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The Haunted Mansion

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    [PokeCommunity.com] The Haunted Mansion

    With nothing but the clothes on your back, a flashlight, and a bag they've packed you...

    How in the world did you get talked into this?

    Welcome to the Haunted Mansion. This game is essentially a cross between a roleplay and a choose your own adventure. You will play as yourself- you will be referred to by your username and displayed gender. If your gender is not displayed or you have a non-binary gender option selected, please note your preferred pronouns somewhere in your post. We will try to avoid referring to gender, but it makes it easier on people when they can use a range of appropriate pronouns. BinaryPeaches and I will be introducing adventure elements and giving you paths to choose from, but we're expecting more from you than just a choice! When we give you an option, we expect you to continue the adventure. We want at least five sentences about where your choice takes you. Feel free to introduce new elements- areas, decor, doors, traps, whatever. This is an exercise in collaborative worldbuilding- go crazy. But not ridiculous! Don't magic yourself out of traps or make the supernatural mundane. Remember the basic rule of improvisation- build on. Don't say "no, this", say "and that!"​

    You're some kid/teenager/young adult/grown adult....

    You're investigating an abandoned mansion. You have a limited itinerary. What are you wearing? It's night, so it's going to be cold. Did you bring a jacket? You're going to be walking around in a rather hazardous area- hope you wore tennis shoes at the very least. You brought a flashlight- or maybe it's a headlamp, I don't know. You brought it, you tell me. Your friends have packed your bag- is it a backpack or a satchel? They put three items in it- what did they choose to give you? It's all up to you. Don't pack all this information into your first few posts, please- try to introduce things when relevant or work them into the story. We'll be keeping track of who has what and is where. Remember, your friends only allowed you four items. Hope they chose good ones. There will be many items that you can pick up along the way. But remember: your bag can only carry up to 12 items so be careful what you pick up.​

    Everyone will begin in the same place, with the same options...

    Time to start your adventure- play off the italicised text below!


    You approach the looming, rusted-open gates. The bright moonlight lets you see your surroundings clearly and it seems as if you have a few options. You could skirt the outside of the rusted iron fence and get an idea of the size of the place. You could stay outside a little longer by tramping through the overgrown grounds. Or you could walk directly up the unkempt path to the big double doors. What seems best to you?

    written by EternallyAnna with styling by BinaryPeaches
    Before we begin, I can refer to myself as Arma, right? Even if I can't I'm just gonna assume this for now

    It was rather chilly outside. I hate cold, that's why I've been wearing my winter coat, knowing that it could (and knowing my luck would) become a hindrance once I'll get inside. It beats freezing to death out here, though.

    This place is unnerving to say the least... Still, standing out here won't get me anywhere. The rusted gate creaked as I pushed it. Could've sworn I saw something moving in the process, took me a damn minute to come calm down.

    "Sheogorath won't get the best of me yet", I mumbled, as I made my way towards the spooky manor, not aiming for the front door, but for one of the windows on the let wing instead.

    "Dangit, nearly lost it already, and I'm not even inside yet!"
    I am named just Chuckles for now and I am 16 in this.

    As I walk down the cold street listening to Seth Sentry I come to the rusted gate that leads into the Mansion I turn on my torch and point it at the writing above the rusted gate.

    "This is nothing but jibberish better open the gate." I mumble to my self before pushing the rusted gates open.

    "Man these gates are tough!" I say to myself pushing the gates open with a loud screech.

    I see in the corner of my eyes a jolt of movement in the bushes.

    "What the F**k was that!" I yell pointing it at where I saw the movement.

    "Nothing this place is nuts I never should have listened to them." I say to myself nearing the front door.

    I knock on the door with my baton torch whilst pulling off my head phones.

    THUD... Thud... thud...

    I hear footsteps behind me and I am to scared to turn around as they come closer. I feel a breath down my back, I turn around striking at it but to my terror there is nothing but the pathway leading up from the gate.

