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FireRed hack: Pokémon Stigma Version | Completed Beta 1.6

Ayee, so I just started and I'm roughly a 40 minutes in. I'm really digging the fast paced story development.

P.S: infected Butterfree looks so bloody dope!
There's a bad bug on One Island where if I surf and encounter a Pokemon, I can't get back on land. The surfing looks goofy too because the Pokemon sprite is gone, looks like my body's surfing. Actually, in general, any instance of you exiting the current screen, like say you check on your Pokemon or bag while surfing, prevents you from getting back on land. I don't have any repels, I'll have to cheat them in because I can't just surf up Kindle Road and not encounter a Pokemon, which would cause the bug to happen.

This is extremely frustrating. With all due respect, I can't wait to finish this hack because I'm at my boiling point. I don't like it. It's fascinating to read positive comments about it. Maybe the updates did fix the horrendous difficulty of the early-game, but even after that, there's just more layers to this onion that I'm not liking at all.

Edit: the cop in the Celadon Police Department won't trade me Braviary, despite having a Skarmory to give.

Edit 2: After finishing all the story stuff in Pokemon Tower, trying to go back to my house triggers the very first outdoor event in the game, where the cops come and they talk about an explosion and how I'm the "culript," spelling error in the text.

Edit 3: Wow, what you had May say towards the end of the game is...kind of insensitive in 2019 times. I'm acting like the PC police, but come on. I believe you when you said this was started in 2013, such a statement from her would be slightly more acceptable then.

Edit 4: Finished it.

Final thoughts? I don't think it's a good hack. The difficulty mellowed out big time after the first 2 gyms and despite desperately wanting a Vs Seeker and wanting 2 more team members but fearing the grind, I got by with just a quartet. Garchomp, who I couldn't nickname because my nickname didn't save for some reason and I can't find the Name Rater. Alakazam, Conkeldurr, and the traded Pokemon that was my early-game savior as a Zorua, Zoroark. Too much Intimidate, wild routes feel scarce when most of the game is just storyline battles. Team Nihilus, gym battles, the Clergy, cops, it was excessive. It's obvious that you took a bunch of random trainers that would offer EXP with the Vs Seeker, and turned them into one-off storyline battles, endless amounts of grunts and infected trainers, the "demons" in various cave locations. It's such a story-heavy hack that I didn't get the traditional Pokemon sense of wild exploration or even a freedom to go out. You just follow the story and that's it. So convoluted, forced seriousness with a strange tonal shift into random expletive-filled dialogue. Then it gets worse with random NPC dialogue being mostly pointless expletive-filled drivel. As Sakakii stated, the profanity is too much for my taste. As I said earlier on Edit 3, you claim this was started in 2013. I could see that with the language used, the "F" word used so flippantly. I'm not talking about the 4-letter F-word, I'm talking about a certain slur. When you have me act like a PC police, which is never my intention, you're doing something wrong.

At first, I thought I would complain about the difficulty because it was so rough at first, until I brought up this complaint and you claimed to fix it. I wonder if that made the difficulty take a 180 because it got so easy. The final battles were depressingly easy. The last two before the final final final battle (way too many "final" battle teases), I'll admit was a bit of a hassle, but once I figured out their types and the ability of the 2nd one, it was easy. You know who I'm talking about, the ultimate evil that challenged me. If I had more answers to it, this would have been even easier.

Positives? The difficulty is low, but I prefer that over something way too hard. The inclusion of protagonists from the canon Gen 2-5 games are nice, but then their dialogue proceeds to suck, especially my beloved May. What else? Good selection of Pokemon, I guess. I lucked out with my quartet, but where was TM26? That would've been great for Garchomp. Honestly, I can't think of other positives.

More negatives: this should've had the Physical/Special split. Haxorus is a perfect example of a Pokemon wasted by the lack of the split. At least work around it, you didn't, you had Haxorus have Dragon Claw in trainer battles. Haxorus' Special Attack is 60, that's atrocious. Even though Haxorus in this game would spam Dragon Dance/Swords Dance, I don't think it ever KO'd me. But hey, give it Intimidate, because there's just not enough of trainers using Intimidate. At least my Zoroark had Intimidate, but that's just 1, you have trainers that have at least 2 Pokemon with Intimidate, and it happens a crap ton of times. Even though there's a good selection of Pokemon, the selection overall is pretty small. I did have repel up for a good chunk of the last quarter of the game, but it didn't feel like there was a wide selection of Pokemon.

