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Pokémon Odyssey: A New Beginning [T] [Best Veteran 4Q '12]

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Hanso SharpEye. ...and a Sneasel.
Cape City


"Lighten up, would ya?" Vanni rumbled, grinning as he lightly shoved Hanso's shoulder with one hand. In the Machoke's other hand was a mug of some sort of drink. "We're still alive, after all, and soon we'll be marchin' on to Gold City an' wipin' the smug smirk offa Auron's face!"

Hanso merely shrugged, nursing his own mug. He wasn't sure why he'd grabbed one, since he wasn't going to drink anything besides water. Though if any of the food and drink was purposefully drugged, Hanso figured the food he'd already eaten would start its work sooner or later. Why the Affiliates would do anything like it, he didn't know. Maybe that was what bothered him the most. "Golduck's too manipulative to predict," Hanso muttered to himself.

"Say what?" Vanni stared at him oddly before shrugging. "Well, as I always sa--" He interrupted himself with a hiccup, which got Hanso to grin for the first time in a while. The Gallade watched as Vanni was dragged away by a few other Pokemon so they could all stagger back to their tents.

It was starting to get late, anyway. Hanso dropped his untouched mug on the booth's counter before walking away, heading back into the city. Checking the mental tracker he'd put on Vera, he noted that she wasn't moving from her spot. Need to check on Genevieve now...also need to pull Scar out of the tunnels.

In the shadows of the night, a Pokemon moved swiftly but quietly toward the Gallade he recognized. He wasn't wearing his emblem, but then again, he didn't wear the emblem in the forest either. It was his odd eyes he remembered. And at that he knew he had to confront him.

The Sneasel thief emerged from the shadows and blocked the path in front of Hanso. But it wasn't aggression he carried in his eyes, or at least that wasn't the primary emotion he displayed. He panted heavily, and on his face he carried an expression of fear and wear. He seemed to have been carrying it for a long time.

"You..." He said in between his pants. "You, yer...Gold Tribe right? I know...I remember you. You are."

The initial reaction was to slip into a battle pose, arm-blades springing out, but Hanso stopped himself as he saw the Sneasel's exhaustion. How did he know Hanso was Gold Tribe?... "Yes..." The Gallade sheathed his arm-blades as he relaxed. After a moment, he added, "I don't remember you, though."

The Sneasel continued to pant heavily, placing his paws on his knees to try to catch his breath. "I was in the forest. The Thieves Forest." He picked up a paw to reassure him he didn't mean violence right now. "I ain't here...to hurt ya," He puffed. "I...I dunno know where else...I dunno..." His voice trailed off, and a tear was spotted streaming down his face. "They killed us....they got us all. After you left....they got us!" He said, trying to hold back tears as he fell to the ground, slamming a fist onto the broken marble streets. "They killed Roswell, and everyone else they could get to...only a little escaped..."

Hanso had guessed something of the sort, during his confrontation with Varren inside Sovereign's head. The Thi-- Sneasel, was in no condition to fight him even if he wanted to. One hand reached up to rub his arm while Hanso listened. After they left... "I really doubt you're here to blame us," Hanso muttered to himself. Speaking louder, the Gallade stated, "The Silver Tribe double-crossed you, then." He didn't ask why the Sneasel had come here, why he'd shown himself to Hanso. The Thief would likely do so very soon, if not that very moment.

In an almost instantaneous moment, the Sneasel stopped his pounding and scurried over to the Gallade, grabbing him by the shoulders, shaking him while tears were in his eyes. "You...yer Gold Tribe. Yer suppose to help Pokemon when they get in trouble! We...we dunno what to do...we want to fight...we want to get payback, but we can't...we can't do it by ourselves." He looked to the side, remembering the slaughter he had witnessed as he ducked out of the forest with everyone he could. "Noctus left, he was gone for a while now...I think he went to Silver City...and the King's dead. Everyone's look at me, but I dunno what to do." He shook Hanso again. "Help us, will ya!?"

"Stop." Hanso's voice and hands were firm as he pushed the Sneasel back a step. "Stop freaking out." Yes, the Gold Tribe was supposed to help Pokemon in trouble, but not all members were like that, and normally a Gold Tribe fighter wouldn't readily help the Thieves. They'd be trying to get rid of the Thieves, in fact. Bringing Noctus up made Hanso clench one of his hands.

That was before the war, though. Hanso had to remember that the known living Gold Tribe was, for the most part, perhaps better than others before the war. Unclenching his fist, Hanso answered, "Yeah, we'll work together. ...I don't see it as a problem, but we should let the Gold Tribe know about this before all the Thieves show themselves."

The Sneasel was actually surprised that Hanso had said yes. He had come to the Gold Tribe as a last resort, as what he believed to be a foolish errand that would have ended up with him being thrown in jail. Letting go of the Gallade, he wiped away from tears from his arm, and let himself develop a small smile for a few seconds, before composing himself. "Right...right I gotcha. Jus...jus come find us when you decided. We want to help. After what Auron did, we deserve that chance." He backed away, moving over to let the Gallade pass. He began slowly heading for the exit of the city. "I'll let the others know. We're pretty tired and hungry but we'll be hangin' around the south outside of the city."

As he headed to leave, the thief turned back his head, adding before he left. "Hey...uh...thanks."

