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Riven OOC

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Ok, fine then, I'm not teh n00b and stuff...
Ayway, I see another person has joined who got year 7 ranking. (Well, they are still pending, but whatever)
I guess that would mean I'm senior again, right?
On a side note, I made a new picture of Ace Bladia, clicky here!
I'd say it is MUCH better than my old one, so I editted my sign up's char-pic.

Oh, and people: if you would shamelessly advertise this in your signatures it would be much appreciated *Pokes own signature* just trying to get the word out, you know? ;D

Well AE, I've advertised the RP to the max. Considering I themed my self after my RP character and replaced my theme of *gasps out of shock* Soul Calibur, I've done my part... To the max!!!!!!

People should do as I've done, if they don't, they will be shot by Sniper Pidgeys! >O

*Shot by a sniper Pidgey*
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Wait, I said Tere-sensei, and you clearly stated that AE's nickname was Tere-chan, Jyu-sensei! *shot for legalistic nonsense*

Okay then, that still leaves my question unanswered. It might be a good idea to reveal what our characters can and cannot do in terms of magic before we start off.

(Umm... the whole "n00b" thing was a rhetorical question, Jyu-sensei, but you can answer it if you want...)
~ Miki finished her sign-up, so yeah, just letting you know. [/short post.]
Tere-anything is copyrighted to Jyukai because she says so. < <

Phanima's Sig said:
Are you an avid Rp-er? Do you suck and don't think you do? If so, then look below!


Anyway, I think it's time for AE's Sign-up crits. :x Sounds like FUUUUUUUUUUUN HAAAAPPY TIME LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. xD
Yay, we've got juniors/7ths. Also, I noticed your valiant efforts, Zaiku. Most commendable, so...have an almond of awesomeness. *Gives almond* Don't eat it, though; it's only on loan. =O

Anyways, I promised comments on the profiles, so comment is what I shall do. Jyukai controls the lists, though, so you'll have to wait for her for approvals and placings. :3 Now then, let's see what we have here...

@Zaiku: Good, solid profile. You've covered all the essentials in both appearance and personality and the sample is equally good. (Less experienced peoples: this is what I'm going on about when I rave about standards >O) Personally, I also find the idea of a good old-fashioned feudal nation amidst the technology boom interesting. The only thing that struck me was that the family's decision to make a full lifestyle change was a bit sudden. I mean, earlier on his father in particular was proud about his son wanting to become a warrior, and now he wants to give that up? A bit of elaboration on the family's feelings surrounding this decision - particularly Ace's. He's a budding warrior and now he's told that they want to live in the peaceful modern world? I'd imagine that that's quite a big piece of news. - would have added depth. Like I said, though: this is not to say that there's anything wrong with the profile as is; I'm mostly trying to come up with suggestions for making something good better. Another that comes to mind is your use of language. I see that you're sticking to simple sentence structures and narrative techniques which you can handle, and that's good, but you seem to be skilled enough at trying your hand with some of the trickier ones as well. Consider using some more complex sentences (I.e. Less full stops, more connective punctuation like commas and semi-colons) and literary devices (such as metaphora and similes) to develop a clearer narrative voice and relieve the slight choppiness that parts of your writing suffer from; sometimes you have to experiment a little in order to improve so try them on for size and if they aren't your thing then act accordingly. :3 A word of warning, though: first tries with new literary devices and the like can end up less than elegant, so if you choose to go for this be prepared to put a bit more re-reading and revising effort than usual into your posts. Regardless, that's a clean 'A' for effort and attitude on your part. ;D

@Rena: I just noticed that you had finished your profile. Sorry, but I just don't have the time or energy for more criticism today. I'll get it done tomorrow, though; promise. :3

@Jyukai: Utterly worthless, dunce class is for you! >O Yeah, that part was practically compulsory. Seriously, you're making this hard on me on purpose. Essential points are all covered in appearance, personality, and history and you're obviously paying attention to tone both within the sample and out, making the profile itself an enjoyable read. Use of language is varied and relevant so content-wise I really can't fault you (because honestly, I couldn't describe that shoe either). One thing I'll say, though: you're overworking those poor commas and at times it's disrupting the flow of your writing. To give an example:

