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[PKMN FULL] [T] Delirium [IC]

Awesome! Alliam grew to Level 8 against Pacin and Burcoa!
Alliam gained half a heart of Friendship! He now has one full heart of Friendship!
[PokeCommunity.com] [T] Delirium [IC]

Curbin grew to Level 6 against Pacin and Burcoa, and learned Gust!
Curbin gained half a heart of Friendship!
[PokeCommunity.com] [T] Delirium [IC]

Great battle! Lyla grew to Level 8 against Burcoa and Churbin, and learned Teleport!
Lyla gained half a heart of Friendship! She now has one full heart of Friendship!
[PokeCommunity.com] [T] Delirium [IC]

[alink id="julia1"]Julia Clark[/alink id]
Soaked and Vaguely Amused
The Landing Port
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[PokeCommunity.com] [T] Delirium [IC]
Field Journal
[a id]julia1[/a id]
A twenty-year-old girl laid on her stomach in a patch of tall and pointy beige needle grass. Pressed to her face was a pair of worn black binoculars. Julia's hair was vaguely curled and a little frizzy, a result of her distinct apathy to its existence. Her hair hung around her shoulders, gracing the ground with its presence. Julia's legs floated behind her. They were crossed and hanging in the air. Luckily for her pursuits, they were hidden by the grass.

A Churbin, the object of Julia's surveillance, picked at various bits on the ground. It was about hundred feet away from its observer. The Pokémon had beautiful red, green, and yellow plumage that shifted through the grass as though through a filter. The bird appeared to find a berry. The Churbin shifted its head upward and backward to swallow the fruit. Its beak began to shave off the bottom of the berry. Pieces of fruit fell into the Pokémon's esophagus. Julia murmured under her breath and lowered the binoculars, setting them gingerly on the dirt. She looked down to her field journal, which was already opened to a page, and scratched down a few brief notes.

The grass next to Julia shook, so she glanced towards it. A small metal Pokémon rocketed out of the grass towards the Churbin. It ran on four short, elephant-like legs. Two tails swished back and forth behind the Pokémon. Its head was similar to a mouse with large white eyes containing blue irises, and two horns. As the creature rushed by Julia, its metal plates glinted in the sunlight. They covered the Pokémon's entire body. The Pokémon was a Corscale, Julia's newest, and first ever, Pokémon. It ran gleefully towards the Churbin, disrupting whatever observation Julia had hoped to achieve. The baby parrot Pokémon squawked explosively and flew away.

Julia moaned into her right hand and her new partner skidded to a halt. The Corscale shifted onto her back legs, her hands perched in the air. She looked around the area, distressed. The Corscale was unable to comprehend how the bird disappeared so quickly and did not think to look up.

Julia swung her legs forward in a circular motion and rose from her knees. The binoculars levitated off of the ground, connected to Julia's neck by a safety string. She bent over and took her journal, dusting her pants off on the way up. "Pearl, you can't move quickly like that, you'll scare the Pokémon!" Julia called out to her partner. She sighed and trudged towards the confused Corscale, pocketing the journal. Pearl got over her confusion quickly and bounded towards Julia. When the two met, Julia bent over, getting close to Pearl's face, and stated, "You can have some of the most fun when you just do nothing and relax." She smiled and tapped Pearl on her nose. Pearl reeled backward and sneezed. Julia chuckled.

Somebody a little way off called out something, as if they were in a battle. Julia guessed it was one of the other immune people training their Pokémon, something that Julia had no interest in doing at all. She huffed and headed away in the opposite direction of the sound. Battles would scare away anything interesting. Pearl stood still for about twenty seconds, looking around before she realized Julia was gone. Her ears perked up when she saw where Julia had gone off to and galloped after her.

Julia avoided cemented areas as the two walked along the airfields. She knew that Pokémon would most likely stick to the grass, where they had more cover. They reached the top of a hill. Before them, the ground sloped downwards into a lake. Julia grinned and headed down the decline. Pearl quizzically watched her disappear, and then called out, "Corscale!" And jumped forwards. Pearl rolled down the mountain. She looked like she was having a great time. Julia smiled at her and kept walking.

Pearl landed in the water with a resounding thud. As Julia arrived, Pearl began to gleefully splash around in the water. Julia pursed her lips and considered telling her Corscale to calm down, that she would scare away the local Pokémon, but she thought better of it. A spout of water erupted from a few feet away from Pearl, soaking both her and Julia. Julia sputtered and looked at the area where the spout originated. A Minu darted back and forth in the water.

Pearl looked a little upset and used Leer on the Minu. The Minu blinked, seemingly expressionless, and then rocketed out of the water. It clanged against Pearl's nose and landed back into the water at her feet. Pearl shook her head and sneezed again, now angry at the little fish. Pearl tried to stomp the Minu, but it zipped out of the way. The Minu turned itself to face the Corscale's backside and used Water Gun. The water hit Pearl, causing her to fall forwards and faceplant into the five-inch deep water. Julia could not help but laugh.

As Pearl stood up, Julia quickly looked around the surrounding area. A large patch of moss sat just beyond the water's reach. With little effort, Julia grasped a handful of the moss and yanked it out of the ground. She bent over to the small fish and put the moss next to it. The fish stared at Julia for a few seconds. It spouted water directly into her face but began to nibble on the moss. Julia stood up and dabbed at her wet countenance with the neck of her shirt.

Pearl clambered out of the water and huddled up to Julia's leg, trying to dry off. Julia smiled at her little buddy. With a little self-control, she could tell the two would make a great team. The Minu continued to munch on the moss and Julia reached into her pocket, pulling out a Pokéball. It expanded in her hand. She bent over and looked at the little creature, holding out the Pokéball under the water. With no hesitation, the Minu clicked the button on the ball, a bright red light enveloping the fish. The ball clicked once, twice, three times...​
[a id]pearl1[/a id]

[PokeCommunity.com] [T] Delirium [IC]

[PokeCommunity.com] [T] Delirium [IC]

Pearl, the Level 5 ♀ Corscale
Ability: Technician
Nature: Naïve
Attacks: Bullet Punch, Leer
Friendship/Love Meter:
[PokeCommunity.com] [T] Delirium [IC]

Held Item: N/A
Personality: Pearl is a very matter of fact creature. She is very friendly and very adorable. If Pearl had fur, she would be a perfect Pokemon to snuggle up with and pet for hours. Pearl is rather infantile in many ways. She does not realize the danger inherent in almost any situation and will blindly do most anything unless she has been directly hurt by it before. However, when Pearl is hurt by something, she becomes rather scared of it, unless she can realize that she can defend herself against it. If that is the case, the scale tips back again, and Pearl gets reckless about her situation.
History: Julia obtained Pearl from Professor Blackthorn in Gallant Town.

[a id]inv1[/a id]

[PokeCommunity.com] [T] Delirium [IC]

[PokeCommunity.com] [T] Delirium [IC]
[alink id="pearl1"]
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Field Notes
Julia Clark
Ghost Year, Daro, Ming, Renday
The Landing Port​

The Landing Port seems to have a very straightforward ecosystem. Churbin don't have any predators, I think, they feed on berries and grass and the like. I initially thought that Pacin might eat them but I saw a Pacin get nearby to a Churbin and the beak easily scared it away… Maybe Pacin eat their eggs?? *needs further investigation.
Churbin's plumage is really beautiful, I'd like to get one of their feathers at some point.
Churbin eat berries that are too large to swallow or have pits by shaving off parts with their beak with a rotating motion. I could actually try that.
Pearl is adorable but I really need to get her field trained… She is incredibly active and does NOT know how to sit still, she scared away multiple things I was observing with her rambunctiousness, but I just don't have the heart to keep her in her Pokéball……Maybe I can ask Blackthorn about that?? *needs further investigation.
I tamed a Minu today, I'm curious to study it more, especially to see how it evolves with that item, I'm curious to see what its relationship to it is BEFORE evolution.​
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Awesome! Pearl grew to Level 6!
The Pokeball didn't shake long at all before it grew still. Great! Minu was caught!
[PokeCommunity.com] [T] Delirium [IC]

You caught a Level 3, Male, Minu with a Quirky Nature! Details will be added to the first post momentarily.