Hanso waved back. "I'll update you if something comes up," he replied, placing a mental tracker on the surface of the Sneasel's mind. A very mild itch that could be easily ignored, if the Thief noticed it at all. It wasn't until the Sneasel had left that Hanso realized he'd said 'let the Gold Tribe know'. Almost as if he wasn't one himself. He considered it, then came to a decision. For now...the medical bunker near Stoneguard.

When he showed up, Hanso stopped a passing Chansey. "There a store of food here?" The Chansey gave an affirmative. "Need to gather some of it that can be spared. Leave it in the south outside the city. Keep it quiet." When the nurse gave him a puzzled expression, Hanso added, "There are hungry Pokemon out there. I don't know if they're able to get any food for themselves, but they won't be coming into the city themselves."

Seeing the Chansey off, Hanso traced Genevieve's mind to where she lied on a bed, still unconscious. Vera's tracker still indicated inactivity, as well. Activity in the medical bunker had gone down in the past while, so Hanso didn't feel too guilty in pulling up a stool to sit on. I'll talk to Zane in the morning... His head propped on a hand as his elbow rested on a knee, Hanso fell asleep.
Accatosh "Blitzkrieg" Corronis

Accatosh made his move towards Cape City, Bloodthirster, soared to one of the generals to talk, Accatosh flew into the place he had left... then his mind jolted to alarm, Where was Paladin and Allora... he sighed, "you have got to be kidding me" then he took to the sky again. flying as high as he could... he didn't see anybody. worried he flew wherever he could, then he saw a Pidgeot and a Golduck circling over something, he started flying towards them.

when he got within range, he was shocked and angered at what he saw, "Sentry!" he shouted, he noticed Paladin was close to him. Angered Accatosh launched a Fireblast at the scizor, and started to dive towards him seeking to kill the pokemon who was messing with his former mentor.
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Cape City

The Scizor Sentinel reacted almost immediately as he heard the shout of his name from above, the source not being that of the Madman. Being the scout of the Sentinels and a Pokemon with intense reflexes, as well as possessing a wide range of his own intelligence networks allowed him to almost immediately identify the Salamence as one of the Gold Tribe members, Blitzkrieg. He picked up earlier information of ties between Paladin and Blitzkrieg, so he knew his arrival meant hostilities would follow, something Sentry didn't intend for at the moment.

As the Fire Blast came for him, he was seen bending his knees as the flames approached at him swiftly. He knew if he was caught by them, the damage would have been tremendous. But a moment later, the fire impact the area, but the Scizor no longer occupied it. In a blink of an eye, he vanished from the spot. He only seemed to reappear to the Pokemon present when he announced himself.

"As I said before," He stated, crouched with one knee on the ground on top of a ruined home, approximately 10 meters from where he stood before. "Today was not the day you were suppose to die," He looked back at the giant Golurk, who still seemed to be awakening. He would have to distract for a bit as he did. "But...if you wish it, then so be it,"

Sentry brought up his hands, the air around him beginning to pick up speed, until soon the wind was visible, and becoming increasingly lethal. The area of impact increased around him, and expanded into the sky, where Penance, the Pidgeot, and Blitzkrieg flew. The wind became like blades, sharp and lethal to everyone who flew within the range of the attack. He sent the Razor Wind at fully power toward the three.

Plains of Valkaria

"Hehehehehe...." The darkness of night surrounded the Sableye and Jolteon Sentinels, and from that darkness, the cackling laughter of another Pokemon could be heard. "Looks like the two of you have seen better days....hehehehehahahahaah!" The Pokemon emerged from its hiding spot, still covered by the dark of the night, a shadow covering most of its form, but his enormous, malicious grin. "Two Sentinels, licking their wounds! What a sight! I've heard the freelancer Sentinels were a lot tougher than this..." He cackled. As he examined them more, he noticed the condition of the Jolteon. "Oh? One of you not feeling too good? I think I have some medicine...but...OH! I left it in my other pants!" He yelled, bursting out into laughter on the ground below. He seemed to get immense enjoyment out of his own jokes, almost to an excessive state. As he tried to compose himself after almost a minute of laughing on the ground, the Pokemon rose himself, wiping the tears from his eyes, and approached the pair.

"But anyway...sorry, I forget myself," He got out from the cover of the darkness, revealing a pair of large, red eyes, and a shadowy form to keep his grin and eyes together. The Gengar gave the two a short bow. "Levin Gannon, Sentinel of the Silver Tribe, at your service." If it was possible, his grin seemed to widen even more, almost making it seem as if his form enlarged a bit with him.

"You can call me "The Deceiver".
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Snype and Levina

As Snype continued to carry Levina back to Silver City with all his strength. Suddenly he heard some laughter nearby. Snype wasn't phased. He was a ghost himself after all. He stood firm though. He didn't need more problems after what went down today. A figure emerged from the shadows... friend or foe, he wasn't sure immediately. Snype was ready to fight to his last breath if he had to. Thankfully though, this Gengar was friendly. A sentinel of the Silver Tribe. Well, at least somebody wasn't dead...

The Gengar reminded Snype of himself. A huge case of shadenfreude for sure, laughing at others misery. Snype snickered a little at his jokes but he was too focused on Levina to get a good kick out of it.

