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[PKMN OPEN] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Pirate Tale (OOC)

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lover of milotics
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    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Pirate Tale (OOC)

    A Pokemon RP rated T.
    Credits for inspiration goes to: Ray Maverik's Into the Great Open Blue, and references from One Piece.

    It was about 50 years ago, where the Great Outlaw, Gyuken N. Masamune the Lucario, known for his great fame, power and wealth, was executed. His final words before his death however rang to this very day: "if you want to have the greatest fortune of all, seek the Wishmaker across the seas... your wishes will be granted."

    To this day, no Pokémon has ever seen the Wishmaker, nor do they know what they look like, but according to the Great Outlaw, it has the power to grant any wish for those who have stumble upon it. So, every upcoming explorer has the same dream set in their lives of one day finding this Wishmaker treasure, and naming themselves as the greatest explorer in the world.

    However, this rumor also increased a number of outlaws to become pirates and sail toward the Wishmaker treasure, beginning the Great Age of the PokéPirates. This is the tale of one such pirate crew, The Frozen Roses...

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Pirate Tale (OOC)


    In this RP, you will be part of a pirate crew of outlaws that have operated for years: The Frozen Roses. As a well known member of The Frozen Roses crew of pirates, you share a sense of adventure, have a desire for treasure, or perhaps are fed up with the restrictions of becoming an explorer. Whatever your reasons, you are part of this crew in order to find the Wishmaker, and making your own wishes come true.

    The Frozen Roses find themselves rising to infamy. Some call them petty criminals, but they are also rebels against this restrictive, orderly world, operating within their own rules. They do great amounts of exploration, as they'll be venturing into unexplored and sometimes even uncharted areas, haul in whatever treasure they can find, but for one reason or another, they will also be wanted and hunted down by exploration teams, guilds, or any authoritative organization that seeks nothing but to throw them in a prison cell for their chaotic behaviors.

    The World

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Pirate Tale (OOC)

    Surrounding populated lands of this Pokémon world is the Vast Ocean, which is divided into two halves by the Duraludon mountainous continent. The left half of the Vast Ocean, called the Left Hand, is further divided by two halves: the North Star Sea, and the South Star Sea. The other half of the Vast Ocean, the Right Hand, is divided into four: The Red Sea, The Blue Sea, The Green Sea, and The Black Sea. Within the Duraludon lands, most of the exploration teams are built and organized in a place called New Appleberry - a land that is thrived with many different species of Pokémon working together to achieve their goals. There are shops, guilds, and the Pelipper Office that organizes newspapers and letters of all of the requests for all the exploration teams. Exploration teams can travel by land for certain landmarks, but most travel by ship to get to their destination.

    The currents and weather of the Vast Ocean open sea are extremely unpredictable, whereas in the vicinity of islands the climate is stable. But, the most peculiar thing about this world are the different number uprising Mystery Dungeons. They come in caverns, wastelands, volcanoes, even in secret territories on the sea. To this day, no one knows where they come from or how they came to be, but still are continuously researched.

    Tyranitar's Bluff

    Some criminals, including pirates, make their home base in a secluded location within the Right Hand in a place called the Tyranitar's Bluff. While it might not look like much to outsiders, it is a large castle like structure inside.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Pirate Tale (OOC)

    From there, they plan their next actions, go over the loot they collected, and even acquire new information about discovered Mystery Dungeons, treasure, or other notable things that are waiting to be discovered. There are also some secret black-market type shops who have smuggled some supplies. Think of this place like a network for them to function for their own benefit.


    This RP will be a bit different from most other PMD Roleplays; we'll will mostly work together as a closer tight knit unit during each events in the story. There will be times though, where you can set off on your own and do solo posts, but do expect joint posts for certain traveling segments, and even some important battles. Occasionally missions not related to the main quest of that arc might arise. These will be side quests of sorts, which will have no real bearing on the story, but will likely have good loot and will likely be a great way to develop characters.

    On the topic of moves, if you want your Pokémon to learn any moves it should canonically, then please make a post in the IC detailing a battle, then link it in the OOC. Evolution, is possible, however the conditions revolving around it will remain a mystery for now. Mega-Evolution is also present in this world, Pokémon require their Mega-Stones and can activate Mega-Evolution at times of great need. Dynamaxing and Gigantamaxing aren't normally possible in this world.

