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:: Certified Granblue Fantasy Nerd ::
  • 958

    Based upon the Pokémon RéBURST manga.

    -Nattoppet- & -The Winner Is-

    GM'd by Songbird and [supporter]ℛesolution ❦[/supporter]


    There are FIVE spots open

    INDEX - For The Sake of Simpler Browsing.
    1. [alink id=TODAY]TODAY[/alink id]
    2. [alink id=RULES]RULES[/alink id]
    3. [alink id=CHAPTERS]CHAPTERS[/alink id]

    This is the IC Thread for RéBURST RéBOOT. All SU sheets and discussions go in the OOC Thread.

    [a id]TODAY[/a id]TODAY

    The sun rising on the horizon marks the beginning of a new day. But not any kind of day. Today, you will recieve your first Pokémon, a Pokédex and some Pokéballs. Your delusions journey of grandeur will unfold. You will fight leaders, or win contests. You may end up involved with the mysterious Team Gaia, as well as the Burst Hearts.

    As it just so happens, you are one of the myriad descendants of the Burst Warriors that inhabited the land of Hoenn thousands of years ago. You may be able to follow their tradition, but even if this isn't so, you will still play a key role as the malefic Team Gaia wreaks havoc around the land for apparently no reason.

    [a id]RULES[/a id]RULES

    =>All Forum-wide Rules and Roleplay Corner rules apply.

    =>No, and I mean, absolutely NO godmodding is allowed, period. Bunnying is only allowed when the bunnied player gives consent.

    =>All extended interactions between multiple RPers should be dealt by way of joint posts. This includes battles.

    =>Stay active. Don't drop this RP like it's hot. We don't ask for a post per day, but do post AT LEAST once a week. Let us know if you'll be unable to post. We certainly can understand when real life gets in the way; just let us know. Otherwise you'll be booted out of this RP and your character will be handed their death on a silver platter. (We mean this literally.)

    => Add to your character's history that someone went "er mah gerd" at some point.

    =>Exceptions on characters are allowed (i.e. a character that didn't recieve a Pokémon from the Professor, some mutant Gaia experiment, etc...) However, they have to be discussed with the GM before hand, as well as recieve their approval.

    =>The OOC Thread is for discussion of the RP. The IC Thread is for the actual posting. 'Nuff said.

    => Respect everyone. Problems that arise between RPers are to be brought upon the GM in PRIVATE, so this thread doesn't turn into a lame version of Laguna Beach.

    [a id]CHAPTERS[/a id]CHAPTERS

    --- ACT 01 - DEUS EX MACHINA ---​

    CHAPTER ONE - Fairnorth in the Fair South

    CHAPTER TWO - We On Our Way!
    Mauville City - Shining Bright Like A Diamond
    Mia: Waves Gently Lapping
    The return of Jeff Miles! This city... it should not... BE
    Romantically Forcing More Forceful Romance on Defenseless Characters
    No matter how hard sexy narrators push romance, pokemon need Pokemon Centers.
    Nami: Emotional Reunion
    Mia: Emotions or Whatever
    Seth: Witness the Weedle Revolution, and as a result run for the hills
    GM Reply for Seth
    Imoen: Ask for ice cream
    Seth: Arbitrarily decide that everything is directed by Michael Bay- oh wait there's no explosions
    Catching Meloira... Or, Meloira catching herself, rather
    Nami: Vs. Clauncher
    Nami's Reply + Plot Device
    Seth: Deus Ex Machina, or "Life Sucks." They're interchangeable.
    Imoen: Greatest Post in Existence
    Mia: RéBURST's First Battle Begins!
    Nami: The Second Battle Begins, Too!
    Jeff Miles: They...they didn't say there were hordes...oh the humanity.
    Jeffrey's Reply + Plot Device
    Imoen: Some Post With Cahoots. Cahoots, I tell you! Cahoots!
    Seth: Encounter Mauville... and a salesman?
    Protagon-itis: A rare condition where a person receives divine protection from the gods (and sexy narrator(s)) of a specific universe until they've done all they need to do, also see "Plot Armor" "Miraculous Survival" and "Main Character BS"
    Mia: The Astonishing Finale Of RéBURST's First Official Trainer Battle

    Last edited:
    Chapter 01: Fairnorth in the Fair South. Shut up; I know it's stupid, but don't blame me.

    "It was all so long ago... The Trainers, the Warriors, the Legendary Pokémon, the League, and then, as fast as you can tell, everyone's forgotten about it. Eh, guess you can't help it, now, can ya? That's what happens with life. You do something that makes people remember you for five seconds before turning back to another episode of Teen Zorua or whatever.

    Our story is a long one, and if it's meant to be understood, then it's meant to be told from the very beginning. In a dark time that I like to refer to as...

    A year ago."​

    Real Theme:

    An island. Fairnorth. In the south. Yes, it's very stupid. No, I don't know why they named it that... Whose story is this? That's right. Mine. Now shut up and listen.

    "C'mon Professar, Where gonna be laaaaaait!" An excited teenager of questionable accent and equal skills in the talking department was seen exclaiming as she ran across crowded streets. Her hands containing folders of all sizes and color, labels of all kinds as she tried to get to the plaza in time. Limbs gracefully swinging amidst the increasing crowds of the Central Square as the green-eyed teenager of peachy skin and short black hair finally reaches the undeniable center of the island: a statue of great height beginning like a simple pole as it twists around with its peak being in the shape of a Rayquaza's mouth.

    "I'm coming, Dalia, jeez!" A calm, young female is seen a few meters behind her, amongst a few bushes and chairs dotted around the statue and the fountain that encompasses the stone construction, "Excuse me, allow me to pass, sir, thank you. Excuse me. Sorry." Her long, black hair sways along as she slowly, but steadily reaches her young assistant, blue eyes examining the surrounding with intense curiosity.

    "I'm excited, Professor, I just can't hide it, I--" bursting jeers, annoying speech.

    "Yes, yes, we're all excited, now let's just wait, be quiet, and not say a thing, okay?"

    "... Okay." And as they both stood quiet, arms crossed, their only companion was the pouring rain of the fountain behind them. Where are they? The trainers...​

    iSlE De fAiRnOrTh
    "Compass Turnaround"​

    Your first stop in the new and improved region of Hoenn. Fairnorth stands a considerable distance away from Mauville City, with ships and tiny boats serving as the only connection between the two. Several places within the Isle are also accessible only if one has got a ship to travel with. Fairnorth is roughly shaped like a crescent moon, with the endless sea surrounding it all with beautiful sights and a constant humid and salty air. The island is dotted with building in increasing amounts as the center of it is closer with green areas being the perimeter of this industrialized island until the reserve is reached. The reserve is a facility located north of the island where one will find an ideal amount of exotic Pokémon which are being preserved for our future generations. More info on this area and the island's layout below:​

    the STREETS
    Like with any city, there are streets. They come in all widths and shapes, ones being straight forward and some curvy. Heck, some ones even go up and down in this hella crazy place! You will find PokéMart and other stablishments almost in every street so your supplies shouldn't be running short if you have the money. All the streets of the city connect one way or another with the Central Square.​

    the SQUARE
    Is it a circle? Is it a triangle? No! It's the square! Several neatly aligned bushes and chair that make a wide circle should be the key to know you're here. A street that goes around the square serves as a connector of all other roads on the city, so expect a lot of people over here! The beautifully made floors of stiff tiles of bright rock-like patterns encompass a fountain, and in the middle of it there's a statue. It is shaped as a simple pole that swirls and twists as it take on the shape of a Rayquaza, with its mouth —the peak — being the source of the water.​

    the RESERVE
    You won't reach this specific section of the island until you've met with the Professor. It is a wide forest with a facility that built a gate around it to better keep malicious passersby away from it. entrance here is restricted to a few figures of authority. More info will be provided when you eventually reach this place.​

    1.1 - When We First Came Here...​
    Your location: You arrived via ship, or maybe you were taken by someone else by some other means? Be as creative explaining how you got here. (If you're not, Birdy is at liberty to "accidentally" bump you into the water, even if you're a mile inland.) You must explore and may shape the island as you wish with your own descriptions of places and locales. When you reach the square, greet the Professor and her assistant, and maybe notice that there are other Trainers — should there be more when you arrive — and wait for a GM's reply.

    Those who did not receive a Pokémon by other means: through your own shenanigans you are also here. You will explore the island and one way or another you will end up meeting the Professor in the square. You will also wait for my reply as I move us all to the exit of Fairnorth and the beginning of your very own adventure! >:D​

    ((OOC: Why yes, there certainly are several typos in this post. No, I won't fix them, it looks exotic this way ;] Kidding, I might get to an adequate proofreading of this... eventually.))​

    Jeff Miles
    Chapter 1: A legend begins!....Of a sort anyways.

    Jeff stepped off of the ship and looked around in awe of Isle De Fairnorth and the irony of the name was lost on him as he gazed at the setup of the city. "Wow, this is the weirdest looking city of all time, look all the different elevations of buildings and the people are of all sorts...hmm okay, whatdo'ya say we head towards the square Buddy? There should be directions to the boat that goes to Mauville around there somewhere, then we can go meet that professor." A thick set little bear-like creature with a giant mouth that led to a bottomless pit smiled at him and opened it's mouth and voiced it's opinion eagerly. "Munch! munch-munch-Lax!" Romanov the happy little munch lax payed little attention to the city and just followed his best friend in the world happily, thinking of what they would eat the whole while.

