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Religious beliefs


Paper Plane
  • 1,209
    True, Muslims do not recognize Jesus as God's son, they believe that God "hasn't been born, has no son" something along these lines. I know quite a lot of Muslims where I reside. What I know, and do correct me if I'm wrong or overstepping any lines, is that if you do abide by your religious duties (fasting in Ramadan, praying), express faith in Allah and don't question what's in the Holy Qur'an, and remain righteous throughout your lives, you are bound for Heaven after death; otherwise, you're bound to Hell. There are cases which I am not well-aware of that states that sometimes you'll suffer in Hell then go to Heaven? No quite sure about this. I know about the pilgrimage to Mecca known as the Haj which is an objective to Muslims who properly practice the religion (they believe every Muslim is expected to make that religious journey once in his/her lifetime, for every sin, every misconduct he/she did will be forgiven, forgotten). Women are not oppressed in Islam as I heard some do believe that; in the Qur'an there states that a good man is a man who treats his wives, his family well. Muslims generally tend to stay away from anything not labeled as Halal, such as pork..
    This is some that I know of. There are more, but I cannot seem to properly express them in words. And again, this is what I know from my friends so do correct me if I said something inappropriate or wrong.

    This somehow conflicts with my religious beliefs but there seems serious logicality in their doctrines, their beliefs which I am not entitled to either attack or contrast.

    Yes,we do believe that God has no father no son..God (Allah) has no family..he's only One by himself...and (i'm just saying my belifes)

    well,what you said is kind of right but Haj is the fifth of five somethings of Islam a muslim should know and we're not forced to it only when you are able to go and made it i mean have enough money for that....we go to Mecca and do it hoping that Allah forgive our bad deeds ..^^

    As a religion Islam have commands but also never forces the person to do it...as we know that God (Allah) is the only one who judge us.

    we believe in all prophets as prophets came with messages from God..Jesus,Moses and joseph...to Adam they are all prophets we believe on them and peace be upon them.

    and about the question..what we think about other religion is something different from a muslim to another one but our religion says..you have your religion i have my religion and you have your believes and i have mine no one judge us only god can..so we both free and should respect other heaven's believes ^^

    The Void

  • 1,416
    Are you apart of a religious belief? Yep, I'm Catholic.
    What religious group do you belong to? Again, I'm Catholic.
    Are there any strict restriction that don't allow you to do something? Doing bad stuff, duh...
    Are there any strict restrictions on what you can and cannot eat? Fried Charizard 8D
    How long have you been in this religion? Since birth.
    Have you ever thought of leaving your current religious belief for a different religion? Nope, although I reflected on my religion and other religions several times...
    How many times a week do you have to go to church(or a place of worship)? Every Sunday or if I want, everyday
    How many times a week do you have to pray? Anytime...
    Have people ever judged you soley because of your religious belief and not getting to know you? No.

    A question for those who follow a particular religious belief; what do you think of other religious beliefs and teachings? For one example, if you're a Sikh, what do you think of Christian ideas, the bible, etc.?

    I think we musn't disrespect others or other people just for their beliefs nor disrespect their beliefs either. It's their belief... how would YOU feel if your beliefs were disrespected...?


    light my fire
  • 38
    • Seen Apr 23, 2012
    I identify as a Pantheist who is influenced by eastern religions and philosophies such as Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism.

    While growing up, my family was Protestant and I would call myself one as well. However, I never really knew what it meant, so I wouldn't even say I was one. Sometime around ten or eleven I was pretty much an agnostic I suppose. Throughout the next few years I was more like an atheist, then I'd describe myself more as an apatheist.

    It wasn't until last summer (July 2011) that this changed. I've always been open minded, I suppose, to feel the presence of God or Jesus or anything transcended, but it never came. Until this particular night. Basically, a few friends and I went to this bonfire, but we were late, so there was no alcohol left, mostly everyone had left. We hung out with a few of the leftover people for like an hour or so, during which time we smoked a few joints and my friends all drank shroom tea (which I had none of). We ended up driving to our friend's house on the beach, and then decided to go walk three miles up to a plaza.