"Deciever... not a bad name. Snype and Levina. And yeah we've seen better days. Kehe. Levina here's at the end of her rope if we don't heal her poison. I guess you have a good reason going out and fetching us two newbies huh?" He said with a serious tone. Levina shuddered a little bit, conserving her strength however she could. The Gengar spooked her a little.
Plains of Valkaria

"Hehehehe...." the Gengar cackled, his laughter trailing through the stream of grass and extending far through the countryside. "Yeah....I heard of the two of you! That's why I came to find you!" He rubbed his hands together, his mind already trailing to what was to come. "You two earned your reputations before you joined us, so we knew what we were getting before we recruited you! Hehehehehe...." He had a sack which he carried on his back, though the string seemed to blend with the colors of his body, so it was only when he turned it around to face them that it even became noticeable. He reached inside the bag, before picking out a few Pecha Berries and a handful of Sitrus Berries. He tossed the set of berries to the two, enough so that they would be able to recuperate and keep up. "There we are, enough to get you going....eat up! Hehehehehe...."

The Gengar maliciously grinned as he cross his arms and watched the two eat. "But you two aren't newbies anymore, you know! I mean, it's so sad!" He said, though his grin didn't disappear off his face when he said it. "All us Sentinels going six feet under! First it was the big guy Beserker. But then Noxious had to follow! Ignitus was blown up, Frosty got killed. Deluge got brain-fried. Inferno also blew up, and Scar and Genevieve are as good as dead too! Dead! Dead! Dead! Dead! DEAD!" He yelled into the night sky, shameless grinning as he did so. "And why do you think they're winning. We have the numbers, so what do they have? Hehehehehe!"

He started pacing, waving his hands around madly as he walked. "They have the Gold Tribe! And they have planning! We Sentinels are strong, but strength won't do it anymore! We need to plan! Sentry isn't around, so we're all that left. But...we're different from the rest, aren't we? Hehehehehehe....." He laughed. "HAHAHAHAHA!"

"So...how about it? Wanna graduate from the new guys to full-fledged Sentinels? Come with me, and we'll plan it out...and finish off the Gold Tribe and their little army for good! Hehehehe!"
Snype gave a sigh of relief. Looks like they had made a name for themselves. the Gengar clearly knew about them... best of all, he had pecha berries and some sitrus berries. Levina quickly squirmed out of Snype's arms and went right over to the Pecha berry to eat it up. The poison was quickly taken out of her system and the Sitrus berries she ate up also got the Jolteon back onto her feet. Snype also ate what he could. He needed a pick-me-up after the whole day. Levina thanked the Gengar for the Pecha berry, as out of character as it was for her to be so considerate. She almost died after all.

The Gengar went on about how they weren't newbies and discused the fate of the other sentinels. He discussed the issues that Snype had pondered about. There was a lack of strategy in the Silver Tribe. He could see that right away when Cape City was taken literally right under their feet.

"Kehe... of course I'd like to graduate. We gotta be doing something right if we're still alive. Alright then. Lets get right to it." Snype said. He wasn't very trusting of the Gengar yet. He had never met this sentinel before... was he new? Either way, Snype would be careful around the new face.

"So, what was your whole job in the sentinels? I didn't see you at the battle." Snype had to ask.
Accatosh "Blitzkrieg" Corronis

Accatosh barrelrolled infront of the wind headed towards Penance and the Pidgeot, he cast protect while he moved. most of the razor wind was reflected by his protect. "it may not be my day to die... but it IS my day to liberate my friend!"

Accatosh then took a moment to take in the terrain, being a forested area there were a lot of trees... might as well use falling trees to his advantage, he charged up a Draco Blast and released it. the large orb split into five smaller orbs and each impacted with a tree in the area, causing explosions and causing the trees to fall making a sort of perimeter around Paladin, but also attempting to get the Scizor distracted enough for Accatosh to strike, Accatosh then gaining speed charged right for a spot where he figured the traitor would run to for cover, he lowered his front talons ready to grab him and take him to the air.
Plains of Valkaria

"Hehehe...good!" The Gengar exclaimed excitedly. "I think we'll work well together!" He began skipping along the soft grass, his feet barely touching the green blades before jumping onto the next batch. In essence, he floated along the plains as he slowly prepared to move. When Levina and Snype were ready, they began to go to where they needed to.

"Hehehehe..." He chuckled, not necessarily as a laughter to the response of the question Snype asked. It was more of a quirk that he would do no matter what was asked of him. "You wouldn't have seen me. I lurk more in the shadows. I let the others do the heavy lifting. But I was here...oh...since the very beginning...hehehehehe..."

He began twirling his body in circles, floating just above the ground as he walked. "But every Sentinel has a specialty. Sentry does the scouting. Inferno blew Pokemon up. I liked to...entertain guests at the torturehouses...hehehehehe..." He grinned sheepishly at Snype, as he continued. "I mean, someone had to after Frost went and got herself gutted! She left a big hole to fill. Luckily, I was around." He placed a ghostly hand on his chin and pondered for a moment. "Hehe...let's see. You know how in the Alpha Alliance, there are 3 Generals who generally lead the armies? Well, you noticed they had General Belas, and you know they rescued General Hazone the Dragonite a while back. But where is poor General Catria?" He asked rhetorically. The third General he referred to was missing in action ever since the last defense of Gold City about six months ago. Many assumed she died, though Frost briefly confirmed to Belas in the battle in Eternity that she was alive and imprisoned in the torturehouse in Silver City.

