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Pokémon Odyssey: A New Beginning [T] [Best Veteran 4Q '12]

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Penance 'Defender' Malum​

Penance did feel slightly relieved at the mention of there being no Sentinel, but he still had to keep on guard! There was no telling if it was a trap or not. The Sentinel could easily be hiding. Vigil gave them a farewell and then... they were gone. Penance watched as they appeared in the ambush site and a Beedrill quickly informed them of the situation. As soon as everyone feel silent and the others were waiting for him to speak, he did so.

"First, Guardia this will not be easy. Stay on a cautious mind, everyone. There is going to be some kind of trick the ancients are going to pull on us. This is a high profile prisoner, they wouldn't just have basic ancients guarding the prisoners. There could easily be a Sentinel hiding somewhere, or even the ancients could be trained. They... could be ditto." He frowned, "It would be hard to pull off, but that possibility does come to mind. Now, there is something else that can help."

He walked to the Poochyena and eyed him for a bit before and then looked over the Houndour. "Right, you two are no doubt fast. Once those ancients make a bee line for you, run as fast as you can. Oh! There can also be Aerodactyl in the skies, be prepared for that as well, so get in the trees as fast as possible." He stood up and nodded, "A tactic they could have is keeping an Aerodactyl with a Sentinel on it on standby. I remember during my past we had a plan where a Mincinno rode around on a Pidgey to get to high places. If we thought of it, the Sentinel could think of it as well. Every so often, have some of the birds scan the skies, they could be hiding in the clouds. They could use the elevation to use long range attacks on us, and we wouldn't be able to hit him or her." He cocked his head, "Apart from that, that would be all I can think of. Everyone stay safe, and be ready to retreat into the trees just in case there is a Sentinel in the clouds. Got that?"

He sighed, "Apart from that, everyone get in position. We need to start off as good as possible and have as much of an advantage as we can." He moved back into the trees and found a good spot to lean against, "Be ready for anything." He reminded them as he fell silent and just watched the area.
Thieves Forest- Ambush Site

Speculum smirked a bit at the mention of ditto. "I guess it technically is possible, but don't forget you have me around too!" He mentioned. Defender continued to give his final preparations to everyone. As soon as everyone understood, they got into their positions, ready to begin. For a while, everything was silent. Lyn wasn't sure how much time passed by. It felt like hours to her, but then she often felt anything felt like quite a long time, often due to her impatience. She just wanted it to start already, but didn't risk moping around about it on the off chance that they could appear at anytime. Lyn took a look at her brother and sisters, seeing how they held up on all this. For the most part, they all looked as calm as ever. Lyn didn't know how they did it. Whether by rouse or in seriousness, they were the essence of calm, except perhaps Hoodhide, but that was probably his normal jittery self. Lyn always had that problem as a Gold Tribe member. She had the strength and skill involved to be one, but never the cunning or patience. Perhaps that was one of the reasons why her father "Rey" didn't want her to be the leader of the tribe. The more she thought about it, the more she realized how unfit she would have been if she were to take over.

"Hey!" Calamity whispered to the others in the trees among them. Lyn snapped to, and looked at him, to see him gesturing to the west. There they were, a group of Ancients marching forward. It looked like a standard formation. Heavy hitters like Armaldos, Bastiodons, and Rampardoses in front. Other standard Ancients like Kabutops, Omastar, and Cradily behind them. Archeops and Aerodactyl flew above, but very minimal. Their totals number more than they originally anticipated, though. There might have been closer to 200 of them than the original 100 they thought of. However, like the King said before, no Sentinel in sight. Lyn reminded herself to watch for any Sentinels that might be on top of any of the flying Ancients as per Defender's advice, but once again, she saw none. She sighed in relief and continued examining the troop. Right in the center of the marching Ancients were another set of heavier Ancients, all tough-looking and evolved, and in the center of them were Pokemon with sacks around their heads and the top halves of their bodies, probably intended to conceal where they were marched to. However, from the bottom halves of their bodies, Lyn could make out what type of Pokemon they were: There was a Typhlosion, a Sneasel or a Weavile, (Lyn was unsure), a Scizor, a Shiftry, and...a Lucario!

"Look!" She whispered loudly to the others, trying to get their attention on the prisoners. "There's the brother with the other prisoners. They're here."

That seemed to be all the cue to the two 'baits'. The thief Beedrill motioned to them, and they headed out to the open area. Lyn's heart seemed to race. It was all finally about to initiate. She earnestly hoped everything would work out. She gave a look to Defender. This was all his plan. Although he was young, about the same age as she was, in fact, he had made a pretty brilliant strategy here.

The two scouts arrived in the open field, and the Ancients had apparently begun noticing them. They began saying taunts out to them. Lyn could pick up a few of them, as they were yelling them from across the canyon.

"Hey, ye' mindless cowards!" Poochyena yelled. "Why don't you go back into your caves and get the hell offa our lands!"

"Yea! Yer all supposed to be dead! Go back to being dead!"

In truth, Lyn was certain she never heard worse insults shouted in her life, but she decided not to pay it much mind. After all, the Ancients, mindless as they were, wouldn't pay it any mind either. Finally noticing that they were apparently something that required attention, a batch of ancients began marching forward in front of the others. The two continued to fling insults, and the Ancients sent more troops forward, until a good bulk of the troops charged forward, not intimidated and intent on killing the two of them. And then...

The first Ancient fell into one of the ditches of water dug up. The others, not noticing what happened, kept charging, until more were falling into the large holes of water and spikes at lay down there. Some were taken out upon impact. Some were struggling to get out of the water which many were weak against. At the site of this, some more Ancients ran forward in an attempt to help their comrades. At this, the Beedrill gave the signal for the flying and grass types to come out. They began flying over the battlefield, and dumping set after set of Sleep Powders and Stun Spores on the Ancients. Many were falling to their effects immediately. Some tried to resist, but succumbed to it after a bit. It had worked so efficiently that the Ancient troops that marched so uniformly a bit earlier looked like a bunch of fools out there. It was complete chaos. Lyn was pretty shocked at how well it had actually all worked thus far. Of course, not all of the Ancients were knocked out by the effects of the powders. They got into position around the prisoners, and prepared, although most were still trying to get a grip on what exactly was happening, as it was all going on much faster than they were prepared for. The Beedrill looked back at the Gold Tribe.

"Well, we did all we can. Now it's yer turn. Seems like you'll have to fight your way through, but they seem pretty confused, so nows yer chance! Go you golden b*stards!"

Lyn didn't have to be told twice. Neither did the others. Calamity, Dark Lightning, Speculum, Hoodhide, and Guardia all sprang from their spots and charged forward, with one main objective on their minds: The brother.
Ragnaros 'Bloodthirster' Phylax

The sounds of the birds chirping from the trees the Gold Tribe was hiding into was contrasting their tension. Ragnaros, who was fed up with waiting, was poking holes in the ground with his massive feet. Defender was giving advice again, but the Salamence was profoundly ignoring him; all this talk had tired his mind. Things were much simpler, according to him: the ancients fell in the traps they had set, then they would teleport the hostages out. And then, a showdown of blood and rocks being launched in any direction would ensure their victory. That's what Ragnaros wanted; however, his newfound patience made him stay silent, with his eyes fixed on Penance the Defender, who was finishing his speech, at last.

"Apart from that, everyone get in position. We need to start off as good as possible and have as much of an advantage as we can."