    Jeff looked forlornly at his one pokeball, he hadn't risked buying more than one with the money his parents had given him. What with his own metabolism and Romanov's being...well, a Munchlax it would be expensive enough just feeding themselves. Speaking of food, Jeff's belly was rumbling, and he didn't have to ask Romanov if he felt like eating, so when he smelled a wonderful fried aroma he followed it to the heavenly and greasy establishment from whence it came. They came out with Jeff shaking one of his pockets and being very disappointed at how little jingle-jangling there was. "How does a pokemon trainer make a living anyways? Do contests and gyms have prize money? If so we'd better train hard and start winning at things quick Romanov, or we're gonna starve!" He took out the debit card his parents had lent him for emergencies and decided to check how much it had, when he found an ATM he slid the card in and gasped aloud at what the screen said. "Where the hell did all this come from?" The ATM said his accounts current balance was, well a lot at least a LOT for a boy his age to spend, he saw a little bit of text in the corner of the screen and when he looked closer he smirked at what it said. Your parents may not have accepted our money, or wanted us to spoil you but now that you're on your own there's nothing they can do about it! ^_^ Besides, you'll need money for food, pokemon food, pokeballs, survival materials and renting rooms, so here, do great things Jay! - Grandmother and Grandad.

    Jeff strolled through the many different streets of the town aimlessly for a while longer, in pure bliss at the fact that he wasn't going to starve to death on a rainy plain with no blanket. Many people stared at him and Romanov, it's not all that common for a trainer to just walk around with their pokemon but Jeff saw Romanov as his best friend too, and besides it get's lonely surrounded by people who have no interest in talking to you somewhere you've never been before. Jeff's mind wandered, subconsciously beating back the cacophony of noise around him. I wonder what the first trainer I battle will use? I hope it's somethings strong oh I can't wait! I'm really a trainer, one day maybe I'll even make it to the pokemon league and battle the Elite Four! Hmmm...if the Elite four are so famous how come I've never seen them on TV? Just heard about their battles, nobody I've asked seems to know who they are, but they're prominent trainers throughout the world...surely someone must know them.

    His grandparents' generous donation inspired him to splurge just a bit, so Jeff went into a book store when he saw it and bought A Tale of Ninetails and The Mysteries of Mew to read himself to sleep at night. When he got out he was alert again and on his way to the square he heard strange comments from some of the other travelers around him. Remarks like "Know-it-all, I don't need some big fancy degree and a lab to be an expert on Pokemon, I grew up with 'em!" Or "I can't believe she came here of all places, what does she want with our town, nothing ever happens here." He began to wonder who they were talking about, in his moment of density he walked right into the square, bumping into several people and not realizing he was there yet. He saw a flash of white through the crowd, some woman wearing what could only be described as a a lab coat. He continued to walk through the crowd towards her. Could she be the one all the fuss is about? His suspicions were confirmed in his eyes when Romanov immediately ran up to her and started rubbing his head against and hugging her leg. "Excuse me ma'am, are you the pokemon professor from Mauville I heard about?"
    Unit 1 ~ Enter Mikoto Kawasaki
    I can never get it tucked just right... Mikoto thought to himself as he impatiently untucked the front five and a half inches of his charcoal gray cardigan into his pants. This was a style that Mikoto had adapted from his absolute idol in the grace that is Morty, a Gym Leader from the Johto region. Mikoto often found himself trying to emulate Morty to a certain extent in spite of being satisfied with his ego self-inflated to the state that he believes himself to be at the peak of trending fashion. I could top this off with a scarf...? Mikoto ponders, having given up with tucking in the front of his cardigan. No, I'm sure it'll be far too warm there for all that. Even the cardigan is a stretch!

    Mikoto sauntered over to the bed juxtaposed awkwardly close to the door leading from his quarters into the ship's main hallway. He reached down for the watch on the end of the comforter. Slowly attaching it to his wrist, the ship's horns blared, signifying the approach to land. In the event, the ship was rocked, sending Mikoto rolling on the floor. He ended in a heap, slamming his head into the closet door and making a mess of the left side of his hair. "Oh my... I spent hours working on that this morning and now it's all ruined!" He ran his hand throw the left portion of his hair smoothly, yet with everything but patience. When the ship's horn obnoxiously blared for a second time, and a third, Mikoto knew that the place was nearly cleared and he needed to collect his things and quickly hurry out. He finished compiling his supplies - mainly his hair care products, a potion he found sitting on the bed when he arrived, and a Poke Ball with a seal of some sort across the button - into his backpack and rushed out the door of his quarters.

    * * *

    After stepping off the ship and exiting the dock, Mikoto didn't dive headfirst into the raucous, tumultuous crowds of everyday life in Isle de Fairnorth. Instead, he decided to take a nice stroll down the boardwalk of the city which, in hindsight, was still filled to the brim with adults walking with their children, noisy children by themselves running around causing scenes here and there, and Pokemon running wild behind said children, firing off random attacks into the distance. Mikoto could only wonder how someone hadn't been injured by a stray Ember or Water Gun by now, considering the disarray. The walk was still enjoyable regardless, as on the other half of his field of vision was a pristine landscape of sparkling ocean, the occasional Gorebyss dolphin-diving out of the water and back in, shimmering in sunlight that danced gracefully across the droplets of water. Mikoto would be satisfied just being able to sit and watch said movements for hours on end; nothing was more serene than the naturality of Pokemon. In spite of being somewhat apprehensive about surrounding himself in Pokemon, being able to experience the beauty of what he was watching now was alright in his book. As soon as he found a somewhat quiet spot on the boardwalk, he also spotted an ATM adjacent to an ice cream shop. He decided to withdraw some pocket change for use while in the city, such as to buy the cone of vanilla ice cream he was now pleasantly enjoying. In a second, Mikoto found the ice cream to be toppling over in the other direction and immediately started licking it to repair the symmetry of the figure. The one-eyed old man across the ice cream counter noticed Mikoto's odd movements and spoke out to him. "Hey, boy, you don't look like you're from here - what're you doing around these parts?" He asked skeptically. Mikoto gave him a half turn of the head for his sudden inquiry, but continued to answer anyway. "I'm just here to meet someone," is all Mikoto offered as an answer and turned, walking away briskly.

    Mikoto decided to finally walk down one of the short streets that lead into the square of the city. The plaza was absolutely bustling with people and Mikoto had to keep his focus and calm to not lose his footing from the many flailing limbs and cloth and denim about around him. On the blurry horizon, Mikoto could see a blinding white lab coat billowing in the wind that Mikoto couldn't feel himself through the wall of people cutting around him. In his now urgent haste, Mikoto started tearing through the wall, almost finding enough momentum to run, but said momentum caused him to explode from the crowd and slide on his knees toward the center of the square. When he looked up from his accident, he was staring into the brilliant eyes of the professor.​
    I stood on the beach angered that I had missed my boat. I chucked shells and rocks at the vessel, and cursed angrily. Some of the families enjoying their time looked up at me in disappointment, and annoyance. "Keep it down girl! There are kids here!" One man yelled.

    "Shut up ya geezer!" I spat venomously, not even looking in his direction, continuing with my throwing.

    'I said stop." I heard very close behind me. It was kind of like a low growl, intimidating. So much so, that I didn't hesitate to twist while swinging my elbow into his stomach. I hit him hard enough to make him recoil, then I sweep kicked him into the sand, twisting his arm behind him. "Ahh." He said painfully. "Get off." I looked at him and saw he wasn't nearly that big, and his voice was nothing but bark. I guessed he must have been some desk guy with absolutely minimal work-outs. Needless to say, he went down way too easy.

    "Don't sneak up behind me." I said loudly, "I don't like people who stand behind me." I felt a tap on my back and I turned around, very mad. "What did I just say?!"

    A male a little older than some kids my age stood smiling brightly, as if nothing was wrong, or maybe more like as if he was watching his little sibling learn to ride a back. "Excuse me." He said politely "But don't you think you are causing trouble?"

    "This perverted creep walked up behind me and growled in my ear!" I replied.

    "It looked like you were causing a commotion, and when this man asked him to stop, you insulted him." The boy was very polite, and if it wasn't for the fact that I was extremely angry, I would've probably been polite back. "Don't you think you should be embarrassed by the scene you are making?"

    "What do I care what these people think?" I answered, "None of them are going to get me to that island." Still, I decided to let the man go. He said some distasteful words, and went to the ocean to clean the sand off his face. I was pretty sure he was red as a beet.

    I looked at the boy who was naturally caramel skinned and a bit taller than me. He stood there with an air of importance, and it seemed like he didn't come here with a family. "You are a pretty strong young lady." He said, offering his hand to help me up.

    I didn't take it and jumped up, "I can stand without your help thank you." I dusted the sand off my clothes, I wasn't dressed for the beach at all. "I should be strong, I train every day. Something I doubt you do." Though, since he was dressed for the beach, I could see that he probably did work out.

    "I can assure you, I train most days with my growlithe." He replied, still smiling. "What is your pokemon?"

    "I don't have one yet." I replied. "That's why I have to get to that stupid island." I was trying to think of ways to get across, I thought about swimming there. "Exactly how far is it?"