    Items or other neat awards will be awarded to you for specific missions or certain segments during the story. You may also request a specific item, should you want one, in the OOC, the GM will then inform you if this item choice is acceptable.

    The most important thing on how this RP will progress is by world building. We'll all work together to help construct landmarks, dungeons, treasure, or other certain things that will help make this world complete.

    Pirate Code of Conduct

    1. All PC rules apply.
    2. Be fair, nice and respectful towards other players. This also implies no godmodding, bunnying without permission, or anything of the sort.
    3. This is rated T, for fantasy violence, blood, strong language, romance, etc.
    4. Communication is key! Cooperate with your fellow players and discuss the RP upon our discord server.
    5. New major characters are to be made only with the approval of the GM, but you're free to make up NPCs as you like!
    6. Respect should always be given! As fellow RPers in this game, we should all work together to ensure that we all have the most fun and positive atmosphere that we can possibly have. So, please give others the respect that you would like to be given in return!
    7. If you're unconvinced that any decision I made isn't the wisest, please tell me so! As I will be a player as well, I do encourage some communication with me as well. I'm also not perfect, but I will do the best I can to help the RP moves along.
    8. Let's all enjoy ourselves! This RP has plenty of discussion, but will also be chill. Don't be shy; come right in!

    The Frozen Roses Crew

    The crew each have different jobs while on board. Without one, the ship would not work effectively as a unit.



    Name: (unless you want everyone to call you by your species...)
    Pokémon Species: (Any non-mythical or legendary Pokémon)
    Crew Job Title: (refer to the The Frozen Roses Crew for the list of them)

    Appearance: (Any slight alterations are allowed, Pokémon can be shiny.)

    History: (What were they like back then, up to today? What happened?)

    Personality: (General Demeanor, Strengths and Weaknesses - and I don't mean type-wise!)

    Moveset: (Up to 6 moves - including TM/HM moves - to start with, and keep it to the game canon. One egg move is allowed per Character.)

    Discord Handle: (As the name suggests, your discord handle)


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    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Pirate Tale (OOC)
    Name: Seraphina
    Pokémon Species: Eevee
    Crew Job Title: Cabin Pokémon
    Gender: Female

    Appearance: Seraphina is not your usual brown-looking Eevee, her fur is silver coloured and her fur is slightly longer on the top of her head. She is what would be considered "Shiny" in Pokémon terms and fairly unique for her species. She wears a red bow that fits her snarky attitude and the contrast of her special coloured fur. Even though she has this well groomed and clean appearance, she's not at all minds to get a little dirty sometimes.

    "Someone got to be the little but adorable brat."

    History Seraphina was always treated as special due to the colour of her fur, watching how her older brother Midas was treated as if he was significantly less worth. That didn't strain their sibling relationship at all though as Seraphina would often skip her responsibilities to pay him a visit with whatever he was doing. Often bothering him during his studies as part of her games. The relationship between Seraphina and her father is non-existent, often worrying Midas to how nonchalant she replies to any news of her father and his illness. As they have already lost their mother when Seraphina was born, Midas feels like his little sister should keep somewhat of a familiarity to the old man but the younger Eevee is not able to forgive her father easily for treating her brother the way he has.

    Despite having lived a fairly okay childhood, Seraphina has lived secluded and doesn't know a lot of the outside world. She was not allowed to go any further than town while the adventurous heart that she inherited from her grandmother has always felt like it was missing something. Once Seraphina reached her late teens, the thrill for adventure within her made her decide to follow her own path. Hoping that her father would treat her brother better in her absence the Eevee left in the middle of the night not carrying anything but her silky red bow and a hood to cover her fur.

    Her adventure up 'till now has been a rocky one. Not having learned any skills to survive on her own has certainly given her a huge disadvantage and she has ran into a lot of trouble up until now but she's determined to continue and see the outside world. Recently she heard about a treasure that can supposedly grant wishes and Seraphina had laid her eyes on this treasure since then.

