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[Sacred Fire/Divine Water]-[IC]-[PG16]

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Adeline Densetsu
Divine Water

At this point, Adeline wasn't even listening to the speeches that came after. There was nothing new to be said and so it was likely just more repeats about the d*mn crops and how everyone was in such great health. In fact, the only real reason she listened to the first ones was to try and not completely copy what they said.

Yes, each speech was in fact a copy, but when you used to exact words of someone else, people noticed. After Addie spoke, there was no more risk to make a huge fool of herself. The accidental silence was over for her so now she didn't care about anything or anyone. She had the strong desire to return home and just sit around. Maybe she could finish the novel she was reading or she could continue making new recipes for her potions.

Addie looked down at the crowd once more after the speeches ended and noticed that socialization was already going on among the rest of the family. Socializing wasn't her strong point but she wasn't dangerously awkward either, like the girl and boy who seemed to be attempting to interact but were utterly failing. The boy was holding a small grey Pokémon, but Addie didn't know what species it belonged to. The boy stuttered, then the girl stuttered. Oh brother.

Addie tugged on Fulgora's feathers and the bird knew it meant Adeline wished for her to back up some. The bird did so. Are you still worried? the bird asked through telepathy. Addie was able to communicate via telepathy herself, as she wasn't too bad when it came to magic. Just a little, she replied. Addie looked up as her brother spoke.

"I feel I should go check on father, I wish we could have more time to talk," Tsurara began saying to the other princes and princesses, "but I feel I need to le--" he was interrupted by cries for help coming from the crowd. A small girl floated up in the air with the help of Tsurara's magic. She was pale and sickly looking, maybe even close to dying. Addie raised her eyebrow at Tsurara and got Fulgora to fly down to the crowd below as her brother asked for help from those who had fire type links. Addie would let them handle it, it was no big deal. She didn't want to get in their way so she would just stay down here with the majority of the attendees.

Just by looking at them, she could tell many of them didn't care about listening to the speeches. Addie would be worried if they did care. However, she could also tell that many of the people gathered here today held intense grudges. Some of the inhabitants of Sacred Fire despised Divine Water and vice versa. Addie examined the crowd for a bit before shrugging and uttering a hmph. She decided she should walk on her own for now and slid off of Fulgora's back, walking over to a table with food stacked on it. Fulgora walked behind Addie as she looked at the table. Addie eyed a teen with dark hair and almost as dark skin who was eating with his Vulpix link. Eve returned her gaze to the food and began to grab some before asking as warmly as she could, "How's it taste?"
Kozue Tazmily
New Moon Festival

"How you can stomach these kind of things is beyond me Kozue." Yagi, his leaves limp with boredom, groaned as they were setting through the speeches of the princes and princesses. "Though the 'swimmingly"' pun was awfully clever."

Kozue rolled his eyes."Hardly. A man of Tsurara Densetsu's position shouldn't use his time on the floor to joke around when there are much more important details to tell us."

"What? That the average bathwater is up 3 degrees?" Yagi replied.

"Why do I even argue with you?" Kozue sighed. "All I'm saying is that I think there should be some kind of criteria for royalty or something. That ice sculpture was a complete waste of time, and said time could have been better well spent."

Yagi, surprisingly, nodded in agreement. "I'm with you there, it gave me the chills.

Giving up on Yagi, Kozue just shook his head. Doing so made him catch glimpse of his new shikomizue he got at one of the blacksmiths from the festival. Looking at the blade that he and his father picked out, the boy couldn't help but smile. He has never seen a look of pride in his father's face like when he asked for a sword.

"HELP!! HELP!! ...Where is he?? Where is he?? Help me find him!!" Shrieked a voice from the crowd. It appeared to be a little girl. Tsurara used some kind of magic to levitate her to the plateau. She looked awfully pale, and where was her link?

Oh no, that idiot prince. Freeze a little girl like the irresponsible jerk you are why don't you?

Maybe they would let him help as a healer? "Someone get me up on the plateau! I'm a healer!" Kozue yelled, hoping someone would notice him.
New Moon Festival - An Awkward Introduction

[PokeCommunity.com] [Sacred Fire/Divine Water]-[IC]-[PG16]

Icarus Uprising

This was a little awkward, Icarus felt like a fool. Perhaps this Minccino had lost more than just her human link. Maybe her link had died? No, if her human had died, Minccino would already be dead by now. More trouble to talk to someone. "I-it would be m-my Minccino. . . . ." That sounded like a girl, who soundede a little timid, more timid than Icarus anyway. Icarus looked around to find where that voice was, considering how many people their are around here. He spotted the girl when she was walking towards him. She seemed a little shaky.

Icarus was looking down at the ground, afraid to make eye contact. He was just as timid as the girl without even knowing. Ichigo went back sitting on the bench, just watching Icarus be awkward again as usual. He can't blame his human link. "So if you don't mind, I would be much obliged to take her back with me" the girl wanted her Minccino back. "You know, please?"

Icarus quickly focused again, almost in his own world, & nodded as he gave her back her Minccino. Icarus hoped this conversation would be over already, but sadly it wasn't as he stupidly decided to introduce himself. "I-Icarus..." his voice a was little high-pitched. It's times like this he wished he had more social skills. Really, if you saw how he was right now, you would already think he was some nobody, depending on that person's perspective of Icarus.
[PokeCommunity.com] [Sacred Fire/Divine Water]-[IC]-[PG16]
Hikari Natsumi Densetsu
[PokeCommunity.com] [Sacred Fire/Divine Water]-[IC]-[PG16]

Hikari listened to her other brothers and sisters speaking, listening to their personal notes and such. She smiled when Masashi took his change to speak, she was proud for being his little sister. She was very close to her older brother Masashi, closer than anyone of her brothers and sisters.

Since she almost never saw her other brother and sisters she hadn't a close bond, but she always did tried to make one, even if it was just little by little, that their parents can't get along doesn't mean they can't too right?

Suddenly a girl in the crowd screamed for help, Tsurara talked to the girl and soon Hikari noticed the girl had no link, a child with no link was dangerous. The girl was shaking, she seemed to be cold. Then Tsurara called out to her. 'Hikari-chan! Get Hinata to melt down the ice!' He shouted.

Hikari took a glance at the sculpture, was he thinking that the little girl's link was inside this sculpture? No time to think!

