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Pokémon Fallout (OOC/SU)

Crystallized: Yellow is going to be the one giving you a final judging; however, like I said, the clothing is affected like the body — normal clothes generally become part of a spirit wielder's body while fused, and a spike can just as easily sprout from the gloves just like they would the rest of Rayn's body. Maybe one has a hole in the palm from Rayn's random falls and scrapes, and the other one's missing a finger because it got stuck between rocks once, maybe his pants are ripped... somewhere... you get the idea? You'll be fused the majority of the time and the clothes will better reflect the fusion by a temporary mending, so these are trivial things, but it still adds plenty of character in just a few words.

Khawill, nothing seems to have actually /changed/ from the things I first pointed out. He's still pretty much addicted to Oran berries for no explicit reason (along with it, why not Sitrus or a status-healing berry?), and with the gangs you're even contradicting yourself now. You're specifying particular, even fairly organized peoples (paraphrasing your words here), but the first sentence of the paragraph doesn't reflect this because they apparently /don't/ want organization and order.

While a well-placed addiction to something is fine (that is, the Oran obsession should be clearer), it'd be much preferred if the part of the "gangs" was changed outright, rather than trying to dodge the issue you're putting on yourself with it.
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Speaking of getting "addicted to berries"...how would that happen? Berries are the equivalent of fruits in our world, the only real difference is that fruits have vitamins while berries have amplified health properties. But...there'd have to be extraordinary circumstances for one to get addicted to berries. It's true that one can get addicted to almost anything, but when it's something like berries, the intake...or however they are addicted to it would have to be ungodly, and it'd be rather far fetched if berries were to have the same addictive properties as medicine in our world, and people usually get addicted to those due to the pleasure they get from the highs. More than that, there are people who eat fruit almost every day. Heck, vegans and vegetarians, depending on the person, can have them for almost every day for their entire lives. Not too mention that Mako, my character for this RP, worked on a berry farm for a month, likely only eating berries during that time, and he's just fine. One would have to actively go out of their way to get addicted to berries.

I'm no GM, so you can ignore this if you want, but the circumstances for becoming addicted to berries would have to be incredible, and given the dispersion of food in the world of Fallout, it's unlikely that there's actually anyone prone to or capable of berry addiction.
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Another edit again, honestly this is way more complicated than it was supposed to be
H-hold on...he had a tumor that was cured by using Oran berries and Sitrus berries? How is that even possible? First, you don't really cure a tumor, you remove them from the body. Also...where would the berries factor in in that? There are so many questions that that raises, but I'd highly recommend not using the tumor, there is almost no possible way to make logical sense out of how Oran and Sitrus berries "curing" that.
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So berries that heal burns and cure freezing makes perfect sense, but a berry that has (in game) healing abilities is not possible? A tumor is a group of cancer cells, growing out of control in a certain part, healing berries can certainly heal or otherwise stop these cells given enough time. I never said he just ate them and poof he was healed.

Why is this getting so realistic, the RP is based on a game where animals have elemental powers and water heals for as much as a potion.
So berries that heal burns and cure freezing makes perfect sense, but a berry that has (in game) healing abilities is not possible? A tumor is a group of cancer cells, growing out of control in a certain part, healing berries can certainly heal or otherwise stop these cells given enough time. I never said he just ate them and poof he was healed.

Why is this getting so realistic, the RP is based on a game where animals have elemental powers and water heals for as much as a potion.
Yes, but...you're dealing with terminal illnesses now (and one that exists in real life), that's a pretty big deal.

Also, I never said that he did just eat them and get healed. Again, my question is "where do the berries factor in"? It's...uh...possible that...maybe a berry could stop the cells, but that would only really matter in the formation of the tumor rather than...curing it. What's more, why would he need berries afterwards if the tumor were cured? As I said, unless berries had came with some sort of high or some pleasurable effect on the body, why would he want/need more? Then again, this is a different universe with different rules and different logic, but it you are really going to assert that his father found a way to use oran and sitrus berries, two minor healing berries (supposing that their healing properties work for humans, too), could aid in curing a tumor, a terminal illness, I'd recommend explaining it, at the very least.