    "A few miles I'd say." He said rubbing his chin. "Though since you have the spirit of fire, I will help you get across!" When he said spirit of fire, I became conflicted between punching him, walking away, or straight up laughing. The way he said it was so spirited that I thought he thought I was the chosen one or something. "Absolutely! You train hard without a pokemon, I'm sure with one you could be a hundred times stronger! You will burn with power!" He went on an entire rant about hard work, and how great it was. I ignored him and began walking toward the water. I dipped my hand in, and was glad to see it was warm. I began to strip before I felt a hand on my shoulder. I twisted around to elbow the offender, but he blocked it with his free hand. "You can't just strip down here!" That boy said, "There are children here, and you are a developed female." That comment made me red, and quickly jerked around to high kick him. He blocked that one and held my leg. "Did I not promise I would help you?"

    "Who are you calling developed?" I said, trying to increase the power in the kick. He struggled to hold it, though he didn't really change his stupid happy face.

    "If I call you childish and young, would that be better?"

    I grunted, "I guess not." After I stopped trying to clock him, he let go of my leg and I stomped it into the sand. "How are you going to get me there?"

    "It just so happens." He started, "That I have a small motorboat. I have business on that island myself, though as a trainer, I don't usually have time to vacation, so I took a break here."

    "Sounds too convenient to me." I replied, "You're probably some guy trying to hit on me. I bet you looked up my dress when you blocked my kick."

    The boy laughed, "Probably." He answered, angering me. "Though I wouldn't flatter yourself too much, I merely admire your spirit." He pointed to the docks, my boat is over there, I could get you across fairly quickly, and it wouldn't bother me much at all. Consider it my good karma for the day."

    "Didn't you say you were vacationing here?" I said, a bit guilty that I may have been interrupting his beach hang out.

    "I get to come back if what I'm looking for isn't on that island."

    "Well fine then," I said, "by the way, my name is Sara." I reached out to respectfully, though disgusted, shake his hand.

    "Cinder is my name." He shook my hand back, "New trainer and treasure hunter. Why don't we be on our way then?" He walked toward the docks, apparently having walked all the way to the beach with nothing but his swimming trunks and sandals. I followed him to the boat and saw that it was basically a canoe with a motor on the back. To top it off, he had a lot of items in the boat, like half of the boat was crowded with them.

    "Uh, there is a lot of stuff in there." I pointed out.

    "Nothing breakable, you can sit anywhere." The only open seat was near the motor, so Cinder could steer, other than that I had to choose between standing, sitting uncomfortably on the things he had, or sitting next to him on the open seat. He got in, and I chose to stand.

    The ride took way too long, and Cinder kept going on about the will of fire, and the burning passion he had of hard work and determination. He talked about how many times he climbed Mt. Pyrite, then about how many times he did it one handed. Then he talked about how he once carried twenty crates of pokemon food to the daycare couple. By the time he finished talking about himself, we were at the island, and I was ready to get off the boat.

    "Thank you for the ride," I said, bowing graciously, mostly because I was thanking arceus for getting me off that boat. "I have to go now!" I said running off.

    "If you need a ride back, you can find me at a coffee store in about three hours, or meet me here in four. I'll leave as soon as the sun starts to set." He yelled behind me, anchoring the boat.

    "Uh, ok." I called back. I ran through the city, weaving through the people, not slowing down. Eventually I got to the square and saw the person I was looking for. There was a kid who fell in front of the professor, just looking at her, and another stupidly asking if she was the professor. I wanted to knock em both into the ocean, though I remembered being told that I shouldn't be so judging since Hoenn was a pretty safe region. Instead I grabbed the slim boy by the collar, and set him on his feet. The effort wasn't that much, this guy wasn't fat, nor did he have any muscle. I couldn't help but think this region was full of softies.

    "Don't fall for the professor." I said, "And don't just lay there silently." I figured this kid was probably either shy or foolish. I I held my hand out to the professor, "I'm Sara Lain, from the Orre region." I said as politely as I could.
    Nami Tange

    Nami took a moment to admire the view from the side of the boat. The sun was glittering on the water, and a cool sea breeze played with her hair. In the air, Wingulls called out to each other, their shrill cacophony just background noise. It was all extremely peaceful and relaxing. Then Nami checked the time. The peaceful illusion was instantly shattered.

    She quickly left the boat, trying not to be absorbed into the crowd. Finding a place relatively free of tourists and citizens, she took a moment to get her bearings. Why would they build a city like this? she wondered, looking at all the buildings of so vastly different heights. It's so inefficient.

    She knew who she was looking for, but finding that same person could be difficult, especially in a city this size. Well, she thought, I definitely won't find her if I just stand her!

    She followed a road deeper into the city, taking time to browse a shop whenever one caught her eye. She didn't actually buy anything, not wanting to waste her money on non-essentials. However, the browsing did do something to occupy her time, making sure she didn't get bored for too long while searching for the professor

    Exiting the area where the buildings were more densely packed, she continued following the road until it branched into smaller streets. Choosing one at random, she followed it until it expanded into a square. Looking across the square she saw a tall woman who matched the picture she had seen of the professor. She was standing by a young man with a Munchlax, and a young man wearing a cardigan, who had fallen on his face. Nami watched as a young women walked over to the the fallen young man and lift him up by his collar. She then, almost gently, placed him on his feet.

    Walking over to the older woman, she saw the young woman who had picked up the young man talking to the professor. Tapping the woman on her shoulder Nami said politely, "Excuse me, are you Professor Tularosa? I'm Nami Tange. I'm here to get a Pokemon."

    The typical streets of iSlE De fAiRnOrTh were, obviously, not so typical at all, with their twisty lines and their straight curves, which often left a few of them more vacant than others. Sometimes this was an advantage, such as for cyclists who wanted a good speed boast, and sometimes it was very little of an advantage for anyone, such as the streets with speedbumps so tall that one could see through the window of the local model, Lyrica Vian, while she was taking a shower.

    In the case of Imoen's arrival, it was very much the former, as very few people were wandering the street that turned in a never-ending loop, so one could walk for hours and never get anywhere. Which meant that nobody was present to have their bones crushed by the rapidly falling girl, who, even as she came closer to the ground, was holding her wildly flailing Magikarp as it unleashed a jet of water from its maw.

    Imoen collided with the ground at a greatly reduced pace, the weakening water jet of Magikarp slowing her descent enough so that she simply landed softly in a puddle and got pockets full of water for inconveniencing the ground. Her Magikarp disappeared into a burst of red light, as it returned to her Pokeball, leaving the perfectly plain-looking girl to ponder the decisions that led her to this, but mostly to wait for her eyes to stop being crossed.

    It was meant to be a fairly ordinary day, wandering the road and finding other Pokemon to beat up with her fish Pokemon, when her Magikarp had suddenly started acting strangely, leaking water from its mouth while she held it by the tail. She poked and prodded it to no end, sitting in the middle of a field, until she was ambushed by a Diglett! Her body tensing into a rage almost immediately, she hefted Ni, for that was her Magikarp's name, over her shoulder, but, when she gripped its body for a swing, it instead released a massive burst of water; it had learned hydro pump and launched her across the world!

    The Diglett had never seen a stranger sight than the teenager blasting across the sky with a Magikarp clutched to her chest. "I should lay off the drugs..." It squeaked, heading home to apologize to its girlfriend and finally move out of that hole in the ground. He got his life back on track and grew to be a wealthy Dugtrio with all the shiny rocks money could buy.

    But this is not his story, and Imoen was hurled across the sky for ten minutes before finally landing on the iSlE De fAiRnOrTh and only getting a few looks from the small amount of people that tended to visit Spiral Street. They were in no rush to help her, presumably they saw things like it all the time, and, after a few long minutes of rest, Imoen got to her feet, brushed off her limbs and began to look for where she was. A sign told her the location and, with that, she decided it was best to find the local Pokemon Professor. Surely she would be able to help her. If not, there were probably some Trainers lurking about, like they always were.

    The wet young woman was stared at a few times as she made her way to the Six-Sided Die Facing Towards The Camera, to which she just smiled politely and got on with her day. It didn't take long to find her way to said Square, and her soft blue eyes soon found the Professor, who was surrounded by Trainers already. She would wait in line, but they all seemed to be crowding her anyway, so Imoen decided that it would be best to approach and make the kerffufle larger. It would probably be amusing, at least, and she had a good story to tell to break the ice!

    Imoen retrieved Ni from her Pokeball and approached Professor Florence, holding the Pokemon flat on both palms and walking towards her. The young woman, wet ginger hair sticking to the sides of her face, just walked up to the Professor and stared at her, mouth slightly agape, while Ni made a similar expression.​
    As if by magic, Trainers began to arrive the moment the Professor began to wonder when they would arrive.

    First was Jeff Miles and a Munchlax of an unrelenting hunger. He simply walked towards her and greeted Florence, asking if she was the Professor.

    "Well, sonny-boy, doesn't the lab coat give me away? Indeed, I am the Professor! You must be Jeff!"

    Next was Mikoto Kawasaki, who made a much better first impression by sliding across the square in his knees.

    "You literally just fell for the Professar!" replied Dalia amongst jeers before being shhh'd by the Professor herself.

    The latter proceeded, "Well, you just made quite a first impression, Mikoto."

    A rather rude girl was soon to follow, mocking Mikoto and even taking him by the shirt before placing him on his feet. "You must be Sara," answered the professor. "I've heard several... interesting, stories about you."