'Hinata! Use flametrower on the Tsurara-kun's sculpture!' Hikari ordered her, Hinata did as she said. But after there was a little hole in the ice, Hinata stopped. '(It's too risky too go futher than this, i would burn the pokemon link.)' Hinata-Miu told her human friend. 'Tsurara-kun! It's too risky to go futher than that! Hinata would burn the link!' Hikari shouted back at him, then she she suddenly looked around from the plateau. 'I have a idea! Wait here!' Hikari whissled and jumped from the plateau. Immediately Hinata-Miu jumped under her and Hikari clenched herself on Hinata's back. 'Hinata! There's a boy here with a Eevee link! Try to find him!' She ordered her friend. 'We gotta save a little girl here.' Hikari said with a more serious face.

Hinata-Miu jumped through the crowd and looked around for the boy with the Eevee link, Hinata knew how Hikari had seen this boy alot when jumping through the forest together. It didn't take long for the Entei to track the boy down.

Hikari jumped from Hinata's back and saw the boy sitting on a bench and talking to a girl. 'I'm sorry for having to interupt you lovey dovey time!' Hikari bowed down forward the boy. 'But i need your help!' Hikari took a look at the boy. 'There's a girl who's link crawled into the sculpture, if we don't get the link out the sculpture, both will die!' Hikari came closer. 'We need your Eevee to climb into the sculpture to save both the link and the girl! Are you willing to help me out?' Hikari asked him with her soft voice, hoping he would say yes.

'I-i'm sorry for being so rude! I-i'm Hikari...' Hikari quickly added with a shy blush, for a princess she was way too shy when talking to strangers, unless it was an emergency like now.
||Aimi Maita||Sacred Fire||
[PokeCommunity.com] [Sacred Fire/Divine Water]-[IC]-[PG16]

Aimi watched the boy, with wide eyes, that seemed to shake back and forth just as much as the rest of her body was. She could now obviously tell that the strange boy must of been equally freaked out and nervous, as he stuttered as he spoke, as little as he did, and when he reached his arms out to return Nina back to her, his body shook wildly, like he was in the frigid cold, shivering. She nodded nervously, reaching her own small arms out a ways to grab her Pokemon Link, and held her tightly, eyes shut a little bit, but not at all tightly.
Nina looked up at Aimi, sighing a slight sigh of relief once she saw that Aimi looked more happy than upset, although she was obviously still very much scared to be talking to a person she had never met before. In fact, neither had Nina, and she had not a clue whether this young boy was from the Sacred Fire family, or Divine Water.
Oh please oh please, oh please, let him be from our own family, Sacred Fire. If he lives in Divine Water, the poor boy might not make it to tomorrow. . . Nina pleaded in her mind, glancing back and forth from Aimi, and then to the boy, who looked close enough to Aimi's age, at least that's what Nina thinks.

Both of the two then glanced over at the boy when he at last, managed to directly speak to Aimi, and she blushed, hearing the one simple word, that took a minute for her to understand. "I-Icarus. . ." The boy mumbled, looking at Aimi a bit, and moving about nervously and very much shakily. Nina shook her head, looking down. She wondered why exactly out of all the people that she had to nearly fall on, did it have to be someone as shy as Aimi was? Why not a guy that would help her linked human open up a little but more, something that Nina herself had never quite accomplished yet. She then noticed the Eevee that had gone back to the bench the two were sitting on earlier, and felt that she knew how he felt. Yeah, that guy probably has it as rough as I do, considering he doesn't look nearly as shaky as this boy, Icarus was it, is. . . Nina thought once again to herself, trying to recall what the boy had said to Aimi. It was challenging to figure out what he had said, as it was spoken without any confidence, and so shakily, with more stuttering that he spent speaking.

Aimi looked at Icarus for a long while, shaking back and forth, before she decided, and had figured out what to say in reply to the boy. It first took her a moment, much like Nina, to figure out and process that the mysterious boy was trying to tell them, and she nodded, face blushing as red, if not redder than a perfectly ripe beet.
"O-Oh, m-my name's A-Aimi. . ." She introduced herself shyly, looking away as she spoke, then her eyes glanced at the ground, which she began to kick with her feet again, as Aimi always seems to do whenever she has to talk to someone she has never met before, or is in anyway nervous about anything.
She was completely nervous about all of this, and even slightly embarrassed by how childish, and silly she was acting. It was just that, she didn't want to have this conversation with the young boy, named Icarus, she assumed, in the very first place, and second of all, Aimi didn't know the family Icarus was in yet. She knew that if he was from Sacred Fire, that it would be slightly more, okay to speak with him, if he proved that he was a decent guy. But on the other hand, she would have a huge problem if the young boy were to be a family member of Divine Water.
In a way, Aimi was rather curious to find out this little bit of information, but in the same sense, was afraid to, in case of course, he was Divine Water.

New Moon Festival - The Request

[PokeCommunity.com] [Sacred Fire/Divine Water]-[IC]-[PG16]

Icarus Uprising

The most awkward thing about talking to someone, is the ghostly silence that drifts on. It had been a while before the girl took her Minccino back. Exactly what family was she from? It would be trouble, more than talking, to become friends with those of Divine Water. But Icarus was still timid to ask what family Aimi, as she introduces, is in. She seemed to be kicking the floor, also shy. That Icarus can already see.

Ichigo could already see the conversation, if it was even one, was nearly over, if not demolished. What just catches his attention is Hikari Densetsu & her Entei coming by. Immediately he bounces off the bench & stays beside Icarus. Icarus, on the other hand, suddenly blushes as her crush comes by. The redness on his face says it all.

Icarus did not like that lovey-dovey part Hikari mentioned. Anyway, getting off subject, she was asking for Icarus' assistance. A little girl's linked Pokemon was trapped inside the ice sculpture. That sounded like a life at stake. So Ichigo was needed then. Hikari introduced herself, but Icarus already knew her name. He had nodded & agreed to help, letting Ichigo on his shoulder. He shyly bowed to Aimi with hands clasped together, "W-we'll meet ag-gain..." now he runs on by to the ice sculpture.