The Salamence walked slowly behind the trees, careful not to destroy any bushes in his wake. His role was semi-crucial on this ambush; if things got out of hand with the operation, he would have to inform the thieves to help them. But he wasn't so much into that. He chose a grassy area behind the trees that were not so dense, providing him a neat sight of the plains the traps were set on. If everything went according to plan, he would spread his wings, leaving the ground and launch an aerial assault on the ancients. The thought alone made him shake his long head in anticipation, perking up his pointy scales. Steam blew out of his nose in front of him, burning the grass without him even noticing it. He was looking at his bloodied feet, the same feet that had ignited with the sacred flame of the dragons to take so many lives. He grinned, slightly, thinking he regretted nothing and that he would gladly fall onto the ancients from above, not caring about how many enemies he would have to deal with. The spirit of the Gold Tribe inspired him, certainly different than the others, in a way to arouse his bloodlust. That's why he had taken the title 'Bloodthirster' anyway.

Voices were heard from the plains - the thief-baits were taunting the Ancients. Bloodthirster moved his head to the left to see the ancients. They were more than they were expecting, but the sight of them made his grin even bigger. More skulls to crush, he thought, more bones to rip apart.

On a second thought, he wondered how the Ancients could be so stupid that they listened to the thieves taunting them. Then again, mindless, useless zombies, Bloodthirster considered them. They fell right into the Gold Tribe's traps. Their comrades ran to help those who had fallen in there; the next moment, the flying force of the thieves was launched above the ancients, spreading the sleep powder. The ambush was well organized, and despite Bloodthirster's thoughts of annihilation that were distracting him so, he admired Defender's planning skills and wondered where the Golduck had learned so much about tactics. Not even he, who was considered an artisan of war, was unable to come up with something like this.

He readied himself, flapping his wings and roaring slightly, but still awaiting patiently for the ambush to unfold. The next moments were crucial.
Penance 'Defender' Malum​

Penance waited silently as time slowly ticked by. He could see some of the others were starting to get anxious. In a way he was too. He just took deep breaths to calm himself down when he heard both Calamity and Guardia whisper to them. He looked over to where they were pointing and nodded. Alright, the prisoners were almost here.... and the ancients as well. With a brief look Penance could see that there were far more ancients than had originally been reported, around a good two hundred. Alright... that was one thing that would change now. They would have more thugs to go around to get to the objectives. Hopefully the Ancients would fall for his traps.

Soon enough the two canines went out and thankfully the traps worked just as he had hoped. Ancient after Ancient fell into them and then the birds flew out and scatted the powders around. Penance couldn't believe that his plan was going off without a hitch! It seemed almost too perfect to be true! Soon enough the others were heading off to the prisoners and Penance was about to follow after when suddenly a new realization hit him. He stayed still as he glanced at the prisoners. ....What if they were Sentinels? He knew it was idiotic to think that, but it would be the perfect cover! Cover your face up so you can't be recognized and attack those trying to save you! He had to act fast!

"Check the prisoners first!" He shouted out to his brothers and sisters charging in. "They could be enemies in disguise!" He then ran in, gathering water in his hands and tossing out Water Pulses to some of the Ancients. If those 'prisoners' were the wrong targets, then things would immediately go down the tube!
Hanso listened as Penance returned to the group and talked some more. Personally, he wondered if the end of this ambush would be the end of the Golduck's worries. Hanso didn't have a problem with going over the plan more than once. He could give it a break, though, stop worrying so much. Then Roswell approached the Gold Tribe and said, "I thought I'd see you guys out, make sure everything is in order. My scouts have been out at the ambush site all morning. They're not at the site yet, but should be there soon. Good news is, from what they've been able to scout, there seems to be no sign of a Sentinel."

Hanso frowned. From what Roswell had told them in the Decreement, the Silver Tribe had wanted to make an example of the Lucario's brother by a public execution. If Auron knew of Roswell and the Thieves' Forest, why risk moving Roswell's brother without an adequate escort, which would ideally include a Sentinel?
Hanso kept this worry to himself, glancing over at Penance. If he'd thought of it, then the ambush-expert would likely think of it, too. He kept quiet as the conversation finished and they teleported to the ambush site.

The first thing Hanso did was to look for his tree from where he stood. As he looked, a Beedrill approached the Gold Tribe.

"Right, the king says you'd be comin'. Ok, here's what's going on. All the traps are set from yesterday. The Ancients should be coming in from the west with the prisoners. We don't know exactly how many, we never got a chance to get a good count, but there seems to be around a hundred or so. But there might be more. No Sentinel spotted.

Lyn beamed and laughed. "Ha! Only a hundred? And no Sentinel? This'll be cake!"

"I don't think it'll be that simple...it's still a hundred, and we have to be on guard if the have reinforcements." Dark Lightning added.

"Right, right...so...who's going to be the bait?" Calamity asked.

"Two of my men will do it." The Beedrill said, pointing his stinger at a Houndour and Poochyena. "They'll cause the Ancients to rush forward and fall into the traps, and then I'll send in my sleep and stun teams. They'll cause even more confusion, which will be your chance to strike and get to the king's bro and the other prisoners. Sounds about right?"

"Seems so." Calamity said softly. "...Now what?"

"Now..." Dark Lightning began, looking to the direction of where he assumed the prisoners would be coming from. "...I assume we wait. Any last information or pointers we should know about, or should we get into position?"

Penance spoke again. "First, Guardia this will not be easy. Stay on a cautious mind, everyone. There is going to be some kind of trick the ancients are going to pull on us. This is a high profile prisoner, they wouldn't just have basic ancients guarding the prisoners. There could easily be a Sentinel hiding somewhere, or even the ancients could be trained. They... could be ditto." He frowned, "It would be hard to pull off, but that possibility does come to mind. Now, there is something else that can help."

Knew he would think of that, Hanso thought, grinning slightly. Penance was done speaking by the time he'd found his tree. It was further down the forest's edge; Hanso teleported to the hidden branch he'd found before. Good thing that no one else seems to have found this. He settled down for the wait.


A while later, the Ancients and their prisoners were spotted. Even at a distance, Hanso could tell what the prisoners were from their bottom halves: a Typhlosion, a Sneasel or a Weavile, a Scizor, a Shiftry, and a Lucario. Hanso wasn't sure if the Sneasel/Weavile had two claws on each foot or three; that would be the telling difference.
As the ambush began to unfold, Hanso reviewed his own part: if Roswell's brother died, he would have to get back to the village and warn Zane, Gladius, and Dryad, in case Roswell (or someone else, for that matter) did try to kill them. Watching the Ancients fall for the taunts and traps, Hanso cocked his head. Did they ever fall for taunts in this manner before?

Moments after some of the Gold Tribe members began charging, Hanso heard Defender shout, "Check the prisoners first! They could be enemies in disguise!"
Alarmed, Hanso reviewed the Sentinels he knew of. Berserker and Noxious were both dead. There were Ignitus, a Flareon; Frostbite, a Froslass; Sentry, a Scizor; The Inferno, a Typhlosion; Deluge, a Castform; and Scar, a Mienshao. Among the prisoners were a Typhlosion and a Scizor, if he wasn't mistaken.

Another time to ignore some privacy. Hanso quickly sent out a telepathic message to Defender that said, "Two possible Sentinels are the Typhlosion and the Scizor." Hanso couldn't do anything else until Roswell's brother was teleported out.
Suddenly, he wasn't sure if his message to Defender would help or if it would distract or surprise him. He didn't know enough to know if the Golduck was okay with telepathy in battle. Looking back out at the field, Hanso wondered, Wait, when are the teleporters supposed to go in?
Daricka "Wildfire" Cambar

"First, Guardia this will not be easy." Daricka listened intently as Defender started speaking, everyone falling silent to hear what he had to say. "Stay on a cautious mind, everyone. There is going to be some kind of trick the ancients are going to pull on us. This is a high profile prisoner, they wouldn't just have basic ancients guarding the prisoners. There could easily be a Sentinel hiding somewhere, or even the ancients could be trained. They... could be ditto. It would be hard to pull off, but that possibility does come to mind." Daricka hadn't thought of that, but now that he mentioned it, it was a possibility, and could be troublesome.