    "Damn this place is freaked"​
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    Walking down a worn path lined with trees, I start shivering in my thin hoodie.

    "I really should've worn something a bit heavier." I muttered to myself.

    I jump back as the wind creates a loud thud behind me. I turned around quickly but relieved to see it was only a felled branch from a dead tree. I cautiously walk up to the large gates. Before doing anything else, I pull out my notebook from my satchel and quickly document the rusty heap in front of me, pushing carefully on it without disturbing it too much. Afterwards, I pack my notebook up and then push open the gates with a loud creak. I start walking up the short path to the mansion before stopping halfway to observe the looming structure before me. I continue up to the front door and knock twice.

    "Hello? Anyone home?" I shout out, pushing open the wooden doors and walking into the foyer.
    "I was walking in a path of demon in the way in the route to Hell"

    I am walking,walking just walking suddenly i sound hit my ear with terribly wave i get shocked tried to look back hmm.. noting then a Damned tree. I start walking again.
    "HA ?? what what is there ? come the hell sucking up" ah.. no no one. i open my backpack and eat some food and rest in the path of death then i started walking again suddenly a voice i heard from my back i turned back "Hah ! ohh how are you ?" i asked a girl who shocked me or demon ? i didn't know what am i suppose to gonna do that time. "Ahh you know you really really scared me ha" She said ".............. hm." she said again "Let me help you" i said "that's great" we both started walking walking far suddenly a bird attacked me then she hold my hand it was the coldest thing i had ever feel its was like a hand covering by some blood cripy when the bird get flew off she hug me tight i feel like a demon not a human was hugging me i little scared she said on my ear " calm down ha ha ha ha ha ha.." i said " okay okay can we go now ?" then started walking again sooner i realized i am not with a human i can't even she he face i only say her hand and the body was totally black i scared very much sooner i see a mansion i said her " It's too late we should rest on that mansion" She said noting i went to the mansion then when i knock on the door it open a man came out and said me " What are you doing here ? don't you know this area is hunted and no one came here" i shocked i said "What ? haa " Then he said "And your alone came all the way here you better go sleep in my house" me "What ??? i am not alone she help me to find the way" when i turn around there was nothing more then some trees and fogs i shocked. Later in morning when i wake up i tried to find the man but no the mansion was empty nothing was there and it's totally old but when yesterday i came here the mansion was like a 5 start hotel i tried to go outside when i open the door and that moment i shocked and can't forgot what happen. Want to know what happen ? hmmm.. there are neither a forest, trees flowers nor a ground hmm i was on the ocean but it wasn't the ocean with a lot of water it was the ocean was filled by Bloods
    I will prettify my post someday I swear.



    As you walk towards the window there a chilly breeze howls at you. It almost seems as it the house is telling you to turn back towards the door. There are more rustling in the bushes and for a second there would have seemed there was something watching you. But nothing was there. However, something seems to be in the window. The shape is hard to make out: is it a person? a beast? just a plant? You have two options. Listen to the howling wind and turn back towards the doors or push forward towards the mysterious window.


    After you turn around and strike the air there seems to have been a cackling in the distance. Almost as if something is laughing at you. Then from behind the door creaks open as if the house is daring you to come inside and see what else it has in mind for you. If you happen to look at the door and look back there seems to be two yellow beady eyes looking at you through the trees. Will you inspect what is looking at you or go inside the house.


    As you walk inside to the foyer the floor creakers. Several bats fly out from the sudden noise flying around the room before settling on a different perch. They then look at you waiting for your next move. The stairs leading up to the next level seem blocked by the chandelier so you only have the two hallways on each side of the stairway to walk into. To the right there is a suit of armor at the beginning of the hallway. To the left there is nothing but if you looks closely there seems to be a very small green light at the end. Which hallway will you take: left or right?


