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The Crystal Flute

Fallen Angel_Messiah Of Black Roses

The one you hate to love. :P
  • 1,613
    • Seen Sep 29, 2017
    The Crystal Flute

    Ok, This is the novelzation of The Rp, " The Crystal Flute"

    Credit Goes to, Neo Pikachu For the main Idea of PHT Gas.
    Charizard Maa: For Creating the RP.
    The RPers: For creating the story.
    ME: For novelizing the Story.

    Lets Begin.


    Long ago in ancient times the world of Pokemon and humans were in peace especially in the land of Johto. There the Pokemon known as Celebii was more then the Guardian of Forest but the Guardian of all. Back then the humans of Johto were more in tune to nature since they lived in the grand forests of Johto letting nature to live without disturbance from the humans. The legendary Pokemon Celebi was proud to see the humans so nice towards nature that it gladly provided assistance to them when ever they needed.

    So to call upon Celebii a crystal flute was made by the humans which was then blessed by the time Pokemon that was able to call upon the time Pokemon from any place or time. When the flute was blessed the blue color of the crystal became emerald green. When ever a the people of Johto needed Celebi then they will travel the Celebi Temple in Ilex Forest close to the place where Azalea would be in the future. Celebi was did many things to help the humans from harvesting crops, healing the sick to blessing of small children. It is said that if called by the flute that Celebi can do many things as in the form of wishes. To thank the great time traveling Pokemon the humans made many shrines and temples to honor the great time traveling Pokemon Celebi.

    As years passed an evil organization rose from the shadows with plans to control all of Johto. After many years of planning this organization decided to set their eyes on the time traveling Pokemon Celebi. They set off on destroying the Celebi shrines and temples all over Johto hoping that it would upset the time traveling Pokemon and forcing it to appear. After seeing that their plan failed the secret organization set out for the temple in Ilex Forest and to steal the Crystal Flute. Word of this plan to attack reached the ears of the people the Ilex Temple. At once they decided to defend against this organization by dividing the flute into six pieces and gave them out to the most trusted people in the temple who were then divided all over Johto.

    The disturbance happened and the Celebi Temple in Ilex Forest was destroyed by the organization leaving only the small shrine. Since then Celebi stopped providing aid to the humans and the humans themselves drifted away from their nature loving ways and made the cities that now populate Johto.

    Now it is the present and a war is coming. The cause of the tension started when Hoenn discovered that Orre was harboring some of the once powerful Team Rocket scientist. It was found out that formal Rocket scientist were conducting experiments in the desert nation. Hoenn being the righteous nation they are demanded that Orre hand over the criminals and to end the research. The government of Orre decided to ignore the demands of the Hoenn government and allow the formal Rocket scientist to continue their work. Tension rose when Hoenn announce that they would send troops into Orre to stop the Rockets scientists from conducting their research. The Rocket researchers at once saw that they were endanger from losing their work so they unleash it onto the innocent nation of Jotho, the final fall of the Rocket organization. Missiles from one an Orre military base was launch and landed in many peaceful places of Johto including Goldenrod, Olivine, Blackthorn and Ecruteak. At once Hoenn took action and invaded the nation of Orre and discover that the formal Rocket scientist were working with the Orre military.

    As of the people that were living in the towns that were hit by the missiles something happen to them. The missiles didn't explode but instead when they landed they just release a gas that would change the lives of the people who breathed it in. The people who breathed in the gas had become Pokemon hybrids. Every person developed traits from the Pokemon they had become as in developing fur, ears and even able to perform Pokemon attacks. Some people welcome this but many were disturbed. At once many people tried to figure out what was happening while others began to figure out ways of how to reverse the effects of the gas that people have learn to called PHT, Pokemon Hybrid Transmutation Gas. The gas is able to alter the DNA of the human that has breath it in and alter some parts of it to any Pokemon. The people who became hybrids kept their human like shape as in legs but gain attributes of the Pokemon they became. While this was happening the old organization or Team Rocket rose from the ashes of defeat and working at a terrorist group by spreading the PHT gas by bombs all over Kanto, Johto and parts of Hoenn.

    The legend of the Crystal Flute of Celebi isn't known by many but the pieces are held by a few. Still it is said that if one can bring the pieces of the flute together and blow into it then Celebi can be summon from any place in time. A young trainer had heard of the legend and is hoping to find the pieces of the flute in order to call upon Celebi hoping the time traveling Pokemon can reverse the effects of the PHT gas and rid the world of it. A few trainers have been called upon by young trainer and are going to meet him in New Bark Town.

    Chapter One: Gathering​

    Mike and his charizard were flying high above the Beautiful Dark lit sky. His charizard began to dive slowly towards the nearby town, He was told that New Bark Town was the best place to start any journey but also Mike had been told to come here.

    Lately there has been terrorist bombing from the organization of Team Rocket who had risen from they're old glory. For some reason a person in New Bark Town wanted him to help with the situation, Mike was no hybrid but knew something had to be done. He looked at his human hands and knew that others here may hate him for his looks.

    Mike then said to his charizard, "Char. Come down slowly would you? We want to land next to that place there. That is Professor Elm's laboratory."

    Char roared and began to lightly flap down.

    Mike then looked at the letter:

    Dear Mr. Anone.

    I know you are aware of the situation in Johto with Team Rocket's recent activities. There are also the side effects from their actions. You may not know this but there are people trying to reverse these effects but none are working. Still I know of a way to reverse it but I need help. There is so much one person can do but I have been watching you and a few other people. I am hoping you will come to Professor Elm' laboratory in New Bark Town, Johto where I would discuss with you more about my idea.

    Mike noticed it had no name or address, making it untraceable, I could be falling into someone's trap...

    He thought to himself but was secretly glad for a reason to go into Johto. At the time security had been strict and a limited amount of people are being allow to enter or leave Johto because of the actions of Team Rocket. Not even Pokemon trainers were allowed to go into the region.

    With this letter Mike was able to use it as an excuse to go into Johto. The people that had stopped Mike asked why Mike was heading for Johto and he told them he had a letter to see Professor Elm. With the mention of the professor's name they allowed Mike to enter.

    At once Mike landed on the ground with his charizard. He looked at the building and saw a few people walking around. Mike thought he saw a hybrid of a machop with long brown hair. He wondered if that was one of the people that were caught in the first wave or was she a victim of some random bombing.

    "Lets go Char. I sure this must be important." said Mike to his charizard as he entered the somewhat lonely looking lab.

    Not to Far away​

    CK dashed around the house excitedly, disturbing humans and Pokemon alike that inhabited the small building, shouting "C'mon Yoshi! We've gotta go! C'mon! Hurry up!" You could say her maturity level didn't quite fit her age. But that was the only way she knew how to act, for that was the way she was brought up.

    She was very excited, for the family's long time friend, Professor Elm, called CK and her older brother, Yoshi, telling them to meet him at the lab in the morning. It was almost midday and CK was still waiting on her older, slower sibling.

