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Pokemon: Seven Crystals PG-14

"I can't believe mom made me..." The rest of Enica's grumbling complaints were lost as she stepped outside, clicking the door shut softly behind her. The rushing of trees blowing in the wind hit her, and she tucked her scarf more tightly around her neck.

Blinking against the cold, she stuffed her hands in her pockets, not sure which one had her Pokemon in it. When her fingers brushed against a cold surface she gripped the Pokeball and threw it out, hoping the wind didn't blow it into her face. With a whooshing sound a red blob shaped itself into Enica's Misdreavus.


"Stop complaining."




"Now, we have to go sign up for this Scorpion thing. There's supposed to be a recruiting station somewhere around here."


"Stop 'dree'ing at me, and help me find it." Glancing around, Enica managed to spot a few tents with what looked like soldiers milling around. "I thought these were supposed to be normal trainers..."

"Misdreav dreav."

"But seriously, who sends normal trainers to war? Then again, I guess this isn't a real war, it's just—


"Oh, ow!" Enica grinned sheepishly at Misdreavus as she picked herself up off the ground. "I didn't see that tree branch there."

"Dreeeve..." Misdreavus muttered, shaking her head at her trainer. Shrugging, Enica wandered off to the recruiting station.
Cage, Doomsday

Cage looked at the pitiful Pokemon crouched on his feet. The Trapinch is opening and closing its jaws, asking for food from his new trainer. Cage groaned in disapproval. He reluctantly threw it a Pokefood. His Squirtle is sitiing beside the Trapinch, apparently contented on nibbling on a single Pokebite.

"If I would have known I am to keep the Pokemon I could get, i would have looked for something awesome. A Chimchar or Heracross is good. But I get a Trapinch," Cage sulked. "Ugh. I hope other member sucked this much too." He stood up and looked around. The scenery in front of him is too... light for his taste. The cold breeze is blowing from the north, maing the grass beneath him dance. Cage sighed. What shall I do today? he decided to go down the city and train some more.
Huffing and shifting from foot to foot, Enica pinched her nose against the cold. She had never really liked fall in the first place, and now that she was forced to go out and actually endure it...

"Dreeeeeve." Apparently, Misdreavus was just bored.

"Yeah yeah, they're getting to it don't worry." With a slight emphasis on they 'they', she glanced to the man lazily flicking over her forms, chewing on an unidentifiable piece of something. "So?" Enica asked impatiently.

"Gimme some timeee!" The man drawled. "Geez, kids these days."

Rolling her eyes, Enica glanced down to Misdreavus, who looked up at her and shrugged. Not that she could really tell, with those nonexistent shoulders. Humming something under her breath, Enica tapped her foot a couple of times as she turned her gaze over the town. There were a couple of cutesy, red-roofed buildings, in a neat cluster. That was for the new families moving in. A lot of people had suddenly come here near the beginning of spring, and so construction had started up again. There always seemed to be some sort of building going on, and it didn't take much for the workers to eagerly don their hard hats again. What was this, some kind of happy-go-lucky magical growing place? Scoffing, Enica noticed many people milling around. In addition to all the new people, there had been an influx of trainers trickling in. She suspected they were here to join Team Scorpion, or even—Arceus forbid—Doomsday!

Snorting, then coughing at the rapid intake of freezing air, Enica sighed. Honestly, she couldn't care less about this whole war thing. Other people could handle it, but...

"Nooooo..." She hissed under her breath, barely noticing the registration man glancing up at her. Her parents just had to be all cheesy and patriotic and make her sign up. Did they even care about what happened to her? What if she—

"'Ey. Yeah you. Yer form's done." Proffering the (now somewhat wrinkled) sheet of paper, he spit out the piece of wood he had been chewing on and picked another up off the ground.

"Oh, erm, thanks." Taking it and wiping the wood dust off of it, she muttered, "Eeewww."

"Wat wazz that?"

"Nothing." Hurrying away, she glanced at the registration form. Her number was 281, and she was to report at tent four in order to undergo an entrance test with her Pokemon.

Walking around in a circle and a slight daze, she vaguely wondered where tent four even was.
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Cage, Doomsday

Cage managed to locate the training grounds. He shrug and enter the gate. A grim looking man with a lot of facial hair is guarding the gate, somewhat bored.

"Hey kid. It is 50 Pokedollars to enter," the man gruffly said. He has a deep voice with a slight growl. Probably from excess smoking. "Are you going to enter or not?" Cage just sighed and got his wallet out. He managed to withdraw all his allowance, amounting to 2,500 Pokedollars. He got 50 dollars out and handed it to the man. He beamed. "That's more like it. Good luck on your training!" He laughed as Cage just entered the gate.