    Another young girl with her mind already set joined the party soon, introducing herself as Nami.

    Finally, yet another girl, who was making the same expression as her Magikarp. "You two must be Imoen and Ni!"

    "The Professar is very savy in severaul subjicts," Dalia started again with her ever-so-classic cheerful tone. "Her knauwing almaust everything abaut you should nout reelly come as a surpraise!"

    "Dalia, please, stop ruining all the fun and surprises!" she spit in both laughter and rage. Sometimes Dalia tells too much. "Anyhoot," the Professor continued, "I should give you what you came here for!"

    Extending her arms like a TV show announcer, Dalia swiftly threw a red curtain in front of them, which blocked their sight just long enough for Professor Florence to deploy a collapsable table with some Pokéballs and PokéDexes encased on top. Embossed into each pair's box was the name of a trainer, designating to whom each set belonged. For some trainers — namely, those who didn't already have a Pokémon — there was a sixth Pokéball in the labeled box, rather than only five, and it contained a Pokémon that the Professor absolutely knew was perfect for them, whether they themselves knew it or not.

    "We're still waiting on a few more people, but I figure you could have your Pokémon and gadgets already!"

    "Hiir yu go!", says Dalia as she steps aside and allows the Trainers to walk to their boxes, "This kentain the POKAYDEEEEX... " she holds the Dex that corresponds to Jeff high in the air before proceeding, "Rigistriered Trademarkz!" she puts the Dex down and grabs a Pokéball from Mikoto's, "And this is a POKAAAYBAULLS... No restrcitcitons appulied." and finally she leaves all your belongings in peace.

    "Anyhow..." the Professor adds after a sigh, "Inside those boxes are Visitor passes for the local reserve, y'know, the forest surrounded by huge iron walls at top of town? That's the one. This will allow you to cross and also catch one Pokémon. There's no fun in preserving them if you can't fight with them, right?"

    The Visitor Pass is a small card the size of a trading card, the color of blue berries and with a yellow V embossed in it. Take your stuff, bid your farewells, explore town a while, and then go to the reserve. A security guard shall be waiting, show him your pass, and he will introduce a code on the door's lock. You will enter and end your post. I will retake once you're there.
    Jeff was stunned into silence for a moment when the professor made it clear she knew who he was and then made what sounded like an old joke about herself. "You know who I am? But wait I haven't done anything to be known by a stranger..." Then some kind fashion-diva-looking guy powerslid halfway across the plaza to them, prompting a bad pun from the professor's assistant. Before he could say anything the professor revealed his name was Mikoto Kawasaki, and immediately afterward some angry looking girl stomped up to them and lifted Mikoto up by his shirt and set him right. Someone's got an attitude problem...I hope we don't all have to travel together, that guy looks pretty nice but her... Another girl, made much cuter by the fact that she wasn't already insulting somebody, and apparently named Nami, showed up and greeted the professor in much the same manner as him. Next was another cute girl with...A Magikarp? She's just carrying it around like a club, is that how she battles? Oh man I don't wanna battle that thing when it's a Gyrados, unless of course Romanov has evolved by then.

    Apparently Prof. Tularosa knew they would all be there and other things as well, and what's more she was waiting for them. The professor's aide pulled a red curtain seemingly out of nowhere, set it up and he began to hear noises like something being set up. What have I gotten myself into? When the curtain opened there were red and pink devices on a table alongside trays of pokeballs. "Oh, pokedexes! Awesome!." They were all labeled and apparently the one the professor showed off was his, when she offered it to him he grabbed it with obvious excitement and pointed it at Romanov, it sprang to live and made noises. "Munchlax: the Big Eater pokemon; In it's deperation to eat, it forgets about the food it has hidden under it's fur." He looked closer at Romanov "You hide food underneath your fur?" The Munchlax looked back at him blankly for a moment and shrugged it's shoulders before pulling an oran berry out of it's fur and eating it. "Then why did I spend money at that restaurant? Aw you glutton." He gathered up the pokeballs from his tray and clipped them one by one on his belt with Romanov's, which he could recognize apart from the others because of the sticker of a drumstick on it.

    When Jay received his visitor's pass he couldn't really stand to wait any longer. "Alright then, I'm off! I'll keep in touch from pokemon Centers professor, and thanks again! I know we're not exactly a group, but if anybody wants to go with me instead of on their own feel free!" With that he and Romanov dashed off, following signs towards the reserve. He didn't stop anywhere else, he had seen plenty of the town and it's enigmatic structure already. When he made it to the reserve he was surprised by the big grandiose wall with what appeared to be electrodes all over it. Strolling to the guard Jay offered his visitor's pass, the man took it and dipped his hat after the machine confirmed it was genuine. "Alright, you're good to go kid, good luck on your journey." The guard punched a code in on a console and the door opened, on his way in Jay waved back to the man while Romanov waddled ecstatically behind him. Alright I'm on my own pokemon journey! First I gotta catch a second pokemon, and then gyms-a-and contests and then the pokemon league! I won't let anything stop me!

    With the conversation that immediately followed her arrival, Imoen feels slightly like she's been brushed into one big group, of which she's unaware. And she didn't even get the Professor to diagnose whatever it was Ni had done, so she plopped a treat into Ni's mouth and recalled her to the Pokeball stuffed into a jean pocket. She'd probably just to try to do the same thing again at some point, but with more bracing and less landing in strange lands where one of the women talks funny and makes her feel slightly uncomfortable by pushing her into a group she's unfamiliar with.

    It was probably some kind of cult, she thought. Maybe that would have been bad, but Imoen just shrugged her shoulders and nodded along, while her imagination got away from her. Maybe a cult to the moist softness of blue eyes. Being quite normal, the young woman's thought process for imagination didn't go on for too long, and she politely listened to the Professor and her Apprentice's speech. They were quite flashy, so that made her smile, as showmanship is always something to enjoy, especially to cheer her up after landing back-first in a strange place.

    Once permission had been granted to take a hold of their inscribed items, Imoen took a few steps forward and lifted out the curious PokeDex. She pushed a few buttons to see what they would do and held the identifier up towards Professor Florence. The screen was blank for a few moments before lighting up with her silhouette and the flashing word "Hottie!". It was probably broken, Imoen reasoned to herself, so she'd have to get that fixed up later. Somebody at the reserve likely knew what gave her the Hottie app.

    Without any place to hold the Pokeballs and equipment properly, Imoen jammed them all into the pockets of her jeans and the jacket wrapped around her waist. Better to stay quiet than make herself look like an idiot in front of a bunch of stranger that she'd be getting...a free hotel trip with. With that realization, a beaming grin came to her lips; everything is better when it's free! And there might be something nice for her, too, like room service and an event or two.

    The Magikarpzooka was only getting better and better.

    "Thank you, Professor Florence, and you too, Dalla." Imoen looked each in the eyes as she thanked them, and offered her hand for them to shake as though she completely knew what she was doing. She could ask people at the Reserve what was going on, and not hurt the people's feelings. "I think I'll go to the Reserve now, and catch up with you all later!" She didn't know that, but said it anyway, and made sure that it didn't feel like she was rudely walking out before turning to leave.

    Somebody ran off with an invitation to join him, another of the trainers, but she decided that walking would be best for her. She was still a bit fatigued from screaming for ten straight minutes, and walking would let her get to know the area better. After a good few minutes of getting slightly lost, and buying some bubble gum to keep herself busy, she found her way to the Reserve and winced slightly at the sight of the security guard. They always made her uncomfortable; why not a Pokemon?

    Imoen kept looking at the man to maintain eye contact, making small talk as she flashes him the trainer card and he let her through with little fuss. Finally, she could ask some questions, get some hotel service, and maybe send a message to her friends and family about how she'd gone a little further than expected on her trip. Everything would probably turn out okay; she had Ni, after all.​

    A cool, refreshing breeze was blowing through the air, while beautiful, blue waves caressed the docks' legs. Mia was sound asleep on a hard and uncomfortable bench parked on the side of one of Mauville's many docks. It was surprisingly empty, with a few private boats on each side of her and a single Ferry docked at the end of the pier. The ferry was a large, white and blue ship, which was about to finish accepting passengers. Mia was supposed to board this boat around twenty minutes before, but instead of waking up like she wanted to, her mind decided that it'd be a better idea to keep sleeping. The ferry's whistle bellowed throughout the docks, waking her up immediately. She pushed herself off the bench, before glancing to the left of where she sat.

    What Mia saw sparked her into action, quickly making sure she had everything she arrived with before speeding off towards the end of the pier. "Nonononono..." She muttered while running, hoping that the ship wouldn't get too far before she reached it. Unfortunately for her, the boat had gotten too far and she was too late. But Mia was determined to reach Fairnorth, so she stepped back about 10 metres to get a good run up. Because if the boat wasn't going to wait for her, then she was going to catch it. Her feet pushed against the wooden planks of the dock as Mia vigorously picked up speed. As soon as she reached the ledge Mia leapt straight into the ice cold water. Or would've.

    As she jumped towards the water, two strong hands grabbed onto the back of her shirt, stopping her. "Are ya tryin to get yourself killed young lady?" A rough voice said, which she presumed was the one of the man who grabbed her. "What? How does going for a swim count as killing yourself?" She asked back, genuinely confused by what he said. The man struggled with the act of pulling Mia back up, but he remained silent until she was safely up. "First of all, the water is beyond cold, and second this particular pier just so happens to be a hotspot for those wanting to catch Carvanha. So ya would've frozen to death or been eaten alive." The man looked to be in his late 40's, with a stubble for a beard, a blue and white baseball cap and shirt.