    "Yoshi! We're running late!" CK shouted once more.
    "I'm coming already!" another voice replied, it sounded quite irritated. CK just groaned. Some days she loved her brother, some days she wished he never existed, like this day. Finally, a boy in black and gold shorts and a black T-shirt slowly came down the stairs.

    It looked like he had only just got out of bed. He was still dressing himself as he walked. He slipped on a red and white hooded jumper and placed a black and gold cap backwards on his head, just above his long, black fringe. When he got to the door he took his time doing up his shoelaces. CK was jumping up and down the whole time, Much of impatience to her brother's slow antics.

    Finally, to CK's delight, the time to depart came, and CK ran all the way down the quiet road, dragging her brother along by the hand. When they got there they saw a couple other people walking around in front of the lab, along with some hybrids. CK's excitement immediately died down at the sight of other people, and she stayed close to her brother as they approached the property of Professor Elm. When they got to the door they turned and saw a guy dismounting a Charizard.

    "This must be serious." Yoshi said in a low voice. CK said nothing, she was eying off a Machop-hybrid that was nearby. She dared not make a movement that the hybrid would find displeasing.

    CK and her brother made their way into the lab and sat down on a leathery couch, they turned towards a Flat screen TV.

    CK glanced at the TV screen, then watched as a human grew extra limbs and his eyes morphed into big bubble-like things. CK squeaked and turned away from it, looking up at Yoshi who was watching people walk in one by one. There was the trainer with the Charizard, a trainer with an Arcanine, a couple of other trainers that followed, the Machop-hybrid and a trio of hybrids that freaked CK out even more when they arrived.

    We're not going in with them... are we?" CK asked nervously.

    Yoshi didn't respond, but he didn't have to. Then, without warning, CK's Absol, Balos, let himself out of his Pokeball and pranced into the laboratory.

    Yoshi calmly watched as Balos entered the building and casually said "Yep, now we're going in." CK just ran in after the young Pokemon, knelt down next to it and was about to scold it when she looked up and saw the Machop-hybrid towering over her. Instead CK slowly stood up and edged towards the back of the crowd of trainers where her brother was waiting.

    Oblivious to the world around her the young girl Kyra rode in on her large Arcanine Cody, she called him to a stop a little ways from the lab. "There it is Cody, the lab." She said as she jumped off and ran the rest of the way with him by her side. Smiling as she arrived, Kyra was amazed to see everyone. Her eyes widened when she saw the Machop hybrid. "Wow..." She muttered to Cody slightly nervous now.

    When she had first gotten the letter, she was confidant and sure of herself like always, but being here now and seeing all these people really made her want to run and hide. Just when she was about to forget this whole thing and leave she spotted and rather cute-in her perspective-guy dismounting a Charizard that looked really strong. With a slight gulp she walked over to him. "Uhh....hi there." Kyra said nervously hoping that he was friendly.

    Mike walked pass the group that was there. It seemed as if they were looking at a flat screen TV in the professor's window. There was a report about a bombing at the farming area north of Olivine. Reporters with gas masks were in a helicopter in order to avoid breathing in the life transforming gas. The camera was moving around to see if they can spot a Rocket.

    One of the people that had gather around the TV said, "That is horrible. You think they going to come to New Bark too?"

    "I hope not. I mean this is one of the few places where they haven't hit. We were lucky they hit Cherrygrove. Still that was only a few months ago."

    Mike was already inside the lab. Char was following him and Mike smiled because he was lucky to have such a loyal and nice Pokemon. At once Mike heard somebody from behind him. The nervous voice came from a girl that looked like she was around his age with an Arcanine with her. He then said, "Hey. Nice Arcanine. It seems to be well trained."

    Mike then notice that the Machop hybrid had made it way into the lab. He saw that it had regular clothing on and now had its hair in ponytail. He decided to keep an eye on it.

    Kyra smiled slightly and nodded. "His name is Cody." She said softly. "Your Charizard looks really strong too." Kyra added at the end. When she saw the three new hybrids come in her eyes grew wide again and she trembled slightly for a second.

    Cody nudged her with her large furry head. Slowly, Kyra turned her soft blue eyes towards the guy again and smiled nervously. "Horrible isn't it? To be turned part Pokemon I could never imagine that happening to me..." Her voice was lower than before as if one of the hybrids would hear and attack her or something.

    There was a flash from the golden chain necklace around her neck. On it was a pokeball. The pokeball released a very sleek and pampered looking Espeon.

    Kyra let out a sigh and Cody made a chuckling sound. The Espeon climbed up on to Cody's head and sat there like she ruled the world below her. When she opened her eyes and saw the Charizard she yelped and rolled backwards down Cody's back.

    Mike notice that a pair of dark looking hybrids walk in with a ponyta hybrid. He just shrugged because to him the hybrids were just troubled people and deep down they were still humans and like everybody else, treated the same.

    If they are Pokemon trainers even better thought Mike because that means he will be able to beat them. He then heard the blond girl speak to him again. Mike smiled and said, "Yeah. Me and Char been with each other for a long while now so it is no wonder that she looks strong because she is."

    Char roared happily at the nice things being said about her.


    Cain took a poke' ball from his belt. "GO Slicer" Immediately Slicer the Scyther escaped from the poke' ball. He turned and faced Cain then gave him an appropriate nod. Cain continued to walk and motioned for him to follow.

    They was nearing Cherry Grove when Cain saw a trainer. He was shaped as a Sunflora yet his face wasn't plantlike. His arms were shaped somewhat like the leaves of sunflora but looked human like. It was the same with the rest of his body. He ignored Cain and continued walking. Cain shuddered after looking at him and saw that Slicer did the same.

    The group of two continued till they finally made it to Cherry Grove were they saw two hybrids. One was hybrid of a Charmander and the other of a Pikachu. The Charmander had a red complexion and had a red tail. But at the end of it was no fire. His head looked somewhat human but was shaped similar to a Charmander head.

    The Pikachu one had ears like a Pikachu yet had the body shape of a human and the size. The head looked Pikachu like but you could still see human features. What was most strange was that he had no tail.

    After leaving Cherry Grove Cain returned Slicer to his poke' ball and continued on. Cain noticed Pokemon, but no hybrids till he was at New Bark town. Cain saw a Machop-hybrid. Cain wondered if there were more hybrids then people. Scared as he was he continued till he found Elm's little lab. Cain reached out for the labs door and walked right in, ignoring everyone else that seemed to have appeared.

    As Cain walked in he noticed a few people were already there. A guy dismounting a charizard with a girl talking to him. Cain noticed a few more people were coming in and then he noticed the machop hybrid came in as well. Cain started to think to himself Is he one of the guests Elm invited? Cain asked himself. Judging by the looks on other guest's faces he could tell they thought the same thing.

    Cain stared at the screen and almost screamed in horror. The PHT gas was altering people right in front of their eyes. It was unbearable to see someone growing a tail or an extra limb. Then it stated that olivine was one of the worst since people were jumping into the ocean to try to shrug off the pain. A few of them who changed into water Pokémon managed to survive but barely any of the rest did. Then the screen changed to Goldenrod and to see the people there barricading themselves in their own homes to try to stop the infection.