Inside, he could hear several trainers battling. And sure, he saw several trainers with their Pokemon out, shouting orders and such. A woman approached him. "A new trainer! Get your Pokemon out, and you will be battling in a few minutes!" Cage called his Squirtle and Trapinch out. The woman frowned. "No, kiddo. Only one Pokemon per trainer." So now you are making me decide. Cage grumbled. Blastoise or Flygon? Cage recalled his Trapinch. "That's better." The woman went away and tapped a boy, sleeping on the benches. She pointed at Cage, and the boy grinned foolishly.

"This is Fuma, your opponent. You will battle here," the woman explained. "Now go!"

"Fuma, here I go," Fuma shouted as he threw a Pokeball in the air. A Gastly went out. Cage just made a tutting sound, and sent out his Squirtle. Give me a really good battle.
Pleased to see that the shuffling of papers didn't take as long this time, Enica glanced down to Misdreavus and offered a nervous smile. She hadn't been able to train much with her since she got her for signing up for Scorpion, and she wasn't too sure of her own battling abilities. Still, she'd try, and hope for the best.

"All done ma'am, you're ready to go in now." The lady checking her papers smiled up at her, and Enica caught the glint of gold in the back of her mouth. Gold fillings were shiny...

"Uh, oh, yeah! Thanks!" She smiled dazedly back, and headed on through the makeshift gate that had been created with a couple of poles. The flag on top of one was how she had eventually found her way to tent four.

All at once, the excitement and built-up fervor washed over her, and, wide eyed, she took in the rows upon rows of waiting trainers, fists clenched, smiles bright, Pokemon eager. Astounded at the sheer number of people, she shuffled into the back of the line. Far ahead, people headed left and right as they were directed to various officials who would train them based on their skill level. Nervously stepping up each time the line shortened, Enica clutched her papers in her hand, that mark of who she was in this strange place.

Then, suddenly, the person in front of her had turned to leave, and she was face to face with the burly official.

"Erm, hi." Squirming a little under his seemingly threatening gaze, she bit her lip. He scrutinized her for a moment longer, then seemed to decide upon something, and an instantaneous smile broke upon his face.

"Hey there! Now kid, can I see those papers?"

"Sure," she exhaled, handing her forms up for him to inspect. Relieved at his approval, Enica glanced around, but her observing was cut short as she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Now, head on over to that guy there, with the green bandanna. Yeah, him with the brown hair." He pointed, crouching down next to her. "He'll be training ya." Seeing the slightly queasy look on her face, he assured, "Don't worry. He's nice and all. A little strict, but I think you'll like him."

Feeling all of her worries deflate out of her, Enica offered him a grin. "Thanks."

"No prob', kid."

Striding confidently across the grounds, she held her head high and tried not to meet the gazes of others. She felt like everyone was watching her, though Misdreavus assured her with a bored, "Dreaave dreavus," that everything was fine.

Wobbling over to 'that guy with the bandanna', she hesitantly introduced herself. "Hi, I'm—"

"281," he cut her off, letting a short pause roll between the 'two' and the 'eighty-one.'


"People will adress you by number here, I regret to inform you."

Somewhat thrown off by his formal speech, when the rest of the people she had seen so far were more laid-back, she opened and closed her mouth several times.

"Now don't stand there gawpin' like a fish! Git on over here!"

Looking over, and now incredibly confused by all these faces, she noticed a short girl waving enthusiastically to her.

"Um, hello..." She slowly took a step in her direction, then glanced to the green bandanna guy, silently asking for permission.

"Training shall start soon; I'd suggest that you get to your position."

"Alright." Perturbed by how this official must think of her, Enica hurried over to the friendly girl, Misdreavus bobbing by her feet.

"Ma name's Tinabelle, but ya can just call me Tiny. 'S what most others call me by."

"Hi Tinab—Tiny. I'm Enica. Enica Forswoth."

"So we're tellin' last names too? Mine is Hugker." Tiny stuck out her hand, and Enica grasped it, grateful for the reprieve of friendliness.

"Um... What's that guy's name?" Enica asked, nodding her head in the direction of the green bandanna guy.

"Him? He's Mike. Don't nobody know his last name."


"So that there's yer Pokemon?"


"Nice. Hey there!" She said, reaching down to pat Misdreavus. Her hand went through Misdreavus's head. "Oh, sorry, I was forgetting that ya were a ghost type. Sorry 'bout that."

Bobbing her head, Misdreavus uttered a friendly, "Mis! Misdreave!" to show that it was alright.

"Aw, now isn't that sweet... Anyways, ya got any questions Enica?"

"Hm? Oh, yes, I do. Um... Did I do something?"

"Huh?" Tiny tilted her head. "Well, everyone does somethin', so—"

"No, no," she said, laughing a bit. "That guy... Mike? Yeah, he doesn't... I mean, he isn't..." Sighing, Enica scratched her ear absently. "Mike doesn't seem to like me much."

Grinning broadly, Tiny exclaimed, "Hah, Mike? He don't seem to like anybody! But don't worry, he's just seems like that to impress people. Once you've talked to him a little it'll be fine."

"Really? Thanks. I was kinda worried that I did something wrong."

"That's fine, but don't you blame yerself."