[PokeCommunity.com] [T] Delirium [IC]


Roy strolled down the main street of Gallant Town. The roads and sidewalks were still well maintained and the shops that lined either side still felt inviting despite their inoperation. Palm trees sprouted out of fenced dirt patches intermittently spaced in the middle of the streets. The palms swayed with the gentle breeze and the air was warm and crisp.

Remnants of its tourism business were also quite blatant, with the occasional information kiosk sitting alongside parks and places of interest. Nobody was working the stands.

Roy approached one and spotted a little map behind the desk. He snatched it up.

They'd give it away for free anyway, he thought to himself.

He opened the map and started looking for something to do. Much of what the brochure listed was no longer available. Apparently before everything fell apart, the park hosted Churbin shows every afternoon. Roy smiled to himself, enjoying the thought.

Would have liked to see that.

Towards the left side of the page, right by the shore, he noticed an area labeled "The Ferry and Plane Express". He recalled Professor Blackthorn talking about it, something about quarantines and.. wild Pokemon!

Roy set off in that direction.


As Roy grew closer and closer to the ocean, he could hear the surf crashing in the distance and could smell the saline scent in the air become more pronounced. He had never seen the ocean in person, besides the from helicopter that brought him into town, but he was way too out of it to appreciate the view.

Crossing the threshold of the dunes, Roy was greeted with a pristine white sand beach and clear azure water, reaching out and touching the similarly colored sky. The ocean shimmered under the shining white sun, dancing along to the sound of the Churbins chirping. Roy felt contented. This haven was unaffected by the recent turmoil, and that simple fact inspired hope inside of him.

He stayed for a little while, sitting with the sand between his toes and letting Orville run around and play in the water. The Glacherd splashed in the surf and seemed to enjoy itself. Roy laughed.

He was alone on the beach.

The pleasant moment was shattered by distant shouting. Roy shot up from his seat and quickly dove into his shoes, filling them with his sand covered feet. Orville raced over to him, and was instantly recalled into his ball.

Roy raced in the direction of the sound. It was coming from a massive dock that seemed to stretch out for miles. It was loud. It was violent. Something was happening. As Roy grew closer to the structure, he was able to make out rough outlines of dilapidated planes and boats.

His stride slowed.

That was the Express. The shouting must of been other trainers calling out orders to their Pokemon.

His dash waned to a walk, and within a minute a small fence was before him.

Roy climbed up, and was easily able to hop it.

He landed on hard concrete. Looking forward, Roy saw an overgrown airfield that once served as the gateway to Veriti. Many of the tourists that would visit his family's vineyard in Drake's Neck would talk about it, complaining about what a nightmare it was getting to the region and how much the "Express" sucked.

Among the planes were several other Pokemon trainers, battling and training. Roy even recognized a few of them from the professor's lab.

A few yards from where he stood, Roy heard a rustling in the tall grass. Nervously, Roy tiptoed towards it, ever so slowly. Before he could react, a small furry thing jumped out at Roy.

Startled, Roy fell backwards onto the hard ground and cried out in pain.

"You scared me!" Roy snarled.

The creature seemed amused. Roy righted himself, then removed a small device from his back pocket, a Pokedex, the professor called it. He held it out and let it scan the comedian.

"Pacin huh?" Roy said, addressing it. "I'd like you to meet Orville!"

Roy unholstered the ball and threw it vigorously into the air. Orville landed firmly on the ground, standing preparedly.

Orville and the Pacin stared each other down, waiting for the other to make the first move.

They glared at each other.

Nothing happened.

Orville looked back at Roy, desperately confused.

Roy's inexperience in Pokemon battling left him paralyzed. He had no idea what to do.

The Pacin sprang into action, running up and colliding with Orville. Orville recoiled from the hit, but was seemingly okay.

"Uh.. Uh.." Roy stuttered, baffled. "Ice... Attack..!"

Orville seemed to understand, as he blew an icy breeze littered with small frozen shards directly at the Pacin. The shards collided at force with the critter, sending it skidding backwards.

It started running towards Orville for another tackle.

"Orville! Dodge it! DODGE IT!" Roy yelled.

Right before the Pacin made contact, Orville jumped out of the way, sending the Pacin sliding by it's own momentum.

"Ice attack!" Roy shouted excitedly, emulating the trainers he watched on television.

Another icy wind from Orvillle cut into the Pacin, nearly defeating it.

"ONE MORE!!" Roy exclaimed, screaming now.

The Pacin wound up for a final tackle, and Orville inhaled it's icy breath. The critter leaped in the air at Orville, and before colliding Orville blew its mighty breath, knocking the Pacin out of the sky. It crashed to the ground, unconscious.

"Yeah!" Roy was thrilled!

He won his first battle. He ran to Orville and lifted him up over his head, spinning around. Orville's tongue blew in the wind.

"We did it!"

Other trainers looked on, unimpressed.

Roy didn't care.

Meanwhile, Eric had just made it to the Pokemon center to heal up his two Pokemon, and then went right back out in an attempt to Train more and possibly catch that Churbin he wanted.

Eric walked into the tall grass, and wouldn't you know it..... A Pacin was sitting there on a rock.

"Alright then, Sprian, let's DO THIS!" He said, sending out his Sprian, who seemed to have its war face on.
The Wild Pacin proceeded to use Defense Curl instinctively.

"Alright Sprian, use Disarming Voice!" Eric ordered.

Sprian let out an irritating screech that was aimed directly at Pacin, who decided to counter with a Scratch attack.

Sprian winced at the pain.

"Hang in there, buddy!" Eric cheered his partner on. "Try another Disarming Voice!"

Sprian hissed and screeched at Pacin, in hopes that it would faint. Luckily for Sprian, it did in fact, faint.

Sprian hugged Eric once again, with Eric again patting it on the head in congratulations.

"Burcoa needs to be trained up a bit, too. Let's get some rest, little buddy." Eric said, as he returned Sprian to its Pokeball.

Then, Eric noticed a Minu jumped out of the water, and grabbed his Burcoa's Pokeball.

"Get 'em Burcoa!" Eric said, calling out his Fuzzy Bug Pokemon.

Burcoa made a chattery noise like it was cold out, which Eric smiled at.

"Burcoa, use Tackle!" Eric ordered, and the caterpillar creature tackled Minu as it was jumping out of the water.

The Minu used Water Sport, and Burcoa landed on the ground after somersaulting.

"Now use String Shot!" Eric ordered Burcoa, who then shot out a blast of silk thread towards the pink fish Pokemon, slowing it down.

The Minu sprayed its Water Gun attack at Burcoa, and Burcoa shook it off, barely.

"Finish it with another Tackle!" Eric ordered, and Burcoa complied.

Eric had won two wild Pokemon battles.
Eric hugged his Burcoa before returning it to its Pokeball, and going back to the Pokemon Center to heal once again.

Great battles! Sprian grew to Level 6 against Pacin and learned Bite!
Burcoa grew to Level 4 against Minu!

[alink id="julia2"]Julia Clark[/alink id]
Skirrunning Away
Gallant Town
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[PokeCommunity.com] [T] Delirium [IC]
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[PokeCommunity.com] [T] Delirium [IC]
Field Journal
[a id]julia2[/a id]
Julia and Pearl headed back to town to challenge Andie, the Lead Protector of Gallant Town. Blackthorn told Julia she had to beat Andie to leave the town. Julia knew she could take care of herself in the wild without having to attack anything. Life was not that simple, it was not all about conflict, most situations could be diffused easily without a battle. She sighed.

Pearl cried out on Julia's right side, rushing out of the tall grass next to her. A vexed Churbin flew out after her. It squawked angrily. Pearl rushed to Julia and cowered behind her legs. Julia sighed and stared the Churbin directly in the eyes. She started at the Churbin and it freaked, flying away. Pearl looked at Julia. She expected some kind of remark, but Julia walked away. Pearl trounced after her.

Julia and Pearl wandered through Gallant Town. People gave Pearl a variety of looks. The presence of a Pokémon immediately branded Julia as an immune person since most people already knew who all of the members of the Security Black Force were. The looks were filled with a myriad of emotions. Most people were envious of Julia, although whether they were envious of her ability to keep Pokémon or her health was up for debate. Some people were glad to see an immune person, it brought them closer to regaining their freedom. Julia did not mind the attention.

