Hi. I'm nuzlocking this and posting my team and dead pokemon after each gym. I have now beat Flannery, and this is my team:
*image removed* Mante the Octillery - Level 34
*image removed* KipperⅡ the Marshtomp - Level 30 (As a note, I do play dupes, but only if said pokemon is in my party or in the alive box. Since my previous Marshtomp is dead, I'm allowed to get another one)
*image removed* Togy the Maractus - Level 31
*image removed* Zuko the Charmeleon - Level 31
*image removed* Apollo the Combusken - Level 30
*image removed* Peggy the Spoink - Level 31
Flannery was a piece of cake. Not just compared to Brawly and Wattson, but in general. Well I guess I DO have two water types.
Also as you may notice, ever since I've noticed that people are giving me free starters, I started running around talking to those I don't remember from the original Emerald. Which explains Charmeleon, Marshtomp and Combusken.
Oh, one more thing. Donald the Ducklett didn't die. He's just in the PC(the alive box).
*image removed* Ray the Shinx - Level 9 | He died to a Seedot's Bide, on the beach next to Petalburg City.
*image removed* Joey the Pichu - Level 16 | Died to a Focus Energy and then a fighting move, I can't remember which one, against a gym trainer. He got oneshoted.
*image removed* Roxanne the Nosepass - Level 18 | Died to that damn Makhuhita and his Knock Off
*image removed* Kipper the Marshtomp - Level 18 | After Nosepass died, I sent him in, although he had relatively low health as well because he took hits before, and I had no more potions. I thought I could outspeed, and while I DID outspeed, he got 1 HP left and killed him. This sucks, cause the Mudkip line is one of my favs. I also had one named Kipper in Omega Ruby.
*image removed* Ceecee the Combee - Level 19 | Not much to say here. Another victim of Knock Off. Although I was interested in using a Vespiqueen for the first time.
*image removed* Leslie the Lombre - Level 18 | Another victim to Knock Off. Like damn, I didn't know Knock Off was this good, to knock out my whole party. Now if only I had put Exim in the party since I caught it, this would have all been avoided. But I already had a grass type and didn't want to get too many Pokemon early on.
*image removed* Karl the Beedrill - Level 23 | Wattson's Manectric is just too damn strong.
*image removed* Exim the Exeggcute - Level 23 | Wattson's Manectric again.
*image removed* Dawn the Prinplup - Level 23 | Had to give him up to heal Linoone, which was my realistically best chance.
*image removed* Simba the Electrike - Level 23 | Had to give him up too.
*image removed* Zags the Linoone - Level 25 | My only chance at winning fell too against the Manectric.
*image removed* Terra the Grotle - Level 23 | He might be resisting electricity, but with almost nothing to deal significant damage to the Manectric, he died too.
Then what happends.... I go to my PC, and all I have is 5 water types, and I'm going up against an Electric Gym Leader. So I had to level everyone up to Level 32 to stand a chance, and even so:
*image removed* Pearl the Clamperl - Level 32 | She might have died, but she helped me a lot with the Emolga. Clamp and Whirpool had a lasting effect, even after her invitable defeat.
*image removed* Phoebe the Feebas - Level 32 | Poor Feebas never stood a chance. I thought maybe I could deal at least one bit of damage with Tackle, but it was one shotted before it could do anything.
*image removed* Diana the Seadra - Level 32 | She sadly died too, but I wouldn't have won without her. Her Octazooka took care of the middle Pokemons (the second and third), but she died to the Manetric. But then because the AI decided to Howl, I managed to get some Octazookas on him from the Octillery and won.
No new deaths in between Wattson and Flanery, luckily.
Hi. I'm playing this as a nuzlocke and posting a team and death update after each gym. I have just now beaten Norman. Here's the team that survived:
*image removed* Apollo the Blaziken - Level 37 | The real MVP. I would have been dead otherwise.
*image removed* KipperⅡ the Marshtomp - Level 35
*image removed* Zuko the Charmeleon - Level 35
And that's about it. Yeah, there have been deaths that I'll go into details in the RIP section.
But I still have Pokemon in the PC, so it's fine. Also there are two Hoopa portals I saw lying around that required Strenght, which I now have.
*image removed* Ray the Shinx - Level 9 | He died to a Seedot's Bide, on the beach next to Petalburg City.
*image removed* Joey the Pichu - Level 16 | Died to a Focus Energy and then a fighting move, I can't remember which one, against a gym trainer. He got oneshoted.
*image removed* Roxanne the Nosepass - Level 18 | Died to that damn Makhuhita and his Knock Off
*image removed* Kipper the Marshtomp - Level 18 | After Nosepass died, I sent him in, although he had relatively low health as well because he took hits before, and I had no more potions. I thought I could outspeed, and while I DID outspeed, he got 1 HP left and killed him. This sucks, cause the Mudkip line is one of my favs. I also had one named Kipper in Omega Ruby.
*image removed* Ceecee the Combee - Level 19 | Not much to say here. Another victim of Knock Off. Although I was interested in using a Vespiqueen for the first time.
*image removed* Leslie the Lombre - Level 18 | Another victim to Knock Off. Like damn, I didn't know Knock Off was this good, to knock out my whole party. Now if only I had put Exim in the party since I caught it, this would have all been avoided. But I already had a grass type and didn't want to get too many Pokemon early on.
*image removed* Karl the Beedrill - Level 23 | Wattson's Manectric is just too damn strong.
*image removed* Exim the Exeggcute - Level 23 | Wattson's Manectric again.
*image removed* Dawn the Prinplup - Level 23 | Had to give him up to heal Linoone, which was my realistically best chance.
*image removed* Simba the Electrike - Level 23 | Had to give him up too.
*image removed* Zags the Linoone - Level 25 | My only chance at winning fell too against the Manectric.
*image removed* Terra the Grotle - Level 23 | He might be resisting electricity, but with almost nothing to deal significant damage to the Manectric, he died too.
Then what happends.... I go to my PC, and all I have is 5 water types, and I'm going up against an Electric Gym Leader. So I had to level everyone up to Level 32 to stand a chance, and even so:
*image removed* Pearl the Clamperl - Level 32 | She might have died, but she helped me a lot with the Emolga. Clamp and Whirpool had a lasting effect, even after her invitable defeat.
*image removed* Phoebe the Feebas - Level 32 | Poor Feebas never stood a chance. I thought maybe I could deal at least one bit of damage with Tackle, but it was one shotted before it could do anything.
*image removed* Diana the Seadra - Level 32 | She sadly died too, but I wouldn't have won without her. Her Octazooka took care of the middle Pokemons (the second and third), but she died to the Manetric. But then because the AI decided to Howl, I managed to get some Octazookas on him from the Octillery and won.
No new deaths in between Wattson and Flanery, luckily.
*image removed* Togy the Maractus - Level 35 | Norman's Buffalount was really difficult to deal with. Blaziken ended up killing it, but I had to be carefull cause its moves caused a lot of damage. I went into Togy thinking I could maybe put him to sleep, but turns he out he has a ability that prevents that.
*image removed* Mante the Octillery - Level 35 | Manteee! One of the only two survivors of the Wattson massacre, and he's dead too. He couldn't stand a chance to that Bouffalount either.
*image removed* Peggy the Grumpig - Level 35 | She had only just evolved :( I had to give her up to heal Blaziken, cause he was my only chance due to the fighting type, but it had low health and I had to.