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Ruby hack: Pokemon: Super Rising Thunder!

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Quick post (I'll make a longer one later :) ) to show off the latest video - traps in action! =D

...and I'm in Hack of the Month? When did THAT happen? ^^'
Hey PinkParka? Stop outdoing yourself, please. You're too good at this. You're torturing us with the hope of a release date or beta.
Seriously though, the traps are amazing. Will the flashborn swarms be having different "trainer" sprites?
*gurgles with reverence*

Well I guess SRT won't be that plucky little hack outshining the big giants now it's really been thrust into the limelight. Deservedly so I must say. It's about time you got some recognition (though you did do well in HOTY'10 ^^).

Being all nerdy now, I absolutely love the UI upgrades in that vid - all those new bag graphics and text borders and whatnot - most hackers just ignore that bit but yours really shows attention to detail. Fantastic as always. Gives the game a really polished feel. :D De-capitalised and everything! And the way you've adjusted the trainer battle system is just phenomenal - really clever and it fits perfectly. One idea that does come to mind - in the Start menu, would 'Team' be better than 'Party' in this sort of game? Just a thought. ^^

Oh yes, I have another pressie for you. :) I worked on them on my train journey back from Uni yesterday - thought you needed some more support banners.

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon: Super Rising Thunder!
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon: Super Rising Thunder!

They're based on that other one I did at Christmas. They're yours - if you want them of course :) I left out the bolt on the second one because it was getting in the way, but on the first it seems to work. ^^ It's entirely down to you if you want to use them or not - I won't mind either way. I'm just happy that a game as epic as this exists. :D

Once again amazing work. Keep it up. To inspire this much devotion in a game that isn't even out yet is just an astounding achievement. Well done. I'll be obsessively watching!!!

PS - I also loved your choice of soundtrack on the vid - who else was shouting the names of the various Routes and Towns that came up? ^^ RAVE POKÉMON!!! Could you possibly tell me where I may find it so I may rave to it as well? :P
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I saw your video update on YouTube.
I have to say, very impressive work.

We can clearly tell that you have really put a lot of time thinking of what would be a neat effect to use on those traps. The Slowpoke trap was my favorite one. xD
Simple yet cleverly used. ;)

Keep up the great work~
For some reason I wasn't At Pokecommunity for a while, So I miss so great Hack like this one. I really found interest in this hack.
The story line is good. I like the graphic work, hope you add more new cool and interesting tiles.
hope can play beta soon.
Good luck.
Impressive work Parka =)
Really loved the traps =D
And also remaked old games music was awesome, will it be in game, or it was just BGM?

By the way they probably stay on the same spot like in your video, right?
But what I wanted to ask is whether some traps stay active even after first acitivation =)
I can't wait for this game. It looks really fun and a interesting idea. The idea of playing as a pokemon sounds like a completely new perspective. One think I wonder is if pichu can ever evolve since pichu evoles by happiness
Happy birthday too
First off, I want to thank all who voted for me in Hack of the Month; and even those who didn't (for giving me good competition, and inspiring me to do a better job :D ). True, I didn't win, but there's always other months where I can get a shot, and hopefully I'll have a better product to show for myself then ^__^

And now, a big apology :( I know I've been really inactive recently, but my laptop (that had all my ROM hacking resources on it; not to mention SRT itself!) has died :( It's been in the shop for over a week now, getting repairs, and I should have it back tomorrow, though I'm not expecting a miracle (I gotta get it from the repair place it's at now and take it to a second place for an additional repair, and pay two hundred more dollars >.> But at least I might get same-day service there, so it would be worth it :) ). I feel really bad about this whole situation since you guys have been waiting so patiently, and if I had any screenshots or cool stuff from the game to show you, I would...but I can't until my lappy's up and running again :( Still, I wanted to give all you guys SOMETHING, and so...I wrote up a little scene to introduce you to a few of the game's characters and mysteries. It'll have to do to sate your appetites until I can actually work on the game again ^^'

-Aspen's Awakening-

Crumbletown was a hopeless shamble; a place where memories died. Dust-encrusted chunks of concrete and brick, spattered with the stains of blood and sweat, littered much of the ground; stiff stalks of water-starved timothy oscillating lightly around them with the breeze. An occasional small shadow shuffled carefully through the darkened rubble, and small paws scratched at the cracked earth; their soft pants and the dull thud of their claws through the dirt the only sounds. Occasionally a recognizable form would step into view - a zigzagoon or a rattata dragging a disintegrating piece of metal towards the northern reaches; or a nidoran struggling to hop with a plastic soda bottle clenched between its teeth. It was a pathetic and mindless hunt - these small, lost souls who never spoke, carrying the remains of the Old Ones' civilization to their clueless slavedrivers - and if Ozymandias was the sort to feel pity for those helpless and stupid enough to get themselves into such a situation, he would shake his head at what lay before him.