Sanza was once a true vision of purity, her personality, was flawless, even if her appearance was a little shabbier then everyone else's

See how those commas are chopping up the sentence? The only one you really need is the one after 'purity'. Personally, I'd also axe the 'was' before 'flawless' since it would still be grammatically correct but a bit more elegant, but that's a point of semantics. Optionally, you could change the first comma into a semi-colon and the get rid of the comma after 'personality'. Commas are tricky to master since there seem to be more exceptions than rules, but as a rule of thumb: re-read your sentences nice and slow after typing everything out once. That way the redundant commas should stick out as they interrupt the reading just a little. Other than that, you really haven't given me much to pick on. Good job, as expected. :3

@Chigiri: Content-wise, well done, but the presentation...sorry, that's not quite as good. Fist off is the paragraphing issue Jyukai mentioned, I used to have problems with this too but you've really just got to assemble the patience to hit 'Enter' once in a while; it does a world of good for the tidiness and clarity of your posts. Second, you seem to have a problem with spell checker residue, with typos such as 'waste' instead of 'waist' and 'fallow' instead of 'follow'. Unfortunately, no spell checker in the world can help you with this so you'll just have to go about it the hard way; re-read your posts properly and machine-based mistakes like this should become obvious. When in doubt; consult a dictionary. Finally, as with Zaiku, you're posts are suffering from a bit of choppiness because of the way you structure your sentences. Give complex structures a go. ;3 Coolness points for the neat made-up country and using a sample with your own character.

@Chibi-chan: What can I say? Like the character, like the picture, and can't for the life of me find anything wrong with the profile content-wise (Except that you were lazy with the sample, but that would be hypocritical). Style has also been established, so good for you. I'll get back to you when I find something constructive to say.

@ACC: Yeah, same thing basically, except that I'm going to give you a light but poignant reprimand about the 'History' field. I know histories are a pain at times, but it won't get any better if you just hide from them, so really...for future reference try paying extra attention to anything labeled 'History'. You've got the necessary stuff in there, but nothing beyond that which leaves it dwarfed in comparison to the rest. Other than that, good job. :3

@Phanima: Eighth is what your character is geared towards so eighth is what you get, and a strong eight it is. Very good profile quality all around (*Cough* ACC, take notes *Cough*). The only thing that really struck me here was the indent paragraphing in your sample; it's not directly wrong, but it would be great if you paragraphed with a full empty line at all times since it makes it look a bit neater. That's just a subjective viewpoint, though. ^^

@Iruka: Going to wait for the sample before I dare to say anything. xD

@Manaphy1128: since you seem to have problems with the profile this will be long. First off, spacing; leave a space after every punctuation mark. That's basic grammar. Your sentence structuring could also use some work; rather than typing out a lot of fragmented statements like in the appearance, try to make it a unified whole (Sort of as if you were telling a story about how your character looks). Also, never start a sentence with 'and', that's something only poets and famous novelists get away with; unfair, but true. Also, try to cut down on parenthesis remarks as they clutter up your writing. A few of them is okay; having them all over the place is not. Replacing some of the 'she's with another expression such as your character's name. Also, make sure that you cover everything essential about your character's appearance (as it is, we have no idea of what color her skin or eyes are, what shape the face is, if there are any particular characteristics or oddities that distinguish her from others etc.); the more details you give the better we can picture your character.

We also seem to have a slight setting clash. Electricity is a new thing in Riven, thus video games don't exist (Heck, they don't even have electric lighting yet). This is also not set in the real world, so referencing to a real-world manga is sort of not a very good thing. Overall, use this:
Likes, dislikes, strengths, weaknesses, quirks, habits, fears, hopes, and ambitions.

as a checklist for what should be addressed in 'personality' in some way. Currently, we've established a bit of likes and a bit of quirks but that's about it. We're going to need some more specifics: is she social or withdrawn? Loud or quiet? Temperamental or calm? Lazy or energetic? What's her favorite color? Does she have a sense of humor? 'Like a tomboy' in itself won't cover everything since there are many kinds of tomboys, and - come to think of it - this doesn't say that she's a tomboy in every respect, and if she isn't then some explanation as to what the non-tomboyish things are would be in order.