    "I guess I should thank you... I really wasn't trying to kill myself mister, I just needed to catch that boat and now..." The man's expression quickly changed when he heard that she was trying to swim to the boat that had just departed. It was changed from mild anger to laughter, he found what she was going to do absolutely hilarious. "Y'know kid your pretty alright, what's your name?" He asked, with tears still in his eyes. "I'm Mia Farrow, and you are?" She asked right back. "Ya can call me Doc... So, yer headin to Fairnorth, correct?" Doc said this in a much less snappy way compared to just about everything else he said. "If I didn't miss that boat, then yeah I would be." Mia didn't quite understand where he was going with this, but she answered his questions anyway. "Well, I've got this little fishin boat and although she isn't much of a beaut, I'm sure she'd be able to take ya there. So what do ya say?"

    Mia responded with a very obvious yes and was led to a very... interesting fishing boat. It was about the size of two cars, but it was very crowded with ropes and nets literally everywhere around the ship. So, the two set sale for Fairnorth, eventually arriving about two hours after she was supposed to.


    Doc docked his boat, but it was only going to be for a very limited time. "And this is where I stop. Y'see, me and this place don't exactly like each other very much." Mia wanted to know what he meant by this, but it became apparent to her that he didn't want to talk about it. "See ya later, kid." He said, before starting his boat back up again. She attempted to say bye, but the engine cut her off. However, Mia didn't have the time to give him a proper farewell so she left for the town square in a hurry. The amount of people she saw increased immensely once she reached the square. It was almost as if there was some big event going on or something.

    While roaming around the city centre, Mia got distracted by a cute little gift shop. Unfortunately, this stopped her from seeing the two individuals who stood in the clearing. Instead of being able to go around them or wait for them to move, Mia walked straight into them, knocking over the one with short black hair before falling onto her. "Oof..."She winced, before realising that she had fallen onto someone. She quickly picked herself back up, before offering to help the other girl up. "Sorry. I guess I didn't see you." Mia said as sincerely as possible.
    Nami was expecting Professor Florence to be rather stern. However, Nami was quickly set at ease with her. She seemed to be cheerful, laughing frequently both at the other teens and her assistant. Nami was very impressed with the presentation of their Pokedex and Pokeballs. Nami reached for the box labeled with her name. There were six Pokeballs inside, one of which had a small flame insignia above the button. This must be the one with my Pokemon inside! she thought. Unable to contain her excitement, she quickly walked over to an unoccupied corner of the square, aimed the Pokeball at the ground, and pressed the button.

    A burst of white light shot out from the ball, lighting the area a bit before coalescing into a solid form. Where just a second ago was nothing, there was now a small orange bird. "Torchic tor?" it said almost inquisitively.

    Nami gasped. "A Torchic?! Aaaaww! You're so adorable!" she exclaimed. The Torchic really was adorable, with it's big eyes and little feathery crest. Pointing her new Pokedex at it, she pressed one of the more prominent buttons. The Pokedex began to speak, and a picture of a Torchic appeared on the screen. "Torchic, the Chick Pokemon. A fire burns inside, so it feels very warm to hug. It launches fireballs of 1,800 degrees F."

    Nami's grin grew. That just made it more adorable. "Are you really that warm? Can I try hugging you?" she asked, not wanting to overstep her boundaries with her new partner. A fierce light shone in the Torchic's eyes for an instant, and it ruffled it's feathers. Clearly it didn't want a hug. "Please?" she insisted. Torchic ruffled more, then, slowly, unruffled and stepped closer. It nodded once.

    Nami crouched, and slowly put her arms around the little bird. The feathers were extremely warm, as if Torchic had been lying in the sun for a few hours. While she was embracing him Torchic closed his eyes tightly, suffering through the contact. Trust it to his luck to get a touchy-feely person as his trainer.

    Nami released the Torchic. The Pokemon opened it's eyes. Why were it's eyes closed? she thought, then dismissed the thought. Probably just a reflex. Leaving Torchic out of it's ball for the time being, she walked over to the Professor. She turned back before saying anything, checking to see if Torchic had followed her. It had, though it was moving slowly, as if it was dragging it's feet. "I just wanted to thank you before I leave," she said after turning back to the Professor. "So, thank you!"

    She looked around the square. The young man who was here, the one with the Munchlax, ran off almost immediately, inviting anyone who wanted to to come with him. Nami frowned. She had noticed him looking at her while the Professor had been talking, and she wasn't sure what she thought of him yet. Better to go alone, she thought. The girl with the Magikarp also walked off. Nami didn't think she'd follow her either.

    Nodding to the boy who had fallen down as she passed him, she made her way along the city streets, making sure to check frequently for her Torchic. It was always behind her, though slowly plodding along with her. At one point she offered to carry it, or him as she found out from her Pokedex shortly afterword. But he had stood up straight and shaken his head, getting that gleam in his eye, so she left him to his own devices.

    After a while of walking, picking up a map after realizing she was lost, and more walking she had made it to the gate. The whole set-up was very intimidating, what with the guards and the huge wall. But she had steeled herself and walked through the gate. She passed through without incident, and the guards were very kind and helpful. She stepped though the other side of the gate, almost bursting with excitement. Today was the day she finally went on her journey!
    The meeting was brief, and soon people were leaving. Nothing remarkable happened aside from a handshake with Nami and a PokéDex identifying the Professor as "Hottie, the Smexy Pokéwoman". She's certain that was Oak. He's pervy like that sometimes.

    Preparing to leave, and with the collapsible table and curtain back in Dalia's purse of wonders, Professor Tularosa made sure to hand Mikoto his box of belongings before they began to take their leave.

    "Shuud nout we wayt for the othars, Professaur?" Dalia asked in her regular curious tone.

    "Why, yes, Dalia, yes we should. Now shut up and let's go. They can always bump into us at Mauville!"

    But as if to order her to stand back and wait for the others, yet another female figure materialized near them. They neared, and in a snap, said figure and Dalia were lying on the ground.

    "Aaaauchyes!" Dalia started as she tried to stand up, injured, and looking like a drunken woman by the way her limbs shake. "I sappouse we cauld wait a bitz more, Professaur," she ended, wiping dust away from her outfit with swift brushes of her hands.

    "Well, Arceus has left it clear that we must..." She sighed; she was so looking forward to buy a latte... oh well. "Let's take it from the top Dalia!"

    With drunken sways Dalia extends the red curtain again. And after a few minutes of hammering sounds, drills, broken bones and some random woman yelling "My baby!", the collapsible table lies there once more, with a new box of belongings that is labeled as "Mia".

    "Hello, person we certainly did not forget about!" The Professor proceeds, "You must be Mia, and this over here are your new best friends..."

    "These is dah POKAY--"



    And with that, both gals stepped aside, as to allow Mia to take what was rightfully hers. Go on, take your stuff.

    Do it so I can get my freakin' coffee.
    After Mia heard how the girl sounded, she felt even guiltier for what she did. Did she give the girl brain damage? Is the poor girl going to suffer for the rest of her life because of one little accident caused by her own clumsiness? However, Proffesaur, which she can only guess is the other ladies name, didn't seem too worried about her. Instead, the two put up a bright red curtain right in front of her, as if they were preparing something to sell to her. Mia was about to leave the two, until what sounded like a construction crew coming from behind the curtain, convinced her stay. They were back there for quite a while, but now Mia had to find out what the racket was about.

    "Hello, person we certainly did not forget about! You must be Mia, and these over here are your new best friends..."At this moment, Mia finally realised who she was talking two. It was not some eccentric woman named Proffesaur, but instead the eccentric professor of Hoenn, Professor Tularosa. And on the collapsible table that must've been placed by the two, was a box of equipment that was very clearly labelled, Mia. So many questions that she wanted to ask the professor nearly spilled out of her mouth, but she decided to avoid embarrassing herself for the time being. Dalia was also about to blurt something else, but the professor stopped her.

    Professor Tularosa and the other girl stepped to the sides of the table, allowing Mia to take the box that had her name marked on it. She stared at it for a while, asking herself if she should open it now or later. She decided against it, holding it against her right side before saying, "If there's ever anyway I can repay you, please let me know... Bye!" And with that, she left for a more secluded area of the town. Eventually, she found an alleyway in between a restaurant and apartment complex. Straight after arriving here, she placed the box onto the ground and started to tear into it, leaving no corner of it unchecked. What she found both excited and confused her at the same time. Mia pulled out a completely ordinary Pokéball, a strange, pink and white electronic device and a key card to a place called 'the reserve'.

    "I wonder what's inside you..." Mia quickly pressed down on the button on the side of the ball, which then dropped a pretty ugly fish in front of her. As soon as she did this, the other device lit up, sending out a voice message. "Feebas," It said, "The fish Pokémon. While Feebas's body is in tatters, it has a hardy and tenacious life force that enables it to live anywhere. However, this Pokémon is also slow and dim-witted, making it an easy catch." The 'entry' on the device left her speechless. "I came all this way for this thing... That's... disappointing. Oh we..." The dim-witted fish obviously didn't take too kindly to her comment. It flopped up into the air to give Mia a massive high-five to the face, ending it as gracefully as a fish can. He then started to give her a lecture, but she shut him up by putting him back into his ball.

