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#ThankYouGameFreak trends in the US on Twitter

  • 8,973
    #ThankYouGameFreak trends in the US on Twitter

    In perhaps no surprise due to the apparent rumour that there's low morale over at Game Freak because of the strong backlash they keep getting, it seems this hashtag has been increasingly a thing for fans to reminisce and be thankful for what Game Freak did provide us. It seems this hashtag is a reminder that the people working on these games are humans like the rest of us, and that game development is not an easy as some of us make it to be.

    So tl;dr people are sending positive vibes at Game Freak for their efforts over the years. It gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling on the inside. n.n

    Just wanted to share this, is all.
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    I'm not sure Game Freak should be thanked for putting the interests of a small group of financial investors over millions of users.

    As a historic thing this is great, because prior to this Game Freak had done a lot of good work in creating a series of great cultural significance and that deserves to be recognised and not forgotten. But as a current trend for making SnS? I hope it blows over quickly, because it is far from deserved.
  • 8,973
    I'm not sure Game Freak should be thanked for putting the interests of a small group of financial investors over millions of users.

    As a historic thing this is great, because prior to this Game Freak had done a lot of good work in creating a series of great cultural significance and that deserves to be recognised and not forgotten. But as a current trend for making SnS? I hope it blows over quickly, because it is far from deserved.

    rewording my post because im bad with words: im not sure if it's because of SwSh in particular, although no doubt SwSh is most definitely a factor in this trending. i mean, imagine being a game developer working hard on a game and getting backlash upon backlash and constant harassment over a done decision. while Game Freak could definitely stand to improve their PR, some of the fans need to cut out the toxicity.

    simply put, the game doesn't appeal to you, don't buy it and move on with your life (generally speaking, here). leave the people who want to enjoy the game to enjoy it. the developers themselves don't deserve this kind of treatment.
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    For the people who are curious, this is the original tweet who started the trend.

    I have sympathy for the developers, good vibes to them. They are usually video games passionates who are working hard and just doing what they been told to do by the higher-ups but this is a weird time to say thank you, a lot of people on the hashtag are getting spoiled or are talking about playing Sword and Shield with a Pokémon who won't be in the game.
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  • 8,973
    Alright, let's put it simply. There is a clear line between calling Game Freak out for their lies (or at best half-truths and deliberately vague misinformation) and harrassing them with death threats and generally toxic behaviour. The former is a reasonable criticism in response to a decision that you disagree with, and the information provided surrounding that. The latter is uncalled for and unacceptable - I definitely wouldn't dispute that, because no, people do not deserve to be harrassed and threatened over a video game. But do they deserve to be called out for their behaviour? Absolutely. There is a definite difference between the two actions. The inability of those who adopt the "don't buy it if you don't like it and shut up about it" stance to distinguish between the two is just as toxic as those who throw unwarranted insults around. In fact I would say it was more toxic, because there wouldn't be quite as arguments if people didn't attack one another over opinions on games. There would be a lot of unpleasantness still, but not as much personal vitriol or "us vs them" mentality.

    People have as much right to criticise as much as they do to praise, and criticism does not automatically equate to negativity. If someone can't enjoy a game because another person doesn't, then that is entirely on them. It's really not as simple as "just move on" and it's insensitive to pretend that it is. Being upset and making constructive criticism is a valid reaction, and completely different from toxic behaviour. Insults - no matter who they are aimed at, or what it is in response to - is not acceptable. It's really not that hard to see the line. Being unwilling to see it because you don't like the opposing viewpoint is extremely toxic. Generally speaking.

    Speaking for myself, I would say this hashtag is a great way to acknowledge everything that Game Freak has done over the years, but in no way is it deserved for their efforts on the latest games. I think they deserve to be thanked for previous games, and maybe that's needed at a time like this. But I think there is a clear separation between the work they've done in the past and that which they've done now.

    alright, so here's the thing. i feel like we're mostly on the same page, but disagreeing on a few things.

    criticism is fine for any game in particular. that's pretty much the nature of the beast when you're a game developer. you have to take criticism coming your way and hopefully the next product you make is better than the last. but let's be clear about this, and i don't mean to be so direct, but you (as well as I) don't know what went on in Game Freak's own headquarters to come to decisions they make. as I said, they can most definitely stand to work on a consistent PR message without giving off weird vague answers on dexit in particular and they could definitely stand to be more truthful and straightforward, but that's absolutely no excuse to be toxic and resort to harassment on a personal level for any reason, i don't care what your (general "you", here) beef is with the game, that's absolutely unacceptable.

