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Preventing the Offense. A stall story. [OU RMT]


  • 1,523
    Preventing an Offense: A Stall Team [OU RMT]

    Hello everyone, your favorite user village idiot, Gamer here with a brand new RMT! (Well golly gee!)

    Le Team a La Glance
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    Team Building Process (Because I know that's why you guys read these things)

    Well, I decided I wanted a stall team. Because my luck with offense is between slim and none, so I figured, hey the way more difficult option of battling might work better, teehee. So I said, well hmm, sandstall is rather efficient/obvious so I chose sandstall, I knew I would need one thing, I COULD DENY IT NO LONGER, a sandstorm, it came down to Hippo or TTar. Well TTar is nice and all, but its not my cup of tea, or TTar (please don't kill me). So I went with the bulky, fatty, Anti Hippowdon.

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    Then, I needed a better sponge, well I thought, "Gee, whats a swell physical wall besides Hippo that has predictable weaknesses and some immunities?" The answered stared at me in the face like a big, metal, red-winged bird. Skarmory. So I chose it. Skarmory is basically a necessity to any stall team either it or Forry, but forry has one less immunity than Skarm, so I picked it.

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    I also needed a special wall so my Skarm didn't get wtf'd by some stupid special sweeper. Hmmmm.....whats one of the best special walls in the game? Oh yeah, Bliss. Uh-oh, SkarmBliss, the most repetative and overused walling combo since the dinosaurs (or at least GSC). But just because something is old, doesn't mean its bad, except for politicians.

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    Then I needed, desperately, a Toxic Spiker, well I had three options: Forry, Tenta or Roserade. Well Roserade is a putz, and I don't really like Grass types all that much, so ixnay on the Roserade. Forry is nice, but two steels was my downfall on my offensive team for go go Magezone owned, so sorry Forry. That narrowed it down to the one, the only, Tentacruel! (And the crowd goes wild! *distant cheering*).

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    I figured, obviously I'm going to have problems with electrical damage coming in at both Tenta AND Skarm! "OH NOES!" I decided that Jolteon would work wonders with its fancy pants Wish moves and what not. It had wonderful synergy baiting out electric type attacks and absorbing them for healing, so, eh, "what could possibly go wrong?" (famous last words).

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    Then I needed a spin blocker/status absorber because Blissey can't just be absorbing statuses and taking hits all day. Rotom-A has been reliable to me in my past "attempts" at stall, so why should this be any different. Rotom-A, come on down.

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    And there you have it, a frickin' amazing pretty decent stall team.

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    A Closer Look (but not too close, thats just rude)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Preventing the Offense. A stall story. [OU RMT]

    The Lonely Lead
    Hippowdon @ Leftovers
    Trait: Sandstream
    Adamant Nature
    252HP/176Atk/80(Def or SpD, I'm not sure where to put these)
    -Stealth Rock
    -Slack Off
    -Ice Fang

    Behold the powerful might of my fat Hippo! Basically, this thing is a monster. It has a formidable attack stat, along with a fairly decent move pool. It has more HP than Chins in a Chinese phonebook, but less than Blissey. Its a pretty durable fella. Ice Fang is to catch stuff like Flygon/Glisor/Mence off guard. After taking SR damage and Ice Fang, Hippo can OHKO any of the previously mentioned pokemon, and shrug off any non-special attacks, heal itself, and have time to balance its checking. Earthquake is for ground based pokemon that aren't smart enough to switch out in terror from him.
    How Hippowdon Deals with other common leads:

    Azelf: Either we both set up Stealth Rocks or it taunts me, and I switch to Rotom-w, trying to anticipate the Explosion.

    Metagross: Usually we both set up SR, then I use EQ next turn.

    Swampert: Set up SR on the first turn, then switch to Rotom-w.

    Jirachi: Set up SR on first turn, if I get tricked, I switch to Rotom-w.

    Aerodactyl: Go straight to Ice Fang and break its Sash, because I almost always get taunted. Repeat Ice Fang for the kill.

    Infernape: Cry. This thing is annoying. I usually switch to Rotom-w for the fake out, then attack with Discharge.

    Roserade: Switch straight to Rotom-w. It can shrug off a Leaf Storm and if Roserade uses sleep powder, I have sleep talk.