She came upon the Security Black Force Training Center, or Andie's Gym as many called it, and entered. The gym had a plethora of hallways, and Julia was not in the mood to search through all of them. "UM, HI IS THERE ANYONE HERE?" Julia called out, probably to the chagrin of anyone seeking quiet. Footsteps echoed through the hallway. A particularly tall black woman turned around the corner. Her entire body was remarkably muscular, that of a swimmer. "Well hello there, I'm guessing you are Julia?" She flashed a dazzling smile.

"Yeah I am."

"Not enough women are immune, huh? What happens if it's left up to the nine of you to restart the human race?" Peals from a bell echoed out of her throat. Julia shifted onto her right foot, a rare moment of discomfort washing over her.

"Uh, so can Andie or?" Julia questioned.

"Well, you're going to have to get through my cadets first... I'm Andie by the way," She smirked.

"Right. Sorry," But Andie was already walking away. Julia started after her and Pearl happily bounced in the same direction. The three entered a large battle arena, full of seats that Julia guessed would have been filled during the facility's time as a gym. Andie walked to the opposite side of the field where two people stood. One leaned his back against the wall and the other sat on the floor, cross-legged. The person leaning against the wall stood up. He took his place on a square across the field from her. Julia noticed the square in front of her, and hastily stepped there. She had seen this many times before on television, it could not be that difficult, could it?

The cadet across from her tossed a Pokéball in the air, and a Skirrun popped out. Julia furrowed her eyebrows. She knew Skirrun were a natural predator of Minu, so there was no way that was happening. Plus, Pearl was a steel type, which had an advantage over Skirrun's ice and water typing. Julia looked backward to her Corscale, and beckoned her forward. Andie called out, "Battle begin." Instantly, Julia realized that she had no idea what moves Pearl knew. She fumbled in her pocket for her Pokédex and Pearl stood there, confused as to what she was supposed to be doing.

The trainer opposite Julia called out, "Skirrun, use Water Gun." The tiger shark Pokémon started to move forwards and shot a high-pressure blast of water at Pearl. Pearl fell backward. She cried out and ran to Julia's legs. The cadet opposite Julia was so surprised that he was not sure what to do and the battle paused for an instant. Julia pushed the Corscale forward and said, "Pearl, this is a battle. We have to faint that Pokémon there," She pointed to the Skirrun. Pearl did not seem convinced.

Julia triumphantly pulled her Pokédex out of her pocket. She opened it and pointed it at her Corscale. It slowly began to read in a mechanical voice, "Corscale. The Smoothing Pokémon. Corscale is a steel type."

"Yes, I know," Julia muttered.

The cadet came to his senses and barked, "Skirrun, use Water Gun again!" Pearl was not on the same page as him and jumped out of the way of the attack. The Skirrun moved forward, chasing Pearl around the field.

"Corscale are a unique Pokémon that has two tails. It has the ability to stiffen its tails, which can act as a powerful cutting instrument, or loosen its tails enough to help smooth down materials." The machine droned on.

"Could you not go any faster?" Julia exclaimed. The Pokédex did not respond. Another Water Gun caught Pearl in the face. She started whining.

"Corscale are most times found at construction sites and are incredibly friendly to any that approach. Corscale's moves are," The Pokédex finally said.

"Thank you..." Julia moaned.

"Bullet Punch and Leer."

"Well that was underwhelming," Julia snorted. Pearl was not doing well. She had been hit by three Water Guns and was barely able to take it because she was untrained. "Use Bullet Punch!" Julia exuberantly called. Pearl launched towards the Skirrun with unprecedented speed. She slammed her fist into it, the technician-boosted super effective move doing a sizable amount of damage. The Skirrun flew backward, rolling onto the ground. It shook off the damage and returned to its trainer.

"One more time Skirrun," The cadet said, victorious.

"Bullet Punch again Pearl!" Julia yelled. Bullet Punch's incredible speed trumped the Skirrun's smashing into him before he could launch the attack. But it was not enough. As it flew through the air, the Skirrun shot the high pressured blast at Pearl. Pearl was knocked over, completely unconscious. Julia rested her head in her hands. She realized that there was still a great deal of work to be done.

Julia half-heartedly returned Pearl to her Pokéball for the first time in two days. She tossed Minu's Pokéball into the air, knowing it was all over. Minu would be scared stiff because Skirrun was its natural predator. Minu appeared in a flash of white light. Skirrun floated back to its trainer, looking significantly more under the weather than Julia was expecting.

Minu stared at the Skirrun. Julia waited for its reaction, but it seemed unphased. It turned around and stared at Julia. She stood, dumbfounded. It used Water Spout, soaking her. Minu's face was totally blank. Julia laughed and randomly said, "I think I'm going to call you Einstein." Einstein did not react. It turned back toward the Skirrun, expressionless.

The cadet called out, "Skirrun, use Water Gun!" Skirrun shot water at Einstein, but nothing happened. It seemed to absorb the water.

"Um, okay, Einstein, use Water Gun."

Einstein moved towards the Skirrun, getting way closer than Julia would have liked. There was a strange silence. It suddenly opened its mouth and water poured out. The Skirrun normally would have been relatively unaffected by the water type attack, but it had accumulated so much damage that it fainted. Einstein floated back to Julia. Julia stared at it. It waited.

"... Er, do you want to go back to the Pokéball Einstein?" Einstein did not indicate at all either way. "Um, okay then," Julia returned the Pokémon. While this was happening, the cadet made his way over to Julia.

"Listen, you have a lot of work to do. You should absolutely know all of your Pokémon's moves before you battle, and what's more, since you have the luxury of hanging on to your Pokémon, you should know them inside and out. You have the ability to form a remarkable bond and to strategize and to do all sorts of things that we don't have the ability to do," The cadet looked a little mad. "The fact that you didn't even know what moves your Pokémon had is kind of pitiful. Don't bother coming back and challenging the next cadet until you have trained a significant amount," He looked off, "But, I'm supposed to give you this, so here you go." He thrust 300PD at her and stormed off.

Julia was left a little shell shocked. She left the building in a trance and headed directly to the Pokécenter. She gave her Pokémon to the woman working there who healed them up.

Julia had a lot to think about.
[a id]pearl2[/a id]
[PokeCommunity.com] [T] Delirium [IC]

[PokeCommunity.com] [T] Delirium [IC]

Pearl, the Level 6 ♀ Corscale
Ability: Technician
Nature: Naïve
Attacks: Bullet Punch, Leer
Friendship/Love Meter:
[PokeCommunity.com] [T] Delirium [IC]

Held Item: N/A
Personality: Pearl is a very matter of fact creature. She is very friendly and very adorable. If Pearl had fur, she would be a perfect Pokemon to snuggle up with and pet for hours. Pearl is rather infantile in many ways. She does not realize the danger inherent in almost any situation and will blindly do most anything unless she has been directly hurt by it before. However, when Pearl is hurt by something, she becomes rather scared of it, unless she can realize that she can defend herself against it. If that is the case, the scale tips back again, and Pearl gets reckless about her situation.
History: Julia obtained Pearl from Professor Blackthorn in Gallant Town.

[a id]einstein1[/a id]
[PokeCommunity.com] [T] Delirium [IC]

[PokeCommunity.com] [T] Delirium [IC]

Einstein, the Level 3 ♂ Minu
Ability: Water Absorb
Nature: Quirky
Attacks: Water Spout, Water Gun
Friendship/Love Meter:
Held Item: N/A
Personality: Einstein is a very strange Pokémon. His decisions and choices seem very random and to make very little sense. He views the world as if from a removed perspective, almost as if he is playing a video game he is not particularly interested in. Einstein uses water to convey affection, and when he is pleased he sprays water in people's faces.
History: Julia tamed Einstein with moss in the Landing Port after he sprayed Julia and Pearl with water.

[a id]inv2[/a id]

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[PokeCommunity.com] [T] Delirium [IC]
[alink id="pearl2"]
[PokeCommunity.com] [T] Delirium [IC]
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[alink id="einstein1"]
[PokeCommunity.com] [T] Delirium [IC]
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Field Notes
Julia Clark
Ghost Year, Daro, Ming, Renday
Gallant Town​

I have a lot to think about right now…​

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Great post and first match!
Though Pearl lost, she grew to Level 7 against Skirrun! Einstein's new name has been updated in the first post, and he grew to Level 5 against Skirrun!
Cadet One has been defeated and 300PD has been added to your wallet.