    Personality: Words that would describe Seraphina best would be Snarky, bratty but incredibly clever. The only reason she has been able to escape from the trouble she has found herself in up until now is thanks to her witty personality and doing the unexpected. Even though having learned to be a proper young lady, Seraphina has a big mouth for such a tiny creature and isn't afraid to speak her mind. That might also be her weakness as she isn't exactly good at "gift-wrapping" her thoughts and opinions and is mostly the reason she is considered a troublemaker. She has a flair of arrogance surrounding her but if you take a closer look you'll find a big heart and a big softy although she will hate to hear it.

    Despite Seraphina's strong attitude, watching other families during her journey has made her feel lonely as she only ever had her brother. It made her realise how hard it is to make an actual connection with other Pokémon. Seraphina has a pride and when this pride is hurt, she can easily fall into despair as she never learned how to deal with these situations. She's also very unsure of her future and lives day by day, not really trying to think too far ahead and focusing on her adventure instead.

    • Covet | The user endearingly approaches the target, then steals the target's held item. |
    • Double Kick | The target is quickly kicked twice in succession using both feet. |
    • Stored Power |basically Seraphina losing her temper The user attacks the target with stored power. The more the user's stats are raised, the greater the move's power.|
    • Swift | Star-shaped rays are shot at opposing Pokémon. This attack never misses. |

    Discord Handle: Sapphy#2380 (I can't be added as a friend)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Pirate Tale (OOC)

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    can there be more than one gunner? i still have to see if i'm really participating, but i'd like to reserve delphox for now if possible. if gunner isn't possible, then maybe it will be the striker.
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    Pokémon Species: Krookodile
    Crew Job Title: Quartermaster
    Gender: Male

    Appearance: Just a normal Krookodile with a few scars here and there. He appreciates a pair of sharp-looking shades and has a penchant for vests.

    History: Baryon comes from an extensive but close-knit family and grew up with a healthy appreciation for the law. He did have some wild times when he was younger, but it's been quite some time since then. He recently entrusted his responsibilities to a cousin of his and joined up with the Frozen Roses, ready to adventure boldly and freely.

    Personality: Baryon's laid-back attitude softens the harsh appearance of his species and allows others to feel at ease. He's a friendly Pokémon, willing to listen to any and all complaints and concerns that others may have. He is oftentimes blunt, though kind, and his advice is solid. He'd never like to be thought of as a paternal figure, but he often comes across as such to younger Pokémon. His intelligence is his greatest strength, though his physical capabilities are not to be underestimated. He enjoys fighting for sport and is a very tactical thinker. Though a very rare occurrence, a fight that triggers primal emotions can send him into a rage quite difficult to break out of.

    Moveset: Swagger // Scale Shot // Protect // Bulk Up // Power Trip // (sixth move pending)

    Discord Handle: anna#8500
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    "Mad" Hartley Holt
    Blastoise | Male | Gunner

    Personality: Hartley is gruff, blunt and frequently rude. He says what he means and isn't the sort to take it easy on people or sugarcoat the truth (or what he thinks is the truth). He's temperamental and cranky and it's easy to find yourself on his bad side. That being said, Hartley is not malicious in any sense of the word and is actually pretty good-natured once you get to know him.

    Hartley enjoys a good laugh, although he greatly prefers humour to be at the expense of those who aren't himself and enjoys both sharing and listening to a good story, of which he has many. He is also fiercely loyal to those who earn his friendship, the reward for making it past his harsher exterior. This is an extension of his more stubborn side, he is a Blastoise who thinks he knows best and he'll stick to his guns... but he's not as wise or clever as he thinks he is.

    History: Hartley was born and raised in the beautiful island paradise of Oasis Cove... and he hated it. Oasis Cove was calm, peaceful, uneventful and had strict rules to make sure it stayed that way. In other words, it was boring as all hell. So as a young Squirtle, Hartley got the hell out and joined a pirate crew. More specifically, thirsty for adventure and excitement, he ran away from home and stowed away on a pirate boat and eventually managed to integrate himself into the crew. He grew up among the Rain Dance Pirates, rising through the ranks as he grew more powerful.