    A massive slap mark was now imprinted onto her face along with a few drops of water. "Not the best at a first impression, are we?" Mia sighed, putting everything but the electronic Pokémon index, the Fish's Pokéball and the card into her bag. Her next goal was to find the place that was written on the card. The 'reserve'... 'Maybe the Professor wants me to meet her there.' She thought, grabbing her bag while dumping the box in a nearby bin. The next twenty minutes of her life was just her hunt for the reserve. Eventually, she found its fancy glass doors (and security guards). Mia wasn't exactly sure what to do next, but after seeing her card the guard that was stood next to the Reserve's door ushered her in quickly.
    Mikoto stood silently aside as Professor Tularosa, whose personality and attitude did not at all match her steely demeanor, pranced about with Dalia. Dalia herself was spewing what seemed like a mildly professional speech to coincide with the introduction of the children's journey supplies, but her harsh... what kind of accent was it? Something foreign; her foreign accent made her words cram together into one big garble that was all too difficult to comprehend. At least, that's how Mikoto saw it on the few hours of sleep he had gotten the night before. As the rest of the trainers picked up their supplies, Mikoto was handed his box of supplies. He opened it cautiously, knowing what was inside but still prepared for any sort of surprises. Being within the presence of someone like Dalia, for some reason, made him extremely hesitant to even look over his shoulder without expecting an ominous form of some sort to be growing from his shoulder blade. He couldn't reason with himself why such thoughts were blurring through his mind, but...

    Peering inside, Mikoto viewed the same items everyone else received. As his finger tips gently lay across the top of the PokeBall marked with what looked like a scoop of chocolate ice cream with whipped cream, the ball popped open and a white light shot out of it faster than Mikoto could even remove his hand. The light settled atop Mikoto's halfway preened hair. In the light's place soon stood the brown form of an Eevee. Oh my... Professor Tularosa started to giggle at Mikoto's apparent affection with the Pokemon, even though he could hardly see it, but Mikoto instead frantically attempted to remove the small fox from his head, causing another minor scene in the crowd. Bystanders offered passing ogles at this odd happening: why was this young man trying to pry a pile of chocolate mousse from his head?

    Eventually Mikoto grew tired of fooling around with this obnoxious creature and decided that he was doing more of the hair-ruining than the fox. He even came to reason that the creature was entirely harmless and resumed gathering his supplies, angrily shoving his visitor pass into his cardigan pocket, shoving his PokeDex into his backpack in such a way that Professor Tularosa could hear a snapping sound, but she could only assume Mikoto wouldn't have been so careless as to have broken it already. Right? In any case, Mikoto grabbed the Eevee's PokeBall. However, upon attempting to recall the fox, she moved her head out of the way of the ball's read laser. "G-get in your PokeBall!" Mikoto shouted, his impatience and annoyance building. The Eevee persisted in not returning to its ball, and Professor Tularosa, as she was finishing the clean-up of the cart, eventually advised Mikoto to just move along and leave Eevee be.

    "This is such a pain."

    Mikoto turned into the crowd and surged along the path toward the Reserve. His stomach started to grumble as he walked past small food carts placed conveniently to his left and right, within range of a few steps. Strangely enough, whenever he tried to veer of his intended course, the Eevee would latch onto and tug a clump of the messy side of Mikoto's hair. The first time, Mikoto cried out and slapped at the Eevee, but it bit his finger, throwing Mikoto far past annoyance and into absolute submission. Eventually, after some rather harsh conditioning by the odious fox, Mikoto reached the gate to the Reserve. He had little patience to wait for the security guard to verify his presence, so he quickly flashed the pass, hardly bothering to slow down. The guard hardly mustered a blink, so Mikoto walked on with little hesitation. Just moments of walking through the shorter grass of the Reserve, Mikoto's ears perked up at the raucous calls of the residents of the forest.
    nAtUrIa rEsErVoIr
    [SIZE="+4"]Questant's Forest[/SIZE]

    "Nature Frozen In Time"
    [PokeCommunity.com] RéBURST ~RéBOOT~ [M] [IC]


    Lying north of Fairnorth. These are the remains of a forest that used to spread across the entire island, where all sorts of Pokémon lived in peace and harmony ruled the land. When people colonized the island, they destroyed most of the forest without realizing their mistake. Soon, several exotic Pokémon were on the brink of extinction, and only the tip of the forest remained. This tip is what remains of what was once the Questant's Forest, and what is now referred to as the Naturia Reservoir...

    ➥ the ENTRANCE
    You walk inside and the gates close behind you. And now, you are here... Alone... With us. The thick foliage doesn't allow much light to filter inside, so you might have a problem sorting your way around. The forest is deep, lush and exceedingly green. Cries of wild Pokémon and the sound of flowing water creates a natural symphony that comes as pleasing to several ears. Well defined paths of ground open in between the foliage, making a straight-forward road all the way to the lake, crossing an each time thicker vegetation, going around a lake, and finally ending in a nearby shore.

    [PokeCommunity.com] RéBURST ~RéBOOT~ [M] [IC]

    After Will was first seen with a Xatu in Kanto's Indigo Plateau, people literally went bonkers trying to get ahold of the signature Pokémon of their favorite bishie. Er mah gerd! He so hawts! Within a matter of years, the population of Natu around the world saw a huge decrease. Either a Trainer owns them and won't let go of them or they're here.​

    [PokeCommunity.com] RéBURST ~RéBOOT~ [M] [IC]

    Shortly after a young trainer named Joey proved how his Rattata was in the top percentage of Rattata, other trainers took to catching Rattata like there was no tomorrow. They all hoped to dethrone Joey, even resorting to imitation by wearing shorts, yellow T-shirts and baseball caps as they all argued whether their Rattata was in a top-er percentage of Rattata than Joey's.

    ➥ the DEEP WOODS
    Soon after you begin to walk you'll see the light dims, and the smells around become slightly unbearable due to many... special flowers lying around. The foliage and its thickness are soon to disappear once you reach the lake lying in the middle of the forest.

    [PokeCommunity.com] RéBURST ~RéBOOT~ [M] [IC]

    "Scyke Fried Pokémon. It's Mmm-Mmm-Mmm, Delicious!" With this simple slogan and a pissed-off Pikachu, a young business man revolutionized the fast food industry with a brand new concept: Fried Caterpie. Grossness aside, for some reason the demands of this products rose to be above Cloud Nine. Soon, Caterpie began to be hunted en masse. The available species were very few in comparison to the demands, even after breeding them! Dropping the almost extinct species, Scyke Fried Pokémon began exploiting their next target.

    [PokeCommunity.com] RéBURST ~RéBOOT~ [M] [IC]

    "When you ready come and get it. NANANANANA-NANANANANA-NANANANANA!" and "Your new Caterpie substitute. I can't believe it's not Caterpie!" were two of the many slogans that accompanied the new product of the grand food corps of Scyke Fried. It was with all the food poisoning caused by ingesting Weedle that Scyke Fried Pokémon went bankrupt, but not before the Weedle species went nearly extinct.​

    --- Where Rocky I to CXXXVI have been filmed at. It is a mountain, with a rocky shape and rocky structure with rocks here and there and... Screw it, it's just a mountain lying in the middle of these Derpy Woods, m'kay? Good.

    [PokeCommunity.com] RéBURST ~RéBOOT~ [M] [IC]


    Winter was coming to the region of Hoenn! Beartic fur was highly valued for both trade and wear by all members of the House of Stark except for you, Tony. Said fur was a symbol of one's social status. The more of a Beartic furry you were, the better... Wait, that sounded wrong. Soon Game of Thrones came to an end and all fanboys lost interest in Beartic. That, and they became rarer and harder to find than a picture of Ke$ha that doesn't look like she's on something.

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    During the formation of "New" Hoenn, most mountains became inhospitable to their dwellers, but none were more affected than the Larvitar line. Most were relocated to the Reserve on the Isle de Fairnorth (in the south!), where they could eat and poop out the mountains as they pleased.

    Oh, and, y'know, they're awesomedorable.​

    ➥ the LAKE
    The pride of the reserve lies within its crystal clear waters. The lake, as the name suggests it, is a body of water. Water is composed of Hydrogen and Oxygen which [long speech, don't mind him] ... and that's how Britney learned to dance. The water is actually very distasteful in spite of its pretty looks. Deal with it. A narrow road goes around it and back into some more deep foliage, and once that that has been traversed, you will find yourself at the exit to the next area.

    [PokeCommunity.com] RéBURST ~RéBOOT~ [M] [IC]

    It all goes back to a small water park owned by Team Aqua: SeaWorld AquaWorld. There was little Keyko, the big Wailmer. His special trait was being, well, uh... big, I guess. Keyko caught the hearts of all audiences in a rather short amount of time. He was loved by all children and he loved them equally...


    Okay, the real story is that many a man sought after the blubber of Wailmer all over the world. Through a process now known as wailing, many Wailmer and Wailord have been heartlessly stabbed with giant spears, and their bodies harvested. Only a few of them keep traversing the seas.