"I guess it technically is possible, but don't forget you have me around too!" Speculum mentioned.

"Now, there is something else that can help." The Golduck eyed the Poochyena and Houndour that would serve as decoys. "Right, you two are no doubt fast. Once those ancients make a bee line for you, run as fast as you can. Oh! There can also be Aerodactyl in the skies, be prepared for that as well, so get in the trees as fast as possible. A tactic they could have is keeping an Aerodactyl with a Sentinel on it on standby. I remember during my past we had a plan where a Mincinno rode around on a Pidgey to get to high places. If we thought of it, the Sentinel could think of it as well. Every so often, have some of the birds scan the skies, they could be hiding in the clouds. They could use the elevation to use long range attacks on us, and we wouldn't be able to hit him or her." Daricka made a note of that in her mind - she wouldn't want to be caught off guard by a Sentinel. "Apart from that, that would be all I can think of. Everyone stay safe, and be ready to retreat into the trees just in case there is a Sentinel in the clouds. Got that? Apart from that, everyone get in position. We need to start off as good as possible and have as much of an advantage as we can."

Daricka nodded and tensed her legs before springing onto a tree branch above her. She nimbly made her way a bit further up the tree until she found a spot where the leaf-cover was thickest. Pulling a branch down slightly allowed her to see the site where the holes were hidden and she watched the area beyond it with narrowed eyes.

"Hey!" Calamity whispered to the others in the surrounding trees, and Darikca immediately snapped her head in the direction he was gesturing and spotted the prisoner escort. She scanned the marching ancients until her eyes landed on the Pokemon right at their center. With the sacks covering the upper parts of their bodies, they were no doubt the prisoners the Gold Tribe was here to rescue.

"Look!" Guardia whispered loudly. "There's the brother with the other prisoners. They're here." As the Poochyena and Houndour left the shelter of the trees, every muscle in Daricka's body tensed as she waited for the moment to attack.

"Hey, ye' mindless cowards!" the Poochyena taunted. "Why don't you go back into your caves and get the hell offa our lands!"

"Yea! Yer all supposed to be dead! Go back to being dead!" the Houndour joined in with a shout.

Dull as they were, it took sometime for the Ancients to notice the two thieves, and when they did they started marching toward the two. Once the charging ancients had tumbled into the pit traps, the Beedrill sent out the flying and grass-types to dump the Sleep Powder and Stun Spore. In the chaos that ensued, the Ancients that had not succumbed to the traps formed a barrier around the prisoners.

"Well, we did all we can. Now it's yer turn. Seems like you'll have to fight your way through, but they seem pretty confused, so nows yer chance! Go you golden b*stards!" the Beedrill called to the Gold Tribe.

"Check the prisoners first! They could be enemies in disguise!" As Daricka sprung from her hiding spot, one of her ears twitched back to catch what Defender was saying. A small frown crossed her face. If that was the case and there were enemies hiding among the prisoners, she doubted that the king of thieves would thank the Gold Tribe for bringing them into his domain. And what if one of the prisoners was a Sentinel? The more she thought about, the more likely it seemed, and before long she found herself trying to remember the Sentinels she knew of.

Unfortunately, there wasn't really all that much time for her to think about it as she turned her focus to first getting to the prisoners and firing off a series of Focus Blasts at the Ancients. At least if there did turn out to be enemies among the prisoners she would be prepared.
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Thieves Forest- Ambush Site

Dark Lightning galloped forward with a Wild Charge at two Bastiodon in front of him. The two Ancients faltered, and then fell to the ground. Lyn, who was behind Dark Lightning, sprung forward, matching claws with a Kabutops for a brief moment, but quickly overpowered him. She sprang forward at and alarming speed and rammed right into a huge Armaldo with a tackle, and surprisingly brought it down. Dark Lightning smirked in surprise. She may be young, but she was talented. Hoodhide came in from behind, attacking a Omastar with a Dragon Fang. The Ancient cried out in pain, but still stood, only to be finished off by Calamity with a Night Slash. Lyn smiled at the teamwork they put in, seeing from all sides how the Gold Tribe advanced closer into the circle where the brother was, as well as the other prisoners. Lyn was then surrounded by another group of mixed Ancients, shooing the rest of the Gold Tribe forward while she held these off. Dark Lightning and Hoodhide both sprang with an array of attacks at the Ancients in the front. Calamity got held behind covering any missed targets, but so far, everything was going according to plan.

But then Lyn heard from behind Defender yell something at them. "Check the prisoners first!" He shouted out to his brothers and sisters charging in. "They could be enemies in disguise!"

Lyn looked back at Defender in a bit of confusion, before processing his words and looking back forward where the other two were.


Thieves Forest- Thieves Village

Zane nervously paced back and forth inside the Decreement in front of Roswell, who sat comfortably on his chair, watching him. Gladius and Dryad were also both there, standing and waiting for any news on the others.

"You know..." Roswell began, clearly annoyed by Zane's pacing, "...they're not going to come back any faster if you keep pacing like that. Just relax. I'm sure everything will be fine."

"You wouldn't understand." Zane said to him with a dirty look, before continuing pacing. "These aren't just my soldiers. They're my brothers and sisters. Friends. We have all sworn the same oath. We're connected in that way, a way you wouldn't understand."

Roswell rolled his eyes in response. "Yea, yea. I know all about your nonsense. It's all a bunch of bullsh*t to me." He shook his head. "You Gold Tribe. You're all the same. Pompous and arrogant."

Zane turned angrily at Roswell. "We have made it our duty to defend and protect the Alpha Alliance! Every day, we lay down our lives for the Pokemon who live there!"

Roswell stood up, matching Zane's angered expression. "You're not the only one." He said. Zane stared at him, confused. "I was once apart of the Gold Tribe too." Zane's expression grew wide, as he was unable to mask his shock, no matter how he tried. "Yea, that's right. I used to be all 'brother and sister' just like the rest of you. It was a long time ago, many, many years ago. I was an up-and-coming Gold Tribe member straight out of the Heroes Alliance School. I thought I would grow up to be just as noble and true as the rest of them from the stories. But they never teach you the ugly side of it all. I once had a friend, a friend who got on the bad side of the law a few times. Nothing serious. Just enough to get by. He got mixed up with some serious things one day. He didn't do anything bad. He just gathered info for a thief, a pretty notorious one. He was bad stuff. Murder, harm, all of that. But not my friend. He was a good egg. He just wanted to make it by." Roswell sighed, and started pacing a bit as he continued. "One day, I was sent on a mission with a few of my brothers to take down their operation. We went in, they resisted. Most of them were too prideful to surrender to Gold Tribe. We had to kill them, but it didn't stop there. My group leader ordered us to kill everyone there. He said they were all threats to the peace of the Alpha Alliance. My friend was among them...I had to watch as my so-called brothers and sisters slaughtered Pokemon just because they carried the label as a 'thief' of the Thieves Forest, no matter what their crime may or may not have been..."

Roswell turned to Zane, who remained silent throughout the story. He looked down in shame. "I left the Gold Tribe after that. Went to the Thieves Forest to become one of them. I promised I would do everything I could to protect them from anyone on the outside. Always." Roswell buried his hands in his face.

