out the hole and landed on his feet, slightly shaking the ground as his feet pounded against the floor. This is new he thought as bits of rock crumbled from above his filth ridden head. He had not been aware that anything like this had happened during his long slumber, and was cautious and wary wherever he went. Acting upon those statements, he slowly walked down the tunnel, checking every nook and cranny for any clues of what was happening. His only clue was a broken pick axe which stated the name, Flora Newbore, a girls name surely. Nath had no memory of this girl working in the mines, so he kept in mind the name of the girl. He carried on walking

A sudden shiver overcome Nath, along with the sound of crying. At this point in time, Nath was completely freaked out and didn't want to move at all. He didn't want too, but something else did... He backed away from the source of the sound slowly, only to find that whoever it was crying didn't like that at all, and let out a loud screech. With a gust Nath flew back against the wall behind him, and started to panic. Whatever it was, it didn't want him to leave or come closer but Nath was too freaked to move anyways. After regaining mobility he stumbled and muttered as he tried to find the exit to these ever-twining cave routes. It didn't matter to him what direction to take, he just had to chose the way he didn't come from and surely he could leave and see day light? right?

At first, luck seemed to be on Nath's side, as the route he took linked to the public underground area of the whole of Sinnoh, better yet, he was still in Hearthome. That luck seemed to just disappear when dozens of bird ghosts surrounded him, screaming and yelling out his name in a bird type of way. They spiraled him and teased him as he tried to escape the horror he was currently in. There was no escape. Nath fell to is knees and covered his ears. He could see all the walls cracking with every sound wave the ghosts produced. Nath couldn't move, he was paralyzed with fear. Until a miracle happened. The birds were swished away and turned into nothing more than dust and another similar bird came forth to wipe out the remaining specimens. The ghost looked into Nath's eyes before he fainted, out cold in a collapsing mine shaft

Bay halted as Amy teleported between them, throwing him off guard. Her Destiny Bond ability was something of an innovative technique that he had never heard of but apparently it was like she connected her soul to the boy who attacked him. Feeling at unease even though Amethyst intervened, Bay frowned at the thought that this boy attacked them out of the blue even though he didn't know who they were and the boy had even managed to put a deep cut in his arm, blood leaking out although Bay forced himself to avoid looking at it.

The boy walked backwards and pleaded for his life. It was almost as if he didn't know that he attacked them. As if they didn't recognize this, Emily and Lucy began to beat around senseless CURBSTOMP HIM!!! followed by Lucy capturing the boy and storing him in her stomach along with water from Emily's Hydro Pump. Did that help with the digestion process and apparently the experience of being in someone else's stomach didn't prevent Lucy from eating him.

The thought of this along with the gash on his arm made Bay gag for a moment but he managed to hold back the urge to let loose his food (it was a hard thing to come by these days) and he looked in his bag for some sort of bandaging but it was a lost cause although he did manage to find an old, torn, orange shirt. Making due with the shirt, Bay ripped off a piece of it and tied it to his arm sloppily. The blood soaked thread but it didn't seep through Lucy called both Mako and Bay and Bay followed behind the former.

He noticed Amy comatose on the ground and stared at her with puzzlement. Was it her Destiny technique or did something else happen to her? Mako lifted her on his back in a manner similar to how he was previously carrying his sister after checking for her heartbeat. Hopefully she would be okay but regardless, there was another thing that was tugged at his conscious. Bay dashed up to Lucy hoping that she wouldn't kill the boy.

"Lucy, that boy was trying to kill me but for some reason he turned into a completely different person when Amy stopped him. Please don't kill him." Bay pleaded. The blood held in the shirt began to leak out and blood trickled down Bay's arm to his hands. He felt that he should've been able to handle it although if Amy hadn't stopped them then one of them would be dead. "But what are you going to do with him and also what are we going to do once we find whoever leveled Eterna?"