The kadabra huffed lightly; scrambling up unto the cold remains of a Crumble's wall to survey the horizon. To the south of him rose the stiff inscrutability of a massive structure, known by the slaves as Crumble Tower - its size daunting, and its chilling alienness even more so. The twisted, brittle remains of long-dead trees flocked along it like an entourage; their branches like black ink against the faded whiteness of the building's surface. It was almost like the oaks had recognized the strange, stony Tower as a king, or perhaps even a god - attempting to envelop its sacredness from the eyes of the unworwthy.

Ozymandias did not like to admit that there were things in the world that he did not understand. He was certainly cleverer than the small People he had been observing; with their superstitious ignorance and futile worship of anything that exceeded the grasp of their minds. Magicians, they called the Old Ones; imbuing their very essence with godliness! Simpletons and fools; the whole lot of People were! Yet the Tower filled him with a sense of uneasiness and quiet dread; a disconcerting reminder that perhaps he was not as knowing as he thought he was. Larger than he thought anything could be outside of a mountain; with all memory of its purpose lost to time...

He fluffed his fur lightly to keep from shivering; the additional illusion of looking larger than he actually was soothing to his mind on an instinctive, animal level. It was just a Crumble like any other; and if Lord Chronos thought the answer to his visions lay there, than go he must.

Ozymandias flexed his legs slightly and leapt down from the wall; landing lightly on all four feet, but quickly scrambling back into a standing position. Like many other People who shared his innate powers of perception; visions were matters of great import; and never to be disregarded or taken lightly. They were haunting images of the past or glimpses of the future; scenes played out across the canvas of the mind's eye in order to let one better gauge their own course of events. It was visions that had led him beyond the World's End; to where frigid water lapped at the frozen shore, and where glaceon packs howled into the chill air of night with misty breath. It was visions that had taken him across the sea, passing by massive icebergs that had made his fur stiffen with cold, and to the foreboding Crumble of ice and stone that almost seemed to revel in its lack of warmth and kindness. And it was visions still that had driven him to enter the dark castle and walk its slick floors; to confront - and eventually serve - the calculating being that was as emotionless as it was powerful in its knowledge and might.

The kadabra walked along the beaten earth; small clouds of dust surrounding his feet. Indeed, it was his fate to serve Lord Chronos; and as fates go, it wasn't one he had many complaints about. His strange Lord's knowledge was as vast as the world itself; and his ideals! Yes, there was much good to say about his ideals; the world as it was now certainly wasn't worth preserving. Run down, ruined, dominated by imbeciles; who bowed down to every bit of Old One rubbish as if it were Arceus himself descending from the heavens! He certainly wouldn't mourn them; any more than he would mourn tossing leftover bones and berry pips into the sea to be washed away like the trash they were.

A small form stepped unto the path directly in front of him, and Ozymandias stiffened; flexing the toes of his forepaws to flash his hook-like claws. A minun, with ragged fur dried into stiff spikes of congealed blood and waste, struggled to walk with a toilet seat about his neck; the slick white plastic sides dragging along the ground and impeding his progress. Seemingly unaware of the kadabra's presence, the little animal tried to continue foreward; but the weight and effort proved too high an obstacle to surmount, and he collapsed among the dirt; the toilet seat falling forward and encircling his head like a garish wreath.

Ozymandias snorted; poking the fallen creature with his toe. "Fool." The disdain in the kadabra's voice was undisguised; and the minun's ears drooped slightly at his stinging rebuke. "If you were deserving of any respect; you never would have let yourself get captured by the idiots who enslave you."

The tiny Person's body stiffened; the fur along his hackles rising. His paws, wrapped with remains of an Old One's cloth, twitched with anger; and his flews drew back slightly, revealing a flash of white. The minun did not speak or turn to face Ozymandias; and the kadabra felt his bushy tail lash with annoyance. "What do you call yourself?"