    That was a long time ago. The old crew has long since disbanded, going their separate ways with their share of the spoils. Hartley found himself whittling way time idly, spending his ill-gotten gains and making a nuisance of himself in a port much like the one he was born in. That was until, with his money long run out and his boredom driving him gradually into insanity that he encountered the Frozen Roses and saw a chance for one last wild adventure.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Pirate Tale (OOC)
    Water Pulse | Flash Cannon | Aura Sphere | Iron Defence | Rapid Spin | Hydro Pump
    gimmepie #3888
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    Name: Dr. Thorsten Fungele
    Pokémon Species: Amoonguss
    Crew Job Title: Doctor
    Gender: ♂

    Appearance: Fungele is an older Amoonguss. His face reflects one who has seen (and dealt) a lot of suffering. Dark circles can be seen under his eyes, and a black goatee can be seen. He wears a tattered, darkened lab coat with a pocket watch in the breast pocket. And of course, the good(?) doctor is never seen without his prized pipe.

    History: Thorsten Fungele was the adopted son of Alphonse (an Abomasnow) and Dahlia (a Vileplume) Ulbright, well-known professionals of the medical world. Being tutored at a young age, Fungele had slowly shown an aptitude to the study of medicine and chemistry. He was raised and privately tutored alongside his step-sister, Vivian Ulbright (Oddish). Fungele seemed to have it all by the blessings of the Ulbright family. Fungele even became a professional, himself, as a doctor and a scientist. However, it was not without it's own consequences.

    Strict and anguishing regimens, scarce and precise diets, behavioral constructiveness for high society, all along his confusing relationship with his step-sister. Eventually, they both fell in love. Unfortunately, she was taken away by an arranged marriage, specifically directed by their father.

    Because of the restricting lifestyle and the stress of being an Ulbright, Fungele fled. To study on his own terms, to see the world with his own eyes, and to live his life on his own terms. Eventually, he had set up his own practice as a back-alley, criminal doctor. He developed his own name, and his expertise was improved when allowed to use methods that would never be welcome among his previous colleagues.

    Personality: Very eccentric, very alcoholic, and very quick to anger. Due to his life in high society, and seeing most mon as possible "patients," he still has a habit of looking down on others. He has a habit of making notes of anything and anyone that interest him, for his personal experimentation and research.

    Moveset: Stun Spore, Spore, Clear Smog, Toxic, Mega Drain, Sludge Bomb

    Discord Handle: MurkMire#4107

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    Name: Hal
    Pokémon Species: Salandit
    Crew Job Title: Cook
    Gender: Male

    Appearance: Mostly a regular Salandit, except his eyes are red instead of purple. He usually wears a red bandana around his neck.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Pirate Tale (OOC)

    History: Raised in an orphanage in New Appleberry, Hal didn't know his parents or even his last name. One of his earliest exploits involved trying to catch a thief and somehow ended with a bakery burning down. He was encouraged to join an exploration team to temper his reckless behavior and instill some discipline, but after receiving a mysterious letter he abruptly quit and struck out on his own. He made ends meet as a freelance courier and petty thief before signing up for ships heading into the Vast Ocean, eventually finding his way with the Frozen Roses.

    Personality: With a sharp mind and a desire to please, Hal is quick to act. He has a decent head on his shoulders, but he's rarely patient enough to think things through, preferring immediate and decisive action. He's energetic and always on the move, but wants to impress his superiors and prove his worth. In cooking as well as in life, if he just slowed down and applied himself he could do decent work, but his preference for shortcuts (and over-reliance on spices) means his efforts are passable, but often fall short of greatness.

    Moveset: Mud Slap, Poison Gas, Ember, Poison Fang, Sweet Scent, Dragon Pulse

    Discord Handle: Groc#0752
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    I'll throw my hat into the ring. Not like I'll need it if I'm indoors anyway. I've got a couple questions:
    1: If Frosslass, who is part Ghost-type, is the captain of the ship, does the ship count as haunted?
    2: Is it possible to haunt a Ghost?
    3: Is it possible to haunt an already haunted ship?
    4: Is pure Ghost-type more spooky than dual-type Ghost and something else?
    5: Is it possible for a Ghost to haunt another Ghost if the first Ghost is more spooky?
    6: Does 6 count as a couple? I say yes.
    Asking for a friend.