    As a side note, AquaWorld is still open and you should all go see little Keyko. :3

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    [PokeCommunity.com] RéBURST ~RéBOOT~ [M] [IC]

    Carvahna & Chinchou

    Y'see, running the "Hate Anyone Birdy Punts into the Sea" program takes a lot of Pokémon. She almost exclusively trains Carvahna, Chinchou, Sharpedo and Lanturn for maximum traumatic underwater effect. She'd train Kyogre if she could catch it. Almost the entire population of these species has been gathered and prepared for the sole purpose of terrorizing and eventually devouring anyone that deserved getting punted into the sea.

    As a result, many Pokémon formerly part of these species' diets became prey to new Pokémon, and predators themselves, in order to stabilize the food chain over the years.

    ➥ the SHORE
    After going through a gate composed of flowers aligned around a huge hole in a wall of foliage. Beautiful sand will make itself present when you arrive at this beautiful beach is a beach a desert? No Dalia, beaches aren't deserts. In here there is sand, and then, sand, and finally, sand. There's also gift sand to commemorate your visit to the Reserve. Take as much as you want! Just don't choke on it.​

    [PokeCommunity.com] RéBURST ~RéBOOT~ [M] [IC]


    These dudes were just stupid. Like dodos. We gotta protect 'em, though, m'kay? :3

    [PokeCommunity.com] RéBURST ~RéBOOT~ [M] [IC]


    These buddies are endangered, because of how tasty both their meat and sticks are when grilled with some BBQ sauce. People kept hunting for them even after the Ranger Corps forbid it, and so, here they are, in a very unlikely habitat to theirs. Far unlikely, and certainly fetched. If only there was a way to place those two words together...

    You stop here. Because plot. We'll keep things going shortly after. Meanwhile, poke a Caterpie or ask yourself why the ugly Pokémon must be preserved. Also, let it be known that you won't be able to travel through this dungeon in just one post without being punted into the sea. You may as well take a while traversing this area and still be thrown at some hungry Carvanha.

    Jeff Miles: A study in NOT getting punted into the sea

    Jeff stepped into the forest and immediately was in such awe of it's beauty he payed no attention to the door closing behind him whatsoever. He took a couple of steps forward before realizing nobody was behind him he shrugged. Oh well, better pick of the litter for me so to speak, what a great opportunity! I just became a trainer and right off the bat I have a chance to catch a pokemon that probably can't be found anywhere else in the world. Better choose carefully though, I heard if you catch more than one pokemon in here some psychotic lady will punt you into the ocean to be devoured by her personal army of Sharpedo and Carvanha.

    After a few minutes of walking Jeff heard a strange noise and looked around wondering what it was, it sounded kind of like "Reee-owl!" When he found the source of the noise his eyes lit up and he imagined they'd be sparkling if someone were to look at him, at his feet was an adorable (At least he thought it was adorable) little green worm like pokemon with huge eyes. "A Caterpie! Aw your a cool little guy aren'tcha?" He extended his index finger and poked the Caterpie on it's soft little white belly, it was so squishy and it rolled onto it's back, making noises that sounded friendly to Jeff. "Hey buddy, you wanna come with me? Don't worry I don't need to catch ya, we'll just walk together a bit." The Caterpie made another happy noise and Jay lowered his hand, allowing the little bug pokemon to crawl up his arm and onto his shoulder.

    Continuing to explore everything Jay began to whistle a happy tune to himself, everything was going great, he had already made a new friend, the place was beautiful and nothing had gone wrong. Suffice it to say, he jinxed it. Moments later there was a rustling noise and another worm-thing fell out of a tree just as he looked up, and covered his eyes. "Hey! I kinda need a certain amount of empty space in front of me to see where I'm going, come on it was already dim in hear, get of-ah!" His foot hit a root just right to snag itself and he face-worm-planted right into the forest floor. He got up and noticed he could finally see again, he looked down to see his aggressor had been a Weedle...and it was pissed off at being slammed into the ground. Romanov was snapped out of it's trance of smelling all the smells in the forest that could be smelled...smellishly and offered the angry bug pokemon an apple. The Weedle looked at Romanov for a moment before smacking the apple out of his hand and shaking it's head like it was going to sting him, the Munchlax was not daunted for a moment though and proceeded to lick the Weedle's face in a big exaggerated motion. It immediately froze up and fell over sideways, leaving room for Jeff and Romanov to keep on walking.

    "You are one tough little Caterpie, I'm glad you weren't scared by that Weedle or my little spill." Jeff's new little friend had merely jumped from his shoulder when he fell and neatly landed on Romanov's head, where it still remained, Romanov didn't mind at all, in fact he and the Caterpie were playing their own little games as they walked. Jeff wasn't whistling anymore, now he just listened to the noises of the forest, they were so relaxing he almost walked into a tree before he realized the creek he had been following veered off to the left. Looking around he noticed a rocky little path leading upwards into some mountains and decided he was ready for a change of scenery. "A little hiking would be good for us, what'do you guys think?" "Munch!" Romanov and the Caterpie both nodded their heads and eagerly followed Jay up the mountain path.

    It wasn't too long before Jay decided he had made a mistake in choosing a rocky hike over more beautiful forest, not only was he getting a little tired from going up, everything was so much more uniform and bland on the mountain. Jeff found out just how wrong he was when he reached a flat area that was completely open one side, affording a beautiful bird's-eye view of the forest. Jeff's ogling of the reserve as if it were a beautiful woman was cut short when he realized that the path stopped at the cliff, he'd have to go all the way back down, but he had bigger things to worry about when something rock-like smacked violently into the back of his head, he turned and saw a little green pokemon with a large crest on top of it's head land back on the floor and look at him angrily. "Lar, Lar! Larvitar!" It shook it's fist at him and made it very clear it didn't like him. Jeff's smile froze on his face, it wouldn't leave but the psychotic overtones his eyes acquired made his anger all too clear. "That was the second time today a pokemon has hit my head...and this time it shall not go unpunished."

    After gently placing the Caterpie back on the floor and setting his backpack next to it for shelter Jeff set his jaw grimly and looked at his partner. "Alright Romanov, you ready for our first battle?" The Munchlax raised it's hand into the air. "Lax!" As soon as the Larvitar realized it's challenge was accepted it wasted no time in going on the offensive, luckily for Jeff Romanov wasn't brand new to him so he knew his moves without checking the pokedex. "Romanov, counter it!" Romanov's body took on an orange aura and it stood resolute as the Larvitar ran up and sank it's fangs into his shoulder. Romanov weathered the pain and then punched Larvitar in the side of the head with twice as much force as the bite and sent it reeling. It wasn't down and out yet but the Larvitar was already damaged substantially, with counter being a fighting type move it really hurt the Larvitar 4 times as much as the bite. The little rock type was too tenacious though and nowhere near ready to give up yet. It yelled and various grains of sediment began to swirl around violently, buffeting Jeff's skin and damaging Romanov a little bit, as well as damaging their visibility.

    Romanov took the initiative for once and began waggling his finger back and forth until it began to glow. The Larvitar had no idea that Romanov was actually using an attack and began to throw large rocks at the Munchlax. Right before the rocks could impact their target, Romanov's eyes began to glow and the rocks stopped in their tracks before flying back at their source. Larvitar got suspicious as soon as the rocks stopped and was easily prepared to dodge the attack when it was sent back at it. Before Jeff could give Romanov another order the Larvitar shot them a look so full of malice that the hair on the back of Jeff's neck stood at attention and they both froze long enough for the Larvitar to slam into Romanov full force and knock it off balance as well as inflicting heavy damage.

    The Munchlax was getting sore from the battering of the sandstorm and with the hit he took next Jeff was worried Romanov wouldn't last much longer. But a moment later he pulled a Sitrus Berry out from underneath his fur and swallowed it whole, perking up and looking ready to fight once again. "When did you? Oh nevermind, okay Romanov, use Metronome again!" After another moment of silly finger-waggling the light from Romanov's fingertips covered his whole hand and he ran at the Larvitar to unleash the Mega Punch. The Larvitar charged at his opponent as well and the two met in a huge impact before getting into a power struggle. The Larvitar had more raw strength and was slowly winning until Jay thought back to how Romanov had caught the Weedle off guard earlier and decided to go for it. "Romanov, lick it's face!" The Larvitar lifted it's fist to knock Romanov off balance again and get the advantage when it's opponent opened his mouth and dragged a big slobbery tongue across it's face, surprising it so utterly that Romanov had time to jump back and make some distance. The Larvitar seemed particularly insulted by the dirty trick and as soon as it realized what happened it charged at the Munchlax one last time. "Alright Romanov, give it another Counter!" Romanov assumed it's defensive position and waited for the Larvitar to get near him before moving smoothly and throwing it with it's own momentum into a rock wall. Larvitar began to get up before it's arm vibrated for a second and then refused to move, the lick had paralyzed it! Seeing his opportunity Jay pulled a pokeball off of his belt and tapped the button to enlarge it before tossing it at the pokemon. "Go, Pokeball! Man I've been waiting a long time to say that." The pokeball hit it's target square in the head, opening and seemingly converting Larvitar into light particles before absorbing them and snapping shut again. It hit the floor and began rocking back and forth, button flashing red all the while with Jeff and Romanov watching excitedly.
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    Let's all celebrate and be gleeful and happy because this is the first one of the newly improved RéBURST capture attempts. Birdy and I reserve the right of being indiscriminately cruel as well as throwing a pack of 5 enraged Pikachu at whomever we please should they need some "training". With this aside let's all read thru Jeffy's capture attempt of Larvitar:


    Jeffrey. Larvitar. Sandstorm. Lick. Excitement. Caterpie. After a battle containing everything a fanboy could ever hope for ensued, Larvitar proved to be a noteworthy opponent, not just ramming at Munchlax with all its might but also changing the weather to its favor!