On his way out of the Landing Port, Kiro witnessed a battle between a trainer's Glacherd and a wild Pacin. The battle itself wasn't much to be proud of, the trainer seemed so unprepared, spamming Icy Wind but saying "Ice Attack" instead. The battle didn't exactly last long, only taking 3 turns for each pokémon, but the trainer seemed pretty happy by the end of it. Kiro smiled and kept walking out of the port. He soon made it to the Pokèmon Center and approached the counter, "Hey, can you heal my pokémon?" The nurse halted her current activity and responded, "Sure!" Kiro had already put Alliam in its pokèball and handed it and Churbin to the the nurse before she could finish her phrase. "One moment please." Kiro leaned on the counter watched as the machine made its signature sounds, Hey, wasn't that guy one of the nine? He had a Glacherd. Soon being handed back his pokémon, the nurse happy as ever, "Here you go!" Kiro said, "Thanks." and placed them back onto his hip as he walked away. "Have a nice day, immune!" Kiro stopped and looked back with a slightly annoyed face, "Don't call me that." and walked through the doors. "We hope to see you again!" What! Kiro tapped the two pokèballs while he was walking, "We're going to the gym." he said as his pokémon emerged. Churbin, looking visibly refreshed, flew to Kiro's shoulder while Alliam walked at his side.

Kiro had already came up with a plan as he opened the doors to Andie's gym where he was, after finding the arena, immediately greeted with two different battles. However, his attention was focused on the battle between a Corscale and Skirrun. The trainer on the left holding a pokèdex, looking visibly distressed and impatient, while the trainer on the right looking displeased as he commanded attacks. Kiro walked to the side to get a better view as he watched the girl's Corscale took another Water Gun from the boy's Skirrun. Suddenly, the girl called a Bullet Punch twice from Corscale. Unfortunately it had taken too much damage and fainted from a Water Gun after the punches. Corscale... Hey, she's another one of the nine! Although... Kiro was worried about the rest of the immune, seeing as the first two were inexperienced. While he was thinking, the girl had sent out a Minu, which she called Einstein, and won the battle with a Water Gun. The Cadet had a talk with the girl and stormed off. Kiro approached the stadium and watched as the girl walked past him, mentally occupied and completely missing his presence.

"A new challenger approaches..." Andie's voice echoed throughout the room, bringing Kiro's attention away from the girl who just left. He chuckled, "Yeah, something like that.You're Andie right?" She nodded, "I've gotta battle two Cadets before I can battle you?" She waved one of the cadets forward, "Correct, guess I don't need to explain anything. Battle Begin!" Kiro nodded and sent Alliam to the field and the Cadet gave a cocky smile, "I hope you're better than that last girl. Go Skirrun!" There was a moment of calm before the storm when Kiro took a deep breath. Here we go. My first gym battle. "Alliam use Bite!" The pokémon rushed towards its opponent and bared its teeth, "Aurora Beam!" The Cadet had his pokémon hold its ground and shoot a super effective colorful beam, but Kiro already had a plan for super effective moves. "Keep charging and use Absorb!" Alliam sent its own beams into Skirrun, nullifying the super effectiveness of the ice attack by healing half of the damage, while dealing super effective damage. Andie smiled upon realizing this as Alliam closed in on its target. "Jump and use Bite!" Alliam launched itself above the Skirrun and it's beam, landing behind it and biting its rear end. "Now use Absorb and slam it!" Remembering the Pacin, Alliam did exactly as his partner ordered. "Come on Skirrun! Wiggle out of its teeth!" The worried Cadet's pokémon shook furiously and slipped out into the air. "Now, Aurora B-" "Bite it again and again!" Alliam snapped again, catching Skirrun and releasing it. Skirrun flinched and Aurora Beam stopped before it could fire. Snap! Snap! Snap! Snap! Snap! Alliam kept on biting Skirrun, when it didn't flinch, it was caught by another Bite. Alliam was basically chewing its food by the time Skirrun fainted and fell out of its mouth. Andie raised her hand, "Skirrun is unable to battle! The match goes to, the challenger!" Kiro threw his fist into the air, "Yeah! Come on, send it the next one!" The Cadet recalled Skirrun and walked away mumbling something, as the next Cadet stepped up, "You sure you don't wanna heal?" Kiro trusted that Absorb had healed most of the damage from the previous battle, "Yep!" The Cadet shrugged and said, "Alright, your loss..."

"Battle begin!" Andie exclaimed, now excited to see what Kiro had to offer. "Go Furrage!" Kiro paused and thought about the Ferret's electric typing. "Alliam." The calm passed once more, "Keep your distance and use Absorb." This prompted Furrage to move in for an attack, "Slam." This cadet, unlike the last one, was much calmer as Furrage quickly closed the distance and jumped, using the force to pick up Alliam and push it into the stadium. Woah, "Throw it off with Bite!" Alliam uncomfortably moved its neck and snapped at Furrage, catching it by the head and slammed it into the floor behind it. "Again." The Cadet commanded, but this time as Alliam was rising, he bit Furrage when it jumped and used the momentum to suplex with its head. "Sand Attack." Furrage rolled over and kicked the dirt into Alliam's eyes. "Alliam back away and growl!" Alliam stopped rubbing its eyes and crawled back, Growling. "Slam." The Cadets monotone voice spread throughout the room. "Alliam, dodge and use Bite." Alliam attempted to jump and instead froze taking the hit head on and fainting. What... "Alliam is unable to battle!" Kiro furrowed his brows and Churbin flew into the field. "Alright then, Sand Attack, as big as you can!" Churbin grabbed a large chunk of loose dirt and took off, "Drop it above the corner of the field and use gust." On her way to the corner Furrage attacked, "Thundershock." Furrage glowed with electricity, "Dive!" Churbin swooped under the attack though, due to the weight of the dirt, it was too slow to fully avoid it and was slightly shocked, making the dirt fall. No, come on. "Gust! Kick up as much wind as possible!" Churbin began flapping its wings furiously as Kiro covered his eyes, spreading dirt through the field. "Now Ta-" Kiro coughed with so much dirt around, "Tackle!" Churbin dived into Furrage, while the Cadet blindly commanded a dodge, "Again and again!" Churbin's ability, Keen Eye, working marvelously as she began to juggle Furrage, "Thundershock!" Kiro was surprised he managed to get a rise out of the mostly calm Cadet, and through the attack missed, Churbin froze and spiraled to the ground. Again! You weren't even- Kiro smiled and shook his head, realizing what happened. Ah, Static! Its ability is Static! "Finish it with Slam!" Furrage landed visibly weak and somewhat blindly charged the paralysed Churbin."Move! Churbin, Move!" She shook, but didn't make any progress. Furrage jumped, unaware that Churbin was still on the ground. "Now's your chance, Gust!" She flapped her wings slowly but still managed to use the attack. Furrage flew across the field, spreading more dirt upon landing. Unable to see from the side, Andie walked over to Furrage a check its condition and Churbin's condition. What felt like forever passed before she had a verdict, "Furrage is unable to battle! The match goes to, the challenger!" Kiro dropped to his bottom on the edge of the stadium, breathing slowly as to not inhale too much dirt. Yes. I did it. One more battle left. "Churbin. Return."
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Good matches!
Alliam grew to Level 10 against Skirrun and Furrage, even though he fainted in the second match. Churbin grew to Level 8 against Furrage.
Cadet One and Cadet Two have been defeated, and 600PD has been added to your wallet.

You should go heal up your Pokemon before challenging Andie. She will be a tough opponent!

[alink id="text"]Victor Miles[/alink id]

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[PokeCommunity.com] [T] Delirium [IC]
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[PokeCommunity.com] [T] Delirium [IC]
Doodles (WIP)
[a id]text[/a id]
Almost there buddy, Victor thought as they were nearing Andie's Gym. The place was a little worse for wear, overgrown plants scaling the walls, mud all over the floors, too many cracks to count, the place practically looked abandoned. Victor causiously entered, only to find himself face-to-face with a Cadet, possibly in training considering how young he looked. "Hello, little dude." he boomed. "You must be one'ah the little squirts they said I gots t'ah battle to prove my training's working. Nice to meet ya! Now, I'm gonna take you down!" he announced.