So I need to rescue a Pokemon? At least I don't have to talk right now, Icarus thought in relief. He just couldn't believe it. Hikari Densetsu talked to Icarus, in person! He squeled inside, then focused back to the Pokemon. Time for Ichigo to do his part!
[PokeCommunity.com] [Sacred Fire/Divine Water]-[IC]-[PG16]
Hikari Natsumi Densetsu
[PokeCommunity.com] [Sacred Fire/Divine Water]-[IC]-[PG16]

Hikari looked at the boy and the girl, when he said "W-we'll meet ag-again" she found out he was also shy, maybe more shy then her, but this also ment that that girl wasn't his girlfriend which embaressed her. The boy nodded at Hikari and letted his Eevee on his shoulder, probely a sign he was going to help her out, which made Hikari smile.

'T-thank you sir! I apoligize again for interupting so r-rudly...' Hikari quickly bowed a few times and when the boy started running she jumped on Hinata-Miu's back and followed the boy. The wind played with her black hair as Hinata ran, Hinata's hair waving in the wind as well. 'Y-you might jump on Hinata's back! ...That way we are there faster!' Hikari said as Hinata was running beside him with his Eevee.

Everyone was probely blaming Tsurara for the incident with the girl. They had to be fast before the girl died and Tsurara would be the one to blame, Hikari couldn't let that happen.
Kita Okata
Sacred Fire
Dining on the Transparent Tsukoyomi

"How's it taste?" asked Adline Densetsu as she started grabbing food from the table.

"Uh..." Kita started, with a noodle of Yakisoba hanging from his mouth. Kita slurped the noodle, and his face turned red. Although he'd known of Adeline, he's never actually spoken to her, and this was his first time ever actually talking to a member of the Divine Water family. Similarly, this was the second time he'd ever spoken to one of the princesses, so he was a little star-struck and was at a loss for words. Yasha barked at Kita, prompting for him to continue. He looked back to her and said, "It's good, really good. Then again, I'm not that good of a cook, so I usually eat ramen cooked in broth." Kita's face lit up again and he turned his face back to his yakisoba. "...You're okay with speaking to someone from the Sacred Fire family?" He asked, without removing his focus from his Yakisoba, though he looked up at her several times out of the corner of his eye, it was hard for him not to, she was a unique sight.

[PokeCommunity.com] [Sacred Fire/Divine Water]-[IC]-[PG16]

Yasha, being bored and adventurous as he was, went over to all of the fuss. A small girl was lying shivering and pale in the center of all of the people. Yasha had seen in his younger days that this was generally the result of being cold, something that wasn't native to him, being as sheltered as he was, and in a forge, no less. He moved in closer to the child and saw that it was pretty bad. He thought to embrace the child so as to lessen her pain, but he wasn't exactly sure what her problem was. He looked at the Ice Prince, who's demeanor was full of melancholy, and yet, he was still able to maintain his composure. Family members from either side were giving him looks, as if he were the one killing the girl, and he looked almost as if he'd just killed someone. Other family members were looking at the sculpture, assuming that the link was in there. Then, there were people like Kita, who were eating and ignoring the dilemma; it wasn't as if they weren't worried (though, that's not to say that they all were), but they were unable to ease the situation, and thus they just let the situation play out. Vulpix was also unable to help, despite his adept nature when it came to throwing flames, he would most certainly be unable to take down a sculpture of that size, and merely pouted. Then he saw the Princess of Light (a name Kita came up with for Hikari Densetsu). She rode on Hinata's back towards the sculpture, and though Yasha felt proud in that moment, he also felt weak and helpless.
Sakimoto Makoto
Teruyoshi Mizushima

Makoto was greeted friendly by Teruyoshi, to his relief. Most people remembered him, but it had been a while since they last spoke, and even then they were barely aquantences.

"Ah, Sakimoto-san! It's been a while. How goes things? I see your link has evolved! Enjoying the festivities?"

Makoto smiled, his mouth barely visible under his helmet. He took it off to be polite. His blond, curly ponytail drooped below his shoulders. Placing his helmet on his hip and holding it in place with his hand, he properly greeted Teruyoshi.

"Please, Sakimoto-san was my father. Call me Makoto-san! Things are going good, though my mother has a slight fever."

Teruyoshi took a swig of sake as Makoto-san replied. Seishin stood still and listened intently.

"Ah, I am sorry to hear about your mother Makoto-san. I hope she is well soon." Teruyoshi gave a little bow to show his sincerity.

Makoto gestured towards Kaisho with his free hand. Kaisho proudly let out a puff of smoke, and raised his head a little higher. His conciousness emitted a warm feeling of happiness. He had always dreamed of being a Salamence. He extended his telepathy to include Teruyoshi and Seishin, a rare occurence. His deep voice hummed through their minds. Makoto wasn't surprized to see Teruyoshi flinch slightly when Kaisho's mind pressed on his. Some were not used to having anyone but their link directly connect with them. Kaisho didn't completely link with Teruyoshi and Seishin, however, he only "spoke". They couldn't feel each others emotions and thoughts, just "hear" what Kaisho said.

Greetings, Honorable-Warrior-Teruyoshi-Kun. Little shorter than a fortnight ago I have changed. I have always dreamed of the moment members of both family can see me as a mighty dragon.

Kaisho extended his wings out, almost blocking the moonless, starry night sky from Makoto and Teruyoshi's view. He pulled them back in and hummed. Ever since he had gotten his wings, Kaisho had been acting more justified than usual. Makoto cut him some slack, he was proud of his link. Makoto put his helmet back on, leading his hair through the back of it. His helemt covered down to his nose, and cast a shadow over the lower part of his face. His teeth were barely visible as he smiled.

"I am glad to hear that Kaisho-san and might I add what an impressive dragon you have become." It was then that Seishin stepped forward and bowed to both Makoto and his link. 

It is a pleasure to see the both of you again. Makoto had never directly communicated with a link outside his Mother's and Kaisho, who were family. Seishin's "voice" sounded distant, and more like a dream than reality.

Teruyoshi chuckled before saying, "Talkative as usual Seishin. Anyway Makoto-san! You look like you're in dire need of a drink!"  Seishin gave a sigh at his links sudden joviality.

He motioned towards the alcohol, or stake as many called it, Teruyoshi included. Makoto usually wasn't a drinking person, but tonight was the festival. If any fights started here it was safe to say Sacred Fire was a little hazed too.

Makoto smiled.

"Shall we walk?" He turned in the direction of the venders, and started walking. Kaisho was beside him, his tail swinging back and forth slowly. Teruyoshi walked beside Makoto. Seishin lagged behind slightly eating the last of the food he had gathered earlier.