"I...I'm sorry, Roswell. I never knew about any of that." He said, unable to bring himself to say anything else. Roswell removed his hands from his face and turned to Zane. To Zane's surprise, Roswell was smiling.

But it wasn't a normal smile. It was highly irregular, to be put plainly. It made a shiver crawl down Zane's spine.

"Do you remember what I first told you when you first came into the Thieves Forest, Zane?" Roswell said with the same smile on his face.


Thieves Forest-Ambush Site

"Watch out, brothers! They could be Sentinels in disguise!" Lyn shouted at Dark Lightning and Hoodhide. But they were too far ahead in the chaos to hear here outright. Lyn continued fighting forward in an effort to get close enough for them to hear. Dark Lightning strode forward, knocking back a Cradily separating the prisoners and themselves. Hoodehide used a Dragon Dance to gain momentum and ferocity, and unleashed a High Jump Kick on a Kabutops. Dark Lightning then made an opening with a Wild Charge. Just before they approached the prisoners, Hoodhide could hear yelling coming from behind. He turned to see Guardia yelling something, and as he made it out, he turned around to see Dark Lightning reach the prisoners, and turned to talk to the Lucario.

"You are Roswell's brother, correct? We're here to rescue you." He said, removing the cloak off of the Lucario. But just as he grabbed for it, the figure of the Lucario just vanished in a puff of smoke.

Dark Lightning stared blankly in confusion for a moment as the brother seemed to vanish right in front of him. He then slowly began to understand his position, and turned to the other prisoners. The Weavile, Scizor and Shiftry seemed to be gone as well, but the other one remained. Slowly, the Typhlosion removed his sack over his head, revealing a set of scars traveling across his black and yellow fur up to his head. He had an ice cold look across his face, as if he knew he wasn't one to be crossed, and for good reason. Dark Lightning's eyes grew wide at the realization of who it was. Many years ago, when he was a member of the Gold Tribe, known as "FireStorm", and was renown as a Pokemon with intense raw power. When he came back as a member of the Sentinels, that reputation only increased, the Typhlosion becoming increasingly known as the most destructive Pokemon in all of Valkaria.

Allen "The Inferno" Fury.

The Inferno lifted his arms and, before Dark Lightning could react in any way, bombarded Dark Lightning with a devastating Fire Blast. The flames surrounded the area, and were propelled at the Zebstricka all at once, an intense wave of destruction engulfing him and flinging him across the plains. The entire surrounding area was scarred with ash and flame as The Inferno released another powerful Flamethrower at Hoodhide.

The two Gold Tribe members hit the ground relatively at the same time. Dark Lightning struggled to get up, gravely injured. Hoodhide didn't move at all.

Lyn opened her eyes in shock, trying to get a grasp at what had just happened. But it wasn't done yet. At the same time as the two had fallen, the ground erupted with what appeared to be earthquakes, only to see the ground opening in certain areas, forming holes in all corners of the pass. From the holes, Ancients starting pouring from all around. The pass slowly began to get covered with them from all sides. They were slowly surrounded not just by a escort of Ancient, but by an entire army. Speculum turned back hoping to try to retreat into the forest, only to see "Scar", another Sentinel, blocking the path with another platoon of Ancients. Scar cleaned off his claws, having recently killed the teleporters the thieves brought with them.

Noctus cursed. "What the hell is going on?!" He shouted.

"Can't you guess?" Another voice said to him from the side. Lyn and Noctus turned to see the source of it, only to find another person they didn't wish to see. Drake "Sentry" Nol, yet another Sentinel. "The King of Thieves has delivered the Gold Tribe to us, just as promised. I've wanted to see the last of you hunted down and killed for many years now, and thanks to our deal with him, it seems that the day has finally arrived."

Noctus recalled something the King said to him the day before, when they were preparing the ambush. "I'm depending on you, Noctus. And I'm sorry for this." He opened his eyes wide in realization of what the King had done to him, and to the others on this mission.

Lyn looked all around at what was in front of them. An army of ancients on all sides, and at the helm, three Sentinels. There was no way they would be able to get out of this one. There were too many, even for them to get out of. Was this it? Was this the end of them as they knew it? Lyn pondered that their only chance of escape now was with TrueStriker and his teleport, but they could only get out if they were all positioned together, and they were all across the battlefield. But could she really ask Bloodthirster and TrueStriker to abandon their hiding positions just to save them, and risk them all getting killed? Or should she keep their spots hidden, and let at least those two escape, leaving the rest of them to die here? She didn't know, and she ran out of time to think.

"Attack." The Inferno commanded, and all at once, the Ancients screamed, and attacked.


Thieves Forest- The Decreement

"I told you that you had to remember something when you were here: Not everything is as it always appears." Roswell said to Zane.
Ragnaros 'Bloodthirster' Phylax

The battle was unfolding in front of Bloodthirster's eyes. The Gold Tribe progressed towards the prisoners. He could not clearly see what was happening with the prisoners, so he moved from his position. He suddenly had a bad hunch about this; it was way too easy. Bloodthirster stared at Dark Lightning who removed the sack the prisoner whose bottom looked like a Lucario wore. But the next moment, every prisoner disappeared, except the Typhlosion, who removed his own sack and blasted Dark Lightning away with brimming flames. Bloodthirster was apaled when he saw the power of that Pokemon; no wonder he was Inferno, one of the most destructive Pokemon alive. A flamethrower was shot againist Hoodhide, who was sent flying.

Right then, earthquakes shook the ground as it erupted with ancients, an entire army being spawned in the battlefield. Bloodthirster could easily see Sentry and Scar amongst them. He heard Noctus cussing.

"What the hell is going on?!" the Cacturne shouted.

"Can't you guess?"

"The King of Thieves has delivered the Gold Tribe to us, just as promised. I've wanted to see the last of you hunted down and killed for many years now, and thanks to our deal with him, it seems that the day has finally arrived."

The dead silence that followed was unbearable. Bloodthirster always knew it - he was the one to protest againist Roswell, he was the one to always doubt him. He could now not feel sorrow for what had just happened, nor anger. He was feeling nothing, his mind was blank. Would TrueStriker teleport quickly to the Decreement and inform the rest of the Tribe, or would Bloodthirster need to do inform them? He decided that his allies - no, his friends - needed his immediate assistance. TrueStriker was faster than him with his teleport; he hoped the Gallade would be thinking the same right now. Not like it mattered - the ancients could not be fought, even with the help of the Gold Tribe members back in Thieves Village.

Bloodthirster evaluated the situation; the Gold Tribe members were scattered all around the battlefield, with ancients and sentinels surrounding them. He suddenly remembered of the statue of his ancestor, Dragonheart. That Salamence was a truly powerful Pokemon - and all of the dragons in Valkaria were connected with the same blood. Bloodthirster carried the names of all those dragons. A thought crossed his mind, what would Dragonheart do? He took one of the most difficult decisions of his life so far, as he heard the attacking command of Inferno, and the screams of the ancients: he kicked the ground, launching himself in the air, thinking of nothing. His sharp eyes detected the Gold Tribe members from afar; their situation was indeed grim. If I'm going to die helping my... friends, so be it.