On the history: there is nothing universally 'normal' (my view of normal is probably different from yours). So normal for what? A high-born rich kid like Illya or a feudal-origin type like Ace? Try starting out with what social class she comes from, what kind of setting she grew up in (Posh mansion? Suburb? Mental institution? Cardboard box in someone's attic? It makes a huge difference.). What do her parents do for a living? How's her relationship with them? Does she have siblings? What about other family members? Why did she decide on studying magic in the first place? What was she like as a kid? Did she have friends? Anything about her childhood which she remembers particularly clearly or that changed her attitude about something? It doesn't need to be big and complicated; mundane events can be just as relevant.

Overall, I'd suggest taking a look at the other peoples' sign-ups here to see what kind of things you can mention in your profile, but I think this is enough to work on for one go. Don't be discouraged by the workload and feel free to ask if I left something unclear. ^-^

@Shaydeh: Mmmhmmm...it's pretty compact, but in reference to my earlier statement I can't hold that against you now, can I? xD What you have written is certainly written well, but I'm left wishing there was a bit more of it (particularly at 'History' field. Maybe a bit of elaboration on what his coddled life was like, how and when he started exhibiting his metrosexual tendencies etc.) Definitely 8th year material, though. :3

Anyways: Fallen Angel and Rena: sorry but I don't have the time to finish my comments on your profiles today, so you'll have to wait a bit longer. They're on their way, though. I may also go more in depth on some of you then, as I may have overlooked some things. :3
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Sanza was once a true vision of purity, her personality, was flawless, even if her appearance was a little shabbier then everyone else's


*cough* I mean, I am offended Tere-chan. >O

lul Anyway, yeah, I have a tendency to overuse comma's. :< I need to learn how to use a semi-colon. Maybe I'll ask my english teacher in the future. I'm pretty sure that that one instance was because I left to go eat, and when I came back, I'd totally forgotten what I did. xD As for the other cases, that was probably just my mistakes completely. YOSH. CUT DOWN ON COMMA'S. >D

Anyway, I think that since we have 4 teachers, and 13 RPers in total, since Dreamxweever or something like that is signing-up today.

So hows this look?

Alter Ego:




Each one of us has two people, me with three because I've been dumping work on everyone else, I thought I should finally bear some weight. *Yosh. Now to really get on my toes. HOW THE HECK AM I GOING TO FIND SOMETHING WRONG WITH CHIBI-CHAN'S POSTS??! ;A;* Those can be like, our 'groups', to criticise. If any of the teachers find something the other teacher missed, then they can say that too.

Also, if one teacher has to leave, or is not here for more then 2 days, then the other teachers have liberty to take over until the AWOL teacher comes back.

You don't need to find something wrong :P Criticism isn't always bad you know! .o. I'm just here to annoy you teachers. Constructive doesn't always mean negative! >:3
I'm looking for a fun RP though~
Alter Ego: Ok, I editted my sign up to make the migration to Riven logical and several other modifications to the history section.

I also wanted to ask, do the senior students all know each other? I mean they all went through year 7 together, so should we make it so that they all know eachother?
Nyu, the masterplan works with me, Jyukai. One problem, though; we've now got JBC, dreemxweever, and this saint person who has yet to post as well, not to mention Omni who said he'd join, (lawl, slowly but surely we're dragging the whole section into this. Brilliant. xD), so who's handling who?

Anyways, since the two I didn't have time with yesterday are now outside my immediate jurisdiction; d'ya want my comments? :3
Yesh plz, Alter-tan, for the comments :3. Well, as for the other players.

A new player 1.

New player 2.

New player 3.