It's really up to TornZero and Yellow, but...eh. It's just my two cents.
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@Everyone: I've never really elaborated fully on scavenging vs thievery vs cannibalism, but if I haven't said it bluntly enough? In terms of non-murder deaths, scavengers tend to make up the majority of the remaining deaths. Allow me to elaborate. A vegetarian diet is kind of a complex thing to maintain because humans have long evolved past the point that our bodies are made to run efficiently on veggies. Therefore, someone who is struggling to find food at all is probably not going to be able to maintain anything close to a proper diet and will almost certainly suffer both malnutrition and deficiencies, which can very much prove to be fatal. You'd have to have a very wide range of crops on a farm to maintain said diet, so there's really no realistic way around this. This makes them more prone to injury, less energetic. The problems stack, and it definitely does not help when someone decides to attack them.

Thieves can also suffer this fate, but because they have a more lucrative food source they often have a better choice of food to pick from and at the very least, will suffer less from malnutrition and don't have to worry about simply starving to death nearly as much as scavengers. A fully balanced vegetarian diet is virtually impossible due to the lack of proper medical support. This is part of the reason that medical books are in fact still quite valuable.

Cannibals suffers none of these drawbacks. They are going to be stronger, more healthy, more fit for fighting, able to take a hit better, able to think and react faster. Their quality of life physically will generally be a lot higher. However they've got... other things to worry about. I will choose to leave that a tad mysterious (If you wish to learn about it, I recommend having your character research Anne, the Haxorus wielder that was killed in combat recently.)

I will tell you that in terms of thieves vs cannibals which type is better health-wise is subjective. The life of a scavenger completely objectively sucks though.

@Khawill: ...In an RP as dark as this, I dare say I hoped it would be implied that we take ourselves a bit seriously. It's a shame you apparently thought the RP was a joke, but I assure you that was not my intention at all. And y'know what? You're right. This is dragging on too long, the thing being that progress isn't being made. If I were you, I would either put the character idea aside and try to improve it again later once you've put a bit more thought into making it appropriate for the world at hand. That is to say, take a break and try again later. Start over, or abandon the idea of another character altogether.

@Crystallized: In contrast, I no longer have any issue with your appearance section and am ready to accept you. Welcome to the RP!
Yeah.....Yellow, I'm dropping this one. It was good in concept, but the way the other roleplayers are carrying it out has really put me off. It was fun while it lasted, but then it began to take turns I'm not a fan of. I'm not going to mention any specific instances, however, so as to avoid offending anyone. It has nothing to do with you, or how you've run it. I simply haven't had the motivation to post here any more.
Hey, uh some guy named Hotmic posted in the Fallout RP, I thought he was an older role player but I went to his page and he has only 1 post, so there is no way he has a SU.

I don't know if you care or not, but I'm just pointing it out.
Thanks for noticing it, Khawill, and Yellow and I have already done what we could to take care of it; sadly, since the post pretty much totally needs to be deleted, only a mod's going to be able to do that unless hotmic figures out what he did wrong and fixes it himself.
I would like to apologise for my previous posts as it was late at night and I missed the signup link (better late than never I suppose.)

any who lets start anew shall we!

Name: Howl Jenkins

PokeSpirit: Absol

Sex: Male

Age: About 12 and a half (doesn't know as he isn't keeping track of the date)

Personality: Courageous, Kind, Regretful (if that makes sense),He has emotional breakdowns (reason below), He is scared of big groups and prefers to travel alone.

Apperence: Pale with long black hair, scars all down his body (reason below).
When Fused: He gains Absols scythe and his tail. his hands turn similar to Abosl's and his eyes turn bright Yellow, His Chest also is similar. He runs on all fours allowing for great speeds and agileness.
(will be making sprites)

Conditions: He has Minor amnesia and scars all down his body

Back story: Howl and his younger brother Koji where regular children (as regular as possible) just trying to survive in the harsh environment. They didn't Know there parents as they where abandoned at the age of 7 (koji was 5). Being the responsible brother Howl looked after Koji best he could but it wasn't enough and Howl looked for jobs in the underground. This is where the story picks up, A shady man sends them on an errand for him to go a retrieve an old diary kept by a scientist that worked with Pokemon. when they had arrived at the old building they were ambushed and beaten, Koji sustained major injuries and died at the scene and Howl was linked with the soul of an Absol.

Psycho Cut
Quick Attack
Perish Song
Shadow Ball
Secret Power
Magic Coat

Other: He also has future sight that he can use kinda like a spider sense (spiderman).