    Heatran: SR first turn, use EQ second turn.

    Tyrantitar: SR First turn, EQ second turn.

    Gliscor: SR First turn, if I get taunted, I use Ice Fang and destruirse.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Preventing the Offense. A stall story. [OU RMT]

    The Terrible Toxic Spiker
    Tentacruel @ Black Sludge
    Trait: Liquid Ooze
    Nature: Calm
    -Toxic Spikes
    -HP Electric
    -Rapid Spin

    So, I consider Tentacruel on of my most underrated pokemon. Until I started playing competatively I thought Tentacruel was a joke, or maybe it was just because of always surfing into to Tentacools, regardless, he is my fearless Toxic Spiker. Since Tentacruel is surprisingly fast, it will usually move first, which is great, because its decent bulk usually lets me get off 2 layers of T-Spikes and then attack or switch out depending on whatever it is I'm up against. I usually suicide with it, unless I'm facing a stall/semi-stall team, then I save it for spinning. Surf/HP Electric are just there to scare of evildoers who threaten my giant squid. I gave him Black Sludge over leftovers, to try and minimize the desire to trick him, or to make those who dare do, have to re-trick it back onto me, giving me a free two turns to lay down my spikes and retreat.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Preventing the Offense. A stall story. [OU RMT]

    The Special Sponge
    Blissey @ Leftovers
    Trait: Natural Cure
    Bold Nature
    -Seismic Toss
    -Thunder Wave

    Ah Blissey, the most classic (besides Chansey) of all the special walls. A famous history of Blissey exists, through out many-a-war story of how it could absorb many a special attack. Very little has changed in that time. S. Toss is for damage, which can get annoying after a while, especially vs. a rest talker. Softboiled is to heal those special attacks I just shrugged off. Aromatherapy is to cure other conditions I was too dumb to be aware of. And Toxic is to poison (no really), but I might change it to Thunder Wave depending on what I do with Jolteon.
    The Physical Palisade (it means wall)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Preventing the Offense. A stall story. [OU RMT]

    Skarmory @ Shed Shell
    Trait: Keen Eye
    Impish Nature
    -Drill Peck

    Skarmory, the final peice in the SkarmBliss combo (well duh). It can sucessfully sponge many physical based attacks, bar Close Combat, which actually takes out a sizeable chunk of HP from it. I usually lay down one layer of spikes at a time due to having to be forced to switch out because of counters to it, like basically any special attacker or Magnezone, hence Shed Shell. Roost is to recover from damage, and taunt is to prevent walls from healing themselves. I chose Drill Peck over Brave Bird, because I happen to be terrible at using Brave Bird at the right time, and Drill Peck lets me use Roost less often, which is actually a nice luxury to have.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Preventing the Offense. A stall story. [OU RMT]

    Wishing Well
    Jolteon @ Leftovers
    Trait: Volt Absorb
    -HP Grass (Might make it shadow ball for ghosts, but right now Grass is doing fine)

    Jolteon is there for when I hopefully, lure out the electric attacks on my precious Skarm or Tenta. Also, it helps if by some magical divine intervention, I predict a Thunder Wave. Also, it helps to provide wish support and some minimal, but welcomed, damage from Thunderbolt and HP Grass. Thats about all its good for. Seems like filler, but not really, because its magnificent at rescuing my electric weaks. 232 EVs in speed allow it to outspeed alot of common enemies that it will see, but unfortunately takes away from its defenses.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Preventing the Offense. A stall story. [OU RMT]

    The Spin Stopper
    Rotom-W @Leftovers
    Trait: Levitate
    Bold Nature
    -Sleep Talk

    Behold the glory and splendor of your standard RestTalk Rotom appliance. It comes with five year warranty and- oh woops, wrong thing. So this is my Rotom-w. Purty ain't it? I thought so too. Anywho, Rest and Sleep Talk are to absorb statuses and such. Wil-o-wips is there to spread fire damage to steel types that are immune to T-Spikes and slows down physical sweepers. Discharge is to to ward off water types and/or paralyze them for parahax.

    One Last Note

    So, yup, thar she is. My very own stall team. Which until recently, just noticed looks very similar to Obi stall. But it's worked out for me so far. I am considering these changes: Roserade for Tenta/Vaporeon for Jolteon if I make one of them swap out, I have to have both, for baiting and complimenting purposes.