    Edit: Had questions and went for the meme ones instead of remembering the actual question I had. Moveset says up to 6, including TM and HM, limit of 1 egg move. What about tutor moves?
    I'll throw my hat into the ring. Not like I'll need it if I'm indoors anyway. I've got a couple questions:
    1: If Frosslass, who is part Ghost-type, is the captain of the ship, does the ship count as haunted?
    2: Is it possible to haunt a Ghost?
    3: Is it possible to haunt an already haunted ship?
    4: Is pure Ghost-type more spooky than dual-type Ghost and something else?
    5: Is it possible for a Ghost to haunt another Ghost if the first Ghost is more spooky?
    6: Does 6 count as a couple? I say yes.
    Asking for a friend.

    Edit: Had questions and went for the meme ones instead of remembering the actual question I had. Moveset says up to 6, including TM and HM, limit of 1 egg move. What about tutor moves?

    1) No, not technically.
    2) Yes.
    3) Sure.
    4) Like all pokemon, Ghost-types come with different feelings and beliefs. Perhaps that can be true as a belief, but not true overall.
    5) See 4 - depends on the ghost pokemon.

    Tutor moves are acceptable too; I don't much care if the pokemon's moveset is OP or not, I'm looking to see if it's well done. o:
    "I'll be a brave warrior of the sea, the stuff they write legends of! Just watch me!"

    Quinn / Female / Rowlet / Striker

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Pirate Tale (OOC)


    Quinn looks like a typical Rowlet, save for a few minor differences. Instead of the typical green feathers, Quinn's are a bright pink, resembling that of cherry blossom petals. She is never seen without her trademark hood, which just so happens to resemble that worn by members of her final evolution form, Decidueye. Unlike the standard green though, Quinn's hood is of a deep, crimson red color. It is a little weathered from how often the young Rowlet wears the cowl, but she makes sure to keep it in somewhat good condition.​


    An adventurous heart, Quinn dreams of a life at sea and becoming a strong warrior of the waters as well. She is a headstrong individual, often acting on impulse and not so much on thinking things through. Quinn is not one to sit by and let people tell her she cannot and should not. Because of this, she is known to often get herself into trouble by underestimating the situations she finds herself in. At the same time though, the small Rowlet is more than willing to give it 110%, often working herself to the point of exhaustion. Quinn is a very quick tempered and proud of her power despite her small size. This leads her to embellish the truth about situations she has encountered in her life, but the bird Pokémon means well and most can tell she is just trying to talk big more often than not.​


    Quinn hails from Tamato Village, a small and humble hamlet located on Chowder Island. She is the youngest of her family, having an older brother before her. She was always a bit coddled when growing up, with her mother fretting over her acting like a proper little lady. Even as a young hatchling though, Quinn was a Rowlet who liked to move to the beat of her own drum.

    Always a troublemaker when growing up, she liked to go on what she called adventures, but in reality were nothing more than wandering off to explore the outskirts of her village. It was common for the Rowlet to get into trouble with the more... feral Pokémon living out in the wild, but her brother was always quick to come to her aid and drag her back home, where an evening of discipline often awaited her. Despite the age difference between herself and her brother, Artemis the Dartrix, Quinn liked to try and follow him and his friends whenever they hung out or went exploring, looking up to him as something of a hero. Even after Artemis evolved into a Decidueye, this admiration for her brother only seemed to grow. Quinn spent every waking moment she could trying to be just like him, even to the point where she began to wear a hooded cloak similar to his own. Artemis was aware of the young Rowlet's antics, but he never really seemed to mind.

    Eventually, it became time for Artemis to leave the nest so to speak. Quinn was beside herself with sadness, trying her best to try and beg her brother to stay on the island or take her with him. However, Artemis knew that he needed to stretch his wings and see what all was out there in the world. With a heavy heart, he bid farwell to his family and set off.

    Months passed. Quinn waited with anxious breath, hoping that her brother would return someday. The young Rowlet would often adventure out to the coast and see if he had finally returned. One night, Chowder Island was battered with a powerful storm surge. Despite the storm however, Quinn would make her way to the coast the very next day, where a horrible sight awaited her. She happened upon the sight of her brother's cloak, washing up along the shore. A sense of dread quickly filled the Rowlet's belly as she took Artemis' cloak back to Tamato Village. An island-wide search began, but in the end not a single trace of her brother was found. Quinn quickly took this as a sign that Artemis was lost somewhere at sea. She wanted to go out and search for him, however her family was adamant against her setting out. In fact, the whole village seemed to be content with just writing him off as lost forever.