A booming call rang out, and Enica and Tiny turned to see the official from before, now with no line of kids in front of him, with a loudspeaker. "Attention!" All the trainers looked up. "Everybody has been sorted. Are there any problems?" After a short pause, he continued. "Then training will begin!"

"Alrighty! I've been waitin' fer this!"

Turning to see Tiny, Pokeball in hand, and with a glint in her eye, Enica blinked. She was confused. Again.


Stopping, a small frown spread across Tiny's face. "Yer saying ya don't know?"

"Know what?"

"Why," she grinned again, and threw her Pokeball high in the air, moving back a few feet. "Training is against each other!"
Cage, Doomsday

Fuma's Gastly went down. Combination of Squirtle's Tail Whip and Bubble attacked managed to take the ghost pokemon down. Cage just stared at Fuma.

"Gastly! Return!" Fuma recalled his Pokemon. "You are pretty good," he said. I should be. Unlike you, I am a member of Doomsday. Cage recalled his Squirtle. "Hey, can we be friends?" Fuma extended a hand to Cage. The boy just stared at it, unblinkingly. Anybody watching the boy would consider him as creepy and such. But, Cage could not comprehend the thought of being a friend.

"No," cage replied. He went back to the bleachers and sat down. If all my opponents will be like Fuma, my dollars are wasted. Cage sighed. I wonder when Leo will give us our next mission. He hoped it was soon.
New posts,eh? I didn't post in a while,so maybe i could now :D

"That was a nice battle,right Riolu?" "Riolu!" Riolu replied. "But what know?" Mike said. He was pretty bored,not knowing what to do,but that note bothered him,scorpion? Who's that,most importantly,WHAT'S that?Mike thought to himself.

Mike still in thought,riolu got pretty bored too. His master is just sitting there,is he dead? But when mike was finally gone,riolu was gone! "Oh no,Riolu? Are you there? Anywhere?" Mike yelled,but there were no sign of riolu anywhere. So Mike went off trying to find riolu,but he also found a trainer.

Mike thought he could have his 2nd battle,so he could finish that thing on the note he found and see what would happen,but he needed to find riolu,so he memorized the spot,and went off to find riolu.

"There you are!" Mike found riolu,and he was pretty excited. But he has to get to that trainer quick! So,he found the trainer after what seemed like years,and challanged him to a battle.

Mike saw the trainer has 2 pokemon,so this should be a breeze! First was a pidgey,how fun. "Use quick attack riolu" And riolu did as he commanded. It looked like it did alot of damage,but then then the pidgey used gust. It didn't do much,but with another quick attack,the pidgey went down. "That wasn't to hard" Mike said to himself. The next pokemon was a kakuna. Cool! He never seen a kakuna before in person. "Riolu use a...well....Quick attack?" Once again,riolu used quick attack,and it didn't do well.

"Use harden" kakuna's defense got higher......again,but after a lot more quick attacks and harden,Mike delivered the final blow,and kakuna was down.. "Finally!" Mike yelled. So he walked away feeling proud,but then he saw a shadow of something,it looked like a worm. But then he knew it. "Could it be a wee-"


That was rather fun to do. sorry about my lack of posting! :)
I know right? RPing and writing in general is so fun~


"Wait, what?" Glancing frantically from left to right, Enica's gaze came to rest upon Tiny.

"Exactly wut I said!"

"Gastly gas!"

Even more confused by this new development, Enica stared at the hovering ball of darkness now grinning toothily in front of her. And blinked.

"Who... what... when where? Huh?"

"Yer a bit confused, ain't ya?" Frowning, Tiny put her hands on her hips and adopted a teacher-like air. "Pokemon battling is when two trainers, using their Pokemon, battle each other. This is done by moves—"

"Yeah yeah, I know that. But..." Brushing back her hair with a hand, she sighed, "I guess I just didn't expect it."

"Well now ya know."

Confident that they could at least pull through enough to do some damage, if not win, she was already going over moves, types, and strategy in her head. The opponent was a Gastly, so it was also a ghost type. Didn't it also have some other typing, like poison or something? Probably. Misdreavus was just ghost, so she would be weak against any ghost or dark type moves Gastly had. Then again, the same held true for the other Pokemon. Tapping her finger, Enica ran over moves in her head. She would just have to see; this was, after all, a learning battle.

Shrugging, Enica nodded down at Misdreavus. "Ready to go?"

She was asleep.

Glaring at Tiny, who was giggling and doing nothing to hide it, Enica nudged her with her foot.

"Hey. Hey, you. Misdreavus," she hissed. Floating a few inches above the ground, Misdreavus's eyes remained gently shut. Exasperated, Enica crouched down and lowered herself until she was at eye level with her. "Wake up!"

"We can't fight 'em when they're not even ready to go up and runnin', eh?"

"Be quiet." Scowling at the smirking Tiny, she attempted to poke Misdreavus. Her finger only went through the ghost Pokemon's body.