    The ocean of blood built up eventually summoning a tidal wave. There was no escape as you get enveloped into the wave. When the tital wave ends you are in what seems to be in a living room. There is a fire cackling abnormally but the light from the fire does not seem to expand past a foot from the fireplace. However, there is what seems to be a shadow; there is someone - or something - sitting in the chair in front.

    "I see you have not left," the voice said, sounding much like the old man from before. "Come here."

    Will you go over to the "old man" or will you try to leave to room instead.
    Sorry if you guys dont want any swearing I was just putting myself in that position but and I can tell you there would be enough swearing to make a bikey cry.

    I look at the yellow eyes staring at me. I shine my light on it and to my shock there is nothing.

    "What in the hell!?" I say searching the area in which I saw the eyes.

    "Teehee why don't you come inside it is beginning to rain..." A voice as soft as silk says.

    I turn around and see the silhouette of a small girl standing there before being distorted into smoke.

    "God this place is absolutely crazy" I yell running into the foyer as it begins to rain heavily. I shut the door behind me and look around. A chandelier above me with gleaming candles and a trophy case. Upon further inspection all the trophies are without a name and from odd dates with some 100 years apart. I throw my bag onto the rose carpet and look at the staircase that belows in front of me it splits in two and leads to the same place there is also a large door beneath it probably leading to a dining hall or library.

    Thunder strikes outside and gives me a fright even though the hall is brightly lit.

    "Oh good you came inside..." the soft voice says again.

    "Who are you?!" I yell looking around for where it could be emanating from.

    "Oh you'll see..." the soft girly voice says again. "Very soon... hahaha!" the voice deepens into a grown man with a British accent. The lights are blown out and warm feeling has gone and the whole mansion has a cold and evil aura about it.

    I grab my torch and my bag before shining it around to see the carpet trailed with blood...​
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    Something happen i don't even know what was is, a voice was saying to Come here but i have an major shocking night yesterday but i didn't give up i follow the path with the old man (Or maybe the Demon king) i followed him walking deep in a room going deep i don't i was talking deep breath and almost totally scared suddenly my damned eye goes to his hand the only thing i can see in the man is only his hand and the hand doesn't has skin the hand has bloody flash sticking and bleeding i get scared huh ? "WTF ! " the man goes somewhere in the darkness i scared. i feel something saying "Wrong turn hklklkl...." i didn't understood turned back huh "WTF MAN WTF" ha ha ha it was nothing more then a bat huh what in the world ! then i followed a light going deep again suddenly i saw something i shouldn't need to be maybe more then 10000 demon eating some meat of humans i tried to hide but someone hold my shoulder and said again "Wrong turn" i said "you ahhhhhh who are you" shouted and all the ******** eating the meat come to hunt me down. i got scared i try to run run run run run fast................. finally escaped from the mansion but that time it wasn't ocean of blood it was a forest again. "Mann what is happening Jesus Please please help me !!!!" i shouted the girl again appear then she show her real face it was the scariest thing i had ever saw, Its was bleeding from her touge and her eye was red and was really really scary the fear in my hearth that time hold me back but i didn't give up take a ChinSaw and cut her face in 2 peace then with a shotgun i had (Already in backpack) i shot on here neck then in here hand then more then 10000 ******** devils came out and i need to give up but that time i thought why why i came here ? ha ha here is my story-

    I was a little boy my mother always get angry with me cause i didn't listen to her when i grow up also i don't listen her one day i was going somewhere with my friends my mom hold my hand and said "No son these guys aren't good please don't go" But i didn't listen her i went with my family in the forest to do some fun my friends start doing some non sense then suddenly my one of friend got gone we try to find him but slowly slowly my all friends gone i was alone there no one was there then something happen i don't know what i get faint when i wake up i was on the path of demon.

