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School subjects.. :/

  • 38
    Oh but its getting close to that time again.. summer is coming to a hault and the reality sets in that you will be going back to school.
    Okay so I recently filled out my the little slip for the classes you wish to be in. (forgot what its called)
    I wont know if I got the classes until next week when I go to pick up my schedule. So I wanted to ask you guys..

    1. What classes are you taking/want to take this year, (if youre out of school what classes do you wish you could have taken)

    2. Are you looking forward to going back to school? (if out of school are you glad you are?)

    3. What were the best things/most vivid memories you did last year. (school related please)
    In my school, I don't get to choose what classes, unfortunately. :\ But if I were to take classes, I would probably take:

    - English
    - Computer programming (we have that)
    - Physics
    - Math
    - Chemistry
    - P.E

    2. No, not really. I don't mind seeing my friends and hanging with them all day, but I do not like to study for 6 hours.

    3. Let's see..Academically, I came 10th in ranking over 500 students in my school. Other things, we played water fight for 3 hours and the school flooded and the teachers ran away from school. xD

    1. What classes are you taking/want to take this year, (if youre out of school what classes do you wish you could have taken)

    Hnr English
    Hnr Chemsitry
    Hnr World History
    and all the regular classes

    2. Are you looking forward to going back to school? (if out of school are you glad you are?)


    3. What were the best things/most vivid memories you did last year. (school related please)
    There really wasn't any.
    1. What classes are you taking/want to take this year.

    I've already selected my classes at my high school for this year, sadly because I'm taking AP European History they couldn't fit me into Web Design which was the elective I really wanted.

    2. Are you looking forward to going back to school?

    Eh, summer gets boring sometimes so I'm kinda looking forward to it for a change of pace.

    3. What were the best things/most vivid memories you did last year.

    Um, nothing that interesting lol.
    I'm in graduate school so my answers will be a little different:

    1. What classes are you taking/want to take this year, (if youre out of school what classes do you wish you could have taken)
    Some really hard math/finance class.

    2. Are you looking forward to going back to school? (if out of school are you glad you are?)
    Yeah because I can get on wi-fi and will have reliable internet there. Plus there's anime club :P

    3. What were the best things/most vivid memories you did last year. (school related please)
    Three anime conventions while attending college last semester. Other than that, the same old thing I always do in college. But I did go to a Quality Suites hotel over Spring Break :)
    - Introduction to Human Mythology
    - British Literature I
    - American Literature II
    - Film Development I
    - East Asian History

    So, basically, a lot of reading! I would assume I wanted to take them all since I actually picked them, there's one class (math) I wanted to take, buuuut all the spots filled up insanely fast that it might need to wait for next semester. Pretty much can't slack off in any of them since my field of study specializes in literature and film. Annnnd my most vivid memory was probably my first day of school. The first day of college always seems rather daunting, but it's amazing how quickly you become used to it.

    Annnd yes, I am most definitely looking forward to going back! Mostly because I want to challenge myself to do better this semester and the film class has me particularly excited.
    Last edited:
    I'm taking a mixture of general education classes as well as some directed more toward my major. They include: human geography, artificial intelligence, calculus III, computer science III, world literature, and finally "introduction to the solar system", as my non lab. I'm looking forward to taking most of them; others like the non-lab I'm not as it doesn't interested me but it's a necessary requirement. After this semester I'm going to be done with all my general education classes and can focus on finishing up my major and minor for a graduation date of next fall, which means my degree program only took 2 1/2 years instead of 4. :)

    To answer if I am looking forward going back to school, I'd have to say yes. I've really enjoyed the environment of a different country and their way of teaching, and I'm looking forward to gaining more experience in American culture.

    I would have to say that the best thing I did last year was simply going to a completely different country and working my butt off for good grades and enjoying myself as much as I can. And thankfully it's all worked out great!
    1. What classes are you taking/want to take this year, (if youre out of school what classes do you wish you could have taken) My top three I am looking forward to would have to be,

    ROTC for Air Force and aerospace (counts as science credit too)
    Honors Reading (no idea why I am excited for this)
    Legal Aspects of Business.

    2. Are you looking forward to going back to school? (if out of school are you glad you are?) Actually I am because I'm going to a new school and my cousin that is a year older than me is going there too.

    3. What were the best things/most vivid memories you did last year. (school related please) Home Ec definitely some of the stuff I did in that class was amazing lol.
    Honors US History
    Honors English II

    Culinary Arts II
    Theatre II
    Web Design

    I'm psyched to go back to school, my best memories would be hanging out at the Library during the winter.
    1. English, Physics, Calculus, Drama, Spanish 2, Wood Shop.