The spiteful lagomorph still wouldn't look at him. "My name is Vann." He spoke with a quiet dignity; an understated strength that conveyed both great suffering and vast spirit. "Not many people visit Crumbletown willingly."

Ozymandias scoffed at the minun; mildly amused at the notion that such a weak and pathetic being could speak and act in such a way; as if it deserved any respect. "I'm not exactly here because I want to be," he hissed; stooping down so he could hook a claw under the little Person's throat. "I had a vision. My Lord thinks the answer to all that troubles us lies in the Tower. All that troubles you, too." The kadabra chuckled darkly; feeling the pulse of the minun's jugular against his toe-tip. "I seek a Person who doesn't know his name. I told my Lord of my vision; and he said I was describing the Tower - and that I would find this Person there."

The minun slowly turned to face Ozymandias; his eyes unfocused and dripping fluid. "Why are you looking?"

It took all of Ozymandias' self-control to keep from ripping the pathetic creature's throat out then and there. "You have no right to ask questions of a superior! Count yourself lucky I'm speaking to you at all!" Fur fluffed and tail lashing; the kadabra snatched the minun's ears with his other paw; pulling his head back and stretching his throat taunt. "Now, if you want me to spare your pathetic life so you can experience many more enjoyable days as a slave, you'll help me with something else on my mind. There...was another part of my vision; beyond finding the one with no name. That some interloper calling himself the Lord of Thunder was "choosing a Champion" to help him fight against my Lord and I's will! You're an electric type, you little rat! Who is the Lord of Thunder?" Ozymandias tried not to show any weakness to the minun; but he knew it must be clear to the miserable runt from the overzealous fury in his voice. His lack of knowledge was disconcerting, and not knowing who he and Lord Chronos had to face brought a sense of anxiety to his being that he did not like to accept.

Vann blinked; milky fluid dripping down unto his muzzle. "The Lord of Thunder is Raikou." It was obvious from his tone that he knew that he was defeated; the kadabra clearly had the upper hand, and to not answer him would be sure to cause a swift cessation of his existence.

Ozymandias kicked the minun aside; watching with slight disinterest as it fell amid some scattered weeds at the path's edge. Raikou....well, that was one mystery solved. But it still left a question up in the air; one that some pathetic slave - if indeed, anyone - couldn't answer. Raikou might be the Lord of Thunder, but who was his Champion? He stared down at the toilet seat that still lay in the middle of the road; a slight instinctive shudder running down his spine. He didn't know what that glistening white thing was, either. And not knowing things....nothing was worse.

With a huff, he started off down the path once more; the mustache-like fur about his muzzle twitching with anxiety. Finding the nameless one would take a great weight off his shoulders - and finding his name would mean he would never have to worry about Raikou or his unknown Champion ever again.


Up close, Crumble Tower was even more intimidating than it had been from afar. Stiff and unshakable, it stretched taller than any of the Old Ones' things had a right to; the broken spire upon its peaked roof threatening to scrape the sky wide open. Although its thick stone sides had withstood the test of time more than most Crumbles Ozymandias had seen; even its godlike might had not been immune to weather and the endless march of the ages. A few large cracks ran down its surface, and the wind whistled through them; a low, mournful sound that sounded unsettlingly like a voice, calling out over some injustice. And while the kadabra held such superstitious beliefs in contempt, even he had to admit it felt almost like the Old Ones were calling out to him across the eons; deploring the state of the world and reaching out to him as a kindred soul. Come to me, the Tower seemed to say, the soiled white of its surface almost seeming to gleam like the moon. You will find your answers here.

Ozymandias stood up, his ears pricked with a strange excitement. With a reverent silence, he walked across the path towards the rotted maw of the Tower; flickering visions of tall but undefinable shapes - Old Ones? - tickling at the edges of his mind. Yes, they wanted him here...

He stepped through what had once been the tower's doorway; a cloaking darkness wrapping about his body like a inky blanket. Dust motes flickered about what little light shone through; faintly illuminating the strange markings that ran up and down the walls of the structure. Some of the markings were straight; some were curly; some twisted and looped like tiny rivers captured upon stone. Was he the first to see this? Ozymandias tilted his head slightly to the side; puzzled by the marks, but not afraid of them. The Old Ones wanted him here, after all - why should he be frightened?