"Gaaaastly gas." The Gastly sounded smug.

"Hush you! And wake up!"

With a start, Misdreavus's head snapped up, and her eyes shot open. Groggily she groaned, "Miiiiiiisdreeeeeeeavuuuuuus?"

"Yes, it's time to battle. Now go!"

Looking slowly from the battlefield, to Enica, to the battlefield, to Gastly, and to Enica again, Misdreavus shook her head, hovered closer to the ground, and prepared to sleep again.

"NO! No time for sleeping! Now!"

"Mis! Misdreavus mis!"

"Yes you have to do what I say! You're my Pokemon!" Grinding her teeth at this disobedience, Enica wondered what hope there was for them if she couldn't even command her own Pokemon.

"Dreave," said Pokemon huffed, and floated out to the field, bobbing up and down angrily as she went.

"Thank you," Enica sighed.

"Now, how about we go with a shadow ball?"

"Gaaastly, gastly gas!" Gastly seemingly approved, and zoomed out in a circle, vapor trailing behind it (him? Her?). Eyes flashing, it opened its mouth. Quickly a dark ball of energy started forming.

Eyes widening as she realized how effective this move would be, Enica shouted, "Dodge!" Flitting hurriedly to the side, Misdreavus just managed to avoid the move as it came whizzing past her.

"Alright! Now that's wut I call a battle!" Clenching her fists, Tiny shouted out, "Mean look!"

Gastly had just started to open its eyes unnaturally big, when Enica said quietly, "No." Caught off-guard by this unexpected comment, Misdreavus turned to face her when Gastly suddenly lunged forward, its normally tiny pupils expanded to terrifying proportions.

"Dreeeve..." Squeezing her eyes shut and trying not to look, Misdreavus still shuddered.

"No," Enica kept repeating, calm except for the fact that her fingers were slowly curling into tight fists. "No. No. No."

"Keep on using that! Eventchally that Misdreavus'll have to open her eyes!"

"Gastly? Gastly, ty," her Pokemon disagreed.

Smiling, Tiny said, "I've got a plan."



"Gastly gas?"

"Use confuse ray!" Tiny commanded.

Making a noise that was the equivalent of a shrug, Gastly pulsed once, with dark purple energy, and started radiating invisible waves off of it. The disturbances thrummed through the ground and vibrated through the air, and Misdreavus slowly opened her eyes with a tired, "Mis... dreave... us?"

"What'd I tell ya?"

"Miiiis..." Confused, Misdreavus erratically flew in circles, slow at first, then fast, then slow again, then collapsing on the ground. "Us... Dreavus..."

"Now! Mean look!"

"NO!" Enica's eyes were open, and a terrifying fear loomed in them. "NO! NO. NO. NO!"

"Enica! Wut's wrong! Oh my Arceus... Somethin's wrong with her!"

Starting to pace frantically about, Enica kept muttering, "No," while glancing fearfully to Gastly every few seconds. Tiny ran through the battlefield, waving her arms.

"Gaaaaastly...?" Floating closer with a worried look, Gastly peered at Enica to observe her. At this she stiffened, then took a few steps backwards.

"No no no no get away from me no no no no please no go away no no don't hurt me no nononononon—"

"Somebody git help! Please!"

Collapsing on the ground, a few strangled, dying 'No's spilling from her, and Enica was silent.
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No reports for a while. I'm starting to worry. I cling onto the report of Mike's first victory. Something tells me that kid can get two more easily. So why haven't more reports come in? I sigh, and shrug it off, calming myself down my thinking of the mere possibility that he was feeling lazy. I'm a bit dizzy. Maybe a glass of water would be good. However, I can't remember the last time I stepped outside this small building. I signal to Pelipper and tell him to bring me a glass of water. The Pelipper nods and flies out the window.
Pelipper had a cup of water and was flying back to its master. It didn't look below. It didn't see the Doomsday member and their horrible Gliscor. So when the Gliscor attacked him, he was off guard. The cup of water crashed to the ground, water leaking out. Pelipper, meanwhile, was disoriented and out of control. It tried to regain balance to no avail. It was plummeting towards Torr Town, then remembered the small lake to the side. It quickly pivoted it's body to avoid hitting the hard ground and hit the water. The impact of the ice cold water caused the Pelipper to freeze for a second. It tried flying out, the water weighing down it's wings. It lands on the shore leading to the lake, happy to be on land again. But not for long. It felt a sharp pain in it's back as the Gliscor hit it again. The Gliscor had been following the whole time! Pelipper used Water Gun, but failed, as it was exhausted. The Gliscor knocked it out. The Doomsday member walked up and picked up the limp body of the Pelipper. He noticed that there was a piece of paper stuck to the bottom half of it's beak. The Doomsday member peeled it off carefully and read the sloppy, blurred, writing.
"ful heroes." He recongized it immediately. It was a messanger bird, so one piece of a loose letter must of stuck it's beak. He remembered the letter he swiped off of an earlier scorpion agent. The writing matched. Which meant that this was Scorpion's messager. He grinned. Perhaps this little being would lead them to Scorpion. He walked a bit and through a line of people waiting to be recruited. Blending into the crowd, he thanked that he wasn't in a uniform. He then pulled out a walkie-talkie and spoke into it, informing Leo of what he planned to do with the captured bird.