@Phanima: Eighth is what your character is geared towards so eighth is what you get, and a strong eight it is. Very good profile quality all around (*Cough* ACC, take notes *Cough*). The only thing that really struck me here was the indent paragraphing in your sample; it's not directly wrong, but it would be great if you paragraphed with a full empty line at all times since it makes it look a bit neater. That's just a subjective viewpoint, though. ^^

HOW DARE YOU! *Commits career suicide*

Yeah, I'm not so good at history. I can whip up a character with personality, appearance, etc. without much trouble, but when it comes to backstories I'm completely at a loss, especially in a world created by somebody else, like Riven. So I'll do better next time, yesh. *bows out*

(Wait a minute, Alter-sensei still hasn't answered my question!)
Nyu, yes I figured we would split the people evenly; I was sort of getting at who takes who. :3

Anyways, comments you wanted so comments you shall have:

@Rena: *Gasp* I just noticed; you didn't give an age for your character. Please correct that otherwise your sign-up isn't complete. :O *Shot for asking for a lady's age* Beyond that, you've certainly done a thorough job with the profile content-wise but I see quite a bit of grammatical issues here.

1. Simple misspellings. That's 'ambidextrous' and 'heterochromatic' (Hetero = different, Chromatic = of color). And as a side note: for something to be a reincarnation of something else, that something else needs to have died/been destroyed at some point; I believe the term you're looking for is just 'incarnation' (=embodiment). Posh words need to be spelled and used right, otherwise it sort of dampens the effect. ;3

2. You're mixing up adverbial phrases quite a bit (For instance, it should be 'as such'; not 'as so' and 'exposure to'; not 'in' unless she's got a record of indecent exposure. x_O) and also have a tendency to stick in words that just have no purpose where they are, for instance:
This usually calls for some humor between her classmates, labeling Dahli as a he-she, a boy, a male, or even worse, Dahrion, a boy's name

The 'as' is just plain redundant. It should also be something like "between her classmates, who have labled" because as it is the sentence implies that the call for humor is doing the labeling...which seems a bit odd. o.O

And so, Dahli has a odd quirk of not eating to much, though has caused her small, petite body.

I can't for the life of me understand where that 'though' came from. o.O Come to think of it, what's your native language? The type of grammatical issues this profile suffers from tends to be caused by a sort of word-by-word translation of adverbs and idioms (which doesn't work since every language connects them differently). I'm also sort of leery-eyed about the use of 'caused' here; which brings me to point number...

3. Your sentence structuring. Many points of your profile - while grammatically acceptable - seem to be conveying a message other than the intended one (see the 'exposure' example above). For instance:

a wreath that graces Dahli's graceful complexion, with red berries amongst them, she then creates a breakfast for the other of the family, lucky Dahli.

Because of the way you ordered it, red berries are apparently part of Dahli's 'graceful complexion'. To convey what I presume to be the intended message (that the red berries are part of the wreath which graces Dahli's complexion) it should be something like "a wreath with red berries in it, which graces Dahli's graceful complexion". 'amongst them' doesn't work since there's only one wreath (This is what literature geeks like me call a concord error). If it was 'a wreath of *insert plural form of whatever the wreath is made of*' then this sentence would be correct. Another serious problem here is that you're misplacing your full stops, resulting in fragmented sentences. Continuing with this same sentence since the problem is there as well: what is along with the wreath? In a similiar vein:
Never worrying about a belt or anything else similar to hold them up.

Who's never worrying? Also, this is an adverbial phrase and thus requires another to either preceed or follow up after it.The rule of thumb is that the words between two full stops must be understandable without any help from the other sentences, but because these questions are left unanswered the sentence doesn't meet the requirements (since we don't get to know what the wreath is 'along' with or who's 'never worrying'). Thus, "Why yes, I do like pineapple smoothies." is fully correct, but "And on Sundays too." is not because we don't get to know what is 'on Sundays too' from just that sentence (and thus the message is left unfinished). I'm afraid that exceptions to this are only made for poetry, so pay attention to that when you're writing. :3 Also, make sure to distinguish between plural (no apostrophe) and possesive (with apostrophe) forms of nouns because there's a quite large amount of mix-ups between them.

