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The Aura Sanctuary

Name: Jefferson "Water" September

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Personality: The most soulful human being you could ever meet. Always the first to break into song, and a real life of the party. When in battle, however, he is strong and fast, but never really good at any strategy, and just hits quickly. He is real, and never sells himself, doing things only if it is in his best interest, making him also rather selfish.
Looks: Imagine instead of a traditional guardian uniform, a big amazing afro, with a comb on it with the golden poke ball thing on the handle. A dark skinned male, charming, but also real. Thin, with great athleticism. Instead of a blue jacket, a white pop-collared jacket with another white shirt on the inside, with the words "Here's the beef", and high-water white dress pants, with those slightly fashionable men's high-heeled shoes from the 60's.

History: Jefferson, was born into a middle class home in Viridian city. At the age of four, only after learning how to walk and talk, he befriended his first Pokemon, a poliwag, in which he named "Waggles" because of the spiral formation on its stomach. After being found to be Aura sensitive by a passing guardian, he was taken away from his family, to be trained to control his "amazing" gift. He was allowed to take Waggles with him, and after completing his training, he got a pokeball and officially captured Waggles, which had evolved into poliwhirl shortly after. He then decided to become a trainer for a while, and traveled throughout Kanto and Johto, capturing many other Pokemon, with two consecutive second place wins in the league. He now is touring the region of Sinnoh, back on watch as an Aura guardian.
Assasin, your in. I guess we should start the RP now. Go ahead!
Oh yayz, I haz the honor of first post but...
Have you edited the accepted RPer list? Because a few (me included) are not on it. <--(But that's not important.)
Also, I don't really know how to start it =/
((Hey, thought I'd have a go and join!! Seems like a lot of fun :D))

Name: Elena Pierce

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Personality: Elena is quiet, withdrawn and melancholy. It is revealed that the reason for this is the death of her parents, a few months beforehand. Before her parents' death, she was active, popular and cheerful, and that her recent change in behaviour is due to her loss. Elena has been shown to be very protective of her family, very astute, and with high moral standards. She displays deep affection for her friends, and often takes it upon herself to worry about people who don't expect or welcome her concern.

Elena is also very stubborn and fiesty. She's very direct and prefers to confront people head-on as opposed to keeping her anger bottled up.

Looks: Elena is a slender, athletic girl. Her eyes are dark blue with gold flecks in them, she has been told many times they look like the stone; Lapis Lazuli. She had dark brown hair it almost looks black. Her hair is parted in the middle, she doesn't believe in fringes. Waste of time. Her hair is naturally curly and wavy, but she loves to have in straight. On speical occasions she leaves in natural. Elena also has an olive complection.

History: Two months ago Elena's parents car crashed in Snowpoint city where she lives. The snow chains weren't on the tires which caused it to swerve out of control and off the bridge and into the lake.

She belives this is her fault, no matter how much her Aunt Jenna or little brother Jeremy who is 15, tell her otherwise.

Jenna Sommers is Elena and Jeremy's soul guardian, their mothers sister. Jenna is around 22 and is finding it very difficult to raise them, though she is getting better.

Jeremy is Elena's younger brother and sees using drugs as a way of coping with the loss of their parents. He doesn't like her telling him off but is aware deep down that she's only looking out for him.

He finds Elena's diary and is shocked by what he discovers. Elena soon wonders why he is acting so oddly towards her and he admits that he read her diary. This causes a wedge in their relationship, which remains unresolved.

When Miranda (Elena's mother) passes on, all her Pokemon were left to Jenna, but one Pokemon went to Elena and stuck with her. A Skitty... a very special Skitty. It never left Elena's side and refused to get in its Pokeball.

After the torture of two months, Elena knew she needed to get out of here and do something with her life and her Skitty.

Being a guardian was what she wanted and what she intended to do.