"But since they're going to come to Silver City this time, I'll step out from my usual duties, and help us win this war. Hehehehe....and that's where you'll come in. Together, we can come up with some nice surprises waiting for the Alphas! Just you wait! HAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Cape City

"Liberate your friend..." Sentry repeated the dragons word, a hint of mockery in his tongue as he said it. "If you think-" He was cut off, the sound of Blitzkrieg powering up another blast quickly resonated with Sentry, who picked up the blast schematics based on his reports he had heard of before. When he released the blast, it separated into smaller sorts, which took the Scizor by surprised, and also caused nearby branches to fall apart and collide onto the ground. Sentry lowered his knees and prepared to expect something else, but found that the entire point of this was to distract Sentry long enough for Blitzkrieg to swoop in and target the Sentinel.

He didn't expect much tactic to come from the Gold Tribe member, which made the move a bit of a surprise to Sentry. However and luckily, he was as fast as he was for a reason, and managed to narrowly duck as the large Salamence swooped in, ready to carry him away. Sentry ducked just low enough to barely avoid the talons, but as it passed over him, one of the claws scraped across the top of his red exoskeleton head, causing a deep scratch to form right at top. Blood trickled down from the tip, but Sentry did little more than grit his teeth for a second and take the pain. He responded quickly as the Salamence took off into the sky again, living up to his name as a swift Pokemon, and fired upon Blitzkrieg with a Flash Cannon while his back was turned to him.
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Snype and Levina

With the explanation, the Gengar suddenly seemed more credible. He had the job Snype wished he could have had. Snype was more of a stealthy sort but was more direct then Deceiver. He was in the open to fight when he had to. He just made sure he was the one to land the first blow. He was a dirty fighter, relying on things such as Poison, stalling, and his environment to win a fight. Cheap tactics in other words. Honor was null to the Sableye as long as he came out the victor in the end and took what he wanted. It was something that made him very distant from his fellow thieves back then. He wondered if there were any survivors from that attack...

"So, a defense then. We do the usual for sure. Traps and such. But I'm sure its going to take more then a few cunning tricks to take down a whole army. I take you have plenty of ideas already since your being so forward with this?" Snype said. He never did get a chance to properly explore Silver City... he'd need to get himself familiar with the layout of the place to know where to hide and where to strike. He could poison them one by one and play mind tricks on the group. He had the moves to get away with that. They didn't have much time though. A day at the most. He was just eager to get into Silver City where he knew he'd be safe.
Accatosh "Blitzkrieg" Corronis

Accatosh grunted as a Flash Cannon hit him from the back, then he turned to the sentinel and saw the blood coming down his face, "is that the best you can do, Sentry? seems to me that the one knows as 'the fastest pokemon in the world' has lost his edge, Accatosh taunted.

Accatosh then circled around a few times before launching a series of fire blasts in a rapid pattern aiming to litter the ground with fire to limit the Sentinal's movements, once he did that he brought down a few more trees with a Draco Blast, in an attempt to box Sentry in... in essence trapping him.
Plains of Valkaria

"Hehehehe...you're right, of course!" Deceiver said, grinning as they proceeded further along the plains. The sky was completely black now, as the hours into the night ticked away. "Simple plans won't stop them all. But then again, we don't want to stop them! Hehehehe!" He laughed, bouncing off the grass as he flew forward. "If Lord Auron wanted to stop the Gold Tribe and this army, he coulda done it a thousand times over, I bet! No, he has something more...special planned! No, what we wanna do then...is make sure they suffer. We have to hit them where their heart is! Stab them right in the center, and then twist the knife!"

The Gengar laughed maniacally and floated around, seeming not to have a care in the world as he talked of the destruction that was to be planned. "First...we have to hit them where it hurts. Remember what they fight for? Citizens in peril, screamers and fools and blah blah blah...that's what we'll use....oh but I won't spoil the surprise! You'll see when we get there....heeeheeeheee!"

Cape City

Sentry ignored Blitzkrieg's insult, or at the very least, he refused to add fire or credence to it by responding to it. Many other Sentinels perished because they let emotion run too deep when they fought, and Sentry was smart enough to avoid that. Instead, Sentry prepared for the next attacks to follow. Blitzkrieg soon launched a set of Fire Blasts, something Sentry thought would happen, as the Scizor happened to be much weaker against that type than any other.