Claws clicking lightly upon the cold tile floor of the Tower, Ozymandias let his sixth sense guide him through the shadows; trusting in his psychic powers to let him avoid holes or trash that would otherwise impede his progress. It would, of course, be a easier matter if he could simply teleport from floor to floor in order to seek out his prize, but the Tower was unknown territory to him, and it was a tough prospect to teleport somewhere when you couldn't even visualize your destination. Besides, taking his task slowly and carefully was the path to success; he had to be alert, lest he miss the key to all of his and Lord Chronos' desires.

He came to the stairs and folded his hind legs into a lotus position; focusing his mind and levitating a few inches above the ground. The kadabra's future sight alerted him to the fact that the walk would be a long one; and he knew his body was made only to travel short distances under its own physical power. Sharpening his focus, Ozymandias followed the spiral contours of the staircase; his tail bumping lightly against the steps as he ascended. The strange markings - just like those he had observed in the main room - continued on the walls here; an inscrutable; humbling presence in the face of his mental might.




Ozymandias stopped focusing on the strange scratches; closing his eyes and pulling all his energy to the task at hand. The symbols made no sense, and never would make any sense; though he had noticed that certain patterns seemed to repeat themselves. He wasn't sure he understood his own fascination - was it awe? Was he turning into yet another superstitious twit; enamored with anything the Old Ones did? Hmph. He certainly hoped not. Tucking his muzzle against his chest; Ozymandias let his thoughts drift away to the back of his mind as his body slowly continued to rise.


The top of the Tower was brighter than its base; the walls ringed all about with windows - though it was a rare one that was still intact. Shards of glass, feathers and bird droppings - and even the flattened and disintegrating remains of a few roosting pidgey - littered and stained the floor; a foul odor tickling along the kadabra's muzzle. Dust clung thick and heavy to the strange metal structures that lined the wall just under the windows; jagged, rusty holes exposing snarled masses of wiring in garish colors. A massive light fixture - though the only phrase Ozymandias could think of to describe it was "a big thing" - was fastened to the middle of the floor; running his paw across it brought faint visions to the kadabra's mind of a bright, shining beam extending from all sides of the Tower; spreading its light across the land as a testament of...what?

Chuffing; Ozymandias let his hind paws find the floor; standing up stiffly. He hadn't seen a single Person here other than the dead pidgey upon the floor; and even they were much more likely to be Flash-born than once-rational beings. The nameless one didn't even appear to be here - was all his searching for nothing? Could his Lord actually lead him astray?

No, it was impossible. Lord Chronos never, ever made mistakes. If Chronos said his vision implicated the Tower, than it did, and there was no questioning it. "I'll find him," Ozymandias whispered; clenching his forepaws together. "The key to victory will be ours..."

The kadabra looked about the room once more; trying to pick up on something - anything - he had missed in his first go-around. A pedestal stood to one side of the row of decaying computer towers; a small, round object resting in a slight depression upon its surface. Ozymandias approached it carefully; sniffing at the little ball and picking up a cold, metallic scent that tickled at him strangely; even more than the room's dust. This...what was this? He took the object up in his paws and studied its surface, noting its smooth contours against his paws, and its faded red-and-white coloration. Red and white...

A memory tickled at the back of Ozymandias' mind; an image of Lord Chronos showing him just such an object. What had he called it then? A pocky...pooky....pokéball. And it was a remarkable object indeed, his Lord had stated; for to find one "intact" was a miracle, and that by pushing down the button in its center, one could, indeed, reach out and touch the past in "a very real way..."

Ozymandias shook his head; acknowledging to himself that he hadn't really grasped what Lord Chronos had told him. Still, he had no other option, and it might even lead him to the nameless one...

Closing his eyes, he pressed his claw to the button.

To be continued...I hope I have whetted your appetite, and given you lots of things for you to speculate over and think about. :)
Wow that sucks. Didn't quote, too big!
I'm pretty lucky my dads really good at engineering
so when pc messes up fixes it in a matter of hours.
Looking forward to another awesome Play as Pokemon hack!
*reads story*



This is getting so awesome!! :D Oh...My...God! What's coming out of the ball? Make it a Mudkip :P

Nah, just kidding. ^^ I can't wait to find out. (EDIT: Just remembered the 'Aspen' title and checked the first post - little chance of it being a Mudkip :P ) The quality of writing is so good it could easily become a novel or something, no question. The descriptions are just so beautiful and intricate - you really understand what is going on. It's really interesting to take something as generally light-hearted as Pokémon and thrust it into this fantastically dark and complex universe. Very well done.