    lets go to game again -
    After that i thought why why i didn't listen to my mother why ? sooner i realized that i am not in Earth i was on an another dimension i don't know what the hell was going on but the Demon king (Old man) Said you've done a wrong turn you were here cause you are the correct to be the dinner of our little devils "I said you MF shut the hell up !!!" He said "Ha ha ha ha non sense boy" (With a demonic voice) Ahhh noooooooo i said then they started to came for me i had to do something i tried to reach my hand to my backpack i success i hand suddenly goes to a cross i tried to open it out but i can't so i tried too much and finally finally i got the cross then i get up from the ground (I can't move cause my hand was clank with ropes so i tried my best and get rid of it then i use the cross and a amazing light cam out and a amazing light started burning the demon and devils it was non other then the Holi spirite i think after a few minutes i wake up on a forest saying to my mom "Mom mom where am i ?" She said "You were here alone no one was here" huh ? hmmm.. i didn't said anything to anyone cause i don't think either Police or any other people will believe me. so i just don't open my mouth for then i always listen to my mom and the fear of that time will never get rid from me.

    (The story and plot isn't a a true life happening story its no true don't think its really happen nothing like this was happen it was only for fun so don't take it serious and i recommand to not read this post if you are below 16.
    I walk towards the armor, feeling the bats stare into my soul. After wiping some dust of the chest, I pull out my notebook and start sketching a map. I carefully draw out the layout of the foyer before putting my notebook up and walking up to the hallway with the light.

    "Hello?" I ask. "Anyone there?"

    I push away some cobwebs and step into the hall, walking towards the light with darkness surrounding me.


    You can't see more than a few feet ahead by the light of your torch, but the trail of blood is easily identifiable- it leads toward the door between the stairs. A lightning flash enables you to see the room for a second. You could have sworn the grand chandeliers were hanging proudly a moment ago, but in that second you saw they had fallen, crushing the stairs with their weight. An illusion? You suspect so.

    Another flash lights up the foyer. You can see two more doors- one on either side of the stairs. The door on the left is partially open and there seems to be a draft exuding from that side of the room. The door on the right has deep scratches embedded in its surface. The trail of blood gets heavier as it continues toward the door in the middle. Which way will you go?


    You've woken up beside your mother after an incredibly vivid... dream? Was it a dream? What happened? Weren't you in that mansion? You're no longer sure of your reality. How did you end up in this forest? When did it start to rain? Is that the mansion you can see hidden mostly by trees? Wasn't...


    hadn't your mother died last year?


    The hallway seems to extend for an eternity. You carefully prod the wall in an effort to keep your bearings, and shuffle your feet slightly to avoid tripping. You kick something as you walk and it clatters away. You jump in surprise, falling into the wall, which somehow falls with you. You don't fall far, but the hidden revolving door slams shut with you on the opposite side.

    You sit on the floor in the dark, letting your adrenaline settle. Maybe you could find a way back out into the hallway. But this area doesn't feel stuffy- maybe it connects to a bigger room? On one hand, you know how to get out of the mansion from the hallway. On the other, you're going to be here for a while anyway. Do you play it safe, or press on?
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    I see the door with the deep scratches and choose to go through there first.

    As I near the door another flash of lightning raising my heartbeat and making me pant a little.

    I open the door but it wouldn't budge so after taking a few steps back I jump into the door making the door push open.

    "Well at least that worked." I say to myself before the door closes behind me leaving only one option... to forge on forward.

    "Hmm so it seems I can only go forward it seems like this leads to the bedrooms..." I say to myself as I walk down the hallway as the thunder continues to get louder and harder. I near the end of the hallway and open the door that bears close resemblance to the last door I walked through bearing the same type of marks. I open the door...​
    Eh, this seems interesting enough, I guess I'll join in. I'm not sure whether I'm suppose to make the character similar to myself, or not, though, so I'll merely fabricate one.


    Not my absolute best writting, but hey. x)
    I sit for a couple seconds, deciding to finally pull out the little flashlight from my bag. Turning it on, I press on into the darkened passage. I soon arrive to a bare room, save for a piece of rope lying in the back corner. I look for an exit, but there is nothing. The only way out it seems is back through the way I came.