The crowds were thinner nearer the back and as such it was less of a fight to move through. Those that registered Makoto's armour soon parted before him. Teruyoshi however had more trouble. He was consistently met with apologies as people finally noticed the blade hanging at his side. He dismissed such apologies with a pleasant smile and a polite bow of acknowledgement before moving on. It seemed weapons were as good at cutting through crowds as they were through enemies. Makoto found Teruyoshi almost overly polite, which was not a fault by any means.

It was not long before they reached the stalls of the street vendors. The variety of foods and beverages was astounding.

Seishin gently entered the other three's thoughts.

It was most kind of the Densetsu's to put on such a spread for this celebration. I wonder how much the whole thing costs them? A monthly occurrence of this magnitude cannot be cheap.

Teruyoshi spoke up, "It does the people good to relax Seishin. But rescources spent here are rescources that could have been used to strengthen our military. War will happen. Whether between ourselves and the Sacred Fire family or with outsiders....It is only a matter of time."

Seishin entered their thoughts once more his voice cut through Teruyoshi's like a knife. To Makoto, it remained a foreign voice, almost alien. It is not war time yet Teruyoshi-san. Are you as pessimistic as my link Makoto-san?

Makoto hadn't thought of this. Sure, there was always a lot of food in both sides of the familes, but this could feed Makoto and his mother for months. Not like they ever starved with Kaisho and Makoto bringing in Sawsbuck and deerling every week, but still, this was certainly a grand amount. Kaisho didn't think much about it, grabbing a roasted Emboar with his mouth. He carried it a few meters from the stall to allow others access, where he devoured it.

Makoto was eager to join the conversation, and took his openening to join in.

"Pessimistic? No. Realistic? Yes. While I realize tension is high in the Densetsu family, war does not simply begin. Our family has never gone to war, much less with itself. A catalyst is needed to start war, I believe. A human does not just simply wish to destroy others, and sacrifice their own blood for no reason whatsoever. There is no hate between our families, merely childish anger, suspision, paranoia, and fear. Nobody wants to die today, and nobody wants to kill either. My biggest wish is for this...conflict of interests...to come to an end. It does no good, and will slowly bring us even further apart. Many children already dislike the other side of the family, merely because they see the way we act. If we want the young people in our family to come to mindless vengeance and violence, we should acheive that in a decade, maybe sooner. If war does start, I will protect, but not hunt. My blade does not need any more blood on it."

Makoto shivered as he remembered the time he killed his father's murderer. It was an accident, but it still woke him up at night. Kaisho had cut in too, and shared his own opinions.

Makoto-kun and I share the same feelings. But I can see Teruyoshi's side as well. War isn't likely to happen so soon, but there is always a chance it will. We must be ready for that moment, even if it never comes.

He finished his snack. Makoto grabbed his own rice wine, and as he lifted it to drink he heard a scream. Teruyoshi's mouth was opening to respond to Kaisho, but never got the chance. Makoto dropped his glass an instant later and turned to the source of the scream. It fell to the ground and shattered. Without a second thought, Makoto rushed towards the ice sculpture, where the sound originated from. Teruyoshi was just as fast, and he and Seishin bolted alongside Makoto. Kaisho followed in the sky, lifting off instanly.

"Seishin! Run ahead and see what the hell is happening!" The lucario nodded and pulled ahead of the two men as they sprinted to the top of the plateau. Teruyoshi's hand held the hilt of his blade as he ran.

Makoto started to lose ground to Teruyoshi, who ran without the weight of armor. Seishin left them in the dust, naturally, and Kaisho flew ahead. Makoto caught up to Teruyoshi as he slowed down. Makoto was barely winded, as he had been doing 3 to 4 hour cardio workouts every morning since he was 17 years old. He was able to control his breathing and his heart rate was only slightly elevated. But the situation at hand was elevated enough. Makoto had no idea what was going on. Teruyoshi had an idea, and shared his theory with Makoto.

I can't be sure, but it seems that our lord Tsurara's little display earlier was not as harmless as it may have seemed. The girl over there, her link is nowhere to be seen and she looks as if she's just left an ice bath. Her link must be trapped in the sculpture! If they dont get it out soon then she'll freeze or suffocate along with it...Where the hell has Seishin got to?!"

Seishin was kneeling on the ground and supporting a small, hunched figure. Teruyoshi gasped.

"By Arceus! Is that...." He pointed to the hunched shape in Seishin's arms. Makoto couldn't tell...but it shared a striking resemblence to Seraphina-sama, the Sun Princess. Seishin sent out his thoughts.

Teruyoshi! Makoto! The others have the ice sculpture handled! We need to help the Princess!

Makoto looked at the ice. It was true, they were sending an Eevee in to save the link as they spoke. In the end, it really wasn't a choice.

"Kaisho! The others have the rescue under control! Stay away! You'll just be in the way!"

Kaisho responded with a roar, and veered back towards the princess. Makoto rushed to her side, Teruyoshi hot on his heels. Makoto knelt down beside the Princess. Teruyoshi arrived at the same time. He dropped to her side and gestured for Seishin to lay her down.

He looked up at Seishin and asked,
"What is wrong with her? How long has she been like this?" As Teruyoshi said this he pulled of his obi and rolled it to make and impromptu pillow, sliding it beneath the sun princess's head.

I know little more than you. Seems to be a fever of some kind. Her temperature is much too high.

"Damn it! I'm no healer...." Teruyoshi sighed as he tried to think. "We need to bring her temperature down. A cold towel on the head would do it. Seishin, go with Kaisho and see if there is any ice left unmelted to cool her down with! And find a bottle to fill with some water!"
The two pokemon left. Seishin sprinting and Kaisho flying above.

There wasn't much Makoto could do. He knew warm food and rest usually cured sickness, but thats as far as his knowledge on the subject went. Common sense told him cold water could cool her off, but Teruyoshi and Seishin were already on it. Kaisho went to help Seishin find some ice. All Makoto could do was wait, really.

Sakimoto Kaisho


Kaisho searched for chunks of ice he could bring back, but to no avail. Most of the ice was either melted or still comnected to the scuplture Tsurara-sama made. He didn't want to interrupt the rescue in progress, so cutting off his own peice was out. Something glittered down below. A big chunk of ice, almost as tall as Makoto, had fallen off the sculpture and slid towards the edge of the plateau on the slippery ground, wet from melted ice. It was quickly moving closer and closer to falling off.

I need that ice! Princess-of-the-Sun-Seraphina-sama needs that ice!