    that being said, here's where we might see differently on:

    think about the whole tree ordeal. you've seen poketubers all over pretty much dissecting that tree and comparing it to N64 Ocarina of Time and it became pretty much a gag for how apparently little Game Freak really cared. and then there's the reused animations. people started overanalyzing that too. the straw that broke the camel's back was seeing how many pokemon were actually cut. for the sake of spoiler reasons for those that might be perusing this thread, i won't say, but all i'm going to say is that people overanalyzed the hell of out that too, and used that as more fuel for more harassment towards Game Freak/TPC.

    you're right on one thing, criticism doesn't always amount to negativity, but the bigger point is that criticism isn't an excuse for negativity either, which is where we may see differently on and i think is important to keep in mind. there's a difference between legitimate warranted criticism and toxic negativity just veiled as criticism and i've never really seen what point the latter tries to accomplish.


  • 0
    alright, so here's the thing. i feel like we're mostly on the same page, but disagreeing on a few things.

    criticism is fine for any game in particular. that's pretty much the nature of the beast when you're a game developer. you have to take criticism coming your way and hopefully the next product you make is better than the last. but let's be clear about this, and i don't mean to be so direct, but you (as well as I) don't know what went on in Game Freak's own headquarters to come to decisions they make. as I said, they can most definitely stand to work on a consistent PR message without giving off weird vague answers on dexit in particular and they could definitely stand to be more truthful and straightforward, but that's absolutely no excuse to be toxic and resort to harassment on a personal level for any reason, i don't care what your (general "you", here) beef is with the game, that's absolutely unacceptable.

    that being said, here's where we might see differently on:

    think about the whole tree ordeal. you've seen poketubers all over pretty much dissecting that tree and comparing it to N64 Ocarina of Time and it became pretty much a gag for how apparently little Game Freak really cared. and then there's the reused animations. people started overanalyzing that too. the straw that broke the camel's back was seeing how many pokemon were actually cut. for the sake of spoiler reasons for those that might be perusing this thread, i won't say, but all i'm going to say is that people overanalyzed the hell of out that too, and used that as more fuel for more harassment towards Game Freak/TPC.

    you're right on one thing, criticism doesn't always amount to negativity, but the bigger point is that criticism isn't an excuse for negativity either, which is where we may see differently on and i think is important to keep in mind. there's a difference between legitimate warranted criticism and toxic negativity just veiled as criticism and i've never really seen what point the latter tries to accomplish.
    I deleted that post because upon further reflection I really didn't want to have this discussion, but I suppose I'll bite, because why not.

    I'm not going to defend or try to justify excessive negativity, or the hyperbolic lengths some people have gone too, because I agree with you: it's ridiculous. It's an embarrassment that completely obscures serious, valid points that have been made. It's a small point to make, not to obsess over, and not only that, it fails to acknowledge where there are improvements made - everyone focuses on that Double Kick animation, but these same people won't say how amazing those Gigantamax special moves look. They'll cry the models are re-used, but they won't admit the textures are a hell of a lot better. It's very one-sided in a lot of cases, and that only hurts the arguments being made. It's not all bad. Just because someone may feel the bad might outweigh the good doesn't mean that the good should not be acknowledged for what it is. That's the nature of a balanced argument, and often the difference between a reasonable criticism and a hyperbolic complaint.

    I would say that in many ways Game Freak brought the negativity - not the harrassment, the negativity; again, there is a clear line - on themselves by failing to provide adequate justification or explanation for their decision. Of course their reasons are going to be probed and analyzed and dissected to hell and back: it's a hugely controversial issue that people genuinely care about. Does that mean they should take any conclusions drawn as fact? Of course not. But the lack of transparency, the conflicting statements, the deliberate antagonism from Game Freak (I refer here to the "no regrets" comment made, and the slightly odd case of Masuda thanking a fan for their enthusiasm to explore Galar with a Pokemon that had been cut from the game) and the lack of honesty and transparency just invite this sort of thing. They need better marketing, they really do. I mean, look at Pokemon Masters: that is a fantastic way of acknowledging mistakes were made, and addressing concerns in a constructive fashion. Game Freak cannot do this...why, exactly? That stands out very strongly.