I recieved the report well and clear. Great. But, the member who captured the bird, Frederr is too much of an idiot to do it himself. I ask MY messanger, the Sneasel to deliver a new letter to somebody in Hirachi City.
Dear Cage,
I have trusted you with the task of meeting a member of our agency and helping him coax a captured bird to lead it to it's trainer, which would be, by luck, Scorpion. Bring him to me.

There, simple enough. Cage is a new member and not the best, I know. But, it may be interesting. This may be Cage's time to prove that he's a true Doomsday member. I pull out a knife and feel the tip. It draws a droplet of blood. So, who cares if Cage can't do it? My drop of blood stains the knife, and I know that there's always a way to punish people.
Cage, Doomsday​

Cage watched the others battle, quite bored. All of them are weak. Cage thought. He had two more battles but, like Fuma, they too were weak and stupid. Their Pokemon easily fall with Squirtle's simple attacks. And Cage is becoming quite bored. He needs something new. Suddenly, a Sneasel walk up to him and handed him a letter. What's this? He flipped it over, and saw the familiar sign that was Leo.

Dear Cage,
I have trusted you with the task of meeting a member of our agency and helping him coax a captured bird to lead it to it's trainer, which would be, by luck, Scorpion. Bring him to me.​

Now, Leo is really out of his mind, Cage thought. How can I know this member? Where shall I meet him? Cage grumbled. He was sure Leo would give him additional information about this meetup. He stood up as his name was yet again called. He still has two more battles coming. 50 dollars really wasted.
My agent says that he cannot find my helper. I realize how rushed my message was, as there was no meeting point. So, I get ready and think. At the entrance to Hirachi City. Yes, that'll be it. I instruct my pokemon to deliver the change of plans. The entrance to Hirachi City, 7:20 p.m. Today. I look at my watch. Only 4:00. That's plenty of time.
The reply is unexpected. The member that had captured Scorpion's Pelipper tells me that it escaped. Infuriated, I instruct him to report to the Shore leading to Torr Town's lake. There, he'll be taken in for some necessary hardening.
He's here, I'm ready. I pull out a whip and strip the member of his clothing and valuables to the nude. Then one by one, the whip lashes him. He cries out. Blood stains the floor and his back. I ask him where he lost the bird. He claims that he lost it outside of Hirachi City, and it was headed towards the training area. Training Area....isn't Cage there? Should I inform him? I grin, and decide to inform him cryptically.
Dear Cage:
The meeting is cancelled. The hostage pokemon is in the training area, where I assume you are. I'll leave you to find out which one it is. Look for the wild pokemon, retrieve it. Report to me soon.

Where is my Pelipper? I send my second and only pokemon left to go search: my Mightyena. I tell him to look at local hotspots, search all of Torr Town and a bit of Hirachi City. A horrid thought crosses my mind: What if it's in danger? I instruct my Mightyena to come back at 7:20 pm. After all, it's only 5:32. He has some time. The clock is ticking, as my loyal Mightyena dashes out of my small building. To retrieve my Pelipper.
Mightyena was in Torr Town, searching, when a piece of soggy paper blew near him. He stepped on it, and adjusted his head as to read it. 'ful heroes' it said. Part of the first message that Pelipper carried. Mightyena shivered and kept going with newfound adrenaline leading to determination and fear.
Okay,this gonna be hard,why? I'm doing this on my DS! Since I can't use spaces,this is gonna be crammed up! "weedle! It's a weedle! RUN!!!!!!" Mike knew how weedle were. And he didn't want to get hurt. So he grabbed riolu and ran. Riolu was clueless of what was going on. It's just a pokemon,why run away? After he got far away,he stopped. But while he was running,he didn't know where he was going,so he's lost. "Geee....it's all because of a measley weedle. At least I didn't get hurt." Mike was in some kind of forest. He walked and walked but couldn't find anything. 3 hours have past but there was still missing. But he finally found another lost trainer. He decided to battle him to get that thing on the note done. The trainer had 1 pokemon,and it was a butterfree. "riolu! use endure!" Mike knew this would be a challenge. "butterfree, use psybeam! the attack hit,and it looked strong. "riolu,use quick attack" it did a normal amount of damage. "Use psybeam!" riolu was about to faint,but he endured it. "Quick attack!" it hit, and the battle ended. But even after that, something bothered Mike. What now? (sidenotes) that.was.hard!
Looks like this RP has finnaly started, i haven't been on PokéCommunity in months, forgive me if i am a bit rusty
Seivad - Doomsday

Seivad stood thier, with an expression of sheer... doom. His eyed were glued to the piece of paper.