    This was far to much for Cain so he stormed outside for some fresh air and released Iris.

    "Well that was very disgusting".

    Iris did not understand but it seemed the screams coming from the TV made sense of it.

    I never liked horror movies. Especially of people spouting extra limbs or growing feathers. I especially hated that this was all happening and it wasn't just some movie.

    Cain waited about 5 minutes before returning back in. He returned Iris back to it's poke'ball and returned to see what was on the screen now.

    It showed a camera of olivine again. This time people who didn't jump into the ocean were finally getting up. Some of them were water Pokémon and jumped into the sea. Some of them were very shocked of the transformation that had just taken place. Cain didn't blame them, he would have done the same thing

    Cain could see that the machop-hybrid walked up to were Elm was. Cain didn't look at Elm very well when he had walked in but it seemed he was still the same, just a little shaken.

    It had started raining very softly outside. The sun outside that Cain had remembered remained only a memory.

    He edged towards the bookcase propped up against the walls, A few of them were science books about Pokemon but one was a novel. It had a dusty old cover and it seemed it was in a different language.

    So Cain put it back onto the shelf and looked at the other guests. There were about 8 guests here.

    Then Cain noticed a few of them releasing Pokemon from their poke balls. Cain decided to do the same and released Psychotic.

    Psychotic then motioned to wards the machop-hybrid. It seemed he was not surprised a few more hybrids made it here. {This one seems very impatient about this} What do you mean? {I mean that he wants to start very fast}

    Cain had noticed another hybrid had made it in. This one was of a Quilava. Psychotic then said telepathically. {Something is troubling that one} then he pointed towards the hybrid. Well its pretty use full to have a psychic Pokemon after all. There were about 9 people here. It was as if people were getting restless very fast. Elm thought so too it seems so he got out of his chair and started to speak.

    "Look Azurill, that over there is New Bark Town." Marina had taken Azurill out of his pokeball to get used to the Johto scents and climate. It was a lot colder then the Hoenn region where they'd come from, just a few hours off the boat. Marina has never been in Johto before on her journey, so she was all psyched she could go. Not knowing exactly what was happening, she was surprised of the amount of security. In town she constantly saw or heard a police car driving in a random direction.

    She finally made it to the laboratory, but was astonished by the sight of the people there. They were... men and women, but also Pokemon.. Azurill crawled really close to her and he was defiantly scared. "That's ok Azurill, you can return to your ball." Azurill disappeared into his ball with a shiny red beam.

    Afraid to show her feelings, Marina put up a fake smile and walked towards the lab. She saw a machop, a large one, with hair! Must be a hybrid or whatever it's called... she thought somewhat shaken to herself.

    She saw a strong looking Charizard landing in front of the lab, and a trainer dismounting. The Charizard and his trainer walked into the lab, and Marina followed them. She thought it was best to stay close to someone with such a powerful Pokemon, it could always come in handy.


    The three Dark Friends were walking along the road that led to New Bark Town. They had done a bit of traveling since becoming hybrids, and had already passed through three cities that had been gassed with PHT. But since they were hybrids already, they were immune to the gas by now. Anyways, the two Pokemon--Samara and Happy--walked alongside them, and no problems arose. However, Tiffany was reading a letter as she walked.

    "Dear Dark Friends Alliance:
    Surely the three members you have left have heard of the PHT emissions, as well as the people behind this situation. I have heard of your club and the losses it has suffered, as well as what is done in the club. I think your skills, especially the fact that you are all hybrids now, will come in handy for this mission. I would much appreciate you joining."

    "That's funny," Tiffany noticed, "it doesn't say who it's from..."
    "Maybe it's from Professor Elm?" Phoebe guessed.
    "I think he'd be too busy to want to go on a mission like this..." Eve figured. "So I guess this would be an interesting thing to do..."
    "Yes," Tiffany agreed, handing the letter to Eve. "I can't wait to start this. Time to really use our skills for a good cause. Ahh, finally I can be all sinister and vicious towards Team Rocket and not have the Karma Fairy hold me back."

    On the way to New Bark Town, Tiffany was sharpening her claws on a rock she picked up earlier, Phoebe was brushing her hair, and Eve kept switching between hovering and walking to move. Finally, the three arrived in New Bark Town, and it wasn't too hard to find Elm's laboratory.

    The Dark Friends noticed a bunch of Pokemon trainers standing inside the lab--all of them were human. Some of them were watching a TV screen inside the lab. One guy was standing outside with his Croconaw, looking rather disturbed.
    "Hmm..." Phoebe muttered, "I guess we were the only ones hit with the gas so far. What are they going to think of us?"

    "There's nothing to worry about," Eve replied as she floated through the door. Then she turned around and opened the door telekinetically.
    Good, I think I finally got the hang of my Psychic attack.

    Happy and Samara entered soon after, followed by Tiffany and lastly Phoebe. Phoebe felt very nervous and uncomfortable in the lab with no other hybrids around.

    "Psst, Phoebe, look over there," Tiffany pointed out. At the far end of the room was a Machop hybrid. Phoebe felt relieved at the sight of him, but she still couldn't help but be nervous

    Elm's Lab​

    Aza shivered and it certainly wasn't from the cold. She was one of the people who had already been at the lab before some of the others had came in. The sight of shape-shifting humans made her turn away.

    She had been standing near the bookcase when a blond hair boy released an Abra. A quick look around the room and Aza noticed other trainers releasing one of their Pokemon.

    A young male had arrived on his impressive-looking Charizard. Having a Charmander of her own, Aza admired the dragon's muscular limbs, thick neck and long tail. Like her, a few people still had small, unevolved Pokemon, but others had fully or secondary evolved Pokemon. The auburn-haired girl couldn't help, but to notice the large Arcanine nearby. What had the girl called him? Cody? Seemed like a childish name for such a canine.

    Even though there were roughly about eight or nine people here, Azaria couldn't help feeling just silently nervous. Her Enochlophobia was starting to kick in. Reaching a hand down to one of the occupied balls on her belt, she pulled it off and enlarged it. With only a brief hesitation, she allowed the red and white sphere to slip through her fingers and smack on the floor with a loud clang!. Azaria shifted her feet a bit. One of these days she might break the Pokeball if she kept doing that.

    She had released her company Pokemon. Porphyra's soft lavender fur and cattish appearance made Aza feel more comfortable around groups of strangers. The Espeon purred as Aza bend down to scratch the eon's arched back.

    Avi looked at the group, who seemed to be filing in at a speed that made his eyes hurt. Wow. Team Rocket never seems satisfied with just one, do they? Of course not. For Legendaries' sake, as long as the Rockets live, they can rule us if they try.
    Avi walked over to the gathering group, glaring at Professor Elm. "Hey, Elm!" he said angrily. "Is this a bomb shelter?"

    "Um..." Professor Elm stuttered. "I'm afraid so, Avanarti."