He held out a pokeball, which glowed red and shot out his pokemon, and then yelled, "Go get 'em Skirrun!" Victor paused, and then stepped out of Snapper's way. Snapper then walked over to the edge of a small pool of water, which was about the size of a hot tub, which held the water and ice type pokemon inside. "Skirrun, use water gun!" the Cadet commanded. The pokemon obeyed, springing out of the pool, and showering Snapper with a strong jet of water. Snapper was left a bit dazed, but he recovered quickly, determined not to lose his first battle. Victor watched nervously, pad and pencil in hand, taking notes of what was happening, and sketching the new pokemon.

Snapper tried to scratch at the Skirrun, but the water slowed down his swings, while the other pokemon sped around in the pool and dodged his attacks. Catching on quickly, he instead waited for the pokemon to attack again, scratching it when it leapt out of the pool to attack. This time his blow landed, and the Skirrun reeled back in surprise. Snapper stood still, this time being hit with an aurora beam while the pokemon still remained in the pool. Annoyed and injured, Snapper slashed out with his tail, piercing the Skirrun's fin as it couldn't dodge fast enough, covering the wound with a poisonous residue. The Skirrun wailed with pain, and then appeared to do some kind of dance, which caused it to rain. The Skirrun leaped out of the pool and spun in the rain-filled air, which washed off the poison in an impressive display of gracefulness.

Wow, that was impressive! Victor thought, I hope Snapper can handle that thing.Snapper growled, and then scratched at the fish again, only to get a face full of water. Then Snapper did the unexpected, he jumped into the pool of water, landing on top of the Skirrun and jabbing his claws into it. The fish surrendered immediately, unable to swim with Snapper on its back.

"Well, I guess that's that." the cadet said as he returned his Skirrun to a pokeball. "Oh, I'm supposed to give you, uhhh, where'd it go?" he mumbled as he searched his pockets for something. "Oh! It's right 'ere." he said, holding out a bundle of cash. Victor took the money, and then put his hand up to his chin and moved it foward towards the man, similar to the motion of blowing kisses, except with his chin instead of his mouth. The motion was "thank you" in sign language.

As soon as that was over, he rushed over to snapper, hugging him and making a series of concerned whistles as he carried Snapper to a pokecenter to heal. I don't ever want to be that unprepared for a fight again. We're going to train until nobody can even be compared to our strength! he thought.


After spending nearly the rest of the day training, battling pacin and burcoa nonstop, both Victor and Snapper were exhausted. They were slowly walking back to the lab when Victor heard a cute noise come from the top of his head, curious, he reached up to find a burcoa had made a home in his hair. He laughed, silently, and then showed the small bug to Snapper, who, like the name suggests, snapped at it. Victor instantly pulled back, waving a finger at Snapper with a disapproving stare. Then he decided that he was going to keep the little bug. It would be fun to have a little more company. Victor reached into his bag and pulled out one of his pokeballs and then tapped it against the little bug. I think I'll name you Fuzzy

[a id]post2pokemon1[/a id]

[PokeCommunity.com] [T] Delirium [IC]

[PokeCommunity.com] [T] Delirium [IC]

Snapper (Venutile)
Level 6
Ability: Poison Point
Nature: Calm
Attacks: Scratch, Growl, Poison Sting
Friendship/Love Meter:
[PokeCommunity.com] [T] Delirium [IC]

Held Item: N/A

[a id]post2bag[/a id]

[PokeCommunity.com] [T] Delirium [IC]

[PokeCommunity.com] [T] Delirium [IC]
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[PokeCommunity.com] [T] Delirium [IC]
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That was a good first match!
Snapper grew to Level 8! Snapper gained half a heart of Friendship! He now has one full heart of Friendship!
[PokeCommunity.com] [T] Delirium [IC]

Cadet One has been defeated and 300PD has been added to your wallet!
The Pokeball clicked almost immediately! Burcoa was caught!
[PokeCommunity.com] [T] Delirium [IC]

You caught a Level 2, Male, Burcoa with a Jolly Nature! Details will be added to the first post momentarily.

CHAPTER 1.1 - A New Beginning!
Aeolus stepped out of the laboratory of Professor Blackthorn with a look of determination on his face. A cool breeze flew through his unruly hair.
Don't worry Lizzy. he thought, thinking of his Afflicted sister. We're gonna find this cure.

Lux sighed as he pulled out a Pokéball from his belt. He threw it up into the air.
"Let's go, Scruff!"
The Marshock appeared in a flash of light. He wagged his tail in excitement.

"So what shall we do? We could check out that Landing Port thing that the Professor was talking about?"
Scruff scampered around Lux's legs, almost tripping him.

"I'm taking that as a yes." Lux said with a chuckle.
Scruff sat down and panted, ready for a battle.

Aeolus walked absentmindedly towards the Port, with Scruff right next to him. He started humming as he scratched Scruff's head.

The Landing Port was an unruly assortment of concrete and grass, making it a good habitat for Pokémon to live, and a great training area for Lux and Scruff. There were several other people in the distance.

Probably the other Immunes? Lux assumed.

Just then, a streak of green flew past Lux's shoulder, causing him to stumble backwards in surprise. Lux turned around and spotted a Churbin hovering in the air. It looked aggravated, as if Lux and Scruff had just committed a moral offense. It braced itself for an attack.

"Whoa! A Churbin!" Lux pulled out his Pokédex that he received from Professor Blackthorn and scanned the bird. After a few seconds, it responded.

"Churbin, the Baby Parrot Pokémon. Found normally in hot and humid climates in the wild, Churbin have now become house pets across all of Veriti because of their beautiful plumage. They are easy-going Pokemon and do well with young children, making them ideal Pokemon for youngsters to meet while learning to become trainers."

"Ooh, it'll make a great addition to the team! Let 'em have it Scruff!"

The Marshock poised himself for battle.

"Thundershock!" Lux commanded. An electric beam shot from the Voltage Pokémon and struck the Churbin in the wing. The Churbin cawed in pain. It flapped its wings and generated a strong gust, blowing Scruff backwards.

"Hang in there, Scruff!"

If Scruff uses Thundershock again, then the Churbin might faint. I can't take that chance.

Lux pulled an empty Pokéball from his pocket. "Here goes nothing!" He pitched the Pokéball; it hit the Parrot square on its forehead. It was engulfed in a flash of red and was sucked into the Pokéball.

The Pokéball started shaking...
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Great first post!
Scruff grew to Level 6 against Churbin!
The Pokeball shook vigorously for a long minute before finally growing still.
[PokeCommunity.com] [T] Delirium [IC]

You caught a Level 3, Male, Churbin with a Hasty Nature! Details will be added to the first post momentarily.


Lyla, let's go, yeah? | Gallant Town: Andie's Gym
[PokeCommunity.com] [T] Delirium [IC]
Pouch | 500PD Pokedex | Quickdev 5 x Pokeball
[PokeCommunity.com] [T] Delirium [IC]
Lyla (Laimole) | Female | Sassy Level 8 | Synchronize | Psychic Confusion | Calm Mind | Teleport
[PokeCommunity.com] [T] Delirium [IC]
To be discovered!
[PokeCommunity.com] [T] Delirium [IC]
To be discovered!
[PokeCommunity.com] [T] Delirium [IC]
To be discovered!
[PokeCommunity.com] [T] Delirium [IC]
To be discovered!
[PokeCommunity.com] [T] Delirium [IC]
To be discovered!
[PokeCommunity.com] [T] Delirium [IC]

Fully healed, Lyla hovered among Brass as he left the Pokemon Center. She earned a few pointed looked as they walked, though she sent proud purple pulses to the passersby who stared for a little too long. It wasn't hard to notice that there were very few Pokemon, as they were only entrusted to trainers who could fight the Hysteria. It was an odd thought; Brass had apparently been deemed trustworthy enough by Blackthorn, but it was difficult fighting alongside someone who had such clear expectations and not being able to meet them. Lyla's aura dimmed, the purple losing some of its luster as the storm in her mind brewed.

Brass, too, seemed to be lost in his thoughts, but he noticed the change in atmosphere and pulled his usual Brass smile. Lyla shook her head, her aura flaring as she cleared her mind. The air in front of her shimmered like ripples on a placid lake, and there was a quiet but distinct pop as she disappeared and reappeared in that very spot. Brass's eyes widened a little. "So you can Teleport, huh? That might come in handy. Let's try it out back at the Landing Port. You can handle a little more training, yeah? Better to be prepared, especially if we want to take Andie on."