Kaisho tucked his wings in and dove. The ice slipped off before he could stop it.

No no no no no no no NO!

He veered off the plateau himself, accelerating at a high pace. He gained distance on the ice, which was nearing the ground. A split second from impact, he grabbed the ice in his jaws and pulled up. His claws scraped the ground as he flew by, and he pushed off the ground. He started rising towards the top of the plateau, but the ice in his mouth began to melt. His breath was heated by the flames in his body, and the ice was already half its original size.


He started flying as fast as he could towards Makoto and Teruyoshi, who were looking after Seraphina-sama. The ice had dropped to the size of a grapefruit, and was steadfast in its melting. He kicked in his last bit of momentum, and skidded to a halt right behind the humans. He dug his claws into the ground and flared his wings, straining every muscle in his body to come to his halt. He spat out the ice, now apple sized, and pushed it towards Makoto with his tail. Makoto quickly wrapped it in a cloth and placed it on her forehead. She was still awake, but very ill. Her eyes fluttered and her skin broke out into sweats. She was still hot, and needed water. Seishin appeared seconds later, water cantine in hand. Teruyoshi took it and poured the contents into The Princesses mouth. She swallowed, and her temperature stopped rising. Kaisho panted, wishing he himself could sweat. He was already short breathed from his flight, as his muscles were not fully developed and his heart not accustomed to such extreme aerobatics. He laid down and put his wings over his head, trying to rest and preserve his strength, need it be called for again.

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New Moon's Festival - Rescue Time

[PokeCommunity.com] [Sacred Fire/Divine Water]-[IC]-[PG16]

Icarus Uprising

Icarus didn't mind being interrupted. In fact, he was thankful to be out of that conversation with Aimi. Still, he feels guilty for leaving her like that. He'll have to suck it up, but he'll try talking to her. Not too much pressure though!

Hikari had offered Icarus a ride on her Entei, running beside Icarus & Ichigo. First she spoke to him & now she's offering him a ride, beside her? Icarus could almost faint, but not right now. Now is the time for rescue. Tsurara may have trained well, but he still lacks the smarts about his strengths. That blush came right back to Icarus as he took a hold of Ichigo, boarded Entei behind Hikari & rode off to the ice sculpture. As they stopped & Icarus & Ichigo got off, Ichigo immediately squeezed inside the ice hole & searched for the girl's Pokemon. Luckily Ichigo could sense anything around him, finding the Pokemon easily & bringing it back out. The Pokemon was safe & sound, but it was still cold. Icarus picked up the Pokemon & held it gently, nodding nicely to Ichigo. A job well done.
||Aimi Maita||Sacred Fire||
[PokeCommunity.com] [Sacred Fire/Divine Water]-[IC]-[PG16]

Aimi watched quietly, not making a sound, or moving a single muscle, when she heard Hikari calling to the boy, Icarus, sounding a bit helpless, in her mind, and also very obviously in need of assistance.
Aimi may not be one to talk all that much, but one thing that she did do was eavesdrop, and even though she may not be all that willing to admit it, she could smoothly and easily figure out how a person was feeling just from hearing the words that they spoke, and how they sounded when it was said. Like the urgency in your voice will make you sound a bit anxious, but then it matters how much urgency you could hear. It came simply and naturally to her, so it was rather obviously to tell that Hikari needed help from the boy. It did confuse Aimi, that one of the Princesses of Sacred Fire, the one linked to the great and very powerful Entei, would talk to the boy, who Aimi didn't really think of as all that special looking, or seeming, just a shy young boy who stuttered alot, and didn't even have all that powerful looking of a Pokemon Link, although she could be wrong.
Then again, as Aimi thought, she suddenly realized something, and her eyes twitched, as well as her face dropping.
Oh shoot, it sounds as if I am describing myself on nearly every way, shape, or form. . . . She thought to herself, then looked back at Icarus, as he then spoke to her again, this time bowing with his hands clapped. "W-we'll meet a-again......." Icarus said to Aimi, with one last look, before shooting off to the ice sculpture, to help Hikari with who knows what.

It did take a minute for Aimi to figure out the current predicament, and her eyes widened once she had it figured out completely. She figured that a little girl and her link were both seperated, and the Pokemon was dumb enough to walk around by the Prince of Ice when he went "Bibbity Bobbity Boo" and made an ice sculpture, which I guess froze the Pokemon Link, nearly killing the girl and the Pokemon both.
It all made sense to her as soon as she well, eavesdropped for the most part, listening to what all the others around her were talking about, some looking horribly nervous, others taking this like some "fun" event to spice up the festival a bit. Either way, Aimi wasn't too worried about it, like most things that have happened here, and actually smiled a trifle.
Of course not about the girl nearly getting herself killed, not even Aimi would be that cruel to a human being, but more because of how polite Icarus was, although he did retreat a little bit hastily. That much Aimi understood, because of course he needed to go and "save the day" or something, and so she watched as he hopped on Hikari's link Entei, and she nodded, then turning away from the subject, and looked over to the bench that Icarus and his link, who she has currently not found the name out of yet, had been sitting on before they went up to talk to her.

She didn't see a single other place to sit at, and because Nina and her both were completely exhausted for their own near death experience, and also the dreaded socializing, she began walking down to the bench, Nina being hugged very tightly in Aimi's grasp. Her breath was being held as she couldn't breathe very well in the first place, but really did long to take a long gasp. Aimi, as she was about to sit down on the simple looking bench, now noticed Nina's struggle to get some air, and blushed a little bit, releasing Nina from her grip instantly, and kept looking at her link, wondering if she was okay. Nina, as soon has she wasn't being hugged very tightly from Aimi, put her paws in the air, and took three long gulps of fresh air, which Nina thought would never of seemed so good. After she had regained herself, Nina glanced at Aimi, taking notice that her linked human had her attention on her and only her. She began to stare directly into Aimi's eyes, which made her blush even more, and instantly look away, but decided to speak, surprisingly in a stuttered voice, as she was used to Nina enough to not do it on most occasions. "I'm, s-so terribly, s-sorry I was choking y-you Nina. . ." Aimi said in a soft and sweet sounding voice, glancing down at her own feet, and away from Nina's glanced completely.