Hacks like this make me so back and forth with new story hacks. I'd rather play the same Fire Red story over and over again. It's serviceable, dialogue that doesn't kill my brain cells, and the focus for me is gameplay, I can keep playing Fire Red and basic enhancement hacks of that game and Emerald for that matter. This hack just makes me more hesitant for new story hacks. That being said, I do plan to play a new story hack soon, but the point still stands. When you have a story that you're supposed to take seriously, I think that's the case for this hack, I'm much more analytical about it, and if a story doesn't impress me, I'm going to bash it. I won't bash old Pokemon game stories, they're serviceable and inoffensive. Hack creators who take it a step further risk me not liking them, I'm more prone to judge it. With this hack, I don't like the story. There's just too much. Endless dialogue, which is a Dark Rising theme that I hate. Oh, Dark Rising comparison, sorry, that might be too mean. The attempt at humor is so out-of-place and just misses the mark completely.

I hope this is taken as constructive criticism, and there's no ignoring or censoring by a moderator or whatever. I stand by my scathing review of this hack. It sucks, I don't like it. Have a good weekend.

Edit 5: the sprites are ugly. I can't believe I didn't mention that sooner.
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@SevenChurches Thank you for the extensive review! Feedback helps us get better at what we do. We will make sure to address the bugs and points you mention in the next patches :)
Post deleted

what's your problem man. its a rom hack. no need for damn hate. this guy completed the damn project for people to enjoy!!! not to hate on!! he didn't even get frickin payed!!! every hacks a work of art. this comment is ridicously rude and mean!! if you don't like it say it in a damn nicer tone instead of being a complete jerk. this person created it with no money at all. show some damn respect dude!! have a good day regardless though.
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Creators, please do not give unproductive, critical feedback any credence. Your hack, as is the case with every other hack, appeals to a certain subset of the community. People outside this subset cannot be expected to "get" it, and comments like the one above are the result of someone being fooled into believing that his subjective opinion is objective.
Hi creator, I am fully impressed by your idea and how you deliver the message to us in the game. This is my first gratitude.

Then, the in-game experience is so nice and neat, I check for walkthrough once only until I get to the pokemon tower, which means your instuctions are clear and useful.

Yet, some glitchs may hinder, but the overall experience is still satisfactory, I may be good on that.

Well, I think I use a good team in the game, so the difficulty is not that high, hope everyone will love it.

Ah, by the way, I cannot pass through the room before the top level of pokemon tower, cannot find the exit. Anyone can help?

Ah, thanks for the help from JakeMajin, however seems like I cannot upload the screenshots in indox, so I do it here.


  • [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Stigma Version | Completed Beta 1.6
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  • [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Stigma Version | Completed Beta 1.6
    4.5 KB · Views: 10
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I'm stuck at the last part I can't reach the hood guy on top it teleports me to my house and I can't get out help :(
Hey, after battle Paradox brothers in clergy HQ, you go to lavender town nightmare so how can you escape from this? I use my only escape rope for leave and i did it so if i haven't escape rope, would i be stuck in nightmare lavender town FOREVEEEEER?????
Hey, after battle Paradox brothers in clergy HQ, you go to lavender town nightmare so how can you escape from this? I use my only escape rope for leave and i did it so if i haven't escape rope, would i be stuck in nightmare lavender town FOREVEEEEER?????
If I am guessing correct of what you mean "nightmare lavender" it's just a little easy puzzle you have to do in order to escape, it has something to do with warps. ;) , Also you aren't meant to escape via rope so... i'll need to fix that.

Unfortunately, can't go thru start screen. Keeps repeating intro.
are you sure you patched it correctly? Otherwise sent me a Pm.
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I got a game to work and I really enjoy it a lot.
it's a very fun game with challenge gameplay.

Does exp-share exit in-game?
it's possible for you or someone can make a cheat for this game?
I got a game to work and I really enjoy it a lot.
it's a very fun game with challenge gameplay.

Does exp-share exit in-game?
it's possible for you or someone can make a cheat for this game?

you get the exp-share by one of Prof's Aides :) What do you mean by cheat?
When you go back to lavender town
are you supposed to get that battle with the police chief with a level 3 growlithe again?
Also when pausing in underground tunnel near the policeman you sometimes upon unpausing the game are able to control him thus entering vermillion early. Also, on one island a bit before where the hotspring could be (rock formation) if you pause like before you are sometimes able to control an invisible player in a map that seems to be five spaces lower than the actually map. Also in vermillion
sometimes if you pause before hilda reaches the sailor you get softlocked because (in my experience you cannot go north) after fighting because the game freezes upon going north instead of going on the boat. On the S.S. Anne you can get the berries in the kitchen where the garbage would be. Game is pretty good. Nice to see a completed hack.