    "But of course," Avi replied with a hint of sarcasm. "And when the Rockets strike, they'll blow the roof off this place and get all of us! Is that what you want?"

    "No. Avi, don't you get it? We've literally made this into a bomb shelter."

    "Oh, good. We'll be like the friggin' Omega People in here. Not that it matters..."

    Avi stared at the group, noting the different faces and seeing who his possible new friends could be. "Professor?"

    "What is it, Avi?" he said.

    "Um, nothing, I guess. But I'm worried about Mum."

    "Why?" Elm queried.

    "Oh, she was in that Olivine attack. I'm not sure whether or not she committed suicide after all that. I heard some people were rescued by nearby Pokémon and saved from death, but others weren't so lucky..."

    "Avi, I'm afraid she's dead."

    "What!? Mum too? Damn it, that makes Mum, Dad, and Keiren that fell prey to their plot."

    "I'm sorry, Avinarti. Actually, she didn't kill herself. Someone took her with them on their successful suicide. That means you're the only Valwerra left. Try not to take it too hard, Avi."

    All throughout Elm's speech, Avi had felt tears welling up in his eyes. He now sat down and began weeping. Mum's gone. You're all alone. But you're 15. No one wants to see a teenager crying. Get up. But he couldn't move. Avi was fixed in a state of utter sadness. He dried his tears and sniffled quickly. That's right, Avi. Up and at 'em. Avi stood up and clenched his fists. You'll get it now, Rockets. I'll make sure you all pay...

    Avi then walked over to Kyra and the rest of the group, shaking his head, but half-smiling with a fervent heart, ready for the next step.

    "Hey, am I late for the party?" Avi announced, hoping he wouldn't freak too many people out, with being a hybrid and all.

    Kyra yelled in surprise and whirled around to face the person that was talking to her. Her face paled as she came face to face with a Quilava hybrid. Slowly she backed away from it. Cody stood behind her so she backed right into Cody. Cody could feel her tremble as she stared wide eyed at the hybrid.

    The Espeon walked up to him and sniffed him. With a kind of smile on her face she rubbed against his leg. Kyra's eyes flickered from him to her Espeon then back at him. "Uhh..." She stuttered. He looked slightly familiar, but she didn't know where from. She was terrified of hybrids and this one was no exception. Then she turned and dashed away from him in fear.

    Avi was stunned at Kyra's reaction to his arrival. She doesn't remember me. Who would though? his blue eyes grew soft as he blinked quickly. Kyra, what's wrong? Were you hurt by a hybrid? Or are they too unnatural for your tastes? No. There's too much happening right now. It's not just one thing, is it?

    "Kyra?" Avi said softly. "Talk to me. I want to help you. It's me, Avinarti. Kyra? Oh dear."

    She left, I bet. No wonder, Avi thought, looking at his hands. I can't stand to lose another friend over this... this, whatever. That gas is nothing but trouble. I thought I could take it, but... this change is destroying my life around me, person by person. But... what if I'm stuck? If she only knew the truth...

    "Kyra?" Avi called, scanning the crowd for her blond hair. "Oh, crap... I'll never find her by her hair... Kyra?"

    Avi looked down at the Espeon. "Any idea where she is?"

    {Try behind one of the desks,} it said through telepathy. {She ran awfully quickly...}

    Avi nodded. "Thank you." he then proceeded slowly through the crowd, occasionally calling, "Kyra!" When he got to the end, he frowned. "Kyr?" Avi shook his head. She may never look at me the same again...

    {Don't say that,} the Espeon told him from the right. {She doesn't know it's you. I do, though, if it makes you feel better. You're just being silly, saying she doesn't still like you...}

    Kyra raced out of the lab weaving in and out of people. She broke free of the crowd and breathed a sigh of relief.

    Breathing heavily she leaned against the outside wall of the lab. Those blue eyes were so familiar Still, a hybrid is a hybrid. They all get taken over by the Pokemon in them eventually Thought Kyra to herself.

    Her thoughts drifted to her parents. Shaking her head she pushed the thought of her parents away and sighed.

    Cody came trotting over to her side and she got on his back. Silently, she layed down on his soft fur and stared at the sky trying to let her emotions settle. I could have sworn that hybrid had called my name. That couldn't be possible. I don't know any hybrids...I can't even be close to one without starting to tremble or running away. Oh, this is not good. Why couldn't Team Rocket just leave us be?
    Sadly, Kyra rubbed the burn marks on her arms. They had been there for a while now, but they still brought back painful memories.

    Back at the Lab​

    Still it seems as if Kyra was scared off by a quilava hybrid named Avinarti. At least he was able to learn that girl's name. "Kyra" repeated back to himself. He then looked at Avinarti and saw that he did looked like a human like quilava. MIke wondered if he was here about this for a cure for the hybrids.

    "Know her?" asked Mike to the hybrid named Avinarti "How about you follow me and we see what is wrong with her." It seemed as if the hybrid already had that in mind and was making his way towards Kyra. Mike decided to walk after the two.

    The machop hybrid was walking around the lab as if it was looking for somebody. It walked towards the back of the lab hoping to find the person it is looking for.

    Else where​

    AJ frowned, this wasn't going to be easy. He had already stopped for lunch and it was getting late, he didn't want to be left behind so he had to really pedal when he hit Goldenrod. He was currently in Azeila town, AJ picked up his map and looked, he saw a shortcut through the mountain area.

    AJ smirked and drove up a path going up and down the hills, and before he knew it he was in Cherrygrove. AJ kept going, he was very close to New Bark town and he wasn't going to stop until he was there. Just before he was about to go he was stopped by a Police officer, " ID and Registration please".

    AJ frowned and pulled out a fake ID that had been made for him as a payment from one of his earlier jobs. He also had fake documents that had been hacked in the PC's for his identity, he knew this might happen for speeding.
    Wouldn't want the officer to know who I really am of course.
    He handed the officer the ID and payed the fine, he then drove off.

    This was it, he was in New Bark! There were already a lot of people here, no problem. He parked his stolen motorcycle and went into the lab, he saw who must be in charge. In an instant he knew that it was the person who had given him the directions to come here, He was a thief and the irony was that he was also a detective. If the thief job hadn't worked out.

    End Of Chapter One​
    Last edited:


    Queen Chair
  • 3,918
    I read it. It was easy since this was the second time I read it but it seems good. It like a book but I helped write it. Still I am honor for this.

    Also it is Neo Pikachu. Not neon. haha. Neon Pikachu haha. Got to start calling him that now.

    Still it be even better if the RPers can RP in the RP *Hint hint* so this fanfic and countinue growing.


    The Quiet Winds of the Winter
  • 572
    • Age 36
    • Seen Aug 1, 2007
    Don't worry, C_M, I'm going to the RP straight after.

    AJ, I'm a little upset with your novelization. Two reasons:

    1. You just go straight into Avi's dialogue without even noting that he is the Quilava hybrid.
    2. Some capitalization and grammatical problems kind of threw me off course.