Sucks about the laptop. But hopefully it'll be repaired soon and you didn't lose any data. Hope you've got backups! ^^

Chin up PPG. You'll always have a dedicated fan in me. :mudkip^_^:
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@Kip: No worries! I've got my computer back safe and sound, after several hundred dollars and a fair amount of time and anxiety ^^' SRT is being backed up right away to prevent any such repeated disasters in the future :)

Aspen may not be a Mudkip, but I promise I'll include one in the game somewhere just for you (I think you deserve it; after the lovely banners you made for me - thank you so much! :D ). My plan had been to continue the scene's plot and and to formally introduce the creepy little assassin-Chu; thus clearing up the pokeball mystery; but it was two in the morning and I'd been writing for four hours already - my ability to think was starting to slip and I knew that if I'd forced myself to go on, the story would have suffered for it ^^' I'll get to Part Two of "Aspen's Awakening" some other time (perhaps next week); as I don't want to keep people waiting on what they're really eager for: actual game updates. XD

@All: My computer is all fixed up, and SRT is safe and sound! :D I haven't had the time yet to renew my work on it (I've only had the laptop here a few hours ^^' ), but I can offer you guys a little bite of what to expect, from what I was doing BEFORE everything went to hell in a handbasket:

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon: Super Rising Thunder!

The ledge tiles appearing here are by Alucus :)

I finished a new map; and have just started the process of updating old scripts from the earlier version of the game to fit it; as well as making some new ones to address the plot changes. ^^ Once I have more to show for myself, I shall update right away with the details!
Aspen may not be a Mudkip, but I promise I'll include one in the game somewhere just for you (I think you deserve it; after the lovely banners you made for me - thank you so much! :D ).

Wow - really? Awwwwwwww :) *hugs* You're so nice. ^^ Thank you very, very much! (trying not to sound cheesy here - i'm genuinely grateful :D ).

Assassin-Chu? That sounds dangerous and epic at the same time (I immediantly had the images of a Pikachu with a sniper rifle laying in cover on some mountain somewhere. Maybe with a cigarette. Aiming into some compound in the valley below. Bam. Sweet. ... sorry - imagination running away with me again. ^^' )

I like the new tiles by the way. I like the way that they look a lot more natural than the normal ones, and it seems to give a more professional feel to it. Looks good. Very good. ^^

Looking forward to the next part of the story. SRT forever! :)
Ok, after FINALLY reading all the posts in this thread , I now have basis upon which to form an opinion........EPIC! I love the whole idea and the art and the storyline. Is this a team hack or are you going it (mostly) alone? If this is a team hack, then I would love to help!
Ok, after FINALLY reading all the posts in this thread , I now have basis upon which to form an opinion........EPIC! I love the whole idea and the art and the storyline. Is this a team hack or are you going it (mostly) alone? If this is a team hack, then I would love to help!

Thanks! ^___^ I'm glad you're enjoying it so far!

This is a solo hack, though I certainly appreciate your offer of help :) If I ever find myself stuck with a problem that you (or anyone else) could help with that I just can't figure out, I'll be sure to post about it in the thread!

I'm so happy to see this is still around. Now after you finish, it's back to Jersey Quest, right? :P jk

Hehe, I actually have been thinking about Jersey Quest again (though I don't plan to do any work on it until SRT is finished and done with). :) I have ideas for its future, but it wouldn't be much like the original project...let's just say it would be getting a major plot overhaul, a new protagonist, and a...unique new graphical style ^^ But there will still be pokemorphs, and it'll still be Jersey-riffic =D

Anyway, so this isn't a useless post, I have one new screenshot to show off:

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon: Super Rising Thunder!

This is actually the 100th screenshot I've taken ^^

It seems that when you first visit the town of Pikpik Grove, its citizens are...less than trusting of you. Indeed, the entire community is overrun with Spearow - blocking off the houses and exits, and picking fights with the residents. All in all, it's led to quite a xenophobic additude among those living here; one they won't hesitate to take out on you when they get the chance.