The Salamence charged in a silent aerial assault towards the ancients surrounding Hoodhide and Dark Lighting. He took a deep breath, opened his mouth wide and released a powerful hydro pump at the ancients below, blowing them away; he stirred his head while flying towards the Gold Tribe members. The ancients started throwing rocks at him, but he was high enough to avoid them; an Aerodactyl blocked his path, Bloodthirster did a backflip to dodge the hyper beam that was shot againist him. With incredible speed, he bashed onto the Aerodactyl and bit his neck with his thunderous fangs; the ancient was electrocuted to death and suddenly an idea popped into his mind - he impaled the Aerodactyl, unnaffected by the electricity that ran through the bird's body. He released his fangs and shot another stream of water with extreme pressure at Inferno, then stirred it towards the ancients around, hitting alot of them and blowing them back. Water had been spilled all around on the ground; he let the electrocuted Aerodactyl fall directly onto the ancients. Jolts of electricity popped up, stunning a chunkload of ancients and forcing them to back off.

It's not enough, it's not worth fighting them... I must bring the Gold Tribe together!

A brimming blast of fire was shot againist him, the Salamence barely dodging it. He instanly changed direction, taking his eyes from Dark Lightning and Hoodhide and seemingly leaving them to their fates. Bloodthirster was thinking the water and electricity would keep the ancients away from them. As he flew above the sea of raging ancients, he smashed his body againist an attacking Archeops and ripped apart a second one with his claws. After two seconds, he reached Lyn, the closest friend he could find. He dove to the ground, launching another hydro pump at a group of ancients. More took their place soon enough.

In a silent, emotionless state, he landed on the ground next to Lyn, his claws igniting with sacred fire. Looking at it with the edge of his sight, the fire, the symbol of the dragons gave him courage. The image of Dragonheart and the ideals of the Gold Tribe inspired him once again - he was battling again. But what he wanted most now was to save his friends. And to save my friends... I'll take lives.

The ancients that attacked him were thrown away, some impaled and some burned from the intense fire. Bloodthirster was leaving nothing but ruins, rocks and blood as he fought silently. That state did not fit a dragon like him, but he discovered he was able to maintain his calm, and his judgement and reflexes were crystal clear.

The Sentinel Sentry had taken action as well, and the Salamence shot a thick stream of fire againist him, forcing him to back off.
He glanced at Lyn, thinking this was time to go, and not to hone his battling style and skills.

'It's no use fighting them, get on my back and we'll find the rest!'

He did not share his fears about Dark Lightning, who appeared to be dead.

(OOC: lol @ this, I didn't know what to do. Dayum, SV!)
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Penance 'Defender' Malum​

Penance sighed in relief as Guardia heard him. Good, at least he prevented another disaster that could have happened. The others fought through the Ancient swarm and Penance made sure to only use his Water Pulses. He would save his Water Bombs for when the Sentinel did appear. For now, he would take out as many of the Ancients he could and clear the way for when their opponent did show up. He heard TrueStriker's voice in his head and nodded. Alright, so when they got there they would have to careful around the Scizor and Typhlosion. That.... didn't turn out to be the case. In the blink of an eye the prisoners poofed into dust as the Typhlosion revealed himself and attacked Dark Lightening and Hoodhide with a powerful attack.

Penance stopped right there as the wheels spun in his head. They were copies.... all the time they were copies.... He gave a quick glance around as he spied two more Sentinels. A trap.... his own trap had been turned against him.... He felt his stomach knot up as "Sentry" spoke up. His eyes widened as he quickly sent a telepathic response to TrueStriker.

Truestriker teleport over here, grab Noctus and Wildfire and get them out of here! You hear me!? Teleport to Wildfire, secure her and teleport to Noctus, get him and teleport as far away as you can! As far away you hear me!? Then, run, run as fast you all can!

He quickly connected his mind to "Bloodthirster" as well, they both needed to hear this. "Don't go back to the city! Under no circumstances go back! If they have us captured here, that means that there is a spy in the city! A spy that overheard our plans! The city is probably long since gone. Don't go to Vigil or the others! They are gone as well by now. Go my brothers, get to safety, now!

Penance cut off the conversation as he glanced at the Sentinels as they then gave the message to attack. Penance could feel himself tense up as he instinctively charged up a Water Pulse in each hand, but then he let the Pulses collapse, the water dribbling off his hands onto the ground. Why fight the inevitable? He thought as a small smile slowly formed on his bill. He would save his energy.... he would make a more powerful message instead.

He stood up as the Ancients attacked him. He could feel the Omastar shells hit into him, the Shieldons that bashed into his back, the Kabutops that impaled him with their scythes and drained his energy. Despite all the pain and punishment Penance struggled to stay up, but eventually it became too much.

Fare thee well... the last of the Gold Tribe.... Penance thought as he felt himself drift to sleep.
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Hanso's unspoken question about the teleporters was answered. He dared not move as he heard sounds on the forest floor, notably that of someone going after the teleporters. If he moved, he might reveal his position. At the same time, as he watched the ambush unfold, it all went wrong. The prisoners vanished, leaving the Typhlosion to blast Dark Lightning and Hoodhide. Parts of the plains opened up to reveal countless more Ancients. Seeing Speculum turn back and halt, Hanso moved his head to look down...at Scar and more Ancients.

Noctus cursed. "What the hell is going on?!" He shouted.

"Can't you guess?" Another voice said: Drake "Sentry" Nol, yet another Sentinel. "The King of Thieves has delivered the Gold Tribe to us, just as promised. I've wanted to see the last of you hunted down and killed for many years now, and thanks to our deal with him, it seems that the day has finally arrived."

"I've got the perfect ambush job for you." That was what Roswell had said. He must've said that to these Sentinels, Hanso thought angrily. If I move fast enough, maybe I can teleport most everyone ou--

Truestriker teleport over here, grab Noctus and Wildfire and get them out of here! You hear me!? Teleport to Wildfire, secure her and teleport to Noctus, get him and teleport as far away as you can! As far away you hear me!? Then, run, run as fast you all can!
As Hanso pinpointed the locations of Noctus and Wildfire, another message came from Penance: Don't go back to the city! Under no circumstances go back! If they have us captured here, that means that there is a spy in the city! A spy that overheard our plans! The city is probably long since gone. Don't go to Vigil or the others! They are gone as well by now. Go my brothers, get to safety, now!

There and there. Hanso teleported to Wildfire's location; some of the Ancients were too close. He cleared out several of the closest with Psycho Cuts before grabbing Wildfire's arm and teleporting again, now to Noctus. With both Wildfire and Noctus in hand, Hanso teleported to the first place he thought of, where it seemed unlikely for Ancients to be around: the border between Liberty Forest and the Sovereign Rainforest.
As Hanso dumped his pack, which he'd had all along, on the ground, he said to Wildfire and Noctus, "We're between two forests, don't move. No way I'm listening to Penance and leaving everyone but us three." He then teleported back to the edge of the Thieves' Forest.
Back in his hidden branch, Hanso looked for the rest of the Gold Tribe from his position. He couldn't see Penance, Hoodhide, or Dark Lightning. Ragnaros was on the ground near Lyn; they could fly out. There were too many Ancients around for Hanso to get to any of the Gold Tribe here. Hanso relayed to Ragnaros, "Try to get to the place between Liberty Forest and the Sovereign Rainforest. If you can't get there in a week or two, you and Lyn do what you want."

Penance had told him not to go back for Vigil or the others. As if I would listen to that. Teleporting halfway across Valkaria was taking its toll on Hanso's energy, but urgency kept him going. And I have something to say to Roswell if I can. Hanso then teleported to the front of the Decreement, where they had all met last, hoping that Vigil and the others were still there. Idiotic to not consider what might be waiting. He would get them out if he could.
Daricka "Wildfire" Cambar

Before Daricka could even reach the prisoners, Dark Lightning was pulling the hood off of the one that appeared to a be a Lucario. A feeling of dread filled her as all of the prisoners disappeared, leaving only the Typhlosion. The Inferno removed his hood and attacked Dark Lightning and Hoodhide with devastating fire attacks. The dread transformed itself into intense anger as she realized that Roswell had tricked them, though the only sign of this emotion was a furrowing of the brow. Just then, the ground began to shake as Ancients started digging their way out, and it wasn't long before the Gold Tribe was surrounded by not only an army of Ancients, but three Sentinels to boot.

