It's bittersweet, because, on one hand, I wanted to see this farce of a GOP crash and burn as much as possible, but on the other, we no longer have the risk of this man becoming president:
The man who said "I don't want to make black people's lives better".
The man who promotes income inequality.
The man who supports discrimination for pre-existing conditions.
The man who called President Obama a snob for wanting everyone to have the opportunity to attend higher education.
The man who vehemently wants to bomb Iran.
The man who believes that Global Warming is a hoax and "political science" as opposed to climate science.
The man who found it remarkable that Obama is Pro-Choice because he is black.
The man who made it a main point of his presidency to battle porn.
The man who wanted to throw up at J.F.K.'s speech on separation of church and state.
The man who felt that women aren't suited for front-line combat because they invoke "emotions".
The man who feels that contraception is "a license to do things".
The man who told rape victims that the possible resulting pregnancy was a gift from god (their rapist).
The man who claims that single mothers breed more criminals.
The man who wants to abolish the food stamps program because of the obesity problem in America.
The man who says the high price of drugs is justified by the money people dish out on iPads.
The man whose stance on marriage equality is that marriage is X, not Y. (napkin, paper towel; water, beer; tea, basketball; tree, car)
And of course, the man who compared homosexuality to bestiality and pedophilia.
I may not agree with all of Santorum's opinions, but he's come off as brutally honest, which is something rare amongst politicians these days that's worthy of respect.
Being brutally honest about one's bigotry and willful ignorance ain't something one should be proud of.