    The introductory paragraphs might be reworded as such:

    A teenager of seventeen years or so, riding on the back of his trusty Charizard, flew high above in the starry night sky. As his Charizard began its descent toward New Bark Town, the boy remembered hearing about how, if ever, New Bark was the place to start an adventure. Also, he was on his way to Professor Elm's lab to attend a meeting about the uprising of a once-defunct organization: Team Rocket. Suddenly, the Charizard began to speed its descent into a free-fall dive.

    "Char, would you please come down a little more softly?" the boy asked.

    Char nodded, and then roared as it slowed down. The boy took another look at his letter.

    Dear Mr. Michael Anone,

    I know you are aware of the situation in Johto with Team Rocket's recent activities. There are also the side effects from their actions. You may not know this but there are people trying to reverse these effects but none are working. Still I know of a way to reverse it but I need help. There is so much one person can do but I have been watching you and a few other people. I am hoping you will come to Professor Elm' laboratory in New Bark Town, Johto where I would discuss with you more about my idea.

    Even though the letter had no signature or return address, Mike knew that it was his perfect excuse to go to the Johto region. As such, security had tightened over the recent terrorist bombings with a newly-developed substance: PHT gas, or Pokémon Hybrid Transmutation Gas.

    This was a gas so powerful that anyone who breathed it in would have its DNA restructured so they gained a resemblance to a random Pokémon. They would still have the appearance and hinting that they were human, but the ultimate hope for the Rockets was that the new hybrids would succumb to their wilder nature and become mindless slaves to their forces.

    Because the bombings had spread across Johto and the panic levels were high throughout the region, Officer Jenny and the rest of the Border Patrol had to turn away all who approached any entrance to Johto, even Pokémon trainers. When Mike was stopped, he presented the letter regarding the meeting at the Professor's lab, and was let through. This was pretty much the only way anyone would get into Johto.

    As Char landed in front of the lab, Mike looked around and saw a few humans, and many, many hybrids running rampant and chatting it up with one another. Apparently, tension was high over this meeting; something important was bound to be announced. As he got closer, he saw what appeared to be a Machop hybrid, with long, flowing brown hair. I wonder if she was in the first wave, or if she hit the wrong place, wrong time scenario at another bombing, Mike thought to himself.

    "Let's go, Char," Mike told his flying companion who responded with a grunt. "This must be big news."

    **I'm just suggesting, not telling. Feel free to use your own styling.**

    Fallen Angel_Messiah Of Black Roses

    The one you hate to love. :P
  • 1,613
    • Seen Sep 29, 2017
    The Crystal Flute: Chapter Two- Legend of The flute​

    Kyra glanced to the side of her and saw that guy and the Quilava hybrid coming towards her. She frowned and sat up, only to fall off of Cody's back on the other side. She stood up and brushed herself off. Cody rose to his feet and stood next to her watching the two guys carefully. The Espeon trotted over to her happily and sat at her feet. Frowning down at the Espeon, Kyra sighed and shook her head.

    Her gaze darted back up to the two approaching figures. Carefully, Kyra watched their every movement. Most of her attention was directed to the hybrid. She looked ready to run if she had to.

    As Avinarti approached Kyra outside of the lab, he waved forcefully with a big grin on his face. Suddenly, he saw an Espeon slink toward him.

    "Kyra!" Avi yelled, hoping she could hear him. "It's me, Avi!" Avi turned back to Mike and nodded. "That's her, all right. She used to be a good friend of mine. Kyra James, that's it." Avi turned back to the Arcanine. "Kyra, ask me anything; I'll prove to you I'm really Avinarti!"

    {Don't waste your time,} the Espeon said through its mind.


    {You can't prove it to her. That's what I just said.}

    I'll show you, you negative Nanette...

    "Kyra! Are you there? Oh, hi Cody!" Avi said, remembering her Arcanine. "Where's Kyr?"

    Kyra watched as the es peon walked back over to him. "Star get over here!" She commanded. Star slinked slowly back to her. Kyra then met the hybrid's gaze. "If you're really Avi...tell me....tell me what my parents were like!" Kyra said closing her eyes trying to keep the memory of last time she saw them out of her mind. Nervously, she rubbed the burn marks on her arms as she waited an answer.

    Cody cocked his head to the side stupidly as he looked at Avi. He just couldn't see Avi being a hybrid. Slowly he blinked and cocked his head to the other side wondering what to do.

    Avi turned my back to Cody, and sat down. "Kyra. You know I know your parents. They were rich. Anything you wanted, you got. They would do anything to make you happy. You ran away at thirteen, because you were tired of living like that. You came back home after a while... and your parents were... hybrids? And they attacked you, didn't they? God, no wonder you're so afraid of me. And... your scars run from the soul, all the way up through the skin, I bet." Avi shook his head.

    "And now you've lost another one close to you, to the hybrid form. I'm ashamed of myself, defying my father like that. If i had only pretended to comply with him, he wouldn't have massacred Azalea Town and I'd still be human. And I wouldn't have lost Mum or Keiren. Or even Dad. He killed himself when he realized that he had killed his only daughter... it rent him from side to side."

    "Your Mum and Dad... I'm sorry they fell victim to the corruption flowing within them. But there are many hybrids that control the feral urges in them and lead fairly normal lives... and I'm afraid that the Avi you know is now one of the hybrids. But fear not; my insides will never be swayed from the ones I care about... including my fondness for you." Avi said to his childhood friend.

    Avi looked down at Star. "What kind of friend would I be to not know her as well as I do?" Avi shook her head. "Star, if I had forgotten any of that, I'd risk losing her forever. What am I supposed to do, let her forever fear me?"

    {No,} said Star. {You did well.}

    So I did. Avi gently lifted Star out of his lap and stood up. Avi ran to his left and gave her the biggest bear hug he could muster up. When he let go, he said, "Come on, Kyr, why would I lie to one of my best friends? You should know better," Avi chided, smiling all the while.

    Kyra giggled as Avi hugged her tightly. "I just....don't trust hybrids....well except you!" She said hugging him back. Then she looked at the guy. "I never learned your name..." She said to him with a smile. "You know ours, but we don't know yours."

    Cody was watching them contently from his spot in the grass. Star lay on his head. Tera then returned Star. "You've been enough trouble for one day." She said then turned to Avi. "So....your whole family is....gone?" She asked. It was in a whisper tone. Kyra was overwhelmed with sadness now knowing what had become of her friend and his family.

    Mikes thoughts were interrupted by Kyra. He smiled slyly and said, "Me? The name is Mike Anone." He then laughed lightly from the relationship between the trainer and the Pokemon Mike then said, "Planning to stay for the rest of this little speech from Miss Bonti?" He was thinking about where some of the places could be. One of the places that came to mind was Violet City.

    There was silence from the hybrid and the professor. Some people wasn't sure about this and began to be a little worry. Some of them looked at Amanda and just walked out. One of the people there then yelled, "Sound like a fable if you ask me! Like it doesn't exist!"