    So yeah, rate/hate/plot nasty things/send me death threats, just make sure you look at the team and lemme know how I can quit playing pokemon improve upon it.

    Ahem, I know this looks alot like ObiStall, but in my defense, I didn't know that until yesterday.

    I would like to thank me for making the team :P Arkeis.com for the pictures and PE2K for the sprites/back sprites.
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    Where's Anti's modding when you need it?

    Anyway, I don't do stall, but I know for a fact, that you want Reflect > W-o-W, because you have toxic spikes out and you don't want any status clashing.

    Next, you really have nothing that can absorb a trick user. I don't know what you could replace, but I'm sure you can work around it.

    Finally, your fat blob blob loses to anything that can create 101 subs. I'd consider using Flamethrower > Seismic Toss so you can take on the likes of Jirachi and Zone.
    Finally, your fat blob blob loses to anything that can create 101 subs. I'd consider using Flamethrower > Seismic Toss so you can take on the likes of Jirachi and Zone.

    Magnezone can't make 101 Subs and would lose to Seismic Toss even if it could, and SubMind Jirachi is Hippowdon/metagame weak soooo...

    That aside, Hippowdon running Attack EVs...wtf. You want 252 HP / 252 Def here for sure. Special Defense EVs are for obscure crap like Boah and Mixed Electivire that doesn't matter...from what I remember anyway.

    HP Electric is pretty mediocre on Tentacruel. 70 base power on a Pokemon with 196 SAtk...no thanks. I'd just use Sludge Bomb or even Ice Beam to do better damage and be harder to set up on for Salamence and Latias (though with Latias even Ice Beam isn't going to do much damage at all).

    Embarrassing BP team weakness. No PHazers or even Perish Song support is really bad. I have no idea what you're trying to accomplish with that Skarmory--just run the standard Whirlwind/Spikes/Roost/Brave Bird set. And yeah, Drill Peck is pretty mediocre. It's really not worth having an attack at all on Skarmory if Drill Peck is the move you want to use.

    Use Leftovers on Tentacruel, the last thing you want is a Trick user Tricking that onto something like Hippowdon or Blissey.

    Jolteon isn't serving any purpose besides Wish which is done better by Blissey (over Aromatherapy). I honestly don't see the "Electric weaks" you talk about considering you already have Blissey, Rotom, and Hippowdon lol. "Celebi is better here." Yeah, I know it's reducing your team to ObiStall, but right now this is basically an inferior version of that anyway.

    Reflect >>> WoW as the previous poster said. As D_A would say, "you are poisoned CBTar weak."

    I think that covers the obvious flaws of the team for the most part. I'll let D_A handle revamping that since ObiStall is fairly outdated and there are better ways to stall...which D_A knows far better than I do.
    Where's Anti's modding when you need it?

    Anyway, I don't do stall, but I know for a fact, that you want Reflect > W-o-W, because you have toxic spikes out and you don't want any status clashing.

    Next, you really have nothing that can absorb a trick user. I don't know what you could replace, but I'm sure you can work around it.

    Finally, your fat blob blob loses to anything that can create 101 subs. I'd consider using Flamethrower > Seismic Toss so you can take on the likes of Jirachi and Zone.

    For the record, Blissey beats Zone with any move it runs apart from suck bolt and terrible beam and sub mind Jirachi/anything with 101 hp subs beats Blissey no matter what soo.

    Hippowdons ev's are horrible. 252 HP / 168 Def / 88 S.Def or what anti said, doesnt really matter just use alot in def.

    What Anti said about tenta.

    Anyway this team is like a poor version of obi stall, im sorry but it is. You have no way to force them to switch. Stall is not about sitting back and doing nothing, you actually have to force them to switch and take residual damage which this team doesn't do because you have no PHazing moves what so ever apart from Taunt which really isnt going to help when you are against stuff like Curselax because that isnt forcing it to go anywhere. Whirlwind >> Taunt.