    "This is really quite odd," I whisper to myself. "There has to be something here."

    I pick up the rope. It isn't long, maybe only a foot in length. I stash it away into a front pocket on my satchel. I begin checking the walls. I work slowly but to no avail. I begin searching the barren floor. Finally I found what I've been looking for: A way out, appearing in the form of a trap door. I struggle to open it. After several tugs, it gives way, opening into a ladder leading downwards. I hesitate for a second. It could be easier just to go back the other way, but I already found something. I awkwardly adjust my flashlight and I begin climbing down...


    You find yourself in what was once a beautifully decorated bedroom. The king-sized four-poster bed is still perfectly made with obviously expensive sheets and an old duvet. Everything seems to be a velvety red, but it's hard to tell in the gloom. There's a shuttered window to your left; a draft is coming through but no light comes with it. There are chests of drawers on each side of the bed- the one on the left is perfect except for the bottom drawer, which is pulled completely out and is sitting upside-down on the floor. The chest on the right's drawers are all pulled out, contents strewn everywhere. You step forward, and hesitate. What now?


    Though the sun had set, you should have been able to see. But the unexpected coalescence of dark clouds block the moonlight thoroughly. Raindrops begin to patter around you. The tangled mass of plants shudders as wind whistles through it. The path leading to the big front doors is fairly clear and looks to be beckoning you towards them. Will you accept the invitation?


    You descend into darkness. Your flashlight sporadically illuminates rotting walls to your left and behind the rickety wooden ladder. It gets colder as you continue. You feel like you must have descended two stories before a step breaks under you. You cling to your handhold, but the strain of your weight is too much for the rotting wood and it too breaks. You fall...
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    "Oh shut-up" I say to my group of friends standing in front of me. "I so could spend the night in the mansion."

    "Whatever dude, you'll need this." One of them called out as they threw a backpack towards me. "We already packed it for yah, good to go."

    They turn around and leave, abandoning me outside the rusty gates of the mansion. A gust of wind kicks up and I pull my heavy winter coat closer to my body. I never did like the cold. I adjusted my scarf around my neck, my mittens on my hands, the winter hat on my head, and snow pants before pushing the gates open.


    The whine of the gates pierced the night air. I took a few steps inside the courtyard and looked around. The front yard looked normal enough. It was overrun with plants, sure, but nothing out of the ordinary. I mean, I didn't see a skeleton come stumbling at me, so that's a good sign. My thick boots thudded against the concrete path with every step. Eventually I worked my way up to the front door and knocked. I don't know why I knocked, it's not like anyone lived here. I whipped out my flashlight and opened the door...
    I'll join as myself ..call me Arrow :)

    Everyone was talking about that old house and where the unknown lies starts myths.

    i've always been interested in uninhabited houses and what might be going on there...is what people think is real?? is it really that scary or is it just things parents said to keep their curious children away from that place??...i couldn't stand questions and i decided to go to see the house

    it was so cold night i wore a heavy jacket and my favorite red scarf to keep the warmth of my face and neck...i started crooning an old song as i heard before crooning scares the evil souls ..the thought came to my mind leave me laughing on how silly i am.

    i reached the place and started wandering around it,i wanted to know if there is someone there or not...i wandered around the house till i decided to go and open the old rusted gate...the voice of the gate opening remind me of the sounds effects i hear in horror movies...

    i stood for a minute thinking "what if what people say about this place is true!!...i felt a light shiver in my body before giggling ..hehe,silly me!! and passing the old gate to the inside grounds of the house.

    tell me if i should edit it!
    As I'm falling, I scream before hitting the concrete below with a loud thud and pain shoots through my right leg. I reach for my flashlight, but using it is useless. It broke during the fall. I sit for a minute to get my surroundings. I'm in a passageway filled with pipes, with a constant drip-drip-drip emanating from leaks in them. I find some loose piping on the floor and use it as a crutch, slowly limping my way to what I hope is the exit. It doesn't take long till I arrive at a giant, circular room...


