Here's a list of all my breedables, let me know if there's anything you could use from it or if you need info on a specific poke(:
Modest Eevee, Run Away/Adaptibility/Anticipation
Adamant Shroomish, Technician
Adamant Drilbur, Mold Breaker
Adamant Larvitar, Guts
Quiet Yamask, Mummy
Impish Scrafty, Moxie or Intimidate
Timid Electrike, Lightning Rod
Adamant Bouffalant, Reckless
Modest Rotom, Levitate
Calm Spheal, Thick Fat
Jolly Zubat, Infiltrator
Jolly Bagon, Moxie
Timid Gengar, Levitate
Relaxed Shellos, Storm Drain
Adamant Crawdaunt, Adaptability
Adamant Scyther, Technician
Timid Larvesta, Flame Body
Adamant Daramaka, Sheer Force
Jolly Talonflame, Gale Wings
Modest Solosis, Magic Guard
Modest Litwick, Flash Fire
Timid Froakie, Protean
Bold Koffing, Levitate
Bold Vullaby, Overcoat
Bold Porygon, Download or Trace
Note that all pokemon I breed can be bred with a Jolly nature instead of their usual one.