    Kyra nodded. "Course. I was planning on staying earlier, but now I defiantly am." She said with a warm smile on her face. When she heard the people inside saying all that stuff she frowned and walked in. She made her way to the front. "What else is there? If this is a fable there is no hope and all of us will be turned into hybrids like Miss Bonti here! I say it's true. I believe there's a way! If this is the way than this is the way! There's no way around the truth. If you don't believe, than leave because you are of no use! You would only make things worse! If you truly believe in all of what she says and want to help then stay and do what's right."

    Kyra felt confidant now. Cody stood next to her looking at everyone. She looked at Mike and Avi for support.

    As Avi re-entered the lab, he looked at Kyra and nodded. "Yes, there's a way! That crystal flute? I think I saw a photograph of it on the Pokénet. It might not be it, but I say we give it a shot. Come on, if there's a way, I want to find it. Not just for me, but the world as we know it. TR's taken way too many lives already; let's show them whatnot!"

    Avi looked around, hoping for a small sampling of support. "No? Then get out of here! You non-believers, you're next on their list! One day, you'll get gassed and wish you had believed us. Then you'll be whining for a way out... a way you don't believe in. Kyr, I believe in you. Come on, who's with me?"

    {No way,} a Natu hybrid said telepathically. {This is a deathwish.}

    "Count me out," a Totodile hybrid remarked quickly. "I'd rather live a hybrid than die for a futile cause."

    "Pathetic," Avi spat. "Don't you care about this at all? This may be our one shot at redemption..."

    Cain heard shuffling and saw a few people walk out. Cain usually believed tales about legendary Pokemon.

    So he stayed behind and heard Amanda say "Knew some people would walk out". Cain was wondering what was going to happen now? Cain hoped that they would still continue to find the flute pieces. This quest sounded exciting and he didn't want to miss out.

    Cain saw Elm sit down at his computer screen and he saw Amanda take a book from the shelf. he was wondering what was going on.

    Kyra smiled at Avi. Glad someone stepped up to help her.

    "If we don't believe there is no hope. All of our lives will be torn apart more than some of them already are."

    Kyra said to the crowd. She had a determined look on her face.

    Cody barked in approval. Kyra smiled again and looked at Mike again. She wondered what he was going to say. Maybe he was just going to leave also. That made her frown. She didn't want Mike to leave. After all, she just met him.

    Mike is really cute and really nice. I hope he stays...I'd like to get to know him. I'd also like to catch up on what's been going on with Avi. Kyra thought to herself.

    Mike stayed where he was and listen to what Kyra and Avi had to say. Some of it seemed to be very moving. Mike then said in a booming voice. "If you guys don't believe then just leave. If you have no interest just leave and keep your mouth shut. Doesn't mean anything to me if you do."

    That seemed to have scared a few and made them walk out. Others decided to stay and see what else had to be said.

    Professor Elm got up from his seat and said, "Umm yes. Thank you. I can see you kids are passionate about this but I believe there is more that Miss Bonti wants to say."

    "Umm yes." said Amanda. "I do. I know that some of you may not believe in this but I do have proof." She the pulled out a small green crystal cylinder. "This is a piece of that flute that was able to summon Celebi. It has been in my family for years but now I think it is best to come out of the secret life and do something."

    Some people stare at it in awe. Mike stood where he was and was amazed from the green glow it produce.

    The piece Amanda had, glowed and was very beautiful. It was as if there was hope in this after all. Now that Cain could see this he knew that he needed to find the rest of this artifact

    A few hybrids left and there was only a small party left. Cain could see most of them were humans except for the Quilava hybrid. Cain walked over to Elm and saw that he had a picture upon his computer screen. It was surprising that Elm was doing something other than research.

    The picture was of the shrine in Ilex forest. "Here is were Celibii is supposed to appear in front of the crystal flute. We need to go here when we piece it together.""

    Kyra smiled at Mike. She looked at the piece in awe. It glowed so brightly. A smile appeared on Kyra's face. She glanced at Avi then back at the glowing fragment. "Wow." She said softly in a dreamy voice.

    Cody was wide eyed and came over and stood behind Kyra to get a better look at it. Kyra could feel his hot breath on the back of her neck. Slowly, Kyra's gaze rose to meet Amanda's. She trembled for a moment, but then she grabbed Avi's hand and felt a little better.

    From a corner of the lab, Marina had seen a lot happen. Friends re-unite, people abandoning a proper cause, and the sadness some hybrids have had since they transformed. At this point, a white flash originated from her belt, and her Pikachu appeared in front of her.

    "Pika Pi Pi Pikachu!" he cried out.
    "Are you sure you want us to help?" Marina asked her Pikachu. He nodded, and his ears heard something, so Marina looked the same direction as Pikachu. She then noticed 2 trainers, one of them was the cute Charizard trainer, and the other had a cool Arcanine. With them was a hybrid Quilava, who looked different from the others.

    It seemed much more friendly.

    Pikachu leaped onto her shoulder. "Are you ready Pikachu? This will be another big adventure." Pikachu nodded and looked battle ready. Marina then stepped up to the group of 3 and their Pokemon

    "Hey all, my name is Marina, and this is my Pikachu. I have a feeling, you guys will need help...?"

    But while she said it, all were amazed, as Amanda showed them a piece of the Crystal Flute. Somehow, it gave Marina hope, there has to be a way to undo all of it.

    A girl let out a pikachu from a poke'ball. Since a pikachu was a sign of friendship Cain went over to the girl who released it.

    She of course just went to the group of people with the charizard and the quilava hybrid. Cain went over to her and said "Hi need help with anything?"

    "The boss was right." said a person in the back. He wore a hat to cover his eyes.

    The other person in the back of the room then said, "I know. She really does have it. I wonder what we can do to get it from her." This one had a pair of sunglasses and a female voice.

    Mike then looked at the screen that had the once temple of Celebi. He then saw that more people were gathering around Mike. One of them was a girl named Marina and her pikachu and another person.

    He could see that there were more friendly people here. He didn't mind that. Mike was already thinking about searching for the other pieces of the flute.

    He knew that they would be needed. Some thing told him that this won't be a waste of his time because either way he will gain something if this flute thing proofs to be hopeless.

    Amanda took a seat and rested her legs. She was letting the remaining people discuss among themselves.

    Avi looked around at the awe and dumbfoundedness of the crowd. "I told you it was real," Avi said assuringly to Kyra. "Kyr, I'll get back to normal, and we can go back to the... well, not the glory days, but... you know what I mean."

    {I do hope this isn't a total waste,} said an Espeon below his feet. {You better be right, and you better not mess this up. My trainer's all broken up about being a Poochyena hybrid, and she got rid of all of us. I'm following you to the end, weasel. Don't screw up my chance to get Cecily back.}

    Avi stared at the screen, and looked over to Amanda quickly. "Kyr, she won't hurt you," He voiced soothingly. Kyr, do you believe me? That... you know, I'm really Avi, and that we can fix this mess up?