((All Good? :D))
Whoops, heh, sorry about the lack of updating the accepted RPers list.
Name: Kurisu Abera

Gender: Boy

Age: 19

Personality: Quite and shy, but very caring and outgoing with thoses he considers friends. He has a big heart and trust easily, but can defend himself when he needs to. He is really intellegent but is modest. Can also cook really well.

Looks(Picture or description): Stands 5' 10" with long purple hair and emerald eyes. Has a strong body from years of outdoor living.

History (Optional): Abandoned as a baby, Kurisu grew up in the wilderness outside of Ecruteak and would've surly died if a Sentret didnt help him. Kurisu grew up spending every moment with it and it showed him how to gather berries and to find water. Kurisu eventually started doing odd jobs around Ecruteak at the age of 12. He started out by cleaning the dance theater everyday and learned how to battle from the kimono sisters. He learned that he could be a guardian after he ran into the burned tower one night to escape the rain and could feel the aura of the legendary dogs and ho-oh. After that night, he spent a few hours each day meditating in the tower and honing his abilities and strengthing his now evoved Furret. Kurisu hates the idea of pokeballs and only uses them to rest his pokemon. After he catches one, he trains with it until he can trust that it wont run away. He only has a Scyther, Pidgey, and Ratta in addition to his faithful Furret. He is in search of friends and hopes to become strong to protect all he cares about.
Name: Remember Jacobs

Age: 20

Personality: Remember is a quiet person, she usually keeps to herself but she has a short fuse. Sadly she reacts without thinking & then regrets what shw did later on. Remember is a loyal peson, once someone becomes a true friend shw'll go to the end of the earth for them.

Looks: Remember's 5'6, she has long curly light strawberry blonde hair & gray eyes. Her eyes aew almond shapped, she has a small slightly round nose & thin eyebrows.

Hiistory: Rememberdoesn't know her parents, she wa left on the doorstep of a middle aged couple. The couple raised her like she was their own, the couple had a daughter & even though their daughter was around Remember's age they never hung out. Remember spent her time gtowing up in the town's library, & she actually became the librarin's assistant. This is because Remember has never been good at mking frends.

Her first encounter with a pokrmon was one day when she had to go into the basement of the library toger a bbox. She walked over to a box but was stopped by a small squeak, Remeber loked aroud and seen a small prple & white mouse standing next to the box. Both Remember & the Rattata screamed & the Rattata runinto a hle in the wall.
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((I have been making an OC for a while now, I'd like to see how he translates into this...))

Name: Riley Harrison

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Personality: Very quiet most of the time, Riley only says something when it is of importance, preferring to think things through instead. In battle, he remains cold and calculative.

Looks(Picture or description): Fairly gangly and tall, with thick brown hair. He has bright blue eyes. Riley's body shape is more thin and agile than it is bulky.

History: Coming from a long line of Guardians, Riley felt that becoming one himself was the natural course. Neither of his parents are home much, they are far too busy with their rituals and their guarding. This lead Riley to pursue his studies by himself.

((Also, do we have Pokemon under our control? If so: ))

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Name: Scayth Yakuma

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Personality: Intimidating look and a Calculating person. Scayth is very conservative, rarely speaks to others... and most of the time doesn't tell his pokemon what abilities he requires them to do. At first look, most people are quite shaken by his appearance, but many come to look up to him for his genius in a poke battle, and that he is always there to help those in need while never putting on another expression but the first that you see... a emotionless face.

Appearance: Has a warriors scare coming from over his right eye and cross over his nose to under his left eye.Scayth has Red Eyes, Spiked back white hair and a white haired goatee, standing at a height of 6'4, and weighting 220, but is in extremely healthy condition. Wears Maroon with Black Trimming Gloves, and a Red/Black Guardian Outfit.