    The whole situation made her furious.

    Quinn knew that if she was going to find Artemis, it was going to be up to her to set out and find him. The girl packed a small satchel of supplies and over the next few days built a make-shift raft to set out upon the sea with. A silent good-bye was sent out into the night, before Quinn set off on her first true adventure as a warrior of the sea. Thankfully, the small Rowlet happened upon some good fortune, wherein she encountered the Frozen Roses.​


    Pluck / Shadow Sneak / Leaf Blade / Growl / Razor Leaf / Steel Wing

    Discord Handle

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    woah sign up woah in the spoiler woah
    Oookay, so the interest of this RP is stronger than I thought! So I'm doing two things:

    1) I'll consider doubling up roles, if the Sign Ups are good
    2) I'm adding two more roles: the Pilot and the Bard. The Pilot works with the captain and the navigator to steer the ship - they would need to know their surroundings, and how well the ship can steer safely in most conditions, like storms. The Bard cheers everyone up with songs and dance, for the days where... the pirates need cheering up or if they're celebrating a successful treasure hunt.
    Finally finished!

    credit for art goes to gimmiepie

    Name: Whitney Delmar

    Species: Floatzel

    Crew Job Title: Pilot

    Appearance: Whitney is pretty much a normal looking Floatzel who wears a red bandanna around her neck and an old sailor's coat.

    History: Whitney Delmar grew up with her Floatzel mother (she never knew her father, which based on what her mom told her, it was for the best she didn't know) along with her brother Victor in a small town called Palm Vale. She dreamed of joining an exploration team known as the Shining Rays, a crew of renown for their gallantry, putting a stop to pesky outlaws, rescuing Pokemon in need and discovering awe inspiring riches. To prepare for this new life, she'd be by the ocean as much as possible, learning tips on sailing and from local fishermen. The boats she practiced on were dinky and nothing nearly as the ship the Rays had, but it was a good start.

    As a teenager, she moved to New Appleberry and managed to put her foot in the door as their cabin Pokemon, starting humbly enough with service as Captain Hewlett's apprentice. It wasn't the most glamorous work, but being there at all was her dream come true, with the starry-eyed Buizel enamored with the idea of sailing around with them. Captain Hewlett, a middle aged Empoleon, was a larger than life figure that took a liking to the spunky young Buizel and was impressed by her solid knowledge of sailing and drive for exploring, something that got nurtured more by the Captain and his crew. She would grow to be fond of him, idolizing him as the father figure she never really had.

    Though she worked well with most of the crew, she had more than her fair share of disagreements with their quartermaster Craig Dillahunty. Whitney saw him as overly authoritarian and spiteful, and never saw why the captain stuck with him. She put up with him to have the honor of serving with the rest of the crew, and got along well with everyone else. She built up good credibility for someone so young and upon evolving into a Floatzel, was upgraded to head navigator of the ship. She took the job with honor and served faithfully with them for several more years.

    Things with Quartermaster Dillahunty, however, reached a boiling point one fateful day. Whitney was lingering around after a night of socializing and drinking, getting ready to hit the hay for tomorrow. Something she heard, however, surprised her. He was speaking with Captain Hewlett in a hushed voice about something. It was about the Emerald of Zefirias, a fairly valuable treasure that had been reported missing a few months prior. Exploration teams, including the Rays, were tasked with finding and retrieving it. To her absolute shock, they had it. Several emotions went through her mind: anger, shock, deep sadness someone she looked up to did something like this and fear of what would happen next. Before she could sneak away to process, Whitney was caught red-handed, and it was clear in her face that she heard everything. She was not someone who was easily shook, but the young Floatzel was petrified of what they would do to her with such valuable information. Instead of the more obvious route of throwing her overboard and leaving her to die since that would look pretty suspicious, the quartermaster and captain decided to frame her for the theft. With the captain's sterling reputation behind him and years of built up authority, Whitney was apprehended and an emergency was declared to the whole crew. Everyone else was in shock that she apparently stole such a priceless treasure, some outright disbelieving the whole situation. She was enraged that all of those emotions were directed at her and not the real thieves. Whitney claimed she was being framed, but no one believed her. Her life as a free Pokemon would be as good as over.