"What the hell is going on?!" Noctus shouted, seeming to be as taken off-guard as the Gold Tribe did.

"Can't you guess?" one of the Sentinels, Sentry, said. "The King of Thieves has delivered the Gold Tribe to us, just as promised. I've wanted to see the last of you hunted down and killed for many years now, and thanks to our deal with him, it seems that the day has finally arrived."

"Attack," The Inferno commanded, and all at once, the Ancients bore down on the Gold Tribe.

Daricka's first thought was to get to either Hoodhide or Dark Lightning. With the hit they took from The Inferno, they would need help. However, just as she was attempting to battle her way through the Ancients to the area she had last seen her two brothers, TrueStriker appeared next to her. After quickly wiping out a few of the Ancients closest to them, he grabbed her arm and they both disappeared in a flash, only to appear by Noctus. The Gallade grabbed onto Noctus, and once again the three of them teleported away, though this time Daricka wasn't sure where they ended up.

"We're between two forests, don't move. No way I'm listening to Penance and leaving everyone but us three," TrueStriker said, then he was gone.

Daricka paced back and forth, showing rare signs of restlessness and anger that were becoming more and more difficult to conceal the stronger the emotions got. It didn't sit right with her that her brethren were fighting for there lives at this very moment, and she was stuck Arceus knows where wondering what was going to happen to them. Finally, she stopped and turned her piercing glare to Noctus and growled, "Did you know that this was what Roswell had planned?"
The flow of ancients began to slow from one of the holes, but the ground continued to shake. Suddenly, an explosion of sand burst forth from the hole and began to whip around the battlefield. From the dispersing sand cloud, a fearsome beast could be seen. A Tyranitar with a scar through his eye and blood on his hands had emerged from the hole.

Sovereign was relieved. He had been waiting in that hole for hours with nothing to eat but dirt. He was ready to fight. He knew his sandstorm would cause confusion and give him a chance to choose his opponent, without damaging the Ancients. As he looked out upon the battlefield he could see Inferno and Sentry had already gotten started. He could hear them talking about something but he was too busy looking for a good fight to listen. Suddenly he spotted something that made him smile, a dragon. Perfect.

He watched the Salemence fight off ancients and knock Sentry back with a Fire Blast. Sovereign began to charge in his direction, but before he could get there the Salemence took flight and started to fly away. No! Sovereign thought. I will have my fight! Sovereign then plunged his foot into the ground with great force. He picked up a sharp rock from the rubble and shouted, "Are you a coward, or a dragon!?" and threw the Stone Edge with great force at the fleeing dragon.
Thieves Forest- Ambush Site- 12 hours earlier

"I'm going to overlook things here for a bit, but I'll see you back in the village before you head out tomorrow." Roswell said, to which Zane nodded in response. A second later, they vanished, leaving Roswell to tend to the ambush. He sighed, and turned to the others. "Alright, we have work to do. Make those ditches bigger, and off to the sides, just as we talked about before."

The thieves immediately went to work. From Roswell's side came a Scizor, Drake "Sentry". "Good work." He said to him, but even in a compliment it sounded cold.

"This is all part of the deal, right? You give me your word?" Roswell asked. Sentry nodded.

"If you come through on your end, we will come through on ours. If the Gold Tribe is led into our ambush, the Silver Tribe will leave Eden Forest alone for all of our reign. You are free to live in your dirthole all your want. We will also free your brother from the Silver City torturehouse. You do realize though, that those thieves who you do send with the Gold Tribe apart of the plan are doomed to die with them, though, right?"

Roswell nodded as he contained his obvious anger at the Sentinel as he strode off to observe the plan coming together. He was doing this for the lives of the thousands in the forest. And for his brother who dwelled in the worst of Silver City. He had to remember that.


Thieves Forest- Ambush Site

Lyn was slowly encircled by Ancients, and with the rest of her brothers and sisters scattered across the pass, she began to fight them off as best she could. She rammed into a set of them with a Tackle, forcing hem back, only for more to go in after her from behind, including a Bastiodon and Omastar. She slashed at the Omaster, while using her claws to crush at the Bastiodon. Both enemies fell, but were replaced with more. The ones she originally tackled also came to and got back up.

The Inferno strode towards the others, ready to do battle with them. The Salamence Ragnaros just then released a wave of water pressured to the extreme at the Typhlosion. However, the Inferno recognized his weakness, but nevertheless met it. He matched the water attack with his own Hyper Beam, and the two collided momentarily, before erupting in an explosion of energy. The Inferno looked around for the same target, only to see that he had moved on in the confusion of the attacks.

Speculum meanwhile transformed into a Grovyle, one of his usual disguises, and launched a Leaf Blade at a Kabutops, who took the impact head on in a foolish move to try to launch a head on hit to Speculum, only to fall prematurely. An Aerodactyl swooped in from the sky, but quick thinking and a Razor Leaf saved Speculum from an aerial assault, and caused the Aerodactyl to cry out in pain. Three more Ancients surrounded Speculum, who decided to use a Leaf Storm to hold them off. The three were taken down, but only more took their place. Speculum groaned and continued to fight, only to see in his peripheral vision that Scar was closeby, and closing in fast. Even for a Gold Tribe member, the slight fear of having to face a Sentinel one-on-one was a bit too much for him to handle, and he elected to retreat to a further portion of the battle, deeper inside the center.

Lyn got a slight break as she forced another group of Ancients to the ground around her. She panted heavily as she took a look around. Speculum made a few jumps back as he fired as he backed up, appearing to try to elude the Sentinel Scar while still fighting the Ancients. Defender was not too far away, but he looked like he was in very bad shape. Lyn wouldn't let that happen. Not yet. She rammed forward at a group of Ancients in the way, flinging them around with a tackle. She then slashed the back of a Bastiodon, and used a Crush Claw on a nearby Cradily. Two additional Armaldo now charged at her, but she used her quick reflexes and agility to jump over their attacks and continue forward. After a few more strides, she was close to Defender, who seemed on the verge of collapse. She grabbed hold of him and shook him.

"Hey!" She yelled at him. "No you don't! Not yet. We're not losing anyone else!" She shook his body violently so he could stay with him.

Speculum came to them, close from the other side, and Ragnaros came forward to Lyn as well. Lyn looked around again. Hoodhide lay a while away, unable to be reached, but the Ancients seeming not to pay him any more mind. Lyn couldn't even see Dark Lightning's position anymore, mostly because of the large amount of Ancients in the way. The Inferno and Sentry just finished off what she believed to be the last group of thieves in the area.

'It's no use fighting them, get on my back and we'll find the rest!' Ragnaros yelled to them. Lyn looked off to try to get a look at Wildfire or Noctus's position. They were gone. Calamity was nowhere to be seen. She looked over at where TrueStriker was. Gone as well. The three Sentinels, no, now four it seemed, as a Tyranitar made his entrance as well, someone Lyn was familiar with as a 9th Sentinel. She turned to Ragnaros and smiled.