    {Idiot,} the Espeon reprimanded. {Of course she does. Why would she stay by you if she didn't?}

    "Kyr, are you with me? Now until the end? Mike? What about you? Marina, are you sure about this? This may be our deathbeds we travel to. Only come with us if you have no doubts, no fear, and all your heart in this. This is great and all, but I want to be sure that none of us gets into a situation we can't back out of. We're fighting until that flute gets put back the way it should be!" Avi courageously said.

    Kyra nodded with a smile on her face. "I'm sticking with you till the end. If it'll get everyone back to normal, then so be it. I don't care if I die trying. If the world goes back to normal because I helped even though I died trying, then I'm glad I was a part of it. It's better to die trying to fix the world, than to live with the guilt of not trying to." Kyra said with a big smile. She looked at Mike hopefully.

    Cody barked again and licked Avi's face.

    Kyra laughed and smiled at Avi.

    "Glad for Cody to be back?" She asked smiling at him.

    Cody flashed them both a toothy grin.

    Ignoring Cain she went off "Off course I have my doubts! I have fears as well! But my heart is into it, so much it covers for my doubts and fears." Marina said back at the Quilava hybrid.

    Marina tried to cool down a bit. It was a bit freaky to be spoken to by a hybrid. She wanted to know a bit more... then Pikachu jumped off of Marina's shoulders and hopped onto the Arcanine.

    Pikachu really seemed to like it, so Marina stroked both Pokemon

    Pikachu was excited by it an jumped onto Marina's head. Then she spoke once more

    "I got a few questions ! What are you guys names and can I use my PokéNav here? I really really like it so I want to keep using it!"

    Feeling the ignorance Cain walked up to Elm and said "Ive got a question". "What?" the professor replied "How will we find the pieces of the flute?" Cain asked and the professor seemed amused "Ah I'm glad you asked that." Elm motioned towards Amanda like he was going to make an announcement. Then Elm started to reach for something in his file cabinet.

    This is our time to strike." said the one in the hat from the back.

    "You sure?" smiled the one with sunglasses. She then pulled out two guns with some sort of capsules on them.

    Mike looked at the group around him. One of them made a speech while another person asked for Mike's name. Mike smiled and said, "Doesn't matter what happens or how it happens as long as something is gained in the end. If I use my life then it better be me doing something fun and exciting. I am in for the adventure and what can be gained from it. If it is some nice crystal flute that can save many people's lives then that is cool. The name is Mike and this is my charizard, Char. We in for it!"

    Professor Elm then pulled out something in a box and said, "With this we will be able to find a clue to where the other pieces maybe. This is the only one of its kind and I am hoping I can trust it enough to work."

    Amanda held her piece of the flute and said, "With this device it will make our search a bit more easier. Some of the other people may."

    At once the person with dark sunglasses jumped in the air with two gun-looking devices strap to her hand. She at once shot two capsules that were attached to the gun-devices by a thick metal rope, one from each gun, right for the flute piece and the box that Professor Elm had. The rope then retracted and the person with sunglasses landed on the ground.

    The person next to her, the one with the hat, smiled and threw down two smoke bombs to the floor. It made many people cough and allowed the two people to escape into it.

    "Char use Air Slash to blow away the smoke." said Mike. "Just be careful."

    The charizard flapped it wings to make the smoke go away little by little.

    The smoke enveloped the entire lab. The pokemon that were out started to cough and sputter. The Charizard started to flap its wings. Cain could not see the door there was absolutely nothing he could see.

    "Hang on". Cain took out a poke'ball. "Slicer GO!" In a flash of red light Slicer appeared.

    "Slicer wave all the smoke away with your wings." Cain could hear shuffling as the 2 strangers tried to escape.

    "everybody send out all the flying pokemon you have and lets find the door".

    Cain could hear sounds of people taking poke'balls out.

    Kyra began to cough.
    She couldn't breathe. The smoke bomb had landed right next to her. Cody barked wanting to know where she was, but Kyra couldn't respond.

    It felt like she was choking. Her breaths were shallow and always followed by a few coughs.

    The smoke stung her eyes. "Avi!" She managed to call between her many coughs.

    Cody was by her side by then. He was nuzzling her with his nose. Trying to pull her towards the exit.

    "Avi!" Kyra called again as she coughed.

    She refused to leave the building until she found Avi. He was her friend and she wasn't going to abandon him for her sake.

    "What the... spies!" Avi said, grabbing Kyra as he dashed headlong toward the exit, on all fours.

    Avi hit his head on several walls, just missing the door itself many a time, but, eventually, after he busted out, he tumbled forward on the grass and released Kyra, gasping for breath.

    "Kyr? Are you OK? I'm... so sleepy. No, don't let me, we've gotta get out of here." Avi looked around to assure his safety. "I wouldn't doubt that they'll bomb here to sneak away with the flute," Avi whispered.

    Kyr, I'm sorry. If they were to kidnap you... I'd have no one left...

    Avi looked back at the lab and shook his head, scrambling on all fours again.

    "Kyr, I can't go back in there. I might get kidnapped, you might, who knows? We need to plan something out, don't we?"

    AJ's smile had disappeared, but the smoke bomb wasn't going to be a problem. He was one of Johto's greatest theifs and he was used to smoke bombs, he covered his mouth and hit the deck. This smoke bomb felt different though, drowsing... was it mixed with sleeping gas?

    AJ couldn't tell, since he was a thief he always kept a bandanna ready and covered his mouth, he headed towards the exit and got out, he saw people on the grass, for a minute he just sat down.

    Marina couldn't breath.

    The smoke was so thick, she could not even see her own hands before her eyes. She heard chaos all around her and did not know what to do.

    She heard someone shout out for flying Pokemon, so she gave it a shot.

    "Go Swellow! No wait! Damnit!!!" She for a moment forgot she left her Swellow at home to help her mom make fast deliveries.

    "How can someone be so stupid?" Then she heard her Pikachu.

    Off course! Pikachu is small enough to go underneath the smoke!

    "Pikachu," she then cried out, "Use your ears and eyes to look for the nearest exit, I'll try to follow you."

    Pikachu looked around for a second, then dashed towards the entrance.

    Marina tried to keep up with it, but tripped over someone else...

    Kyra was still coughing.

    "They....have the....flute...piece already..." She said trying to breathe normally again.

    She had inhaled so much smoke already. Cody dashed outside and was at her side, nudging her seeing if she was all right.

    Kyra just layed down in the soft grass and stared at the sky, coughing occasionally.

    "Avi....what about the others? We...can't just leave them...what about...Mike?" She stuttered.
    Her breathing was now less shallow, but her face was palish.

    "What about you??" Avi said in disbelief.

    "You're barely alive as it is. I can't leave you to die! Cody, if I go in, you better take the best care of her, Okay?"

    Cody yipped with a nod. Avi smiled, staying on all fours and dashing back in.

    "Mike, Marina... damn it, where are you? This smoke is killer; what'd they do, stick cyanide in it or something? Mike? Son of a..." Avi felt his lungs growing weaker by the minute.

    Save your breath, Avi. I dunno if I can do this, but I...