*RIP* Seivad ripped the piece of paper in half and tossed the pieces of paper into the air carelessly.

"Pathetic, the first mission of a prodigy of Doomsday is simply theft, i want to do something more valuable, like assassination or genocide" Seivad muttered to himself.

'But that's the price i have to pay for disbanding with Leo in the first place' Seivad thought to himself.

Seivad emerged from the Alleyway that he was hiding... erm waiting in. He stepped out into the small village of Torr Town.

The small hutched together buildings were disgustingly designed. The pavements were small and crooked, and everything just made Seivad very irratated.

Seivad could see a man on the other side of the road, he was walking with his Arcanine. The man was wearing a green shirt and blue denim jeans, he was also bald, or balding. From what Seivad could see thier was no-one else there

Seivad simply gave a smirk and swiftly released Misdreavous from under his cloak.

"Go for the Arcanine, with Shadow Ball, i'll take care of the owner" Seivad commanded.

Swiftly Seivad sprinted across the road, without out even looking out for any cars. And darted straight for the man.

A Shadow Ball whizzed past Seivad's face, not even phasing him, and hit the Arcanine straight on his head, it wa clear that it was a critical hit to the temple.

The Arcanine let out a little squeal before it fell flew into the alleyway to the side of it. The squeal alerted the man making him turn around to see what had happened.

Suddenly Seivad rugby tackled him to the floor, catching him off guard, and started beating him down to the ground with his fists, Seivad aimed for his nose, to make bleed, and for his temple, to make him less conconcious.

After a few pucnhes had been dealt, Seivad got off the man and looked at his hands, blood was his knuckles.

'If i had better Pokémon, i wouldn't need to use my fists' Seivad thought, he knealed down in front of the man's face. The man was still concious but was bleeding terribly at his nose.

"Now i am going to make this simple, give me all of your Pokéball on you possession and i will leave quietly and leave you and your family in peace" Seivad whispered. Seivas hadn't any clue about his family but it was likely he had some.

"You... Leave... my princes... alone" whimpered the man, he was tryling to lift his head, but was barely concious.

"Then just accept my demands and your princess will stay in her castle... Alive" Seivad smiled when the word 'alive' went past his lips.

The man managed to point to his belt as too where his Pokéballs were. Seivad pulled out his belt and took off 2 Pokéballs attached to it and threw the belt onto his face. He took one of the balls off and recalled Arcanine to it.

Seivad was about to turn away, but then another smirk arose on his face.

"You are honestly lucky that your Pokémon are the only things you are losing this day... That and your wallet" Seivad reached out his hand.

"WHAT!.... You can't... have my... wallet..." whimpered the man.

"I SAID GIVE ME YOUR WALLET!" Jason shouted before stamping his foot on the man's... umm package.

"Okay... Take... my... wallit" squealed the man. Stamping on them made the man's voice go high.

"Good choice, oh and before you ever report this again" Seivad smirk reappeared on his face. Seivad than turned and kicked the mans head into a nearby metal pipe, knocking him unconcious.

"That will hopefully make you unconcious for a few hours, with a major chance of amnesia" Seivad laughed as he took the wallet from his jeans and left the alleyway.

Seivad saw Misdreavous float towards him from the otherside of the road. He said nothing to her and walked swiftly towards the Pokémart.

Seivad reached the Market, and went straight to his left towards the counter, Misdrevous followed through behind him with a look of anger on her face.

A store clerk spotted Misdreavous and rushed over to her.

"Shoo, shoo no wild Pokémon are allowed in here" she said to Misdreavous waving her hands at it.

Seivad heard the the clerk shooing Misdreavous off and he pulled out Misdreavous's Pokéball, a red beam of light cam eout of it and Misdreavous was returned.

The store clerk turned around to Seivad and thanked him for returning his Pokémon.

Seivad said nothing and turned towards the counter where he now could see his agent.

Seivad briskly walked up to her.

"2 Pokémon and a wallet stolen, now i would like a objective with a bit more blood" demanded Seivad.
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So I've heard that one of my agents wants a more difficult mission. Seivad. Typical. Thinking about it for a while, one pops into my head. I begin to write my note:
Dear Doomsday GRUNT,

I write, capitalizing the grunt. I continue writing:
I've heard you want a mission involving a possible assassination. I have one for you. There is this forest nearby.There are a few trainers, two with Butterfree's. One of the Butterfree's knows Psybeam. Find the trainer that owns it, and bring him and his pokemon to an agent which shall be waiting by the PokeCenter. He will lead you to a special area, where you can kill the boy however you please. Then, you can choose whether to kill the Butterfree as well or keep it for yourself. Do NOT bring the wrong trainer in. We do not want any unneccesary killing...yet. Should you choose to accept this mission, please complete it before 7:30 tommorow. If failed to do so, my agent will leave and the mission will be considered a failure. Make sure the Butterfree uses Psybeam on your Pokemon before kidnapping it and the boy.