Opening post:
I wake with a aching pain in my head, what had happened? I open my eyes only to find an Absol staring at me. I can't here anything except the humming of silence, I try to stand but find it to be painful so I decide to sit instead.

"You will be fine, I am your Pokemon Spirit. You where found by some passers by, you and your brother were passed out... are you ok?" The Absol was alarmed.

"Yes my brother, Have you seen him he was injured!?" I demanded, knowing it was I who had gotten us into this situation.

"when you were found he had passed on, they did the best they could but it was to late for him. the only way to save you was to link my spirit with yours."

I cant accept the death of my brother, it must not be true!

"I know you have many questions but they will be answered in good time, for now sleep for a little while."

I wake again, as I slept Absol came to me and allowed me to reflect on my situation. I now know that I must go and find out what had happened, I knew it was my fault but what I did was unknown. For now Im going to start my travel to Eterna City. There I might find information on what had Happened.

Again i am truly sorry and hope we can all have a good time.
Guys. I'll be heading out to the mountains like... extremely soon. That being said I'll be lucky to get any internet time and not even phone internet is guaranteed. When I do have phone time, I want to be able to focus on writign an actual post. So. TornZero will have to manage the acceptance of SUs for the time being. I'll be back sometime sunday afternoon'ish.
First of all, thanks for coming to the OOC, hotmic. Second, while I do love a good Absol, the SU really needs some fixing up. While the criteria is listed, it doesn't even follow the sign-up template presented; it's missing a lot of necessities, too, and it's much too short. The history also has some major problems, which I'll touch on near the end.

The appearance and personality are both extremely bare. There's no de-fused form (which he needs, since he's still human), and is he a nudist? You didn't describe any clothes, or even glaringly obvious features like hair color. The fusion also needs to be toned down some, as they have to be more human than Pokémon, roughly 70/30 at most — being able to climb like an Absol and have its claws is fine, but his arms shouldn't turn into an Absol's front legs. Also, how is his chest "similar"? An Absol's chest is covered in fur, and that still goes to the 70/30 issue.

Some RPs may also accept a three-word description of someone's personality, but not Fallout, sadly. You need to give us an actual feel for your character's attitude and why he does what he does. This section needs the most expansion, really.

Now, the history is the biggest issue, as Pokémon spirits don't travel the region without a wielder and many things need much better explaining. Pokémon spirits are pretty much Arceus-bound to the giant rock that popped up in Mount Coronet until a kid comes by, and even then another spirit can still get the kid first. Where was the old diary? It'd be nice to have the location, since even Howl likely has little idea where he's going at all. Why was he ambushed? and are they just ridiculously random ruffian adults, or was it an overly elaborate setup by the old man in the Underground with no rhyme or reason? The environment isn't exactly harsh, either — the buildings are kind of just in disrepair while various kinds of plantlife have overgrown in some areas, and reliable food supplies aren't easy to find. Some people resort to cannibalism to stay fit, and others to diminishing foraging attempts and semi-profitable thievery.

Lastly, the opening post, while it does meet the 100 word minimum rule, is also too short to really accept. You're given a lot of free reign with what your character does in the opening post, and having only dialogue means there's hardly any content, which is one of the more important things a sign-up is judged on. If the opening post is awesome, the sign-up can be fairly short as long as it has the required information.

Please take a look at some of the other sign-ups to see what you're missing, and some of the things you can work on; and don't hesitate to ask for help with verification and the like. (That's one of the things a GM is for.)
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Name: Howl Jenkins

Nickname (Optional):

Age (10-13): About 12 and a half (doesn't know as he isn't keeping track of the date)

Sex (Male or Female):Male

Appearance (A picture can be provided instead of a description if you so wish.): Minimum of 3 lines if no picture is provided.
i*imgur*com/GL8gg*png (stars are dots)

Personality (How does your character act and react to others? Their mental state? Flaws and/or personal weaknesses?): Howl has a hard time warming up to people and is very anti social, he will travel with a group but only if he can not do otherwise. Howl prefers to run rather than fight but if need be he would kill anyone to save another. Howl is feeling guilty about what happened to his brother and feels that it is his fault, he has emotional breakdowns where he can become unpredictable and a danger to himself and whoever happens to be close to him at the time.