    I was sober by the time we began our walk, but there was just something peculiar that I still can't put my finger on. Everything was just... better. The reflection of the moon over the dark sea was the most gorgeous site I've ever beheld. The wind blew and sent my hair and clothes flapping. There was no one else but me and my three friends - and it felt wonderful. Being out on a beautiful night, with the moon, the wind, the water, my friends, all of these things I felt like I hadn't really given any thought to before. Now that I was, there was this incredible sense of serenity and happiness coursing through me.

    These feelings pretty much persisted throughout the walk there, the time we spent there, and the three mile walk home. It felt like I was alive for the first time, for the hours upon hours I spent just walking.

    A few days later, I got curious about religion. I decided to ask a good friend of mine, saul, what his beliefs were. He's kind of an inspiration to me and someone I look up to. Turns out he's a Pantheist. We had a bit of discussion and then I went off to do some more reading into it. By the end of it all, I was shocked because literally just about every single belief that the typical Pantheist held, I have always held. I simply didn't know there was a word for it, or that there were other people who felt like this.

    From there on out I identified as a Pantheist (like guys i changed my facebook thats how srs it is). And it felt... pretty good. I mean, not that I wasn't happy when I was an atheist or an apatheist, but it was like I got an addon and I could insert more happiness, like you insert more RAM onto a computer. At some point I decided to take a look at religions that shared the idea of reverence for nature and the universe, rather than a God or deities. I found Buddhism interesting, and read into meditation. From there on out I began to meditate. I don't do it anywhere near as often as I'd like to, unfortunately, but I've been trying to do it every day if I can.

    As far as that goes, it makes me feel pretty good and relaxed. I think once I might have achieved a state of enlightenment. For about ten seconds I felt as though I had let go of my body and broken some sort of barrier, and I could feel energy... sort of, intertwine, and release, and enter my body all at once. Kinda hard to describe, but it brought overwhelming calmness.

    Then, college began, and I had an introduction to philosophy class. I had a keen interest in one chapter near the end of the book about eastern religions. It talked about Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Zen Buddhism, as well as talking about some of the philosophers, such as Confucius and Zhuangzi.

    I suppose I really liked some of the core beliefs of these religions. Concepts such as the Tao, that there is a flow of energy in the universe. That there is this balance in the universe that we can bring ourselves closer to when we bring ourselves closer to nature and the world in which we perceive ourselves in. The Noble Eightfold Path is something I try to keep in mind, especially when I find that something is bothering me.

    But, the main thing is my reverence for nature and desire to live a life as in tune with nature as possible. It's quite nice to feel as though there is something else in my life that wasn't there before. Since then I feel sort of like I have a slightly different outlook on the world. Going out for a walk in a forest or on the beach feels to me what I imagine a devout Christian feels when they are in a church.

    These similarities are what have gotten me to think, and ultimately conclude, that all religions strive for the same thing. In essence, I believe that what Christians call God, what Buddhists call Enlightenment, what Taoists consider the Tao, what I and other pagan religions might call a connection to nature, are all the same thing. I like an analogy I read somewhere: all spiritual people are like tourists heading to one destination. We've all got different airlines and guides to help us pick out the best flight for our preferences, but we're all heading to the same place.

    I do not believe in a God whatsoever. Though, I suppose in away I could see literally everything in existence being "God", but I don't believe in an actual, personal creator person thing God guy.


    Pwning in Ubers since 1996.
  • 1,182
    A question for those who follow a particular religious belief; what do you think of other religious beliefs and teachings? For one example, if you're a Sikh, what do you think of Christian ideas, the bible, etc.?

    I honestly have no clue about any other religions, so I can't exactly put my opinion on it.

    What I am guessing though, is that the God that all the religions believe in is the same God. (on the lines of what Gamzee said on 2nd-to-last paragraph)

    Mr. X

    It's... kinda effective?
  • 2,391
    1. Are you apart of a religious belief?
    2. What religious group do you belong to?
    3. Are there any strict restriction that don't allow you to do something?
      Other then my personal beliefs, no.
    4. Are there any strict restrictions on what you can and cannot eat?

      Other then my personal beliefs, no.
    5. How long have you been in this religion?