Heh, easy peasy.
(The trainer is the same that Mike encountered. Of course, the Butterfree is now fainted so how it is discovered that it knows Psybeam shall be interesting.)
Mightyena returns to me, holding a Pelipper feather. I notice a splotch of blood on it. Thanking the Mightyena, I hear that Mike has defeated another trainer. Of course, that is good news and allows me to relax a bit. As for my Pelipper, an idea strikes. Doomsday is dangerous. And I don't want to let one of my agents die. So I think about an experienced one. How about....my spy. Keiichi. I ask Mightyena to get the latest report. How long has it been since I heard from Keiichi? He quit Team Scorpion...yet he still spies on Doomsday to see if there's anything important. And though I hate to be asking help from a retired member, he still fulfills his duties to stop Doomsday. About an hour later, I recieve a message:
Pelipper was captured, but escaped. A member of Doomsday is working to recapture him.

I need to send an agent to go save Pelipper. I ask Keiichi if he'd be willing to do it. He says yes. I realize that I want to give a rookie some experience. Hence, Keiichi must find Mike. He and Mike are going to get as much information upon Pelipper as they can, an information retrieval mission. So Mike won't have to face any Doomsday members. If possible, they must mislead any Doomsday member looking for Pelipper. They can do that. Find out where Pelipper is, find out how intense the hunt for it is, and that should give me enough information to find out who to send on the rescue mission.
Alright, Mike. You're in for a wild ride soon.
(Okay, we still haven't left Torr Town. On your next post, say Aye! right before your RP to signify you're ready to move on. That's right, Scorpion members and Doomsday members can meet and interact in Hirachi City. So, for example I would go:

I found out that....

Simple enough? Okay, let's say...four to five Aye's and we're off. If you're not ready, then just RP without saying Aye. No reason required. )

Mike still was thinking,what now? He defeated 3 trainers,and thought something cool would happen,but was the note for someone else? Did he just beat 3 trainers for nothing? Well,at least riolu got stronger. But a idea popped into Mike's mind. "Riolu,how about we try to find some pokemon and train on them? We might even learn something about them! How about it,riolu?" Riolu nodded and they started looking for pokemon.

All they found were pidgey and mankey,all of them were pretty easy to beat,but riolu did learn a new move called "force palm". Mike wanted to try that attack out with the next wild pokemon they find.It could be useful!

"Riolu,use force palm!" Boy,did that move do alot. It was a strong move! 1 hit KO! Mike was sure surprised.Mike used that move every single time without thinking,and he always won with it,Mike was really,really happy!


Sorry the post was so short,i have a cold today and i couldn't do much,i think i better get some rest!
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Keiichi has gone off to find Mike. I only wait in anticipation to see what happens next. I sincerely hope that my Pelipper will be okay. I turn to my Mightyena, before beckoning him over with a slight whistle. My hand strokes through his gray fur, as he rests his head on my knee. I let a faint smile slip out. Withdrawing my armored hand, I sigh. If they don't get this Pelipper back, then our operation might as well be screwed. They'd locate me, they'd capture me, and most likely kill me. And once I'm gone, who's to stop Team Doomsday from collecting the seven crystals? One's already gone. And I'm willing to bet that Doomsday has it. Hence, we're one crystal behind.

(OOC thread coming as soon as three ayes come. I hope everybody feels that their character is well established...however, it is mildly strange that none of the characters know each other...that'll be fixed pretty soon. After all, the DoomsdayScorpion conflict is about to begin in Hirachi City.)

Sneasel delivered another letter as Cage exited the training area. He mercilessly defeated the remaining two trainers, and his Squirtle was still as strong as ever. They walked under the bright sun, thinking of ways to enjoy themselves waiting for Leo's answer. It has been a few hours since Leo sent a letter and Cage was itching for one. Suddenly. Sneasel appeared again, handing him a familiar envelope. Cage quickly ripped it open and read it.

Dear Cage:​

The meeting is cancelled. The hostage pokemon is in the training area, where I assume you are. I'll leave you to find out which one it is. Look for the wild pokemon, retrieve it. Report to me soon.

Finally, a letter! So, all I have to do is to retrieve a Pokemon, apparently from Scorpion. Now, things were getting a little interesting. Cage proceeded back to the training area, and this time, did a detour around the whole complex. He only found several other trainers. No Pokemon that seemed to be held hostage and such. However, he saw a Pelipper with a slight limp from the trees. Cage smiled. The hunt is over. Knowing that his Trapinch had Arena Trap as an ability, he sent it out. Arena Trap activated with a small bubble around them radius of five meters. Good enough. Cage quickly ran to the Pelipper, catching it inside the bubble. The frightened Pokemon tried to escape but to no avail. Cage smiled. He pinned it down, and without much resistance, fainted. He carried the body to the Pokemon Center and, in the premise of having it healed, gave it to the blonde informant.