But will the Grove's citizens grow more warm and trusting if you manage to chase off the ruffian birds? Can our pichu even handle once again facing those who murdered his sister; and standing strong in the face of their heckling? And what of the mysterious one the spearow serve - Lady Freya? What is she seeking? (Well, that's no mystery if you've been following this thread from the beginning and have a good memory =D ).

While the events that happen in one small town may not seem relevant in the grand sphere of the protagonist's quest to reach the North, every encounter he has serves to build setting, character, and intrigue. What awaits? ;)
You know, I've always been impressed with your decision to take on the daunting task of a hack in which the player plays as a Pokémon. It wouldn't be outlandish to say that you influenced me and made me want to take on that same challenge. In fact, I'm ashamed that I haven't posted here before because I've been following this hack for a while. With that said, what's the status with this? It's been a while since you last updated and I really don't want to see this project die because, in my opinion, it's one of the most promising hacks I've seen in a long time.

Also, I heard that you might be in need of an ASM hacker. Can you list some of the features you were planning on implementing? I can't seem to find any inspiration to work on my own hack so I figure I should at least try to lend a hand with another hack that's similar to mine. :)

This is actually the 100th screenshot I've taken ^^
...have you been holding out on us? >:(
@colcolstyles: Thank you so much for your kind comments! ^__^ It's pretty humbling to know that that I've inspired you in a small way - I look forward to the day when your own hack comes out! :)

As for my status, it's...progressing quietly, slowly but surely :) It's just that I feel badly about updating this thread when I really don't have a whole lot to say or show off, which is why I can be quiet for so long - I don't want to "cheat" my fans with minor updates. It makes me feel like a spammer. ^^' It also doesn't help that quite a lot of the things I'm working on at the moment are just revisions of the "spearow plot" that was showcased very early in this thread; before the July 2010 reboot - except for a prettier looking map, the screenshots now would be very similar to ones posted way back then; since the characters and some of the dialogue remains unchanged XD

As for ASM stuff, one feature I really did want to implement into the game was a timer. I know Ruby has a timer already in it to some degree (Cycling Road); but figuring out how to DO things with it is a bit above my head (I've tried experimenting, but I haven't really learned anything ^^' ). What I wanted to use a timer for was to impose a time limit on certain dungeons, such as those that are underwater or in areas with lingering radiation; for the sake of realism and to impose a challenge on the player. One other use for ASM I can think of would be to add in a greater variety in the dungeon traps, such as traps that inflict status or cause damage; to bring the experience that much closer to a "real" PMD game. :) I've tried learning how to do these things myself, but I've never been able to progress beyond basic "hello world" stuff in ASM...

Of course, you're under no obligation whatsoever to help me out with that, or with anything :)

...have you been holding out on us? >:(

Perhaps. :P In honestly, though, you guys aren't missing out on anything of importance - a lot of these screenshots are from either the earlier, pre-July version of the game; or they're of scripts that you can just see in the videos, anyway. XD The only things of note that are in the game and I'm just not revealing yet are a tileset, and some sprites and face portraits for "team mate" characters (and one villain).

And now some photo spam:

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon: Super Rising Thunder!

Harassing electric types. All the cool Spearow are doing it!

Do you guys want me to post photos more often, even if they don't seem to reveal a whole lot?
As for ASM stuff, one feature I really did want to implement into the game was a timer. I know Ruby has a timer already in it to some degree (Cycling Road); but figuring out how to DO things with it is a bit above my head (I've tried experimenting, but I haven't really learned anything ^^' ). What I wanted to use a timer for was to impose a time limit on certain dungeons, such as those that are underwater or in areas with lingering radiation; for the sake of realism and to impose a challenge on the player. One other use for ASM I can think of would be to add in a greater variety in the dungeon traps, such as traps that inflict status or cause damage; to bring the experience that much closer to a "real" PMD game. :) I've tried learning how to do these things myself, but I've never been able to progress beyond basic "hello world" stuff in ASM...

The traps should be pretty easy because the data for a pokémon's Status Ailment and Current HP are unencrypted.[1] I could write up a routine to do those fairly quickly. As for the timer, that would require a little more work but it's certainly possible. I'll take a look into it and get back to you. :)
good hack
is a new way to see the pokemon hackroms ..
has a good harmony
the palette are also great
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