Knowing that it was her own duty to always make sure that her Linked Human was kept happy, and also herself, Nina shrugged it off a little bit, trying her best to break a smile. "That? Don't sweat it, it's that Starly that should be apologizing right now, I'll tell you that!" Nina reassured Aimi, leaping up to her Linked Human's shoulder, and quickly began to relax herself, something that she had been longing to do for quite awhile. Aimi looked at Nina with a puzzled, and very much confused expression, not quite getting what she was talking about. Of course she wouldn't get the joke, as Aimi for the most part was zoned out during that time, wanting to drown out the voices of all those around her. "Wait um, w-what do you mean by, Starly?" Aimi asked Nina, tilting her head, a quizzical expression on her face. Nina shrugged her shoulders a bit, rolling her eyes jokingly at Aimi, as she laughed slightly, before beginning to speak once again. "Oh, never mind, it's nothing Mi-chan"

Adeline Densetsu
Divine Water

Addie picked up a loaf of bread and scrutinized it as the teen responded with an "Uh…" Good answer. Addie looked away from the bread after a brief silence and returned her gaze to the boy as if to make sure he hadn't suddenly poofed away. The guy turned red faced, either nervous about something or maybe it was a Sacred Fire thing. Joking aside, he probably wasn't comfortable with talking to people from Divine Water.

Had Addie been a compassionate person, she would have left him alone. But she wasn't, so she decided she would stay here and continue talking to him for as long as possible. There wasn't anything else to do, might as well make friendly conversation. The little Vulpix he had with him barked as if to encourage him to say something comprehensible.

"It's good, really good. Then again, I'm not that good of a cook, so I usually eat ramen cooked in broth," he said. He can speak! He looked down at the noodles in his dish. Addie wasn't an expert with foods so all she could make of it was noodles. "...You're okay with speaking to someone from the Sacred Fire family?" the teen asked. So he was from Sacred Fire. "Yes, why shouldn't I be?" Addie asked calmly, placing the bread on her plate and sitting down. "What happened years ago was a big misunderstanding if you ask me." Fulgora quickly grabbed the bread from Addie's plate, but the girl merely smiled and grabbed another for herself. "It's very unfortunate that it had to happen."
Event Resolved!
Introducing Kitsuko and...

Tsurara Densetsu


Unknown Child

Tsurara watched as even the almighty Entei was unable to completely melt the ice. Well, maybe my magic is stronger than I realize... Hm... And it does prove useful, though I wish it hadn't been proven in this way... A light sigh came from him as Hikari enlisted a boy and his Eevee. Tsurara examined the boy with mild curiosity. Is he from our family...? He seems unfamiliar to me... Though not as much as this girl... His gaze directed to the small girl, as he lightly lifted her off the ground and held her, hoping even his own cold heart was still warm enough to heat her.

"Seraphina!" Tsurara quickly rushed over, girl in his arms, and knelt down to his Sister, as the others that surrounded her had parted only slightly, to give him room. Of course he was worried, as Seraphina was probably the closest to him of all his siblings; not that he hadn't tried to befriend the others, but some of them just didn't seem interested, and some were Adeline. There was a Kim too, but she seemed to hate everyone in general especially Tsurara!. He spoke up, looking far too calm for this situation. Even the small girl tilted her head to give the ill princess an odd look. People see me as the professional, so I must act like it. "Go ahead and treat her for the moment, once this girl is dealt with, I'll take her home immediately. Everyone else can still enjoy the party." Shaking his head, he thought to himself, The party will probably start once I leave anyways. He stood and went back to see the sculpture situation.

The Eevee had dragged a small dark ball of fur out from inside the sculpture, and the boy that was linked with it picked up the small creature and was only able to hold it for a moment before the girl took a frantic leap from Tsurara's arms to practically tackling the boy to the ground and quickly regaining her link. "Yay, you're safe, you're safe!! Never leave me again, never ever ever!!" Tsurara couldn't help but smile. He wasn't really a "kid" person, but her happiness had sort of exploded and impacted others, as various cheers began to emit from the crowd. Of course, Tsurara was in the infamy spotlight, he was sure of it. I'm guessing they think I had intended to do that... Well, anyways, we might as well take care of this girl.

Tsurara had helped the girl to stand (while also reaching his hand out to lift the boy back to his feet) before leading her to the front of the plateau. Everyone was still conversing, and after a nod from Tsurara, Setsuko's beautiful squeal rung through the crowd. Tsurara had easily the most attention-getting link in either kingdom HOW IRONIC. "Does anyone recognize this child or her link?" An empty silence and a few heads shaking proved what Tsurara had assumed. "Well then, I see we have a young loner, and on the festival too! So... Would anyone consider adopting them into their home?"

He then looked directly to Hikari and gave a slight smirk, as if he were speaking to her without words. He gently nudged the girl toward Hikari, and she began her walk in that direction. Tsurara then concluded his time at the party with a very formal bow to the crowd, before returning to Seraphina, taking her and carrying her onto Setsuko, and waiting for Mai to follow. As the birds of fire and ice began to depart toward their home island, Tsurara's icy scarf fluttered behind, twinkling slightly until the two linked pairs had vanished on the horizon.


The young girl began to move toward the princess with the big fire beast, stopping halfway to see the boy she had tackled to retrieve her link. The dark bundle of fur peeked out from her arms, and a pair of light purple eyes blinked and watch the boy carefully. The girl had aqua blue-green hair, that seemed to be the perfect mix to make the color soft and gentle. Her large bright amber eyes were beady, and her skin was bright and pale, though now it seemed to be her actual skin color. She wore a dress that seemed to have been hand-made, from reeds, leaves, flowers, and plenty of of things that could be found in the forest. She was notably barefoot, so her feet were rather dirty.

She looked up at the boy who had rescued her link, then quickly gave him a bow, before turning and continuing to walk up to the princess. She looked up to her, and is if to know exactly what she was thinking, began to speak. "My name is Kitsuko! And this cutie--" she proceeded to lift up the small shaky Zorua to look the princess in the eyes "-- is named Kiyoko!"

[PokeCommunity.com] [Sacred Fire/Divine Water]-[IC]-[PG16]
Hikari Natsumi Densetsu
[PokeCommunity.com] [Sacred Fire/Divine Water]-[IC]-[PG16]

Hikari smiled as the boy agreed to jump on Hinata's back, as he did so together with his Eevee, Hinata started run faster and jumped over big obstacles. When Hikari and her Entei arrived at the plateau, Hinata jumped on the rocks to get where Tsurara and the ice sculpture were, time to save Tsurara's image!