However, the blasts were aimed toward the surrounding area rather than the Sentinel himself. The fire burned quickly, spread rapidly, and before Sentry could get a chance to see, he was surrounded by flames from all across. Or at least, that is what it appeared at first. Sentry began maneuvering around to avoid areas with more fire, only to find Blitzkrieg spreading it more rapidly. Soon the entire area was littered with the flames of the Salamence. Knocking the down the remaining trees, Blitzkrieg effectively eliminated most of the options of where Sentry would go. But as he saw his predicament, Sentry didn't attempt to run anymore. Smoke and ash began to fill the area rapidly, and Sentry helped with it, using minor razor winds across the area to expand the scope of the flames and increasing their size, while also increasing the size of the smoke and dust. From above, the last that was seen Sentry was him standing his ground, a slight smirk appearing on his face, before his silhouette disappeared into the smog that now littered the area. Sentry used Blitzkrieg's own tactic against him, and thus, made the area completely unreadable. If he wanted to reach him now, Blitzkrieg would either have to get rid of the flames he created, or jump into the thicket and search for the Scizor. Either way, Sentry would be ready to pounce the minute he made a move. And as for the flames, though they may be his weakness, as a Sentinel, he was tough enough to handle the pressure long enough to land his own killing move. Wait and strike at the opportune moment. That was the way of scouts, and that was Sentry's way too.
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Attack the citizens... hurt their pride. This was what Snype tried to do in Cape City before being rudely interrupted by the madman's men. It was working too! Everybody was terrified of their actions. The Silver tribe had to do something similar. As Deciever said, twist the knife. Snype was starting to get what Deciver was leading up to. Maybe it had to do with the torture chambers? He might have been busy during the fight for Cape City... it was a guess anyways. Would the Gold Tribe go all out if they knew several citizens were trapped within the walls of Silver City?

Snype wondered what Lord Auron was up to right now. The Silver Tribe's origins were still a bit of a mystery to Snype. He was curious of just how they gained this sort of power. He just joined to do what the thieves were supposed to do in the first place. Destroy the Gold Tribe. Saddly he wasn't doing a good job at that so far.

"A surprise huh? Kehe... sounds interesting. I guess you've got yourself all ready for the upcoming attack? Your a good planner I'll give you that." Snype said as he continued to follow.
Penance 'Madman' Malum​

Penance cocked his head at the words and then smiled widely down. "Oh... I see. I'm guessing you're one of the heads of this operation as well. You know, I did some consulting about who he is. I have a lot of smart psychics on my end. I'm pretty sure who started this all off, but I won't ruin the spoilers between us eh? If the Gold Tribe is as good as they say then they should have no problem figuring it out as well. Anyways, here are my thoughts." The Golduck held up a finger, "One, Sentry is long since dead in that mind of yours and you are in control... or you could be holding him captive and forcing him to watch in horror about what you are doing."

At this point the Golduck caught sight of a familiar looking dragon rushing at the two and he quickly sped up his conversation.

"Two, you are actually Sentry, but figured out a long time ago what was happening to you all and managed to negate it. Maybe you were gone while the others found the crystal and then formed your allegiance to him then eh? Or third... well, let's look at the third option this way."

Of course that was the moment when that blasted dragon hit and he motioned for the bird to quickly rise up into the sky. He glanced down, a bit eager about what would happen now, but also a bit angry that his words had been cut off, and just when he was about to get to the good part too! That's how it always was eh? The best part was never talked about because it was always cut off before then! So he began shouting out to Sentry.

"The crystal does emit an energy that draws pokemon to it... if it had broken open before, then instead of the Gold Tribe being drawn to it, some random pokemon would have! The Gold Tribe was sent when that old Zangoose felt a disturbance, probably the crystal being freed from whatever prison it was in! That would have meant by the time they had traveled all the way over there, it would have already attracted other pokemon to possess and use, it's why the crystal was locked away in the first place, kept attracting innocents!"

As the dust cleared it seemed Sentry had moved and not only that he shot out a high powered Razor Wind that caused the bird to slowly spiral down. "Mayday! Mayday!" The Pidgeot cried out as he slammed into the ground finally making it to a ground halting stop. The Golduck jumped off of the groaning pokemon and flipped him over casually as he opened the bag attached to his back and pulled out some medicine. "That means it couldn't have happened that way, someone had to open it up and make sure no one got near it! Noctus of course is here so he could have done it! Problem with that is he would have surely been taken like his old ancestor was! He would have never had a fighting chance against him!"

Penance rolled his eyes in annoyance as both of them just ignored him. "Sentry! I know you're kinda fighting for you life but at least paying a bit of attention doesn't make you look like a rude Scizor! Anyways!" He sighed as the Flash Cannon went off, "ANYWAYS! Someone had to know that Goldies were coming, and make sure that they went right on back to Gold City! Not only that, but also they would have to ensure that none of them got away to lay down a warning, that meant they had to keep bottled in where the crystal was right? The Goldies would have been set off if some random group came out and tried to capture them... it would be an ambush and they would tread more carefully! It would be out of place if you will. In that case the whole lure them in trait would have fallen short and they would know there was something in there that could possibly harm them! They are stupid... but only a bit smart as well!

Anyways... if someone they trusted led them right in... and just happened to open it up as they came upon it... because the orders weren't to open it but make sure it was contained... then I'm very sure they wouldn't have objected if a certain... Scizor was to do that!"

As the flames rose up Penance quickly shouted out the other parts.

"Well, here's the thing we do know... they are trustworth!. Hell look at me! They trusted me all with their lives! Never suspected, so we both know they are stupid in that regards. It would be so easy for someone whose family was allied with Noctus' little cult to lie with a smile on his face, claim he would protect the world yadda yadda and all that! Meanwhile bidding his time until he got into a trusted enough position and showed a certain leader he was the best of the best so that when a plan that would enact far in the future would happen, he could be right there in the front row seats and chew on some popcorn as his 'freinds' fell around him!