"There is no one else, brother." She said, and ran forward, right at the Inferno, attempting to take him on head on. Ragnaros began to be entangled with the Tyranitar, and Speculum turned to face Sentry. He was frightened, but his duty overpowered his fear, and he went forward at him, launching a Razor Leaf at the Sentinel. But Sentry was too fast, using Agility to maneuver around, and slicing at Speculum with a slash of his claws. Speculum doubled back, injured, but refusing to give up.

Scar walked right in front of Defender. "You...I recall you back at the torturehouse...." he said, eyeing the Golduck. "I let you escape last time. But not this time." He said, as he ran forward at the Golduck, attempting a Close Combat on him.


Thieves Forest- The Decreement

Before Zane could give any real response, Hanso burst through the front doors, and approached inside the Decreement. Roswell gave a slight look of confusion, as did Zane, but both of their confusion were for different reasons.

"TrueStriker? What are you doing here? Have you already rescued the brother? Where are the others?" Zane asked him, bewildered. While Gladius, Dryad and Zane all faced him, Roswell made a slight signal with his hands, and slowly and very inconspicuously, thieves started gathering at them, slowly but surely.


Soverign Rainforest, Liberty Forest

Noctus opened his eyes a moment later, to see himself gone from the battle, with only the Gallade and the Infernape there with him.

"We're between two forests, don't move. No way I'm listening to Penance and leaving everyone but us three." Noctus didn't even get a chance to protest as he disappeared before he got the chance. Noctus was shocked, still unsure of exactly what happened. Some blood tickled down his side from a hit he took on the battle, but he didn't even bother to pay it any mind.

"Did you know that this was what Roswell had planned?" Wildfire asked Noctus. Noctus lifted his eyes up to her, unable to say.

"N-no, I didn't! I...I don't understand...any of this. Why? Why would he do this? He knew...he knew we were going to be there with you, but they attacked us anyways....did he plan this? I don't get...I don't understand..."
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Ragnaros 'Bloodthirster' Phylax

The Zangoose turned to Bloodthirster and smiled; the dragon momentarily wondered where she found the courage to smile. Speculum and Defender were also nearby - the sight of his allies soothed his soul.

"There is no one else, brother." Lyn said and ran towards the Inferno; Bloodthirster caught Speculum in his Grovyle form charging at Sentry. He admired their courage, the courage of the Gold Tribe that was joining together to boost his. No. We're not alone. Just then, a message from Hanso arrived.
Try to get to the place between Liberty Forest and the Sovereign Rainforest. If you can't get there in a week or two, you and Lyn do what you want.

Hanso, things've changed - I can't get them out of the fight. You probably should stay with Vigil...

Both of his friends were fighting with Sentinels, and so would Bloodthirster. He prepared to take off, to meet the last Sentinel on the battlefield, Scar. But just as he was launching himself from the ground, a wave of dust hit him; he heard a rambling sound from the ground behind him.

"Are you a coward, or a dragon!?"

The voice was heard and the sound of sharp rocks being flinged in the air resonated in Bloodthirster's ears. Keeping his calm, he tumbled in the air and swinged his hole body, smashing his tail againist the rock which was shattered. He eyed the one who had called him coward - a Tyranitar... he recognized the Sentinel Sovereign in his face. Little was known about him, but Bloodthirster was sure about one thing: he was one of the most powerful Pokemon in the region. The thought of him being unable to stand up to him did not even cross his mind; he was instead thinking that he now had a Sentinel to keep busy, and that his taunts surely had no effect on his pride.

The second Bloodthirster spent evaluating his enemy seemed like an eternity, but it soon passed and the dragon's entire body ignited in blue and red flames, inducing the dragon's rush into his blood stream. He charged againist the Tyranitar with the golden emblem flashing on his tail, launching a brutal assault, a series of vigorous but precise hits with his claws.

(OOC: you can block anything, just don't want to bunny)
Sovereign watched as the Salenence turned in response to his challenge. The reaction time was impressive as the dragon whipped his tail to deflect the stones. It paused for a moment, then erupted as a mass of red and blue flames and charged Sovereign.

Sovereign took the full force of the attack. He hadn't felt this rush since his fight with Auron. He smiled and unleashed a vortex of dark energy from his palm as Payback for the attack he had just endured.

"I am Sovereign of the Silver Tribe Sentinels. Tell me your name so we can properly begin our battle."
Penance 'Defender' Malum​

Penace was about to fade out when he felt something shaking him. He blinked open his eyes a bit in surprise to see Guardia. "Don't you get it? We lost." He said flatly. "We didn't see this coming a mile away. We have been betrayed most thoroughly and we didn't see it..." Penance looked down. He felt so.... empty. He had tried so hard to prevent something like this... but he had failed. He had failed everyone. The thieves, his brothers, his sisters. All of them would die now because of him and how he couldn't so much as think up this possibility! It was just like.... then.... He really didn't have time to react as he was thrown back a bit as a familiar Mienshao hit him with a Close Combat. Something cracked in Penance's head as he began to chuckle and soon was laughing loudly as he staggered up and smiled at Scar. "Oh... you have no idea, do you?"

He got onto his feet as he clutched as his chest, that same smile on his bill. "Do you really thing you will survive? You have so much power.... but that is nothing to Auron's." He smiled innocently as some more chuckles left his mouth, "Oh, you're out here doing his dirty work. He's gathering power.... now, hypothetical question, the Gold Tribe is wiped out, we're all slain. Think about it, what happens next? You Silver Tribe.... you all want power...." He chuckled as he slowly staggered forward, "You all want the same thing.... you want power.... so, you want it for yourself. You all start to get... crazy ideas. Well, not so crazy, but... ideas you never had before. Ideas of grandeur. Suddenly, everyone begins to think... and you realize the Sentinel next to you is weak.... very weak. So weak you can snap his neck quite easily. Then slowly, but surely you are all whittled away until only two remain." He slowly got closer, "You and Auron. As he looks down at you... you realize that you are alone. Thoroughly alone. No one to help you, no one to be there, and it all... starts... here." He was right before the Mienshao and grabbed his hand and held it to his own throat. "Go ahead, squeeze the life out of me. Slaughter me like so many others. Cast aside everything... only to lose everything you have left."

He smiled at the Mienshao and looked very calm. "Go ahead, crush my throat and end yourself now. Start down a road you can never recover from.... or.... you could already get an edge." His grin grew wider and he lowered his voice so only the Mienshao could hear him, "Let the other two die. Abandon them.... let them get slaughtered. Less work on your part. Let the other Sentinels die one by one. My brothers and sisters will do that. Go and gather allies, you'll need them... or you can just blindly continue on and face your eventual demise, your choice. Think about it. I myself have nothing to lose, either I stay here or I go to see my mother, win win for me." Penance closed his eyes as he awaited what the Mienshao would do.
As Hanso entered the Decreement, he saw Zane, Dryad, Sword and Shield, and Roswell. Zane and Roswell both looked confused. "TrueStriker? What are you doing here? Have you already rescued the brother? Where are the others?" Zane asked Hanso, bewildered.

Glancing over at Roswell, Hanso's eyes burned with anger. "Full explanation later," he replied, walking over to the three Gold Tribe members. "It's enough to know that we never should've trusted Roswell in the first place." Turning back to face the Lucario, Hanso folded his arms, his arm-blades unsheathed. "No brother being escorted. No prisoner, in fact. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't pummel you into the ground for what you did."
Hadn't Lyn said that the residents of the Thieves' Forest hated the Silver Tribe more than they hated the Gold Tribe? If that was true, then why would the King of Thieves make a deal with the Silver Tribe? Wouldn't the Sentinels and Ancients begin to pick off thieves if the Gold Tribe was wiped out?