    Something snapped in Whitney that day. Everything she had ever worked for in her short life was a lie and her name would forever be tarnished as the dastardly Emerald thief. After being hauled off to jail and imprisoned for the crime, Whitney planned an escape from prison and managed by the skin of her teeth to succeed. With her infamy ironically attractive to the outlaws of the land, she worked odd jobs for small time crooks until landing upon The Frozen Roses. This was her new chapter in life, though her past still looms large over her.

    Personality: Whitney is someone who can come off as prickly. She gets irritated fairly easily, especially when there are setbacks by what she sees are preventable causes or with unwanted intrusions in her work. Whitney tends to bury herself in her work a fair bit, often studying navigation charts and maps in the mess hall and in her room; people interrupt her from her work at their own risk. She takes great pride in her work and her abilities, projecting an air of confidence about herself- sometimes to a fault. Her sense of humor is crass and snarky, often employing it to cope with the stresses of the job and her own emotional baggage.

    While outwardly willing to take a break every now and again to socialize, Whitney's past experiences with betrayal keeps her at arm's length emotionally from most other people. She doesn't want to have to go through the pain of getting close to anyone only to have them betray her again. This makes her very cynical of others, thinking that there is always some ulterior motive behind someone trying to befriend her. It's not something she's very happy about, feeling very lonely and missing that sense of camaraderie she had with the Rays, but feeling unable to trust anyone. She certainly is not willing to admit such weakness very easily either, as that'd take a lot out of the image she likes to project.

    Moveset: Agility, Waterfall, Aqua Tail, Scald, Ice Punch, Brick Break

    Discord Handle: FenFen#1175
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    Looks like I picked a good time to peruse this forum once again! Love a good ol' PMD RP


    Name: Seron
    Pokémon Species: Poliwrath
    Crew Job Title: Boatswain
    Gender: Male

    Appearance: Seron has an eye patch over his left eye from an old adventure that went a bit sideways