The duo sauntered along back to the deserted tarmac field; the trainers from before were mostly gone. They continued along, occasionally fending off an aggressive Burcoa or Pacin, until they reached a large saltwater pond. The air smelled strongly of algae; thick layers of green slushed around on the surface. Not surprising, considering the amount of sun Gallant Town got. There was a crack in the algae as a grey and blue Fish Pokemon leapt from the pond, its scales opalescent in the sunlight. Lyla harumphed with a flash of purple, spinning in the air as her aura glimmered. The Minu splashed back into the water, but not before leaving a brilliant fountain of water.

Brass raised an eyebrow and waved a hand. "Calm Mind, Lyla. Seems like this Minu likes to show off. We'll go with what you're good at, yeah? Flare its sense of pride, and as soon as it leaps into the air again to show off, hit it with a Confusion." Lyla sent a flash of green, and her aura began to shine. The surface of the pond trembled, and the same Minu as before burst through the water, leaving a spectacular display of water. With a pulse of orange and purple, Lyla did a cartwheel through the air and flared her aura. The Minu flopped in pain and dove back into the water, but it wasn't long before it leapt up again and shot a stream of water at Lyla. The air shimmered, and Lyla Teleported a few inches to her side, easily dodging the Minu's Water Gun. She sent another Confusion, and the Minu dropped down, unconscious. Lyla hovered above, her aura a steady bright purple.

"We can take on Andie," Brass smiled.


"Or at least her cadets."

They had entered Andie's Gym, fully expecting to take her on, but were instead delegated to fight two of her cadets before they would be allowed to challenge her. Brass sighed, fingering his hair as a uniformed woman approached, her pale skin a stark contrast to the Security Black Force outfit. She took a quick glance at Brass and Lyla before pulling a Pokeball from her belt and releasing an ice blue tiger shark into a pool of water. The Skirrun smirked and sent a splash of water with its tail. Lyla rolled her eyes.

"Assume your position, trainer," the cadet said. Brass walked over to the opposite end of the pool, gesturing Lyla over. "Ruffle her feathers, yeah?" he whispered. "This cadet looks like she hasn't felt anything in years." Lyla sent a flash of green and orange, her aura glowing bright.

"Begin the battle!"

The cadet waved her hand, and the Skirrun began to dance in the water, leaving a graceful trail of ice as it gracefully moved about. There was a loud rumbling, and stormclouds formed above the pool. Lyla shivered as the rain hit her body, but was otherwise unaffected.

"It's just a little water, Lyla," Brass said dismissively. "Calm Mind, and send some thoughts of sunshine into that cadet's head, yeah? She looks like she needs it." The cadet sent a pointed look at Brass as Lyla pulsed red, orange, and yellow. The cadet grit her teeth and ignored them both, instead making another gesture toward the Skirrun.

"Water Gun, Skirrun."

The Tiger Shark Pokemon reared up and shot a stream of water from its mouth, but, much like the battle earlier with Minu, Lyla Teleported a few inches to her side, easily dodging the water projectile. The Skirrun growled in frustration, and the cadet ordered it to use Aurora Beam. Brass chuckled. "We're definitely getting under her skin. Calm Mind, Lyla, as always, and hit it with a Confusion."

Lyla's aura flared, an intense purple against the blue of the pool. The Skirrun's Aurora Beam hit Lyla as she was concentrating, but it merely shattered against her body, doing almost no damage. Lyla eyed the Skirrun and spun in the air, obviously pleased with herself. She sent a strong pulse of purple along with a Confusion, slamming the Skirrun's mind with an aggressive mental force. The Tiger Shark screeched, obviously unable to handle the pressure. Its eyes glossed over before the cadet could issue another command. The uniformed woman's hands were balled into fists, but she sighed and returned the Skirrun to its Pokeball before walking over to Brass.

"Here's 300PD. You may heal your Pokemon if you wish, trainer. The next cadet is ready to battle." She showed no signs of frustration. Brass shrugged, and with an easy smile, took the money and approached the next cadet. He was younger than the first one, his uniform disheveled and his hair sticking up at odd angles. A small yellow ferret stood by his side, sparks flying off of its fur.

"You beat Vera! I thought she'd be finally be angry for once, but I guess even you aren't up to that task. The name's Colin," the cadet said with an outstretched hand. Brass shook it, his signature smile displayed for all to see. "Let's see if you do as well against my Furrage."

The two trainers stood across each other at the designated battle arena; there were a few signs of previous battles. Upon quickly looking around, Brass saw some of the other Blackthorn trainers. They, too, had been battling cadets. Not all of them looked like they had been victorious, but Brass shrugged. Their battles had no relevance to his upcoming one. Lyla, her mind still calm and strengthened from her earlier battle, sent pulses of green and purple to Brass. She was ready.

"Begin the battle!"

The cadet waved his arm, and the Furrage began to dig furiously. Sand whipped into the air, making it difficult for either trainer to see what was happening in the arena. Brass could make out two blurry shadows in the sand, but he didn't have to see to trust Lyla to know what to do. Her aura flared, sending a Psychic ripple throughout the stadium.

"Thunder Shock!" the cadet cried out, and the sand instantly cleared as electricity ripped from the Furrage. Lyla shook it off easily; the electricity had been unable to withstand the pressure of Lyla's aura. The cadet bit his lip, but he didn't seem fazed. "A Calm Mind won't help you with this! Furrage, Slam!"

The ferret quickly dashed toward Lyla, who was still gloating over the futile Thunder Shock. The Furrage slammed into her, and she flashed a dark red as she was brought to the ground. Her aura dimmed as she Teleported out of Furrage's reach, but the damage had been done. She trembled in the air. "Keep calm, Lyla. Anger clouds your vision. Furrage caught you by surprise that time, but it won't get you again. Confusion!"

Lyla's aura flared back to its original purple, and channeling her anger into her next attack, retaliated with an intense Confusion. The Furrage shrieked and grabbed its head in its paws, spinning and kicking up sand as it tried to alleviate the pain in its head. Lyla sent another Confusion without mercy, and her aura flared again, but before she could deal the finishing blow, Brass raised a hand up. "That's enough, Lyla. The Furrage has already fainted."

Her aura dimmed, and as she calmed down, she saw that the Furrage was already slumped over on the ground, unconscious. She considered sending a wave of purple, but embarrassed, she instead kept silent. She hovered back to Brass' shoulder, afraid of the inevitable scolding. The cadet's face was grim, but he walked over to the couple after returning the Furrage to its Pokeball.

"Here's your 300PD," he grumbled. "You can take on Andie now."

Brass took the money, but instead of getting ready for another battle, he began to make his way to the exit and gestured for Lyla to follow him. "You did well, Lyla, but it seems we have one more thing to work on before you battle again." Lyla sent a weak flash of green, but was otherwise silent. She followed along hesitantly, unsure of what Brass had in mind.
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Great matches
Lyla grew to Level 12 against Minu, Skirrun and Furrage, and learned Double Team! Lyla gained half a heart of Friendship! She now has one and a half hearts of Friendship!
[PokeCommunity.com] [T] Delirium [IC]
[PokeCommunity.com] [T] Delirium [IC]

Cadet One and Cadet Two have been defeated, and 600PD has been added to your wallet.

Andie looks forward to your challenge...

Too close... Way too close. Kiro stood, still breathing awkwardly do to lingering dirt. "Well that was fun. I'll challenge you later today, Andie." Kiro brushed himself off before realizing the futility of the action, Right... Andie chuckled and said, "Don't worry about the dust, we'll take care of that. Oh, and here's your 600PD from the Cadets. I'll be waiting for your return." Kiro pocketed the PokèDollars and waved, "See you." on the way out.