Not a bad plan, of course until it comes to the point he wants to control everything and he throws you in the dirt! But hey it's the journey that matters, not the destination, right!? I must say you are a great actor, if the third option is to believed! In fact, if that is the right one, you always sought to destroy the gold tribe! I actually have no qualms with that! Indeed, if things were different I would not intervere and let you have all the fun with them! One problem though, you attack innocents and kill them for no good reason! Aside from the fact that you end up just having tons of pokemon corpses everywhere and making the cities look very awful design wise, the question that also pops up is why let us all become dust!? Now, I can see you are one smart cookie, but the problem is that in the end you end up dead, we all do.! But you'll just allow all of existence to end, at which point Arceus himself blows up the planet and you get nothing! Personally I would mind it, nothing is so boring you know! You can't even have games in nothingness! You just float around! Of course you're probably so boring that you would enjoy swimming in darkness, so that's really your ideal location then eh!?"

At that point Penance took in a deep breath. "Man, didn't have to think I would have to shout everything at you, you know? But I got everything out that I needed to! Anyways, I'll be off in a few, of course after having my Pidegot, that you so ruthlessly tore up by the way, recover a bit, in the mean time you two just battle among yourselves and continue to act like I'm not here, okay?"
Accatosh "Blitzkrieg" Corronis

Accatosh watched Sentry panic for a moment. then start making the flames and smoke larger with razor winds, during this time Accatosh simply circled over the smoke watching the events take place, eventually the smoke completly concealed the Sentinal from view. Accatosh saw Sentry's actions as rather foolish, but as he saw his options, maybe not quite as foolish.

as Accatosh looked over his options, two of them could cause injury to himself, because there is a chance that in that firey mess Sentry could be waiting for him... but his third option would keep him safe from additional harm and could cause more havoc on the area and potentially injuring or killing Sentry rather quickly, and since he had gotten a good view of the area sentry was at before the smoke blocked any view of the area this option was one of the better ones.

Accatosh continued to circle over the pillar of smoke and launched a variety of Fire blasts and Draco blasts littering the contained area in fire and explosions, either Sentry would die or be forced to run through fire to escape, and become visible again. from what Accatosh could see, Sentry's options were slim, and getting smaller by the second.
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Cape City

The array of blasts began littering the area, like molten rain upon the ground, each impact cooking the dirty, some of which disintegrated from the extreme temperatures. All across, these attacks impacted the area where Sentry had disappeared into. More and more, Accatosh continued to harass the ground with fire and energy, until no area within that encirclement that he created was safe to hide from. Yet still, no Scizor appeared from the smoke and fire. There was no movement. In fact, there didn't even appear to be a sign or whisper that he had moved inside. All was still, save for the bursts of energy that impacted the area. When they were all done, still there was nothing. No sound, no movement. Nothing. It appeared as though Sentry had died in the explosion.

Upon further examination of the area, however, one would see differently. The fire that remained littered the area, but the smoke slowly began to dissipate, but from it, no Scizor was spot. Sentry wasn't dead. He was gone, and from looks of the empty spot where the giant Golurk stood, he didn't leave alone. Both Paladin and Sentry were nowhere to be seen, as if they had completely vanished from the area.

And so, Penance's inquiries and theories went unanswered by the Scizor. Yet where the Sentinel now stood, long gone from the area he previously occupied, as he realized how much the Golduck touched on, and how close he was to knowing, yet how much he still didn't know, the Scizor couldn't help but smirk for the briefest of moments, nodding his head, mostly to himself.


Plains of Valkaria

"Hehehehehe...Oh, I'm ready," Deceiver grinned, twirling in circles while walking next to the two Sentinels. "But I'll need your help. I heard what you did in Cape! I could use a Pokemon like you to finish my plans! Everything's setting in motion...hehehehehe! Hahaha! HAHAHAHA-" In the midst of his insane laughter, the Gengar suddenly and abruptly stopped. He was floating upside down, his smile momentarily retracting, and his eyes suddenly going from his normal red to a deep purple, with no iris present. Then, they suddenly went a deep black. He floated upside down, as if he was in a trance, and a moment later, the Gengar was consumed by a mass of black smoke, and seemed to vanish.

There was quiet on the plains. No sound was made for a moment, except the sounds of bug Pokemon chirping in the distance. After approximately a minute of silence, the black smoke reappeared, larger in proportion, and carrying a larger mass. It collided with the ground, and from it, the Deceiver once again emerged, but with him, he also had a Scizor whose head was scraped with a bit of blood, and the giant mass of a Golurk, who still stood still. The Deceiver's eyes returned to normal, and he began cackling again like a wild hyena.

"Hahahahaha! Apologies...Auron wanted me to assist in picking up a package. I'm sure you've met dear Sentry here, and...." He pointed his arm from the Scizor over to the large Golurk who stood idly behind. "...well, I would introduce you to this other member of the family, but he hasn't quite woken up yet! Hehehehehehe! It sometimes takes some time!"

Sentry moved a claw up to his forehead and wiped the blood away from it. By now, the wound was dry and the blood had stopped flowing. The cut wasn't nearly deep enough to have made a serious enough impact to him, but a slight scar might remain in its place. He rubbed the area, then eyed Paladin, then Deceiver, Snype, and Levina. He then turned back to Paladin. "You can keep moving," He said to the others. "We'll catch up."