      I don't consider it a religion, although its classified as one. But ~5 years.
    6. Have you ever thought of leaving your current religious belief for a different religion?

      A few times. A friend of mine tried his damnedest to get me to consider Satanism, and he almost had me, mainly because I was interested about learning about other religious beliefs.
    7. How many times a week do you have to go to church(or a place of worship)?

    8. How many times a week do you have to pray?

    9. Have people ever judged you soley because of your religious belief and not getting to know you?

  • 3,499
    • Seen Jul 16, 2013
    Straight-up atheist over here. I was baptized as Roman Catholic as a child, but I wasn't raised in a particularly Catholic household. To be honest, I don't know why I was baptized at all, haha. We did go to church when I was little, and I received my first Communion in grade two, but after that, we just stopped going. And I haven't gone to church since.

    Even as a kid, I doubted the existence of God. I went to a Catholic school from junior kindergarten straight up to grade twelve but didn't practice the faith at all (except for a minor "bible-thumping" phase in grade three - but even then, I don't think I truly believed in God but I was just a weird kid lol). I remember when I was 7 or 8, asking myself why we bother praying, or why we have to say the rosary and all that. I didn't feel as if there was anyone up in the sky actually listening. And it didn't bother me at all, really.

    In grade eight, I was the only person in my class who didn't get Confirmed simply because I didn't want to. Other people in my class didn't do Confirmation because they weren't baptized (in my district, you can go to a Catholic school if you aren't baptized as long as one of your parents has been baptized as Catholic) and therefore weren't eligible. I chose not to do Confirmation because I didn't want to confirm myself as part of a religion I didn't actually believe in.

    In my teens, I decided that the values that I learned and practice on a daily basis (like, don't steal, be kind to people, et cetera), weren't tied to a specific religion and that people should follow them regardless of what they practice (or not).

    tl;dr, I eventually decided there was no God and just abandoned the idea of religion altogether. I don't feel as if it's important in my life, although it may be for others, and that's totally cool. I'm doing just fine without it. So... would that make me some cross between an atheist and an apatheist? Haha.

    That said, I'm very accepting of other people's religious beliefs, and am not anti-religion in the slightest. I actually like learning about other religions, despite not following one myself; I find them very fascinating. I'll never criticize anyone for believing in God or following a certain faith. Religion, to me, is a personal thing.

    And I apologize if my post doesn't make a whole lot of sense right now, it's after 1:00 in the morning where I am and I'm too lazy to go back and proofread/edit, haha.
    Last edited:

    Shanghai Alice

    Exiled to Siberia
  • 1,069
    Are you a part of a religious belief?
    I am a member of the Roman Catholic Church, yes.

    Are there any strict restriction that don't allow you to do something?
    As stated, we have the Ten Commandments, as well as our own morality and conscience. Of course, the morality part is more like a compass, as it is mainly used to divine the right course of action, rather than a hard and fast guidebook.

    Are there any strict restrictions on what you can and cannot eat?
    I cannot eat other humans.

    How long have you been in this religion?
    About sixteen years and eight months.

    Have you ever thought of leaving your current religious belief for a different religion?
    Have I had doubt? Yes, I've had doubt. Doubt is healthy, doubt is how you grow. If you don't question your religion, how can you have conviction?

    However, I have not had any serious thoughts about converting to any other faiths, no.

    How many times a week do you have to go to church(or a place of worship)?
    Once a week minimum, twice if there's a holy day of obligation.

    How many times a week do you have to pray?
    See above. Of course, like most Catholics, I tend to say various prayers throughout the day.

    Have people ever judged you soley because of your religious belief and not getting to know you?
    Not really in meatspace, no. I don't exactly wear a sign that says "Hi, I'm Catholic!", as I tend to keep my religious items underneath the clothing, for humility.

    However, on the Internet, people tend to think I'm seven kinds of Fundamentalist, which is a tad bit ironic.
  • 2,614
    • Age 31
    • Seen Jul 11, 2022
    I guess I'd say I'm a Christian in my own right. I believe the typical belief that Christ died for our sins and that God is the creator of all, but as far of the mechanics of everything, that's where a lot of different churches and I disagree.