    What you and I see as negativity is clearly a different thing, though...and therein lies another problem. It's subjective, and it's dependant on the language used, the length of the explanation provided, and so on. But one thing I think is worth bearing in mind is that for a lot of people who are really angry about this, and really care, is that Pokemon has formed a major part of their cultural identity for the better part of their lives. A lot of people have grown up with Pokemon, and the Pokemon they want to transfer to the games. People, whether they're angry or happy, are excited for more. It's not an unreasonable expectation to have, because continuity has been a part of the franchise since the very beginning, and Masuda has been quick to say in the past that another incident where you cannot transfer as with Gen 2 to 3 is something they wanted to avoid. The love and care Game Freak has put into the franchise, and the respect they have shown their fans, has been utterly trampled with this. Of course some people who care about this are going to be upset. It doesn't excuse those who perpetuate toxic behaviour, no. But it doesn't mean everyone who criticises the games should be tarred and feathered with the same brush, or that people are being negative without cause...and there are times when criticism absolutely justifies negativity. Although that, again, is subjective. But just because you see a lot of it doesn't mean that an individual's reasons are invalid, or following a trend. Just as the developers are people, so are the individual fans who are all saying what amounts to the same thing, and not everyone is saying it just because it's the popular thing to say...although I will admit that herd mentality undoubtedly plays a factor in this. But then, that goes both ways to include the people who are sick of the criticisms and complaints. So yeah. It's complicated.

    ...and I haven't even touched on the behaviour of those who are excessively positive about the games to wind up the people who are upset about it - because there are a lot of people like that. I'm not sure why any of it needs to be personal, truthfully - let people have their opinions, have your own opinion, and just respect that they're different. It's really not that difficult in practice...or it shouldn't be. Just let people get on with what they want to get on with. I mean, sure, condone insults and harrassment because they're not acceptable, but that doesn't give you carte blanche to return it to someone else.

    Honestly I think everyone with a current interest in Pokemon - be it positive or negative - could stand to thank Game Freak, because it's important to take a historic view. One screw-up doesn't amount to the destruction of an entire franchise, and it doesn't erase all the good that they've done over the years. But at the same time, context. It's alright to not be thankful for something, and to express that at the same time.

    Starry Windy

    Everything will be Daijoubu.
  • 9,307
    When I saw the Dexit backlash in the first place, at times when I'm rewatching some Sword/Shield Direct that introduces Dynamax feature, I was sad because for a game that looks pretty and gorgeous, all these huge backlashes shouldn't be happening. Sure, I do agree with many folks that Game Freak ideally should put all the Pokémon on the game, and while some criticism is necessary, but that doesn't meant excessive negativity has to be justified. Even though I did get disappointed on some Sword/Shield news at times (but it's more because most of that certain news was already out of the bag hours before :tongue-poke:), I've decided that I would enjoy Sword/Shield regardless if some 'mons do appear on the game or not, because I want to play Pokémon just for the fun of it. Plus, I think Game Freak has made many great games before, and judging from some trailers, I hope Sword and Shield would be the next in line.

    That's why I'm glad that there are some movements that would thank Game Freak and co. for their hard work, and I'm with these folks on this sentiment. Still, I hope Game Freak and co. would make sure the backlash wouldn't be happening again next time, especially because this backlash gives nothing but sad moments for fellow Pokémon fans. And I hope that they'll make Sword and Shield a game to be remembered, in a good way.


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    I just want to say that while they have made some questionable choices (why in the world would they leave out Heracross, who has a mega evolution, has been quite popular and has had relevance in the anime!), The total game will be amazing, expansive and enjoyable

    I like how the fans are backing them up with this, despite their mistakes. Isn't that what ultimately matters? Looking past the mistakes and enjoy the game they are making for us?

    Even with less pokemon, I'm going to enjoy the crap out of it, focussing mostly on the new pokemon and new forms anyway!


  • 0
    Twitter is a terrifyingly volatile place right now.

    Two days ago it was #ThankYouGameFreak
    Yesterday it was #IStandWithSerebii
    Today it's #GameFreakLied

    I expect #PaidReviews tomorrow, or similar. Or something extremely inflammatory to wind up "Dexers" about the positive reception the games have been getting from "critics" (I use that term with derision in a general sense, not because of this particular thing, btw) in the first reviews to be shown today. I...have no idea what to suggest though. I'm not good with short, catchy hashtags. Someone help me out here? xD

    I get the feeling this has been but a prelude to a far grander explosion once the games are out...and if/when Game Freak announce a season pass for those missing Pokemon in the game's code but not the dex.
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