When Hinata stopped, the boy's Eevee immediately crawled into the sculpture, and not long later, came outside with a Zorua. 'Awesome!' Hikari shouted a little too excited, but she was happy the Eevee was able to rescue the girl's Link. Hikari later noticed something was wrong with her little sister, she started to worry a little but knew Tsurara and Adeline would be able to help her.

Tsurara asked everyone if they would like to adopt the unknown little girl, who seemed happy to have her Zorua back. Tsurara smirked at her as saying "thank you" so she smiled back at him. He nudged the girl to her and the boy's direction. The girl firstly walked up to the boy and thanked him, then to Hikari and looked at her with her big amber eyes. 'I'm Kitsuko, and this cutie-' she introduced herself, like reading Hikari's thoughts. '...is Kiyoko!' she introduced her Zorua. Hikari smiled at the little girl and bended down to her length. 'I'm Hikari, and my friend her is Hinata-Miu.' Hikari pointed at her big Entei, who also smiled at the girl.

'Are you okay now? are you cold?' Hikari asked the Zorua and patted his head. 'here...' Hikari grabbed something out her pocket, a little scarf. 'you can keep it.' Hikari attached the blue, fluffy scarf to the Zorua. 'i hope you don't mind.' Hikari smiled at Kitsuko. 'That's a really beautiful name you both have.' Hikari smiled at the girl and looked at her with her aqua eyes. 'Thank you for helping me out.' Hikari stood up again and walked over to the boy. 'You really helped me and my brothers and sisters out.' Hikari smiled at him. 'I never got your name... i saw you and your Eevee alot in the forests but...' Hikari looked at Hinata. 'My link is kinda shy...' Hikari smirked.

'(just like her human link)' Hinata rawred and smiled while laying around the Kitsuko to keep her warm after the cold she probely had felt. Hikari shyly gigled a little and pretended Hinata never said that, but the Entei was right, she WAS shy, but as a princess she had to show her thanks somehow, and the only way was talking...
Kozue Tazmily

After minutes of yelling for assistance, Kozue realized that everything had been resolved, and the girl had been saved. "It's great that she's okay, but..."

"Come on Kozue, don't look a gift ponyta in the mouth. The girl is safe; they didn't even need you." assured Yagi.

"Exactly, I could have helped too. But everyone just ignored me."

"Well the most you can do is just to get over it; what happens happens. maybe next time."

"There hopefully wont be a next time." sighed Kozue. He figured it was about time to head back to his parents.

He ran into his parents, Goro and Kaida, with their links around the village bazaar. Goro's link was a lickilicky, and Kaida's was a whimsicott. "Kozue! thank Arceus you're okay!" exclaimed Kaida as she ran over to embrace her son, much to his discretion.

"Okay mother...yeah i'm okay." Kozue dryly said as she released him.

"I've haven't seen your mother stressed like tonight for ages. Promise me that when trouble calls you will come straight back to us." ordered Goro.

"Dad, I'm not a kid anymore!"

"Yes you are, lets go home family". Goro responded.

Kozue left the festival frustrated. "When will I be treated with respect?" he asked himself.

New Moon Festival - A Funny Way To Be Thanked

[PokeCommunity.com] [Sacred Fire/Divine Water]-[IC]-[PG16]

Icarus Uprising

This Zorua was okay, a little cold but okay. The girl's Zorua was safe & needed to be returned to its link. Unfortunately, the girl tackled Icarus & got her Zorua back. Bad way to thank Icarus, but he doesn't mind. What matters is that no one is dead.

Ichigo looked at the girl & Zorua mildly. What a funny way to thank him & Icarus. Was the Zorua alright though? It was still cold. Icarus got back up from the ground & heard Tsurara announcing. Does the little girl belong to anyone? Does she even have a family? He saw the girl come over & bow to him. Icarus shyly grinned & rubbed the back of his head, eyes closed slightly. Ichigo saw Hikari Densetsu come over with Entei.

It was always a pleasure helping out, even if it wasn't that important, Icarus had mentioned...in his head. If only he said it out to Hikari Densetsu. He was already blushing from being thanked by her. It's hard to believe his crush was actually conversationing with him! It was a dream come true- Almost.

Did she just say she saw me at the forest sometimes? Icarus is usually at the forest surveying for any suspicious activity, but why would Hikari Densetsu be near the forest anyway? Who cares? She's noticing him! Her link was shy? Or was she shy? No way a legendary Pokemon could be timid, right? Icarus almost forgot. "I-I'm Icarus Uprising, b-but you can c-call me P-P-Pit...!" why is it so hard to speak? Well he could barely talk now anyway, it was Hikari Densetsu he was speaking to! "& this is m-my Eevee, Ichigo..." he introduced his Eevee. Ichigo kind of looked away in fright a little. Like human like Pokemon. Icarus had nothing more to say, looking down timidly. Shy as always.
[PokeCommunity.com] [Sacred Fire/Divine Water]-[IC]-[PG16]
Hikari Natsumi Densetsu
[PokeCommunity.com] [Sacred Fire/Divine Water]-[IC]-[PG16]

"I-I'm Icarus Uprising, b-but you can c-call me P-P-Pit...!" The boy introduced himself, he seemed just as shy as Hikari, maybe even more shy...? Hikari blinked a few times and then giggled. "& this is m-my Eevee, Ichigo..." The boy pointed at his Eevee, it looked cute, and shy, could they be just as inseperable as Hikari and Hinata? 'y-you know my name already, but i shall introduce in a more polite way...' Hikari said shyly and bowed with her hands clenched.

'i'm Hikari Natsumi Densetsu.' she spoke with her soft and kind voice. 'and this is my pokemon Link, Hinata-Miu.' she pointed at her Fluffy looking Entei, for a Entei she looked quite feminine. Hinata walked over to the princess, the young man and his Eevee. '(hello there...)' Hinata rawred in pokemon language, only understandable for Hikari and Ichigo. 'she said hello.' Hikari smiled with her hands behind her back. 'what's your job in the country?' Hikari asked him, pretty curious.
Kita Okata
Sacred Fire
Shaken Chains

"Yes, why shouldn't I be?" Addie asked calmly, placing the bread on her plate and sitting down. "What happened years ago was a big misunderstanding if you ask me. It's very unfortunate that it had to happen."