It almost sounded like the ringing of trumpets after the sound had faded away... Except a lot less glorious and noble. Add to that the booming of the timpani and the dull throbbing of the rest of the brass, and you've got a fanfare. Sort of.



Feeling herself drifting back to consciousness, Enica slowly sat up, amid the sickening sensation of falling. There was a bouncing thing right in front of her. It was distinctly human shaped, but there was water everywhere, so it was hard to see.

All of a sudden, she was jerked back and forth as a few firm grasps on her shoulders gripped her; the owner of the grasps was yelling in her face.

Blinking away the bleariness that she had thought was water, she leaned back slightly from the aggressiveness.

"'Ey! What in tarnation happened!"


At that moment Enica was let go of, and, unprepared for this, she thudded back down to wherever she was lying. The fanfare in her head boomed.

"Git up!" Tiny (who she had now identified), was the one shaking her.


"No, you stop, and tell me what in Arceus's name went on there!"



"Where is 'there'?"

"You know very well what happened, missy, and yer gonna explain it!"

"Explain what? I'm telling you, I have no idea what you're talking about!"

Sighing, Tiny looked away. "So ya don't remembuh?"

"Remember what?" I retorted, anger welling up inside me.

"We were about to battle, but then you collapsed."

Instantly, all the anger fled. "Really...?"


"Oh... I'm sorry for snapping at you like that..."

"So I ran to git somebody, and now yer here, in the clinic."

"Thank you..."

Grinning, she said, "Don't thank me. Thank them nurses. They's the ones that saved ya."

"Saved me?"

Merely gesturing to a team of white clad figures, who were hunched around a table, Tiny backed away and sat down in a corner. One of the figures looked up, and, noticing that I was awake, beckoned hurriedly to the others. They all crowded around me in an instant, and I vaguely wondered how they could move so fast. The pounding in my head had retreated into a dull roar, but the pain still made me wince whenever I moved even the slightest bit.

"How are you feeling, hon?" A nurse with a kind, wrinkly face said.

"Er..." I croaked out stupidly. I had managed to talk completely normally to Tiny, but when it actually came to a matter of diagnosis, I was somehow a bumbling fool.

Without waiting for me to 'explain' further, she put a hand on my head. "She's burning up!" She exclaimed. The other nurses flocked to tables, murmuring to each other and gathering painful looking equipment. "My name's Susanna," she said, smiling at me.

"I'm... Enica."

"Why, hello there Enica. That's a nice name."

"Thank you..."

Noticing that a lot of people were standing around me, I said, "My friend Tiny over there..." At my gesture, many of them, almost as one, turned around to look at Tiny, and she waved. "We were just gonna battle, but she said I collapsed... So she brought me here."

"Hmm..." One of the nurses said. He put a pale finger on his chin in thought. "Could it have been a stroke?"

Another nurse shook her head, red curls bouncing. "No, she didn't show the post-stroke signs, and according to the diagnosis there has been no evidence of any kind of stroke."

"What could it be..." Someone else mused.

Looking around in slight confusion and fear, I shrank deeper into the bed I was lying on. The mattress was quite soft and comfy...

"Hey! Hey you!"

I lifted my head. "Me?"

"No, not you." A tall man snapped his fingers at Tiny, who jumped out of her chair. "Tell me what moves you use." She opened her mouth. "Quickly!"

Glaring at the man, but wisely choosing not to call him out on his rudeness, she said, "Not completely remembring, but there wus the one move I used, and that was when Enica passed out."

"What move was it? And why didn't you say so earlier? This information could have helped us a great deal!"

"I'm gittin' to that! Geez Louise and all the saints in between, I was gonna tell ya it was mean look."

At the mention of those... cursed words, my entire body went rigid. My heart seized up and started beating loudly, and I could feel my pulse racing through me. My eyes widened and alternatively shrank to abnormal sizes.

"Hon, what's wrong?" The kind nurse asked, reaching over quickly to grab my wrist. She held it finely, cocking her head, then proclaimed, "Irregular beat."

While everyone rushed around, the man who had talked to Tiny approached me. "We are on your case." Staring down at me with a haughty air, he stalked away to stare at the rest of the people, while doing nothing.

"Don't mind him," Susanna whispered, leaning in somewhat so he wouldn't hear. "He's mean to everybody."

Nodding weakly, I asked, "So... what's wrong with me?"

"There's nothing wrong with you, hon." She looked down at me with concern. "We're just trying to find out why you suddenly fainted, is all. I reckon that it's because of your reaction to mean look."

Even though I tried to stop it, I still made a little gasp of fear at the mention of that name.

"Yeah, I thought so." Nodding sagely, she said, "Some people have strange reactions to certain moves. You are probably one of those people. Usually there's a good reason for this, and that's what we're trying to find out."

Bobbing my head up and down in agreement, I wasn't really taking in her words, because, though I couldn't call up the feeling and confront it, I knew, somewhere inside of me, exactly why that move was... bad.


Can't say 'Aye' yet, sorry -_- I'll be getting to that soon, though.
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