History: Scayth at the age of 6, was tied to a pole as he watched his parents drown in a lake by the doings of team rocket, they all knew his parents could not swim and when team rocket didn't get the Eevee that his parents have held close for many years, they pushed them off of a cliff into a very large river, and stole the Eevee... Traumatized by his parents sudden death, Team Rocket left him there until he was found by a Karate Master who raised him and taught him how to train his pokemon and fight... Now years later he's ready to take on the life of a Pokemon Trainer and get his Relentless Redemption on the Forsaken Team Rocket.
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Name: Kaito Dark

Genre: Male

Age: 18

Personality: Quiet and a bit shy person but quite talkative if he trusts you. Doesn't trust people easily and doesn't let anyone get close to him. Is afraid of being betrayed. Knows quite a bit about Pokemon and their eating habits along with some other stuff.

Appearance: Shoulder length purple hair that covers the left half of his face almost completely, scar over left eye.

History: Dark watched as his mother was killed by his father when he was 5. He would have been killed as well if not for his uncle who saved him. The images of his mothers death continued to haunt him and soon became too much for him causing him to fall into a coma for a little over a year. After he woke up again he had completely changed. He rarely spoke, smiled or did anything with other people. Only time he seemed to be able to smile at least a little was when he was around Pokemon. Now years later he has gathered enough courage to fufill his dream and get revenge on his father.
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Okay, I may not be active a lot. That doesn't mean I got ATEN BY A RABID MUNCHLAX.

Oh yeah, and by the way. It was a rabid skunky.
The Aura Sanctum has created multiple Sanctum's in order to find a more abundance of Guardians to deal with the issues of The Poke-Napper's. Deep in the Amethyst Sanctum many Guardian's have been found in their respective regions.

Guardian Trainer "Is everyone here? We won't have much time to train you like most others... The Poke-Napper's have begun to set assaults on all regions to capture and commit very heinous and illegal experiments on many Pokemon. I'll call out your names, please say if you're present or not: Christopher Bryant, Kobora King, Kana Marin, Clarence Williams, Jake Jackson Zales, Marcus Powell, Kris Collins, Jefferson September, Elena Pierce, Kurius Abera, Remember Jacobs, Riley Harrison, Jira Darkstar, Scayth Yakuma, and Kaito Dark."

Scayth Raises his hand, and with a deep and booming voice exclaims "I am Scayth Yakuma."
(OOC: Note: Collins is now spelled Kollyns.)

I sat, waiting for everyone to arrive. It was only a few minutes until everyone was here and the teacher spoke, "Is everyone here? We won't have much time to train you like most others..." He started, "The Poke-Nappers have begun to set assaults on all of the regions to capture and commit very heinous and illegal experiments on many Pokemon." He paused for a moment, "I'll call out your names, please say if you're present or not. Christopher Bryant, Kobora King, Kana Marin, Clarence Williams, Jake Jackson Zales, Marcus Powell, Kris Kollyns, Jefferson September, Elena Pierce, Kurius Abera, Remember Jacobs, Riley Harrison, Jira Darkstar, Scayth Yakuma, and Kaito Dark."

A boy raised his hand and bellowed,"I am Scayth Yakuma."

I also raised my hand and replied,"Kris Kollyns."
I was sitting away from everyone as the teacher starts to speak "Is everyone here? We won't have much time to train you like most others... The Poke-Napper's have begun to set assaults on all regions to capture and commit very heinous and illegal experiments on many Pokemon. I'll call out your names, please say if you're present or not: Christopher Bryant, Kobora King, Kana Marin, Clarence Williams, Jake Jackson Zales, Marcus Powell, Kris Collins, Jefferson September, Elena Pierce, Kurius Abera, Remember Jacobs, Riley Harrison, Jira Darkstar, Scayth Yakuma, and Kaito Dark."

A boy raises his hand, and with a deep and booming voice exclaims "I am Scayth Yakuma." Another boy
also raises his hand and replies,"Kris Kollyns." I soon after also raise my hand and say with a voice that just audiable enough "Kaito Dark here."