Kita turned his head to Adeline and raised his eyebrows to her response. What he had asked was probably a naive question, but he'd never actually met anyone from the Divine Water family, so he had to assume one thing or another, and he bit the bullet and asked the stupid one. Then again, maybe it wasn't stupid. Adeline was simply one person with a clearly eccentric personality, but she had Kita's favor, and that one opinion was good enough for him for the time being. Hearing that made Kita happy, and a smile came over his face that he couldn't remove. He reached for his drink, but simply grasped at an empty space. He looked to see where his drink had went, and then...

[PokeCommunity.com] [Sacred Fire/Divine Water]-[IC]-[PG16]

...in front of him he saw Yasha, his mouth stained with blue coloring. Oran juice mixed with various other fruits and vegetables, it was blue, and popular with humans and pokemon alike. It was Kita's Drink."Yasha! That was mine!"" he said, but Yasha growled at him angrily. He pointed to where all of the commotion was. "Are you mad because I didn't go help out? Look, there was nothing I could do." Yasha growled at him again. Kita softened his expression and said, "Buddy, I'm really sorry. I know I just ignored what was going on over there, and I'm really sorry about that...maybe we should just go." At his proposal, Yasha also softened his proposal and then shook his head. "Man, you're really showing off today; I'm supposed to be the shy one, remember?" He said with a chuckle. He looked to Adeline and said, "Sorry, he's just acting like this because you're here, I think you make him nervous," promptly laughing at Yasha's behavior.
Adeline Densetsu
Divine Water

Adeline looked over the table and noticed noodles and sushi and… chicken! Chicken is good. Adeline likes chicken. She reached over and placed a piece on her plate next to the bread and looked at the boy. He was smiling, so he either found a fly in his food and he found it funny rather than disgusting, or he liked Addie's answer. His hand went forward as if to grab a glass but there was nothing there. Addie glanced back down at her food and took a small bite out of the chicken.

"Yasha! That was mine!" the boy exclaimed. Addie looked up again and saw the small fox standing there, though she didn't notice the blue stain on its muzzle as he was facing away from her. The boy argued with Yasha about why he didn't help out with the little situation that had gone on with Tsurara. Addie had forgotten about that. Well, it didn't matter too much. Nobody even knew who the girl was, so whether she died or survived it wouldn't make much of a difference. Addie realized how slowly she was chewing and began chewing faster. At this rate she would never finish the chicken she had in her mouth.

"Buddy, I'm really sorry. I know I just ignored what was going on over there, and I'm really sorry about that...maybe we should just go." Well that escalated quickly.

The fox shook his head at the boy's suggestion. "Man, you're really showing off today; I'm supposed to be the shy one, remember?" the boy said with a chuckle. He looked at Addie again. "Sorry, he's just acting like this because you're here, I think you make him nervous," he said, laughing again. Addie swallowed her chicken and laughed as well.

"Why is that? Is it because I'm in Divine Water?" she asked, looking at the Vulpix with a small smile. Pokémon were so strange to Addie, she thought that that might be reason enough why she didn't like them. Fulgora, who had been quiet for the entirety of this encounter, raised her wings up and squawked as loudly as she possible could. "Oh hush," Addie said, laughing.

Masashi Densetsu
Sacred Fire

Masashi stood by as the rest of the speeches were finished up. As soon as they had ended, a little girl screamed from the crowd and was lifted up by his brother's magic. People began to panic as they came to the realization that her link had been trapped inside the ice sculpture made by Tsurara.

Masashi quickly rushed over to the sculpture but then stepped aside so as to not get in the way when Tsurara proposed that Hikari help rescue the Pokémon. His sister Hikari had her link Hinata melt the statue with her fire, but then stopped as she realized that the fire would surely burn the link. Masashi smiled at his sister, proud that she had been the one chosen to help the little girl's link.

His sister quickly descended off the cliff to get help from a boy who had an Eevee small enough to fit into the sculpture and pull the link out. When they returned up, the Eevee effortlessly pulled out a small Zorua from inside the ice. The girl tackle hugged the Eevee's link and then he introduced himself to Hikari. By the way he stuttered, Masashi could tell he had a crush on his sister. She introduced herself to Icarus before asking what his job was.

((Yes, I know the Masashi post is super summarized LOL but it would take ages to include every detail considering Mick Fizz only managed to post his opening post. I'll hopefully improve, now that I have Masashi caught up for the most part~))



Kitsuko seemed well beyond heated now, and when the large Entei had left to meet it's link, she seemed to have taken no notice. "Come on Kiyoko, we're safe and warm! We can play now!" She giggled lightly and started to take a full leap down from the plateau to the small field below where festivities were held. "Come on Kiyoko, you have to catch me!" The little Zorua seemed less enthused, very carefully climbing down the plateau's side and then following after the girl while avoiding the crowd's feet. Kitsuko continued to giggle until it had become a laughing fit, just barely slipping past people. She completely T-boned Adeline Densetsu, the Electric Princess of Divine Water. Knocking herself over and probably taking out Adeline as well, she still continued to giggle and laugh. "Weeee!" she cheered excitedly, and in a moment she had taken off back toward the plateau.

Little Kiyoko had almost caught up to Kitsuko, until she decided to 180 and turn back the other way. The small Zorua sighed a bit. This girl was a disaster waiting to happen. He gave the toppled-over Princess a worryful glance and turned to bolt after his link once more. Kitsuko was now literally shoving her way through the crowd, bumping others away and then making a leap for the plateau, finding small rocks to use as ledges and climbing back up. Kiyoko finally caught up by the time she had gotten to the top, bumping her ankle with his muzzle before just plopping over and panting. He had finally caught her, at least. She giggled and picked him back up, wandering over the the Entei Princess and tugging at her arm. Kiyoko remained wrapped in Kitsuko's arms, breathing heavily and trying to regain stamina. Kitsuko spoke up to the princess, seeming to have completely ignored the crowd and the woman she had run into not moments before.

"So, miss princess lady? Who was that jerk guy who trapped my Kiyoko and what is this place and who are these people and what's this party for and do you have any food and does your link wanna play and wha--" Oh dear. She stopped for a few seconds to, well, breathe. "What was that mean man talking about before he left and did he say something about a home because I don't have one of those and it sounds really nice and cozy and i could play all of the time and eat and sleep and play some more!" She giggled, almost looking lightheaded from blabbering on in huge run-on sentences. "Ooh can I live with you and your big fluffy link and play a lot??"

Seriously. Kids in candy stores aren't nearly this bad.

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