    2. Not really.

    3. Teacher: You're ahead of the whole class! What do you want to do for the entire week before we hit summer?
    Me: I wanna rock!
    Half of class: ROCK!!!!!!
    So next year when I go into Year 12 (Grade 11) I will be able to pick almost all my subjects. Unlike most of my classmate I actually know what I'm going to take next year and I've realized how much different it is from this year and how much a big of a change it will be.

    This year I'm taking:

    Compulsory subjects:
    Science - Rotation of Biology, Chemistry and Physics

    Optional Subjects:
    Food Tech - Cause it's easiest to get NCEA (National Certificate of Educational Achievement) Credits with and I get to cook which is an added bonus
    Art - Apparently you get a better chance of getting into photography next year if you do Art. But I do love art especially drawing and sketching.
    Geography - Well I really don't wanna do any languages and I was a bit sad we didn't have any IT subject this year. And believe me there's no way I'm doing History.
    I guess I chose this subject cause you get more field trips in this subject than any other

    Next Year I'm taking:

    English - On top of that I'm doing Cambridge English
    Rec P.E - We change from having 2 days of P.E and week to 1 which sucks but we it's nothing serious anymore. We get to play games and epic stuff like GoKarting and such

    Maths - There were 2 types of maths to choose from. Statistics and Calculus/Algebra. I'm choosing Calculus/Algebra cause it'll be more useful to me. On top of that I'm doing Cambridge Maths
    Physics - Any job I want to do when I'm older needs Physics
    Media Studies - Hence I really want to do this next year. Sure you got to write a lot of Essays but you get to watch tons of movies ad film them
    ICT - I was annoyed this wan't here for year 11 but I can't wait for it next year.
    Photography - Another subject I can't wait to do, I've got so many family members in this industry It's one thing I love to do

    2. Well I'm already in school.. I live in New Zealand

    3. Pulling pranks.... always a good memory
    1. A-level: Physics, English Language & Literature, Sociology and History. I was rather disappointed with the options available, I'm not too enthusiastic about physics or sociology and I just picked them because they were the better options out of a handful of other subjects that are even worse. I suppose sociology does have potential, I don't think I will enjoy physics at all though.

    2. I don't know, I'll just have to see what the class is like. Although I do have a friend that goes there (different classes to me though) so I'm sure we can help each other make it slightly more enjoyable. I would say I am probably looking forward to it more than dreading it though.

    3. (Now searching my terrible memory) I spent almost every lunchtime playing/watching table football. I also went exploring the town with my friend (I'm new here and he doesn't live in the same town) and we discovered the scummy parts and the slightly less scummy parts. Our class entirely consisted of idiots, but fortunately they weren't angry idiots. I made a friend and an acquaintance. The second one was too depressed to become a real friend, he just went home every lunch break and didn't talk much, seemed like a nice enough guy though. Although I won't be seeing him this year because he's gone home to America. Hopefully he will be happier there. Overall, it was quite good.

    1. What classes are you taking/want to take this year, (if youre out of school what classes do you wish you could have taken)

    2. Are you looking forward to going back to school? (if out of school are you glad you are?)

    3. What were the best things/most vivid memories you did last year. (school related please)
    1- I am in college so I am "taking" only four classes.
    One is called "Haunting Hamlet" LMAO and is a mix of film discussion, literature discussion, etc. Another is a "biological science credit" I need where I "learn" about wildlife...I already know tons so I expect this slacker course to be easy. Yet another is Analogies Plato to ...someone I forget XP. The last class is latin unless I can change to japanese (really hope to).
    2- I am so looking forwards to going back to school! Nerdfighters FTW!
    3- Best thing last year was my philosophy class, it was an honors class and there were only 7 or so people in it. We had aaaaamazing discussions and several of us formed a study group every saturday where we would meet and goof off in nerdy ways doing little to no studying...
    1. What classes are you taking this year?
    Principles of Mgt. - BUS 120
    College Success Seminar - COL 101
    Engagements with the Common Gd - ECG 100
    Computer Graphics - GRA 205
    Info Mgmt & Technology - IST 125
    Modern College Mathematics II - MAT 114​

    2. Are you looking forward to going back to school?
    I'm entering freshman year in college - living away from home. I don't know. I'm looking forward to getting a smoother schedule (since college is so much better than high school as far as how much time you actually spend in school goes) than I did in high school, living on campus and experiencing life without the bindings of having to listen to my father and get his approval.​
    3. What were the best things/most vivid memories you did last year?
    Graduating, haha.​
    1.Class I Want Are:





    2. Im looking forward to seeing my friends.... they rock!!!

    3. I remember we learned about Kings and stuff like that in Social Studys and a kid in the class got to be in charge for a week. It was a girl king LOL the teacher didn't call her a queen... anyway i brought teabags from home and threw them at her.... got extra credit for acting like a person whos overthrowing goverment... and my teacher didn't care that i hit a girl with teabags LOL, then she went to the hospital since i didnt know she was allergic to tea (OOPS) lol.