Fell Stinger:
PBS moves.txt... Even if you already have this in your moves.txt, overwrite it or it may cause unexpected errors/bugs.
565,FELLSTINGER,Fell Stinger,[COLOR=Magenta]133[/COLOR],35,BUG,Physical,100,25,100,00,0,abef,Smart,"When the user knocks out a target with this move, the user's Attack stat rises sharply."
Remember, xxx, needs to be the move's ID number.
PokeBattle_MoveEffects, scroll right to the bottom, line
Any I create from now on will go below this one.
# User increases it's attack stat by 2 stages if opponent faints.
class PokeBattle_Move_[COLOR=Magenta]133[/COLOR] < PokeBattle_Move
def pbEffect(attacker,opponent,hitnum=0,alltargets=nil,showanimation=true)
return super(attacker,opponent,hitnum,alltargets,showanimation) if @basedamage>0
return -1 if !attacker.pbCanIncreaseStatStage?(PBStats::ATTACK,true)
return ret ? 0 : -1
def pbAdditionalEffect(attacker,opponent)
if (attacker.pbCanIncreaseStatStage?(PBStats::ATTACK,false) && opponent.hp<=0)
return true
The pink parts need to be the same number, I'm not sure what people have made so...
As I'm not fully aware of any moves that are similar to GenVI, in any Gen, I'll probably make new effects for any I make and to add, I'm going to go down the list in the order it is on Bulbapedia, so if anyone is doing a move that is next or close to next, in ascending order, let me know so I don't do that one... I see many people doing abilities, so I'll stick to the moves... On a quick note, some moves need another move to work, so I'll miss these ones and come back to them.