It didn't take long for Kiro to get back to the Pokèmon Center,"So, how'd it go?" The nurse inquired while his pokémon were being healed, "What do you mean?" She smiled and leaned on the counter, "The gym, silly! Where else would you go and come back looking like that with two fainted, paralyzed pokémon?" Actually one is still able to battle, "I guess you have a point." he said, smiling. "So, what happened? They must've destroyed you." Kiro brushed his hoodie off, "Actually, I won. The dust is my fault. Must be a pain to clean up." The nurse briefly left the counter to retrieve his pokémon. "Really? How'd you manage to make a mess like that?" Kiro was handed his pokémon, "Well, I combined Sand Attack and Gust to fill the arena with dust because my Churbin has Keen Eye. It worked really well, but I almost lost because of the Furrage's Static." Kiro slotted his two pokèballs into place, "Wow, you won with type disadvantage?" He continued, the nurse now very much interested, "Yeah, but only cause that dust trick worked really well. The first battle was pretty easy, though we were both at a semi-type disadvantage." Kiro enjoyed recalling the battle, "How so?" He began to question why the nurse was so interested in his gym battle, "Well, I was Grass and they were Water/Ice. I charged head on with Absorb to nullify the super effective bonus of Aurora Beam, then kept it flinch locked with multiple Bites. By the end I took minimal damage but lost to the second Cadet because of Static. That's when I used Churbin for that dust trick. That's it really." The nurse looked amazed at his tactics, "I'd say you have a unique battle style." This time Kiro was interested, "You really think so?" The nurse was excited and ready to praise, "Oh yeah! The way you can quickly find ways around disadvantages and things to exploit, I'd say so far you're one of a kind!" Kiro smiled and decided to ask, since it had been bugging him for most of the conversation, "Did you used to be a trainer?" She looked shocked for a moment, "I guess it was pretty obvious. Yeah, I was. Before the outbreak, I went on my own journey and everything, but now I to scared of Hysteria to battle. So now I just sit back and heal pokémon. Oh my! I probably kept you here for too long. Bye bye now!" Kiro nodded and went to exit the building when, "We hope to see you again!" He stopped and faced her one last time, "Why do you say that?" The nurse paused and put her hand on her chin in thought, "I don't know. I guess its supposed to suggest that we want to heal your pokémon, but now thinking about it." Kiro finished for her, "It kinda sounds like you want us to end up in the hospital again." She scratched behind her neck, "Yeah, it does..." Kiro smiled and waved as he left the Pokèmon Center, Well that was a fun conversation.

Kiro walked aimlessly, looking around for something that would catch his eye before looking down at himself, I should probably wash these... Kiro looked in the direction of the Professor's Lab, Ugh, it so far away! He decided to just brush himself of as much as he could and keep walking. Eventually he came across the former Ferry and Plane Express, though now an area dedicated specifically to being the Afflicted Quarantine. I wonder what it's like in there. Kiro wanted to see what exactly he was immune to, however was stopped as soon as he walked in. "Hey! What do you think you're doing?" A security force member held a hand out at his chest, "Going inside..." Kiro pushed the hand away and sidestepped the official only to be pulled back by the hood, "Well you can't, authorized personnel only!" He wrenched his hood out of the force member's grasp, "I'm immune, I should be fi-" "I don't care whether you're immune or not! Afflicted and tagged professionals only!" Kiro fixed his hood distainfully, "Why didn't you just lead with that?" He stormed away, visibly angered. Leaving the Afflicted Quarantine, feeling a little uncomfortable, he decided to challenge Andie and let out both his pokémon before walking inside. Kiro took a deep breath, "Andie! I challenge you to a gym battle!" Andie rose and released Badgrun. "So you've returned. Well then, let's get started. I can't wait to see how you do. But first, what's your name?" He smiled, "It's Kiro," and threw his first pokéball, "Go, Alliam!" His partner emerged as Andie threw out a pokèball of her own, "Go, Faireeze!" one of the Cadets stepped up to the side, "This battle is between Kiro and Andie for the Ferry Badge! Each trainer will use two pokémon! The match will end when all of a trainer's pokémon are unable to battle!" The two both nodded.

"Battle begin!" Kiro's heart rate increased as one of the pokèmon battle themes started to play in his head. Here we go! "Alliam use Absorb!" Red beams shot out from Alliam that Faireeze repeatedly dodged, "Play Rough!" The pink fish closed the distance and kicked up a cloud of dust, with sounds of fighting coming from inside, "Use bite till it flinches!" Rapid snapping could be heard among the fighting, "Use Dazzling Gleam!" Soon the dust cleared as Faireeze slipped out of Alliam's teeth and flashed a pink and white light. "Absorb!" Alliam recoil and sent beams into Andie's pokémon. "Dazzling Gleam, then Play Rough" Alliam recoiled as Faireeze dodged left and right, but the beams curved and stayed attached to it. Faireeze gave up on dodging and charged head on before it was too late. "Bite!" Faireeze swiveled and dashed through Alliam's teeth and began repeatedly attacking inside. "Close your mouth and use Absorb!" Alliam snapped its mouth closed an sent beams from inside its mouth into Faireeze. Alliam's head jerked back and forth repeatedly as Andie watched with a somewhat worried expression, "Water Gun!" Alliam's cheeks expanded before slowly shrinking and suddenly stopping as he began gagging. Alliam... Kiro got very worried. Alliam opened its mouth as tons of water flowed out. Alliam gagged a few more times, until a fainted Faireeze flew out of its mouth, and began coughing its lungs out. Kiro glared at Andie as the Cadet spoke, "Faireeze is unable to battle!"

Andie glanced at Kiro with a sad look. "Sorry about that. I didn't think Alliam would swallow Faireeze. It must've been really committed to your plan in order to swallow the water instead of spitting it out. Anyway, go Badgrun!" Kiro looked unsatisfied as he rubbed Alliam's back. "Trainer, please return your edge of the arena." Kiro stepped back and returned to the battle, "Absorb!" Badgrun charged head on, dashing between the beams, "Rock Blast!" Large stones rose around Badgrun and rocketed towards Alliam, "Bite through em!" Alliam charged, snapping the average stones in half, dodging the larger ones, and letting the smaller ones, because they were too fast, hit him. "Now Absorb." The beams shot into Badgrun as it backed away, "Rock Blast with the biggest stones you can throw!" A huge stone rose from the field and flew towards Alliam, striking it again and again. Sending him flying with each stone, Alliam was no longer able to rise with out a taking another rock, "Alliam return, go Churbin!" Kiro's partner was saved from the unrelenting torrent as it was sucked inside the pokéball, "Churbin, Gust!" The next boulder was pushed back by the wind and slammed into Badgrun, pinning it, "Return. Go, Alliam! Use Absorb!" The two switched places once more and Badgrun was quickly drained of its energy to heal Alliam, "Magnitude!"Andie's pokémon cause the ground to shake, cracking the boulder enough for Badgrun to shatter it, "Alliam, Churbin, switch!" Badgrun rose as Churbin flew in the field, "Badgrun, Shock Wave!" A wave of electricity repeatedly spread out in all directions, "Churbin, use the rocks for cover!" Churbin dashed from rock to rock between Shock Waves to avoid taking damage, but was unable to attack because the interval was too short, "Now Badgrun, use Electro Ball few times then keep using Shock Wave!" Andie's pokémon jerked its head left, right, then left again, each time sending shooting a ball of electricity from its mouth, Woah! The three Electro Balls curved around the boulders from the earlier Rock Blasts, making it impossible to stay on the ground, "Churbin fly above!" Andie smiled, "Now Shock Wave as much as you can!" Come on! That's impossible to dodge now! There's no where to hide anymore! "Tackle!" Churbin dove through the Shock Waves and slammed into Badgrun as Kiro grabbed A pokèball. "Go, Alliam!" Churbin had fainted by the time her teammate emerged, "Use Absorb and run alongside the Electro Balls!" Alliam sprinted behind a ball of electricity while keeping its red beams trained on the enemy. Badgrun held its ground as Alliam started to fall behind, "Turn around and switch lanes!" still using Absorb, Alliam slid into the next lane and followed the Electro Ball, getting hit by Shock Wave twice. This time he fell behind much faster and was hit by the ball of electricity, paralyzing it. No longer using Absorb, Alliam used the smoke from the attack to flank, "Now, Bite it's neck!" Badgrun instinctively used Rock Blast, however Alliam actually went for the tail. When he snapped, Badgrun flinched and dropped the rock on top of itself while moving it to its rear end. "Alliam use Absorb while it's pinned!" Badgrun began roaring furiously, "Magnitude!" The attack was so powerful, it was more like an Earthquake as it shattered the ground. The tables had turned, with Alliam being pinned between cracks in the arena. "Time to finish this! Rock Blast!" Badgrun rolled over and propelled as many rocks as possible into the crevice. "Absorb till the end!" Badgrun visibly slowed as thin beams slipped through the gaps in the rocks. "Fill in the cracks!" The red disappeared as smaller stones completely sealed the hole. "The ground's already loose, make sure it's over with Magnitude." Kiro's shoulders sunk as the ground shook with so much vigor that he almost fell. I lost...