Cape City

With the action in Cape City now done, the night slowly took those who still remained awake. Little by little, everyone turned in for the night, sleeping off the wear of the fierce battle they were apart of, in one way or another. The cool air came from the nearby mountains in the night, as it usually did nearby Cape, and eventually, all came to a standstill.

Hours later, the sun began to rise. Slowly, soldiers were rising themselves to begin performing their assigned duties for the day, whether it was to help with rebuilding, assisting refugees, guard duty, scout duty, etc. Inside the Stoneguard, General Belas and Hazone waited patiently, having sent soldiers to all of the important dignitaries they required to see, requesting their presence for a meeting right before the war. He extended invitations to all of the Gold Tribe, the Madman, and certain higher-ranked Alpha Alliance soldiers. Personally, Belas would have rather kept the Madman out, but Hazone insisted on it, stating that he had much pull in and around Cape, and also suggesting that the Golduck would have found a way to attend regardless.

Zane Tyrael rose early and went as requested toward the Stoneguard once he heard the news. There was plenty he wanted enlightenment on, including rumors he heard of strange activity around Silve...Gold City, and also other reports of a major incident involving Paladin, his friend in the Gold Tribe. In this meeting, he hoped to get the information he sought, as well as everything they needed to begin the final preparations...for the final battle.
Clap. Clap. Clap. Clap...

Paladin's Mind

The sound felt so refreshing, like the sound of the ocean to calm one's nerves. The beautiful, rythmic clapping was in perfect sync with the drum which resonated in the back of the Golurk's mind.

Dum. Dum. Dum. Dum...

Chaos felt himself feeling more and more liberated as the drums became louder and louder, as if approaching steadily. The drums, the beautiful drums, were almost upon him now. Finally, he could be free! Awoken from slumber! He had been waiting over a year for this, and finally, the time was here. Just four more claps...

Cape City

Allora only watched suspiciously as Sentry began speaking to Paladin. He didn't seem to pay her much heed, and that was a good thing. She had now remembered who he was, and what he could do. It would not be wise to pick a fight with this Scizor, despite her obvious type advantage. She would wait and watch until he made the first move.

As he came before the lifeless husk that was once Paladin, he readied his pincers. Assuming he was about to attack, she bared her fangs, but he did not. Instead, he simply clapped. Four times, he clapped. She could swear she had heard that sound before. But where?

Then, suddenly, the Madman appeared. Allora's first reaction was annoyance.

Why is he here? She asked herself.

But then, she remembered a vital piece of information. Penance was a psychic. He could help to kill Chaos.

However, as soon as she was about to shout out to him, he began speaking to Sentry, not even acknowledging her existence. She didn't keep track of what they said, though Sentry said little as the Profoundly Eccentric Duck Of a Pokemon continued on. She only glanced at Paladin's form, which did little but look on with those soulless eyes. She wished she could re-enter his mind, but right now her own mind was far too weak to do so.

Then, disaster struck. Out of the sky came Accatosh Soaring Stupendously fast, launching all manner of attacks at Sentry. A fight quickly ensued. Allora would have joined in, but it all happened so fast, and with her mind in such a weak state, she was unable to. Meanwhile, Penance floated above, still blabbering on with questions. During a fight?! Did this Pokemon have no sense at all?

The fight quickly erupted into a fire. Allora instinctively raced for Paladin to get him away from the raging flames, but to no avail. She couldn't move him with her mind or her body, and he did nothing but stand there like a statue. Eventually, as the fires became more and more intense, she was forced to back off, away from the flames. Accatosh didn't help, trying desperately to kill his opponent by launching several attacks into the flames, which only served to spread them and intensify them further.

At the last minute, though, she saw Sentry. It was just a glimpse, but she saw him among the flames. He wasn't dead. Instantly, she ran for Paladin, worried that he might try to harm him.

Then, they were gone.

It happened so fast, Allora wasn't entirely sure what had happened, but Paladin was gone. Sentry, too.

It took her a moment to recollect herself, but she did. Quickly, she looked up and shouted at the flying Salamence above her. "He's gone! Quick, get rid of the fire!"
Snype simply nodded to the Gengar as the continued walking. He quickly paused when the Gengar suddenly dissapeared in a black smoke with a possessed look on his face. Snype wasn't sure what that was about but he stayed put cautiously. He eventually reappeared though but this time with Sentry and a Golurk. Snype recalled that blank look on the other sentinels. They were issued orders through that means... by Auron possibly. Snype wouldn't know. He wondered how Auron could contact them through such means but not him? Some kind of weird mind link? So much to learn...

Snype wished he could travel around that easily... He was a ghost but he couldn't do that kind of trick. Snype was pleased that Sentry was alright but it looked like he had a bit of a fight back there. Snype decided not to bother himself with the details. As for the Golurk... Snype couldn't really recall if he had met him before. Well at least that made five sentinels.

Snype nodded to Sentry and continued moving on with Deciever.