    {Mike?} Avi called out with his mind. {Marina? Call out to me with your brain waves if possible. I'm channeling you through an Espeon; we'll find you if we can!}

    Using Slicer and blowing away the smoke in front of Cain he managed to get close to the door. But he heard more screaming. It seemed of course that the flying Pokemon couldn't blow all of the smoke away.

    Cain finally managed to get to the door and he saw someone. It was the Qulava hybrid.

    "Whats going on?"

    It seemed that the girl who was talking to the person with the Charizard had inhaled to much smoke.

    "well this is a big problem.

    They may make it out of there but the smoke isn't coming out of the lab fast enough.

    "Do any of you have flying Pokemon that can blow the smoke away so I can get in there?"

    {I... got her out of here,} Avi told Cain.

    {An Arcanine is tending to her. She's breathing, but she's really weak. That isn't any ordinary gas; if I'm correct, it could be PHT gas mixed with your ordinary smoke bomb. Don't go in, dude.}

    Avi sat where he was, not daring to move an inch closer. {Amanda? Hello? Where are you?}

    {It's no good,} the Espeon said solemnly.

    {I'm not getting through the smoke field. If I try to channel into the lab, it just bounces my telepathy around to nowhere.}

    Thanks for trying, Solice.

    {No problem,} she replied with a half-smile.

    {That's a good name, isn't it?}

    Yes. But Mike, Marina, Amanda, all of them... what will become of them? Solice, I need to save my friends. Oh crap... Kyra!

    "I cant just let them die. Hang on" Cain returned Slicer back to his ball a little while ago so he released him again


    Okay we need to blow the smoke out of the way. But first


    Cain released my Abra since he needed to know were they were

    "Okay you two I need you to work as a team. Slicer you wave the smoke away. Psychotic you tell me were you can sense them."

    Cain was going in for a rescue mission.

    Kyra lay silently staring up at the clouds floating above.

    Everything was peaceful outside, but she couldn't help but listen to the chaos going on inside the lab.

    Her normally bright blue eyes seemed dull. Cody was constantly watching her and everything around them both. He'd also looked towards the lab for Avi.

    Kyra was coughing less now, but she still felt bad.

    Suddenly, she sat up thinking about something to help save everyone.

    "Avi!" She called weakly.

    Carefully she moved her hand up to where Star's pokeball was supposed to be, only to find it wasn't there.

    "Avi!" She called more urgently.

    Avi's ears perked at the sound of Kyra's voice. {Kyr! Kyr, I'm coming...} Avi said as Solice followed him with due haste toward her.

    "Kyr?" Avi asked, still on all fours. "Kyr, oh God, don't say you're dying, or becoming a hybrid, or something like that. What is it?"

    {Her mind is weakening,} Solice told me.

    Avi shook his head. Damn it, he thought. "Kyr, don't you dare give out on me! Where's Star?"

    {Star is gone,} Solice replied with urgency.

    {I think those people took her away.}

    No. Avi's mouth began to quiver, his eyes heavy, his soul losing hope. "Kyr, say something. Anything at all. Please?" He pleaded.

    The smoke overwhelmed Cain.

    It was unbelievably humid. He could barely see anything through the thick blanket of fog. Slicer was doing good progress getting rid of the fog and Psychotic was doing good trying to find people.

    Eventually after walking blindly through the fog Cain made it to the front of the lab and found professor Elm. He was really close to the window that had the plasma screen TV over it. Cain carried it over somewhere else and tried to wake him up

    "Come on professor Elm. Wake up your going to die if you don't." Cain unleashed Iris.

    "IRIS GO"

    Iris was unleashed

    "Iris please spray professor Elm with water." He did so and the professor coughed heavily. "Well at least he is alive. Okay Iris help me carry him out through the window" Cain said to his Pokemon.

    Professor Elm coughed from the smoke with somebody helping him.

    Amanda wasn't far behind stumbling around.

    She then shook her head and said, "This isn't the PHT gas. It's just smoke." She then made her way to a button that would suck out the gas but it didn't work.

    "They must have cut off the control panel." she said.

    Several people were trying to get out of the smoke cover building.

    The two people who stole the Crystal Piece were already in the main crowd that made up the crowd.

    They had already taken off their sunglasses and hat to blend in. "Keep an eye out for anybody who could be following."

    Mike was still in the smoke.

    Using Wind Slash safely isn't working as effectively as he hoped.

    He then looked at Char and said, "We need to get out. Time to leave." At once the charizard looked at his trainer and roared.

    Mike was able to follow the roar and hopped on. Char and Mike then were flying, trying to get out. Mike then looked down from his charizard. They were high close to the ceiling.

    Mike then saw a small Pokemon. Mike pointed to it and his charizard understood.

    Char flew downwards and caught the Pokemon in its arms.

    Mike looked at the Pokemon and said, "Its an espeon. Must have got caught up with the smoke and people leaving." Mike then looked around hoping to find a way out.

    "Okay Iris thats good." Cain climbed through the window and helped iris with getting Professor Elm out.

    When they finally got him out Cain dragged him towards the front of the lab. Then Cain went back to the window and returned all his Pokemon back to their poke'balls. Then Cain called out

    "If anyone isn't dead in there follow the sound of my voice out of there"

    Cain could hear shuffling and was wondering if anyone was coming to the window or not.

    So he ran back towards front of the lab and called out

    "If anyone is there come over here"

    Cain hoped that at least one person heard him.

    Mike was on his charizard and trying to find a way out.

    He heard a voice but couldn't see it thought the smoke.

    At once Mike knew this smoke had to find a way out. Mike looked at the ceiling and then at the Pokemon in Char's arms.

    He then said, "Pass the Pokemon here and use a Break Break on the ceiling." Char threw the espeon which Mike caught and flew up to the ceiling with glowing arms.

    It then made a hole in he ceiling and was able to get out.

    Now Mike was flying over the lab and saw a crowd around the lab. With Mike the smoke also began to make it way out of the lab.

    The pair that stole the Crystal Piece saw the smoke coming out of the lab and said, "We better watch out. Somebody may try to look for us." The other nodded.

    AJ tired of listening to all the coughing took out a med kit and sat next to Kyra, up close she actually looked real pretty, beautiful.

    AJ shook his head and scolded himself Not in the thieving business

    He took out a vial that looked similar to grape juice, he opened her mouth and poured it in.

    Kyra sat up coughing from the liquid that AJ had given her.
    She fell back down on the grass and continued to cough. "That's....awful..." She managed to say after a few minutes.

    Cody was looking up at the sky. He was barking at Mike signaling him this way.

    Wanting him to come over hear. Kyra followed his gaze and smiled when she saw Mike and Char.

    "They got out..." She whispered.

    The espeon twisted in Mike's arms. {Where's Kyra!?} It exclaimed with it's mind. {I must find Kyra!}

    Kyra coughed a few more times. She was breathing better though. "Cody...find Avi....make sure he's ok." Cody nodded and ran off in search of Avi.

    AJ smiled at the progress, packed up and walked away.

    End of Chapter Two

    A moral: Friendship knows no bounds