    Shortly after, the side-effects of Romanov's Lick proved themselves useful as Larvitar was left immobilized, and an easy prey to Miles' metallic capsules. It fell, it went clang. It spun, we went what? It shook as we look. It twist as we... wait. What's a word that rhymes with twist? More twist? I dunno. Oh, yes, that's right, the Pokéball. Congrat-- Oh, wait, no, no, no, no, no! Arceus dammit, curse you, low catch rate!

    With the sound of something breaking, a white flash and two halves of a Pokéball sent flying by the sides, Larvitar makes his way out of the Pokéball. Granted, it can barely stand on his feet, but it's not like you can just catch it on your first attempt like it's some Rattata! Mmm... might as well look around for a Rattata...

    With its last forces, Larvitar jumps to his side. A suicidal jump once her feet stop touching the ground -yes I said her- and with a stylish surfer-esque pose, it slid down a portion of the mountain, jumping, hitting some trees and then disappearing from Jeff's sight. The last thing she needs is having someone tell her what to do!

    Sorry bud, the odds weren't really on your favour. Better luck next time!​

    [PokeCommunity.com] RéBURST ~RéBOOT~ [M] [IC]

    Romanov grew to Level 6!

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    The inharmonious sounds of nature - the boisterous call of the birds, the incessant buzzing of the nearby tree-stuck insects - were all around Mikoto as he made his way past the entrance of the forest and into a deeper, darker section of the reserve. The light spread of trees were beginning to turn to thicket, and the ground was becoming dank and moist beneath Mikoto's feet to almost the point of becoming grassy mud. The unbecoming texture of the soil was even less forgiving as multiple Rattata zipped across Mikoto's path, causing him to jump back or the side, his heavy footing splashing unmentionably odorous liquid onto the boy's shoes and jeans. The disdain written across Mikoto's face was not at all unrecognizable, as it might have been the same type of expression he would give everytime the fox on his head would stir and cause problems. Then again, after it was released from its ball, the Pokemon seemed to have either fallen asleep on Mikoto's head or outright stopped breathing, as he could hardly tell its presence. Mikoto reached up and immediately felt the soft fur of the fox Pokemon. Resting his hand on its small body, he closed his eyes and felt its heartbeat strum through his hand, giving off an almost tangible warm glow. A smile etched itself into Mikoto's face. Regardless of this, Mikoto was still unhappy with his clothing situation!

    The boy proceeded on his path. Soon enough, the annoying disturbances around him had almost completely ceased, and sunlight was beginning to creep back into his vicinity, lighting the path in front of him ever so slightly as he moved along. Eventually he reached an area where the trees were even more scarce and the path turned from a rolling green pasture to dust and smoky gray gravel. Thankfully, Mikoto's eyes hardly had to adjust to the sudden flood of sunlight, as what was peeking through the trees in the forest was minimal at best, as the mountains towering above just yards ahead weren't very good at reflecting light. Mikoto kept his pace as he looked around, surveying his surroundings. The trees seemed to arc around to his left and right as they connected with the cliff face, as if the mountains were surrounded on all sides by trees at some point. Taking mental note of all this, Mikoto started his ascension up the mountain via a gravel path.

    Upon walking for a solid fifteen minutes, Mikoto stumbled upon a slope that dropped down next to a sparkling lake. The sunlight reflecting off the surface of the water practically blinded Mikoto as he descended down the slope, but in any case Mikoto wanted to take a breather. Before he could even think of sitting down near the edge of the water, his, and the Eevee's, ears perked up at a obstreperous crashing sound. A quick turn of the head revealed that something had caused a mini avalanche of rocks to drop from far higher upon the mountain to his left. A small green form suddenly erupted from the pile of rocks and landed gracefully against the face of the mountain, sliding down at an exceptionally quick speed. Mikoto sprang up without warn, the Eevee falling off his head and nearly into the lake just inches away. The green form came to an abrupt halt yards from Mikoto, just where the lake began to turn an awkward, oval-ish curve. Mikoto's eyes adjusted to the green figure, and he fell to his knees, hands clapping together.

    "Ohhhhhhhhh, what an sickeningly adorable Pokemon!" The Pokemon's red eyes simply stared in disinterest at Mikoto who was absolutely enchanted by the little thing. Mikoto hurriedly reached around in his bag for his PokeDex, but before he could even think of retrieving it amongst his hair care supplies, the Pokemon was rushing at him at an insane speed. Mikoto's expression turned grave and serious, and he quickly turned to the Eevee. "Eevee, you should really use Synchronoise as soon as possible!" With every word his confidence was dissipating as the Pokemon was charging him at an ever increasing speed. The Eevee darted in front of Mikoto and lowered its trunk, pointing its tail outward in the direction of the opposing Pokemon. The cream colored portion of the fox's tail started to glow a pale pink color, and a ring of intermingling pink, yellow, and blue lights shot from the tail. The small green form jumped into the air, and spun around at a blinding speed, a torrent of sand discharging from its body. Despite the Pokemon's attempt to deflect the rings of energy, it was soon bound by the rings and dropped to the ground.

    At that moment, Mikoto was fumbling around for a PokeBall and analyzing the Pokemon with his PokeDex. In a robotic voice, the PokeDex read, "Larvitar, the Rock Skin Pokemon. A Larvitar is born deep under the ground, and it must eat its way through the soil above and reach the surface for it to see its parents' faces. Once it has achieved this feat and commenced to devouring an entire mountain, it may return to its slumber to proceed to grow." Mikoto stood and watched as the rings finally constricted once more and evaporated around the Pokemon. Larvitar, huh? What a magnificent Pokemon... It would be a huge shame if I couldn't catch it. "Eevee, use Tackle!"

    The Eevee dashed forward swiftly, ramming its head into the Larvitar. The Larvitar, despite having showcased an immense amount of stamina, strength, and speed before as it toppled the mountain face, seemed to only be able to muster a feint and then used Bite on the Eevee's tail! The fox shrieked in pain and shook off the Pokemon, lobbing it into the water. Mikoto took this opportunity to give his PokeBall a quick look of longing, and tossed it throw the air. It sailed downward, tapped the floating Larvitar on its horn, and sucked the form in through a misty white light. Eevee sat tending to its injured tail, as Mikoto's excitement toward his first possible capture heightened.
    Jeff stared in horror as the Larvitar he was battling dived off of the cliff he had been admiring only minutes earlier directly after breaking out of the pokeball. Am I that horrible? Falling down a mountain is better than being around me? He found himself jumping after the little green pokemon, but he didn't get far before he stopped and banged against the rock wall, Romanov had grabbed him by the scruff, shaking it's head and uttering a single "Munch." After getting back to safety he realized how stupid he had been. "You're right buddy, I'm no rock pokemon, hell I'm not even much of a tough human, but we can't just leave it to die! Sorry but I can't let you slow me down right now." He tapped Romanov lightly with his pokeball to keep him safe and zipped back in the direction they came, picking up his backpack with the Caterpie along the way.

    Jay's trip back down the part of the mountain was a lot faster than his trip up, but going down is ALWAYS more dangerous than up, and he was being a lot less careful this time around. Numerous times he slipped and tumbled but he never stopped, if he fell he just got a running start on his way back up, he was covered in dirt and bruises by the time he got back down but he didn't care. Even if I can't have you I'm not just gonna let you hurt yourself because you don't like me. He ran frantically through the forest, not bothering to take the sights, sounds or smells in this time until he realized something. What are you doing? You have no idea where it would have landed. Only moments later his ears twitched and he heard the sound of battle. "Could it be?" He sprinted in the direction of the sounds without anymore hesitation.

    It wasn't long before Jay found the source of the noise, it was indeed the Larvitar he failed to catch, and it was battling another person. "No wait you don't understand! That Larvitar is hurt! You can't just attack it without giving it a chance to rest first!" He shouted, but to no avail, the other trainer couldn't hear him over the battle itself, and before Jay could get close enough to stop him, the Larvitar was tossed into the water, which must have hurt considering it was a rock type AND a ground type, before being hit by a pokeball for the second time in a day. Jeff realized who the trainer was after looking at him for a moment and was panting heavily when he finally reached him. "No...Mikoto you don't...huff...you don't understand, I already beat that Larvitar and it fell all the way down the mountain, it's...hoo man I uh...it must be badly injured, and on top of that you just threw it into the water, we...we gotta give it something or it might die I...I..." Jeff found he couldn't speak anymore without taking a breather, so he used what energy he had to push his occupied pokeball off his belt and release Romanov.

    Having listened to everything, the little Munchlax was excited to prove how smart it was and ruffled through it's fur for a few seconds before pulling out another Sitrus berry. Where does he get those? I don't even think I saw any Sitrus Plants around here. Romanov walked over to the pokeball rocking on the floor and shook the berry in the air shouting. "Lax! munch-Munch-Lax!" The humans of course had no idea what his gobbledeeguk meant but if they were pokemon they would have heard. "Hey, Feisty girl, there's a delicious berry out here for you! And I stole it from that jerk who wanted you, it would just stick in his craw if YOU ate it after snubbing him like that."