"Auron contacted you? That was awfully abrupt... I've been curious. What does he have like some sort of weird mind link with you guys? I've never been contacted that way before." Snype couldn't help but ask.
Vera Fayos

Vera awoke to the sun rising early in the morning. Nothing had changed, except the fires no longer burned. She stayed among the debris of the collapsed wall for a while, still uncertain of Sovereign's fate. In all likely hood, he was already dead.

As her mind came to terms with this fact, a new dilemma rose up. The Gold Tribe was unlikely to accept her help outright, even with Hanzo's support. She would need more than that. This victory would have them in high morale, meaning they would not be desperate for the help they need.

"Hanzo, I don't know if you can hear me right now, but assuming our link is still in tact, I need you to retrieve something for me from Stoneguard. I stayed in the room designated to Frost after her death. In a drawer next to the bed, you will find something I need. Something I took while we were in Albia. I'm going to need it."

Vera herself walked to Stoneguard, fully aware that they would never let her in to retrieve the item herself. She burst into the main hall of Stoneguard, confident and determined. "My name is Vera, Tactical adviser to the Sentinel, Sovereign. I am here to turn myself in for war crimes including the ordered destruction of Albia and the killing of a commanding Breloom I encountered in the plains... and the assisted slaughter of the inhabitants of the Thief's Forest, and many more that I shouldn't waste time mentioning."
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Accatosh "Blitzkrieg" Corronis

Accatosh searched the remains, bashing out fires as he went searching for the corps of the Sentinal, "Blast it! that Sentinal slipped into the air using Paladin's empty husk and whatever has it's influence over him!" he turned his head scanning the area... angered he left the battle torn scene and went back to the city.

he landed not to far from where Vigil exited his tent, Accatosh was still fumed over the situation, and his wound on his back was starting to hurt... as was a few scrapes and burns he had received from putting out the fire, the tip of his claw was still stained with the Scizor's blood.

Veltra was at a station she had set up for herself for her mixing of hurbs and berries to help heal the sick and wounded, from her position she saw the injured Accatosh fly in. she ran to see him, and was shocked to see the state that he was in, "oh, you poor thing," she whispered in a comforting manner, "give me a moment and I'll get something to help" she left and returned with some bandages and some Raust-Oran ointment designed to help heal burns and all manner of wounds, she had Accatosh lie down, which with reluctance he did, and was mumbling to himself about Sentry, while Veltra worked on tending to his wounds.
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Plains of Valkaria

"Hehehe..." The Deceiver chuckled as he usually did at the start of his sentences. He pondered on how exactly to answer Snype's question while making sense. To all those who were connected by the bond with Auron, they would have understood without any words having to be said. "It...is a special connection," The Gengar began. "Something we all share with Auron. He knows our thoughts. He knows our actions. He helps us if we need it. And the longer time passes, the more power he gains." He made a flip, before landing onto the ground softly, and decided to walk for a bit. "For example, his dark cloud ability is something he only recently awakened again. As time goes on, he will be able to do so much more...hehehehe! Even I don't know how much stronger he will get!"

"Unfortunately, you are a freelance Sentinel, so you aren't connected in the normal way as we are...but, you can be. As time flies, you'll adapt, and he will help you adapt! Hehehehehehehe! Time, Snype, all it takes is time! Time...and WAR! HAHAHAHA!"


Cape City

Generals Belas and Hazone were busy going over plans and preparing for the meeting when Vera burst through the front entrance, announcing herself and, surprisingly, offering to turn herself in. The Two Generals exchanged glances, while soldiers in the great hall murmured among each other.

Just entering the Stoneguard was Zane, who noticed Guardia leaning on a pillar and approached her to find out what was going on. She noticed him, and gave him a nod, but he could tell she was angry by Vera's presence. Guardia, who remember past interactions with Sovereign, knew of the destruction he had caused to them. Even having her present in front of them made her sick.

"What's going on?" Zane asked the Zangoose, who merely shook her head and gave a solemn response.

"The Silver Tribe b*tch is trying to surrender to us." She replied, stepping forward and speaking up to everyone in the room, most particularly Vera. "I think a few at least are worth mentioning." She yelled, her voice echoing across the large marble hall. "How about the assisted planning of the ambush the Silver Tribe made near the Thieves Forest, which caused the death of one of my brothers?!"

Immediately upon mentioning this, Zane tensed up. He recalled what happened at the ambush, remembering how he had to stay behind as the others were forced to fight for their lives, and how Dark Lightning perished in order for the others to have escaped. He never did discover which of the Sentinels took part in that, but apparently Sovereign did, so perhaps she did as well. But as Zane recalled, Sovereign had stated he no longer was their enemy. It might be possible that Vera too chose that path, but does that make up for the damage she and Sovereign had caused before? He didn't know.

The tension in the room was broken by Hazone, who smoke firmly but understandingly. "The surrender of one of the Silver Tribe is a first. We will, of course, accept it, and place you under arrest for your crimes. Your punishment will be decided in due time." He motioned to a pair of Machoke guards to take away Vera and place her in the prison. They slowly began to approach her, and Zane eyed them the entire way, wondering if it would not be better to ask her help instead, perhaps by way of information, or even an assist in battle. Of course, he doubted most of the other Gold Tribe members, including Guardia, would support an idea like that, especially Guardia it seemed. And without anyone else willing to vouch for her, he wouldn't bring up the idea himself.
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