    My mother raised me to be a follower of Christ, and there are things she and I disagree on a lot about the subject. I believe that if you are a good person, you go to heaven. My mother believes that as well. That's where I got that belief from, I guess you could say. When it comes to Hell, we both pretty much have the same idea as well. To us, Hell isn't so much a place of burning limestone and continuous torture, but it's more of an absence of grace. The way I can think of how to compare it to something, is think about a Pokemon game from gen 3 and up. Think of how your character is inside of a cave. You can see your character perfectly fine, and there's a small amount of light to show you a small part of your path. That's how I view Hell to be, as silly as that is. Just, no rocks, just a simple, plain path. As far as Satan, I believe he exists, and I pity him.

    That's where me and mom collide. I do believe that Satan betrayed God. I do not believe him to be evil. I see him as a lonely soul, trapped forever in a dark realm in which he cannot escape. Of course, many other people in the Christian religion hate me for that. xD

    But anyways. I also believe in pure equality. It's just how I am. No person is better than another.

    I also believe that gays are created as gay. I am gay, so a lot of people are thrown off when I say I believe in God and whatnot. But I remember sitting in church on sermon, listening to the preacher talk about some of the final days of Christ. We read a passage in which Christ said, "Love each other." To me, i read it as a no exception kind of rule. There wasn't anything that said "Love each other, but only if they-" yaddah yaddah. He said love each other. For whatever reason, that got me. Hard. I started crying. It was at that time I also realized that the church life wasn't for me. The preacher noticed me in the crowd, and after the sermon, he came to me personally to talk about it. He wanted to make sure everything was ok. I told him it was, and told him my situation. Immediately, he turned on me. Said I was going to Hell, wondered why I bothered showing my face, yaddah yaddah.

    I realized then and there that it was not Christ who told him, and the people who believed the same thing, to be that way. That thinking was of his own choice. If God didn't want me to be born, why didn't he just destroy my DNA the moment it was configured? I believe God loves all of his children, equally. i do not see the Pope as the most holy person, but more of a person who claims to be closest to god, and to me, THAT is blasphemy. Again, another thing me and the family argue about.

    In short, to take a quote I heard and form it as my own (and if anyone knows who said the actual quote, please tell me, for I have no idea who it was) :
    I like my Christ. I do not like Christians. They are so unlike my Christ.


    light my fire
  • 38
    • Seen Apr 23, 2012
    ^ That would be Mohandas Gandhi who said that. However, he said, "I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."

    I believe it's quite powerful considering who it's coming from.

    Shanghai Alice

    Exiled to Siberia
  • 1,069
    That would be true. Christianity, as anyone can clearly see just from reading my posts, is so messed up beyond belief.

    Where did the simple message of "Hey, be nice to each other!" get so distorted? :/


    light my fire
  • 38
    • Seen Apr 23, 2012
    People who are *******s and bigots will find whatever they can to enforce and spread their messages.

    It's sad that Christianity, which at its core is such a beautiful and peaceful religion, has been distorted to the point where people think the average Christian is like Fred Phelps.
  • 2,614
    • Age 31
    • Seen Jul 11, 2022
    I agree. The idea behind Christianity is this beautiful religion. One that accepts humans as equals. One that looks as people not as strangers, but so far as to being brothers and sisters of the same species. People who should celebrate one another just because they are who they are.

    I'm pretty sure Christ didn't want people going up to one another saying, "You are a prostitute who will go to Hell for your sins unless you kills the gays and repent for your sins!"

    I'm pretty sure he wanted people to go up to each other and say, "You are beautiful, just as you are. You are loved by me and those around you." But, then again, I'm a gay demon on the verge of converting the world to join me in my sin. Yep, I'm training an army. Join me

    But due to the centuries of inflamed egos within the church it has just turned into this religion that is ugly in the eyes of those on the outside. People see it for what they display on the media and what they here from the freaks who believe that they themselves are God.
    People don't see it as how it was originally meant to be.

    But, I'll be the one, no matter how much I don't want to, to put myself in the other person's shoes. I will tolerate them and love them, just as I was asked to do by Christ. You know, just the guy Christians worship.