    You don't know what you expected, but it certainly wasn't a large, nearly pristine foyer. Your eyes immediately lock on to the door at the opposite side of the room. It is halfway open and a warm, flickering light spills across the tiled floor. The light illuminates a trail of... blood? You can't be certain. You take a more deliberate look around the room. The other things that catch your eye are a fallen tapestry further down the left wall and what seems to be a hole in the floor just to the right of the double staircase.


    You walk slowly down the path, checking out the overgrown gardens. Some of the plants look as if they've been trampled and the soil has been overturned in places. You keep walking and end up at the front steps. You turn and look back over the path. You start to wonder about the trampled plants. What could have done that? And the overturned soil- why? The rain is dying down, though thunder still rolls occasionally. You don't have to go inside yet. Do you want to?


    You limp into the room and are met with flickering candlelight. There are eight candles lit, one on each side of the four tunnels leading into this room. Each tunnel has a letter carved above it- you think they must be the cardinal directions. The room itself must be fifty feet across and half that high. A balcony encircles the room about fifteen feet above your head. You see no way to access it from here. You seem to have come from the east tunnel. Where will you go from here?
    "Oh crap," I thought to myself, gazing at the well kept foyer. "Maybe someone actually lives here."

    I turn to open the door and leave, but the door is locked. I jiggle the handle over and over again.

    "No, no, no, no!" I keep shouting in my head. "This can't be happening."

    I take a deep breath and look at the inside of the house with more detail. I turn off my flashlight and creep up to the door with the light flickering out. As I approach I notice something on the floor. My heart almost skips a beat.

    "Blood?" I ask myself.

    I continue towards the door, careful not to make a sound. I take a peek inside and the first thing I notice is a fire in a fireplace. The light from the fire has light up the room as I gaze over it. It seems like your normal sitting room, there's a couple couches, a cabinet, a coffee table.

    Wait... what's that on the couch? I look closely at the furniture, I gasp and stumble back away from the door. On the couch, sitting up, was a man. this wasn't an ordinary man, he seemed at least six feet tall sitting down. His hand was stroking an axe, and that was the weirdest looking firewood in the fire I have ever seen.

    I crawl back away from the door as fast as I could. I try to turn and run for the stairs, but I trip. I close my eyes and brace for impact, but I don't feel it. I open my eyes and I realize I'm falling. As I'm about to scream, the floor rushed to meet me. Luckily, my over-padded clothes protect me from serious injury. Unfortunately, the impact seemed to shake the entire house.

    I look up to see where I had fallen from. I froze, standing two stories above me, staring at me, was the man. His glowing red eyes piercing the darkness. He turns away and walks off, and I scuffle off to the side of the room. I reach for my flashlight, but my hand grabs nothing but air. I look all around for it, but I just can't see that much on the dark. I start moving about the room when I hear a screech far off in some other place of the house.

    I wasn't questioning if someone lived in the house anymore. I knew something lived here, and it wasn't alone.
    I walked a few steps in the house front yard..the house seemed scarier from a closer sight.

    while i was walking i noticed something weird i saw that some of the plants look as if they've been trampled and the soil has been overturned in places...i thought it might be because of the rain so i kept walking towards the house...something inside me felt weird..the rain was heavy but i could swear i saw footsteps there!!..i wondered,there might be someone here,someone inside the house or at least someone was curious enough to come here,someone thinks the same way i think!!

    i stayed out for more time to check the place,the thunder voice was so strong i was thankful i didn't get hit by a bolt ..the rain became less and less and
    i decided to enter the house but i decided to wander around the house back yard to see if someone still around..HELLO!!!,is there anybody here??? i yelled ..

    for minutes there was no answer so i gave my back to the thought and decided to check the inside of the house..
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