History (Where did your character grow up? Who did they grow up with? What have the been doing before this? Any noteworthy events?):
Howl and his younger brother Koji where regular children just trying to survive . They didn't Know there parents as they where abandoned at the age of 7 (koji was 5). Being the responsible brother Howl looked after Koji best he could but it wasn't enough and Howl looked for jobs in the underground. This is where the story picks up, A shady man sends them on an errand for him to go a retrieve an old diary kept by a scientist that worked with Pokemon in Twinleaf Town, Apparently for a 'Project' of his. Howl asked about the project but was scolded for being nosey. when they had arrived at the building Howl and Koji did some searching and had found many documents that talked about 'trainers' and Pokemon running around in the wild. at last Howl and Koji had found the book and where about to leave Howl looked at the book and the title was 'the pokedex' in writing it stated that this book was to be kept in case of glitches in the pokedex system. They walked out the building and found the man waiting at the entrance with 2 other men, they all had a weapon of some kind and koji was beaten to death and the man ran away with the book.
Howl was carried to the base of Mt coronet by some strangers and was linked with Pokespirit in the attempt to save his life.

Pokespirit (No legendaries. Alternate color schemes are allowed.)

Nickname (Optional):

Personality (Can be as short or long as you want): He is serious about everything but he is a reliable ally and will never back down from a fight

Moves (Maximum of 6. TM and egg moves are allowed. These are the moves your character gets when they fuse):
Psycho Cut
Quick Attack
Perish Song
Shadow Ball
Secret Power
Magic Coat

Other (Optional): He also has future sight that he can use kinda like a spider sense.

Opening Post (This will be what we use to determine whether your writing skills are good enough. If accepted, you may feel free to copy paste your post here into the IC thread.):

I wake with a aching pain in my head, what had happened? I open my eyes only to find an Absol staring at me. I can't here anything except the humming of silence, I try to stand but find it to be painful so I decide to sit instead. I feel heavy and am hurting all over but my head is the worst.

"You will be fine, I am your Pokemon Spirit. You where found by some passers by, they heard the commotion and bought you here. You and your brother were passed out... are you ok?" The Absol was alarmed.

Pokespirit? I don't understand? Why me? Where's my brother, I should probably find out before I go insane with so many questions

"Yes my brother, Have you seen him he was injured!?" I demanded, knowing it was I who had gotten us into this situation.

"when you were found he had passed on, they did the best they could but it was to late for him. the only way to save you was to link my spirit with yours."

"I cant accept the death of my brother, it must not be true!"

The Absol was staring into my eyes as if to be trying to understand what happened, heck not even i know what happened all I can remember is a book.... I cant remember. I cant think straight because of the pain, im not going to be able to do anything in this condition.

"The pain in my head is to much!"

"I know you have many questions but they will be answered in good time, for now sleep for a little while."

I wake again, as I slept Absol came to me and allowed me to reflect on my situation. I now know that I must go and find out what had happened, I knew it was my fault but what I did was unknown. For now I'm going to start my travel to Eterna City. There I might find information on what had Happened.
Yes, Lucy just outright ate Amethyst. That's one of the totally awesome things about her. Moving on!

Alright, hotmic, the History is still just a huge hole. Sending the kids after a book just to follow and murder them? Please change the story to something else. I believe it'll take much more work to try and get this to make sense (which very possibly won't happen as it is now) than it will making something else up entirely. Also, they were old enough to know their parents — how did a 7 year old not remember his own mother, who raised him? That, almost biologically even, sounds impossible to believe. Maybe Kovu wouldn't remember. Maybe. Why were they abandoned in the first place? Lastly, who was Howl carried by, and why? What was the point of doing this? His Pokéspirit sure couldn't have done it, and there's no mention of that person anywhere else, even in the opening post.

Also, the personality's completely changed from "Courageous, Kind, Regretful", and almost contradicts itself at one point. First, he's more willing to run than fight — this implies pacifism or fighting only in defense, but he's totally fine with killing someone for someone else's survival? And are his emotional breakdowns totally random, or do they have some kind of trigger? Why does it make him dangerous? Is it an angry breakdown, or does he just throw people away trying to get to a corner so he can sulk?

Finally, the formatting on your Opening Post. Honestly, I can't even make much of an actual comment before asking this: Why? Why is all the speech underlined? Why is everything else bolded? Why does it look pretty much the exact same as the first attempt? It still looks too short content-wise, and I have to suggest you get someone to help you proofread. I'm sure plenty of people will be willing to help you with that.
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