"You almost had me, almost." The rocks shifted. Badgrun looked with inquiry as they shifted again. Huh? Shifting and grinding could now be heard. Could it be? Grind, shift, loosen, rumble. "Maybe I'm not so defeated after all?" Come on, climb, climb! "I'll say, your partner's resilient. Magnitude! Once more!" Kiro smiled but then tried to keep his expression neutral, Yes! Bad move. The arena shook again, "That's all he needed. Bite!" Alliam shot out from the stone filled crevice and landed unsteadily, "Rock Blast!" Badgrun wasn't far enough away and Alliam closed the distance, snapping at its neck. "Yes! Now push em to the ground!" Using all the strength in its body, Alliam pinned Badgrun as it kicked and flailed, causing the two clearly exhausted, though neither willing to give up, pokémon to simply wrestle on the ground, "Get it off with Shock Wave!" Faint electricity flowed through both pokémon, "Pick it up and slam it down!"Alliam lifted with its neck and threw it to the ground, "Finish this once and for all with Absorb!" Unfortunately both pokémon stopped, one flinched and the other was paralyzed, ""End this!"" They both shouted simultaneously. Badgrun looked like it was preparing to launch something solid from its throat as it slowly rose, while Alliam forced two red beams from its eyes that crossed and formed one laser that flowed down Badgrun's throat. Inches from Alliam's face, the bulge shrunk and Badgrun collapsed just as the attack was about to be released. Alliam wobbled as he awaited the verdict. The Cadet clearly reluctant to announce, "Badgrun is unable to battle! Kiro is the winner!"
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Good matches! I enjoyed the conversation with the Nurse.
Alliam grew to Level 14 against Faireeze and Badgrun! Alliam gained half a heart of Friendship! He now has one and a half hearts of Friendship!
[PokeCommunity.com] [T] Delirium [IC]
[PokeCommunity.com] [T] Delirium [IC]

Churbin grew to Level 12 against Faireeze and Badgrun! Churbin gained half a heart of Friendship. She now has a full heart of Friendship!
[PokeCommunity.com] [T] Delirium [IC]

Andie has been defeated! 600PD has been added to your wallet, and you received the Ferry Badge!
[PokeCommunity.com] [T] Delirium [IC]

Good job! You should rest your Pokemon, and maybe do some extra training for what waits outside the Gates...


For those following the timeline cycle of Veriti, Day 1 (Ghost Year, Daro, Ming, Renday) is almost over. Feel free to wrap up the day in your post and continue onto the next day. All up to you!
Day 2 is Ghost Year, Daro, Thinis, Zhouday.

Chapter 1.2 - Just Another Average Training Post
After a minute of vigorous shaking, the Pokéball clicked and was still. A triumphant fanfare played in Aeolus's head as he picked up his new Pokémon.

"Great job, Scruff!" he called to his Marshock. "Let's get you two healed up."

He retreated his Pokémon and made a beeline for the Pokémon Center.


Lux handed his Pokéballs to the nurse at the counter. Lux's stomach growled loudly. The nurse chuckled, "There's a cheap diner around the corner, if you want to eat something," she said as she placed Lux's Pokéballs inside the machine. The machine beeped six times, and then it became dormant. The nurse handed Lux his Pokémon.
"Your Pokémon have been restored to full health. We hope to see you again!"

"Thank you, ma'am." Lux replied. He smiled and left.

Lux's stomach growled once more.
Man, I'm so hungry! I haven't eaten since yesterday...
Recalling what the nurse said, Lux headed for the diner

The diner was a relatively small place, with only ten tables and a tiny counter in the corner where the register was placed. Lux ordered his meal, and sat himself at the window. His mind began to wander...

Lux strolled into the Quarantine Zone. He was very anxious, for he had rarely left Drake's-Neck Town before, and yet he was to leave for the far-off Gallant Town the next morning.

Lux signed in, and headed to Liz's room.

Drake's-Neck's Quarantine Zone was a gloomy place. Previously a hospital, the Quarantine Zone houses many of Drake's-Neck's Afflicted. The doctors and nurses there used to be cheerful and upbeat, but now they work throughout the day with somber looks on their faces.

Lux stopped at Room 36, worried about what was beyond the door. He opened the door cautiously.
"Hey Lizzy," he said. With his voice donning a smooth and quiet tone, Aeolus entered the room.

Elizabeth Panthera, also known to friends and family as Liz, was a small, frail girl. She sat with her knees to her chin on a bed in the corner of the room. Her long blonde hair was untamed and covered half of her face.

Lux knew better than to approach her; she gave him a long scratch on his forearm the last time he did so. So he stood at the door.

"I'm gonna be gone for a little while, okay Liz?"

"So?" she said. "You think I care?"

Lux didn't know what to say; her words stung him slightly. Silence followed for two minutes. Then the doctor entered the room.

"Mr. Panthera? I'm going to have to ask you to leave. It's time for Elizabeth to take her treatment." he said.

"Uh, okay. Yes sir." Lux disappointedly replied. He left the room, more nervous than ever...

Lux finished his food quickly. He wanted to start training as soon as possible, for he wanted to challenge the Gallant Town Gym tomorrow.


Back at the Landing Port, Lux released his Pokémon. Scruff and his new Churbin appeared in a flash of light.

"Wait a minute, you need a name!" Lux said to the Churbin. "Let's see... Your the Baby Parrot Pokémon, and pirates have parrots as pets, so I'll name you after a famous pirate! How 'bout Ahab?"

The Churbin cooed impatiently, wanting to battle.

"Okay then, it's settled! Let's go train!"

So the three ventured through the Landing Port. It wasn't long before a Pokémon was encountered.

"Hey, it's a Pacin!" Lux exclaimed. He pulled out his Pokedex and scanned the creature.

"Pacin, the Small Bush Pokémon. Pacin may seem as a Normal-type pest sometimes, however most Veriti natives know otherwise; Pacin is an essential part of a town, and helps to take care of insects that otherwise might harm Pokémon and human alike. Pacin can withstand most bug toxins."

"Alright! You're up Ahab!"

Ahab cooed and readied itself for battle.
"Use Sand Attack!"
Ahab flicked his wing and flung dirt into the Pacin's eye, lowering its accuracy.
The Pacin tried to ram itself into Ahab, but Ahab dodged it easily.
"Now Tackle!"
Ahab flew into the Bush Pokémon, damaging it.

"Finish it off, Ahab! Tackle!"

Ahab attacked the Pacin once more, but it dodged the attack!
It counterattacked with a Tackle.
Ahab fell to the ground, and struggled to get up.
"You've got this, Ahab! Tackle, again!"
Ahab tackled the Pacin once more, it was a critical hit! The Pacin fainted!

"Great job!" Lux said, congratulating his Pokémon.
Ahab cooed faintly and perched itself onto Lux's shoulder.
"Alright, your turn Scruff! Test your luck against that Burcoa over there." Lux said, pointing to a Bug Pokémon in the distance. "Thundershock!"

Scruff shot a jolt of electricity at the Bug, singeing its side.
The Burcoa counterattacked by shooting a string of silk at Scruff, lowering his speed. It went in for the attack.
"Dodge it, Scruff!"
But alas, he wasn't swift enough. The Bug-type hit Scruff in the backside; but as soon as contact was made, an electrical aura surrounded Scruff. The electricity seemed to transfer over to the Burcoa. It was paralyzed!
"Yes! Thundershock once more!"
Scruff obeyed and carried out the attack, and the Burcoa fainted!

"Wow! You guys are awesome!"
Lux retreated Ahab, but kept Scruff outside of his Pokéball, for he hated the confined space.

It was starting to get late. The sun took on a golden hue, and the sky turned purple. Lux sat down on a nearby rock and pulled out his PokéFlute from his backpack. He began to play an upbeat, peppy tune...
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