Finally, there's just a small stylistic issue: repetition. This profile alone is enough to prove that you have a wide vocabulary, but for some reason you're not using it as much as you should. Dahli's name is repeated a lot here (Check how many sentences start with 'Dahli', specifically how many of them you find in a row). If the same word occurs too frequently it makes your writing sound repetitive, which - while not a crime - is stylistically bad. Also, beware the words that look and sound similar (for instance, grace and graceful in the wreath quote which has now officially been analyzed to death).

Umm...yeah, that's about it. It turned longer than expected since I had to quote some things to clear it up. Basically, it's a lot of small things compounding to create a bigger problem. The odd thing is that - in other parts - you seem to have little to no problems with the very same things. o.O

(Wait a minute, Alter-sensei still hasn't answered my question!)

How dare a mere eighth year drag such a thing up?! Don't presume to pester a teacher, plebian! We answer only what we feel like answering! >O (J/K of course. Hands up: who thought I had gone drunk with my supposed 'power' back there? xD) Seriously, I just forgot about it, but yes; it would be preferable if people would declare the general nature of their character's spellcasting and what kind of magic they're good and bad at (Transforming objects, transforming yourself, and creating illusions being the three main kinds), but since I didn't add that as a requirement...*Shrug* Oh well, like I said: preferable. As can be seen from the profile, mine is very strictly no-flash self-transformation, although he's also pretty good with transforming objects. His illusions aren't that great, though, since he's a bit unimaginative (not to mention that he used to think of them as a waste of time when he was still at his best learning age).
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Illusions fits perfectly for Sanza.

Anyway, I don't think you went powah crazee, we must point out every crucial detail and point. >D

JBCBlank... or Saint... Hmmm...

I think I'll stick Saint of Hope with you, since from what JBC's said here and in other threads, he doesn't seem to be... too familiar with roleplaying. :<

Alter Ego:
Saint of Hope [if he comes, if not, JBC]

JBCBlank [If Saint of Hope doesn't come, then dreemxweever]

dreemxweever [logic skills here. xD]
There I added my Sheet. Do I need to make a Sheet for Wolfy's cousin Cloud? Just wondering.

BTW, I don't think Saint's going to show up. he's a scaredy cat.

Ok and, I guess I"ll only add a Pic of Cloud here if people really get annoyed and want to know what he looks like. but I'll try to explain it threw Wolfy's "eyes" as well as I can.

Tis fine.

Alter Ego, if you'd like, you can make an entrance speech or something when you have time, to start it off. ^^ Starting as of tomorrow, sign-ups will no longer be accepted if they haven't been completed~ <3
...Even with the admissions deadlines being pushed back constantly, I don't think I can get my own signup sheet in on time. I'm not one to spam the main thread with placeholders, so I might as well try my chances here in the OOC thread.

In other words, reserve me a spot if you can. If you can't or won't, that's fine by me. It's probably too late for me to get a reservation anyway, so if I'm wasting your time with this post, I apologize.
Ahem, guys...I'd like to draw your attention to rule number five:

5. You may join once the RP has already started, but in that case please post your sign-up in the OOC discussion to avoid clutter.

In other words, I believe the name of the game is that we take whoever can write legible English and has a will to join, so I don't quite comprehend this reservation craze. If you don't have your profile around by the time we start then you'll just be a late joiner; not shut out of the RP or anything. We've just got to set a primary deadline somewhere so we can actually start this thing. :3

Unless, of course, the other teachers object to this? =O

Anyways, speech you say? You mean like an IC introductory type thing or an OOC? Either is fine by me, although Barian will probably be less thrilled by the prospect of holding a speech. xD
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Ahem, guys...I'd like to draw your attention to rule number five:

In other words, I believe the name of the game is that we take whoever can write legible English and has a will to join, so I don't quite comprehend this reservation craze. If you don't have your profile around by the time we start then you'll just be a late joiner; not shut out of the RP or anything. We've just got to set a primary deadline somewhere so we can actually start this thing. :3

Hmm... then why did we even hav- Oh. Right, well, that works. Shame shame Bijyu, you weren't paying attention to the rules! :x

*Does that shame shame thing with fingers. Whatever that's called*

Anyway, I think we're ready to start though, right?
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