"On second thought, don't bother right now." Hanso backed up until he was between the other three Gold Tribe members. Focusing on Roswell and preparing to teleport meant that he didn't pay much attention to his surroundings. "Have one ready next time we meet." Thinking back to the battle, Hanso thought that perhaps he could try to teleport more of the Gold Tribe out of there anyways.
Ragnaros 'Bloodthirster' Phylax

Bloodthirster took a step back as the dark force hit him; it was certainly powerful, but he could take way more. He bared his fangs and stared intently at his opponent as he spoke, with the fire in his feet still burning.

'I am Sovereign of the Silver Tribe Sentinels. Tell me your name so we can properly begin our battle.'

The Salamence started laughing sarcastically. A Sentinel wanting to fight like a true warrior?

'Ragnaros Phylax, known as Bloodthirster in the ranks of the Gold Tribe.'

His loud, thunderous voice was filled with pride as he introduced himself. He said nothing else as he focused on the Sentinel, charging forward once again.

The Salamence was laughing. What does he think is so funny. "Ragnaros Phylax, known as Bloodthirster in the ranks of the Gold Tribe." Perfect. Sovereign was ready for a fight and after waiting for hours wanted it to be a good one. He knew he had made the right choice.

"So much pride! Now I'll make you eat dirt!" Then they charged at each other. Sovereign bared his teeth, readying himself to Crunch into Bloodthirster's shoulder.

He now knew that all the waiting was worth it. Sovereign would taste blood this day.

The Joint Post, Sovereign x Bloodthirster

"So much pride! Now I'll make you eat dirt!"

Bloodthirster ignored his taunt once again, focusing his senses on the battle. They collided with a nasty sound and the Tyranitar immediately landed his fangs deep into his shoulder. He roared in pain as blood dripped out; the brimming fire on his claws grew bigger with his rage as he tried to impale his opponent in the gut. The tips of his claws managed to pierce Sovereign's armor just enough to make him release his jaws. Sovereign jumped back. He wasn't a tactical genius but he wasn't stupid.

Sovereign saw some of the Ancients begin to move in to attack Bloodthirster. "Stay out of my way! I will not have you ruining our fight!" He then slammed his feet into the ground causing an earthquake. It had taken out all the Ancients in the immediate vicinity. "There. Now no one will get in our way" he said as he rushed the dragon with a stone in hand.

Bloodthirster got up on his two back feet, leaning forwards as Sovereign jumped back the moment his claws pierced through his armour. Ancients moved towards him, but the Tyranitar took immediate action.

"Stay out of my way! I will not have you ruining our fight!" He caused an earthquake by slamming his feet on the ground, causing it to crack, taking out the ancients nearby. A slight grin unfolded on the Salamence's face.
He doesn't want to kill me, he just wants to fight, he thought as he eyed the Sentinel.

"There. Now no one will get in our way" Sovereign charged again with a stone in hand; Bloodthirster's body was ignited in sacred flames in a dragon rush. He spread his massive wings, ignoring the pain on his shoulder and the next moment, he rushed towards the Tyranitar, flying right above the ground at high speed.

The two collided with massive force. Sovereign became engulfed in the flames and could barely see his target.
Blood. He shoved the rock as hard as he could into the patch of blood in an attempt to take advantage of the opening he had created in Bloodthirster's hide. The Salamence grunted and took a step back as the stone pierced through his body, leaving a huge wound on his back. With his body still in flames, Bloodthirster tried to impale Sovereign with his claws on the exact same spot he struck the last time, where his armour had been pierced.

Bloodthirster's claws dug into Sovereign's armor, cracking the area around the injury. The pain was intense as his blood began to pump harder. "Do you know why I'm a Sentinel? I wasn't with the others when they traveled into the wilderness." His eyes began to turn yellow. "Me and you are more alike than you know, Bloodthirster." Sovereign became surrounded in a brilliant blue aura that seemed to radiate from his body. "I am a Sentinel because of my heritage!" The earth began to shake as dark energy crackled through the air. "Dragon's blood runs through my veins, Bloodthirster! It gives me strength!" He roared as he forced the dragon back with enormous force. "I'm going to crush you!"

The dragon backed off, recognizing the effects of the outrage - one of the most powerful techniques used only by the dragons, or those who had their blood running in their veins. He was well aware he could not compete with this tremendous force Sovereign was deploying; but he was known for his ability to improvise during a fight. Ragnaros decided to go all out as the Tyranitar was approaching again. He gathered his energy and unleashed a hydro pump with extreme pressure towards his opponent.

Sovereign was hit full force by the stream of water, but it did not phase him. He clearly was taking damage, but he felt no pain as he pushed through, inching closer as he resisted the force of the water. He tightened his fist slugged Bloodthirster as hard as he could in the face through the water. His mind was filled with nothing but thoughts of violence, and blood lust was in his eyes as he let out another roar.

The Salamence cut the hydro pump as Sovereign bashed his head. He let out a massive roar as he backed off even more; his final stand was over and the Tyranitar was standing above him. His claws ignited once again, but he didn't seem like he would attack his opponent.

'Go on and finish me. At least I'll have the honour of dying like a warrior. But when you Sentinels are done fighting us, who'll you be fighting then?'

Sovereign stared down at his opponent, his mind filled with rage.
Do it! He knew this voice. He hadn't heard it for years. Kill him! It was his father's voice. But how? His father was dead. Feed your blood lust! He tightened his fist and began to strike!

Next thing he knew, he was lying on the ground next to Bloodthirster. The outrage had ended and the hydro pump caught up to him. His head was throbbing. "Heh... Heheh... Aaahahahaha!" He burst out laughing. He hadn't had a fight that good in a long time. "Tell me something Ragnaros. Why do you fight for them? You seem so different from the others."

Bloodthirster blinked in surprise and looked at Sovereign next to him. He filled his lungs with air and tried to ease up the pain on his shoulder and head. The battle he just went through was the most intense of his life. Thoughts of the Gold Tribe and the Alpha Alliance begun circling around his mind. Bloodthirster knew that if Sovereign wanted to finish him off, he would call the ancients.

'It's easier to fight for a good cause. I may have different methods than the others in the Gold Tribe, but my ideals are the same,' he said and subtly flapped his wings. He could fly away, ignoring the pain, but he chose to stay a little longer. 'But I'm not going to explain all that... and you? Why do you fight for them? What do you find in the Silver Tribe that's so attracting to you?'

Sovereign pondered a moment. "Auron saved me from myself. I found purpose in joining him. I have much respect for him. I swore my allegiance to fight for his cause. Even if I wanted to leave the Silver Tribe, I cannot break my promise. I owe him too much." His head began to clear as he stood up. "I cannot guarantee the safety of your friends, but you should escape while you can. It would be a shame for an honorable warrior like yourself to end up dying in a place like this, or wind up in one of those disgusting torture houses. It's not fitting for one like you..." He paused for a moment. His sandstorm had subsided some time ago from the look of things.

Bloodthirster took a moment to think - the Sentinel was letting him go. Is he on our side? But he had no objections to Sovereign's decision. He eyed the Tyranitar as he got back onto his feet.

"I'd like to fight you again someday. So until we meet again," Sovereign turned his head to look back at Bloodthirster, "Try not to die!" He then unleashed another sandstorm being careful to aim it away from his new found rival as he moved on into the battlefield to check on his comrades.
I hope this is enough to prevent them noticing your escape, my friend. so long.

Ragnaros let out a laugh. I don't die too easily, fighting you again will be inevitable. He turned his head around, wondering what was that Sentinel was thinking. The dragon abruptly shook his head; he flapped his wings and kicked the ground, flying above the sandstorm.
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