    That and you have no hope against last poke stat uppers with Rest. Put in something with either Perish Song, Trick, Taunt + Toxic, Encore or Curse (ghost typed Curse) to remedy this problem>> the useless Jolteon. Curse Tomb might go along way here that and is also beats Gengar/Rotom/dumb lead Azelfs for you.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Preventing the Offense. A stall story. [OU RMT]
    Calm Nature
    252 HP / 140 Def / 116 SpD
    ~ Curse
    ~ Will-O-Wisp
    ~ Rest
    ~ Dark Pulse

    Usually W-O-W + T-Spikes is um no, but i find this an exception because you need to cripple spinners i.e Forry and Tomb cant do anything to it otherwise lol. Im sure you know what it does. ^_^

    This Spiritomb set is best used on hardcore stall teams. On these teams, this Spiritomb set creates a "win condition", resulting in an inevitable loss for your opponent.

    Since many stall teams focus primarily on status, entry hazards, and phazing in order to win, taking down that last Pokemon may be difficult for your team. Something like Curse + Rest Registeel would be a nightmare for stall teams, since it takes negligible damage from entry hazards, cannot be infected with Toxic-esque poison (or any other status for very long, due to Rest), and cannot be phazed out if it is the last Pokemon your opponent has. Taking down Registeel may seem impossible for such a team, but Spiritomb's somewhat gimmicky move, Curse, creates a secondary status effect that will soundly KO Registeel.

    The other moves in this set act primarily as secondary options after Spiritomb's Curse has been inflicted. Will-O-Wisp adds a primary status to complement Curse's damage, while Rest helps bring Spiritomb back to full health after Curse takes half of its total HP. Rest also allows Spiritomb to "stack" Curses; by restoring Spiritomb's health, it can increase the secondary damage done by 25% for each Curse. Dark Pulse and Shadow Ball are mostly filler options to ensure Taunt doesn't kill off Spiritomb, although both attacks have useful secondary effects (Shadow Ball's Special Defense drop is more useful, although no Pokemon is immune to Dark Pulse)

    Basically. He did a good explanation of it when i suggested it to be added, that and it saves me time explaining it myself haha.

    "lol Lucario owns you" so i mean yeah, your going to want a check/counter to that too. Id recommend a REALLY heavily defensive Gliscor >> Hippowdon to help with this. Same set, but Roost >> Slack Off obv. The old D/P standard Gliscor would be great here.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Preventing the Offense. A stall story. [OU RMT]
    252 HP / 252 Def / 6 Speed
    Impish Nature
    - Stone Edge / Ice Fang
    - Stealth Rock
    - Roost
    - Earthquake

    As for Blissey, use S-Toss/Ice Beam/Toxic/Softboiled. Ice Beam mainly (even though its damn horrible) for Taunt Gliscor who otherwise kinda eats you that and it helps with Mixmence. Id also say this team doesn't really need Wish 5/6 of your members have instant recovery.

    Anyways to sum up the changes.

    Whirlwind Skarm
    Curse Tomb
    Thanks for the help, I knew there we problems, but that I was somewhat on the right track, so I didn't want to make bad changes and ruin my team. I'll put in those changes.
    Swampert will laugh in this teams face if you get rid of hp grass and flygon will stop this team in its tracks if it can get rid of hippowdon before it comes out.I love the tentacruel and to me its the perfect set.You are breaking the SKARM/BLISS clause with this team though and that is a clause that everybody use's these days so ide get ride of one of the two or prepair to battle noobs for the rest of your teams life.Other than that this teams pretty good.Also gliscor is a big threat to this team as well so look out for that with out hippo.
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    Swampert will laugh in this teams face if you get rid of hp grass and flygon will stop this team in its tracks if it can get rid of hippowdon before it comes out.

    Swampert is not a threat. Blissey owns it with Toxic. Skarm sets up Spikes, Rotom burns it. Toxic Spikes cripple it.

    Yes because Flygon can totally get past Skarm and Hippow lol. ~__~

    "once x is out of the way y will sweep" is not a valid point, since it can be said anything.

    You are breaking the SKARM/BLISS clause with this team though and that is a clause that everybody use's these days so ide get ride of one of the two or prepair to battle noobs for the rest of your teams life.

    What the hell ? Only noobs use this clause because they cant build teams so please do research before posting things like this. Its not a valid competitive clause, period and who ever uses this rule is a terrible battler.
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