    History: Seron has spent nearly his whole life on the high seas, starting as a young cabin mate for his father, Soma, a fearsome Feraligatr. From the beginning, Seron learned the rules of the pirate code and he took them to heart. He was dutiful in his ship duties, quick to offer a lending hand to whoever needed and always eager to help on adventures. In particular, he took quite a liking to the work of the ship's boatswain, a grouchy Wartortle named Warren. Oddly enough, Warren was the one shipmate who refused to let young Seron offer any help. This piqued Seron's interest as everyone enjoyed having the young Poliwag around and doing the grunt work! Not Warren though, instead all Seron could do was watch and learn. Warren took pride in his work and couldn't bear anything being done by someone other than himself. As the years went on, Seron, now a Poliwhirl, finally broke the grouchy Wartortle down and began learning the ropes of being a boatswain. Soon enough, the pair grew quite close and not a single other crew on the high seas could compare to them. With Seron and Warren working together, and Soma at the lead, never did the ship feel fear in the face of danger. Soma in particular began becoming more and more daring on his adventures. One fateful day, the crew was in some particularly dangerous waters, rocky outcroppings jutting out from the shallows. They had heard about a particularly amazing treasure that was hidden in this area. Turns out they weren't the only crew that heard that. While the crew searched the waters, Seron and Warren stayed on the ship and played the role of lookouts. Out of nowhere it seemed, two other ships appeared. Quickly they sounded the alarm to the rest of the crew. Ss fast as they could, the crew rushed back to the ship but not without cheers ringing out. They had found the treasure, a shiny stone, as blue and clear as the water before them. With everyone aboard, Seron and Warren quickly got to work getting the ship out of the rocky shallows and into the open waters. However, they found themselves struggling to break free without suffering damage. The other ships were bearing down on them now and the crew had no choice, it was time to fight. Sounding the alarm, the crew prepared for battle, lining up their weaponry and swords at the ready. Seron and Warren worked tirelessly to assist their dear captain with getting the boat free in the meanwhile. It was all for naught though, as the trio could not seem to break free. At that moment, the first cannonball tore through the ship. Seron jumped back in surprise as it landed mere inches from him. Warren screamed out "What are ya standing there for!?! Get to work!" That was the last time Seron heard his beloved mentor's voice as he rushed off into battle while Seron patched up as best he could. As the battle waged all around him, the ship he had worked so hard on, slowly sinking into the sea, Seron watched everyone around him dying and...he couldn't stand it. An anger began welling up in him. He picked up a sword and knocked an enemy Thwackey into the sea. There was no way he was going down without a fight. At that moment another cannonball hit where he was standing, forcing the young Poliwhirl to jump back. It was then, laying on his back, smoke engulfing his vision, he saw the treasure. On the way to this location, his Father has mentioned the treasure was called a "Water Stone", and that it held a great power. Well, if his crew couldn't have it, these enemy crews definitely couldn't. Seron grabbed for it and was prepared to crush it when a bright light engulfed him. All around him, the battle halted as everyone watched what was happening. As the light faded, there stood Seron or rather the new and improved Seron. Now a Poliwrath, anger fueling him and a newfound power encouraging his still alive shipmates, the tide of the battle quickly shifted. Seron was like a demon as patched holes, fended off enemies and crushed the rocks with his Hydro Pump. Seemingly by himself, the ship and remaining crew survived as they broke free of the rocks and out paced their pursuers out into the open sea. Once the high had calmed down though, Seron took the time to remember his fallen mentor and father, who had perished in the attack. Everyone he cared about had been taken away from him. Now without a captain, and Seron not interested, the crew disbanded. A few years later, Seron was relaxing in a tavern when he met a devilish looking Froslass. She was looking for some crewmen and had an opening for a boatswain. What really got Seron interested though was the mention of a treasure that could grant wishes. Of course he heard of it but that couldn't possibly exist right? It didn't matter, this Froslass was willing to take him aboard in search of it. Maybe he could finally see the people he cared about most in the world again.

    Personality: Seron has evolved from the energetic, wide-eyed young'un of his youth to a spitting image of Warren. He cares about his work and won't dare let another soul come near it. Overall, he's rather grouchy and doesn't let too many people get close to him but don't let that fool you. He cares about everyone on the ship and in a heartbeat would put his life on the line to protect them. All the more reason he takes his work so seriously. He'll gladly bear the burden of isolation and the lives of others if it means they live to adventure another day. Besides his boatswain acumen, he is a very capable fighter with a variety of strategies but he really prefers the up close and personal method. On the flip side, the care he has for others has proven to be the occasional problem not to mention he enjoys the finer things in life, such as a nice pint.

    Moveset: Hydro Pump, Belly Drum, Ice Punch, Ice Beam, Close Combat, Mind Reader(egg)

    Discord Handle: FireSnow#2669
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    Name: Hannah Delmare
    Pokémon Species: Noivern not shiny
    Crew Job Title: Striker
    Gender: Female

    History: Hannah was raised in Appleberry and her parents wanted her to become an explorer to earn an honest living. However, Hannah couldn't resist the allure of the sea and she fought with her parents about her life choices a lot. But her parents eventually gave up and let her join the frozen roses shortly after evolving. Though not entirely supportive her parents love her and have accepted her life path. Because her parents sheltered her during childhood Hannah now has a strong curiosity for almost everything, even things she shouldn't stick her nose into.

    Personality: Bold nature
    Hannah can be headstrong and does not like to be told no. Though serious about her job she is otherwise laidback. Hannah has learned to not be overconfident and is careful in battle. But can fall back into bad habits if the fight is going well and be boastful of her power. With a friendly demeanor, Hannah can make friends with a pine cone. Despite being intimidating in appearance Hannah has a way of making people feel comfortable in her presence. Fiercely protective and loyal to her crew she is willing to go to dangerous lengths to protect those she cares about. Overall Hannah just wants to have fun and make sure everyone is well-fed.

    Moveset: Boomburst, dragon pulse, shadow claw, sleep talk, steel wing, supersonic
    Discord Handle: passive Aggretsuko
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